HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-7-26, Page 5Western Fair London, Canada Sept. 7th to 15th 1917 1.987- "A half Century of Success".4917 The Oreat Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario 321000,00 in Prizes and Attractions A very interesting Programme in.11uding Military aid other leatnres - Twice Daily FIREWORKS EACI-I NIGHT TWO SPEED EVENTS DAILY REDITORD RAILWAY RATEs' Lsts,Entry Forms and all Ormation front tit Seer Col. W. M. GARTSU sident A. ftl. Seereta wood 'I eeenst 1 ie has e0 hti ILineuen, di -fridge, le is wank. of e a it A, Snider and fa groin Ohio, are fisitit ;I, ta; Ki IiULQu ur Walter tt* th fo Vs1 hi rz 101 tUI 1is fro 'of ansion o and Mre n> Kirk, Asor Sask.. etre visit g friends hfne. Mr. linirk hat. 400 nerve in crop, this )na tathinh owing to the XeCelit raina find waxen weather are lottking fine, All report a jolly that at the:Pres- byterian pienie on the ehurchgroundS thildrat \veil packed in autos litnjoyed their twenty -mile spin and, intite ready to do jastiert to the itLflCh which a en int d theta on, thine b i'Zit 111cdist Patesenage StPil Patrd met and nitrified to raint if le tbe test or the recent exitelle Ire re pit ra nd itnprone men t s by bolding a Harvest Rome Sunday for the three appointments towards the last of August or the beginning of eptember to be !followed by a Cir - .it Garden party held on the, Parson age lawn on eh.. Monday or Tuesday evening fallowing. e Robert Itazetwood is vtry bney these days reconstructing his barite lie had big bees to bring dirt to make gangways tie the barn doors. ak. large number ef men and teams eame to give assistance., Staffa. A Patriotic conceit tinder the aus- :aces or th;;,. Womens Institute will lee held in the 'Township 'Hall on Fri-. • day evening. July 27th, Mr, Eddie ityott, Cotnedian of Toronto, and the Avontort Male Quartette and other 'outside talent wilt take part. ,Plata at Rail at 'Fe .1f. Hamilton's store. Paseball game at 0 O'clock. Munro a's. Farquhar. Zurich afr. r. Dollop spent a few days tat Bateilteei and Taranto on business. - Miss Flereriee Reynolds of Calgaey, :Alta% arid Miss E. ItIcEtven o Barrie, teachers. ore spending their vac.t- -tioa at their bottles hers. Mr. O. S. Omanes of 13rantford is islting at the theme of Ma and Mrs. Peoe-g-e Gerber, 13ronson Line, for a ! ( AN'uelc.s. On July 3rd at James St, church, Seafortla the marriage eeremt3tty Was perforated Ivhich united 'arise Mar- nraret, youneeet (laughter of nErs. .'nohrn Duncan of° that town to afr. Andrew Thiel son of Mr. and Mrs. setextrad Thiel' of I-'reslon. Engineer 'Wilson of the 'Hydro El- -eetrie leower Commission was in the -villa en st Th ereda an d Ui d e fie at arrangements for the, power supply -4at Zurich. \V hi here he was success- efuli10 getrina the Ifour min! proprie- .tors- LO sign for 40 horse poliTT and ' electric motor -win be iastailed. the nein at an early date which) 11(111 euppev them with all the power nCensa.rn L5 Pi/el-ate their maeltireery eetz,ed earedb.ust(yisesit es 8(1 100 of prop= .°v9n aa1. 50033, 04 In-tor1rents 23 tng h - b bole in h st in all that e1»t e bolt entered e use T110 log shed eff. Dan B10- 1 Oa tilt; 131004;0n Line nurned to the grollnn. 0 tt s 0 O11.; SaYed the main ory Clautsitte lost S 07_bI b01S. ch wae strewn be lighttting. dulverts entatig the =Bran. SOO Line and nenble wart. witsitedt one amity an'131 -if iitt, there present. •°edition. Whole fifnda arid gerd.ne 11".11(1 10(1 aDd the elops dietriete are lereetically renne st.Orra :seemed ze hare 1cr1tt(' r this tieetioa, going ten .re Many Innen O. t, iA 1)3. *11 130 * ° tit 1?