HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-7-12, Page 3egti101ateito. "re MelniAfferel WAS SO 13AD. Thoufght -Site Would Lose Child. During the liot weather young eliildren ..,,- are 'very much subject to diarrhoea, in • , .. fact, more sia than adults, on account of ..... me, eg. . i the moim delicate construction of their Address att questions to Professor Henry G. BO, h' la together for no reasoa than to save i shabby tnem, \-ohein the furniture is eonstitotiona It behooves every nit/tiler ', care of The Wilson Publishing Company Limited, TC"' ti oable earlrg -cm. tro rooms irqtead tousnu to look after her children on the firatee.igit root°, and ansWers wiii appear in this column in ttl` of one? Not Only is the boy's room!: an:: p.'c'niliseslaend:)rthleiOefo:\raer,,1°11uns° reAl‘at°s ed, , do not some serious bowel trouble such. - ,..../ ."<,,..t.agm it is advisable where immediate reP Y is neceseerY - lc You ever O'Ar a 0Y Iv 0 no order In wilich*theY ai'e received. fm. space is liantioteadt: .1rtat:niter didoulatinii:y focateo, and of shoe_ip"moi - b h did t a stamped and ,adalres$ed envelope be enelosed wit4 Cc' b°x. mens.inns, but ir has a sorry ;‘ love to paint? If it is not Possible of any /ooseness of the bowels, for if they as diarrimea, dysentery. cholera infan- Henry' 0 Bell question whenthe answer will be mailed d : irect. of, »na'''' Ong eaerlY Lurnished or to have inatehing furniture for his tom, cholera Inorbus, sitmtrier comPlaint, else croliftled, being: used as a sort of room suggest to hose that he first re_ e m 4, , ,e-ra -,- .; etca is tiaole 10 It9Att94lrat WW1 the Y witl Question—C. B.:—What is your t", Questiono.L. J.4_,,,,catt one vasture ountptiloground ,er the cast -0.. -urni",moioe the quarreling finishes from the ., .. ., y ,,,,,, 3 ., perhaps, loose theirohttfe one by not opinioa regarding sumiire ner-fallovila- , new seeding for a while this summer tu*On tbe rest cif the house AV i variegated articles with some commer- 1 4 .1'k ,,, • • - ' ;lag the precaution to ebee% this loose-. On what does success depend? A.:al-4 then turn the cettle out and cut a thIng seems good elratigh for Bal be.' ' eial Paint remover and then Paint it all tnexstaxaoeft tohfe.cloroilleistrita:;- itibseirrng y :I, ) r . loto .mer m effAierow:apn___r a es;i me emc:efr _fgaetatotrngegr i di s aoat .,; all i; ff:a,ifv:docir-ioc,Naa-esmr tiehsie!inepdlgea, Is,te 11:1,17feyt,itiraellaNdilidine aav,aheordatei kobe tan:Idol esle..i013-i.lale:tpirt,lieetoC oe.00rf.:cehfeau:r:::00tsliu. 1, 9-0elielf.artlowoll il:7fracif ad 01111:E i rtilthoieolilmSt,annik ee J:u°sItt°11Seirhinine ElkPd Qroullf(s1 e4'hIP or i:I,Ile:ti tn ‘,1).iittehi5i. jatRillis, st, "Dgare,s, mot.. , troublesome weeds if tile soil 'is tilled itot.c.l . , 0 writt;51; #,;,v,tyli sir), 17;3.0,9 13ad with j saffleleatly oaten so as 0 cut on' the splen "growt 1 It was wee v in places a taste, no is e ; 4 Ye 0I ,' rel-ows" a room full of pretty furni- Xett eitriter, yoting weeds as they sprout. It and for that reason I do not vik ant to beauty. Isn't he? Perhap,s he couldn't tare na.oted h . hi s /ft '. " 51VE THE BOY HIS OWN ROOM The PosseSsnon of a Comfortable Room_ Where He Can Keep His Treasures Will Do Altich to Safeguard Your Boy :kit the Haven of His Home. - Why is it that the boy of the house lowed to keep his treasures in it Conducted NT Ptofess" lienrY G. Bell. _,,. is usually sentenced (I use that last I provided they are sanitary and that The object of this department Is to place at tha wordtede)libteorattehly and I be,tilieveappro.1 he lie.ens.them ir rea.sonabin,„„ °ride!. c:9ier'paervp$14:-.4% °Qtfl°or4i'rt-Yfaor:karlel asd:jsectthsePaedrvtaicineino; aton 4ckn°\"1. fPrrelaquel:tly twoeofleatbstendi b-leriarabgl''t:ialnek°L: I expected to take pride in a .shoddv or . Pride in a 1.00111 Is the nest, incen- soils and Uninvitinfer room in the house, riot in.