HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-8-9, Page 4G Y ATTRAC CUB 'TIC 1.i. I.�it3;Z?RhdxT�' -1;+PON ,liiN AG.A.N"T 1VAN LAKE Oil HAYS i. dS 3a'A.BT i!A LAKES ROT' >G14 : DA's: xaateam and fall iafornF �eyrn at $il Graaid TTrunkTr.,ktit Of I1 E Horn ' i Passenger nt, G, T, B;' Sys,: t. tri, Toronto Ontario, PS -iia tooriist tickets 5sow o t Ri Ontario a sit iw3'6'#?,3 in rs, with iibera' stop overs N 00 AN 11 TON s ;TR,1', T1117.4 TO EL'S': WI RF0R.E 1T ADVANCES , Z 3ICE r ioY-° end..'tir Wobi i"`03"."4: an , CLATWORTM ORANTON UR FRANCE NOW II PEFUI End of the Great Struggle ts` tt Sight. e pact Made Hopei PARIS, his new h:at:the Altir+il t}E(ove is ling Launched %or the .tune WW'izh !llaxemaxt 7rdss:. lie People of .Pares Very 1 About Coming 'Victory. Aug, 7.-0 .: the result oL battle, destined to' pteree ne Ge urian line frons the North Sea depends h of the Scares. of ebanb.� � pa, A Iii p b •bility the liberation of renes' 1zd B-elgiau Flanders. Only nsv the writ r in Gaulois is allowed us to express the hope all :France a; plaeod in the northern offensive,; eofcnee- bed Paris this first. of August, on *brei? `three pars ago the anh,ouneement of mobilisation set forth beyond the shadow et doubt the .war`s za.evitability. It is,, I indeed, f he e"ft a aatiag effort of the 1 Ailits that coincides with that poig dant anaiversazy:, Aznerica---a, young^, aunt in' ;'*e fulness of strength tan impa red—nlay. he prepariao for tom; or thret,, :gore yeors of war, 1 t stor msw pt I e rogaw $taows bet er,' , anti wfgne she is warned that, ud of the long nightmare is anli, For the first time the all ffaausiva' bas been launched with ftal once lander a leader of sudlcien alikre to pus?:i through the plans to n eizd, irrespeetive of difficult/ea or riticistn. Izx Petain France has ouad her Grant, Every writer oi> aa. has remarked' the elosetaese ? p ailed. with the Civil lias'; rduil svis Gettysburg, Plaoders' e sire 1 "ilderness, For some it weeks it I x s lacers known that the otieataive of April would have been a su cess that is, woad have broken, the Ger;aat---lead the attack beenpreez;d home, This time triere UM ?n . no liesitatitln such as saved' tial Germans ttzen, to the n eaotixrg;k'. t °e aftwa int t11e Initial victory is i''a°ed with ea l' * 4,y. the people ew They * tL it isdes + al Term from SlioftTilANI, 1 a C • hasp, litorough i;'xxt-lei tastrr.ctors rend w ,..ode ate; for ting. Get .G. A. 1ac.1:,<NCZI.I..l. r ??rine c3i da+9ldQo�Qh+9M+Bo�GlMatr+W ongratuiatino Hon. Robert .ii his exoneration by the, -"Feiner Commission of the est yea made against him by Mr. tree Galt. "'Surgeon General Fotheringham, reporting that evidence from, the front :contradicted statements in Ar- thur Mee's pamphlet, "The Fid- dlers," and that they. were gross ex- aggerations, whose circulation in, Canada was harmful, the book re- mains wader the censor's ban, with heavy penalties far its possession. SATURDAY. A state of siege has been cec1ared in the whole Grtek,- department of Attica. Japanese ships will be loaned to r s the ma - the Allies to grail offsetub s rine bases, The Duchess of Connaught, who died in March last, left an estate valued at $628,000. Large squadrons of Italian air- ships effectively bombed the arsenal and military works at Poly,.. It is estimated that 36,440 amen will be neded to harvest the grain, crop in the prairie provinces. Pte. John Geerge. Pattis+ia, a .'a nadian, was awarded a Y. C,' for rout- ing an entire German machine gain anal Leonard Woods ' of ° the can army has; issued, a state egardiug, the menace' of vice ,in litany &sraps, patriot, f?# 'Toronto, as incial 1)ireettsr of Sur - ration' until a go, sized at tial age of S2, Swiss €Iovernnlent has issued not give your. boy and eir1 as opportunity to naketreirhoare fudg easy�'a and Eytftcfr ':� A ft-.i`i there the same ehancesto o-ilipro- motion :,and'. sneer.