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The Exeter Times, 1917-7-5, Page 6
The Tr just ehuri -Pollard le: and mat,le' and th tl Tor 's. q�,... Thera plans a1 drew ht;31; tt:°:am ''a. SLLzi' frig,:: r'n name i>i way towards t, e x'41 za' wutner of p of Pa7aa' , 3 "I -leaver rasher!. b,7 Beets d° ,t:onu.on ant', To i S F,,. kaeea: zo cot. l4y� _„ Faa_ht fiq ....., s Y,. a taw .on Ss $Qa,, cross s Park, you r niei'ht seine 1 don't believe f:Lther� c:ld mind. Father ;w:ur kng that -,you'd + three�t_a_ sat. > e t_ + le hast wv_n<ez z ° ed Tom ea LAN OIt. "EXT 't;' : AIt'S SEED. t of dols year's crop for nett i pa zrig's PROTECTING WATER SUPPLY, i writ 1 seedir_ *bout• -- Select the Best Part of the Field and , Catchment Areas Being Re -forested to; AMON Give it Special Attention. i GEA READY THE. IACWNEltY. Conserve- the Run-off �; for my lainstratoc�i:,, a3ook 404 farmers visited in Dundas' f'OTTS,' 1710 Royal Bank Bldg. d Of Tlae beneficial 'effect of proper stn It'e »2'�®. be Saved ,et harvest byi ounty, Ontario, by the commission:Tante May - .,• , pexvisigra, and partieuiai`ly of naaizi= of Being • O.-,w)re j conservation , dnrir g the sunlnrer twining forest growth in water -works . TORONTO 1cJlfi, only thr Time is money on tae farm at hoz e fully } see r,ere found to be catchments altos, is being more iIl Cys em r 'c select'an ! vas rare, aw IS, andf s -winch recognized. A recent example is ink Ali, Re %Vas Fit For. e t gain • onl 23 t7er cen. the nowven s, Incera ra e the state of Penns Iva nia where the sn Ina Iris ' t t lw the t'rie Lo zea^ta followw nam a r e, y .. t s tz L h b a 1* lr „ a ax tttenr s i g -., y P nu ll v ry sitob m st xe urz-ed for ser y , } n h cotn t house recently inn. were: saving the best part oz parts el q a n .r Commissioner o.f Forestry urged the r old man wvas ; aped into the witness , , , wlae. All nratlrn,es s�lou,d b I,rspect , a, their gelds for s<ett- l r._etncally agl , Par s• t7,,kntrzn�, tai trees'oti those portions ofnear-sighted "being, inftrni and just a lit - e > n w zar ci of an a is es_ e ba elven• rs visited stated that they d e , Y P the;- wvatox-wvgz1hs oaicrmeant areas.t1 ne r -sig of the raznae�a w ce a s e,, �, i'tc.. ,y . eu °z „!clad he nicht too. far m grain for seed, t Or nat>'san:.p k Shet7iC IJ?^ abtaanecl t useful , g •. ' cleaned their a:....}3T fie.:{l, 1}LI it , nq for agriculture. more than one Sense, Instead of o- �, � , + �^ h malleo t se- g .... that .t . cent , ,, ; - 1 t l I q � avarai} e re wvea• /coot r . , �, taaat -, ria eca�t. tlewrnec. at les e e nna, as a e stairs -hint c za e u as mzxc wv ... found 7 3 � �' ' I PI' d � ' � I th •s that. led to the mos ' he l � .,, • ..,. _ „ ,{1 * ow Haan to risk I ,z care what is aa.ec�t, „n h, 7 l d of the , �• , ora one-half, k a a o 4 . a _I nm�ril • l o t L n a.. f, mounted that o,aty ,once tartan t. :e n „ n c those .t at led to th., bench I- c.. �...i_ .., .;. •_ a1,.,.. .�„�°',n.." «,a,,,, Shaw -in ' to nt..l.e. a occas -1 'ta'r_ca Fo t.gwn'.npr « 7.QO had no land requiring The judge good-natLiraily said; "It to those who replied favgrabl3*,: it a judge you want to be, my Haan?" v t ::. • e ora .,.... yParntnng facilities were afforded, I:. L�.�ik3, SUu'r? VDnr hana2° a' was th(,'.