HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-6-14, Page 210. OFFENSIVE Y BLOW IN BE Gill Britons„ Led by Gen. Sir Herbert Plumes, Occupy German Pos tions a n. the,.Mess ines-1 ytscha to Ridge. A despatch from LII pressed on eastward 1-1 1 "s is One of the most ettborafeay pta*n-! chaete ,s ad occupied, the rkllage Oosttaverne and trez rices oast of diiRd daringly executed arzaroeuvres e tillage on a front of more of the war,, ougl t„s, ITaig's fo:'ies 1ltaxales. dealt! < #it, l fii agams` t r'rohab,y .>,4r er inn hrstor°, twaS ': beo tar'; launched ; it , i'eater ed acvit ° ;tag er i Raration. Fake day s the i'y-tsch te, ' tF,e c,aaaiuTe o ;l t t$ tax 5,c?tlt� lier,t nand' 1i tR the tajective or the _i50:2u^:"'; and n sou , tains. o , guns, .a, r �` � r�ksh. �,t,.,s ak_33L,? lad hurled torts. k e'ti;1s tYi»?J"'8 'i'",,P- _t of ratty; ip. 1 11!x,:te,e;I. up?jt ti..... icher tile t'.nne for'': filleted Ilea; castga3tie- ,Tn toe. k e � � c Cer t�e attack' came the British loose (APS-, �7f9laes cotiia.ir�n *�' 600 tons of hid3:.. ex A` ++Q%'.' :, �;? fa3. `k... 1' .?'m:A X?.32e ,''oo, . i)1 front (if the Get-mana .. �- e`tite 'fr� �" dt�k,px '�d��d` �trY�r7iti,, the zie.�vrArTtivlt:;: being' .,.eat'; .ao+-....-� �.r,..:.,� .. 0miles <i way in England. 17i1.-13, consternation reigning among t :;d der a eurtain of Zealand and re ;With ',tt11ni_s„ a r rs the nnen, slight re-' ' erne beaten Brearlst.ifs ,; 'lt•unitoua, ani. 's a NEWS `;.I3?: 11t,,kdir FROM L%N1)'S SHORES. ;coin e of. nutr•k'et Ire'+raging in Cloamel ha. cde ,t; oyed tie:. of heltlter, Fie has flesh: eta Batlinteaniple Co,Carlon', he residence of r $iaR:laaYtl I? tiler... al ,�l , a 1QYn has been reaehed by the I' t 11 i 3 :. not t .•. t the i:ti:3S�`�7}f;,`ii`49� �k :2ya.: �L I..S,-q �,,ay. rut {^ d' . ra;c aintlon Act in • force iEl:iad xtfter. inc 14 apped in tiie o £8, per ton. south ofd;, r quanti- :try ,'7 g' -1, rear is p eet „e ktr doze 40 t }, hot,se. Fii r ttu,e, building Ce cortany, did damage series v,ze W >il nek-on-Snir Guardians are' eyno shilling and aixpencela gal- v,iC:,. nen=ib ,stapplled to the York-, 'ha of Prince levo e: A new photo of the Pre.rier a dia, who is having troubles all h Ilam Por- trying to hold all elements o off Ennis- Ra,ssians teg;ether.. £:tiF ter. • en3•Gt tate rpi• icy th a frit-. `' edo. to Reto of i r. Liable for Si ice. CSi:f, 'x,reria Ottawa saiesil s have been ceM Brits as 54ihjecis in join the Can- rce, Vzarion- De,- States ;ta_. es, stat b tl tai meat Cd4' County _diosp A new ward ha encr3 dionpit al, by ti rde}asbua g., in honor i of s.re f Ri s - is own CANADA'S C:3A CROP' 3( £daeuest Will Probably Yie&d 275iC0O,000 Bushels D.-NORTHCLIFFEFROM OLD SCOTLAND SUCCEEDS BALFOUR Takes Position of Head of Bri fish Mission to the United States. A despatch from London says: Lora Northcliffe; at the request of. the War Cabinet, has accepted the position of head of the 'British v,ar mission in the United States in sur cession to Arthur J. Balfour,whe is to return to his duties at the Foreign Office. Lord Northclirse's ta",al- - be to co-ordinate the various British mis- sions, and act in eoneert with'the mis- sio s of the Entente .eines egad of the American and Canadian Gorern,. i'inernts. IIe has mat many visits tan the United States and Canada. Iraq was, born at Chapelizod, 4county Dub1a lin, July 155', 1865,; rd 'Northcliffe ; is well known as Triter amid newsiaaper proprietor. controls, anon, other journals, Tine London Times and London Daily Mail. ale luta a controlling can Brest h great Nett -foal -idle -n(1 paper and the Inlperiat Paper _i Gravesend near . London. He lxas 5`he,side t�.ie rz;fx' ==R1 's*�.f?k taken anactive part in British 1.1 -ie C,P R. made an inspect o tlt t 41 affairs, and -recently has a 3r. Jett t, ItO5,° ' 11l god in vi o,cus stilanort et its for esU tes of a�`e�„ea n dd ll air etc nes nae j a t{t 'wheat y'ie: rnrrnrnr lno in•ej,., ,{fit Pc cce dcdeyger net ,: it tdi tract Pls, \i;eth e i} midis at O rn,ier Lloyd George's Home Mule eo t year, ti high -1 Ireland, '0,000,606 ttaflali- i ed cit a at a.: c„t- e pr;res. growing 'wheat s.. eces,. iliablin and district. was secretly; amnzecl; ai thn unaasua f £.100 has been, fecundity" of the $ozd; z:t t1to: high ue. as r Cour.