HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-7-19, Page 3OF FLYING SHEL
440 has becoe the arm Di)
le Wrrongly Attributed to
part'S luxury. ether een
at three dollars a bushel, or The wasps known as hornets and
ti,Venty*fiVe cents- a bushel, yellow jacketsaflo considerabie haren
ALL THE-BUTIVNS /31. WN OFF potatoes are not a complete i P
0 Tit eiling fruit by eating t roug
a. the skin in order toe suck out the frui
AN OYERCOAT food. Two or three Shred-- - -
,. Mu 1-1 of th's ham is attee-
,-----, fled Wheat Biscuits with bOted to bees, but in alnaOettall -case
,, 13311k fillreeiSh more real 10,,'en bees are feeding- en- the- ex44A°
Destroy, andln,Other Cases Restore '•ices they are frequenting -hole`
t Poe er of Speech, Hearing -
odv building nutrimg,riV ' de by other insects.
e ' a a XlIa
an ' a meal of p9tAtces or ',., ope wasps nest in the oind o
arid Even of Sight
Mcat, are -much ntk, Pre 4411Y nVetedtrewehs.ichl. utshuealnivesmt ecaaIs'inbIatdeilis.-
The amazing effects of shell elt,P10- *este an cost rim .,, gss. ing the insects when they fly heme,
glens' have been well exemPlifid m Shredded, Wheat is 100 the entire colenY can be quickly ex -
the Present war. - terminated, A gallon, jug, quarter
in some eases these effects havel per cent. whole wheat; noth- fon of water, and placed next to the
'leen to deprive men of the Power of '' ing added and'Imthing taken PeAt is all that is -needed. A wasp
peeell; in othersto restore - aavy---gives mental- vfrom im will emerge the nest opening,
e, it. In
aadithe same way hearing has been lositl _ . _ _ _ peeceive the jug, mid fly haegrily
7"and also regained; while sight has. and physical vigor for the 4. The hollow sound of its buzzing,
been suddenly banished, and as slid- hot days. Delicious for echoing from the jug, will make it en-
.. ,
oenly brought bacla breakfast, or any meal with ter' when n falls into the Nater•
'let one of the most astonishing ef- / % Wasps are able to communicate
feets of all was thatenareeted by a sliced 'bananas, berries or with each other, and the imprisoned
French captain. It occurred while he other -fruits, and milk. 'Vasil Possible' calls to its sisters. At
. . .
was occupying an observation post in Made in Canada. any rate, the colony, one by one, in
a teee. An 8 -in. shell happened to tile course of the day, will find its
explode immediately beneath him, with TiE FEARS CEI-ERRITIES way into the jug. Thi e sy, stem is per-
haps easier than the distribution of
the result that - the displacement ef ,
the air berried hint eiean out, of the poison on food for the weeps. If the
tree. It also knocked him senseless Delusions and superstitions a Men of letter method ehould be :tried a little
for a few moments', and whetnhe carneWorld-Wide Fame, paris green or white arsenic may be
llitneelf he made the ottitt4i4g, god j et in the Baihai distributed on mieeed meat and scat -
and tuoie, 'emits Ilm, asahe put
'had st,t4ilsedpi,* , ,his breeellee,N t
t n•
bas fainting fit ever,
d Of Billgavia 1 ered where the wasps will find it.
ee ----
De less diseoncertin diecevery that it
s°118144'cl gulls reftebes 1118 A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN
s are tie a
ears, haps this is tbroagb, sheer
Another soldier has deeeribed tfunk, fo"Foxy" Ferdinand iives in
freab of a obeli of which lie was ,. 'eject eac of being, aseessinated,
v* tim, It exploited oeveral yards
Lord Roberts bad a great averLon
way from hnt iwithout doing him
any harm.' gat i !°, blaek-eats" and ecnthl not remain la
t blew his overcoat
sahte 1.("na 'vlth " these a
from off his hack, and when he ieked °n°
the garment up It was nusalI the —
A Very Mae Shave.
