HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-6-28, Page 7When You Eat Bread
you are entitled to every-
thing in the whole wheat
grain. Dr. `:t. Wiley says:
I•*RE+1f,I Q
' I ECONOMIST'S IDEAS ON " seat is a complete, food
ontaining all the elements
necessary for human nutri-
tion." But he sure you det,
the whole wheat in a digesti-
ble form. Shredded Wheat
BIsctit is whole wheat made
ed Fa cite!.
i. .
'steam -cooking,
;• ati aE digestrble
. r Y
reputation ...
s arE econorriast is ' based upon fifty
,i ears' study and research in eeonom,tc
and financial matters,out of which best process ever devised for
n ft
Guyot Says That the Blockade,
Iacle R€tective, Will Bring
Germany to Tel
g a'n
Act;ordtn� to the no
thinker Yves Guyot, who
b d shredding and baking—the
!gave unlit: many able books, war, and, preparing the whole wheat
particularly nivdern war, is -pure and mach.
,. rain for the humanstomach.
' mole an lien! ntary thing.
Its ` car°rynfr, M, on ,Guyot thinks, Two or three of these crisp
rests upon steel and wheat and cotton,
rtile oa.Vt e $ q fbaked. whole _.
Is end, the belligerents holding the Wheat With milk andbC die
,even more than n the valor of mens
world's economic resources and con- make a delicious nourishin:
trolling the world's markets can die-
ie- meal. Made inCa nada.
tate a crushing condition of terms.
The substance of an interesting iii-.�-
ierr iery given to an> Ame2 lean corse AND �*'S 4
e the
t., occurs in these words by
tie r
a.►lt peace," he said, ^'but Cotaditeins Etlectin
ce that denies the nossi-' Canada is undoubtedly''.t9+` become'
sign of Cense
attosR )°re
Sea Swallows and Storm Petrels Make
wag Voyages.
Perhaps you have read, aboutthe
birds that make their summer home
far up in the north around the Arctics
Ocean and then, when the summer is .
over, fly far to the southward and
searcely stop unoi..
til they have reached ztozica's•hT li`xtYor sale !n
lands that are only a few hundred towns Tett most: useful a e> t ltel;esttag
miles from the South Pole. In making PlAeatee los sailsonlPoPlish a9! g' cn,`om
this wonderful journey over sea and navy, 741 .1,44?.'; 4, R %, '` ot,onto,
land they travel in a short time near-
ly half around the world, or about 11, -
miles. These are the terns or sea- [ < rNa. Eli T`filb'" "1 r l'sr
., Y� Snt��r3a�i2 aTi� �xl�rrka3r c(=raze
sj ~alloy's and they are the greatest Deet a>•ea^ by oaz^ oOr e zaeaaz ea}., �raite
e uh l t•; -ire too l2.#e, Ur, J3erl a azz Sedzc 3 _
long-distance travellers among all the ti= od rt.
rdmuch they like the long
Go. I,E,arxte i, c.c2kznga o < tt
birds. So Ina.clr do ;
bright days that they have been allecl channel he boatmei, hold it against he
the "sunshine birds? current, while a matt o3i '-bore throws
Another the tireless bird travel -i into the stream ac heavy piece of wood
leis is the storm petrel, sailors to which a light rope is attached. The
call " ihiother Corey's Chicken" These boatinen pick up this float rs it passes'
birds fly so close to the water that at them, and haul in the rola�,., to hieh a
they seam to be ,walking up and, heavier cable is ttacheri, Ey meaana
down the waves. , An interesting story,of that cable the ser,w is drawn to the
is told about a storm petrel that fol,•shore, where at meets the load tilde La;
c shipped across the island c n the
wed a steamer ail the- way: a r�k�a���eeu „ ..gip d
ae At -antic. One of the
ad caught the bird, ,tied a bit or r4
$bbon around, its nod:, and released It
ie dor• was it out of. sight of the Isar
sengers, whit could readily distin- ish
9 ifs: among;,qr a>�TM o It, ;• kind When
#t,47'rl ?les iron/ New YOrli, tri.
