HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-8-30, Page 3t>: N PALESTINE SECRETARY DESCRIBES WORRK AMONG TROOPS. "Tlere's One Place Where lire Ca Somethingi, for Nothing,' �� Says Tommy. 'I sae irc es h` , i ...E parts oft tI o lob iz , front line are rthe transport and water, writes the 3.A,z„L'. 9- Secretary, A31 of Cite transports available are used for military purposes and the demand for supsite here is even greater than g t za 'F'tt the base, We cannot keep in supplies very long_ We have to squeeze a ease on slzere and another en there to get anything at all. There is, on the other Band, ° plenty of w':a;ter for ordinary purposes, but for lax;trles such as cocoa a and Timeluice,, th# re', is sora 1!esitat�ew- in stzpa ving i*, fila spite of this fact we are allowed a geodl • Por- n, tion, for the first nigh { 4*t I wras here as=e tlz.e„ c€ ctrcr<t to w:`o;,;�T z..g parties-" 3''nen he :l'encheS'andi 5rre.bate vie } a ono of eltt"+',r�, s'a:.e. :I.t1 4 thte men ll t#tt7� e—d ;leas <ot?a Putting Pep and P . into the daily job du' the hot days is a matter of physical and mental, fitness— and this comes from foods that supply the greatest amount of real nutriment with the least tax !upon the Get digestive organs. Cut out meat and potatoes and 'eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with sliced bananas or other fruits and green vegetables« a3tren tt _ " ' ing. r;'' e i er dna Brs tt c slat ,• , M ] lens '1G �(mimeo j9l i.` e4' 14tt1taalt l lt. when O 3s fie t 4 pelts>, a"'l'1a ink clod, s ene.pn.wce :'•iiK�.r{y la ztas.lier>. h" ,w.+,..'.so R i, . t ,�, faP1w r or '"What. would we tko about?" These are ti gr:aeitul;.e, ?il dal, ,z.tq ail t1igb t teams;; 'trains got g lis... itch c3 'km a tiro/ h %t s, tl,s' 1".A i, i a -"lot. of "ca'aaacrt:" 4e Has r 3x S ase riiF es -date, tlaJen ww'1 a It a'e e• 3t7 ] tie tr'.`4'e ww'ia hog e lie: t re are made and camel ail Chop in tad to salt* .3 �tf ww'"iCh nrinlo Co ti 9S �w r t, t a`aa a"u+tai aaa,at X19. ,. to o aat343 and cot l41 have rse d is as ti :;e„ tit «tlsatatint If, a�w"in bad iAtg it to ibe wasla.e tri hut In ore ug tK m ._ FQ T"Y e as Iitriny as possible we Mal 4'14;1 na 1 10" „o nvwh, tims letting more g t a teat .€;co at it. a. T 1 ti +° It ., mei.; t, .,,G lIx t a ,tag«tsrx to tarn to do at tan es, harder after they have be, w lug in the sun: er come in from a hitt., nmt•eit and want, lemonade or avttn water to have to sap "No" be. Cause we have 1 awo ritn out. Some of thetas walk literally miles to get what little wo can supply them with. When we can supply them we are well repaid by service rendered; when wo can- not the dlsapiointmentn both to them to �: dto U td is overwhelming. e aro *Ilse able to supply them with the latest datilya r p pa b from 1 Cairo. They are 'necessityof two days a b� lntc, but. nevertheless Hauch sought after. We send liat]l, ter v thousands tip to the trenches to help them pass away the time, as well as to keep refreshed on the n. owws of -the outside world, The way in which we get our water supply is thrilling. We are given these camels once a day with a couple of camel boys—Egyptian—and we must take them some two miles for water. I have undertaken this job myself, as the orderlies are generally otherwise occupied about the canteen. Each camel carries two fauasies, or water tanks, on his bump saddle, thus making six fantasies of water a day allotted to us. We go to the wells, the camels are made to kneel down by a ___,__ strikes _ o.-.. -- eyes series of hissing sounds from the boys, full of good humor and fun, as keen to and the fantasies ares then filled by see a joke as to fix up a tactical point, means of small hand pumps. , , n r ..r a ready and fluent tongue, and a way with him that, after; five minutes in as einCanada; s ' CROP MUST BE SA frail 0 ields< Carlotta is I. Rte laPrQlt t T tl�;tgest xX e ltttt a ,Marla c�tt, •.Iadotting h 3Rrtmrtt4ncetl atreody rut 'the insist ont Bail fol, harvesthelp will be gen- el tl theoughoiti. Manitoba, Saakatche- w*an and Alberta within the, next few days, Saco the crapl is the urgent appeal from, the