- tive to orderliness. A boy cannot be diarrhoe4 her, A fri" and 'Am wet - ,Oina. UV AIso ,stores ilp intitisture to a eonsid- 0, t It Air -hay. express it Ill So gally wo,:as hut b. , ,..,„ , _ , _ ,,, 4„ t° . able extent and if the soil is fairly -14:11. ' r, ---It. is possible to pasture i well, lees begin at the begin' rtinfT.e '!,:oronnomaTh'4,1(ipPitge-acsereil:YeXva.Pde°dss.i°Leei Bowler's , n ,.. ;full of organic Tatter, it conserves ;new s 'g if there is"suffigia , The th. A t 'me t- ' tii !sent for as, -ht! chap 443.10.14,04, 4 r-clepe of his or!npegl,leboalr Teceosuol ffourrramtinsfrethaerezoitantbeii1; time I had -Ott, Itte 'storlirs plantfood for succeeding croPS. '.er groi4h, granted that the solVIS, able toslit14% hadttaimT49rld Success; of summer -fallowing viaRimi k heavy clay type., If the soil possibie. Tha.hhaili„,,toorn and the .Trei.a.!., i 1 telt eVerk• Vends uPtin werking 010' VIVI-4F% ot t hemy may a -t i ommth la • . t,,O bention re secaery' ' nt-et' tters. '' -it . a. litire" e; chiffonier, two Al°41t t IA/ire. The prie‘ y ' P s ur'll''' -1 'e4;3?' a t.:4,, ,, ,t,‘.,,tt"Alk,'"." , *till tend t° tramP the soil foga.% S°1'ne °lie ita' baPPii-71 459°k'*eikteitil:t1rdsesflt-7ahtlitInisaelbf :otnkdeitaseP,Is;itbble! -1 is „a bottle , ''' - ts 11 Yeal4t wtr kik the eacaPe of al-ois%ing4Ad tolgoto sbL,'that the clover aetting tvill ' be one's own room as "a home. within a[ ma- - rays keep I and,,,, xt is g ,the growth of we** which 00-4,5ti, Alathered out. I ;am afraid you will, home." It is more.--.11,,i,k,""tta e' rPhn. Youngster can be tralsted not to get un g Iv, ,1) a h ea a .1 „tc:, raudgyoeieralikeg, g the moisture and platfood of the so!".,-, And the weed seeds Among tlie clover'. beils-e PlaY be seething, our 9:rillijDng 'ai' read in tne middle of the ill'a-ht-- ,itt InVottleria "hasbetitiontheranrAet T/,e'i groa,!...idt!Ill°141dle7PitYved etrrlY tilt Agg4 Al" mrtettateeritayd,etri;eno,‘t.. 'than the may ,1 .for , itie,„tia1°, 717410 41004 7,:nd le 11.t.%;:1:::::'•131,g'71;:',17:::pe' 91i,,W V:451, 72 yearmsoifyou want, topg., sar,ngi 01a.414 4114 ilarro'weil ;mum., iitoit,in oertalply „ (and wilt> so oftenewlaugglattgtood a$103,ather egilhe 'Safe side be sure and se.Othidiltoit diatelY after Ploilvitlet all(l barrkW941 r!ditee the viilue of the seed. Cot- the as ern bta-t. .) hitt liVitht e osed door 410 Y rag, Place one or ttvo sraall get'"Dr. Fowler's" when you ask for it, olad disked sutfiCieittlY often to keep iing the crop for hay -mill do a lot to -lin Our xerY own room we eau breathe rratlogait s hipePaopntni7tIo1abinergteladfelohore.shouifidtlit) The T. Ilillourn CoLimite, Toronto, n : irbe genuine is maulifactimed only by the Surface clean and °Pen. :t: Wards. killing out the' weeds. ",/il,ayllekl,silltulitY'ray door and lam all alorv,,,,,. alloWed, to keep Other things In It be- oi - __... _ , .. - ffere innayrosoegue,:th alt fraggdnt with my " sides those mentioned, but always with -i e stipulation that he keep a reasone d , e Ord. - In Orchard Field and Gordeft. - - - . - . , Outside, the strife anti struggle and' is fine for a fairlY large roorni .a,1 it Can * better * * # • * I able arnourit of order. A room screen if the strawberry bed is to bear 1.t."7 i '-' is a liea stila le'neht to, When birds drop over as if paralyz- the strbe Made to partition ofr a earner fon a fruit nttiosin next year it should be the ration arm produces big gains in' ed, the trouble is heat prostration, In here there's pace and gaietadeand ,, study or den. I , IMMO and worked over soon after t,he ullik flow, caused by pressure on the brain. strength," It does seerri that most 'mothers fruiting season. I'l'eeP the calf pails as clean as the TO Prevent this, provide Protection and come out with new Poise for the cannot help being -annoyed by their g. Any red rust on blackcap or black- mill': Pails -front the sun and avoid overcrowding o-- liviug of We ninoag others A d 0 " t t . L"TI-- . berry pinata? If so-", ,-b.,-,,,,,, oat alio bar4 The cow giving tile richest milk doeS Iteep bird CO01 and apply cod water to that i''' What a sePar,ate ream meal's tolPesiers ?re °Yestires'i" the .war.shiPPed elleTodoLseroa7:111 ehrl,c,e;.' $rit:pc'itiean'InIsdelniekeit neiroetam"eehee5cSka,41Yitbirelltgh_g tlebteat at'inlgOgqersittr ' th!kttttehaid; tinie of the year grdedy hens aexij;rea's,ritnita:',sothp°0eogtilinanielyl.vauld 5e°rn to ii fipeelridnahnetTs°e*aarree adausta-bcarjratehmearts1.