HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-6-28, Page 4fi GRAND TRIM SYST RAI L Ay ANTRACI'IVE ill SKORTA. LAEE ^x sON LIN rio a, IibzraTM c ortant � ���s 'rich Have. Occurred Oaring the. Week. tt! be Bus Com tat ed and It : qtr tire Shape f0 It o ayxneu Y. , �4 �'r e�«'t,(M3;4tSF{te3la 1i iia two days I Cross ,"and.. BtlI„in ttnnei. tor ll5a IT of go - Si st rased in rlean ' Re tlze:r flgbt c � l8fti � p flritlrl4,,lsara f: ate N a k ork who Y � a' x - a � to .roi_at C} IAPB: It m '$' c e t .,,d s s w>� ep r adxx, (trough 1.F 4' *tiet;Yy�.' i?tri o wouney.,: u � � t_ Co.-csl deeicied to yri ni. zrz4Ca i{n:, y System of roads, M ej 330 Miles. s. Returned soldiers asked the x route Park, C'esu ai ttee for @frtTi4 hold .ry,.a.:.,, }nee is �y ,StQnz to mR�11���+3,[`^1zLM a .+.t!.vrLAi�eN' a°^;3 ��,�'f.� par's., tt VS J. T. -inane +'..h SMi Ri4''4l tfi y of `Iced L.4wGA ,d �4. 1'aa.al e fl* ed a, s~x�� i`eo�e�t' leie'l+ for ".a aat3. past 0 Ie at Shutt through a erior thirty nuf1es in le xi l't diene the night. A link w i, the, Mast was broken when the Toro County Council eeided to. bey the last tell road. Bonds to the amount of nearly flee million dollars will be issued by Toronto for Hydro cud harbor inn proven eats. The New Brtinswiek Provinelal Parliament adopted a resolution Wednesday night in favor of nego- bating w stb Nova Scotia and Prince E dward island ,celative to the formas tion of a Legislative Union of the arititne l"roVin es, s lie i tberty Loan States was oversubscribed, • billion atoll at -s. Six British' field ?nospita,s France were taken, over by an Ana e ene'uiczat±,tz��iit. Lightning e- ns-tent a _s s e: f , E y Gem.o �1'k'el;�cl�, E.C. tp be flax abled for ten days, An American captain reported tki destruction of a submarine in the At Mantic b,5 his steamer. omen launched at ?a assey alai] °T'o otos a ea npaign.tq rase fay d oldrers' slo use. '''F'1241t .ht ,tee a well -know Guelolt AerarOrlelftnten. died while at work, sols was begun Wash ll against what 'wa C r14^i Ft el za roads tot Chief in`5�b Ceutaty Coitucil ve i `e cth11S to <a b I e VENIZELOS IS PREMIER. t71d Statesman Has Been New ]ling, Bt f� ATHENS, Ione 26.—The Greek Cabinet, beaded by Alexander Zai- mis, has resigned. Xing Alexander has informed M. Jonttart, the high- eomnissionet ran presenting France, Great Britain,. and Russia,_,that be will ask former Premier Venizelos ` to form a new Cabinet., By the advice of X. Joneart, the Provisional` Government ,: will leave Satoii,iea for Piraeus, A strong de- tachment of gendarmerie which left Salonica for Athens on Sunday will °eeup;s the city in eo*nAl.Pction_ with French troops, As soogt"rs ttre new order is established twelegintente of Greek troops at Salo ;vie, Will pro- ee:eil to Athenis. The r1 gnation of Premier Za rnis was apparently due to his�nsa r]lrn r e�the that Sa- Ioniea French troops should occupy Athens in order that perfect order should be maintained in the Pity. Not only baa the adherepte the 1'ztsvisional : Government ;poen pro- claimed in : all thechief centres in, TI essaly., but similar action was taken in Epirus after the landing of the French detachment at l'revez :. Tz ops belonging to the Provisional Government lent xv erR; :also disembarked, d later General PaPanasta_slon .ar- i`ied . as a eepresentAtire of Vend log. Re was retieived by all the )tale;. with, the metropolitan at r bead, The reservists aro still ntewhat restive in route' parts of ae Peloponnese, but the Govern- ent has sent, en emissary' to explain ae situation plainly to the party adeers, and it is expected his this-, r, will restore tranquility, Veni- however, have been mal- t al t Py'roos, Zai here the Rotor- anti-any otor arti-any naval otlleer, Tyrrtlos, no. . Arrests in the Peloponn-' u'Ll certainly be ueeessary, but ' flied' fleets can irnmediately ade the Peloponnese to prevent uerailt erop, which is the cizuo-- try's