HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-8-9, Page 216. 0 Authorof r a $erap of Papefi "nearer Than, etc Pubal,taed by Hodder united, Lo adrn and Tcra'owo 0 CRAFTER IL—(Co tt'd,) 1 mould, the spirit o ,> . 'not stz oat<N ww ithin 1 lna. ',But do Vote mean to say,: e -';e(1 < ., " will rli k us? i'Wfaly,l 1 sax,.:'''an1,'A. sato a Tem,. that,: they 1 � thin" of our Navy;think of >r, hree sons. were it the or: t�• lxgoing to stay home like:' Waterman did not wait to hear 1,a.,,H� 1 ' a*x IZ. x of T crossed endoar sentence; 1 he z t, c t Tom's t, me T x.{ � .:, li t ( u ,ria "Thell 5. Sight �t _ Los ar,� .. . a s � h. Y tttig Your' , s, which c ,r ew `lst tiz3e91ed tl:.. 'eo lad $ Iaave:", 'IIi - t•w'n vie; w a li � a � _ , eyes aid is talked of even to-day,!t na +,Low]{ lrea•e, E}ij young Germar, whe had eomre to BraUte ford; a few years before, and who had succeeded in amassin a 0a11.171t°, was. called home by his Government. popular had he been e in tine,',{ and so little had the zealicies of war laid hold of the z o le, that s of the lead pg - give hire a dl .>y^a,rzged to -reelat One event took piace, Ilea; sR e 1-.b= ?. ,e asked for, while some of the newsPile NEW rs, Began to talk abut conscription. (To be contiaaued.) "IVORY" NUTS. Many Articles of "I ory" Are Made From South Anieriean Nuts,. The present prosperity of, Esmer-. aides, in South America, is entirely de pendent on nuts which are as hard as e wvas bone and as impossible to digest asoma piece of chromium steel, These tagata Haan whose nuts are called ivory nuts in America, , "are you and it is from them that mast of the 4Ct"tward?" buttons and "ivory" we use are made ; Ta The ivorynut, when aaas tQ lSh3nalt". tGrenmsPaanptU;-be aorartvs zntrcv ttahQe oip r 5betso lolase a Brazil nut,except that It isla, - t Luro e even at utmost risk to tlaean- ea7 and when it has been through the F J selves, goes without saying. It is ; ti:^� ani trroccss at. the button factory n ,..� }aeit, it a_ ,lik • _ rnL2velloLs Ila r our Motion treaties ... .,}� �:�� lions like ivory and 1S just as ,i23r(1.: .. t. ��� � ». LdP !2 I n n Y N- a;~Licht s 'cannot be made from have, uaa to the present; time, been s, because they are too small, trar}sported in safety. The Unite Ste O live to the great peril � � l Baa� ., OO,Ot?0 worth'of them was izza- of �� United ...e •,is altri CIet ata some new life-saving rted into the Canted Star..s_iast year.. e naitatian ivory- in larger pines is (,evlces for the use of their troops. ade from rubber that has been treat -As a first precautionary ; measure, with ch.orosora.a. the United States War Depa:t/neat'is another subsl,=ka&t � is . Tn isle getting ready' 'to provide- for each,':;. ill t Lei ,tuts li;tsa 1, been pro- transport a sufieient number of life- e+tl It m J 1, its to hold: all hazels gas the even ,[ of a sinking. The 'vessel ,visa e cion wed by t airships, w b ch, lQught, cc :? at least alp event skew lzun o reilh) the boats, llfswvillbeofasinns eT and collaal'rsrll as plat¢ Steel llralt tem supplemented bz at rel,'° or bulwark, that iceordion, The arrangezner Unite" 0 LIFE-SAVING NOVELTIES DEVICES INVENTED FOR THE SUEIIARIN1 ZONE. Description,,of bats and Preservers U.S.- Transport Some of the N er hr e, coww'c o •f e o Id ON,T think your home ;will always be spared tit* j "ger of destructive fiemes. Lightman az}c�rt antra ing spam show no favors, to lino bn love-abidln homes.Uiltessyour ? 3 ? 1} c! arlmabie material, et any::mozueet �F 4 1 r� . d, c R r _ ri w. Via!°. • 9n•z�1�'��i''�l�o t;er�gtgnocfil, ,,qt}i iC-....: v.. : �dia 9 alapt�.'; vo Yg 9p rty,, are t'4,4,, txr,'etec0 fin% h cvcr- p c nt menace of fire, f'c4 sr a •'Qa$awa ' n$' hin5b r, e n safest'}.� µand pro- tep;iOz1 in the most; pz„ctacal, most depeiyabito form. Mede of h e k t • tier metal. c hnn ,o xntezlocics � .ea . ha s ' nfL o FOURJ rz- SIDES. c as7n a sheet S A .f forming a o steel s s �' t b«f is gr cticaltyindestrnc; ble, R� tain their beaus and „crvice without zepairs sloe 'ea yourt ir.,f yo�cies s. Wr u "Tnc fikht Rooi'r Booklet wwr,3St: 'ITE FE;)L t PEOPLE Limned (nstabr',sLeu .1561 •� �,�,,.��jj Offices and Fuctcraes: Oshawa, Oat, w �O Cutreai Utat:.,;2 ,1 ornate Zea e fir the tl eo )lc pre c • of. N" ate lac}t znieo the to RM pt: alive zai Lola laouse5,. ,ra ri tbis thin at} rt 0 Given henry. of ra±lige tenT,;ey s fin rasshoppers and other t.a,ects, egetatmo, seed seeds, wwaste gra corns and nuts of various hinds. of gassing them 4clsere they. er r•:;an,.e i> nxtztill and ti p:a"ti4: 3t' wti DOME r%`IC S 'JE .`E arj 11031&. :tete a o lag ?