4- -eleee
for $5
0-• PePt-
A British officer had a very
pnrkahle experience. Though aot
nnoelf otruck, the explosion of shells
mold him made him totally deaf
and dumb. Ile was, of couree, invalid-
ed home, but by the time be landed'
in Engiand his speabing paa bearing
ewers had fortunately come back to
A carabinier bad an exeiting ex'-
of the vagaries 9f shells.
While hewas sitting 011 a box in front
ef bis tent.. oqe of thew projectiles
The Kaiser's father. Frederielt IIL
cOuld not ibbit at a bonen of water- 0
cress without being seized with .
hireling fi-t- -At the sound of the Tile fits of depression and irritation, f.inennetrig aver a Plain foundation fill-
'erd "lana" ('"veel) the late Presl' e Prostreting headaches, the weak- 'sued, with a deep hen. The fulness
dent Diaz of aleeeco became eleknese and trembling of the legs, the of the tunie is laid in Soft pleats top -
.A curious delUsion haunted Faecal, unsteady hand and the imperfect dr- ped by a'511aPed belt Feinted -4u the
hug1the mostriFaagenleS and eerleweakees,ennstend inmthetiouseAIongeallaiehielex
c(f his tiro% he alwaye 'thought he breakdown if oegieeted. tends tnidway down the front is one.
irnell's berror of green was we proeeos of ailing your veins with rich- weathert'call Pattern N°'
He would not, wear zeta, blood. you; ?83.9,. Ladies' Semi -fitted Drees; 30 -
any tingle of green ia it ' t f d men tengto., la siees. ee to ae
eldected to anything ,itiae a glf0011 ane r eatal:
311 SS on 01 r. imams
20 cnts.
Can be Averted by Feeding lb
Starved Nerves, With Rick,
Red Riond,.
rish nerves --that is the
way You con overcome We
miserynervous exhaustion.
For Summer
A charming l or mer
weather has a long, straight tunic of
:vaunting abyss an lea band, Nourish your nerves by tbp uutotni of the attraetive features of this hote
KrveSareerymg or pure ee bust Price
wallpaper. So strong was his aversion Pink Pills is to melte new, rich
hurtlipg atong and passed be- to tho o1or fltat ano day. '1 i _i i blood. This explains why these pills
tween his le vithent ()eine; him the whom he knew- very well etnue to See .baae prayed successful in so many
iglitost harm. His improvised seat him in the House of COMM011$ he re- eases of nervous disease that did not
was, however, smashed beneath him, fused to shako bands with ber be- yield to ordinary treatment. For
and the eccentric ProJectile played cause slie was wearing a green dress, "ample, Mr. Wilfrid Donald, w.c,
great hae0C inside the tent, vAter,s It and hurtled away from her as (tidal)* Plamboro, Ont., says -.--"Befergto 1
sninshed three rifles and did other as possible • began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
damage. One of England's greatest states- Pillsa was in a serious condition. 1
Early Zfea'morning, when another men,- Pitt, the younger, ilea at the was not only badly run down, but my
ill Was lying in bed, a shell came in sight of Mge, .---, nerves seemed to be completely shat -
at window. It passed over the As a young man Sir Evelyri Wood. tend. a sleptamdly at night, and
ed a few inches above bitin but ex- V.C., otico trod° a giraffe for run. He whew I got up in the morning was as
ploded on the 1100' 9 Nireeking the WaS thrown itif and Make& Ever at- tired as when 1 wont to bed. I seem-
-woodwork of the ,whole building, but terwards the sight, of n &ago or the ed to be on the verge of a nervous
luckily harming nobody. Picture of ono Produeed a Pain in the breakdown. At this stage 1 began
Then there is the ease of a hell head, where the animal kicked him, the use of Dr. Williams; PiratoPills.