resource, from reaching the world's markets, any general sedi- trrsus movement is extremely unlike - 2i. The Targe number of Vetzireltstn fn Peloponnese is steadily- growing, 'A`Qr�It= 3S4rar".1- cesuit-^ ome, re rallpointed' 01, fere, f 4otra George P. Liberal leaf; use. of Common est the rete t ript'on bili. Hi tati COST OF WAR. ra t'e t, �,`e`�1ff w: A1. <°tae t'r o1.r 'tt oa:a'e 1 ., uzi t w 1; rcvi vtalls ASSIS— llt5a gyp: v v•,ur -r' n ,4-y to 'Lorne 'a udy e and �zt.21 tsie m,• ices tow=:np o- rn and suer2- aele. eladleaving, t advantage of EEI,STERIS TI it`tionary in his home. Thio new 'S..11 10 1 answers with final auel/ceo all hinds of on=lhig gnee ons =_ ISzstfl s, epograplay, biography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, slid seienees. • 400,tee Vocabulary Terms. 2700P yes. _ Over 600eIliustrstions: • Colored Plates. The only dictionary with thoDiridcdrage. 3 The type matter is equivalent to that If - of a 15 -volume encyclopedia Tee 1,ioreScholarly,Accurate, Convenient, ▪ and Authoritative than atty. other Emit lissi Dictionary. 1tonw s;Uns0ri on. Trade n reeol stilts asking for .r on moil acral'# tide. C?, McPI,ereen asked a de It nd itesistenc;e in stop ration of. feeble -mind Coureaus of Cobalt was d Superintendent of Etaptist isslons in Ontario and Que- .barged in the Toronto Me - dist Conference that ministers at e front are forgott *n by the Sta- tr ring Committee. I rank M. elahoney of Guelph: was 1 f and dead in Or.'iilia pollee station. vlth a bottle half idled with wood alcohol ;a his pocket. t attempt was made at Belleville to wreck a train . en the C. r, R. by tspenine a switch :,and throwing the lanrp in the ditch.: Mrs. Sarah Moloski, of ' Toronto, leaped from a second -storey window. andaer life was saved by spectators tehieg her in their arms. Charlie Boulter, of 624 Gerrard street east. Toronto, may die from injuries received ween his little wag goo was hat by an auto. Three aged residents of Brantford died in one day: Airs. :John Ifo Adams, ninety years old john Ham iiton, eighty -Lee, and Mrs. Orilla Sayles, seventy. J. A. Barrette and H. Achill, Na- tionalist -Conservative members of the Commons moved and, seconded a motion forr the six -months' hoist io the military service bill. congratulatory message -ions sent to General Sir Arthur W..- Cur- rie, nes, Commander of the Cana- dian Army Corps in France, pledg- g.: �y {� y �,, inCanada's support and - all needed LLEGUL11\:. INDIA -AND RAPER ITE f or FREE, s set of Pocket SPRINGFIELD, MASS. IIND STOMA= TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA pes Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, assy Stomachs surety feet fine in five minutes, f Olaf you just ate Is souring on stomach. or lies like a lump of end, refusing to digest, or ,you belch as and eructate sour undigested •ood, or have a feeling of dizziness, eartburn, 'fullness, na.usea,' bad taste 'ititoutla and stornachbeadache, you n get blessed relief in live minutes. '' getting a large' fifty -cent case of Op nee DAY. The crisis in Soalis s reported to be past. British airmen did some effeeeive work on the nin.cedonian front. National indu.stries for Australia are being tmnsiclered by file Federal Ministers. Martial law was eclared Tomsk, Siberia, following wholesale rourders and robberies. Dominica Curre, a G. R. cross- ing watchman in Montreal, was kill- ed by lee,htning while on duty, Robert Paton, Postmaster of Bar- rie, paesed away, efter some months' failing health, at. the age of 78. Premier I3orden Its.s given notice that the House of Conimons begin morning sittings on Tuesday a Mr, rre,d P. Pardee, Chief Liberal Whip, made a speecii in the Com- mons declaring earnestly for , con. Tile British embargo au aPPie,s will help an otherwise smail crop, according to the Director of the ' it Branch for Ontario. The Synod of Huron decided tc admit women to its vestries, thn.