HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-8-9, Page 1°ETA' SECOND -YEAR No; 2243
G AUGUST 9„ t917
irst Showing
of Ladtes Fa
in e
s and Coa
Nortkway and Canada Cloak Gatemen
e Suits and Coats
be e
oderate Prices
Styles Exclusive
arge Range to Select:Fro
Clearing of Summer Goods
Still Continues
Summer Requirements
Purchase a New Perfection
(blue enamel) or a Grurne-„v
lord, (44,hit0 enamel) oil cook
stove and enjoy comfort dur-
Fit up your house with the
. necessary screen doors and
windows to,prevent the enter-
ing ,of the fly pest.
t Windows 25a to 50c
Doors $1.50 to 2.50
Eteplace that worn out lawn mower
with a nice easy operating one. Mo -
A pair of grass shears will enable
you' to keep all ;the hedges trimMed
Use rubber hose and keep your lawn looking r sh 1-2"
and 3-4" Prices 12 e to 18c per foot.
We have a full stock of Garden Tools, Poultry Netting
sprinklers, sprayers also wire pulleys. pliers, 'etc.,
, Refinish your furniture and floors with. Chinanael or
Ganapbell's Varnish stain.
Paint your house with san-e Bras. High Standard.
pain .
NisrAL-Iln Cleveland, era
. Cate of
Fallis of Win*
Rev, A. D. Gischler„ or Tavistack,
conducted the services in James St.
',Methodist church last Sabbath de-
livering two very acceptable sermons,
Its V, Gisehler showed his loyalty to
the Empire by denouncing German"
militarism and Prussianism.
Mrs. S. Qua.nce held a successful
auction sale of her househOld effects
on Saturday last. Mrs. Quance and
Miss Olive Quance Wilt move to Tor:
onto where they will make their
future home. 3Iiss Quance left on
Wednesday for Toronto to make the
necessary preparations and Mrs.
Quance will. follow shortly. The
best wishes of many friends will fol-
low them.
Mr. and Mrs. fttleQueenr of Usborne;
announce the engagement of their
daughter Alary Ethel. to Mr. Percy
E. Bartlett of Thamesford, the mar-
riage to take place this month.
arr. and Mrs. David( Mack of town,
announce the engagement of their
eldest daughter, Elizabeth Mary, to
Mr. P. II.,MeEwen, of Toronto. Owing
to a recent bereavement in Ars.. 141c
Eweils 'family! the marriage \vial take
place quietly oil August 18th.
Over three bundred attended t
ice-cream social held by 'the Thames
!Road Farmers' Club on the lawn of
NsSItatcliffe on Friday evening
last. In the baseball game- between
Centralia and :Farquhar t sCOre.
Was to 3 in. favor, of Centralia.
erre OD the law LI -ten tin extent, IIOLTD,SY WAS QUIET',
iva programme consisting of songs,
qadressf,,s tat d readings ware given I, alonday last. was Civic, lialiday
a Bowling To r
rd our welcome e 'ti
brethren awl svish ,, 14as-
r May
V And
o This.
Janies St Picnic a
Ideal Nviattlier and ,a
itelthld to make StindaY
School picnic a most su af-
fair on Thursthry of last. k., 1701 -
downpour or SA on Wednesday la id,
the dust snd cooled the stmospliert,
and a large crowd of picriicers toned
their -44.1,5tt to Grand Rend, Three auto
busses and a large number of ears
'conveyed the pleasure seekers to the
lake side. In the morning. bathing
and games opos the beach were in-
dulged in. In the a ftern0Ort ft baee-
ball match was played, married vs.
single. the former leinning oat. rafter
the ball grime an attractive list of
sports Nvere run off and all entered
with excellent spirit into the air-
erent events with the following re -
Primary class race, all receiving a
Fisher. Willis, Trill, Lyle Dinney.