•1'e- nom' the bar' estnng` of 11 e. hay o gaarrn; . f" , naelaclat„g the services 'of a forester, ply. "I'iaa an old orlon now, an' mebbe Drop into wet weather- It is alaso an and seedlings were offered at bareis all I,`m fit fart„ excelaent: .clan to beep on halaca a few i . ? wont or packing and shinping, about;: The Judge raised his ape'. extra pieces k' parts-011':h'$reed -ire- n ti e. t a .e . o _ aV eents'ner 1,000 seedlings czelnw zed, Lent renewing, such as, knife ,sec -c }e rzeenlnpplieatio=.ts were made for a total.' Cabl}age, anaxlgels and taors canva,:, -slats. reel 'Slats - and , azci =tdsi "7' , ? hese are conw,eni i s, for L se on squash' ell make a good win ,,of �1dG,ilU woLl tree rr br e:es, rivets, etc, - ,stem e eo ani- "boot 2313 'enema L.GD, ;for poultry, tion is not being paid to the see 5 1,t _..efi c}can, ,�d11�.�wC"!te xR.,aL' a3.l;Q,ak'”' se, the>t, a€zt,c 1' `41# b' being equnli e best seed will produce the best �� �'a'� •�� aha therefore, S�4%t"A:L"iti`A3S£; t'i3at. 23 per cent. of th s 8 .d to �arexs�� r' ^ sed, vT (t,O.Irt ry LaAE? .�' �Ct,'T'" e.'""' <c.F.� s' ing• .a rsx,•,nr'!C ,lol- TT end. ncr siblw. oxtend- Bless Hubbard ' feed ed at only once ihr a s eta to ._awe <,nt he gram from the best; , n, .dsl i:, store.. a sand atmoy �nnce, ▪ ,y�,? .a >; unnrng parts or the xnar; are e days before it is 'to be use "eh !allow the oil to penetrate tete es, and permit the math - Iw "? t into smooth raw e kaives should za1 in. .readiness. ;fi? Pfl#'lke pat ,cul ? ly scaatet tf op tt �' f ,tuns as Po,srintg evail; It. s to Tae really for- t1te. in^ .Itn lily `,11±;,pe greatly seed op can :p; nn give inn tate $oply' of goo I i✓ choice leaf tT e ie Poe id oil all; ver^y a feu This will the bear- to eltaick., snaepere-- dingS. to'ttxis people's idea of w'<a s to save ten vents pa: xpend lain dollars joy filly, Str:a s 6a a fV T. tthat brings Como: Instead of Sacrifice THRID, the paramount'' national duty, small personal outlay as well as to larger xpendltuxe. Applied to the daily shave, ours the use of I TTE SAFETY RAZOR Razor of Nationoi Service. The Gillette;, reduces shaving time to five minutes or less—an ai,al saving of a week of working- days a year: To the !man who depends on the barber, it lavesstill more time, and from $25 to $50 or even more annually. . This means the cost of one or several War. Savings Certificates. Moreover, there is not a man living with a beard to shave who cannot shave better with a Gillette if hewill use it correct! —with the blade screwed down tight and a light Angle Stroke. osnd' o For , the th a a s f young men just reachingshaving`age `the Gillette Safe Razor Safety is a source of good habits -not onlythrift, but punctuality, personal neatness, and efficiency in little things. For yourself or your son, at home or Overseas, it is a splendid investment. Gillette &c11doss . "Aristocrats" and Standard' Seta. cost $SS.—:Pocket Editions '$5, to $6.--Combenat on Sets from $6.50 up:' Send for Catalogue. 251 Gillette Safety RazoCo. OCanada, Limited, Office and Factory . The Gillette Bldg.,.ILIontreal. applies to time as well as to money ---to e ?at. 'e Lai cried iib er; 1 t `il that Sul }x e 1, I !moo noan been ciaotrl,'z said Toro'. <a~y, but you're to nac:ci: acne, al that is why, you can't; *0 Wi' tire. Evidently that•.'. girl ww-as very w.... to tant,ry,, and a took of jealousy flashed from her eyes. Still there could be no doe bt That she was very fond of Tom and meant if possible to cap - tare him. 1 slam t go out vvi' you this after- aad—and-- but. there, I'm 1 zy ;tri ycsi for leaks, then label rand store, g 4 taS e e Gr•e, Man ww ontleret1 as«. se well, Ln za.cool place; Tom 17aca7xa,td to turn out. so ell,, `' lie was not irtieularlwr clever, 1atlt. he; I're;erwed Cherries.