3.i' WsiSc
Am', S 15D ----PLA TER. 'S 3'Ak'L:fe
Laths and General - laehEn3sts,:
also Pattern Ma sera Day and night.
Apply Z>rocvn Begg." Co., Limited, =Tamil -
lir A \TED ---M
ire Lettere'
grana, Ont,
3L ;; .5.ND GRAN-
A. Geo. M. Paul,
p war for at least two one_ot the world's greatestsources for
en peace will ,have lie -1 the supply of woodpulp and paper.'
Alien,, so that war eannot This industry has grown by leaps and
eborn. It is now a definite ter bounds during recentP
e developments ears, and ^.fur
that tide is to be the full -Allied her lar mentos are to he an
�t g
Significance a I.rberia's Action,
`clsi'ftny have s for itastancek,
the Liberian diplomatie brestir Srz
Germany. Liberia is as not'hi
have mentally said, and her
sd, both in the east and the
Weft. This will mean a constantly
ing strain uponon our forestrine-
sfl 'c, and must -resell it careful, `
gyration as to rvhether very large! .f3atlil.
y of areas, in which the heaviest cutting i Ton
non -entry weighs not. And yet, %,i- ' isbeing done or is to bedone, are net
bene, in her particular way, is a real!, in danger of depletion,
i i First, orally. f The ravages of fire have been very
factor in possibility. I' at, xEi _ k ourpulpwood forests,and
And morally throughout the rear. But: serious in p 1p
+ zi - the question arises also as to rvhether
tlige rtaome b of peace a folios in c resent methods of cutting are suit_'s
Mil, For Liberia grows coffee. ? P
"When the Bothe is thoroughly ficiently controlled to ensure the re
b€cttels Lv forge os <aa7 bis argil an ebso Production' of another forest on cart
c1e Ile fell! }9e, over lands. The r `_
this lands in Canada i
fire caai ho kept orf
the other
to enpit?
vel ^y bai
upuosa gat
will t
f tour:
sc5ntcd. to tlaenr evezylllect
and before a word of. zareeime.ot
the i epre;,entntives of the
States arise and say;
"Unless without Rarlriiasterr
agree to each and every
thing here laid down, to all ou
tions, disarmament, such
as is possible, the de:rtriaet
autocracy, I' propose to
treaty with my allies (and
treaties in Arnerican
the tion of the forest s
e proper regulationcef the s utth
stdnd ods, the aaamual growth will
=ins,s the basis for an enol°rEaoea
ted nte.nt of the pulp and Paper
for ail time to come. This meal;
lisappear°ed, peep: isS ti
r ate drr er i.�t',t ,`a�a1'l
9j f#i N
as .�..
he �r�TC3 .tl t'f
Powct i1I' f`. 1
Pink Pills.
How often teethes of disease such
s la grippe, fevers, or cont: giolls
roubles are left' weak, ailing and deAlt
oaade, at' after tlau disease its elf its
ed, TKe . do pot picku
as tbaeti'pfd ht; remain
and diaeoti 'ed, The r
tiri, is that the bloat hal
islaed lay the t:+=;age tR:
atoe:gh which Ibe . „•,
gat tat' will n'
ed the reprodn
n irrWpo'
ail the
The bleu d c,
r iobcd by no o
kly and as stirelY a
sts That Act
z Tra i.ng to 9e
v:ou ev
I^ .33c
ttt�ly ra
#o impress you with fits fait
The fabled frog, that srr'ell
`lrrsuiare the bull, is 510105t
orison, :fir. ;Screech Owl i
y ftatlters, not in weight bat ,a
serve 11101 well i'."4 `tb
trier na;
rttEt,s; 10
nice as urge, as lit rlaould, ars �ar4filn
+ tI t l body eize of fish and
4 e0 a� ua o+ ,• .
by reason that each. featlrnr stands on
end and outwardly. A mad -cat's tail.