Girls 8 5 -ears and tincler.—Ilazel
Kestle. 1Nlarjorie Clark, Greta Brock
Penhale. Russell Bloomfield, Frank
Girls years and ander.---Viola
Bloomfield, Grace Creech. „Mildred
i Rowe.
13ays 15 years and ander.-- "Ear'
Bloom field.
Open race tor boyss-Wrilired Shan -
ton. Gordon •Thinhale, Sae Davis..
Young ladies race.—S. Southcott,
Matched race.—G. Psnhal . G. II ys
wood, I?. Dearing.
Arai -tried Mans' races -4,G. Ilevwood
Boyle, 'P. Delbridge,
Couple race.—F, ,13oyle and Misg
G. Reywood and „Itiss C. Parsons;
Hop, step, and ju tripe -R. Parsons,
Thread the ntedlc.--Reg. Parsons,'
and Mrs, Armstrong. Gs PeithaIs
1Nfiss E. Ford, G. 'Heywood and 111r.s.
I.eap frog racee-P. Dearing and
I G. Penhale, W. Shapeon and R. Par-
sons. G. Hey‘vood and A. Ford.
Arrnstrong, Mrs. Parsoa. Mrs,.
Throwing baseball ladies,-- Miss V,
ltill Mrs. Lawson. 141iss O. Treble.
of U. P. O., spoke ow the needs and; antiorits. hoa ever spent the daY
Sanders also gave
t on and
"lave "teen ,nnaged
Poblie School for
to lake the places 0
enbosh and Miss SI,
s Quack
Das, V4110 hays -
t.artininations for trance iMo
nal :schools are oat and antong o
ta passed from I be Exeter seloat
si,-ers zit:fly' Johns, Vera Nicholson and
Rsta Rowe.
ship of Stc,Tthsrl he ran across some;
v nal settd oats had been. iilatited,
r. 'Andrews who is fat/tiller with;
ta towit and 'placed in svinclosv of
the milk arid cream Making it unfit
for use. To some shires in the west,
that v. -.)s bronght into thi.a section.
last year contains(' many weeds wad
farms's who sowsd this class of grain '
svill da w to \vatsh the 'WO eels,
calved in town hat ',anise Jos-ce,
na. (heti risits suddenly it) Cleve, I
have b,en visiting' titer several sveeks
land. and air. Hai:lila. NV ILO 1141S Terr
slanao as manager of She Exeter Mfg: i
Co.. intends leaving for Cleveland
as soon ns relieved here. At the time
when the word came he was on ta
lausiaess trip to Hamilton and -was
little girl was aged 4 years, 1 month
parents will have th.e sympathy ell f
rem the Frou
The following
brother of Mre-
resting leiter
Son.theott of,
Shorneliffes Eng. .3
at that home stt whic
ave e promising mYsei to write
ver s I left Kingswood, However,
a brave start.
c romettts on dolor
C, ely walk or
.. five years I
, se =Igo Strom
sev All is
sdss s w Inch more or „a„
of 'queer unfit 10
-0 vile t
ight SIS
Is all
a has
her t
ye sOrns ehsngs fro
meats. hers,. lad sleeping in trier
‘vitli fifty others.
Stale fish sais favaritt,
mIts. We had it nariou form
an the aroma was enottgli for in
that for oar hospital. forlang
• dasal was ensuing to as a
:soon could be ar•ratiged. Orin
did a One nic, dirs. there. "Tli
flay I Skipped assay Train r, 110
inotor bus ',ton the fly" tor Taandor
Atter tea in town., and a rest in S
we took 'a burs for 13roniley, and ha
the everting in that s'icirtiry. Thril
their is sill anger
SS' insr4ffisisot.
