The Exeter Times, 1917-8-30, Page 863.3, 13,••• 33333 tti,; . - a • .. THE X TER*JTtMES. V- N Phone 16 A. STEWART Phone 16 Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Snits We have received our first Shipnient of new Winter Coats, and are expecting more every day. Call earls' and look over the new S'tyles, adies' llose We have a full tine of cash- mere hose for tadie$ in Plain and fine ribbed. Old Dyes a44 tald :nicest Suits for Meii atid Youths We novo a fine range a 4.12d 17Onatb'n Snit. in the new - tat colors aid Scrhn Curtains Scrim ttlaretuette cortains are t, the itto afnir 3rtne season , 4 We are stationOtr,,,4, big astor,e ment erionneiVialitk Pretty M- I sertions, 'at *5.ftelit S‘27.3,25; ,S3,50, anti S-4,50.' 1Saxony Blankets tan en -fro good onality or titan - t kelt in several sizes. Voit will Ito ill getting :roes wiretd,ot t supply at- frout-$1.75 to 4:3n50. , Shoes for Men, We, have oar new tall alines itg 31:31,, We have Bitten and Tan in Anr- ,ge forent -widths and size's and, str nritteta Irina nit 00 to S.735 Wash Skirts Ladies we have just a few skirts 1eft We ane going tosen them regardless of price. Call and take one honet English Gin harns , InitftleentleamtiolatiPt waning Ging- in,O•lthatOSt:Iittert opined, They ruttintroin- 10 to 18 yards, 'Worth te-tlity 25e. Special price this we per yard 17 1-2, Black Atlessaline Silks For dresses, odd skirts, or coats,. We are stowing some heautifiti me.stialine, silks 14 fine weavos good weight and rich finish at Per yard $1,65; $1,7tit and 4:2,25. Serges New is the lime to bey yoor winter tires. eat a nica Nayn, J•Jtorita Black, Green or Grey Serge in an all wool totality, the very thing. for A WInter dress Men's & Boys' flats 'We have a felt^ nice straw bats trhich, we intend to got rid of thie week at a great redoes tion in price. We pay the highest prices for Poultry, Butter, and Eggs or any other Produce JA st STEWART Phone 16 niarket eport-The following iS " the report R 1 of the Exeter Market BE°3 tt A GOSIER corrected an to Wednesday, Aug- 3011) Igloos( yoot. city, boost yet. noteod, Wheat 2.10. New oats 55 to 60e. •,3.3 New lBarley 90e, to $1.00. Family -hoar 6.30, , to grade Pour 3.25, ; Shorts 45.00, Bran 36,00 ; Crea Mery butter 44e. Dairy butter 34e 36e. Eggs 40c, , I Potatoes 35e. a oeek, flogs ltie a lb. , i t a t i : t ' • Boost, for every new toaproveatent. Boost the loan tor 10101u yoo latter, • t Boost the strang,er and, the neighbon , I toost the club that you attend.. Boost the street Ork which you're dwelliog, „ Boost the goods thad you are selling Boost the ypeoplo round about yen. They can, get along witnont you, But suettess will quicker find them, In they know that you're behind them Boost or every forward movement Cease to be a chionto knocker, C; as, to be a progress blooker if you'd /rialto your city better, Boost it to the final letter, ' 5. --The Chimes, •••••••••••;••••••••••••••• - LOCAL • • • #4.##### Mr. Will 'Manson is visiting in Tor- onto. • Mr. Charles 'ord is attending the Toronto Exhibition. tiss Ariel „Etverley has neturne home after risiting m nft. Bridges. nlies L. Johns has returned home atter visg, in Sarnia. °tear Anderson, vistted hisPar- nts in town oven tlot week -end. Mts. Ed. Welsh left this week to visit for two weeks in Hamilton. and Toronto - Mr, Harry Sweet has returned '40 Windsor oiter nolidaying wtth his paritnas. nir. Chas. Dyer hen returned to town after a fishing trip to Port Frank. Mrs, Asa Williams of Kinn-tore ad ants. \1 L, Jobostort of Sosl,. has been tisiting wink rela- Toronto, are visiting with relatives tient in. tint tonnoto .ta town, FOUND -A ladies long leather hoa. Owner can have + same by proving property and paying Advt. APOIY at Times Office, • Spend "intbort44Y September 3rd. Ki.r.4940,•*St. Garden, Party" r4ii;33:014,0*.1* tor served from ; P2 let 2 otcloolgnAtto "ls Kitty' Band baseball ande'inther 'PrOgramme. 