`10,11:1tt f t.s p toilets a a went Into t inttel fsliortle' erten 'Jen (I10 4.31 0 'Ronan anti kept on raiSitlp; a idening %mill his ninth a Tete ears ago,. 11. nnettbart Otle of OLITt Otd anti much respected busineee Mott was also in tile nueiaess nor a few> „ears. Andrew ,lobrietoa end $011.1 „fames or Willow Ilall ram north of alai village (lean largely in them and went what is ,"tartned independent grosvers buying their men seed and titan -inn' their OW11 Markets, oftelt sending it nrirleati or tIVO 10 Alberta and also the lower provinets. They employed a large untuber or hands: weeding ana pulling. Thomas Palmer. Sr- Adam Rinehart Thonms Intern, George Volliele, Fred Sinallaeolube and lined ,,littsb ore. among the pioneers itt ibis induetry. The largest seed firms in Totouto are nenneattntten linne„ 1). A. Cannelon, 'produce dealer and Albert Whitesides, nigh conslables are alsontigaged as independent grow ere. buying their own, seed and. mak- ing their 0.44.41 InaritgiS and employing O large number or hands in the weed- ing and pulling or them. .. The yield is usually aboat three, toes per acre. In the sprinethe °name are shipped to retail dealers in, large and small lots all over Canada. Thost taking contracts' with firms through their agents here are often obliged to engage help, but often, too, they just plant enough that they eau main: age them. „ 'However the otiotts give employ - went to a large number of people through (the !firms and independent growers. In Tiernan and all through the county of 'Huron gardens (and! fields of Onions may be seeni groningt for the "Rennin. Onion Kings" and the long TOWS always so well token care of are a pretty sight and it is well knewa that the Ilensallites have learned the secret of preparing, the soil and so working it to obtain the best results foe without these con- ditions failure often follows together with the lass of valuaba seed and thea eertain seasons are very unfav- orable for the culture of onions 'so that good experience, the right kind' of soil coupled with a spirit of enter- prise ana determination to Make for success are all ereat factors to be taken iirto account. 1100141411 may well Feet proud of their gTC)Ii. indest • There will be at a rough estimate planted in and. around, ,liensall,-I.on- (1911 Adverl iser. rtions y -r iv.- Bistrie e "tile T IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS FEVERISH CONSTIPATED ook Mother! If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of ries." . , ' MOtaere cen reet easy ..etter giving (atallfornia Syrap of Ftee,".. aecatten1)1 ;taper aoure all 'tae:elogged-un Weete, our bile .and fermeneitee' toed' gently moves cut OUtheele0Yealeaeacts0#'4fre", elatida4getn''• '' "ecbazed -t it ,iaxie."1 "ea etionapn ilie, iowts:iP.. tn. ck. cleildien t1ldrahltrtalaatfca mothers 1 eacause lama lItiss Cora '.\ 11 of .i 10(2 is her vacation Mi Sadie Qak1w't3 of Regina s visiting jss Cora Wilson a cl latte144 110144 ere. Mr. and , Wm, G. Wilson: len last week to spend a .3*] )t af- ntonth in the W-SSt. With their da ughter, )11.s,; t. G Sterling and' Mrs noha Wren of Tor'. wit° and family are visiting. their relatives in Bonsai!. and vicinity dur- ing the sommer vacation. ntr. C:. Redmond of [fay. is quite; 'poorly and lindens medical caP-, but trust be will soon improve. Ilis son' Bert has ItCell also, univelk for e past 'couple of Weeks, owing to ft fal 11- received while