°11' But . blvktierirles to turn n0 UntleS'irrahle' elf fIlt Prediteed chat Ca14111tt" 1 i tile majority- and ea0Fe DO littl ' I'Vith 114"4 0\VI1 reetri -it ' it" 1 ' 1 1 't ill ee em .a,a .ia wiae„, tile eaetee, nenoofm,4„. ,..e, . are -it , „ .. e „ he Day Iv .. p ease, on, p ease, i on row the form,aiti,,,,,r e1110ii4 a. zrzriut!,,,,vz , t,,,,,,,,,,ti,„7,,,,,, ft,,itt‘e tn.httot;novt pc,:rh,11.:,i,,,:;;„ 3tseduaant,,;,,,Fort,sit.;,:.,,,,..,:„i„rbee7a1:11(,):fikligt4itaireryibitiu01(!,1,eeltpe: nallverili.- tool 47%117,10'717;,..,,et5tra,,,,,;,,,,,,,171,,,d „,,,,,,c.d.1 try Putting a amall timOltillhe4 tlalde -1 iaaNilhatetea lag b„.00.dere to eei, ammo to hang up POSteTS, plet'DreS of spotta hey., at least for a 'tt'd-alie, Be tyitt. calatheatbag aeg44larly, aad aatea.,,, tgaual :Iallt -I- ,1-0 elpArn, ,, it , ei WIttlItt. ,,,,..4wiro, broo,tly „thrt,h,Ig the entire summer, at, himee.,„ pennants 41-4,1 onnoma, anti the brow them away himself when the*, pltbrair,;,1, sigrti 0.10,4,-0 he. 4ivett d tf tiar has IIIIIi*litte ellfeti !itit'lithiliftittiun - n many other tremendous trifies in are oritfrrowri. h la wise to arltim ..., tittil:nstanw4ileerae; woTorlie;_f2--isourrp‘i‘1,7e411115 aittv tteace;r04kIe'slittfttobe°31,,,, u' "w"nt "vas" '''',0141:ticeida..:(710Lhnt's'niti:/:entilbt'ilterht, ttltehlitoe:Ibtit;;I:41tivemillil ialtiwovaoittari of colored stopea, liko, such 71.3 Itirktra, p.yle,s color:4m: ri, r , .., oi. , ,- -,,,- . - „ i Any ..."Alliell Ill*,Y119_001, rifiveis, 'lea i' every hiin realil,, good plFtures that he wig, mon ' heitVollailkers dtne to calve during to'.ii,,..4tie cause en. r„,,,11„ao ef'eeerimell ' • 1).44:4 ._, or ,gomezilillg, Thil,$ ,Orates, Remit -1,m 0-ta'S saperb Indiaa, some 4.,011;,„, Nom to titinli. tilat a 211,0iii, .altarturbe Tnilkeo, !awe or, t„,viee a i elar7ners nriti 1,4"9.'iren".4" ' Co ectlii',,,,,,e, 4,, ellia,,be alloweli to Uri* 4)4101' cowbeYsl P'Or 'the iiisPiti'-i-g PIO ,•, ee rpo, ..1 I 41,,,i 14, c4 r n.* lha,,,,,,, 1 1 t-1 , littiat fringe of growing sprouts Abe* (1-, 4.-' - ---el- l''',44*, '-'—'' eiliv- i It is t b -t(0 h t 0 5t 111 n's-ltrniirflitut li,ilf-i:, Safe freln nn.' 'tire Of Sir Oalainad. These are 0 e re t a 5 MO 0 # tile il,a,,rie of till apple tree ipakaImatio „inge if the tattier is illittentled. This thelie mt.titotts 4,,,,,,, extcer - sympa tat 'agars, e ma3, proudly 'well executed saliiects after hi,. CrvriIt 0'rpiry4?1,:'';frebsDet/Yrillfr' tlif5.ette'cubtutl'oftb;°151e41' r4vtatle01:!ltblit:1 c"10:loY;r:P.ornicvean,tilct,,•11/fL„e17.:0, fitt4., f.ne,...lt, 1.(1 „net b? allsal:VIIII% *,1111%1TIS:eerilltla41111Ce ktaebele) iOtrIrnear Itlit'''tipell-v1;114)i1Pri9ont a it -, bs:e41,tthel'Itudy,70,°1(;:elisb‘.0' tc°11rni:eall:ol-soe';11;erilrtvitt51 tree". out with themi, iiirY to the udder, Which makes a cow lile°;euw.iltheestellpTe'ce4 071::;;:s.t:i,,,,d,10),Y„. i oolni iieineinhei and he '51leeld be 4-1-0`--11. S. - 4_4.4_ ...., _4_ 4 After a rain and before a bard crust 1 aalioa 140,11 M.-, loi nuircul1g. the other instiiace the hen was being 1, tl - crolvt rd. triorletpa,iinf,iinotal‘tooaiodefili.toirf;:t.; ttilleoior niftfitileftra,tilles.,e4ie,t50,-: itbbtiber,5.,beteinima, ex,,ett,tdeds,ia.int! If there are any timt-eitterpillar5 en , , '' , , ,, , When „,_ 1.1 ies cxti t , a ... a. ''', OA m-meaa ----M" - your trees, give ilit,nt a quick singeing ., `Int/ ratite° °Y 4ant/' 'et' 'rilles- they fOrget their broodiness. While , 6 a Mothers and datighters of ail ages are cordially Invited to write to this department: initials only win tie publithiedeewW each question and ;niosevnerinaseaachnileetatnesr.of‘4dreitnetitoiticiatt:vftsidirollttaltiprr eonalny'd. aAcIndsrwesear8Mwutt bbeee mailed direct if stamped and addressed eavelopO is enclosed. • e„, leicoAdhdidnr:si:ivaelei crOrrreenstPop.ndence for ths department to Mrs* Hel4n 1.avv'' 4" May -7-1. It it not good form to mid lereets and the girls hopping on the ' wear face veils "n the evening. The, right foot. Another way to race is to only excuse for a veil at night is , go as partners each holding onto the when one is motoring. 