HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-9-6, Page 6Threw at ee )1.4ges Acrnsa the isnrizo Hiver During Hat le -.....Tohnino Line Threatenedo espoteh - :`,..ltingete°,1,!tle nutted on a' ' d fi ower alands t o en- , . e Itelian Embassy's enire14'-', ' has vastly inereas tie p regarding the progress of tnd influence of Italy in Enteute ))(t ' Itatien offensive against the Austrians ieourreils, indicate that the success et' the forces 'The official despatch received by th of Generals Cadotna and Cavell°, in", Italian Embassy, deseilliing the pl'o- taxing the Bainsizze Platean, is an' gross of the offensive, ancl particular- i Portant inilittity gain that. is threat- , ly the battle of Bainsizza, was. as ''''t- the entire .-oreun of Tolmine de -'t lows:- ces, The adviees Indieate that :11.; "The Bainsi , Platea- s 6-00 me - s offensive, the Italian Commaitd-ltres between the IsonZo and chiapo- il Trienclae, General Cedorra, in his'; vano ValleYs- The Plateau measures ; and cortfase the Ane-- 10 by 15 miles- It was attacked byIOt I. ' WY reated their foreeisl,ithe second Italian army, which ems- i Ve arNalareed, bat ieft.1,*ed the Isonzo River, using fourteon , g?C-'ltt ibabt as to laridges di...1ring the battle. On the i ! iestO vestern side of the plateau the Rai- ' line of ot I b a 1 :':• Overcome the first line of lihe Austrian advance, and then, while art of the Italian array was figIrt- 'the seeond Austrian lino, 341,-J, vas advancing around the . make a 4 The: • !! !I *a. end t 11 s Go„, On let tient, 11%it,V,11 talg -:; tl 100 award r.-tv rv terre E 0 to of withdr *, 1Y, ST TIM 1 Crew of SS, )Iartst -trt et.un ) PI 1P-ttQl\ltiati4elt:a,Tie:t: s I b y bmarine com- , Tr1:101.Val3s4r,-!,7edoerl • tile bey_ ,,c ;b. -1; 6, 0 1 r -, esPa r 3,Tnida tas sent to the!i36s,t04400etto bor,Qcits, torte, 37 to 3$0; liOne, sayS: Of 42e; i oils, 27 to 23e4 brealtfast bac011. S e-N1Pk'sic'm P. he `-'-'(!al''' front :0ertrolied in the Corol meate----Long ele'lI hacen ian m !al rand -. 9,it; dev-L! awash wIler'' Canadilitary hospitals for treat- 27iio di Ili.; clear bellies, 251* tO 23e, lt '1: 111$,,b4L;;:< AS 11V "at t()**!! meat and re-eall.catiOn, 4..'.' (11' tO' tioir,Sa.r25rgelltr tIlleillir.” ''' 22C,3?;*: 3 3id"IlliP ‘,"•114" t'°, areas° ', the laSt rePOrt Of the milit,-.1,1 110$.. 2,Pt.,,AT:71,,t2.0t,ii,,,,:=1 ..1 oxillavon ble‘v . pitals Com:Piss/On, dated Augast I5'. idsltiP eablits tat° 1. titofrnteltsesaetl; 10,4..6_ _ -ilrree t in convalescent • eiontreal merit t in. t.11,:rfae :nattin.;tairTfuoiae:alrovilldbeedrebilt,10t,51116 ,/,1s.,1e,..,$ ' ‘v),!1sof!,rt,1.,real. Sent. 4-C aets l, ckn 47Z je 1:1111 c came 001 0, I pi tits over hist week is I. 'la 5t4""; 4P""'IngV g° Iboats, ba"els t. 44. up her ri:y,11:ioil:sipitae.is corl..eliti,Tai.11;,- tr,,,e9 „,,,:ere, ii0.13,1„,:0-,,,e; -,:ei.e..:o9,11;:adSzA.s.37;44,16tro:;e‘ rie.0)..,. d* e.s„, $41:33:0.t70, 1 s. evrnerl.loseusin_lofs11107t14tiltag)itulla5iioirl:f tilnie. ' ttta,,.‘,4rg7ill'ileNs1;07'11\o'lee1:14; ;Pilo 43e1112. lesioa for their ?Jour, 'eten---s-adodare, .,e: eeed,1). 7 to 4e. 43 en in tihneepritTa..si:edinalneteei t se:vie e s rhionli le Direct i :4,1111o:).4.t:84.1.-ttS°1e4eg's'et(;ii r:efti- (m''‘'sf '1(''('1171.