leaders in Sall the Allied eoatntries, In Canada, the yxoung men of adventurous tendenciesin '`sae towns and villages of Ontario, who have been unable to go to the trenches, Will be contributing a very service to the cause by helping 1>t'<1in growers of the Prairie Pro., ie w heaat upon which of war opera.. rnateh of the Cas derentls, f°7 al 3111,ee 01 tlt43 iia "la heaat, nae Bert ah gh, MarezaRer. C er, "a9oitts lair bit,,A9 tn.syF; lot ni tial .t his company, makes you feel that you have known Quin as a real friend for years, He is perfectly frank and as- tonlshingly tnodest. "Naturally, his 'boys,' as the staff is familiarly known, love him, and would waltz through Hades gladly enough for him. 'l'hey are all sorts and sizes, and all ages; but they are all tarred with. the same brush of good nature, good fellowship and brotherliness. I was billeted with there. one night, and it; was the most glorious night's fun 1 have ever had in a peculiarly mixed and varied existence." THE SISTER OF A SOLDIER. She nzat not follow forth with him When wide the Flag's unfurled, But he will take her cheer} smile Halfway across, the ,warld. Halfway across t}ie `woi*'lcl he'll hear The word he caught at seine, Her brave good -by, as proud and clear As any bugle blowing. Srtt'll keep the home lights fait', The hearth fiaine brightly btiz Pease Gott—he'll be returnin The old house sweet against She ean.aot strike the naaw3 clliaag'pace,: But when he's out of sight .._ steps.. into his empty place, al stays behind to fight! earning 1 F',tre l fwd defense :l5ait till blood oft Ilrnll vatting germs, or themselves. Titat iR ) ' as e 50 e s" z. 8�po..ed to tls5� i e do n ' ,,. at con Those whose blood is ww't F41 a tery and there fore lacking in d sive power' are most liable yo tion. Everybody may observe that healthy. red.13tooded people :Ire less lia:.le. to colds and the grippe, than Pole, bloodless pestpie, It is thee. bloodless people vht, Lire c"asilw; who t are short of hdeaatd at s3isltt e as t:,0, tV11f! have poor tt wake U1 18 he m apes wises. tiley' Wont It el tt1 11 1 :,, 1t i 4.. efdy s q 0 b1 ;9$44 ':tife''ineble also and Men. It awtst3,1'j• bas women to as o'. a Ibet'eIc+2 g ri at,- blood Supp�4y, To reaar�w and taaallt tic t3t#t there is a:o remedy card eduaal i1 'thous'Plok' Plls. The} tone u entire system, make the and red, feed and strongt nerves, increase the :malar or in the cheeks, gave reft"esl t , and d'1 `away a t clila X n t t w t a tarwll feeling. Plenty of sunlight an soma feed will do the rest, in. ns. Keep down ti reds in til t, weekly eultiv tients 4eep a' Ipo e, friable ancl. 1' rta0istna'e. Across a Thousand Years. "1 desire to live worthily all my days s� that after my death I may leave to others a record of work well done." Across, a thousand years of strug- gle and sorrow floats- `this message from the heart; of Alfred, our great- est Saxon king, a Saxon, simple and earnest, and with a flavor of green meadow land and wild light fragrance in what he said and did,says the Y Londoan Daily News, f think he was Textx>Clc olr,; notg Masical Director only England's, but the . world's t CO2 L EGE RE -OPENS SEPT. greatest; Icing, this man wvhoin ;a crown didnotSend for illustrated Ca e daze c corrupt,. and_d 1 ia w�iio toiled and der its heavy weight to give England clocks, and learning, and some kind of liberty. 10 Cholep a Tnf a < urn is one of the fatal ailtzlents of ehiidhoocl. ftf is a trouble that comes en suddenly, especially during the summer months and unless prompt action is taken' the little one xrtay soots be beyond aid. Baby's Own, ,E abletcs; are an ideal medicine it .ward-., tl i trouble, p, t .,7 his tr'o:Aaal.., � `;,T,'f4�Ea+4E,- he SIS A� + w araC e. r k w s and sweeten!' d f,, t a 4aptR Chas aeh corstplaa�st C once. :cora 4 A FISH THAT CAN CLIMB. Inhabits Dutch Fast Indies and Climbs Tree,: as .IC Thirty _ High w._. T'hlrty'P'eet_ There is only one kine of fish in the world that can eliasb a tree. it is a "rote*," and is found hi great num- hers- on um-hers-°on the Island of Ceram, in the' Dutch East Indies, t Along the sea Leaches of that is -a land, close to the wOter's edge, grow huge trees which are an themselves r add enough, inasmuch as• the ro tsf e , t out of the trunk eight et tin � ti eel 0 and grow, Ficz,.n ,ar€s Kept Tranifrs Away, °Don't you want to hire a feller to' keep the tramps away, ..''Mrs, .:Sub hubs?" asked the small boy, "How' can a little fellow lisle you keep the tramps away V demanded 'Mrs. Subbubs;, ".as3 etic,ll. ," replied the boy, kinat;i the pie and cake•; tl3in S t�'Q�r ' tof oyer-" ' .M,I''' TWOS�lat a4 who iIa tete Ife on .