—Stem and p , ->�S share the nr vex-� stone tine cherries. Weigh, after sten- o tht, vtu lai .. -eased a large ..h, re of �, e o , 1. sharpness commenting, ' allowi. ....school Wel Lancashire shoal ne_.. and iiiiiifi tsi : a 4w et htilai7:cd d They $dill axe>t beciztg; to thta ter' bath and process for thirty minutes, 'S T �'. a .T'. tt e5 ,M. �; less f l :an ,,..,.lits• . o t .. , 0 ( c t ,.attca the boiling starts. :�owr re- st 'lean'$ home Isrz:llaesat e ww ;:7 no,..a1I anave fastenthe tops se^art l ° invert o,, e y, have layer. 'That wwzks wwltw* t , a it thot•otal i • rail l 1emishes anil leen uww'e the st s Pack d.hent intaa e't vt ith b g e1 it u wvuu , win-ila eras,- 'the fcaa;ast►la:Ore cupful sufiar, two generally ti z u;. azul oi1e �1:a1f cumuli water. Place, in', one loan er th ti a ztla . pat«_rind br ing to a boil, ,..,, 4 oe+l': Tomutoeos ;gro 1 lo; cl fl 'o minutes. PMeee the ruabbers'zsas`tncrrny iltat you tsud 'incl alit$ in position, pa: tially fasten l se' ftnrr a lstri t? gx the i titetn the-, nlaace the jars in a hot tea- f rczarly the aoltlr of tie u ion that it is nailyd to di 1 of its raze. Thisntust and destroyed or sprayed ate of lead, d neon Sunday Toi w' moment the giri seemed on the paint of speaking to him still more ane>i.Iy, and perhaps of bidding him to leave her for good. She.: quickly �t f3 y altered' her mind, however, and seem- ed determined,`to use all her blandish-- mcirts. , Tom," she said. "Tha'rt too good to throw thyself away ` on the goody-goody Alice Lister sort. Tha'rt too mach of a man for that, else should never have got so fond of thee," "Arta really fond of me Polly?" asked ; Tom, evidently pleased by Pally's confession. "I'm not oin' to say. an : more," re- plied y h... aug. died- the u p 4 girl. And then' s.re„1.xt.bI1- ed. I was thinkin that after we'd ne-half pound of sugar ease;_ he had an eye to the main° to each pound of cherries. To each rine y, and dreamt of becoming t,cmc.pound of sugar allow one-half cupful ugitet than an ordinary welts o£ w.,tcx,Plata: in a saucepan and „. n •(hie i attended son ;, •; it I,e.,Son 1 bad , ttea t cr tl; t c a stir un it well e?ssetvec?, Bring to :1 tiri .Ica clisse. at ,the Mechanics zr al T Powell had cook for five minutes, then add nw Polly h•ica I 7tLit vino! 'Inst c, , -months, two founds of reared chortles, Cook reminded him, lasat3 only a few tnon.h, I prepared before taken prizes there. 'Young as; after theboilingpoint is reached for he was, 120 had already been prom-kwelve minutes, then fill into glass iset1 a Tackler's job, which meant that; jars. Place the rubber and top in Ile would be a kind of foreman, andtpositon and partially tighten; now have the oversight of a small part of i lace cite jars in a hot neater bath and a mill: This Tom was sure, would p open.'the wvay'to a more responsiblelProcess for ten minutes after the boil - position, and then it he had good luck 4 int; ,stmts. lie might in a few years sort mane- Cherry. Jane—Three-quarters pound factoring for himself: Many of the sugar, one pound stemmed and stoned mill -owners in I3urnford were, a few cherries. Place in a saucepan and years before. poor men, while now,1 cook until thick. Fill into jelly ;lasses; owing to- a great boom in the cotton allow' the jam to cool, and ,,hen Dower trade, they were quite wealthy mene the gasses with arowax. Seal and During the last few months, however, ,. , i p 'friends'had been alta store in the usual manner for jellies. Tom's bestnot q se hopeful about him. He had been Cherry Jelly.