breaking in a frac- ts young colt. Very much reg t was felt by nun villagers when, n r.: 'ort reached here that our soldiers, in tbe Perseus of Syd. 3feArthur, Perry Roles, and Shaddoelt had it 1* 1410111k (1.7(1 tit 1'4A11041)4 It is 01,940.10**4red their injuries may not 'prove noes 1, A d 'people or Hensall 1 or need is reritied 14 011 ,'.01(U3.4 ,V af3er- i:14Y everting ti011.1 trawled io 1(3 Freiteh lied Caine to the handsome SIM The offilowlog roils of Miss Foss of this villege 'neve been see- ssful 10 Inesinn their 14* (0113.1 inatioas at the- Londea Conservae or ntfisic; Miss Ivison, fis r 1:4(a9:77:1: 7 niefry tionarth passed her Totertnethate 14! 831(3 nalloo. The examination AVOS 11.1d 18 Ineeter on Jtine aird exotainer being. Mr. llowell of Montreal. for the issodon, lineland Qt)014,,2l4, of "3fu-,io tiogarth it; a pupil ol :Mrs. Rob- Cittioroa. .re -atts(1;:terld'ikire.i"'Criaor r4g'4 r 0v,0- a milt- northa linen even, streek tee' '8 bi 8381 aft apletely destroyed tonat bee to hay and a 1).s0.s impletai sots, 032(31 i11411',1 the V23 111' ved a crowd arbieb aralckly gat 0 The eft:nem:int aispensed eitTi d*$ P11301' ttireh last Stenday. fivitett , -nt Therein.. of .Rratnoton, cotaloct the ifervice. The preparltory the 'Friday evening previous totnilieted by Rev. C. Ai Pletcher rafor tiering tin• vacancy, na- te f. flee. Mr. Tiftfrtfleta C13 t. Eil1, teha ha; iht0it 1St 311 (2(213, but 1114 elle Iris not been (33 goodhealth nor some tittle! and hits 13011 a heavy ecienn a13 . has decided to take a longer vacation than usual 0.3841 will not resunie (13113 '14 Jane earn, A eubstittite will be pronored for the tali term end Miss Ellin' many irrienda hope theft she will he eble to resittne dittiee. nirs. 'llervaan Walters of flay Tp., had her arm Traetorea and also ber little eon had 'his hien smashed tanten a horse Miat Waiters was driving- 'etway atter 'tile bit had been 1111- 013 its mouth in order to let in drink, Atm. *Walte,TS 1prid3d 1.0 SaViA her little girt *from injury by throw - nig her ifront the buggy. She landed in tiw diteh mid! ivas attimied, flihn horse ratnatvay until the buggy land- ed in a ditch and upset, Mr. Owen Geiger had a line barn raising on what was known as the Ilefferman farm in 'past yearri, tine size of the barn being 45x70, together with large driving shed attached. The weather 'conditions were niost unfavorable for !raising the structure, but with a good large force of neigh- bors and 'friends the work was well done. Mr. John Doig. the veterantaritt Well-known (framer having every- thing in eine shape, everything going together like 'clock work. Mr. Geiger will have a tine storeroom for his crops in the teal/. The death took place on. July 16th. of Mr, It. W. Fulton one of 'Hensall's early residents. Mr. Fulton, hail been in nailing health for some time with an incurable diseas0 in his face, inn- cer. -which the bes1 skill was unable to overcome, as Mr. Fulton -applied to many epecialists and capable doc- tors. but without any benefit. ale bore his affliction with the greatest heroism and was most uncomplaining and kept up 1 wonderfully bright through a all until death relieved hiin cf Ins sufferings. The deceased was of a kindly and generous ai8- p011itio1) and had many good qualities Ile leaves to mourne his death a wid- dow and two sons and three dee- ghters. •The funeral to liensall. 