which pierced the wall of a room in ..---..; In the course of a few weelts'a felt
which one of our gallant soldiers was melt relief, and continuing the use
engaged in the operation of shaving. The Home Water Supply. of the -pills they completely restored
my health. 1 can nonualeep soundly,
It completely wrech'ed the room, but, •
althottgli it passed within a few Water in the house, to use lavishly eat well,aand ant enjoying complete
inches of the • shaver: he sustained f°r •all windes°1-ne emwenienees' seems freedom from the old nervous trou-
barely a scratch. A pretty., close at first thought beyond the Means of
frugal people, „woo have earned by bleys.c:iu 'can
get Dr. Williams' Pink
shave indeed.
The eccentricity of another shell is hard lalmr all they have to aPend* T.° Pills through any dealer in medicine,
shown -by a trooper, who was. cer- nia,P!O, who have not 'closelY consider"' or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
tniniy a very dose observer. He was ed the costs'and the benefits, It all- boxes for $2.50 from The Dt''.. Wil -
standing between two horses when Pears an extravagance. Instead of limns' Medicine Co., Brockvillei, Ont.
the projectile burst close ••by, killing! that it is one of the greatest•of house „,
both animals, 'taut not •injuring the economies. Almost every farmer could ,
- ' afford the 'luxury of all 'Navater ' eon- • EXPLOSIVE "COAL
trooper in the slightest.
veniences in his home. '-Like their fel- ,......„../° ,. __a ,
: lows, sunshine? whole -some food and A New „Sort of Fttel Which; Strange
freslitair, they do fiat Weaken the mus- to say, Was satisfactory.
A COUNTE1I-CIIARGE. cular, mental or moral fibres of life.
When one has been compelled to use • In reviewing his early life in Con-,
. e any of these debased for ,a t.irne hoer stantinople; Sir Edwin Pears tells an
Thrilling Moment in Encounter Be
-- - tisfving is the pleasure of -purity amusing story of a coal Contractor
tweert Cavalry and Aerofilante 1 and eh -un --dance. who was Supplying the British, fleet
To show that it is sometimes pos.: , As aiNfivestmena for the home I with fuel. A commissariat officer on
know of nothing likely to _yield so one Oceasion tr,ent. to him to say that
sible for an aviator to pass' surpris-
ingly loW over guns and yet eOcape much in return in saving women's a man-ofavar fiad just arrived in the
• Bosporus and was ordered, to Proceed
"e being brought to earth, Mr. Claude strength, in increasing house, corn -
to the Crimea with distinguiehecl of-
Greeharne-Whitt cites in Heroes of the forts, in preser4mg h,ealth, in impart-
ficers an -board; but it was short of,
Flying corps on ini-eresting &maim.. -ing. Satisfaction int housework and in ,
The Contractor annvered that
. ter betv.,Ten an aeroplane and a squad elevating the general tone of the ma- coal -
of iiving.__Dr. j. ma one of his small sailing vessels had
of cavalry. One of the aviators, of aoterial 8id0
the Allies, descending -'near some der- Rehertserh in' "Home Watera'Crics-" just arrived laden witli a cargo of e°°1
4 4 " and thit he would arrange to have it
Man outposts, was stirprised by a pat- discharge the fuel directly on board
rol of hostile cavalry that galloped the man-of-war.
into a corner of the field Where the A day or tIVO eiithr, -when the con -
aeroplane had alighted and -rode . full N tractor, saw ,his mariager, he asked
tilt'toward it, to make its occniants what had been. done hvith about ninety
prisoners, ., ,kegs e of gunpowder the t had been
At the side of the field farthest stowed on tire" top of the coal.