is nothing to it,
All osvls are. funn •-looing fellow:
even the wildcat, tigerish :appearartt
oaf the great -horned hiller cimsot t al
ia.:arirat entirely that o.:t ds east
t}te big -eyed glare, the;
s o po
Save n
p cvcn t l laicod 1 xit taz phi?, lint
his enl alar 1
as a well -stud'
arid aratiest he i
wings. Not .e
yr^hicli;so mut`
h;Es been
the manna,
tion and atti
Dit.i you ev
-'Ion fishing`? l ;
> x0010 pool, a•Ii' am 01' bay, end
1n. potentially commercial quantities; nil hie statue has anything on I
have •a pound of cotton 'E paurrd of�gu-
oEr ; practice of fores:trg, o. which we }i eve hams J. di- Pills -
as yet in. Canada only the beginnings,
foal i and str�engthe
liar' The Commission of Conservation Inas whole mission
started a study of these fundamental sands have ft+'
problems,' This investigation will have l,1"inf,ing• meow;
for its objeets the determination of the disease hzaal..';eft
xtent to which cut. -ever pulpwood flown, , tilts 11
reproducing valuable ~peeler Brett, (ant., say.
age to
let you
raredieine its
iia Pc tit i1 -
these pills.
them benefit:lel
and energy ;a£1
fiche ,weak- and r
r art arttaclt
lar grippe '1 was :�o run down a
�1 a
feed ow
0194. d', IS 1:
baa lar.r ors i,
g-ai• n bushel of wheat tfor twenty five the effectof fire on reproduction, and 'anaemic that I corild scarceiy real..
years.' the a>ate of growth of the reproduction 1. had no color, n0 appetite, and con-
resent to determine how long .after ac h c medicine 1
'�_A.nd'-after the representatives ofp ' stint -lEe,.dachc.., The (
p i ' cutting 00e may reason'�ibleet y elpwas taking was doin me to good and
the United States have taken their' !; g
Brazil andLiberia arise and in smother crop. The answer to these 1: had almost lost hope of getting bet-
scuts, I3 z .l an t questions should go far in de,termrn
the same breath sa : `!hose are myter. Ii as asked to try DE, 1Viilipnrs'
yElig what additional measures are ne-
ntiments. Otherwise, no coffee ,fora Pink Pills, and it was not long until I
tw - vyears,' And then in order I"eessniry to pleee the business of pulp- could feel that they were helping me,
eaty es . ' wood production upon a thoroughly Riad after taking them for a couple
China denying tea, Japan denying rice, l permanent basis. completely curet!. I,
'I tropical )EC 1 Ia- pier of months 1 was e0mp1 t y
1 r a
now never. fail to recommend these
pills to 'anyone needing a blood build-
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid
at 50 cents a box, or sig: boxes for',
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
internale denying n 1 P ` The work for this season will be ort
ucts, every ally denying same 'ell-
meat e,y thing, all elementary things of
the Faculty der the direction of Dr. C. D. 'Bowe,
at it omraland. leen Cuba could of Forestry, of Toronto
sav;"` e male good cigars. And you i sent h s been nsade undercwhi which
don't get any for twenty-five years.' men orf of the studywill be shade
Finally France, which having suffered upont poet
!omits of the be sna e
most, arises and says: `There is no Company, whose forester, Mr. Ellwood
thing to argue about, Germany. Wilson, will co-operate in the field in-
vestigations. we It is expected that simi-
within t,vo hours, or we enforce our far studies `will be made in other sec-
terms anyhow, and you suffer twcnty-
five i years' privation.'
"How long, think you, will that con-
�4ferenee last under such ' conditions? est interest to all who are directly or
Just two hours longer, since the Boche ;;indirectly concerned in the perpetua-
is a'Boche, and will take his full 120 `,tzars of this great industry.
"I do not wish to say the words I Your wife and you are equal part
have have used will be used. But I do wish ..� ners. Divide fair with her.
to say they should be, in substance,
and that I believe they will be.
Neutral Trade'Must Be `Controlled.
' "The idea," continued
IV M. Guyot, "of
tions of<the pulpwood forests of -Can-
ada during .succeeding years. , The re-
sults will undoubtedly be of the great -
placing a rigorous blockade upon' Ger-
many, preventing possible; receipt, of
foodstuffs from the United States
through neutrals, will hasten the end
of the war. Holland and the Seandin-
avian countries have without doubt
been supplying Germany. ' Particular-
ly Denmark. And Switzerland, at
least in its northern portions.