'Union Cemetery was private and was 'con- ducted by Rev. David Infair, a rela- tive )from near Niagara Falls, wbo wits here at the time on a visit. Mr. l'ultort was in his 641h year and ,up to the tinae of Ins illness was a strong and rugged man. Chiselhurst 311e-. ' and tiaughtN- o1 Lon - 1153 3,0 ro 8(2!! \%'l1( ,34.1,1 annes, here ,dtiring the east wnek. arati MTS, h1 '(2 i)etroit, spent a fete day.s. -nice Arr. t Infre.; G. W, 17nr(_in. \Ire. &nein rL sardine after spen her fatheie ef and -airs. teelly 33',3re ineifOn airs. In deinf The leany'.•'arte be.paesed tre eaveraea'aind hop 31(1 ..tbn.ath3 cool !nein NN wilder and the , 13 c 19P e et) 4,et UoM A Granton iisfesa tfiroiert. Fle;313er fo leer Miss Bliza Brooks falo is vis- ing with Mrs. Vir. D. Stanley Wreford Bill of Tilbury is spend- . . king• a (few holidays at his home here. nisi, week. Sapper C. Nixon o visiting with her cousin Miss. Mina Ray, nasonio Grand lodg-e son Georgie is visiting int itia John For- , Mrs. Frank Gleason of nfitehell mei" ailaisc,hantertind tolottloroantttoendi.i.eiditshotnIhd,-s: For - 1,24,4.. Sigrtallers. Ottawa, is e threo 'weeks furlough. Mr. Frank Ranson of ,Lions returned last week to bis how r Imre to spend iiis vacation. efr. E. lfodgins, of Conine -wood is imentling his vaeatien at. flee 1101 1-' of his father Mr, Richard Hodgins, Alt, and lira, George Tbo.331.loa op ehadron. Nebraska, 'A r(- at /tree holidaying With nine. S, Middleton. Lein Charitis Wreforel nee interned noun' fronf .it. 1o's-1441's 110srilal vhere ho bas been coolitied since „hi peration. nliee Rattail inineon I1St' 1,V33t3k frO3O A.110104.41te Set 4.` 4.1)'tt." has been staying' with 1,20 1 G'tlasott. RINe A STit 31ouIJpjr, 11:21 A / t staff of 40 yeefe C the 11 a wns oc0)11, Or. t has tendered itis rennfia titftf, iinfeet, ar tile end of tilt), preset) .e 112 Tito doctor eontin service as leeteher since 111311. Shofeld the Ile ad not seco seitable teaeher ill elite,- for term:4. .4'01 be retained 111 NH SOTVI0I3 1.11,3'43t1c3310'4,.. New Brunswick °esters - An attempt, said to bo the lirat In New Brunswick, to cultivate oyeteri On a 'large scale 'Wee inaugurated about three year ago by a amain, group of local Capitalists. who form- ed a company with headquarters at Great Shentogee, in this province. Already they have invested approxi- mately ;30,000. The company holds under government lease four areaa of beds, tbree in New Brunswick -- 'at Great Sherrtogue, 200 acres: at Little Saeu:togue, 50 acres: and at Port Elgin, 150 aeree-and one of 300 acres at River John, Nova Scotia. The ant recovery from these area., was made recently when 100 barrels or oysters were raked at Great Shem- ague. In another year it is antici- pated that a yield of 1,000 to 2,000 barrels oan-bi) taken without risk of ,dareage to the beds. The company now employs about fifty meo in ale departments. It owns a steamer, whioh is used for bring- ing seed oysters from Richibucto and also In dietributing the cuitch -the shells and kindred materials upon which the young oyster fastens and remains until removed, at mature ity. The craft has a keel length of more than 60 feet and cost $8,000. The company also owns and oper- sates a gasoline launch and a lleet ot small boats. The question of establishing an oyster canneryebas not yet engaged the serious attention of the company. Its representatives, however, have visited canneries in the United States and have made themselves familiar with the requirements of such es- tablishments. One of the directors intimates that, whereas the large allies of Canada now offer for oy- sters in the shell excellent markets, which are conveniently accessible on