°*::$5.44$4'1' ''''.7'''':i6itilf: ns. ince.. , s re.urns er ti Iif '!. N it: '-* e!...'se :11' :r., 'elicoles: 1 40 .1 a 5"1!,csT!::!::!air?i'''Itkt't''Ftctsla101:i'iit:!;:'Igl"lig':;')'::!!:I*°v;]Ii'll'':::;I a" m were 17,813. pIa Ring George. Breadgtoffs 'rorortto. sept. 4 -Alanitoba w --In Store. Fort netninal: No, Northern. $2.40: :5.7o. 2 Northern.. 52.37; No. 3 ',Northern. 52.33/,‘: 7,,:o, 4 wheat, '.1,1(tei(oba 1- t) 2 CM-. tine, s,tPre. Fort 1t (--!1 3 yelloAr. ^ ' MANIA'S HISTO1\tY BI''..TWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI- TISH tOLUMBJ Heroic Fight of Fifteen Haks Saved iasay and All 'Moldavia i , Face Of MIA SUperior Forces C"Ita4:1° N°. $2-15 , A des1) atch from London slvS *---- Ontario oats -No quotations. • Details have beenthe received by -Ear,toye,exattator, new, si.20 to Si..22. London Times from 1SCQrreSp011dent X‘"A71:1#7144,7itilrial. strong bakers', 512. • fieent: fight of the reconstructed P,u- fanitoba flour- -ieir*t ratents, In jute on the Rumanian front of the niagni- egs. 512,90; second 1,atents, $12.40; Olitorto aour---Winter, nerv, track. To- manian army against Gen, Mackensen, 'onto, promt,r sivipments, according to , , ,, . mole, 510.20, Which, saved Jassy, the capital, arta aii m iiifee al -Ca r lots, deliA.-ered ;Montreal MOidavia„ Foreign -.Minister Cam- 1,aghts : S'horts, 543; bran, $35; mid- 1 . -- 545 to 346; geed- reed Siren-. ner I bon, of France, deeloiled that the vier clay -Track, Toronto. eNtra No. 2, , ., A , ' , . ba?, I tor reminded him in a measure of ii,eo to $12. mixee $9 to $10. !that of the MarneN Since August 1.9 ) serious effort to resume the offensive. 13utter-Oreamery, stAids, per gp., 39 11110 story follows: !north of Feeshani was the most glori- ous deed of arms ever accomplished 1)y the Rumanian army. ']'he hr-roic fight of these Peasant soldiers, who had to face much suPerior German forces,' has been unex.celled by either the Bel- . gians or Serbiaes. The' imam objec- tive of the enenty had been to reach the bridge of Coetestia, across the River Sereth. The. intention of the enemy was Clear front the lettee I SSW' foutoi on -the corPse of a Frtissian'of- , oicer, dated August as follows: 'We are going to give a decisive blow!' 'here \-ery soon it -we cross toe lots. .0 to zi-,7,50, until Thursday the Germans made no GoulltrY! Rroduce—Vnicaesale o se?.,,e; Piia, per ib.. 3ai to 4,0e: i "W (1:31 the Rurnanian Array on daa'v ner tle.. t0'!:$4e-•i Maresechti Fr t A t • e to 40e, On , ug 21. ---The s o -i. -selling to the retail i of the past 15 days will rerotti,n golden Iii,eV7,72e.,,,e,,, mips,Iletters in thO history of this country 33 tc, 2,1,,ct; old, The defence of the Mareseeliti fron Eggeor liolep trade at te ; Clieest•-•ri. ",494 to AltO „,A00; t 114,tti"- -Fres mere po Mts. c: triplets. 30 , 1,!1:".1(*.n 39 to 0e; to -14o; solids. 42 to girs-New laid, in cartons, 53 to 54o; 011!-., cal -rolls, 45 to 16e- Poultry-S.1)ring chickehs, tO fowl. 2ton eenabs, per 54 turliozoi„ 25 10 3oc: jve titiotliry-Spripii chickens lb 20 litrColith-Extra fine itild beavy re ht. Per doz., 52-75: select, $2,50 to 11.07e72o; Is to 2, $2 to $2.25; tins. 2,h'S and s, 15o Per Itn, 10°e. 14ter, 50.'s, 133." to A recent photograph ofeblis A:" 149tisan._1,4 0 callacilab beans oil maeliet e ty \obeli. 'reviewing infant17 Tegt° entii lest or october: Itriltorted hand- uterits leavipg for 1. 't ance. I Melted, .$.