= astheladbavixxg the, hi advantage of nit.WEBSTER' INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in home.' This new `creation answers with final author == ity all kinds of puzzling questions i• n history, geography,;iography, spxxlling, pronunciation, sports, arts, ▪ and sciences. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms; 2743 Pages Over 60001llustratlons. Colored Plates. The'mar daationarg with the Divided Page • The type matter is equivalent to that .g of a 15 -volume encyclopedia. More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, and Authoritative than any other Eng = fish Dictionary. REGULAR AND INDIA - PAPER EDITIONS. WRITE' for specimenpages illustrations, eta FItEE, a set of Pocket = Maps if you name this 0. paper. - G.& C.MD1;11111% CD., g. SPRINtii'FiELD, MASS, guilt IIIIIIiwii IIIIIIUIPIIIinimI011111llj11lllmmihint STOMVTACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA 'dPape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy :Stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes, If '"7tat' you just ate is souring on yin stomach or lies like a lump of d, refusing to digest, or you belch ys nand eructate sour, undigested' xtar have a feeling of dizziness, burn, fullness, nausea, bad taste math ` and , stomach -headache, you mend relief in ve minutes. mtend to stomach tro iJ le forever ening a larger -c�>zt ca to of 'apetur>'?�lalI?rfi8 ore. 03 het, in beat t e beginning' o evel .. tagirie w dnsaa' Issue arses socia: ftp tome, not ti rut ai T en order s except tho acme' ` uses them,: i2 ii g ail cereal crops realtiired for the per - of the people who grow The City er Liege has bee fined 500.00 festrias " disobeying an or giveza l>y the a therities to deiuolisla taunldinge da aged by fire. The kaiser b inarked the third. anniversary Of tlln5,e?utbreak of the ss°ar by giving a $l$ ial decoration to s°tan 1lindenburg, r lel `glair services as ental" innperial bgft i' The Austrian troops have vect. Crt*r aowitz in their Galacian sl,r;ive Russians. Arciadu?ae sepia cottanuatiled the troops Ihat rite the city, "1 J`ar Convention Toraan,to laeelared in nlso ad - 0 xua llrsaetai. A co*,iu- of e to alensaza.d ,war other goal than t` e restos tltttt o! .\isace-Lorraine. As Ribot' declared ie the Cbaruber. Frithce ex- preesly repudiates amus at, conquest.m ''Ila the nave of France, 1 have re £*luted the policy of annexations by ogee, lL the German, people would realise that we desire only peace founded qn the rights of nations.. then tbe conclusion of that peace would be greatly facilitated." In default of alt other methods of bringing home the said realiratton to tt:e German people the Allies will hammer it into their heads if neces- sary. That is the ultimate objet- sive of the allied offensive in Flan- ders. .1 tri' th tavntlola w Urge rerio&tttiens 3t ata Sl7;. HAIG"S NEXT MOVE. 3Cill Determine. Objective and Pro- eeed to Achieve It. LONDON, Aug. ?.--Major-General ,laurice, of the War Office, said that the British commander's next move in Flanders was to determine another objective. and then, atter , the cus- tomary process of preparation, to proceed similarly to achieve :it. "In eases of this kind," said the director of military operations, "the objective line depends mainly upon the range of the artillery. The at- tacks must be patient and methodi- cal. In this way we can gain ground and inflict heavy losses on the enemy without heavy losses to ourselves. That is the system used at Arras and at Messines, and the one now being used in Flanders. "In this week's battle we co-oper- ated with the; French. There were about six times as many British troops as French soldiers. of the 73ritish four -fifth: were purely Eng- lish, and one-fifth Anzac (Austral- ians and New Zealanders), Welsh, and. Scotch. No Irish or Canadian troops participated." German U-I3oat Smashed., AN ATLANTIC PORT, Aug. 7.