account of the periodical service of insulated cars provided by the rail- roads, a source of profit may be found. in canning for export. A Friend of Canada. Not many people have, since the war began, served Canada more faithfully than Mrs. Rivers Bulkeley. It is pleasant to know that the re- turn of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught brought her great pleas- ure. Among the first to greet the party were Mrs. Bulkley and her baby boy, Robert. As Miss Pelly, this lady was a member of the vice-. regal household and her marriage to Captain Rivers-Bulkeley, of the Gov- ernor -General's staff, was a source of greaapleasure to all members of the fanate la of the Duke of 'Bonnaught. Thin( carne the birth ot the babe. All - 810* -111,g the hit,f,e,inll to join the , Captain Rikaers-Bulkeley fell e retreat fam Mons. Ever aince, the widowed' mother has de- leted herself to the service of the Bed',Cross. As soon as the need of he alasoners of war became known,, ibe1chose, for her field of. labor thet necessztieS BY her the1.r bebalL.iBulkelea ehof Cana- ro e $lautte to the Pace - IPC lusky tinge, ail a awn hes 6n1 0 able o 111 18 o, t! P TORONTO, Julj 24. -The Board 11 'Irene entail market quotatio.ua rdaY: vvceat (Tra;ck, Ilay Ports). aease, notninst.• No, 44. 41'.57,e 1t01,2:141. warotaba, Oats titatin nan 31id4n, 1,1) .2 (-coo (Track, Torpirs.Q., No, 4 yailow, not -Lanai, Out -r10 1-1"1121 (4-.;:1.0102033 to Freights Out. side), No. 2 mdrit^.e. quotations, atarto Whcot tiaccordinv 10• Ftbight* COOSIde,). .0r. c.4.3i ttt 2 NyhttiA, per ear lot, 4.2.53 tc t'oas (rkernIcOS,A.2 rreignts Qutaitic). No- g, rtbrOt#4.43 11. tleY. Act Freights 'Outside) 41-1.14.4r norora al„ tdSc',oroins to Freights Qutatdb). „No. 2, nom:aai, matettetfa neer iTo(2ento). First etiteata, tie ;tote baae, eteen, neneen ;iateate, pate bags, Strong 0--.11e122'4 ta lute bags, ;12. Ontario >neer (Prompt Stiipucelt)., Wl-,ter, aecoroing to eample. $t1 10 $11410, tit bags- track, Toronto,. rdititeed aCsir Lots, pet:en-ea, ritontrer( Frt4istrits. Sags included), Bran, per tan, $25 shorts, pe-- 103 1, 10 0end tnn7nni9nnt'nele has( Vajailtaela Toro Entrn nnhi 3, ear ton, ei rented.e0r le to el:, swas Ottani, Toronto). Qat) 1.044, 0*0 tuft. 4S,,)10 t-0 $41, 1-41/P:teasel- MARKETS. (ThalfeAtati (LittaIN P. Dineen in Co.. Stanaard lepot tae feilewIng .911C3. 0 4,1ho41441- ,k;OS,Tta ef "rr.k a, nee eete- aly eea 339 tee 1 31 Cicse. .40 2.)5 3311-ei 144 110 21 - 4 2!,)"114 t' 1 1 30 Betreartes Lease Reaatly British Troop. LONDON, July 24. Germati troops teta9erptan Ease Africa ate tenalited 4.::`,,i*gft4e a stand last week against thee:allied forces whielt are graduelaa'aeleitiing in' ell thetn- efacial statement isened here M00 - day says heavy fighting taelt PI4PN, wnieil the Germans suffe losses. Tien annonucentent' non "On nnineni the enemy evaaga *aunt SbneWasna. A portion Of "hts forces rehreated soutbijst teatard Likawagea" back on nni the 171.11 ed the ret -cult eoun p rt s and oecupying _ alihnn north of Narongombe by nighttall of the leth, "On, the Teta the main erternY post tions in the vicinity of lattrongembe re attacked. .Severe agbting en - (13(3 eeeneer efferieg most stub -' r 7osiraaced aking uuraer- ,„ ons counterea Ursa ot which it is ed from prison- ers. our a a • our (1011 guard to n the a* ti ed his retreat- offering slight reeie Pursubeg ferces. in the a emelt Gerreau col- on the Soneea area. tweet o Niatron, is no MOVing ;6011th throuyo Begaruka, pursued by Belgian oInsnne from Iltoma." ampaign Pirate Starve the British. Win 1rese4 Asedu,red 0 net No iSisE'en t of Shipping Losse, s e Food Supply ts WNDON, July 14. - ine gen, owts41 tlx i jrj,3 Otreet bt.090 noonomy, said Sat nglaters food supply re waseaeleured evert -rr tho prop AZIPPing IOSSeS NreTO mai la *fetch,'" he said, "the stfOrts, (14illage, the partial failure of t' orinss wheat ceop, and the eubre e deprede.tions combined for ty, aster. 