HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-8-30, Page 4GRANG TRU ALLW relY$T.EM e Er,cursio. is ca efisei ancar. Mitt t' Salto, } ct wn nee a .fid; eo usivax of clusive usaIia t a * Fa!i Back Be£ §tan;Arm ies. . acaorxR's TscaaRa; Resistance to tlssa- 000 Prison r$ 75 Gans—dart :.e on b.� araca Ula rFatii � u . - ,The f ziat the Isonzo front are mare! to c a srplete viet{zry. rhe Pattie. ons the ono :ta developer fnr er lDr ii iz,xil. S:t-i.t sses, General aiiore 's: tea, w lin l :the begattni ig ! the ofensiv Ivo Pig another ng )10 sr d Alae 'T"ne o ul e is to ^t+ s (rrmportartt Events W Have Occurred i3uritrg the Week. be �?ts7 E orid'S Happenings nasi et FEt c.4 v'e 1 matt ri north of Gori ia, at hoz Austrians believed fro 1niSeiVie. 'have ,von r vietory by seal- 2,24 feet Haigh p ?i+ there, taay t an e F eaas3er$, of oair'$. ,Trio Cher by the,; Pape tto A Dt X. Q,ti3r3 login was ed States to Great' good control: istg felt at "Oa" lvA�' tions, are: s and res- znae eorzvaieseent eases of bat- e uc plague Were lauded in nsiatidBoinbev: e distribnttoti xaf food a e es.ra will begin in lea tlr+. eek beginning Se sr of 'Finance an- e of; :li al' savings the denomination of. Labor Ganfereoce by= eajorit•voted to send dole- oi at Peace Confer - 0 Veit: t6 .heater Brati girl ans, yr -la or ill„ e tr-oyed not oely zea*tarn, but has o of all the. of the Au.s week have guts bat "een .,.,.S a" -so ae-. iaer of I 6i gates 'es Fence URS vain aai that amoag. us are m.auy die 1s S 1'. .�R of ti e Y any#uw` teen tprappve b ▪ e Capelin, d the s o az nbovo ed around _ f bade oaf 53" thereby onttirg the rust s retreat yon eo'.;epletel. t ettnt gra, va:h;,;h for, so acorn, s:a the stile of sl; wino and 1.'s. ato *4114* C IVO f0t1'. boy and girl .at opportunity to iiaketlrhome i; study taw and :a erThc3e e? i i v e the same LI 10 neesto v. -in pro titioa and success le le lbe lad having the ndvctntage of = WEBSTER' EW INTERNATIONAL ]7mloner, in his home. Tuts new ea _ creation answers with final'. author- _ ity all, kinds of purtline; questions history, geogra hy, ImograPilYt apeiling, pronunciation; sports, arts, and sciences. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. • Over 6OD0I1lustrations Colored Plates. The oaryvalerianry,xith the Divide4tYage. Theo e 15-volume=latter is encyclopedia.uivalent to tat • More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient - and Authoritative than any other Eng- fish Dictionary. REGULAR AND - S.�iDIA- _ PAPER. EDITIONS. =. WRITE for 0 epeeimenpage illustrations etc. 0. FREE, a seta Pocket Maps if you name this paper. G. & 0MERRIAM CO., Pf UNGEiELD,,:MASS. IIliSllluliANlisitnIIlsipllo{iltillillililJUptlUN{111ti!tt;o STOMACH "TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA. s',Pape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sours Gassy Stomachs surety feel fine In five minutes,. stf s at you just ate is souring on' our stomach or lies like 'a ,lump of mead, refusing to digest; or you belch: gas and eructate sour, undigested cod, or have a feeling of dizziness, iearihurn, fullness, nausea, bad taste xawlttli Nand stoniach•headache, you ,Vessed relief in: five minutes. litend to stomach trouble forever getting a large fifty -cent ease of ap'epsin from any drug store,k. z ain five miautes h 1 Y:. p�1 been will et The iir:liens ,' have made a further Advance on, the north of OOris,io, nleaeiy pursuing, the Austrisis, tlae War Oillee announces, Aaistrixarx counter-attacks on the Cars° were xepubsed, : rhe uuzabair of prieenere lias been increased to more than, 223,- 000, iu addl,tion to which a great arrrtount of booty bas been captured, de of them »hose itatelll Wray eu [' 'rUiJt171', Ras