406; and 20e, , School re -opens on Tuesday. Septt the 4th. Dr, and 7-1,inst. Itonniton and son Verne have retorned borne attktr ing in Toronto* ,londay next wt.1 he Labor Day and a Imblic boliday, MI places of busa- oess win be closed. MisSes Clara and 'UOSe f.ludmere "311'S Itoung and Miss Yoltng. of, Sea ited relatitata Inippen onti. Sea - A. Stewart, Alit and nfrn. \rm. Linhtfoot. Mn, Coohas Pyrn, Vsborne, loSc a London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, valuable cow by lightning an Thur.- marnhano over Sunday, day of last week. nt C'eil d M t Miss Tree of liartniton. Loa, re- retoroed this week' from a visit to turned to Lir noun- after visitiog London and Sr. Montan, with Miss it.. May. and Myrta inch of Mr, and ,Mits.N.Sitettre. and Mr, and INati'33aingtotta Mich- W14.0 haw' been , Mr,. W, Doerr, mOlored To t tisiting; Mrs. W, Ninalpert bate re, thell for the weekteon, ) tanned to Quit" hOrfle. ; A coomy tractor in. tbe vicinity at Mr' M". .1.4, )Th1311"/' re' ding trip to Maw:nand and vted ; with Mr, and Mrs. D, Manta, torch* ane vt:siting Mr, t'tott Mrs. Jt forth the past week - is at wont nay ;tan night turned last weelt from their engoered in fait ploughing-, Coming AttractMns at ; • Dome Theatre Mary Piekford in • a • "PRIDE OF THE CLAN" FRIDAY SATURDAY 'August 31st and Set -dist ADALISSION 25o Casualty List R,'ILLED IN Att3TION Lieut. W. J, Wright of St, Marys DIED or WOUNDS Pte. J. II. Alp, of Granton. IVOUNDF,D Capt., St D. McKenzie of Ildertorn Lient. "tVm. Proudfoot Goderich, Pte. 0. Holmes of Winghani Centre. ; ; Pre. Percy Nelson on Port Elgin. t Pte, Charles Munro of Parkhill Pte. Robert Graham of Kincardine Pte, S. 11, Broon of Clinton. 1.11,'''tte(?,... AG: 3..r.r.oSto,taa,edosfirapannrk'obfill.t, titan's. Pte. W. Cooke or Mitchell. Pte. John Riggin of Kincardine, i 78/ITCH-ELI, BOYS WOrttleED Pte. •W. ill, COOk03. etepson of Mn J, E. "Goforth and Pte, Goy tHicks tWO Mitebell boys fortyter rneriabens f the ninth Bottalion have be ert sent from the front and admitted to tbe Mitt i al tti Fanottrid on account or illness, according to word received here to -.day, WOUNDS PROVE FATAL doka Drool+ of Clinton received ,the news that his son. Samuel IL Brown nos dead as a result of reekl.Ved in a recent engage- ment in Franco A previous roes -ago had been reeeivad saying he was ser- iously in French boapttal from nonsbet woands in the Pte. Brown etnistad with tbe 161st Dor- on. and went to granot- witta one or; - the first drafts. PRINCIPAL 'WilIGHT KILLED Mrs. W, 'Wright neenived an of - I naiad wire advising her that key bus - band. W, J, 'Wright, or:netted i of the St. :trout Collegiate Instititte watt killed in action on Arignst Limn. Wright received leave of ab-,, senet ,from St, Marys Collegiate board in December, otla to go over,.vas onto r 1110 With Battalion and has been in France onth the intit Battalion for ahont a year, latterly as on artillery oilmen, Rtfore leaving be did Fittendid. recruiting work, both on the plat,* form and perttnottlitt. Ilis 'a S erineij al in 91•00tlegtate, has been filled in tthe pittitetkt ttlin W, don. la. "At, andt7Drr. W. R. Backing; B, A,, onothor niertiber of the staff has been oppotnied inning principal for the ;coming year. owing to Mr. flatolon's reaignation and 'another year's leave of absence was granted Principal 'Wright by tin' Rotrd. Ile was a graduate of Toronto University and had been principai of St* ntarye Collegiate for the past four years, having 'previously fined positions in Niagara Falls and `Forest high school,/ He leaves a widow and three child- ren, his daughter winning the stholar ship at the recent entrance examin- ations. Air. Chas, Wrigbt of Wrightts planing mill, On Marys. is a brotber .