-is advancing leaks. l ancin 1' ;' 's . Y d n life w_ t 1 just g' x Cao _ 1 se rieaz't is getting softer, whose filood t and serve foodsr wa>'nser, whose brain quicker, whose Tear, how to fang spirit is entering into livingpeace;''--.1 enemy, Ruskin. aril's ,ixlf=tent Coxes 2lrhtherla.. Some folks think that tho.i hoed their corn unless ifTitr kn1e a big :hound of earth about' every hill. A lot of work to no purpose Level cultication, With a cultivator that does got nig too deeply will cause the roots 5 d'aa 3t lutaxezat C 1Z anct those P. Stop all entifie to use;, ly as it is to range of the s c $rqe i ArtIkc' WANT' asad light sewing a spar'G t t' dis Targe ,. d. 'tI aja � int of the corn Plaut to strike deeper, and out, pain. tae£a` keep the corn from blowing over or k .suffering from dritagl't 1 In 4,05 ire the preven all tele dx rpt G a soil u'I site fora:;„ �ii% : l vela, at s *� ws or e, wdttieaat then; r medias ine t 0 ,11 e 'its Out wv� M 0 a nail ;from tine Brod : le, Ont, x to ttta37ty your Tien attct tlatiS amore rll at393'4"", its es'ery Slay;ill town, in On - i4 rise, ineluding om' own, this appears as a. great opportunity to serve:the: country in a practical way, A pieaa- ant, long<tlsta nee train Journey, awl' a visit to the, invigorating Crest, are 3 ade4a:d aLtraactitans+ But the erop must t saved! ARKED C'ONTItAS'r, Between British and German France. 1 quarters in •L rand,• An American arriving,in London af- ter a visit to 'British headquarters in France spoke of the contrast: between the latter and d G rt' e t 3ratl headquarters r where, r er , during , 3 r tlecaxl` . s earlier stages of the war, he happened to find himself., sol , "The contrast," he said "i , s almost beyond description. At the l German front, 'when I was there, it was one in- cessantbusiness of heel+olicks and sword-e1anks ! No rely attoii of any cad - kind, ramrod stiffness everywhere and always a sense of restriction, as though you were shut up in. an ice - chest ! "A short time ago I had the pleas - a n1 '01 leets i eNtelttz come,: aa.ex34lli";r•. Ila l o i as a(l Ta at.aT Tw'tapil�T"I'3z,t tee -ince to meet, Tt2,ai n to e?r ga1u. the sir eo men,. e, Voles etiaiit4d by t IkPF fzSE Wind,�u �t1y ',' Wale, _utile Meed f Datlnila r. w4'll• 1 are on :a p 'tile ! througho rieh t a v i a" ° a 4 r r sn, . ^fo pzri,ae.tat a,r Put: cal• , wood us l P h #ic, sins ,leoP cake of hard sot Ie NO if7 iu hapitctte< Its\ I,Y ORDEa.S, 8 EXPSc.SS Money rder its i9ti'o tholis:ana3 C+liuce Ctansada. tired l 'stole- ' zai said to rinintont Clarets pintantpewr. l7tlttlti+; :I pi0Ce 01' first tltl'aaX , t a a You can got Dr. Wiil!Omtt Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine r^ by fi ,a mail at 50 centa a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine l C t,. .Ilratk 'i I Ont. The Best 'Part. Auntie was trying to teach. her i oilt nephew to e'unselfish. 3a p p y "Didyou doas of you were told,. iily, and give your little brother the best. part of the apple?" "Yes aunt," said the , , bright. young- ster. ; 9 gave him the seeds. He can % plant 'em, ;and have a whole orchard himself 1" Lachute, Que., lath' Sept,, 1908. Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited. Gentlemen Ever since coming Make an inventory of foods and household supplies. This should re= ' veal any waste, extravagance or care„ lessness, Get rid _es - f t of the stall a. ttttll i�hatisnot necessary, sell or give r to to relief lef ass �` ociati t o t. a--o--o—a—a—a---o--a-cr--a--fi-o—o ANY CORN ., U LIFTS 'IS C)U1 DOESN'T ' t HURT A. BIT! . No foolishness! Lift your corns ' and calluses off with fingers ''magic!