- ti dcic growth. the ui;ktoran excellenclae •eine- of the plant and its 3aixuriant appear- ance- tie said Canada would raise been ()pegged in 240,005,40 bus?nets of wheat and felt! orJohn Rosaof gnat it `mould a ase 300,000,000, a .it tg3t ti 1 the date'Earl In June. 1916, a private es,ttia:ato d .i: placed the Canadian crop saI 000 butrhele, Netwitilstintrdidi tir2neti a 1, t13,:01010 Of tleff1vok• portsthi$ Was adhesed to'i, won •over€nnent tiigurea, rod) yte;rded, p150,030,009 bushels: .tit , lban 0 e pubtfie estaanate of Mr, Bury 'iiaiitetd'iand wile /916 crop has prcdueed ap. soup; J pre( i n10.101a 2''2i 006,0x9 busliets �)7:1�`+pRi'"' (,ttk ase SPring g res heat area aaa ."t„:R r 41CQ c etes in 1'fiifl en 09ia0t31.3' acres to 0,970,0(14 acfenl, it ta'5 wheat area is .loss 1901 "u 1960, .1,Rttra;aay �Yatani. Flide«ge tot f100. The p Iitlxae con re Expk€,aa34,ra o%' 'std z ori !!eai'3 in n lY' nag Lentian vitii n cs. 'tt .esn tyr,o,e a' to tatty Of 010 litaSS n perelirattiary tried e%ad ..esti gin, and, if $3t, aro sent', en laoiitdi';unrIGre of the military x•. d.:.:anadathat is. neareat to 'alatia '.4'23?w19 ery r111ktlt ' tl IO +V1' 01 dater ' ao prone t;ri x;2nto t 1ps to F`inCi Ilnnkerp i t1 hive, to lie eastern and ,outlterai t elia inY that n10V' #1si k 9°ii ..c res iO f thewilelit d a «t ata s.aisc:i «'1 k 12• Cr, had 15Ginaie saton in, »4f,li. n ketal: 1,lfer' h ave ben oktLci;al dd Ti ;En NOTES OF INTEREST FROM IIE1 BANKS AND BRAES. "R4`hat o, Going on in the Fiigh1ands ¢nd Loin'iands ttf A�udcS . a' Scotia. The citizens of Kirlseonnel ha Vt3 r iised a5 for the limbless soldier's and, sailors. The D.S,C, has been awarded to Skipper David 'Wallace of 65 Society, ls Street, Nairn, O r er 1;440 ;• alae I?atdagate Red Cross Soeiety Gourock has bee an enztireiy free fom infectious disease since£ the lee<, inning of the year, is; Ilarrison J, Gibbhas been aaapoint- so?e ' a� °enit oi" tlje Unioin : Baaat, tide n ; Cat Ike Douglas, ,The 1urcanison Award for �;eologl z cad researeb las ° beer, sere=»,°ed by Mi, Ein, orar.'yhir4,",.. he estackaete olf the�, late linm, Proctor, formerly:- of the tsortlou Arai- Motet,' Pechaber. =.s valued at £32,1176. TheBerwick Magdalene 'Fiends Golf Club has decide(' to close the golf a'.ourSe for the {dilr ti£3aa a f the niv aa�se:d' Basi i -tell of t by C.`tcati hen awards tt,N.'`R.R., d. of Ial:aeduttl', Banffshire., he Croeliston Poorl9ou' e Maas over for a few weeks for of mentally afi'1 cted s gathers J. A, lie .Neas'tor,-SLOV. is been. awaa'rde.l the Boyd Mehl for •a;iinide Gk'v3cee George Murray, Castle road C cart, has been appointed ss"a member Orr he Cathcart Parish Council. Red CANADA'S CATTLE TRIiPi Ten..fodd 'iner^case in Asiarznt Prodlcts the Farm is a iaake dqR animals 111 Canada. were :tied February' 1, 1.91:i esti 44,199, a.r larger at•kr)I+)tlkit than, td l*d arst'R gats enuet*. Olt who 1 x �aik:i c' yLBoydi { ±gip �1 he i1' a1 'IF 1 eStiit'nee, Waltrn r the isttarek Rd 1.' .,,i the pre ac.r hour ti, a 1 5 it. ;` S 4t1t tittn1Rierd to Baca a*f'4a td}'ey,.yon�.r41iru last ated STRIEES LiEl iv': ivt �4?tis 1. and it an - identified IIran or the g and al to Vages s.' h fron Geneva says: The the high eost , and the re- eal of proprietara factories, mostla- Germans, to inorea . wages as a result of the insecurity of their fac- tories from attaaks by allied air craft. Five thousand weirkmen aa, --a the wspaper, began a strike at Each, dless of severe warning--. by the German commander. The strike spread to othi_r aim German avalrg zit once occonied five of the SLitintieg kit,a .Nov�l tong, as Si`e sr,v's rda�xc,'. the r itctrily'i es, of the tikil Unitb(i Sia' despatch from London says; , of eighteen German aeroplanes ook part in Tuesday's( air raid x and Kent were driven down ish airmen, Pour of these were to a certainty comPletely destroyed, vittile two others are believed to have leen. plrb totally out of commission. GI the eIghteen machines that started in the raid two were brought down near the Britfsh coast after hav- ing dropped their bombs, as repelled in the official British statement. The remaining sixteen were engaged by ten naval airmen from Dunkirk, who in a great battle over the sea destroy- ed two more of the Germans and drove down another four, two of which. it is reasonable to believe, were completely put out of action. SI.FTON WINS IN ALBERL Liberal Government Returned b • • / About Same Majority as at FOOD STRIKES Last Election. Many Important 7) Throughou tl Country Are Idle. despatch to the Central News from Christiania says that great demon - food situation were held throughout ' with a view to preventing rioting, pro- hibited the sale of alcoholic bever- ages for three days, and as a result of The despatch add.