„,1111•12,0 7ANADIAN NATIONAL mosphore. At the beginning of the, a very rapid condensation of the at- ' ' storm there is a vio/ent onrush or air which condenses the atmosphere EXHthere fri IBITION arta tonna clouds. In this process ia oortain amount or friction t et between the water -gas or clouds and " the wa er drops, and consequently Aug h5 TORONTO aept mere Thi, thounirtly Prof/entre Scala static electricity, which is vastly till:- revolt from the kind. that comen into MOBILIZATION cur houses. is generated, the cloud ON being ntgative charged and the water FATIONAL RESOURCES drops which fell to the ground as constructha and Destructive Needs for War rant, aro chargtA with Positive elec- tricity. therefore the cloud isnegati and the %ground positive, now ibis goes on until the tension or electrical potential between the clould and earth is so great, that an electrical discharge follows, or more common- ly called la flash or bolt of lightning This theory is perfectly correct. as it has been proved by numerous lab- ratory experiments, and the article is aken ,from a scientific authority PEOPLE WARNED TO CONS ERNE FEEL ; Ihe Government of Canada, At the request of the Dominion fuel control: er. draws public attention to the fuel situation in the province in tne 'fol- lowing notice. War conditions have a,ffected the normal supply of coal and rendered imperative that every consumer prac- tice tla^ utmost thrift. Energetic measures are being ad- opted to prevent fuel shortage. This can, only be ob'ained by the fullest con operation and assistance of every coal consumer. • Co-operation may be affected by the, adoption of the following precautions CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1200 -PERFORMERS -4200 comae* Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Toll The 'very Apex of Spectacular Achievement GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young Fanners - - New Farm Crop Com- petitions - - Extended Classifications and Innovations in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES 4RT-Ita1ian, French', Persian, American and Canadian Masterpieces MUSIC -Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW 'FIRST SHOWING OF intit MODELS Greatly enlarged Government and other Exhibits - - War in all its phases -1- I'Viodel Camp - - Artillery Drive - - Aeroplane Flights -' Scores of surprises in ,store for old friends and a thousand thrills for new ones. REDUCED FA R. s ON ALL LANES OF:d4RAVEL, ' ttne, '41711AT CAUSES LIGHTNING? a 'Weae 7iot m the habt u 11# its4 in the line of httinght this be- ettnitiox „af the,, inc: nn 'et etrieti gialde-be, an :tote 4,tlattartictet,., , guns °non nouttoe; of Klichamerti Tne annnal rinetiot of the 'Patriotic tinned at the home of Mat 0. 3, VFIll b h 11 Chi T tatague Ala .1 own ilaLl , in Itsbornit. parr of last week. • at te on -lock. on Tuesday evening* Said Nr. Geo. 'Hawkey has received a h• A foil attendance is riV4PS" rt,nt.11 eard from Motor who as it i$ the 0,:coon of °Meer's-, s now with the intotrial forces, Rev* E. G. rowm or London, vatted Mr. and Mrs. 