$,60 per birettt Ltioart, Per Ilit, to to Ito., , - - - - ' POtatOes, on traek-011 • a '' 2t1.65" NA-131ANS ARE NOW IN 110SPITAI, I szoolearrincrwieall°_,t1r,ttos, ttteattlie'tee 30 to I 31o: do„ heavy. 25 to 27e; eeolied, 41 to Th re, p Oelin1 to, t 1113 1 MeterY, ashiels' * men n'isappeared with a Piercing nth 1Vatehing Committee l• , eto this port. The skipper, Captain ecrenne, and a moment later another I James 1Floare, of Parrsboros, N.S., re- nd inspector, end three shy'. how clear the horror of the situation e b ;No. 3 white, 5'2 to sabe. plour unehang- eras ago but because of the ressin ion, ,1 de nein moa'.' taint e . l'aee in thi' mtdst (14 i' and drown • trap -do the U -ho od looking titre several minutes ,, 1971nuipag' Grain ,, The German officer silently i - i NONAGENARIAN& CREW Boys.1 st...TvIliSelantn,IIN'eog," leIN't'oritrieerans.h$12)Us ee:11,edet g rig fornis in the water. red all appeals for assietance, al-, ,• Northern $2.37; No. 3 Northern, $2.38e; blintz:1i there was no other vessel it'll ' 1 iefe'd,4-siSik*2; am 1,','' Qs.'27aNc-N,...636icr1171;: t and the IN'Imle of the CITA'," Of.'' - i 3 C W 62e; extra No, 1 feet•L 00e: No. , A despatch *Ora an Atlantic port 2 30110. 1' Barley. No. 3, $1.13:, No. 4. n d by the submari e in e a few, ... , ,.tea ,,,, . saes. ri is 1 st 1 g $3.31, ., e, IN, of 1 siopper 9r years old and nath a $3 er. Ne 3 c w 44 111.. , mutes. i crew composed of youngsters under --- , .At this inoment one of the drOWn-! the military draft age, is on her way 'vatted Staten etrivaets !Minneapolis. Sept. -1-Wheat-Seotem- ber. $2.15h; cash. No; 1 Northern, $2.30 to $2.35; No. 2 Northern, $2,25 to $2.30. Ping .01^ $ B --t• e °oiler in columned sale; reSeetedt $1.10; -feed, stip, risthri emild easily have been" ht cide gram, on cr had been enhanced bY the arrival 01 ad f 13 g Bran -$27 75 to $98 25 o the men of the police force venished in the eame way. It was. ings r 'reek to tbe acting ' tired from active sea service some, 3 now 30 to fi0e. five 51 hiet or niarmers, he 'recently natl.. bora?, Sent: 4--Wheal•-;No 1 islorth- p f Green- the seene of school of sharks, anzd dema oc has been zr,varded the D.s.o. Mari;ton-except one --•suffered a ern. 3.30 _nominal' No. 2 Nbrthern, , fled the owners of the vessel that het u 5 ' 4 n.e.1., Li.aseed, $3,45i SeP- was ready to take her out A captain terflbCr. $3.40 aslred; OCt0ber4. 53.up bid; '1 34 -1ex 11010 ono by one all the rave men o is a well-ktio\vii ROgbY pla'Yer, aPdlrible death in the 'awe of these mon- . was vice -captain of the Greenocic, 3 sters was needed, so he went to sea again, The scene was too new . Toronto, Sept. 4 -Extra choice • hen.v3. Ft -aril the proceeds of a concert giv- steers, 311,60 to $12.60; choice -heave the trap-door f the conning tower TO CONTROL choice', $10 to $10.35; do., good, $9.40. to choir the sum of 430 was given to the' $8.25 to 18.4Q; . do., probably the oldest master of a ship on active duty to -day. November. ee Live Stock Markets Itenes From Provinces 'Where Many, Ontario Boys ond Girls Are , Yorkton, Sask., be1 lbeir d annual fair recently, The seventh annual fa ir held at Wilkie, Sask. Capt. F. Bradburn, oEdnuito has AvOn the :Military Cross, Sir .James Aitkin laid the it stone Of the now .C.A• budding in Brandon. The Calgary police ol wagon (.arried a two loundred- iltol porker