ohectce de the rev+ trips aarout t'a,aalorzrRt In Isonzo ti 1AIG MAKES THRUST. iota Have Advance ei !'ortta Quentin. LONDON, Aug 28. --British troops aridity made an advance of half a anile along to relic front east of 4far- gicourt (north of St. Quentin), tormin; and capturing strong points at Cologne and Malakoff` farms, ac- cording to the official :report from British headquarters in France Su.tt- day night. The British Saturday night attaek- ett and drove the Germans out of a portion. of the trench north-east of Gillemont Farm in Flanders, which the enemy had captured Saturday morning, re-establishing the British fernier positions, A German, counter- attack later was repulsed. Tbe statement tells further of a repulse by Portuguese troop; of a German raiding party south-east 'of Laventie, and of the capture of an, enemy trench position west of Leas. Sunday night's statement from British headquarters in France reads "Early :this morning" we attacked and =captured the enemy's positions east of afargicourt'on a front of over a mile. Our troops penetrated to a depth at half a mile, carrying by as- sault the enemy's strong points at, Cologne farm and Malakoff farm, and have established theruselves on. the ground won:. We captured 136 ,ppris- oners. in the course of the operation. "Under cover of heavy bombard- ment ment the enemy attacked early this morning in the neighborhood of the Ypres-Menin road, using Hammen weeder, and succeeded momentarily' in reoccupying the north-west corner of Inverness Copse. His troops were immediately driven out by our coun- ter-attack ounterattack and our positions were re- established. Fighting of a local character also took place this morning southeast of St. Julien, `: where we advanced '' our line slightly." Bulgarian Premier Boasts. COPENHAGEN, Aug. 28.—Annex- ation of lare,e amounts of territore will be iesisted upon by Bulgaria, according to an interview with Pre-_ Budapest newsnaper. The Premier also is quoted as saying that the formation of a great imperial fed- eration of middle Europe might soon be expected. Premier Radoslavott indicates Bttl- gsj:;is,c,ltrill demand the acquisition. of aeedniceia,„ the Dobiedja, and the egdati 1 Powers, the Premier a says, if it aas ufr'ered Rev, S. ao has. tot Q4` ivaGea ent: ansea*.ed t"ol'ue offered his eta tank. [rover. war, ries S`i. i!,'n ur :eke, fa ar nestles tro>ai ?tiarlb Ont., r'?° as l` meri las l l liaise„ a.. doipg work on iris tari..x,. Sar Robert BorR3eil produced tl- ;douse of Cox mons he eoz-respon= dance between Ken, 101aertogers cod himself auerat; Mr. Rogers' res ic�tir't�'s' t e Caa popaar. CAltn o D3" a on y` is 3TC .3,tt, tS er, Orlau:a10 Orr, .for the pest years general, warsager.' elf ie?aa.a vaatiottal E»xhteitio i, rt. anal wr o wee recently tern, t�lieveei o tris dirties. ae t�trlira ,ire alit, died s av:tla-nl` ! a i?l 'Toyonto, 'POW 1144110.447 of to 4, the OOVoent i ild<lr gele. �;ti end- thiltt�q t, xo 10% :#0,, rr .boli of tie Over l�J* e 2r fios:aivatted b the lay the °nesltion i1 tlae Dselless,of Connraught's Calltadtata Red Cross, ospitaI at Clivetien, Tap- low, Thu afternoon. The C ,,'R. purchase proposal oe- cupied tltt orase most of the day, and the Government's intention ' to put the bi'l'l through by application of the closure was intimated in a l00% tion of Finance Minister Sir Thomas White. tiTI.JEDa lt. here rnarked scarcity dwelling houses in, 'Toronto - Canadians in a hospital in Rug, land were victims of German *1. raiders. The A.rneriean shipping program. cad's for the construction of 1,279_ vessels. The forecast of crops in the P.rov- .inee of Ontario shows a greatly in oreed. value. k ^; William Bearst and Sir Doo f t eixchanged greetir gs on i nA Victory, Mark Irish, MX, gave some timely advice to munition workers, who have been laid off in, large num- bers, um beets. Sir Alien 9.ylesworth declared bizn-.j opposed to the military ,service all before the Toronto Central Lib - 0 sting in the West is a week Sala last year; the wheat anises to be unifornily high artel danger fro*n, frost is,� fer.al ineorparattpp this i tt#uild lig eg47404l1" 3t a. 