'The situation 'was, serzet tire had nine weeks' auppiies nreadstaffs. Tonlay, through t. folinatary co-operation of Life peopl t is certain, we -will be able to e neve eeneal aner I3 410Atbg' St0,3§.s, wLtch, ether win**, 'the e1n3.1fln0u pitost coming into h ar31et, w3 eke :tient Years eittl atioa Of Whether 118 twele will be eible lupe. t tpplies. Eve it tl))), at t resen- be 4 COST OF REGISTRATION, sIr Robert Borden t *weal WA, JUly 24,---T11e araouut y expended be' 1h Natur.ai e ard„ Meintilon the eost of d registration and 0t Publicity ea, up to July let was 1j1,.4.. 21" Robert liorden told the o Monday in reedy te a glees - 13',' 11ott, George P. Graham. Tire Nee vf directors and expepeas lenat for travel g, °ince staff. Prernine4, Cc.,313t03 a telpor asalstapee totalled (3 ,,'3 in al irons% ',rhea "e Viti:et.te '.23:2te tnitia-zss (Vane b Oats arid OA^ itttO4 Octeber WhOat .3 nerann, an nivel-no of Oltie shoN% SsItorthay's closing price, lield.us loawever. disinclined, to iatil while ,*31030.0 ':3 tflOttilt 83t110Pt0Y0, wiettlpeg eael, wIteat netted traeletagen t Oetober wlant closed taie anth- er (1' 114 the previews close; JelY nate dosed lie Meter and October ':'ie itigher ann /Ienerotter tinchatagetl. July barley elesed tee atelier, i Of; October Oats -- July Octcbe December Flan - join 9 October .-... . . 297 December - LIVE1111)0014 ItlartraliTS. 1.iverp0o1, July 23.--Ifams, short 003, 24 to 1423 lbs,"122s. Bacon, Cumber/and cut, '13 to 3() lbs.. 27s. Wiltshire cut. 15 to 6:1 lbs.. 132s. Short ribs. 19 to 25 lbs,. 137s. Clear bonen. 14 to 16 lbs.. 134s. Lent; clear nititteett, light, 22 to 31 1 Tang clear treadles, heavy. 35 to 137s. Short clear tacit's. 16 to 2() 113r.. 129s. Shoulders. snitaie. 11 tO 123 ilat4., 114s. Lard, prime western, In tierces. ills; American refined, 114s; in boxes, 112s. Cheese, Canedien zeal American, 13033V 11383. Tallow, Au.stialian 131 LOntiOn, fils ad Turpentine, spirits. 558 Sd. Rosin. conimon, 29s 3d. Petroleum. letined, is 2444. Li secis oil. 55s. Caton seed on, 701 1141. War kerosense, No. 2, la 23id. 71341 7S3 0% 114 • 'CATTLE MikRICETS mos STOCK. YARDS. TORONTO, July 24. -The run of tattle and live stock of all kinds on the Union Stock Yards yesterday was almost unprecedentedly beavy and even at this season of the year, 245 cars in all, comprising more than 4,0 0 0 head of cattle, 630 hogs, near- ly 1,000 sheep and lambs, and 208 calves. The heavy deliveries, coupled with the extreme heat, had a de- pressing influence on the market in the early hours of the day, and it was well on to noon before buying was well under way, and when it did there was a notable decline in prices for practically all lines ef cattle frora 35e to 50e per cwt., and in some cases a clean cut of 711c per cwt. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, July 23.-Cattle--0e0eipts, 24,- 000. Weak; beeves, $3.25 to $14; western steers, $8.60 to $11.60; stockers and feed- ers,- $6.25 to $9.20; cows and, heifers, $5.30 to $11.90; calves, $9.75 to $14.50. , Hogs--Recelpts, 27,000. Firm; light. 