2. Since yours opposite ends of a 01(411,0'0in. Of fit end as invited You to her party , course, te e flagtit'Apmattit ", ' x„ ac are and asks you to bring a man with you, retained. RialOg"tit'-' it IteleirY Bell is it would be quite Proper to write to a ' another. good game Form an areh of mar, whom you knew well and ask him three cross poles, rising e00s1derablY to ga. Word the note thus: My DearJ-n,bove the heads. of the company. lin- -.; miss — is giving a little Party ed tiniteeldg1:40iPAlle earth and nail 1 , , ,_ next Friday evening and has asked rite , the croSspieee ifirMly on. Then d' to bring a man with me. Would you ^ corate the arch with red, white and euro to go? If you ean„ let Me hear 'i blue bunting and, frorri the top bar i soon P.. possible, and stop for me- hang a large bell, The game COO' that evening at 7.45 o'clock, Very 1 sista in bitting this bell with bails ' sincerely, May— . 3. To clean a which are provided, each playe,r being straw sailor heat try the followingn given three or more throws in a Dissolve one teaspoonful oxalie acid' round. The tape race is fun, Hove as ' cr,ystals in one cupful boiling water i many lengths of tome as there will be and, after bruablpg' the hat thoroughly, players and have all the tapes about to remove all augt„liey it on a fiat sur. ' the same number of feet—ten or ,,. , , , rate and scrub litith this solution, us-, twelve—then provide several pairs of ing a small brUSII for the purpose. 't, sharp scissors. Attach all the tapes Work rapidly, beginning with the i to a fence, Four or six, Players may , , . crown; rinse to eold water, wipe dry i contest at once., according to tile paira. and pla00 ell a fiat cloth in the sun to of SciSsors available. The contestants dry. Do not let the hat become tin:ire „hold the loose ends of the tapes, which °uglily saturated with. the water. they draw out taut. At the signal Gardenern—Try coYenne pepper to .„' eaeb player begll" t° 5Pllt- his tape PP rid .cabbte beads of worma, spriTikle the center line -with the scissors-, the the cabbage as SQ00 astheawroririsnes gid- :Ptilea5101‘riaTiar13-itivKitig at the end 'which is the ram After each pear, grAub"shaisedtVo fmaria the seed with I get has tried, miitab the winners for . be elpubsuerd hiAeriftlresepeidati eigraingaalliog, this may t the final dadsion. This would be Snit - Mrs, G. L.:,-,ro make an encues$ ,,''' ..,,raa‘bclee oft!:isitsbi'em-pe ionlaPeursbgiune;tfso.ur Aplelobtbll'eeor clothesline fasten, two grooved wheels ..-...'ie,ria prescribed course with walking x c lot. ' ' 'is, ,, , 5 , ,Itohsreiel tnytreoceala:f: :ha; auwirenr'.'-.tiralo,eutu hplle1 i LiwantIl:tci 1ielpopiece aroundleoa111iedottifi:juieeneis::‘,Imrt:h.aeai nneirni: ','' bgo.pne:uisfxct: oe—rl.::dne ye: 70:i: t'''. eer, ::,31—el t' ehali:TeeQu r ahurwe::: nedfr i anydogir4nmsggteerb7leavingneiezrti 1.1°, tntrirlii Iene dotgi ,i zfi, euani 4est, tieopt of you. Th4 gigth4,,,4714,,- Oen from the line 14!'"Ortit tiotwe .cole- ger free. Thc'n,,,t,11 tiri'le• slips back erdent /net -heti, which saves many the ''llgagement' 1111 at hex- Il'r3t. op." ste.fs ,and is als0 a boon in case of ram. iP°1r.‘,,t,.a., ripi.i.,LTo restore the color of black .v.;, ,r, ---A WIdOW when preParing kid. mix ink with the white of an egg imfoOge, Ihlatrar ese,,,e),:wldhe'r,,,,fP:ritfre:uttblaltatrft 'and apply with a 0.f-tt aPeage- To I lurec b:,(.,,110,1187a,km.„40,4. 1. •Lmen pro,(!area 441.11:11-4;y7t1:;:iintealteidaltdinf lailieffi-tne swhiteoap. f irtrianb. , ler ra,,,,',- 1 ,, '-'41 me.r1 rtrarked w5th- :'".e.' * ''. in a htiiteaanirri"orilm and rub 4fiX I ' ' / after her marriage soeuld be maraed the soiled parts gently, changing tile With the Pante of bor cecond ilusbaltd. clgth as soon as it becomes soiled To Frances:—The foiloteing are sag- polish tan shoes, wash the shoes clean ge.StiOD5 for your Sunday school ram: with a sponge arid warm water, Wipe Ma. You cart hone the usual races, with a dry elot-h and let, dry. Then some Q., theat for the younger folks, rub freely with the inside of a' banana fO'llia is the ideal time to harrow an "lemarY 13 rather an unetr4ttillrg ht a pail of W0ter. hot others for the older persons. Fight- peel. 