'alien doll t, tl- rUraai, 0-A" caf riio, "� QtA- t. l.tary weera acerae^ 0 tn-Conni bg perm. t"s t es cv ilk violatlone respect°ng ttbjea is eplisted A Frpe dltionary, For lt.a e e's' r been residents of �1 not, wee to have a vote inllitary- >, esters' bill, whtelt s for third reading et the as. �nras Kelly, the Winnipeg con- or, seuteooed for fraud in e011- 011 onon with tare Mlauitoba Perlia- Buil0iegs copstruct"soo, bas < Vett, $elks^ Sackee \iouataiza trY tate ;aceo'40s 01 preca.ri ta, R ■ S pa write cos filen. art Board the lw :, The Yxasla faars eti5kiasgarisbod cera selvca 3aa the sec ti„ Bi-iflsls 01- waive. Three Hasa, axle during lased is fortnight lista fraxiat tiara hearth. ;ti s will be mark diener by silt f ovearnmeat, -ea of 'oroaato, who was at as Whitby house, vera;• while on a picnic party-, <zrzxt1s_ might be put upon was the 'warning ra oi'at;", i . k'C1ieter. ate urged by Mr. Itary v eters' bill 'star o1 Jus - 5 were 'brit ole the sorrel on Irvoil to alae wore alrt d b lice, ]Rev, Dr, B. C hapell, who is re- visiting Toronto atter g7 years, says the Japanese are true and staunch. Miles. ,,t woineu's battalion is to be en- iisted in'Vancouver as a national ser: 'ale unit to free men for the fighting liners, The city authorities of Moutreal are restrained by injunction front taking a referendum on the abolition of the Board of Control. The British Minister of Munitions reports that shell orders will be re- duced, and there are prospects of change of employment to many. Tree children of R. Mathieu at Chaudiere, Que. Perished in a fire at their home while their mother was at a neighbor's getting meat for sup- per. Wabash express while passing through Nixon was run foul of by a freight backing into the main line. Three coaches were wrecked, but no person was Seriously hurt, The Western wheat crop this year is expected to amount to 200,000,000 bushels, of which 150,000,000 bush- els should be available, by dint of great economy in use of flour, for export. Zeebrugge and environs -were bombed by airplanes, great explos- ions occurring, according to an Oost- burg despatch to Tbe Nieu Dan Dag. The bombardment lasted from 2.30 to 4 o'clock. Greater aerial activity was urged by the London papers. The price of other meats has gone up owing to the embargo on beef and 'e'he Austrians are practising a reign of terror over Italian residents of Triest. An epidemic of housebreaking is reported by the police and three ar- rests have been made. Major-General Maurice stated that in three days this week the Allies had taken 25,000 prisoners. A hot attack was made in the Rouse upon Sir Cli.flord Sifton and the uni.on government idea by Col. John A. Currie. Food prices were somewhat lower in July than in June, but the reduc- tions were offset by increases in prices of other necessaries. Frederick O'Donnell of Toronte died through being struck by a motor car and Lester Levy is h.eld a charge of criminal negligence. '- The Food Controller has prohibit- ed the use of peas, corn, and toma- toes until Octoaer 15 so as to use up the more perishable garden pro- duTeehe wheat prospects in Saskatche- wan and Alberta have been much im: proved by recent rains. The weather is ideal for harvesting, but labor is still scarce. Mary, seven-year-old daughter of Mr Minnie Lyon of Beaverton, was atally shot when her young brothel' and sister, in the mother'a absence, were having target practice. " T,hewlaing and Queen, attended 1)3, tit tess of seettesb 't" visited ae Tonto atl rile report Six thousaul e 11, 4,000 for to be deliver() lz, 1. 