HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-6-14, Page 4,GRAND LJ SYS gm; A AC o. YE r, b§i iz of to T us OF WEEK TR I I important Eyersts Which Haus l Occurred Er" )2 the; W Busy Word fully Com] ,tag, Gore- d ERZIn 'a E i egattCxtt, it?\ SD AY; 3rit, ellip was sunk by; tl ties last ]t -,day, as5oc -at oa, nt,eetttzgs war Icor"". A betel;C za u nn 4< : a ' l ra + ttrolfo oOd.0:4 t tk Y. l..+4. A, mllita Werke yes now on The United S Ontario at'. gotta sat -rived d z niarr. P Onriertio u ill U 'a A (iR a eie Post yourtosi�* fled for e 1 rt OZ 'Y3 es stea ,stack ploy the ws er ta. y a,;su act It 5 e' holidays_' Tbe Canadiati Cover nzuent in ar- ranging, to ,transport half a minion British subjects living in the United States liable tot` compulsory atayice ,with 'Britain's army, The $reamer ' ' (int Morden is. taating on. at Port Ar' he largest oat cargo ever lea> +'yl� bead o ,tie late cat sz itlig I' . 65,00{P bytstae'S v Dred. ,4 ntor ¢ half a nlillzoa dolga „,; Loncloiz '+Te€nocs:st c onnerenee zenglT endorsed eonseriptioa.. he number or F reset* 'victims of agos.,graons,has dpeerle1 ase!od iPt thane weekly' drills throzkghout the S blas of ,_sliaclor was wrs air earth were Britons, Bare Aineri .. e4fi,. fo ane, anbouag &ale its ;e e z D.0iaoie 111 CONSCRIPT ARMY Terms ntf Measure intrpdaced firm ConnroO necerd3; Crowds ?iitendp on Occasion of Sir Robert, Borden's Historic Spee d --Silt Tottelree Only the afili,tory Aspects of tlae'I'roblent o£' Winning the War, A. A, June 12, --Sir Robert t' en, tlxe Trine Minister, in, 13e nation Bill o p t t'e Y. spoke in dot Import of the Chis- Plaeine t Parliament I p anatittmm, and� S: are for nearly two; ;lours carefully reaciahie pronouncement tram pe written eaannscript "i'Ite meas- re is not to come into egiint. except upon proclamation by ' the`''Covern:- Ment The Premier asked its >er°- fi and thoughtful consideration ''tpembers and promised that no, ,bre suggestions would re- Meat, attention, Vii[nrd ttrYe€^, 1> .s..... dl„s t[ ;al. is rearing, stogie far n°noires, He assured t leader that; We. rte-. , tt€oaigbt ani$; tiCtngre d be grant et161r1 Agreed tiro, Da has adopt- ,the r? work tea ?m/94 ded is tit#'• , or '.a't>ramnt4 osirtd et :ail Iiisbops ta> allay Pbser> rot ru ld Qtff nd ST nae of. aem'e might e clfterenee: in S€?rrow iort ineri axed_. idatxcaay atter- posy crry dot. lore, ft 0 e eitt nearly all ace. The iniroduc- RIs Pit t.edas the (*ailing of rs of the uray, and the Pre- e almost immediately after received: a hearty oYa= Government benches, as repeated; trent I spt ne. It 'MI5 TiAtt ffhe irt�/3 0 ry§ D. r at^mt�rs rt,J?s <at w.tar entre aM6iex 9. Auction Sale l AR'; IN TOWNSHIP USBORN There will be sold be Public _Aue fion on the premises, Lot C., Con_ 7 Toinasbip of Unborn; oa F1UDt .'s.' ,TUNE 1}th, 1917 At lir@ o'clock. Tlae f;;rtai coirtains I00 acres snore or less, anal on at is a frame house, frame barn, franme', stable granary and pig, pen. Theroid is of good clay and equaj to any :fir the Townships and at the pa ese;.it thate is al - in t*lees, There are two well of e• ,,water, a>ne ,ped Iy tie^iets3 infill, °;with a large,n:,''ater tri in csttinection.. The property is miles south ,�"�}iri�� iii ora,gn),.. Ro ID i',., 1 3-'0 and,I °'L � '{ "li'd �X .hllC. • anclaool, and +aaly four-nmi;es front rai*b station, p!r terms apply to t., i'i. metier at l;lintville or to the aygl JOHN H, IHERDMA B ROBINSON, Aue et Actio Se Of BLS GGIES, GONS, IM, P. E;i1Em? F+, E.TO Ton will he sold ;>a,.JUNF ze;ar fk� Cel t!I Ciel, '�-9aete lib, 1910 4 ,qew tA#$Tt l' eafs. i New "a fel int 7,11Qt " rs Z New, l0 -fora! steel Raki,.s Z Sita; le €+ottl Riding flows, 31. beiio Tern s, Iluggics credit V,... i pt 4 t- 4 if4e, - 4ktikc given to e C, 1.V. R2.0IBINS'+r Proprietor and Arra. moot9. olereen 1,913, The b?r d > zmm�tt rieh 9iille r, t4 1Fx,ter. 1917, rrr,te; Children Cry for Fletoi er the Yiutd. You "Save Always; I Sought, and which has beam Jufor, - use over thirty years, has borne the ssgnature of tt9. _r and has been made under ' pelr� As -917:1w ; su i e: Allow illi one to deceive Fou I,n'this. cc as Gotlnterfeits, Imitiitiolts and Just: �s-good are but.. Ements that trifle with and endanger the health jnefaltts and Children --Ex erience ` a mast E ri e t. What. Castor is, i banes substitute, for Castor Oil, Paiegori ' I ps and Soothing Syrups, .tt