'Wipe carefully tvith it dry cloth big for the flag. is a particularly tittle- and polish -with cotton flannel. Patent thin of' ownership or parentage is / With a torch. that may be so to a certain extent, it A stony side4,1114 Aoping, toward the raised, it is much more convincing to i . ,'' is actually true that excitement often north, taken out of an 0111 cow pasture have each calf marked wItll a metal makes nervous, scary hens' and in is the best orchard, we ever had, ' tag_ f„,aatellad to a straP around the the case of fat hens it is aa acorn- NTEI.NATION AL LESSON From time to time daring the sum- ealt's neck` Ileeerds are half the mon to have them die from fright, or mer go over young trees to guide their value et a geed herd.' JUL Li. growth. If too many limbs are start- ,' Tommy's Stamp Book. When threineli lay book of stamp look, 1.3rhat wondrous things I see! Lesson Ilezelciah, The Fartlifu les dearer than the storybook Eing-2 Citron. 30. Golden My mother reads to me. ly game for the younger boys and girls. You will need about a dozen medium-sized cotton flags of the in- expensive kind. One flag at a time is placed upright in the ground and six girls or boos start in a race to leather shoes should not lie i'polished" in the strict sense of the word. Ap- ply a mixture of one part linseed oil to two parts cream to the shoes, rub- bing it well in with a soft flannel cloth. This will keep the leather . soft and it will not crack as readily. The boys can race with potato sacks, Joe—Even though you have not meet with some severe injury. A. obtain it. Give them some handicap. more littrne treatment is to place while the girls can race blinilfolded yet met the bride, the present should Ing from a given point, they may be Or running backward; or the boys be sent to her. Wedding presents thinned to the required number. If might race crawling on their hands are never sent to the bridegrOorn. 4 rook limb tends to fill tile center or them in separate coops without nests, or in a floek where they are kept out - roost in a house only at night. Text---Ileb. 11, 6. With great delight ten times a day door the entire day and permitted to Verse I-5. Invitation to the ceIebra- / stop my play to glance Kindness Should be an order that is tion of the Passover. Ilezekinh---Sen Upon these stamps of Paraguay, *ante direction, thus giving a one- Sheep become assets on thin, hilly never violated. nad successor of Allot, -' the date of his Greece, Italy bbd prance, aided tree, they may be pinched back, land. Keep tiro summer chicks growing, accession in tmcertain (2 1‘,ing,s 18. 1.0, thus encouraging Other linibs to 'start Don't expect to sell the increase of Provide shade. Give the youilgsters113). Tentatively the Years of itilaz They beam on me in every hue 00 the OPPosite side. the flock for breeding stock until tiler - all the range possible. Exercise ls the may be given as B. C. 735-728, these That in a stamp is seen— After the Lima bean vines have oughiy experienced io breeding. best tonic growing stook, can boy°. of Hezeitiali B. C. 728-410?. Israel-- In crimson, lavender and blue, reached the top of tile Poles, they The smaller the flock the better the This is considered a good month for 1 The people of the northern kingdom; And cardinal and green. eught to be pinched off to insure sheep will do. One sheo 1,er acre is c r)g Stronger vines and a greater yield of the linot and often that in too many.Ephraim and Manasseh are represent- Therel i; still a good market for atives of the north. Passover—For I look upon the book with pride beans. Pretty soon tile gadfly will emerge . . young duckling's and soft roasting the origin of this feast see hist corn- To see its pages fin; _ cross other limbs it may be removed. if the strongest limbs all grow in the If weeds get the upper hand of you from manure piles and begin to tor- . fowls. - ment on this lesson Throughout the A . ,.. nd