't"roottlan and. on 0P '‘avlat,tftriteondeslinirt4o1T,I‘I'ITieoNnita381trclajnt%Iiirlt!Z Sarnia, ore 'tititing the formers par - on -as Mr. and Mrs, G. Andtrton. home by his swa Cannata' w3ab bas Mr. "attd nfrs. W, 'Bradt and son of London, are holidaying in town, the gi.ost or mr. ami Mrs. Jas. Jewell, Mr, Victor French. or Wetaakiwin, Sask„ editor of the Wetaskiwin Times visited with friends in town this week rt'uoufht, furlough for mitts Madeline Carling of Toronto; boys °ire° tet4* Ind is vting with relatives in town, anu to h:‘,ttptlitIrtis it onf.remthethh"l fsreinsi: now up. Wzth the harvest somewbat late and in full swing at present the help can it) be spared from some; of the farms. Pte. Carrick and sister. of Washago are visiting with relatives in this vi- cinity. Pte. Carrick has just recently returned from the front having been through the Vimy Ridge battle. Pte Carrick says the Allies have the ad- vantage on the 'Western front. The spent the past three months on eltd farm. 'Rev. W. M. Martin of London, vis- itedwith friend. in Exeter on Mop - day. On Sunday Mr. Martin conduc- ted services in Carmel Preshyterian • aiso spent a few days at Grand:Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed., Crocker and two children or Toronto, are holidaying with the former's mother. Mrs. Rd. Crocker. , Mrs. A. Duncan and little son Jack, - London, who hove, been visiting Jr. and. Mrs. G. Mantle, bate+ return ed to their home, Why give ear to tales about 'flour as good'as Itiodelf Much the better thing to do is to buy Model itself., -Iiarvey Bros. , Mrs. A. L. Donator& Miss Lillian* artd Master Herb, have returned, to their home in Renfrew, after tosit- Mr. and Mrs. S. Handford. 'Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Truniper and family have returned after holiday- ing in London. Mr. Tramper occup- ve ied his own pulpit on Sunday last. • morning she was found dead in be& INfr. and Mrs. Prank Johns. -who I she Laving expired some time auring, have been holidaying with the for- the nignt. The deceased was tbe . mar's parents, Arr, and Mrs. W. widow of the late John Ceekson and, Johns returned. to Toronto en Tuesday was aged 64 years. The funeral was held 'Moneta to the Ex t r Allies fire about ten rounds of am- munition to one fired by the enemy. THE LATE Mrs. COOKSON The death of Mrs. Eliza Cookson. of Exeter North, took place quite sud- denly on Friday 1st. The deceased although' she had not been well for some months, was able to be around previous to her death and was op street the day before. On Friday Bay now and get, flour made front Y e e eeilleterY. t.he old wheat. We have only a few BAN PLACED ON ; sacks but there is one for you., -;:Har- - SALE OF CANNED GOODS ' I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanders are- tion. S. C. Hanna Food Controler turned Wednesday et -ening- from a: has Viaced. a ban on tbe sale or can - trip through the Thousand Islands, ned goods by retail merchants. Can - and are now comfortably settled their new home on Main st. eureyd, ellIoerans, sbneirlaschttr°hmuabta°rebsa abnedetPsuleneni--- FARMERS --Due to our arrange- ment with the power commission we can -do chopping in the afternoons only. Kindly oblige as by bearing this in mind. -Harvey Bros. kin are prohlbited 'frotri belt) sold with certain restrictions until ,fort ther advised. The object is to maker use or the garden vegetables now -coming in: so as to avoid alt pessible waste. • Refrain from using fuel of ant kind including gas, until it becomes ab- solutely necessary.; Practise rigid economy in the use of fuel. Wherever possible use substitutes for coal to the fullest possible ex, Guard constantly against waste on fuel wheri making or _cleaning fires, and when using gas. Thoroughly sift all coal ash and, burn nhe residue. The result will be surprising. One-tenth of the fuel originally ',red to the fire has been recovered and, utilized. in this way. The faithful observation of the fore- going by all consumers toil' have a marked effect in conserving coal sup- -1v and may avert a serious criSiS. Municioal, religious. educational and cluthesertedan-ttorenborit!eatedly urge and. bOge arid irat tleicas .ares up- on r 4 `aress the foregoing consin co on the public, • ,4,„•The warning 1.ahor a. ttvnorkers' to,. from the Department °rant° tc munitian „.