The Married d4t-
f" ,ranning and
ich Mrs Berate 0
" called
sit Cy,
sod awl th0.
sits an big:
rue I
account or
still a 1!.1 trat
The err
,;,2-Jtiori 'tilt, 11v throagt
tasti rtieic', piled high, or set/ aide CU
:sat s
'f the tr revrt-
tale you eau rens
Ittri bite! Very weleom,•
stain told nate he met every train
t; from London" to try and direct; Colon-
itil soldiers nho were nos to the nitara
1- titotight Perhaps in this way, Le
it, t o his little bit. aftisr‘vards
srd that he's It -saltily too. and
pliorts ri soldiers club, lie aral bin
sit's, and do as tsusb of the work,
i elf. as they ean.
stslo me to natiperance hotel,
it was none ths worse for thab
Ild Tar more otnet. Good !orals toe
.o stased there ail the time, After
comfy bed, aon ran believe, that I
tut t at -was early enough fois liad
' a stood stroll aroand before ten
fanious old kirk where John Know
used La preach in. Before the service
started sit los3o hati. to "nosey,
around" the grand old interior, it
is of emnee the head church f
Presbyterian -s, which in Scotian(' rat
the, State church. For all I know eltiss
(Continued on page five.)
Where tsliOot2i:°Ikgo for my ler
I thought of -Glorious Devon," or Is&
laud. or London, tat split ting; the
time among' the tiva or six kind. fam-
ilies who 'have writ -ten asking- me to
visit them. In moat cases haven's
even seen them but the -hy h d
at: rile through a boy tit tile CrOla t
or through trionds in Canada. I sbal
n ‘r forget how hospitable ills pea
olds/ strangers; so roach, Lir "t h
intide England, in more than name
4 er and to us.
Pinally I voted for Edinburgh. be-
cause that Ivould be a gond 'chance. to
see the city "ate're heard so, much
about" os father used to say. At t,he
transportation to any one, place
same (irate ,svhen we wess
were going to, Islay not. go some
vl , methinks, n here there 'would
be a respectable JourneY, giving an
opportunity to see as much as poss-
1N7isits Old 'Friends
ey behind, was to go south, instead,
north. That was .to tjae dear
riends of the days last year, svhers
n Mrs ladgaick, are the dearest
Id couple, arid their ,frimily are just
s fine as ^an be. They talk of the
rivilege of having us stay thsre
r son. Eddie's room and. the+ dear old
nother said. I'd be ber boy' if I didn't,
mind. Eddie has been a motor driver
1Prance 'for couple of years. How
dehcious to get into a real homey
0111'2, you' hays some troublfs
ealizing. For it s-er,nts ages since I
ad the liberty or the opportunity to
njoy that. Getting up for 'breakfast
nywhere around then taking- a
troll aro-and oar 01 41 camp, to see
-hen saddled up \vith slack & every -
ATU0111013 111,E COLLSITON a.
Isabella Herold, 12 -year-old daug,h- p
e al John Herold, of Sliake,speare, t
.vas instantly killed in a motor acci- e
dent, on. the St. 111arys-Stratforde,
read. two utiles we.st of St., 14farys on
rsc atal ten people tuot•e of less
injured and bruised in adsiitian to h
tile fatality. The trigedy occurred. r
restining er an Overland touring car; a
Halliday, of Guelph, The literals/ Car NN
tavica. and ss -ruck the claild it.Jroes the,
ti• ties left Side:, an
:Hill" as We 12 Stt.d to call it because
Ease meets in Ontario ended,
until after the war.
1). IV. Griffith's $2.00S.000 colt:is:Sat
spectacle "INTOLERANCE'' or Love's
struggle throughout the ages accent -
tsarist/ by a s'horus, and orchestra. off.
Hall. Toronto,' 'August 2,5tht to Sentence
bee 8th/during the titne of( t,hie Cannss
I re nsa 1 an Saturday evening,. a. tartar,
crowd was present with dacarated
returning at lei tu yersrs' f•srsics at,
'ffiiS playing. Nsses Let the
Old Flag,. Fait.' when the train stt,arrt-s
ha v.111 -Q, onsqed it- trained. Ile rctstr-
131T. .7011 N S'f ANG