yet I am not satisfied. If breeding is finished, the males Old Testament it appears as a festival .iiind shall not be until are best removed from the pens until of thanksgiving for lehovah's good- - , after the molting season. nese at the time of the exodus. Se- The postman pauses in his tramp July is the month, in which rats, cond month—The proper time was And in his outstretched and minks, 'possums and weasels do their fourteenth day of the first month, I see a letter with the stamp most deadly work. 13e on the look- INavtiganfo,rimat pareolevbisriaTionwaisn'talidee sieneLhde They use in Fairyland. out. When their presence is discov- ered dig after them, gave them no II pmacirtnitchipabfe that°t8h°0wrielguo lvaerretimunea(bNitiumt°. — quarter* • , , The Fairy of the Roses 9. 942). During the first year of - Hezeitiah the feast could not be kept Most people thought the old lady --.,:, at the regular date because the temple who lived in the house that stood all was not ready (29. 17); moreover the by itself was very queer and very 047 priests were slow in purifying them - limits of the undivided kingdom. Dan selves, Dan to Beersheba—The only tee/lase she hadrhettmatiam and cross. but Alline said she was cross the way over which the pig must numbers—Ali were under obligation tho Pain, and be Jost as pleasant as Ge r ex - If xa t- that if You could get her to , ten a If you believe in good roads, pave tinretinhee fsaorutriher(t111 chBle.oenr.sh2e1b.it2i)n. th fairy story she would forget all about A Small pen built close to the sow' feast, but according to 'hi travel to become pork. to observe the "I'm going to her house now," said , pen, with a hole through whichthe 1 h pigs can pass and eat grain by them s the Chronicler only a limited number had kept the law. Alline, "for she promised she would 6-9. The proclamation, Children ot . selves will encourage them to eat srae — . :suggests , I 1 -The context that the grain 'much sooner; ' author has in mind only the people of Alfalfa is one of the best pastures taht:s n(air3th,5-N1Vh2)0.11.1 RheernenOannSti—Might for growing pigs, Sweet clover is interpreted as implying the fall of the one of the earliest pasture crops on it is good-byo garden. 1 ment tile sheep Be ready for . . . • Seed -bearing stops bloont. There- fore pick pansies, sweet peas, ate., re- girthrly and often. -- Smear the sheep' noses with tar. Don't 'keep sheep and horses in the same field. Some of the sheep are Wateh the sweet peas closely for almost sure to be hurt when the horses aphis. Spray with soap find water run. or some tobacco preparation. Sheep detest odors in drinking wa- See that the tomatoes are staked or ter. If a tank is used for watering, kept off the ground. Some of the clean it often. branches may be cut away. This will Mix enough sulphur with the salt to give larger fruits, but not so many. give it a yellowish tinge. Keep the Late celery should now be set in the salt boxes filled all the time. f.eld. Celery needs a fresh moist soil. A long-range gun is one means of To this end the land should be plowed solving the dog problem and making gand thoroughly worked down just be- sheep raising more profitable. (pre setting the plants. The beds Sheep are now doing well. Wool Amild be wet down before the plants never brought such prices. Ore taken up, Shear the tops and clip off lent roots, If the weather is"very het and dry, water the plants as they are get. Avi4 TbV&J BAD STOIAACN , ' ' - ' Baking -soda relieves the distress of AND CONSTIPATION colic by getting rid of the gas. . ea„ ' ' Poor teeth prevent a hot -se making no-athern kingtdom in 722; but if the Could Hardly Sleep CURED BY full use of good feed. It may be which pigs 'thrive almost as well as on proclantation was seat in the first year No .woman cau b , e strong and well of Hezekiah, and 1 he became king in , 7'28 tit reference can bdeescoliAlbyedto. the . kidneys are ill the whole body is ill - , , necessary to file the teeth down in old t, alfalfa: Rape is amgood forage crop IVII/LE31) „,, horses so the grain can be properly 1 which is ready s , ,ix weeks after plant- ' , e t. . . 