to the pound. evAeniiniti.g.moblet.rf:nfl)s.loose v business Mrs Thomas Biorat s ined men are working two _(:P-: each $400 and costs at Portage la Prairie Sereth, -which I hope will not be dif-1 fleult, Jassy. and the whole of )Ioldavia 'swill be ours, If we succeed we are going-, to be sent to Flantl- t" ers, Where thing$ seem hot a•gain: " neral 'Hugh Commander -in -Chief le United re States - army, hae been service for 41 yea and (luring that tittle at has had a most varied career. Ile has a percelain ewer served in alniost every bra ch of The ing has military life. Upon his shoulders falls scription Aio to t Royal the immense task of getting the Kingdom 13eneficent Aesoeiation, Unit,ed States army ready for tlie W. Castello, chairmaa of Cheshunt _ EWS FRO NEWS BY ti i for selling lionor, The -wheat yield in f district will amount to bet i 0 ,,(• and 34 bushels per acre. The Chihireprs -kid SocietY of IN ABOUT SO . . .. , . et,,, want a ql-V10 1'1f Q3, 83,400 1 11 I I.:, ased to meet , A Plan is on foot in ,, e hcrc ' the Silhooi childi-en. 'will ' mi.ss- ed on certain days to dig potatoes, E. M. Clegg ond his -wife ato were suffocated from ftlillee 1 Or rices the g pretne in th Cora. tercial orhi. , The aimber now the "minis o thoriths is 34,000, The Boaed of Inla that food plots profit pay ma income tax, The London Committee l0. French Red Cross have 3' 4744,'t4 from Quee klexaiidra. The Feed Production 1)0Partmen are t' "on for pulping 'Kist one evenue a •i'l not ha lieer Mooee tree- eticentl ehildren survive. The Rotary Club ',In p raised $200 at a luneheori, wide' \el lie used to defrAy ONot.i120.,41.fel' a pie - o , for war widows and childrei I A. southern illanitolet farmer has 140 emmoyert otesste raitel,ow, .....ufnen- , , 00 iap woman \\ hose forearm is twen ches in circumference, The 1 ked to do 041 :',l Nybrk, It lIt ut,- ang r rioub ivinfar beiere the ever. eale of Hope tMe Dunve ere' irlooms bought' 11,11,tiderers. "-* h even for closed en by the Stonefield Parish Church the II-1)0ot ethrimander, for he and submerged „the vessel, Fifteen Limbless Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund. tragedy was reecued by a British ana Sutherland ighlanders wh o aS steers 310.00 to, 'VA. butchers' cattle. 1 happeuings that are glimmei•ing in the Tribunal, at the •,.i.ge of fifty-six has 1"1„.3SSY AND Taw Bra Vhat Shall We Do in Veathered 13 , is assorted 011 getoevaa g Ififtv 11 '1'1,2314 ts indeed I 452044-100 (13 C. 0:ter 0(31:1 014(434 jOined the Army Ordnance Corps. . oct Red Cross delegates have been per-, dredo of million of dollar.. future. , our production lIl itted to vieit iill British cemps 'Inoalty. here 'Turkish prisoners are interned., pet peeeice ere chronic end A Mooch belonging to the Hope` able bird hunters. They kill for heirlooms, and containing an oblong' sport „ Fledglinge in the nest a trian Minister of Public IVerts, s al brilliant, t' SVa$ "id at Christie'5 f°r1their helpless and aeenstomeil prey. But in the rural districts thei•e are . . on Tue„„,ay by giving it as liis opiniou of service of the officers tend nidn of , havi0 - tile Peri" hundreds of thousands of tette that, g. reverted to the wild state, led the ' ostriari Chamber of Deputies By a royal proclamation that the coal crisishati become a. vital the Royal Naval Volenteer Service