—Cherries do°notmake P afrequent visitor at the Thorn and good jelly, owing to the absence of Thristlea and he had altogether given pectin. This pectin may be added in up attendance at Sunday school. This form of apples, Peel one large lemon wasconsidered a bad sign in Brun- very thin discarding the peel Cut ford, where the great bulk of the re- ' a • _ ,- peeled. 'lemon in ;Mall pieces.. Cut C spectable young men` attend one of the a sufficient number of apples in small many' Sunday Schools in the town. pieces to measure three cupfuls, then (To be continued.) add: Three pounds cherries, one quart water. Place in a saucepai and cook 'YOURSHOES t,gget" does rot put on a surface shine that disappears in an hour. " Nugget." feeds the � leather. T r r �Sa you 9a1t�er9 soft, 1"Ily �t'.� txiGY21 w'i"rlte;f�3Y•`JfQ all shine thatwill l.a t day.As'k°%a a kirilifarr.t gl an s a your dealers. TONES REi 881�SY ,rGY��z'si `' DARK" BROWN, *did salons: and gives "Nugget" Y :" L�IUg},el, until soft enough to mash. strain in the usual manner for jellies and meas- ' ure the juice,1allowing an'equal meas- ure ” of sugar, Return the juice to the preserving kette and boil ten min- utes. Then add the sugar. Cook until it jellies when tried on a cold saucer, usually about eight or nine minutes. If a thermometeai`is used, cook until 221 degrees Fahrenheit is reached. 00. 'per titer cd z ll 'the y"ear zoround in no er ran tomatoes. t they , w ea. y, la y have: , srtnrst" be on the a1 Tomatoes can be used is st 110 deeds; titins spite; Ir �, 1 ;arnct;ed off ritlt arson.; 0(0 ways' than any other vegetable. For can l Hing one must choose perfect fruit in good condition. Dip them in hot water for a few minutes and then and 're- move the skins, cut them up place J9 , in an nlmuinum or procelain lined 1 e t- tle and add a level teaspoonful of salt for each quart. Bring © slowly to a boil, i+ stirring ;frequently, least half an hour. If you are using the screw top type, -. immerse the jars, tops and rubbers in boiling water. Remove the jars one at a time, place a rubber around the neck and fiI1 with the boiling hot -toma- toes. •-Take the top of the jar front! the boiling `water, being careful not to touela the inside with the fingers for fear of introducing spores into the jar•,;_ and screw it on tightly. ` Invert the >r e jar and let it strd in this osition un- til "cold. Have everything sterile that is put into the jar. Whenusing a spoon, fork or cup with the tomatoes first immerse it in toiling water. Another 'method of canning toma- toes is- to take off the skins and drop the tomatoes, as nearly whole as pos- sible into wide-mouth jars. Pack them in until the jar is full and add one les -el teaspoonful of salt to each quart. Put an the rubber and top and fix the spring to boil for at 1 leave the top loose and allow the steam to ` escape. dur- ing the boiling. In the wash boiler or sterilizer set as many jars upon -the False bottom as the boiler will conveniently hold and pour in enough cold or tepid water to come about -two inches up on the jar. It is not necessary' to have the , jars competely immersed during theboil- ing; the steam does the cooking. Put the top on the. boiler and set it on the stove; bring to a boil and sterilize for Ilowy to Preserve Eggs. one hour. Remove the top of the boiler,allow the steam to escape and Eggs •must be fresh and perfectly press down the spring at the side of infertile; the shells must be clean and the jar.