01- t - tincture of iodine turpentine and sul- Dead pigs at farrOwing- time result Shalmaneser V and Sargon were it . • • • at invasion or the north Tiglath-pilneser I'V \vas king in 734; ,, ?n! '''neYaie a sPecifie fer Kings 15. 29; 1 Citron. 5. 26. King's-- D , a Kir, . expelling all the poisonous matter from - ,„ - ground. '''. l ing". It can be sowed in the corn LAXA'L1VE PILLS 4,4.4. A n-iixture of equal parts of the the time of the last 'cultivation, „te an kidney troubles. 'they begin by phuric ether, applied once a day for from the sows climbing over a piece of conquerors of Samaria. Gracious— nilLerakbildanaeesys aanadd .pt.ihaekic.,,,, htqhaelirthaectcilocini carte_ th nks for what MilborM's taxa-Livei he will turn to them in compassion an If they turn to ',Jehovah in repentanccei restore tile folic' m o orme,. :Kiss A. Parks Best Middle L I-Ia i writes: "I wish to express my heartfelt, gr. Sylvester Clements, Galt, Ont.. several days, is said to be death 1 two by four in the door of -the hog gular and, natural. 4 to SPlilltS which are formi I Th ng. , louse. e remedy is apparent -- As long as a horse can chew, well, ' take out the cross piece . g 10.13, pe 'sui.ttei fnff . ai.o'c'iatini:t8i0. m ns. writes: "For three years 'illyei'crec4 reeal is a poor feed for him. It is A small amount of soft coal for the There was no g'eneralmesponse in the so with kidney troubles I could hardly' eaten too fast and sticks in the horse's hogs to eat is a good thingr. Too north; only a few heeded the exhoita leep at itient. I usi.d all sorts of money tbroat: Give the animal a chance to much, is constipating. , , t110 -l-. One heart--Tliere WS,V., an en- medicine; eonie helped me for a while: use his grind,ers. That is what they I Marketing a sow that can be or has thmsiatic response in the south. Un- ethers, Which I gave a fair trial, did not, are for. -... ' ' been bred, is at this _time com.parabl-e. leavened bread—The feast of passover hel .i me at all. I was very sallow and etherland advised me to use lt,filburii's taxa- e you' i is ou ea I aa -to time to killing tile goose that laid the gold- and the feast of rolleiTvelled bread are ilac-- Puffing linden ni5' eYes• -1 M-ada remedies, but got no 1,elief until a ,, , y b f d'n ' tile horse - -enough it the ' • The ' t ipply 1 tha here identified. Origirially they were up rille mind 1 would try Doan's Tc`ildneY 'Zitr r Pills' Now 1 ean Work inside ni'Yo-rn°leng1 o last 'all' day, T' hat is a cconine-ettgy. can be ititcmreeaasedslinbad- o°tticitly- incliesintiialdcil ftehaestPcaesiseZlied fa the spring, out any headaches or pelli. I would .1 was getting better. sis I kepi. on esirig originated as a Pills, and on taking two boxes I, found t e witholit your reine'dy for anything: good :waY to make a job for a horse bY means of the hog Iolite than by the . -.esst of unleavened bread as an t%Vo more, and to -clay f cloio't know )t I write 1..).1iS SQ that anyone suffering doctor. ' ' ' - . an other. - , ''' agricultural feast celebrated atthe ever had kitine- tr_ouble. 1 owe all the he same as I did may use them and be If the yearlings arc slow_ to she4 and 'Pork production la, cheaper with opening' of the 11311 5t • Later both tPra,iipeotaan,,p,?aallres IpCludtnetlYpr.ilnlist'l ; C4r,e4I" ' - , seem to have little alone -lite, try cloc- grain and green foreg,ct crops than becaind associated with the e_ii0.<11,1S. e _age 1 a ... „lila ma ie Milburn'e taxa -Liver Pills are 25 cents tering there fo... -tvorras. IVEix three with grain alone. „Borne grain is riec- 'men . , it ear t• -erine eoc,, psi- pax at all ortaiets , s , grey ,,box a th „.ottio ,n, per vial. --Por sale at all dealers or mailed drams of pogv,dered iron sulallate and essary for fattening hogs on pasture. . , t r. a Or inaileol. direct on receipi, of prICa 1....