514.40 to $35,60; mixed, $14.25 to $15.75; heavy, 514.10 to $15.75; rough, $11.10 to $14.10; pigs, $11.25 to $14.30; bulk of sales, $1-1.60 to $15.60. Sheep and lambs---Recelots, 20,000. Un- settled; lambs, native, to $15.75. Hooted as Traitors. LONDON, July 2 4. -Odessa re- mained unaffected by the troubles in Petrograd and laleff. According to telegraph from Moscow, efforts at trouble there proved a miserable failure. The home companies and groups of workmen and extremist party passing Jong the streets were hooted by the crowd and denounced as traitors. Ita.liessegun we e active, ort of Ihe Cana t: have 44707**,„ tuir, 'arsaif,tc,tarriea ernianaa',:heatiA, • .'itifitRitailitaaeata OS 0 'Ation on their .e'lJ,iited ntates, (3a-rcett- great ,orles at ;re` 74'43 devote' ea. following directors have -thout gala K. W. MC - °toilet Hem oe4t. J. If. rd. Colonel Min:malt, G. S. bell, L. P. D. Tilley, R. F. Greon.al.P., lark Irish, M.P,P. The toilowing bave been drawing $250 a ectont Capt. Bowen, Colonel Cbetue veau, J. A. Maedonald, E. R. Cbap- mate, A. le Heeling, and Dr. Ruth- erford. 'For the future, the Prima Miatster stated, re salary will he paid to any member of the board exe coat 13,1$041 the recommendation of tbe Director -General, It. B. Bennett, M. P. Str Robert suPpleraelited has t reply to Mr. Graham by saying that the staff at Ottawa was still engag- ed in the work e. the board and in soy other work which seemed direct- ly connected with the purpose for which the board was conetituted. For instance, a great deal of routine work for the fuel controller and for the food controller* is being done in the offices of the National Service Com- inission. and in that way additional *amuse to the country has been, avoided. WANTS A SMALL VICTORY, ta'rown Prince Persists In Spite of lEfeavy LaSSCis. LONDON, July 24. -Gerard Camp- bell In a telegraphic communication trona tbe French headquarters on Sunday says: "The main object of the series Ot furious attacks of the enemy during the last few days all along the French front from 'Verdun to Roast Liaison -left bank of the Meuse, Moronvilliers, Craonne, C,erny, Pan- theon, St. Quentin -Is political. Somehow, somewhere the Crown Prince had to pull off a striking vic- tory to flourish in the laces of the malcontents at home, in the Reich- stag, and elsewhere. If that. is so he would have done better to strick to military matters. The net result of the actions is that he lost large num- bers of men, gained nothing by way of observation posts aad hardly a yard of ground. The possible ex- planation of the attacks on the Chemin-des-Daanes in particular is that he is desperately anxious to drive the French from their observe, time posts in order to be able to make preparations for a further re- treat without being constantly over- looked. Tbe way the Preach armies foiled his plans in spite of the won- derful grit with which the men of his commaad tried to carry out orders is for sheer courage as fine as anything they have done in the whole war." Farneer Killed His Wife, WINGHAM, July 2 4.