"from -the Germans lay a wood; and ae0h, we found all the kegs empty,"
the space between the aeroplane- and said the manager. e "There was no
the trees was so small that the ma- 'powder to re m ev e." e
chine could not rise' into the air. n During the next three weeks the
that direction. All -that the '' pilot contraktor' lived in. constant dread.
could -do iii his 'anceavOr • to escape He feared that every ship coming
wdetto run his machine across thefrom the Criirtea would bring news of
ground , directly toward the approach- an explosion op the man-of-war and an
ing horsemen and seek to rise suffi- order for his arrest. He became ill
.eicntly high to ' sweep above their from am,ciety.,
heads. He took his machine abruptly'• ''''' Oee day, a fortnight later, he heard
into the air and flew down straight ' with tear and trembling from his in-
towardthem, thinking that his chance ner office the voice of '' the commisa
was poor, and expecting either to be' sariatt officer -asking to see the mer -
struck himself bya pullets or to have •chant who had supplied the snip with
some vital part of his machine hit. coal, He put On a bold face and went
There was one point in his favor,
out. -
however:Se. be German cavalrymen,
'Yes v011're,, 'the itnan said •the
taken h trPrise when the aircraft cornmissaelat officer in a loud voice.
..aameerue in ,towaV"th, em,' oPere-romeveIrstan,ey,ou eaye us, three hundred, tons of
, ed firean ocattering, and .rery hap coal. . It :pia best we have eetee had
ad' 1 'V 'i3Oek as .„4aktead of our having to stoph,
•hazatd, tamer. us in
5 re plane i c ilo )irlafie We cleared the fanthAiii
o ever there is, ,ee neo it'
.• Al ,k,t, int .1.41 e. t e
.e.goea "Pnff 'OR
SSe ger. e I n 0,,
A i., 'll -
4. , ,, o
e :,. 0 to a
hi,t mind it m
, or fa
a it 4
is, as e
Made from choice whole
-Wheat and Malted barley,
this famous food retains
the vital mineral elements
of: the grain, so essential -
for ,balanced •.
rne4t;.'t' ,but-- lacking in
040 ea
an a" n
In fine plain gingham trimmed with
an organdie collar and bright hand
embroidery this is a frock to be reck-
oned with in -any wardrobe, Large
pockets, and side yokes ending in
points which button on to box-pleate,
are netv and fashionable features
which lift this frock iar out of the
sphere of the general run of frocks.
McCall Pattern No. 7834, Girl's Dress,
in 6 sizes; 410 14 ,years. -Price, 15
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer., or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto.
Dept. W.
i fell from a building and received
-what' the doctor -called a very bad
sprained ankle,' and told me I must
not walk on it for three weeks. I got
days I was out to work again I
think'it the best Liniment made.
Sign in, Aeroplane Fac
011, to be Careful,
"None eoncealed mistake may
cause a brave man, to lose his life,"
The simple, dramatic grimness of
e terse sign reproduced „above as
hung in a, British military airplane
hanger testifies to`, the caution with
which the lightingeOachenee of the
tngiish airmen aifeeenTeerlieuled. A
single frayed wire or ''oervel‘ened strut
allglea mean) the loss of the lives of
Oiloe aetde machine gun operator
ildestOttekiene of a fighting nie-
mem Worth th'ousande of dollars.
The "honor system" means more in
an airplane henger than in the great-
est banking institution in the world.
Absolute conscientiousnees in prepar-
ing the machine for thanext flight is
imperative. Careless, casual surveys
or the neglect of needed repairs gen-
erally purchase the Inspector's leis -
re with the blood of the nerviest
fighting men on earth.
The 'summer months are the
dangerous to children.
plain* season, whin,
era t celie (bag
dysen k an so
ten a ape is loeyo.
the mot e realizes he is 111,
mother must be en her guard to pre-
vent these troelelee, or it' they do
0 an suddenly to eure them. No
other tnedicirie is of such aid to moth-
rs (luring hot 'weather as is Baby's
Own Tablete, They- regulate' the
stomach and bowels and are absolute-
ly eafe, Sold by metliciee deahers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Breekville,
co atateaft,,,.„ ,
tarael? akia.
lee, tan OeltOofati
ta aernedi Courpartr- Oh
eaed a larkairi4,in the morn,
FPY th-golden
epring was porn'
• the world was
rose ,end threw my casement wide,
Andthathed in mornia-ea rosy hue;
listened to the gay
Aad fancied that it sang'tof!yeni.