• This will clamp on,the top free from cracks. A single cracked and prevent •any outside air from get egg may cause the • whole batch to ting•in, spoil. Get water glass solution from In the vast 'majority of cases this the drug store, dilute with nine parts one sterilization is all the treatment of cool boiled water and place eggs in that is necessary, but it is not always small crocks containing` the water safe to rely on it. glass. The solution should cover the As relishes and flavoring's there are eggs to a depth of two inches above numerous ways in which tomatoes may. the topmost layer of eggs. Cover the be used. This year it is not recom- crock aed place in a cool place where mended that the green tomatoes be it will not have to be moved about. used for chow -chow and other pickle, Re -/moo the water which evaporates combinations, as it , is better ,--Co let with cool boiled water o casionally, everything mature and ripen so that. Limewater may be used in place of the supply will go further to meet the neater glass. Make the solution w th great demand,; 2b1 pounds of unslaked lime in five — gallons of cool boii..d o ates and use i . P. -A course iz Domestic the clear lignid after the-l;me settles. Science, complete in twenty-five les - Containers for eggs must be clean and sons, will commence nent`week. if should lses scalded wigs Taut water after you clip, out the lessons as they appear;: washing,. r" tit i ti as + a .r�fi tiz.4aste in a scaan boolt,kyyo �y1r Eggs pi.e5ervecl ztl wwatex g as"rs � havethe complete eries raa imeAtershould be rinsed t..; fer•ence. Is but another word.=, for` « insured when, it Molding and refers to jams and preserves, jars are fermentation are impossible when the I s securely sealed:with r y PERE REFINED P ARAFFINE ' -tight.. ' When Parowax keeps the container air -tight. you have the jars•securely parowaxed your, preserves will be the same'when youopen them as they were the day you put.: them up. Best of all, Parrwax is -most convenient to use. Pour melted Parowax over -the ;t s of jelly tumblers and they are made air -tight, dust and ger nr proof.- FOR roof. ` FOR, THE LAUNDRY—See directions on I'arowva labels for its use in valuable service in washing. At grocery, department and general stores everywhere. THE' IMPERIAL. OIL COMPANY Limited Brta.NCIIES 18 ALL CITIES STORIES F� WAR-TORN FRANCE f SENT BY AN AMERICAN NURSE fN FRANCE. Weary Soldiers in a Devastate t1 Land Write Letters to Their , Former T n r r t ' Writingto her friendsa c the in1`Tlatec3. States,a nurse gives extracts fro e� the letters :she receives from French soldier who convalescent Our great 1'verance of 1 have been nursed' at her bane. souree,4, Is' the de ow aur t 5 ns and villaz,es. The letters, of some; of my soldiers, though often most illiterate, are act- ually hymns of joy, Unfortunately the gist is lost in -the translating,. Qne man writes,'``What happiness, my vil- lage is now in the hands of our brave French soldiers!" But a pang of anguish seizes him, for he has as yet no news of the family he left LT 'e ---- old parents, e young wile Tattle children—did they remain there thr•otigla all :the fighting, az;cl lull hee soon" � ; been see theta - Clr have C12eT taken off. into captivity, farther even Prem him than they were before' ?1Jpny are living through these alternations of hope and fear. Many also'' have the 'tope : of long months dashed to the ground, and the patient waiting nail begin again- *or them, Ansother, 8 7n Ore farttaaaate ane, wvzites: `kI wvislr to ell you that I have found nay little faintly, They were at F'ieneb troops enter•' ed, aaatl