• 1::::3'Inmb°11'ere-Y.oefoTra: .tt ',others' Lieut.. Byrd. of Chatham, now of the Military ',Headquarters staff of London, was a week-enct visitor at the home of Mrs. Thos. Gregory. Lieut. Byrd leaves for OVerSeaS very shortly. . Mr. T 0 southcott who has spent a month in the west, returned home Monday evening. Mrs. Southcott who nos been visiting in Freston and Tor- onto will return home on Thursday evening. Ali -O. James Wilson and daughter, Mrs, Livingstone, and also grand- daughter, taiss Nellie Livingstone, of Cordell, Sask., were the guests of Alr. and Mrs. C. J. Pym. of' ftsborne on Thursday and Friday of last, week. Miss 'Ruby Treble and Master Wil- lie Crocker, have returned to Toronto after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble. Miss Olive Treble re- turned- with them and will visit in Toronto , Mr. Gerald Lawson of the Bervie circuit conducted the services in James St. Methodist church on Sab- bath last, and preached tivo very ac- ceptable sermons. The pastor, Rev. 3. W, Baird, will conduct tile services next Sabbath. I Itear Mr. Sinelair, soloist of the First ntetittodiSt ohurcb., London and Kathleen England, elocutionist and, . , singer. al/tag:the Munro chltdren na- • ona 39p„Rgl,...,.31/17i,•,,.. • a3- •-• , 46" • CROPS FAIR IN THE WEST, Mr. J. S. Harvey and (Laughter, Gladys returned on Monday from ;a trip through the SN't'St going as far as Bamff. 3\ir. Harvey reports crop' conditions iri the west as fair. The amount of wheat is estimated at about half of the reeord crop of 1915 but with the high prices prevailing the returns to the farmer will be above normal. In some sections the crops are very fair while in ()taxers tiot so good. A Ely rains wculd have almost doubled the crap. Cutting at present is general ond in some seCa bons the wheat is all cut. The crop iDobson, B. A. will be handled much easier this sea- Commercial SPecialinn also Art - son owing to the shortness ef tire, Miss Mamie G. QuIno. straw. Mr. Tlarvey reports that con- Students desiring to enroll le',ndly ditions are picking up in sornei or the apply to • (Miss) K. itlacFAUL, western eates. During his visit to Secretary these he ran ocross many former res- idents or Exeter. SECOND $50 'iNE IMPOSED IN CASE In connection tvith the recent Ship - merit of a ten-gallon keg of whisky which :ante' to McGraw Station in the name oft William Singlson there have, already been two convictions and a third charge is 'pending. On Mon- day of last week, Cliff Levy pleaded' guilty and. an Thursday Roy Graham' son of Reuben Graham. of Jihe Gra- . ham. 'House, Clinton also came before Police Magistrate Kelly of Goderich and contributed another $50, on ad-,` analog that be Lad violated, the Can- ada Temperance net. In giving evidence Levy admitted that he and thn Graham boys had made five different attempts to get the booze but because they bad order-, ed it sent to an assumed name the Dominion Express agent renused to give it to them. An order has also been given, bythe magistrate that the ten gallons of whisky now in possession of the court shall be confiscated and destroyed according to law. Graham and; Levy were represented - by M. G. Cameron while Crown Attar-, ney Seager, prosecuted for Inspector Mitchell. • Exeter Contivation School OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT 4th. Furniture AND trndertaking R. N. ROWE THE Ft.INRRAL .DIRECT.OR AND FURNITERE DEALER 0.0.141, FOR RENT -Small frame house on Mill St- Exeter.' About 3-4 acres or land; good. garden and fruit trees. Apply „to Giadman' Stanbury, :nob- icitnnffit" ,.