is pleasant. Tt contain tether Opium,`' 1' d`orphine nor other narcotic substance. f ; age is its - guarantee. Far more than thirty years iii :ham beeai in constant use for the relief of Cozzstipatiou, latulanny, i `inrd i oliic ,area 1)d rrJ a a allaying Feverishness arising therefroa 1, and by . the Stoniaeh ` and Bagel$, a. R - �ang lresithy and unto lural) ae othet''a Friend. N CASTORIA Ai -NAY Qf Iu tJse For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Y. NlEY.' tit iE1$1,3atoe e atzd: acs eteitn ;nos play. :; r , 1,^ d ere,tzte„ free ratta- llil tchlan. Prior va s:e d girl op for zsauty sayer theur3tome tidy e:z; wo' nn+i irtc`*tt: i Give :e same:. clm'kni <o win.pro- nets n end'euaccess'. on the 'adhering the advantage of ar; m<J` VVEBSTER'S EW INTERNATIONAL lyictionary in his home. This new erea#.iort answers with final author- ity all kinds of puzzling questions g in history, geography, biography, to opening, pronunciation, sports, arts, , and scienees. 5 4• 00,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. Over 6000Illustrations. ColoreciPtates ▪ =lamb. dictionary with the Divided ?age - - The type matter is equivalent to that of a I5 -volume encyclopedia: fji M• ore Scholarly. Accurate, Convenient and Authoritattive-than any other Eng.. !`Y dish Dictionary. illustrations, etc FREE, a set of Pocket Maps, if you name thio _ paper. C. & C.MERRIAM CLP., SP13UNGF1ELD. MASS., REGULAR AND a INDIA- 5 PAPER EDITIONS WRITE`f o r specimen pages STOMACH TROUBLE GASES OR DYSPEPSIA /Papa's D;apepsin" makes Sick,' Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel tine in five minutes. It what you just ate is souring on igoaar stomach or Iles like a lump of Lead, refusing to digest, or you belch and eructate -sour, undigested have a feeling of dizziness, rri, fullness; nausea, bad taste h' and .stomach headache, you bleseed' relief in;ve minutes, rstomac tt trouble forever ar :ant e of y,drygbre 0 4;3 co tei.t, as^ a o ttil't Le,islatia u lacani,hiott pr+ me?aattre. kroltj Paye 53rd Bat- trid z oat;°arena In a bush townsliipm fum°in, io Railway :and Munici- pal £liaazz°d alt tioned 1'uerboro City Coupexl's npplie:;zsieinr to eatablish. sttunicipal dslaal yard. This Is el ging year in the To- ronto Methodist Conference, and the Stktioniug Committee has many change w provide for. A party of about fifty war veterans brgke up 4 meeting of the London Trades ;and Labor Council, but with- out violence to anyone. Rev. D. P. Langford before the Toronto Synod missionarymeeting voiced the need for an institutional louse for 1-;ork among Toronto Jews, Mr, Justice Hodgins at the Angli- can Synod made a plea for the organ- isation of Church resources, which resulted in a decision to appoint a finance commissioner. Pas- . Tohn Nefl, B,D., of Westmin- ster Church, Toronto, was unani- mously elected Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly, which opened its forty-third annual sessionatMontreal. Hon, Robert Rogers, at his own request, has been duties of his office , as Minister of Public Works, pending investigation of Judge Galt's findings against lzim by a commission of two judges ap- pointed by order -in -Council. Single men of military age in the employ of the Imperial Munitions Board at Ottawa, with no depend- ents, are, if found physically fit for service overseas, to be dismissed; also the 5,000. inspectors throughout Canada who are not returned z:ol- diers are to be ordered out for exam- ination. l"orelte eetilig ofeighty a So; Sir Wllisnt. L, 4lU sllor c -C McGill, „alve ;it pa r. %unreal in Rica Several hattaaiitao artkli<arzs,' .atktl ot. aave sateel_y rc+aehe*c 11OD. , 1,. L. Penman :tate, has resi .ned, lobuli has been aaccep r Borden.. A: tleleegatioa of Uniteil Stairs sop dere Intraielna at Fort Gcargo vicited Toronto and made a favor - hie impression, Robert liooltings, a, prominent Caariuer and esttle buyor In R.ichrnontj township, di ld of injuries sustained in a runaway near 'Newburgh Friday' last. l'iamsay Macdonald and Jowett, members at the British Par - 'lament, and noted pacifists, ;Ire pre- vented froom going to Petrograd by the Seamen's Union. The Presbyterian General. Assem bly adopted by standing vote a strongly worded resolution endors- ing selective conscription for the bat- tlefield and: universal "conscription of the talent, wealth, and. energy of the Canadian