-:y 4 4 i * , rept on receipt 0,f price by T,fie- 'f...... three drains of gentian root. Use this Clovea ancl' alfalfa rank- among the ' Tell Yolir Pleasa.nt ex -Perim -Ices but 'The `eagiiiiliurn Co, -Limited Toronto hurn Co., Limited, Toronio, Ont. dose twice a week if. necessarY. , best crops for stvine -pasture keep yOur troubles to yourselc 64 i • '• ' • , YYT,TZCII Suffered wilt/ dneys pHs', have, donet-for Inc. X have been offering from a -bad stomach and:Conn Ovation, and would be off work for 4 or months 0year, X., was liardlY able to e inside without getting a severe. head. t_Aebe, . 1 tried dtor's Incaicine.., and' • tell me to -day about the fairies of the roses " "Can you see that rose tree?" said the old lady, when Alline was com- fortably seated on a stool beside her. "Well, it is owned by a fairy who, like the old WOMaliwbo lived in a shoe, has more children than she knows what to do with. She is so dreadfully afraid of having', anything happen to them that she has shut each one up tight in a rosebud. There they will stay until they grow big enough and strong encugh to burst the buds open, and then each °tie will fly away." "And where will they go?" asked Alline. "That I cannot say," answered the old lady; "thero are so many of them, and they choose Such different places. They are also very fond of disguises-- sometitnos one might take them for butterflies, at other times for hum- miiig birds. Often, when you Can't See them at ell, you can find out just about where they are by listening." "Ok," cried Alline, what do they The old lady shook her head. "Who CE1,11 tell what they say? If that wens p ssible, mortals would perhaps be wiser than they aro. You can often hear them either whispering among the leaves—though there are some who will tell you it is only the wind -- or singing by the brook a little tinkl- ing eong," "While the old lady and Arline were talking, a sudden shower that had come up passed over, arid the sun shone again in all Its warm brightness. The birds began to sing, and in mann] aeart and Nerve pule Sunlight for the Cellar. There is a rnistaker, idea that a house is warmer if the cellar is not under the entire building. The argu- ment is that there are no windows with crevices to let in the cold air. That may be true concerning the cracks next to the frames, but without doubt there will be dampness where the ground has not been excavated. Then the first -floor joists are nearer to the frost in the earth in t'he winter. Set the first -story beams well up from the grade, not less than 24 inches from the soil. If there is a distance of 30 inches between it is still better. Excavate for a basement beneath the whole house, arid do not be afraid to provide sufficient windows. There is nothing quite so dingy as that dark a.nd damp space under the house. The expenditure of a few 'dollars would haoe made it light and cheerful. Do not try to bar the sunlight. Grafts need looking. after. Are they all alive and well? See that no insect pest gets after them. They are very tender and lice are especially apt to trouble them. SUFFERED TERRIBLY WITH HEART AND NERVES° Woi.H.D WAKE UP SMOTHERING. through- 'the', window :darted o hum - thing bird. ...tt darted right.out again; but not before the .old lady and, Arline " the 1ti lady eeid "'a bud 011 my r0Se tree looked this mornint, SAB if it' Might be pushed open scan, Go init.:tile window .andspe lf the fairy s t Allino ran to tbe'8Vii'MeN,v, ,"I see o great tylitte rose," alio said.. "That little hurmimning bird must have been. the failiy, Olt, I'm so' glitcl Itse both Shay' - 1-)estrire looks good iloye-, But it ; 1,;;:irjeeaa sr ol a igc.• 0, ie aa,,, georat-lplt 4110 I t to ,aom a iistlo millet, to help �Iit , 8\veet corn,' rape end, soy -beans '' 01554 he p (nit shem - 1 '' nestur' Cumci D-leri, • notf..)Il. ' wltos "1 svetittoo 1-11ghlY 111.11ern'a 1-leart 5131c Ie)'3'c Pills 1' suffered for at,,,e years with my hevVT1,4 tivt tiia 1a tvve y9,arP 511°,1.1571dk e;date6t1P 4b1' Wkls 1 h`r 0,0t110.1(1. doctor, weas ealle,51 ip, arid lao giti,d, It wail 'att'r't1litia -111Y heart, sed that iet 'Illust; take -#15t-ot ie;oit iii3 reif111y,clttr eli, 1-feart R.11.0 11,pivqPilis, an.cI WoUld • ' ttY theita 'I have ortlY taken two belMs, ts. iblieels- y. ki,orVe Pilis , per box'. 'or mail , ,et on re 'the 51k, 8. itt 4-, • , „, ; , ' ' ; ' ; ' A ( 15 0, 30 515 1r41'' 515