$ ending, by an almost unaann6M- ote, agitation years. eet, of nettilal gas per day, at 20c tracted with the Southern Ontarir G a vLs, eon omn, a-init: e so,%ceu,p6 r;ii.szs'11,0:111:10:000n1- The harass glop, German plants suffe aaaad t splosic rodt7ct;4ez eeier porary L 'Prer 1,1 traart Cabinet w•a <y? ;ler. IS eontlnue in the Lens rC u trllnn tnunittou 14a nal:ord anti Icer trod Duma In the Grand River, `rerl Noose left the Toronto Gene ospitol by a window, later to tie a. rested on. a Charge of shoe' breaking, Wm. Sommerville, one of the beat- nown farmers of Blanshard and a pioneer of that townshp, died at the age of 78 years Gilbert Bedford of Seymour town- ship, tomer 'Warden of Durham an Northumberland, hag passed away g2 years of age. Rev. . W. Taylor, rector for 2 years of St. ,Tames'' thumb., St Mary's, Ont., succumbed after an op eration for appendieltis, Joseph Ivey of Ptart Dover, flour miller, died at his daughters' resi- dence in London after four months' illness, at the age of 68 years. Ernest A_ Beed]e, a ear cleaner for the London ee Port Stanley Eailway, was fatally ` crushed E by a freight train while adjusting air brakes - on anether train at London. Anti -conscription, petition forms have beee received in Windsor, Ont,, sent by the Nationalists ot Quebec under .- the guise of `,the Patriotic League of the Canadian Interests. - Will cats :�� as c gra lactizure ra:r 100 orae w Octoly le )me saber 9 n il:ailY ay e says t st temeat to detail, prepared tfr is Sonar I„iw, the Chancel- erlaAer, for the House �f Commons. For the five weeks from April 1: to play a, 1917, the stattement stows lac daily average of expenditure was `7.971,000, 'while for the dive Weeks rocs) ]ley G to Jun 9 it was £7,- '1 e t OTTL II Imp, 12560, 16260 The pure bred Imported. elydesdshe Stallion, sScottiele Gem, the property of John 3. Miller, will stand at bis own Mable, Exeter North, for the season ot 1917, instead of the route as advertised. Terms to insure 02,� Phone No:. 44r2, Notice to Creditors Itg tho atter of the estate of Iso Bella McFarlane, late of the vil- lage, * f flensal , in 'the ;County of.. Hurotn, '"trido:ra deceased. Notice is hereby given that all cred- .. itors and others' having claims soli demands against the estate of the said Isabella DieParlane. who died on or a _.borrt the 2.ts;ts day of February-, 1917, ;ire required on or before the 10th day or July., 1317, to send b lost t ,prepaid or ,deliver to the Toron- to Opneral Trusts tCorperatioaa, Tor- onEo4Qnt.,, the administrator of the Estate of the said deceased, 'thein ehristian atamea and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, lull par- ticulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their account and, the .nature of the security, if any, held by uncut . That after the last nAeantioned date the said administrator ~sail proceed tg distribute the assets gf, the said de- eased amnnee the Mies entitl;=d thr'reto having, ,lre a "'4211)5" to tate ellaiet;s of whits ft #1 #freta 'have notice, and that rr diainistrator will not be Nab ,r,n; said assets, or any part thereof,' to any person, or persons' o£ whose chaff) iotioe shad/ not have been received by it at tb time of such ydii�stribution,,v y qy AfNOLDl {k.. QUtE1�SSON. 303 Ray St, Toronto. r the Toronto Ctexnaraal. Solicitors fo Tim ists Corp I.lrted ail: it Notice 0 u Creditors In the Estate cd ILOIIISA Ct `.l?2.st0111: OEVEAS NOTICE is beroby given" til t len$ having claims agai9.0t flow ,'s a1y:A Cuchnore Itttt nt tlo iter, in tit ;trzottuty ',idow, deceased _ who died +i the 2.ltb 'lay or April, ?917 to deliver to tile, entice: - ye A rode.