— The destruction of a German subma- rine by means of a bomb dropped from a battle plane after the U-boat had disclosed its presence by launch- ing a torpedo at a large passenger ship, was described by passengers on the vessel on arrival, here. The Ship, according to some of the passengers, was escorted out of port by neutral battle planes, which worked in relays from a mother ship closely following. The appear- ance of the wake of a torpedo, which swept by the vessel at a distance of about forty yards, was the signal for a concerted attack on the subma- rine by three of the flyers. The drop- ping of a bomb was followed by an immense fountain of water, which the passengers said was filled with pieces of wreckage. Premier Defines Position. MONTREAL, Aug. 7.—Sir Lomat Collin, Premier of Quebec, who has been absent from the province for several weeks, made the following declaration last Thursday regarding the political situation: "The attitude of the Province of Quebec is sincere. To us it appears that a Government elected six years ago upon a programme containing e, not ons,word relating to milithry mattersrlSet not a Government oehtell should ;ipose +C nscri tion ;,a G ads the elections ands ,her maj i t7 e Canadian peO3%pc`i Blare 11." 0, yin as as he h hitt Simon of Cola will. into the colln- aers in gather- erop, These work - guaranteed the differ - la t thy are earning the lower wages paid thein rand. DAY. of Kingscilie, ten Es - sea Taloned, is dead. The British troops are now ssear- ing the e;bain visor. The Dutch liner' Noordain was t,ticaed, hitt remained afloat, An impressive intercessional ser - ice 'WAS was held in Westminster Abbey, Special services in the churches marked the third anniversary of the. war. The Western Liberal Conference was informally commenced at Winni- peg. Eight Hundred thousand Ameri- can ; soldiers are . now under arms to fight the Teutons. Hon. Andrew Broder, Conservative I. P. for Dundas, will retire an ac- count of ill -health. A number of officers who had been wounded :.t Vimy Ridge and other places arrived in Canada. Mr. Hugh Guthrie, M.P., bad a cordial,reception at Fergus, where he spoke in favor of conscription. According, to Norwegian, advices, 33 Norwegian vessels, of an aggre- gate of 58,000 tons, were sunk dur- ing July. Eighteen lives were lost as the result of the sinkings in this period. A shortage of 41,000 barrels in flour imports to Newfoundland, as compared with the normal, is shown at the end of .the seventh month of the present year. The food situation is made somewhat more hopeful by the fact that an enormously increas- ed acreage of potatoes has been grown in Newfoundland this year. TUESDAY. A mass meeting was held in Peter- boro to endorse the conscription bill. It was announced in the House of Commons that 424,456' risen have enlisted in Canada up to date. A friend °of the kaiser has just stated that the Germans will make another move to obtain peace,before the winter. . The selections that Chancellor Michaelis of Germany has made for his new cabinet are taken as an"in- dication `that their policy will be a reactionary one. Field Marshal von Hindenburg has issued a statement on the occa- sion of the fourth anniversary of the war, saying;' that "Germany, .is un- shaken on all fronts." Charles Dickey of Canaan, Maine, is the father of twenty-three chil- dren, and states that he believes God is using :himself and his wife to set examples to the world. The first United States war con- tingent, drawnby means of the draft, will be 1,107,000. They will he mobilized by September let, ac- cording to despatches from Washing- ton. The first refrigerator