--Jarnes Mc- Cracken,, a young farmer of the 4th Concession of Forest, while in a fit of jealous rage Saturday evening, shot and killed his wife with a re- volver at their old home. After re- turnin.g to the 'home of his parents, where he hail been living since separ- ating from his wife six months ago, and telling his mother of his crime, McCracken fired a shot into his own body, but failed, hovrever, to inflict more than a slight flesh wound. He was arrested by Constable Phippen. To Probe, leacott reafts OTTAWA. July 24. -George lienderson, of Ottawa; A. Brodie,- of Price `n Waterhouse, eClerkaren, of Toronto, ) ere ollatOtits, Iniontreal, and Geo eit 3.0 :k;1ftrhe •n aaftenia�ol-Itioanl)P0(Intilieeci aeonlidustry referre aeor ' 3,312 t131 sttoul eause tIf t13" IteNV t liecogle available anti in America." Jortee, after reviewing the fVN:t- of the maaeheee taken in t "'Eat Less liread." campaign in t13. United linee,dom, remarked that r doubt the Germans had tried tlairi st to create conditions -which me would p -event FIngla,n4 134)1n oo with the war, but that the, 1311.1 , unable t) do sca, • l'he problem Of :March was 0:1 ... netted, "Tl: is (hat etributi lieve tl:- "bt -0 Tbere fUTUTO 09 t re aign, and there woll :g appreciation of the vain oodstuffs eutmag the workiee see and tile lower and the =add: tee. Comptalsoey ratioeitag unneceseary by the patriatia. nd tbe eo-opera!ien of the 1,eO174 CkS on band now are large than y ono, evco stx -weeks ag dared to araieipate." Mr. Jones is referred to in pre eomment as ba nag naecomplisb, one of the bardest tasks of the NV, in changing (be habits of the eount. e0 as to utalte it economize in food. W. A. M. Goode, former henorart secretary to the Belgian Rela Commission under 'Herbert t Hoover, has bee11 su.ggeeted, by Jones MI his successor to carry ou the campaign now in raPeratiOn. PREMIER'S BITING REPLY. .xmagomeallo• Great Britain Will Pieta Till Victor) Is Secured. LONDON, July -24.-"We Offal make peace with a Germany domira ated by autocracy," declared Px•emite I loyd George SaturtIsy. "The wet now becomes a struggle between twt definite groups of national ideate Significant in this respect is the new; anetounced to -day of the accession a; that brilliant Russian statesman, Hereneky, to the leadership of Rua slaii democracy. "I don't wish Germany to harbo; any delusion," Mr- Lloyd George con - tinned, "that Great Britain will Is put out of the eght until liberty hal been established. I predict it will not. be long before the German elan cellor delivers a different speech am that is the one for which we arc waiting." In conclusion the Premier said the Entente „Mlles would go on fightine to the endt, knowing that the futurs of mankind was in their trust te maintain and defend. Ring Is Grateful. OTTAWA, July 24. -King George has expressed his gratification at tne steps being taken in Canada to proe vide "those increased supplies ot food which are absolutely essential to the defeat of the enemy's devices, and to a speedy and successful ter- mina.t,iten of the war." "I learn with deep gratification el the effective steps being taken in tie Dominion of Canada toward ploviti ing those increased supplies of foot which are absolutely essential to tie defeat of the enemy's deviees, an,, to a speedy and successful termina tion of the war. I have no doubt that the self-sacrifice displayed el the battlefields of France by me heroic Canadian troops will find itt counterpart in the efforts of thost who, at home in the Dominion, ar€ devoting themselves to this work All those thus loyally engaged con- tribute in important measure to- wards assuring victory," Received $45°'e°° Back nM a0aS, ju k pan 24 . F. infe, instY thousand banarrl fr1.1. rilaesey is ,14,,,; d s This ers, eo. etre 'Oln/3"'°Ye ae the engine rd - be dividedfiremen, tramm ,e15,000 gOpv, nater_d_nybinart (0 one hundred to be 'taa°':11'$aen,ade0Ya, ductars' f this alna4ht'' see,0 00 1,9 elght-hou'-day agree .9 9 -et 1.67*.n. ea 0.11 eraPia A t 0,41A - 4 titte0 331 add 11 4.