"And so the cotton, the wheat, „ the
sugar, the steel, the tea, the rice, the
tobacco, every elementary thing at
the command of the Allies can be de-
nied to Germany.
"The 'tighter the screws are placed
upon Germany from every angle the'
quicker the end of the war with full
'Preparedness Wins.
The 'pacifist and the preparedness
,people are, respectively, like Willie
and Johnny. Willie and Johnny had
been very naughty, and were sent to
bed by their mother, As they , lay
side .by side footsteps were heard --
it was now evening—and the two cul-
prits realized that their father was
mounting the stairs. They turned
pale. "I'ni goin' to fold my hands as
ifI'd been prfyin'," said Pacifist
'Willie, "and then I'll pretend to be
asleep when he comes in." But Pre-
paredness Johnny was already bustl-
ing swiftly. about the room. "I'm
one' to put on my pants," he said,
"and line 'em with a newspaper.".
A etwo-horse cultivator will ` great-
ly reduce the time. spent in keeping
the corn clean.
Of the things that a man may run
into, running into foolish debt is one
m of the ywoxst,°...., , ..u...".
iI{ `N ��"F'} t'{ hay +�•7�r••�
Imf1IiIII 11111 K ! iii -4011111111
111111111111111111111111111 1
who lave to gratify
children's desire for
the sante articles of
food and drink that
grown-ups use find
just the thing. '
*+ 9 9
dere: a larch
Wlll��l {>lglll( li lt!„ iirj„l 14o
One Man Performs All The Duties
On a little island in the middle of
the Athabasca River in northern Can-
ada is the shortest railway in the
world. Although it is only a quarter Andre Tudesq, writing of the battles
of a mile long and connects with no on the British front, says there was
other railway whatever,: makes such an expenditure of aphyxiating
money. shells one day that six hours after the
Up to fifty years ago all the goods last deluge of them suffocating smells
being unmova. 'resentii°
member er hel fablenny tr'i'be, pet•hap. ._
chap out of el'trss, ur the whole sshpol rt gist un0ethe ;arni� g.
even, wanders by beneath the erystal" chse'miixg etilocc girlie alt
depth,'anil �a�haekl The cantbiatatiorx The lower part o
of long -bent neclr and
t only'sbo'uld yPk
or your ebjT
rd give them the b
_ways the best teachers -40o
y3v0on?1t gi want
uAnLyareonubvrbiet s1h�thifledm kta?4�t,2o lopvdoeoo;rpgoIeeit?lt$�
t tib Ste
nn5'son, R0e00e4re, $Eieaa!
ngfellow, *stag; you give theme
the wealth of the world, You zar'xst do
the same vrith inusi , Von rciust beef
them taught_ by one who knows and
(oyesmusic, who can win a response
from them, who ca cliect axrd encour-
age them, The best ar'it,t ie in the world
is of no {avail for child gip with a poor
teat ,er. Seek gond 7,miusit in simple
form, and music lovers as instructors.
fie p
proved. 0150
erg, reCrusts in E3 s1 1125 0utea
ity slier illiut*. in is made'
loth and tris;azrped attraetiye
Large paekets at, lith
1 a lon1F girdle are other styl€t
,f t1 1 rhos P t�ssl. i' ��
i ACJ, Ladies' Chenaiss 44
t; in as cia:es 3-1 to
Con tipration in hildreri
pror4 oily eared by. Baby's Own "ab
!lira They: a .re a gentle but effective
laxative :;isle!; thoroughly re;a"la
tl e bowers and sweeten t'ne stomach
r d thus drive out all. childhoosi
�c ,� pp t}gg
saessts. Cot ee lsiz g them: Mrs
a,. ; , „ �r. s ries "T.
Ta e3,_c_ e. 'i� .., �t .t
era. ia, TE � �. z
assess Baby's law IE T"a blets and
foursi tl ern an O eeilei:t med?
:or coxa pat:ora" The °I'ab ets
a9lfl :aS nsecli(',58 eee�-++'a or 1 9
im S
Tommy At ;tiler, !fits been blown
into a water -filled, hole)-- furry op,
mate!. .f don't want to lase my. Iris-
Rescuer—Prisoner? wI'.