people. TUESDAY. Great Britain sent a note to Rus- sia restating her war aims. General Pershing took, luncheon with King George and Queen Mary. Battalions of helpers have beenplaced upon Ontario farms by the. Resources Committee. Josiah ,Mitchell, a prominent resi' dent of Peterboro, died suddenly 'o relieved" of the heart failure, aged: 73. The General Assembly began the discussion of Church Union, which will be continued to -day. Sir Wriiliam Hearst and rMr. N. W. Rowell joined in a conscription meet- ing in Massey Hall, Toronto. The commission to control the grain production of Canada is named, Dr. Magill being chairman. A Dublin 'police inspector was fat- ally injured' while trying to prevent the Sinn Feiners from holding ` a meeting. A Berlin despatch reports the death in action, in Flanders of Baron, von Piener . one of Germany's most celebrated aviators.: England is spending 15,750,000 a day ($37,277,500) •'' in her warring, Chancellor of the Exchequer Bonar Law told the House of Commons.: Sir Thomas White intends to move for a board of three Pension" Com inissioners for Canada to replace the present board of five members. It is reported that the Government intends to name Mr. Justice Duff of the Supreme Court of Canada as the administrator of the conscription. bill. Captain Aymer de. Cherge, a mem- ber of the French Horse Buying tit r FRIDAY. The Argentine ship Oriama was sunk by a German plunger. Another successful British air raid was carried out in Belgium. Colonel Winston Churchill was appointed head of the Air Board. The Entente allies will ask • Japan. for,greater aid in the anti -Sub war. The Toronto Trades and 'Labor. Council' met :under police protection. Lieut. C. J. La,r,;;serond son of ]sonar Law, died of wounds received while fighting in Palestine. Mr. John °'Pearce, who nailed the - police when Hon. George Brown was shot, died from blood poisoning. Hou. George P. Graham bas re- signed the presidency of The Mont- real Herald, which he has held for S the past three years. The Sefton Government (Liberal) was returned in Alberta by a ma- jority about the same as that it had io the last Legislature. 'Pour hundred and twenty-two sol- diers reaehed Halifax, includin,s, WOUu.ded, convalescents, and some on duty or shore leave. order-in-Couneil was passed and signed forbiddine betting on crace tracks in Canada from August iill the end/ of, the war f. ommission in Montreal, committed uicide in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel by trang,ling himself with a rope at- tached to a bedpost. Captain De Cherge was injured in the early days of the war by a fall from a horse. In the Comeaons Lieut. -General Sir Sam Hughes asked if the Gov- ernment had any information in re- gard to the reported retirement of General Sir Julian Byng,as mander of the Oanadia,n array front, a,nd whether his ''S"'e to be a Canadia nc its a $taztitriary= of the alt 1►1it:mts° Service �, .a.+ nsaa al. [rc+csvt err. forty-itvia iu term ! t`,ak�ti, First Three Class (wlalailt will ? Bailed ftret) eonipris e all ziin le izten end t'hlldlt;,se wi*Iowere from 20 to 34 years tit age: (1) 20 to 22; ti'«1 24 to 28; (3) 29 to 34,. C'laa:, <l,€;trrte4l Inert, widetiwe v illi ebildr^ten, frcn.0 2Q to 23, t liizs:s 5--Makrriett-,treer>, wltie.,, xwitlr i ktil€lren, from .M4 to Vis' In the twitter of the estate of belle MieFarierse, late of the itioe of Ileusell, in the County Mama widow, (leeeeseo, Notiee is hereby Oren. that all ere note and others; boob*, entima a aid Isabelle 3tantiltirre, who tlied r about the 2(1th ally of Febrnary, 91- ere -glared on or before the t lay July,' 1917, to send bot deliver to the Toren - of the aid deceased, than nd descriptions, full par- ieulars writing of their claims, etatement of their account and the oature of the security, if any, held by them . That after tbe last mentioned date the said admiuistrator will proceed to distribute the assets or the said. de- ceased among the parties entitled ereio haying regard only to th tams or Nvbieb it shall then have tice, and that the said Administrator Neill not be liable for the eaid assets, any part thereof, to any person, nereons or whose claim notice shall, not have been received by it at the. time of such distribution. 