carload of fish to reach Toronto A he from t tian- tic' Coast has just been brought to i that city by. Food Controller Hanna, Haddock and cod will be sold at ten cents a pound, Sir Richard McBrjde, former Pre Mier of British Columbia, and more; recently commissioner for that Prov- ince in Loddon, England, succumbed to a Ion 'niilness . just as he was about to said for Canada. s nam Do a C% ` fte roof- idntsti�(lafu TOPICS o . �P F WEEK � �a important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Bandy and Attraetive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A Solid ?Stour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY., WEDNESDAY The Conscription Bill was int ro dueed iuto the Se^ate at Ottawa. Horse racing came to an end hi Canada Cantil after the war on July 31st, t Cadet J. H. Pearson, of Comber, Ont„ was killed while learning to fly in the aviation school at Camp Bor- den. British casualties in `all fields of operations f.or the month of July reaebed a total of 71,832. of whom 2,503 were officers. A person by the name of Irving Abrams vas arrested i#i Chicago for calling President 'Wilson a "hypo- crite" and "King Wilson," e Woodstock P4% of an at occurx'ethr t�e regimee,e54� 0 i It is reported that the Austrian Chancellor tried to get without sue-. teas the Pope to aid the latest peace atoveinMat of the Teutons,. Mrs, A, L, Gooderhana, president of ttae L.►aughters of the .Ettapire, sa noxi, -political orgguizatiou Interesteei only in, the patriotic movements eat the Dominion, has issued a statement asking the order to use its iuduenee against a war -tine election, Pte, II, R. Sutherland, of Toronto, hastebeen awarded the 1 -Humane uSe- elety medal for saying the life of a oldier at Camp Morden last Au- st. Pte. Sutherland i$ only 17 ars of age, and is new serving with e Mechanical Transport. Herr Erzberger, who caused the downfall of the late German, Chan- cellor, has caused a :fresh sensation by declaring that be Gould bring about peaee if he was able to have 11 two -tours' eeauvereatioi, with Pre - ler Lloyd George ard Mr, Balfour, Miners, 'harvest hands, and luau- laer amen., workers of the middle west, to the number of 250,000, threaten to go en a sympathetic strike melees the deported lndustrial 'Workers of the World :are returned to their, in the Warren district of rizqua. 'lrf B04,` D;l,s1,� . of and dumb giros - ata being oyed in Toronto telegraphy. There was a seizure of liquor by the police in a Toronto synagogue. Eighteen Brinell vessels wero munit by the German subs last week. China may shortly declare war on Germany, following Shores example, Tae beginning of a partial Olen - sive in Galicia by the Russians is announeed. Chevalier Ernnanno Armee has been appointed Italian Vice -Consul in Toronto. Seventeen, States in the neighbor- ing Republic have already" filled their regular array war quotas, A, Claude Macdonnell, of Toronto. and Clive Pringle of Cobourg, have been appointed to the Senate. Coal dealers la conference' with the Dominionfuel controller blamed the railway chiefly for the coal sit nation., In the course of the _discussion on nationalization of the C. N. It, Pre- mier Bordeu intimated' that a new Parliament would be elected in the early autumn, Sir Thomas white, Minister 01 Finance, '`announced the Govern- ment's intention to take over and administer the Canadian Northern Railway, with all its subsidiaries. Captain George Guynemer, one of France's ° leading airmen, has brought' down his fiftieth German machine. Two Canadian aviators are re - Notice to Creditors In the hatter of the Estate of the late James Monteith of the Town-,: ship of Usborne, County of ;Huron, fanner deceased. Notice is nereby given pursuant to- Statutes in that behalf' that ail"creel•.. item and others having claim ag- ainst the estate of James Monteith, who died on or about June the 23rd 017, are regu%red on or before' August 1501. 