Tosnmy,'-'-I'm standing en °ice
4 Zi
sauce n
from q Ttte Dr.i
i� reeneille,
it xeeei
g was la{
W1 Put a sli er sp4 n int +l e Baa*
eieideate glass and boiling ,]set lir usd
be poured into it without breai
® 3,lrt1m nt tn;
' rap the squash bags which a Ai
pfe t the ctic-umber and melon plazlt
shingle on the gcoalnd
ar lire !fights, The bugs caz lad
Led tinder this cos ez carie in he
„*king and destroyed, shay P1a3ty
o8et:e emnIsio iii i-1 t
aset of this
were pee
as kippers,
da tta: tri
ttu *Ivo
n for
cr €
r To
iese trait Stn ^ arctic iorallc
agger Bill does is so: full that it mig}a
t»r0 Stt,x:
0 ti.e Clrtiin
crhnost °be
at stunt that is both `#'unity and de skirt were it not buttoned irk the eeritgt*j
fective and eneraily gets the fish. and gathered around the leg on a i° i1J
' g ber toe Gingham, The 'entire aspect is peculiar and. hard o � p • g , crinlaette, crepe�
tat describe; it is much like a zninia-' and chambray' are splendid materials
thre and plumed. elcthesraek:! with a for thi:. suit, which includes a one-'
crazy tongs attachment, the latter be.. p, R McCall Pattern
rete sun -hat, too.
ing lengthened by a released watch-; No. r1)0, Clhrld si lionspers. and Oiee-
spring. You can see it, but merely, Piece Sun -haat; ire % s es;' d nxoaetlas
so; no more than that. toi3 years. Price, 10 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
Cather funny birds are the flamingofresh your IocalcCall dealer, or from
the spoonbill, the wood ibis and -the; the McCall Co. 0 fi0n0 St'. Toronto,
cormorant on the feet, but the turkey + :
buzzard on the ground can move one 'Dept. W.
to mirth as quick as anything outside
of the imagination. I was cured of Bronchitis ar_tl'
Lot 5, P. E. I.
I was cured of a severe, attack of
Rhuematism by IIIINARD'S LINI-
Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER.
I was cured of a severely sprained
and -to -Hand Struggles Where Dea h
is often Conqueror.
for the vast northland came by way were still passed through.
of the town of Prince Albert and a Lavish expenditure of gas on both
long chain of lakes and rivers to the sides forms a characteristic of the
various tradint posts that iie in that furious attacks and counter-attacks
district. The route was a hard one, which have been delivered day and
with one very long land portage, over night round these two villages. The
which all the goods had to be carried mask is here as precious as the g -ren -
Then a daring riverman, Louis Fas- As in a frightful carnival, in the
soneure by name, xan a loaded scow manner of Edgar Allan Poe, one could
through the Grand Rapids of the see in the night on the slopes west of
Athabasca, and proved the possibility Fresnoy entire regiments in masks,
of a new and shorter route by way of fighting. and killing each other in the
Edmonton, Athabasca Landing and the midst of black vapors, which were
Athabasca River. For his feat the rendered more fantastic by the light
men of the north dubbed him Captain of the moon.
Shutt, and by this name he was known The hand-te-hand struggle thus took
throughout three thousand miles of ornmost singular forms. Throwing
wilderness until the day of his death. away their arms the eornbatantS would
But although he had dared to run fly at each other's,tlaroats and try to
his scow through the rapids where the tear away each other's masks. Few
river falls sixty feet in a' quarter of prisoners were taken in these enceunt-
a mile, more prudent tra.ders chose ers, and the :wounded are fewer still.
to unload, to TIM the scows through Death alone receives the lion's share.
light,' and to portage their goods
round the quarter_ mile of bad water.
Fortunately, there is an island in the
middle of the river that extends the
whole length of the rapids. The
scows can ,unload in the quiet water
at the head of tlie island, run down the
rapids to the quiet water at the foot
of the island, sand 'reloa.d there.