Julia Clopton Cresap.
a ;I care
matte ill re. •
Three little boys were Playing on
the beach, One had Piled and Pat-
scriwrpeaeeett: let(); ear 13i
ye t 60e per
In these days *. of unprecedented
prices for farm products the farmer
must keep "Ite,yed up" every branch
of hie work to get the most profits and atimartre lea/4022e
keep abreast ins neighbors,
"What is your
ethers asked him.
uncertain until the
ea: "I,,eoks like two
"It is," he said
tit 3
"Pe, one
He looked rather
anestionee 'continue
or three,tegetlier."
loftily; "mine's. a
ard's Zininicut Cures
arD'itrar,44.T.DES POD
TitROFIT-T441.44NG xleINY$
()aloes ftl9t gals #4 9000
Towns, Tha mat useful and Int
most unpile -1.419k
coni -
and 1
bat of- I
r Come,
A Freedman has in
de of paper that
d ape lighter
t coffin
s aid to be
han the 'teed
Not with her ruined silver spire,
Not with . cities 9hamed and rel
Perish the imperishable fires
That shape the homestead from t
4 With.
, Write -
When buying your o
Insist cm having 14
01:10 atilt;
And How to Feed
god free any Addre$4
tist 40410X.'
118 WM 31g Street, New York
that make a horse -Wheeze.
Roar. have Thick Wind
or Choke-downcan he
edueed with
mid free,
TAlined:ehosnlialelss she ss
one be
Wherever men are t
, to great
The home of all thnt makes thern
a ea
This is a mother's face I kno
le written there, one eanxiol
And eametliing more those
eyes express—
The love of Alary looking
--Arthur Wallace Peach.
be at
n the
inartre Diniment Cure, Garsot In Cows
Cabbage worms, the most destruc-
tive insect monies of cabbage, cauli-
flower and relateTcrops, begin depre-
dations in early spring and continue
till the erop is harvested. Spraying
with either Paris green or arsenate of
lead or dusting with pyrethrum after
the heads form, is recommended.
,WHEN ordering goods by mail, send
a Dominion Express Money; Order.
Milk absorbs odors very _rapidly and
collects germs juSt as quickly. These
may not produce disease, though they
frequentlyelo, but it is almost sure to
produce digestive disturbances when
fed , to babies. Summer diarrhea is
-very common among infants and this
is frequently blamed to the teeth, yet
most often it is due to their food.
Minard's Zialnien.t Cares Distemper.
0 -
0 0-0,
You •eay to the drug store
"Give me a small lotof fireezone,"
This will cost very little but will pe
1., , e
v47 remove every iia -re Or soft corn
r eallus from one's feet,
, poAundfeNavplfariieepsddoifretlscbtiynewtip;iletahetrencdo7r-
aching cern relieves the soreness
tantly, and soon the entire corn 01.
callus, root and all, dries up and van
be lifted off with the fingers.
This new way to, rid one's feet of
corps Wes introduced by a Cincinnati
an, who says that freezone dries in
a moment, and simply shrivels up the
core or callus without irritating the
oundirg' fsakite
tlr die Of infection or
3 at his cores,
elip this out and make him try it.
your (ir ggiat any freezone
hlm to ,der a .sraall bottle from
whlesaie drug store for you.
also other Beneltes or Swellings. No blister,
no hair gone, arid horse kept aawork, Eco-
nomical—only a few drops required at an ap.
plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Beck 3M tree.
ADSORBINE, JR, the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Cysts, Weas, Painful,
Swollen Veins and 111cors,at and $2 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence"' free.