-y.eaA vers', er their Solicitor) acre t1Ae i0lh day of Tuni a .int o1 their claims' cute re thereofley= ntaf» id secilrities, -if' any, gly' vtrillell, ?194a :TheP3o 'ebnorPa edictae e, AVegctahtCkrtpa � ��.,. AAgniiat4OlgreadaR$ AhI,t4§lQ * jlklgpNTS> C11Il:DilE4 TO I For Infants and Children. Mothers KnowTha Genuine Always Bears the Signature d� a Thirty Yep CA$1.11.4 i' 51 sia;nVd Qu or 191, a i#all get her with pa t* nature of tl; Id, by thew all iduvit, For the ten weeks from April 1 to June 9, the expenditure' Is shown_ to have averaged £7,752,000. For the respective periods set forth the aetnal war expenditure' daily, the Chancellor states, was 'Z5, 14,000, £7,457,0)0, £5,989)000 and £66,723,000. The increase In expenditure for army service, says the statement, ie in part attributable to payments and advances which are ultimately re- coverable, The expenditure -tor mu- ' nations was aitected : by temporary ? causes, such as more rapid delivery. tuade on the termination of certain. orders, but there will be some excess under the heads of munitions over the budget estimate. Regarding loans to the Allfeo, con- tinues the statement, the : Govern - merit was still liable during ,the'', opening weeks of the current year, to fulfill conuraftments undertaken before the entry of America into the war. The advantage of America's entrance, be explained, was now be- ing felt. 1[ U ESD AY- Machine guns: were ;used on the Siztn Feiners in -Cork. 'Ali brochures and leaflets will be closely censored by the German war lards_ The republican propaganda - in South Africa was .scored by Premiei Botha, A ton of potatoes was seized- by women ' in the inner harbor .o.f Rot- terdam. The price 'of bread has been reduc- ed:iza St. Catharines Iwo cents to 22 oents the large loaf. The Toronto 1lydra-electric Sys- tem reports a surplus o£ e18,;3,97 on Its -business for 1916. Dominion Day :will be .celebrated in the Sunday schools of both the United' States and Canada. Oliver J. Wilcox, M.P. foe North Essex since 1909, has relincyuisbed his seat owing to ill -health, The Toronto City Council ,rejig a motion to dism-sssingle eligible officials in order that they might ea= list. , The miners in Northern Ontario voted overwhelmingly in favor of a, strike unless they get an increase in wages of 50 cents a day;. Mrs, Elizabeth Finch of Sarnia died as the result of injuries from 44, Riots in Cork. CORK, June 26.—One man killed and a score injured was the toll in Sunday's conflict between Sinn Feiners and the police. Serious dis- orders occurred, including an at- tatk on the jail in an effort to liber- ate the political prisoners detained there, and attaeks on various milt- ta.ry recruiting quarters in the cen- tre of the town. A number of the clergy pleaded in vain with the Sinn Feiners to keel) the peace, and fina.Ily the police, areaed with carbines, bayonets, and revolvers„ charged at double quick down, Patrick street. Some of the crowd stood their ground, replying with a fusillade of clubs and stones, but the majority fled into the ad - .jacenf streets. The injured were ,quickly. gathered up by stretcher - hearers and taken to the hospital. The soldiers, who up to this time veeee confined to barracks, were now -called out. They planted machine guns ire the centre of Patriqk street and patrolled the scene of the dis- turbances until early Monday morn- ing, when quiet was restored. They then returned. to barracks. Decoration for Murderer; ,AMS TERRA M, J u oe 26.—Captain Brandenburg, who conducted the air raids on Landon on June 13 has re- ceived the. order of Pour le Merite. It is interesting to record that while academic ,discussion of reprisals continues in England that, judging from the talk of German prisoners German troops are grumbling bitter- IY that It is easier for their airmen to attack open cities in England than to defend their own infantry in the front lilies,. At the battle of Mes- sines the, German infantry and artil- lery were both apparently deserted by the German air service. .Prepare Drive. 