103 Bay St: Toronto. Solicitors for the Toronto General Troste Corporation. Dated at :Toronto. June 8th, 1911. PEACE PLAN REJECTED. Russians Perceive Reason for the Teutonic Offer. PETROGRAD, June 12. -- The Council of Soldiers and Workmen announces that the German . com- mander -in -thief oh the eastern fron sent ,a wireless message inviting the Russian armies to a separate armis- Notice tp Creditors In the Estate of NO'TICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Louisa Cudraore late of the t of Exeter. in the 'County of Huron. widow, deceased who died oil or about the 21th day of April, j917 are required to deliver to tha und,er- signed Executors or their Solicitor on or before the 30th day of June; 1917,, a lull statement of their claims together With particulars thereof and the nature of the secu,rities. if any, held by theth all duly verified by af- liciAnNviit; TAKE OTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said. Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the, said deiseased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto haviag regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice and in accordinc, theree-ith. Dated at Clinton this 8th nay of June W. Brydone, Executors. ,ar., 'Dryden°. Clinton, Ont, Solici- tor for the ExeCutors. tice and proposing that they enter into secret pourparlers with -the Ger- man leaders. The council de- nounces the proposals. In the telegram, the council's an- nouncement states, the German com- mander proposed to show the armies a way toward an honorable peace and a means of ceasing -to wage war without a break with the Entente The Council of Workmen's and Soldiers' delegates has in this con- nection addressed to the Russian army the following appeal: "The c-mmander-in-chief Of the German armies on the eastern front has sent to our troops a wireless message proposing , indieate to wage war without a rupture 'with the Allies. In' his 'telegram the German general declares that a separate armistice does not offer Germany any advantage. But this is untrue, for in speaking of the inactivity of the German army on the Russian front, the German, general forgets what Russia caniaot forget, notably the Russian defeat on the Stokhod. The German general has forgotten that the Russian troops know whither the divisions and. heavy bat- teries are being taken from our front. The German. general has for- gotten that we in 'Russia hear the sound of the bloody battles which are being fought on the Franco- 13ritish front. He has forgotten that Ryssia knows that the ( over- throw4kOt her allies would mean the, Your opinion of the worth of a,thing depends a great deal upon whether you have the` buyer's or the seller's end of the deal. Retail Dealer. "He is a poor business man." "How do you know?" "Saw him trying to borrow a qua er ,,t,z°da;.,'H''VVI3Yeilletou0l1dth,haat:e'' la'orrowed $1. 3iv • the saine amount of energyit'a-zO. o time relso 0404,14 ubige QLSONS CAPITA', AND RESER\ E $ 80C,000 ielies in Canada g Business Transacted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT )ighest current tate nager, Ex r ranch HE CIVADIAN BANK OF CO MERCE SIR EDMUND W'ALKER, CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 JOHN AIRD, General Manager H. V. F. JONES, Assn. Genii, Manager. BIDIVIDUAL SAVING 18 ONE OF THE GREATEST ,BULWARICS OF THE NATION. Commence to.day by opening a savings. 19 account. Crediton Braneh—J. A. McDonald Manager. 1 o FURNITURE DEALER DENTIST , , ;t! Enabalnier and Funeral Dire -afar Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeaka- Phone 74a. Ni ht Cali 74b EXETER. say. Office over Dickson I.aw Office. Closed Wedneadyai, afternoons. Phone Office 55 (Residence 5b. la FAIR3IER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSuR- Honor Graduate of Toronto Univetra ANCE COMPANY 'lead Office, , Farquhar Ont Vice -President, THOS, RYAN. DIRECTORS OgOCK. WM. ROY J. L. IR USSELL, J T ALLISON • AGENTS ' JOHN ESSEIRY. Exeter, Agent Us - borne, and Eiddulph. OLIVOR HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fultarton and Logna. A. `TI'LTIRNRI.iLL. Solicitors, Exeter, 71k'A'4;T:ro'Pti3tty sity. DENTIST " Teeth ettracted without pain. one - any bad 'effects. Office over Glada- Exeter; e. '11.574: rPa'Rdu°a\tVelVIN;se's:rfia DUn-33iliver.Bal.tyPe. Office and 'Pesidence, Doininiont 'Associate rGoironer of il.dron Barrister, Solicitor, Notary -Pulali a. raoni'miasioner, Solic:tor ., or 'Dig Molsoris Bank, etc, . Money :to Loan at lowest rates ollf cit