none wee nz°e at hast a°eanitctl, Thoy statfarad greatly dui°ing* the ac- cupatioaa, but are ww°ell now. We will come' to see you some Sunday" ;this, man, lost a le€r nt Verdun. ala bro- then iS n p-isoaer in Caern;anyl. n r wwas sande ia' te;•k honor, ��Fe calla {ILiw ,4`.ago n:der 'I.Ire cltur(la lie'.Is wk ei e ri aging all the laaoraning oral! t1Le sena rcntaitiiaa� inihab- itanis !tail put ort tbt-w Sur.duy° best. I& ww;is zt fete clay; and -a were satin- fled that an aII this jay theme wa°as tt, goozl share of aur efforts, Tl e have made a big push and captured m;#nY lot°iseanors, and evens at the re;ar the of our celebrated battalion am mouth to 111011111, and how ud-beeoated we may be, a great wele0nte is given us wherever we pass. You cannot fancy what, thio cle- vztFt etion nxeans, Even the paper;!' givo'Ita dcleii of it. , Whnt was tnyr joy' to find my sister-in-law and ' her ` it ' also twoaunts—but alas, na T c17a1, � ll,o w � t• vo yatitng girl cousins each with u Cerimn baby. Think of the hol'ril r How can they return ' ash 7« titilig. L. a t y G o We us? T'4 e dare not: think of it, :1ntl';t'+.�e futiiih lies before us all,ter.rabl�x bine,.,„ lainoeent Victims 0 .he One of my faithful young Gaxraiers of come to I , e tww,eaty tww o, 'who has nom oat, after r s his three 'wounds, has just each of tree , � me:.. "Your servant r. ..•t a ''isloin in a written n ,6 , front, ; hospital'uear:`tbt. notrestored yet because. of all the blood he has lost, and a bad heart owing to shock' from bursting shells. The hospital is outside the town, and therefore expos- ed to the enemy's fire. Most' every 1 evening German' aircraft are flying above us and we can see the effect of the bombs as they fail on the city. A terrible strain it is for those poor wo- men and children, to be'awakened_by r al noise, o see ` e flames, that"infen< ax s,t h fl e, and to hear the crackling of the fires about 'tem. It wrings m hear to lita t h s, >; y heart read the terror'.on the poor haggard faces of those innocent victims." ,"For God and Country." From a' Belgian private: "In spite of all we will holdout, for we are fighting for God and country." Time and again my: French soldiers" have used' the same words, proving the -same "ideal. They are all so pone- , tinted' with' the justice of their' cause that` they feel that it is actually "for God." Allow me to close these extracts`' with one from yet another young` son x- of martyred Belgium; a poor -miner of twenty-one: "We feel we are fighting to redeem our dear homes over there, 1 know you will think me brave, and I take, pride in that:.feeling; and yet I only fight like any other. I sleep , in 4 the,, mud, I fear the shells, and I long for a cozy little bed; but since I must keep on fighting for peace, I will stick it to the end. Should I, however, keep silent some day, do not accuse me • of ingratitu e..In his turn the little sol- dier would be dead, that is all." He Wished to Road. "Nurse," moaned 1110 convalescent patient, "can't I''have something' to eat?. I'm starvin •:" "Yes, the doctor -said you could start Laking.solids to -day, but you must be- gin slowly," she said. `Then she3held out a teanspoonful' of tapioca. "We Must only advance by degrees," she addbd^ He socket! the spoon. elle 1'felt ;bare tantalizingly hungry thazi e' et He laeg„°ed"fora second spoonful, but ei of -her !icor sa in •:what, ev r she sho i;lung gat, the start must,;�1i'`dorn,, an f %1 y, sinal pdraapso1,40; s ,� ;resent �71?Ysi??o a< " i d Ius bed t ria 'ra 6?.