is; hunt for a living, Trappers in the question for Anstria-Hungary, accord- extentled to five years. ; i NONA' England States catell there in declared the Minister was one which raising the sum of 130,000 for , the! their pelts fetching from fifty large nuinhers for' the fur n c t. ing to Vienna advices. The situation, The citizens of 01(1 Tonbridge are , purpose (:if Iiiiilding a war memorial i to $2 „apiece. PROVISIONS IN BRITAIN. common, $7 to 87.35; butchers' Valls; AUSTRIA FACED BY COAL CRISIS A despatch from Basel, Switzerland rays: --Herr Von Hamann, the .Aus- 41 e must be faced without optimism an With the utmost seriousness. • In an effort to remedy matters, contirmed the Minister, 12,600 miners haVe been brought back to the mines from the front. ITALIAN MAKES ' NEW AIR RECORD.. A despatch from Paris says: Cap- sell°61' i These wild pussies prey upon all , the setting up of 211 areas throughout kinds of. small game, such as squirrels mid rabbits. They carry oir the 21 411 - the have been made for the countrY for the training of ("is -ices ceickens, tired officers are not to be employed orig,in. It was first ti.. ted in The eat is preetunably oe Ae abled soldiers. A new army order states that re -t Egypt, where the city of Bubastis (be - after they have passed the age of tween the arms of the lelile) NVII$ (10(11- SixtY-fiVe YearS' catecl to cats and cut worship. Itth 711.* Th Conunittee on Production has a cat died all the inenibers of tile thin Guilio Laureami, an aviatOr in azoiri increased the wages of engin- fly that owned it shaved rohen- eye- ' world's 10g -distance flying re- shillings a" weela or a total increase balrned and buried with ceremony. In hours later' the sole survivor of the , • 1 ch°1°°' $8'35 t° '$8.75V dp"' 14°°d 1--)11.11' the Italian army', has' established a eers, shipbuilders and repairers, three , brows and the sacred $7.60 to $8; do., medium bulls, 57 to animal was Private Alel)ougall, Argyll despatch from from London says:rough bulls, $5 .10.$6._; buteh- Lord Rhondda, the Food Controller., cies c , , 0 do 00(1 has decided to take over ad 11 "'25 t° '1*7 _,.goo to choice $30 in the British Isles. The vital £01 to to $ii -re, ao., cern. andemed., $195. lightto tee medium, $0.65 to control 'of the entire 0 - pr vision tra,..‘ $8 to $9.25. ca • _8.tacir4r's niters and cutters $5-26 $6 95, miiit'ers thd $8:50; fe.ede.rs of Mrs. 3,1cDottgall, triderwood without stopping, according'to a de -1 The second exhibition of Canadian i the Temple of Bubastis. the "fairest in all Egypt" the sacred cats v„ -ere cord y ying more than mi es 0 teeK, s tugs. Road. Paisley, spatch to The Temps from -Ilan. 'The war hotogi hs at the Giafton Gal-, tl b - I tl ••1 - d b fl 900 1 f fif h 11 been awardetl the Military ltiettlal is a mer°barit vessel' The emPleYees of the Caledonian EAT APPLES FOR INSOMNIA. sideration in the regulation of prices spi ne41e..arling return, a distance' of about 020 miles Beatrice Princess P, tricia nd Lord Italian flew frora Turin to Naples and leries was visited -by the Princess, lin coe y io es, am len nee ts . ie. , ears were hung with jewels and gold - ii Great t ' i' and Lord Rhondda is in constant touch to u. , n ne _ Y, ev.eahrjng ad Vficitoria Ciosthout any i to see; fair, $S11.7 -b to 59.50;- cornnion,*53 • • f • 111; 'sheep. heavy, $G