117 to send by post ptrepaid or deliver to 'Mesere Glad. main Sz Steubury, of the village of Exeter, solicitors for the Executors, of the said deceased their Chris- iis a pd aruamea, addresses and d s- criptions, the tail particulars of their claims, the statement of tbeir no' counts and the nature re of the recur, ` leties, if any, held by them. < Aed further take notice that after said bet auditioned data tate Executors, sti i11 proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Executors, ,Shall not be liable for said ,assets or any part thereof, to,any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the- tierce. of such disiribee-� tion. BhrADJMMAN STAN&TRT fiolieitort'forExecutors 5tla day of, July ported among the dead, one in the North Sea and the other in a Ger- man prison camp. Sleet, and Slush. Interest in political circles in Van- In the interest of accuracy tbe. couver has been quickened by news from friends of Joseph Martin, K.C,, that "Fighting Joe" on: his return in a couple of weeks will proceed to take a hand in unraveling the situa tion in the Dominion. FRIDAY. d at E Notice to Creditor T{site, notice that g1113nuei V01.1 of the' Village of Zurich, in the COlnA;*^` ty o. Thsrorx, ,auioniobito atteeh:tul haas shade an aasigrxmeitt lo, the xzn- dersiginol Assignee for the benefit' of his Creditors, pursuant to R..S,f?', 1014, Chap, 134. A meeting of the Creditors will be held in the Town: Rall in the Village of .Zurich an Thursday the 2nd day or Aaa€:,'gist, 1917 i, houof •1.'k in the al°i4ttrnO�oan fearr the `pu30rpeos4�gtac. of re* cei4'IR2g a 'SI.Itetitent of the affair --3. aafaoint: iinspegtors, Cixiai r r jai ,tl`sri- tiori and for ordering the affairs of fibs ss1-re genertall;.". Creditors Ira* ae aitaesioel to Tilt. their claiztis with rhe ,, ssigia4 -" e Sal ice=ors on or lac fo said meting, a#a191 notice is beraeb1 given tixa after than 15th alaay of August, 917 the Assigaaee will Isroex ed to sii;;trito taut" the ,'assettsc' atnonK, the parties 00 - "tied thereto having regard oafs.' to ulna' cleh s of which notice shell• their; lxas'e been givori. 1?.ated itt Exeter, Onto hilt 23rd, 191 Fred iless, Sr., Assignee, per Gitelman '& Stauibury. Solicitors for the Assignee The Wagon Wheel, Paradox.. A very interesting paradox b the one concerning an ordinary wagon !Wheel, which is solid and rigid, yet, when las- toned on its axle on a wagon, when the wagon moves part of the cireulnfer- epee of the wheel which is in contact with the ground is for an instant at absolute rest, vvlaile the paint directly, perpendicular to it is 11ying along at a high rate of 'speed. The two points horizontal with the center of the wheel; are traveling pretty fast, but only half as fast as the topmost point, and a* the 'upgoing horizontal point increases Stn sped the downgoing one slows up until it is at rest for a moment when in contact with tine ground. Yet the wheel is one solid piece and there are only two points -going at the same rate of speed at the same time. Yet if the wheel is taken off the axle and rolled down an incline every point of the air- cumference moves at the same rate of A Russian laborer 'was killed in a cave-in at New Toronto. The United States plans to take over American ocean-going merchant ships. Rain fell at many points through- out the West, with great benefit to the crops. Two fishing protection ships and a freighter were launched in Toronto shipyards. The Hydro -electric commission formally took over the Ontario Power Company. Admiral Jellicoe hopes the navy will one day attack German naval bases in Belgium. Officers 'who revert to lower rank will not have their separation allow- ances or pensions thereby dimin- ished. Sir Thomas White's income tax bill came, up for second reading; and explanations, were made of various clauses. 