W. F. YOUNG, P. lit F., 516 tymans Ottig,, Montreal, Cart
liknottlar rad Atitine, Jr.. ur, as4 bC.3111.1!!
Positive Proof That Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Relieves
tor [aces
highly of Lydia E. Pia:hernia Vegeta.
ridge'ton,N.,-»1 cannot speak teo
Try Guticura
Soap and Ointmen
Samples Free by Post
A sirnple,easaa
speedy treat-
ment, S,mear
the pimples
with C a ticu ra
Ointment, 'wash off
in five xninutes with
Cuticura S oap and hot t,
water and continue bathing for some
minutes. Use night and morning,
For pimles, redness, roughne,,,
• itching andirritation, dandruff:Ach-
ing scalp andfalling hair, red, rough
?.hands and baby rashes, tlacse fra-
grant emollients are wonderful as
well as ideal for the toilet:
Fa!: free sample esteh' address "pest -card:
"Concur/a Dept. N, Boston, U. S. A." Sold
by dealers‘lizoughout the world.
ble Compound fox
inflammation an d
other weaknesses.
was very irregular
and would have ter-
rible pains so that
could hardly take a
step. Sometimes I
would he so misera-
ble that 1 could not
sweep a room. I
doctored part of the
time but f elt no
change. 1 later took Lydia E Pink-
liarres Vegetable Compound and soon
felt a change. for the better. I took it
until I was n good bealtby condition.
I recommend the Pnalthem remedies to
all women as I have used them with such
good results.”—Mrs. Aln,FORD T. Cum -
limas, 322 Harmony St., Perm s Grove,
Such testimony should be accepted by
all women as convincing evidence of
the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Compound as a remedy for
the distressingills of women such as
backache, painful periods, nervousness
and kindred ailments.
City Eye Specialists Tell How To
Strengthen Eyesight 50% in a
Week's Time In Many Instances
A Free Pe9script6n You Can Have
Filled and Use at Horne.
Boston, Mass. --Victims of eye
It is easier to make enemies than
friends, but it is easier to get rid of
friends than it is to get rid of eneraies.
No matter what other things there
may be, f there s no o a arm .
not fully equipped.
An inventor in Nebraska has eloat-
ented wire netting covered frames to
cover open automobiles to catch hats,
veils or other' articles that otherwise
might be blown away.
ea -ea -en -a -7e er-o.
vq6 Nt jakx
s 1-• D N 115 5 too
n Pi
bald other eye weaknesseS, and those
who wear glasses, will be glhd to know
-that Doctors and Eye Specialists now
agree there is real hope arrd help for
them. Many whose eyes were failin
th hovo had their eves restore5
and many who once wore glasses say
they have thrown 'them away. One
man says, after using it: "I was „al-,
most blind. Could not see to read at,
ttll. Now I can read everything with-
out nay glasses, and my eyes do not
hurt any mote. At night they would
pain. dreadfully. Now they feel 'fine all
the time. It Was. like a miracle to me."
A lady who used it says: 'The atrnos-.
phre seerned:hazy With ' or without,
glasses, but after using this prescrip-
tion for fifteen days everything seems
chim.`, I can read even fine print with-,
out r glasses." Another who used it
says: "I was blathered -with. eye strain
, cauSed,by overworked, tired eyes which
"I, induced tierce 'lleada.clies.-I have worn
glasses for several years, both for Ells-,
'ta.lice and work, and, without ,them I
could not r6,ad my own name on. an
envelepe or the typewriting on, the
• ,rnachine' before me.' I can do both .now,
',and have' discarded my long 'distance
•-SlasseP, P-lt(r`ge,tilel'- I can count the
leaveS on the trees across the
ea dimgerl-eernak,;iuyitp,tros
,rne..„!, T. cannotWi' regs My Joy at what
it haS
will be 'A
,so as tore
'Dense of'.ettere'Soitin
Beck; eyeeS
junctivitis 'Dna ephiPhora. Her eyes
when not congested had the" dull, -suf-
fused expression common to such cases.