0 ..,'6.7.'ifti4eiltililia,311..1:r ort4: tbe- 1.) TAKE NOTICE thet titter tile last mentioned date the seid, tnoug-$1. the persons entitled thereto litivilig regard tally to each. claims a.s. thcy shalt have received du," notice and in aecordance therewith, W. Brydone, Executors. or for the .Executors. , CURIOUS COINCIDENCE. *tory of ZI Lucky Stone and * Tri* St George P. Eunz, the 'well known gem expert, relates this little story of a lucky stene and the adventures of its owners: "Some years ago a meteorite was given to Edward Heron .6.11en, the fa- mous writer ou palmistry and the vie - lin, and this gifted nme always wore it about him. One InOrnirig he awakened to find that the entire roof above him had fallen in except just flint portion over his bed. - "Ile told the etory to one of the best known ladies in Boston, one who is knovrn for her public spirit, her love of art and her faultless manner of enter- talning. This lady successfully urged Allen to give her the meteorite. "A few days later while out driving a great truck with two runaway horses attache(' to it struck her carriage. In- stinctively she raised her muff to pro- tect her face. The uniZ 'was alroest cut in two, but the lady was not hurt. A few days later while she was walking under some scaffolding it fell, and the open part -where the hoists went up proved to be just where she stootl. Al- though surrounded by ruin, she re- mained unharmed." Whether the stone was a factor in averting disaster to its owners in their moments of peril is, however, a mattes apart from the facts in the case.— Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. HE KEPT THE TOOL And Prized it Because R Had Never Dona Dirty Work. -I was throwing up dirt from ail el- eavation in the pavement one day," eaid an old laborer, "when a little old chap with white hair stopped "to look on. I was as big as two of him. After and looked „up at Win. Said I: "If you had to do work with a shovel for your tiring yOuld starve to death before you could make a trench deep enough to bury you in.' "I thought that was a smart thing to me. He was a slow speakine man witb a sort of drawl.- " 'I might—starve--as—you—sayn he said, 'and yet l—have—a—trade—in which 1 use—a--tool very much—like-- yours. In fact—many people--wha-- k at my trade—use—the--tool to— shovel dirt and filth—vvith—as---yott-e "He 4#.04e4 Me Steel pen. 06 Branches in Canada 71.1 Tranacted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Inter Boned at highest ren larke, Manager, Exeter Br h D. THE CANADIM B OF" CO MERCE SM. EDMUND WALKER,. CAPITAL PAID UKSI5,000,000 RESERVE FUND, = $13,500,001! JOHN /ORD, General Manago. SAVE YOUR MONEY and thus help Canada to do her share Ia. the GrealWar. INTEREST ALLOWED AT 3% PER ANNUM ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS OF $1 AND UPWARDS AT ANY: BRANCH OF THE BANK EXETER ERANCH—A. E. KUHN, MANAGER Crediton Branch—J. Ae McDonald Manager. , JAS. REVIZRLEY tFURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and Funeral Director Phone 74a. Night Call 74b EXETER. ONTARIO, IResidence 5b. Honor Graduate of Toronto ITnivere-- ing's Law Office. Closed Wedneedyale aftereoons. Phone Office 5a andel FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INS,teR- Head Office, Farquhar, Opt. President, DIRECTORS J. L. RIJSSELL. AGENTS Honor Graduate of To,ronto Univeir. sity. DENTIST Frg Teeth extracted without pain. ore - any bad effects. Office over Glad— WM. ROY JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent- Us - borne. and !Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert Fullerton and L B. Graduate ,Victoria U nivers:tye Office -and Residence, Donainioin Labratory, Exeter., ,Associate Coroner of Haron I Seety-Treas. Farquhar Solicitors, Exeter, LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND . f}erth and Middlesex. Farm Stock ! Hotel, Matt, •Nitarges mod - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publio, Money to Loan , owest rates 001,49Ef,-.2-MAIN ST. EXETER, :04)7:rei; largki:laraOtintat0:4403riv,..,r.1,1.Vilaangteet4.