0 a in France. of Loa- Peeinlist. died at his railWay coated Coeeiti Board. re are order- -emelt waYS, ve, and The Union of Canadian Municipal- ities is in convention at London. There has been a tremeadous in- crease in Russia's war exPenditure. Strong positions in front of Lens are being consolidated by the Cana - The Roman Ca,tholics of America will back the United States through the war. Notable mineral ends were made by the MacMillan expedition in the Arctic Circle. Stormy scenes characterized the Canadian Northern bill debate in the Commons last night. There was au attendance of 36,- 000, a record for the opening day of the Toronto Exhibition. Hugh Vallender, caretaker of a building in Hamilton, collapsed on his way to work, dying in a short timjeo-seph Joel, arrested on a charge of shop -lifting in one of the big ss jtdoeres of Toronto, had an auto out - Mr. J. W. Woods'has takentover his duties as a purchasing agent for the Allies under the British MissiOn Some idle munition workers are going on the farms but many of them are waiting around f0.I. some- thing to turn up. , Alberta Conservatives are said to be demandieg a Senatorship for Ed- ward Mich.ener, M.P.P. for Red'Deer, prior to the formation of any U The tug James Reid, valued at be- tween $75,000 and $100,00,0, being one of the largest and most power- ful on the Great Lakes, foundered, adaeyarialgYitt.Inelt, Georgian Bay, Sun - he e tern Liberate' ounter- e rumored to be unac- Nonce Creditors Iaz' the matter of the Berate of Richard lland.ford, of tat "Village r3f Centralia, County of `Boron, tanner deceased. Notice is nereby given our -avant to &tatutes ao that behalf that ali. ttera and 'others ;having c]tRloas , 44,st the$] 0.Stzeteusof red mat ::Ittittbe lticbard .rorematoo die } are ,er" about Junoe'�1 tilt 1917, to send by post liver to MegAlca .Glad- att4iusy, of ihe'ill�u - �f 'eiturs'fas tiv a e 4:, L deceased tbeir o,. -F sat ./news, addresses and flo- e the l - the toil partieuldrs oftbeit' ql i wigflgqatilie;g"n, 14 any, nyL �Y,held by them. an lanhde tshteatenmateunrtelooisLft thtubhenroc ecuaofee haat alter said te ."Ixecut4 d among the pas- to, having regard a ;y the elatms of vv�hi.ch they ishan {s itts to ]rave- notice , and Ural the eviu EXeeaators, shall not bo liab& for, *aid assets or anypart thereof, to any person or persons of whose olaitu.s notice shall not have been received by deem at the time of such distribat- tictre uti o� @'t... Idea entitled t er Dated a.f STANUUItr'' ieliars fife iruror3 h' day of,; r,2 ithee r 11%0SaltrtratrC464104% karat OT Mothers Know That, uine Castoria Always Bears the II For v Thirty Ye _tore anti Itith, 1917 are required r heft! the lath day of ..optetuber, 19 hy post Prepaid or e- Viiiage of Exeter, Solicitora wte of the :said, deceaat wilt not be 19 STANBG L'2x0t*tth4tot'fr Angus ebes GER AN LIN PIERCED., Victory i''teeneht Verdun AR1S, Aug. 21.