tog ; • s , a $111205ritrl . ' Theie is not ring so clue"1- On account of the increased cost of The apple is such a common fruit two Governments are work-- eai se t 4-'Goocl steers $9 'rs reached Naples flew. over that cit - • • • partment on t.his subject. It is stated living, Dundee municipal committees that verY few persons are familial' I t.hat. the en or atnents. cemete les gious superstition, and it is hardly and -was back in Tu...rin at 8 .2-1i3 p.m. rig , /11:1 a sely clannuig to have! m entire harmon to secure a re -i to $8.50: butcher's cows, $6; to $8; bulls, have subscribed nearly :140 to -the Are Far From "Leaden" for Those - si- '35' 'S ri 515 to Si.5,59; lperlaY- in that neighborhood have been dug surprising to learn that ix, thoee days, of provisions is control o imports, le to sir carves, goo to choice. $1.4 as e crow flies fond for British soldier Prisoners in Who CannotSkep. •-• h A • ') liogs, fed and watered, -$17.2o:aP,a111 a rea l a new George Maberly was sent to prisoni vithin recent, yeare. ' Railway in the Edinburgh district ---- C t• Lu in' used Sia • wit the merman Food Control De -a weighed off ,cars, ,517.5,0; do., f.o.b., machine. He left Turin at 10.07 aatie for one month at Oxted Surrey for ` 13• . • I ' , • !, • ::!! 1' Germany. . Everybody ought to s ontario Iambs, 51134.R. toh$14.508 que.hegi ForemBee GO 1 lam a oner, a confectioner of / h „ „ creases inv 0/St Mg an expenditure of cinal properties. have decided to grant salary in- with 1 s remarha y fficacio s me 1- g . . . Y 86 7 --to $8 75' canning stock $5 to 55 25. • worked in the navy. cats were publicly burneo m .Lent ' 't bl e • d' ra ion. n Metz they were sacrificed . --- A despatch ,from London says: net a fruit rower. , • - • - • g • - by hundreds in bonfire, a I • VP 1- VERNOR- W•11` Ch 11 ' • the Ijriited Stetes. $112,.t , GENERAL IS DEAD. Liverpool was fined ifi for using 341 - with n• ng an t w!ie ioast,..d a 11.0 111 !,„ 1589. know that the verY best thing they can coming frOM Int 1 fcedscal've $slaeg*,513* gl'aSs‘sl, • ' b • k ove s • •4' 1 ducfion in the price? of colrimoditie lic n , as a loin or pious ce e - gar or ma ing jam, a t oug le was t. f lc' 1 h 1 1 -Tohn Strong, M.A,, Royal High do is to eat apples just befo!re'retiring fed stock,, 5,7 to $9: hogs, $17 to 517.50. --- tute of Scotland. , throw up their hans in horror at the -- . SHOW INCREASE. of Canada, died at six o'clockon • • • ers---a custom that sureioed ypres BRITISH LOSSES Earl Grey, former Go.vernor-Gene a the parish of Finchingfield, which was ders they W -ere, hurled from high tow. e 1TI ai ed president of the Educational Insti- ----------- ties the rit are liable to QUITS TRENCHES.Some purely agricultural land m Andrethi S. Carrie a native of 'e ------1 dsepsia which such a sug- A despatch from Petrograd says: — Wednesday morning at Hewick H. ouse, sold recently by auction, brought as late as 1868. Arbroath, but latterlY- a resident of gestion may summon up, but no ar A despatch from.