Having run out of her medicine a
friend suggested Bon-Opto. She used
this treatment and not only overcame
her distressing' condition, but strange
and amazing as it may seem, so
strengthened her eyesight that she was
able to dispense with her distance
glasses and her headache and neuralgia
left her. In this,instance I should say
her eyesight was improved 1000/. I
have Since verified the efficacy, of° this
treatment in a. number of cases and
have seen the eyesight hriprove from
25 to- '15 per cent in a remarkably short
tame. I can say it works more quickly
than any other remedy I have pre-
'Satibed rfor the eyed."
Dr. Smith, an oculist),of wide experi-
ence, says: "r have treated in private
practice a number of serious opthalrnie
diseases with Bon-Opto and aril able to
report -ultimate. recovery in both acute
and chronic cases, Mr. B. came to my
°thee suffering with an iniected 01.e.
The condition' was so serious that an
cperation for enucleation .serried im-
perative.- ,Before resorting- to the
operative treatment I prescribed Bon
Opto and in 24.hours the secretion had
lessened, illearnmateres .symptoms be-
gan tp subside, and in seven days the
ere was cured and retained its nor-
indl Vision. Another case of, extreme
convergent strabismus (cross eyes)
escalieci the 'surgeon's knife by the
timely use of your conarium. The
tightened eikternal rhus,,eles yielded, to
thn. soothing -and • anodyne effects of
tr p
rte01:1,10414t9„1,3tia„.1-psreiignsntelb Bon.-Oapntdo
.a03).3.-„,/-' it locallkSrKtO ,all burns, ulcers
Nand spotsWll
,teite eyeball- or, the uSa
for its therapentie effect. eBy cleans-
ing the ,lids of secretions and aeting
as a _tonic . for .the ,itself
vision is ren.,49re4,7111, aeutee
c a4
strain arising from protracted micro-;
scoincai research work. Bon-Opto used
according to directions rendered a sur-
prising service. found my eyes re-
markably ,strengthened, so rriuch so I
have put aside my glasses without dis-
comfort. Several 'of illy colleagues have
also used it and 'we are agreed as to
its results. Ina few days, tinder my
Observation, the eyes of an astigmatic
case were so improved that glasses
have been disca,rded- by the patient."
Eye troubles of many descriptions
ma.y be wonderfully benefited by the
use of "Ben-Opto and if you want to
strengthen' your eyes, go to any drug
store and get a bottle of 13on-Opto
.tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in.
a fourth. of a glass of water and let it '
dissolve. With this liquid bathe the f
eyes two to four-. times daily. You...
should notice your eyes clear up per-
ceptibly right from the start, and in.. ,
Ilammation and redness will quickly
disappear. If your eyes bother you
even a little it is .your duty to take
steps to save thern now before it 15
too late. Many hopelessly blind might'
hale saved their sigilt,if they had cared ,,
for their eyes in time.
Note: A - city physician to ivhoie the above
aribile was submiLed, said. Yes, Bon-Opto
a *remarkable ,eic remedy, Its constituent in,
gredients .are -well known to eminent eye spe-'"bit
cialists and widely prescribed by them. I have)
used it.NerY suceessfully in my own practice 015.
1101.101AS whose eye's were strained through OTer-
'work or mioilt glssses. Veen highly recommend.,
ltln case of, „weak, watery,., aching, smaitlng,
fishing; blaming eyes; red lids blurred
1100E1Wfear'ilifiiiiai,'"be kept 'ea ittand'4fOt7eSttiair
nie Irjrainleare:vei'y fatal
patent. medicine or secret remedy.'ifii
ethloid: formulal?eing LI 0
.T9r.nent,,1 -P0,0 woqk 5nnsni .it *s