_ —Its like a Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of t1 earn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if' you 1 home from the Boer war I have been t apply upon the corn a few drops of bothered with rumina fever sora. x nri-freezone,lsays a . Cincinnati authority,. tire of visiting the British general headquarters. 'G. H. Q. is absolutely my legs. I tried many salves and bottle of freezone at any drug store, a jolly place. No flap, no side, no heel- mentsl also doctored eentinuellslY for -which will positively rid one's feet of clicks, and never a sign of a refrig- the blood, but got no permanent re- eVery corn or callus without pain. erator machine to be seen anywhere lief' till last winter when mY mother This simple drug dries the moment throughout the whole show. Sir Doug- got me to tr MI RD' . y NA S LINI it is applied and, does not even irri- MENT. The effect of which was al- ias Haig was a human man, and no tate the surrounding skhi while an - more, most magical. TWO bottles complete-fplying it or afterwards. WOrking day since. "Genial, friendly, with a handshake 1Y eared Ine and have worhed every This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your drug- gist, hasn't any freezone tell him to surely get a small .bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. then ready to proceed laomeward with our precious liquid. • Production of Cheese. The total' production of factory cheese in, Canada in 1916 was 192,968, - Compared with 183 878 898 lb., of tho value of $27 5137 775 in 1915. By pro- 'rence.i the lead in prodiletion. Is taken by Ontario with a total quantity in 1916 of 126,015,870 lb., of the value of $23,312,935, Quebec being second with 61,906,750 lb. of the value of $11,245,- 104. These two provinces together account for 98 P. c• of the npial 550 - duction of factory cheese. The pro- duction and value of factory cheese in the other provinces in 1916 were as follows: Prince Edward Island, 2,- 121,7,36 lb., value $409,495; New Bruns- wick, 1,185,664 lb., value $210,692; Mariitoba, 880,728 lb., value $15,8,931; Alberta, 745,122 lb., value $154,454; Novnt Scotia, 94,727, value $16,959; and BrItiSli. Columbia, 18,00Q lb., i"alue 13.960. 'rim average price per lb. of factory cheese for all Canada worlts but to 21 cents In 1916, as compared 'th 17 cents in 1915. In 1916 the Columbia, 25 cents. In Quebec and 4 Ontario the average`priCe IS 18 cents itrid in Alberta It is 21 cents. 13ritish military authorities have is- sued instructions that no soldiers who are now engaged on agricultural work in Enedand are to be withdrawn front the land until further notice. This instruction applies to all the classes sokPe,s who have been mode avail - e for agricultnral, work A Coll to Your Grocer will bring a package of UtS A delicious, healthftil food and a pleas- ing lesson economy. - "There's Reason!' Yours gratefully, JOHN WALSH TURKEY'S SHINING.,STONE. Prophetic Piece of 3Iarble Keeps Otto- cLIRIBED ills mans Confident of Victory. Perhaps the most remarkable of all the Constantinople "prophecies," re- cently discussed, is connected with the "Shining Stone" in the MOsque of St. Sophia. This is a slab of trans- lucent marble, brought from Persia, which has been fixed in the west side of the gallery. It emits rays of dazzling brilliancy during times of national prosperity or religious triumphs of Islani, but be - Too to Walk Upright. Operation Advised. Saved by Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. comes black and oPaone, however This woman now raises chickens 2,nd cloudless the skies, when disaster does manual labor. Read her story: threatens the Ottoman Empire or the Richmond. Inch: --"For two years I faith. — was so sick and weak with troubles from my age that when going up stairs I had to go very slowly with my hands on the steps, then sit down at the top 'to rest. The doctor said he thought I: should have an operation, and my friends thought I would not The Respectful Tmuntv. live to move into n I lender, to a Canadian battalion — daughter