To carry the goods across the island
the Hudson's Bay Company built a
railway of wooden rails on wooden
ties; the rails were overlaid with strap
iron. Two battered flat cars made
up". the rolling stO'ck. One man per-
forms all the duties, from that , of
general inang;er to see/float hand. Two
oilars and a half a ton is his charge
Ot mo -tine; fysight across, and the
irper has to do all his own hand -
I • he la Leo has tun
"Then t lis," set,
s ul'esohsauy finalise
Ito,'' was 1)Pr04:ay's aal.r i
l 1 return y+)trim letters, ds
0•, plonae,'" ;.ri•swcta•eal
*cad 0 Dem
iber roll
Attitude of the Cossacks Toward New
"It is significant that the Cossacks
of Russia have taken sides with the
new democratic, Government and have
announced that they will fight on
agaiiist the Gerrnans,", re/nal-Iced Dr.
II. A. Herbst, an American who has
traveled in Russia extensively. "For
centuries the Cossacks have been loyal
to Russia, not to any !particular king
or dynasty, -and they have always land-
ed on the winning side. The Cos-
sacks fought for the Emperor of Ger-
many against the Turks and for Tur-
key against Illoscow, and they had no
scruples in siding with Moscow and
Crimea against th'e Poles.
"The Cossacks constitute -the most
loyal body of soldiers in. Russia. In
the last revolution in Russia the Cos-
sacks sent an ultimatum to the,rebels
that they did not discontinue their
agitation against the Czar the Cos-
sacks would march agaiist them 500,
000 strong and annihilate them. This
declaration had its effect, arid while
sonte few soldiers mutinied. no Cos-
sack was found, wanting-. The Cos-
sacks are the backbone of Russia.
Ny",iiit them standing behind the Gov-
„ernmerit aral the Entente allies, there
cart be no question in my opinion of,
the future of Rusia or the obi-Allan-
ance of Russia in the war until
many is beaten.”-
I3eans, like peas, leave the
good Condition for fall wheat.
Ask for DZivard,o and taizo no othe
Aged Gander.
canna S0 it lifts out
without pain.
a that Iive to a great age a . wear shoes a size smaller
°InPaTativelY few. Guns lutve like for eons will never again eend
been known to reach forty years, end I
electric sparks 'of .pain through you,
swans nearly as long. RaVeriS and according to this Cincinnati authority.
owls usually die somewhat youtger,
but there is good .eason Ile saya that a 'few drops of a drug
te believe il called freezone, applied directly upon
barnyard fowls, • ducks and geese live corn root and all, lifts right out.
lengest• Mr- D. AlaeLaelllan, °I! IslaY1 1 Tiliis drug dries at since and simply
Scotland, writes to the Field that lie' shrivels up the corn or eallns without
longed to the p• roprietor of a hotel -at eavtelalniyr
A sl nrciai titgbi nosg.ttt oiterheeo tws tifIrrl re ote unz sontnd eivneogrbytt ialsiistnttieledee . ,
Bridgend, Scotland. Twenty-one years
ago the father-in-law of tife present ! ebrut will P°siiivelY retne". every hard
soft corn or callus from one's foot.
owner bought it Mr. MacLachlarii If your druggist hasn't stoelted this
as asy ys otuhnagt tahnedgasenedneIrslaooskascatisvwe eal ls a nidt 44 drug yet, tell him to get a small
bneetwtle of freezone for you from his
ever did. There s no ou a ou s wholesale drug house -
You will find relief in Zam-fiuk 1
It eases the burningi stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zam.
BO; means cure: Why not prove
this ? Au Druggists aud Stores. --
50a box.
'Clean 1111 Q 'ER"
row Boller Feed Watero
cyclone Shaking and DrilnDinFe Grate
Sara for roquiromente
Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment
Co., Llrolted
Tel. Gerrard 3860
go re.teGeo - Toronto
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on tlie
oman Thought She Would
Die._ Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Ogdensburg, Wis.—"I suffered from
female troubles which caused piercing
pains like a 1%nifo
through my bacIt
lost all my strength
so I had to go to
bed. The doctor
advised an oper-
ation but WOUla
not listen to it.
thought of what
hothead about Lydia
table Compound and,
tried it. The first
;4 bottle brought great
Ottles lave en ire 9 -
^Mrs. ETTA,Doracittr, Ogdensburg, Wis.
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