- . , MR. FARAIEI1. ' "If you need harvest help apply The Ontario* lacevernment Employ.; nient faureaux, 108 Dundas St. Lon- don, Ont.- 'Experienced help at thet rate of $45.00 'per month, S11.00 Pert week or $2.50 per dayt" * forHOsalie,SEcoFruaeRr oSfANIttpii-noInItotalsne(taGnidalleorn streets. Apply to Mrs t Thos. Bissett, act. tt-t--t-ttt,41101,,tmt*ttttr pEARY DODPE, Licensed Ano- tioneer, Sales conducted in any 10.- ea1itv Tertna moderate Oder a left at Times Office will he promptly at- tended to, Phone 116, Kirkton, Ad- dress, Kir on, P. 0, INTERNATIONAL ifttRVESTER, CO' fi,gk‘noy, Exeter All Ittrids of seeding, haying, Itand h4xle.*10 , machinery including the ettleRfate Oliver corn and bean col- klffttOn- and bean harvester attaoh- moots riding and waiktog plows niad foll stook of repairs. Also a nonaber to- Al, standard buggies Metoughlin and Caution- makes of several neat designs. Call and secure ono for Dom' • inion Day. IN na, tord, tf,I61 1Ra2ilY • • ••• . :CompleteH•Sllo • ••• • •:••••. ••.•••••,•• ••••••...• uitings for Ladies' and tients, ••••..., '333.3( The dominate note Of thee aPrtodi Rashions is entirely newt pared/. Len" fore have the majority of StaVkill shown sucb ingenious design wall the general effeot o implittity. 0•I0 stook Is complete, TbA &bowing imeiude• serge. iot$, Vacuiaia, Tweeds, and WO in tho fanhiOnable spring co!orts,. suoll staple andent Mens' Suitings Our stook of Mens Suitings fix 0014 finest shown also a good =nen OE spring overoatings, nit We gnarantee satistaotiou Yrrtlig every ganinenti OIVE US tit VALI/ t N. She -ere ANI TAILOR Stand Upgairo*, The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario ondon Advertiser All Mail Editions $3.00 per Year ,3333333l 7an Silltogt 333, i3333 41„R(3tAl • STORE Special Clearing Sale of Summer (it)ods 10 dozen pairs ribbed cotton Hese, 2 pairs for 25c. Dress Shields 10c a pair Ilemnants of colored Velvets 500 yard. A few lines of 'Whitewear at wholesale cost. 1 doz Boys' black Overalls 50c pair. Men's Work Shirts $1.00 each. Children's School Shoes in a big range of styles. See the clearing line of Shoes in the North window at 95c a pair. B. W.•BI3AVERS .. 01.11••••••••e. 3Z, 313.3, •t4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••s•••••• • •P1-1,01S1E • bta • IllMll • Principal --W. M. Eadie, E. A., (lane • of (loileg,tate Institute, Brantford), ; Gold Medallist of Toronto, Normal School, Graduate of Queen's Univer- sity with First Class Honors; Tnstruc- • tar in Cadet and Plnysical Training, itt and Tudor of any subject of the Up - pg., School.• Moderns and Englisli--"Alias Viola it Undertaking MEN ,17;'011. .FARINIEKS Farniern in ,titis. wanting Funcral• Director St, Embalmer help to rake off -the liarveat can be supplied -I),y calling or cominanicating With the undersigned. .Alt.experienc- 'E. •Gar-di'll.' ed hands and wanes ,ritorlelatienn n ' W S COLE 74 , ; ' a1,4, 88 • Secy Resources Com. , . ' And Furniture • Tailored I •iitfnini t • We have an excellent range of Suitings in Blacks, Blues, Greys, Browns, etc. These are all old dyes and bought at old prices. We are selling these • away below the buying value of to -day. We also have a • slendid showing of • • READY.IVIAJ3E STILTS , OVERCOATS 44. INC;OATS PEABODY'S OVERALLS 04' ODD TROUSERS We have just re3eived our - new stock Of • Caps, shirts , and Ties 33'1 45 14 14 41 ott • 433 t.# Jigt. . „ trt. g ;1333:3 3-3P4:?