asked me emmmided by a bald, elderly "colonel. to try Lydia E. ,P nkham's Vegetable Compound as she had taken it with good low days he. approached' his tilts. I did so my weakri d` lohl.narnagnrcileevilanaciew.1 asked Pernii'siO 'tb " ppeated, gamed in strength, moved "I wish you would ,use your influ- garden wong, shhoonivelect(lIcidiratndlidings-lodf lice, sir, to resfrain my platoon 'from" ing and dement WOrk, and raised bun- eferring to me as 'Legs,' '' he said clreas °I chickens -and fineks. ean. not say enough in praise of Lydia ,Flo' "Sure, my lad; sure," replied the Pinkluim's Vegetable Com ound It never hitherto , been seen darkened, 'though. the Sultan's armies have frequently been defeated and the power of Islam seemed', to' suffer eclipse. Thus this prophetic stone proves to believing Moslems ,that, howeVer fate may. frown in the pres- ent war, the real victory remains 'with 'AI, Pec or l.. fila;;: while lil,c springs, 'hen the macs slat fishes may be see 1)Z t;nnfireds Its: purSISIt; of c' nos left behind Ly t3se CIIaltb the trees, soltaettlne thirty= or even forty feet, sects, ]6 ii the pi ail. a� a 4i+ art et -,t Buddhist monastery v;codim blocks, believed to l est p"i t ig bkoek in t:l e ve r c c try; been discovered. .Li ten buying is t is on ha �laa " PIANO AOTION ra, ti' tt3f� pills oven' the rent a mnan, 133:e <a behave 11k€; ore. '11 in 111' aced r, t31e. a and leaaw'c tlo l,lc O S Tel :II SS p,aszrp sly, Dges ru remote Ibe halt, and .krone wx0tk d, $2a bettleile ivcrcti. £it3pl A1]SQIf,147.1E,. ,liti' fst to tlriAsot ka;`r Qo3i , it(SRatf rtfi tt. circ }... , w.y!,tat1R % •ff aR 9,,, T"hisW • , dreogins ccr ur,;i8i c4,r':�2",i.. xs;.l Itd4'MA..r,ear ,yy i g. F,, d�t8ia, t, fl. r., 5tf ly ,., s F d ,3Fti islacs. 1?lIS. a 1, 9 1111 e Easilyand Cheaply Using EIIIICtir �Si M and l`ei e ciitn Brook "D to of The Soap to i eletinse 1310- jll.r3' iy- the Oin•ment E rltahcandheal. r , f tlnnc, better all skin and scalp ,` troubles, as well as for cw'ery'-day toilet purposes, 1 prl liacFree Sample % byMail With 2 ,. . ta�aldnl3oalr. Farsltzttalesar2tis'eas cwst,-aalr'd: " uticura Dept, N, Boston. .. LJ,S S. A, Sold tlst'olssiswauc tiro world, i d.l tw Ito 1113. ',nrl rlak5rt t' st itch: lit ., d[rtCr having` Vt7tt, rat a u;1, SS eeks'"eco � sets!' 1 t1. ,*:.•. Say. atos, ttztwt ^.}sero shift sltrlal- 1S'aU 'rl'(q ti 01 strew: or w, It a `y't,ursrrlt to snek.e Om fzlloN nlu test; etee hews' fora, you can work 00 how Crtyou a (` ., Walk wt`ak w* Sit} 7YSaX t becoming e tired. Next take k .a t7 w" two . r - e rI la X tXX tF Cbl . ,. of nas:.ntcd iron three titne:c Her �t2} after meals tor two weeks, Then test your strength again and see' how ninth you have trained, From my own,ex- perlcnee with Nuxzwtcd Iran, :I feel It 'is ;�a ea y ww Coe f that Iron) actr f! puts tho Qin rtlaro atuTT tNuxrtr0n +nagate, It'cartat,nly': o�of• co fth Into a man w• u1 a u aZe ie X• cXne d y• that i should ilfatl lit tae k', e t i p everyn IXats tat is and 1 X r 1af ti ta• every e e w• � w is P asci r• physician in this caulstr�. - E1 Nunotod Iron, recommended above by Dr, &mow. !n .for sale by sit hood drug rists. ou an �sttsoiwtto (rearms -too at`attc- cons and satisfaotlon or Your ttione7 ra- funded. Doctors Tell Why They Prescribe �. . Explain Haw es ahs Week's Rezna ktY In Many Instances. Iar. Beck, an eye specialist of near]r twenty years practice. says: "Two promi- nent eye specialists, after a thorough exam- ination of a young girl aged twelve. de- cided that to save the sight of or right eye the left must be tryremoved. on Opt before p ad- vised- Ivitting the operation. within three days a decided imp.r0sement was noticeable, within a week the inflammation had almost disappeared, and at the end of sir weeks all danger was past and ^the eye saved. I saw the ease again to -day. The eye ball has perfect `motion. 