-Londen says: An Northumberland, after a long illness. h in A Pussian division on Tuesday aban- New South Wales, has inven Sehorl Edinburgh has been appcon,- for the night Persons umnitiated in RUSS DIVISION • • ted a can come even to a delfeate system • f B.'tish. ves- riffle which fires 17 shots in 17 sec- hy the. eating of a ripe and juicy ands. apple before going to bed. The apple Lieut. David Percy Hope -John- is excellent brain food, because it has stone, a cadet of the family of the more phosphoric acid in easilY digest- The statement says that the enemy Martinis _ of Linlithgow, lias been ed shape than aiiy othor fruiti. It ex- continued' to advance all Tuesday on awarded the Mtary Cress„ cites the action of the liver promotes the southern Rumanian front, reach - cloned its positions in the region of tho fled in disorder, the War Office an- marinesselssunki slasshto‘wvne ebkybteh- ernwi neeeskloyr sAubd: rease the num . Foltshani on the Rumanian front and nounces. miralty statement issued Wednesday night. Eighteen vessels of more than 1,600 tons were sent to the bottom, as compared with fifteen the -el-eVious week, and five vessels of less than ,600 tons as against three the pre- vious' week. No fishing vessels were sunk. Scotland Liddell, a well .known sound and healthy sleep, and thor- ing the line Trechty-Deus-Varnitza- journalist and writer of books and oughlY disinfects the mouth. This is Fitioneshti-Chyolianitchi. In regi n the t thetindigestionni ht Russian positions in tfile applepreven s mg ht former citizen of Lauder, is now an not all: a • . Officer in the Russian army. and throat disea.es. of Va.rnitza were penetrated. 3401- 1(591116 -1() USE.1-11A7 Peot4E. i'p litre tco 32) N4101).14•E• 00T Ti•lAY PlioNE! `10tiN( 5,-CANDOG trieeRe. FOR g: re,O,F,AD HAVE ' Theluneral took place at Heivick on Saturday, when a menlorial service was held in ,London. If your canned fruits or vegetables are not a success do not give up this year of, all others -e --for Government publications will teach you best scientific methodssothat the bacteria .which causes them to spoil will all be, destroyed by proper sterilizatiori. nearly £30 an acre. 'Things usually come to the mai goes after them. A ne\v phonograph cabinet is mount- ed upon two legs and two \vheels, this enabling it to be moved mere readily. To discover whether coffee is pure, sprinkle a "'few grains on the surface newspaper printed the following of a tenblerful ef water. If pure "ad." they will float, but if adulterated they I "Wanted, by a lady 9f rank, for will sink to the bottom., Now the cat is coming into its own ho again. It is no longer nvorshifirred, but it rivals the dog in the affection bestowed upon it -though it. is in- capable of entertaining real affection for any human being. We have cat clubs, cat magazines, cat homes and cat shows. Not long ago. in Berim, adequate rernaneratiota, a fey,- evell- W t'f. 15 01st -114a. OTI-1--R- RD 'ettal) beha-ved ancl respectably dr cl chil- dren, to amuse a cat iii delidate health, two or three hours every '11E RED -DRAGON OF ..)VALES. Figure. Was First intrOdUC Into Royal Standard by Henry VII. Henry Ind., the first of the Tudor mcmarch,s. introduced the -Red Dragon of 'Wales into the Royal Standard after the 1351tle of 130sworth. Queen Mary had it removed, and Qoeen 'Elizabeth replaced it; but it was finally displaced as one of the quarterings by James I, infa\*oe the unicorn, and has ne,\,e-r since been accorded a place on, the Ilion - arch's personal flag. '- King George, however a Welsh Guards were a .army a few years age, ,a e-Rdhragoi nenrg. e .irigs color of that „ :liClipiirlgSare • 10 73 e