'Hon. W. J. Hanna, food controller, appealed to the ', manufacturers to supply 10,000 men immediately to save the Ontario crops, . The District Trades Council pro- tested against the C. N. R. purchase, declaring for the nationalization of, all Canadian railways. The Canadian Defence Force is to be demobilized, and a new unit or- ganized, the 1st Depot Battalion, Central Ontario Regiment. River St. Clair is reported about three feet'abolevel; it w41:61, om eigvehteen inches.normal to two feet aboue.aiormal'altthe spring. The steander Thorsdale, from New- castle,`July 12 ;forti a British `port with 1>xmlie , is. 'ep°rted': e been: toitluedoed,ta d unkr R!asaE9 saYed:,s w ua weather bureau some#ince ago 'urged the use of the word "tornado', for "cy- clone" ;when the meaning is a violent storm of small diameter. In the same interest it now offers "glaze" for "sleet." The official description of sleet is small globules of rain that freeze before they strike the ground. When the rain freezes on trees and buildings the' condition is a "glaze," and when the glaze is severe and there is a strong wind it is an "ice storm.' But not even the weather 'bureau is likely to find a substitute for "slush." Yo'uth's Companion. Seven Days King. Masaniello (Thomas.' Aniello), born 1622, was known as the "Shen Days King." He beaded a revolt against the Duke of Arcos at Naples, July 7, 1647, forced bim to:abolish -the tax on pro- visions and for seven days was truster of Naples. He was most arrogant and bloodthirsty and was assassinated July,16.' He is the hero of two operas, one by Caralla, called "Masaniello," and the other. by Auber (libretto by Scribe), called "La Muette de Portici." Machineayr. Has Limitations. The irritable employer turned to his. typewriter with a sudden snarl. "Why don't you write it just as I say ,it?"• he demanded. s;; "Because my typewriter hasn't the eatairh," she quiitly responded. -Boss toy Trinseript. se " weal. M'rs D � I�*'�Ta9Y,-erjns't., for MissreLita'w� she? Ntrs D. 'A eeiiora "B.. ; T*never cared fo singers.-Mti ►oughhtticket uat;igbp tete ,Ino; Tiro 1042 Iheheprietarintfatant el tAc ve etabl , r,*umfor Sjmiiatanglhc dWat i? n hO§tomt.>S F di YPdpAlitTS = [LHITIDRE"� Promotes. DigestiO1Igh ittta jtessandRestc0R14ln5 ¢M Opiutn, Porphine neer N ARC pile, ' di' CASTORI For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of 117:1:1114-11as55:11111r:752%""!!.11213/47; Vsi T h rty ye a . , .....,....,..... waP4K CI CAPITA', AND $8,60C 000 Branches anada 61Ecu 'mils OF CliliDIT SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed highest tit al W.*, D. Clarke, Manager. Frete • cla THE CANADIAN B OF CO ERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER. CAPITAL PAID UP.$15,000,000 RESERVE FUND. $13 500,00(P SIR JOHN A1RD, General Manager WAR TIME ECONOMY IS NO EMPTY PHRASE'', IT IS THE CONTRIBUTION OF THOSE WHO'' STAY AT HOME TO THE WINNING OF THE' WAR. Do your share by building up n Savings account !Crediton Branch—J. A.,Mc Donald Manager. JAS. BEVERLEY ' FTJRNITURE DEALER Embalmer and Funeral Director Phone 74a. Night Call 74b EXETER. ONTARIO., PALMIER'S MUTUAL FERE INSUR- ANCE OMPA.NY Farquhar, Ont. JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent U OLIVER HA.RIVS,, Munro, Agent for .1 # 1 i , ' :, AGENTS ' . LADMAN & STAND It ing's Law Office., Closed WednestfisS. afternoons. Phone Office 5a "'" ' !Residence 51e. tri rift, A. R. KINSeIAN, Honor Graduate of Taxonto trete Teeth extradted without pain. oar - any bad effects. -Office over Glad— S. 'Graduate, OViotoria Office and Residence, Dominiorla,,,, Labratory, 'Exeter.. ..?„,;0t71e3- .0 rarpa saTSt.P 1 1mi ocii:rat:411,7fa:treos..t h:: est. sir, t Ask'