'Whoa she began to use The conjunctival imlanunation has disap- peared. lier vision is nott• 20/20 (20/20 is normal as you know) as against 20/2000 when she began the use of lion-Opto. other patient came to me suffering from 131epharitis INIarginalis with all the usual symptoms such as morning agglutination 02 the lido chrOnic vonitioctivitis_, and epliipliera. tier eyes had the dull, suUtised Ixpression common to such cases. She used Bon-Opto and not only overcame her dis- tressing condition but so strengthened her eyesight that she was able to dispense with her distance glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her. In this instance I should say her eyesight was improved 100 per cent." Dr. Judkins says: "While house surgeon at a New England Elye and Ear Infirmary and durinf many years in general dispen- oPuate ana opticians too willing, to pre- scribe glasses; and both inclined to neglect Has Seen Eyesight Improve fronk 73 the strengthening and developing of the sexy pract.ce, I found oculists too prone to to 100 in a fleniarkably Short Tint' eYesight- The success °f 13°11' -°Pt° os ,on, ass.—Idctims of eye strain and other eye :weaknesses, and tho'se Irlio wear glasses, will be glad to -know that Doctors ' and ,Eye Specialists.now agree there is real hope and help for them. Many whose eyes were failing say ,they' have had their oyes restored and.maily ayho once wore glasses' say tbby,haye thrown them away. One man: says, after using Bon-Opto: "I was almost blind. Could mot see to reado,a1; all. Now Can ref!d everything without my glasses, ,n thy eyes ao riot hurt any More. At night they would ,pein"clreatifully. Now they feel s. strengthening the eyesight will soon :make eve lasses old-fashione . The Director of ..isfelical Inspection of Boston Sehools rn /1. that only 14,010 pupils out of 80,175 exam- ined need to wear glasses nov--, a marked decrease over (lie previbus report. Bon- Opto is hastening the eyeglas,sless age in bespectacled Boston." Dr. Smith. an oculist of wide experience, says: "1 hayo treated in private practice a number of serious optlialude diseases -with Borl-Opto and am able to report ullirnate recoyery in both acute and ehron' 5 fine all the lime. it Watt like a Mirmile to or report published Pebruav `,0 1915 t i r. B ceme to 105 Mime suffering -with 'an , ,, v m used it says: "ilhemt- infected eye. The condition VraS so serious mosphere secined hazy with or without that an op -- tion for enucleation seemed glasses, hut after -using this prescription for imperative. :Before i• -•sorting, to the ormr-: fifteen days everything seems clear. I can ative method I prcscrined Ilon-Opto and ill read even fine priiit without glasses." Au- twerty.l'our hours, the SOCrelion bad. lcs- onter who used It say.s: "I was bothered staled. hill- -- - a hos., I cured and retained. its normal .vision. Au - e worn gbis5os several years,. both:- Other.ease of 'extreme convergent strabismus. ,stai.ce nud,,wor,k, 'and. witheu t,them (cross ores) escaped the surgeon's knife by Ilit,:::::111.1,1,03,21.)lielee,11:_,sci,c,:fllirre(le:calltsd'ee-Je-s,t.:1 lonel solemnly,' "if you'll use yours -if these facts are useful you.may pdb.,0 conditi3Oir otving,%9; ,010 t' „women."—Ilirs. 0. JOIINSTO.F,ROlyte to stop rny whole battalion calling rne lish them for the benefit of other, "4,1): 4.14144 mantes t Ciu• a colds 130x 190, Richmond. Ind. , ISSUE NO. 44-7'17. `Bon-Opto Is Hastening the Eyeilas.5. less Age in Bespectacled Boston." also used it and we 'are agreed as to its re- sults. In a few daYs ruiner my observa- tion, the eyes of an astlig,,matic case v-ero so improved that glasses have been discarded by the patient." Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfull,v benefited by the use of lion- Opto and if you vvant to 'strengthen your eyes,' go -to any drag store and get a bottle .of ton-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to fold- times daily. You should notiee.your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start, and -inflammation and red- ' ness svill quickly disappear. If your eyes bother 'you even a iittle it- is your (bety to take steps to .sa,ve them now before it is too lake. Iliplialessly blind inigliv have strved their sight -4f they had ot(red for their NOTE—A eliy physician to -whom. the ahove remarkable eye remedy. ,Its rig ec- e '141 tl