—A smashing Ftettch eictorY On the Verdun front is retarded lri the (Meld report issued bY the War Ottice Monday night. The French have captured the enemy defences on both sides of the Meuse over a front of more than eleven miles, penetrating the Ger- man line at divere points to a depth ef a mile end a quarter. More than 4,000 unwounded German prisoners have been taken. The new territory taken by the French embraces positions that have literally 'weltered in French and Ger- man blood in battles that have waged to and fro since tho German Crown Prince started his most costly en- terprise, the taking of Verdun, which 'resulted in utter failure as a min- t tary manoeuvre and cost tho lives of tens of thousands of his men. Notable among the captured posi- tions are the Avocourt Wood. the two summits of Le Mort Homme, the Cornea= Wood and Chatapneuville, all of which were held despite vicious counter-attacks by the Ger- mane, whicb were broken up by the French fire with heavy casualties. French airmen aided materially the infantry in the press forward, swooping low over tbe German. forces and emptying their machine guns into the ranks, and in fights in the air with German proteeting ma- chine.s, eleven of which were sent hurtlini to the ground. The text of Monday night's state- ment reads: "t)n the front north of Verdun our troops captured on both sides of the Meuse enemy defences on a front of 13 kilometres and to a depth which exceeded two kilometres at certain points. On the left bank of the river we hold in particular the Avocourt Wood, the two summits of Le Mort Homme, Corbeaux 'Wood, and Cu- rateres. On the right bank we have occupied Tatou Ridge, Champ, Charnpneuville, Hill 344, Mormont Farm, and Hill 240, north of Louve- "On the right our troops have e.dvanced considerably in the Bois des Fosse and the Bois de Chaume. "The number of unwounded pris- oners taken is more than 4,000. "The Germans carried out violent counter-attacks in the Avocourt Wood and against Le Mort Hommo and Hill 344, but our Are everywhere broke down their efforts and inflicted heavy losses. Our aviators took a brilliant part in the battle turning their machine guns at a low height against enemy concentrations and contributing also to the repulse of British Sailers Iyowneti. 1,614TDON, Aug. ale—Since -the out - _break of war 6;627 efileers and men of the British mercantile ' marine, exclusive of thoee in the pay of Alio Adnytiralt3r, have lost their lives, ac-- eording to a Statement made the: allowed at bisbest curve C B OF CO MERCE EDMUND WALKE11. LL.D., Prate:len CAPITAL PAID UP, ,$15,000,00 JOHN A1RD, Geo Minager E JONES. An's. Cat Mama RESERYE FUND* $13,500,0001 We must do many things, but everythht that will help to win the war. You cm help by saving. interest is allowed on Savings Deposits of $ and upwards at any branch of the Bank. EXETER BRANG11—A. E. Etani, MANAGER Crediton Brancb-3. A. Mc Donald Manager. 16 FARM -FIR'S MUTUAL FERE INSaIlld ANCE COMPANY Head Offiee, , Farquhar, Ont. President, BORT. NORRIS Vice -President, THOS. RYAN. DIRECTORS Wal. MOCK. WM. ROY JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent Us - borne, and Beddulph. OLlyEtft, HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logna. Solicitot's, Exeter, AGENTS ' C. W, ROBINSON y ALL:1 CuEANTS:: tAr UrOpTuInOiNicEs E 'coin ARN4Er 0 n Perth and Illiddlesex, Earn°. Stock aVarerooms, next door to the Centre/ Hotel, Xain St. Exeter. ,Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed. For Infants and Children vex. 30 e ea Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer-Wa atty. Office- over Dickson & Carl- ing's Law Office. Closed Wedneedwree afternoons. Phone Offihe 5a antie Besidence 5b. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain. 021 any bad effects. Office over Glatte- S. Graduate !Victoria Univers'AY.,- Labratery, Exeter. lAssociate 'Coroner of Huron Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Molsone Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lot st rates OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. for 'the MONEY TO LOAN 1 'We have a large amo.unt of private , funds to loan on farm and village properefeal at lowest rates of int-,