-, that all stores , in Christiania shut their doors, that , are idle. and that nearly all worinnen where Hon. Wilfrid Gariepy is the A despatch from Edmonton, Alta., says: The Liberal Government under has been returned to power. Albei-ta.1 as a result of the voting in Thursday's, election. Returns are slow in coming! in, but the figures tabulated up to 9 o'clock indicated that the Liberals 1 would have about the sarne proportion of seats as formerly -88 out of a total in the House of 56. All the Cabinet Ministers are believed to have been, returned, although the Attorney -Gen-, close run in Edson. Only a few polls1 have been heard from at Beaver River,' hard 5,55, No, 1 Northern, 5,2.55 to 9 whaa, 521 to 13.31, 0140n741'4, Bran -524 t0 325. 52.43, nominal. lanschtl--53,23; Live Stoat; laarliots to 511.50; butchers* cattle. /emote, 511.40 medium, 55.15 to 510; do„ common, 55 LO 59.25; butchers° buns; clasice, 510.55 to 511; do., good bulls, 55,75 to 5101 do., medium hulls, 11.55 to 19; rough S7.50 tO feeders. 59.50 to 510,251. carmcrs and cutterS.*1;5,50 to 56.50; milk - and nted., each, 510 le ;$'60; 45Pringeri5. $55 to 1110; light eSVOS, $12 LO 15c, to 1Sc; lambs, choice, 515 to, 518; do., medium, 52 I to 512.50; hogs, fedttand watared, 511; do., v2eigliecl off cars. Montreal, Sone 1n --Choice steers, 511,50 to 512; good. 511 to 511.25; lower giades, SS 50 to 510.50; butchers' cows, 25 to 50c. her csvt, lower at 58 to 510•25; SHIP OF A_ItGENTINA IS SUNK I3Y U-BOAT. A despatch from Paris says: The sunk by a submarine in the Mediter- ranean on.Wednesday, according to an announcement made by the Ministry of Marine Thursday night. rhe crew was saved by a French ship. The subinarine first shelled the ship and then sent men on board who fixed bombs in her hold and exploded them; sending the ship to the bottom. commission tells how lw one ard work o get some fatigue( British stragglers out or St. Quentin when an overwhelming force of, Ger- mans was approaching. Finttlly had the inspiration the' was than a ma- jor) to proeure a toy drum and a whi,Ale, and to this music he and a trumpeter broright the znen mit of town singing the "British Grenadiers."' The other d3y. addressing the training camp at Plattsburg, General Bell said lie wanted every company to have its own song. "'A Ilot Time in the Old Town To -night' has a swing to it that will put ginger and cold courage in atid e 11 iyavoritz litire of n" the teem. '1 louths the eat of the itrairle pravt the. animal prodacts un inner. ',posed reeidence were reage sown for this year's, crop. It the despatches that theY came 3'001 ' of acreage. no interior, or Frtinl L0116011 tO 010 region where land, farmer helped by moisture, the British mine$ were exploded along ha00° with the estimates or the German front, the di,tuncc ranges guess triage for 1016. The settler 0,01ne to the reseae the from 100 to 140 miles. many miles distant from the railroad, OUR ENEMY, THE ROUSE ELY. even from the public highway, is still and will be for many years an element !Department of Public Health Urges to be reckoned with fa the statistical war on common 'Foe. life of Canada, IIe is the 211011 11110 has last year's wheat to sell during this From time to time a good rn"n:; year's harvest, It is his contribution l'astY bItt true f"ts ha" been given adds 100 or 200 that about the fly. At the approach of from a thousand isolated farms summor timo teowilasaitsote.toldlsay toilde suiruner-we again draw your attention to this dangerous, filthy insect, and crop wheat. ask yoll to kill them and spare them the hearts ef mon. Go to it. Sing Experts franiller with the entloolt not. land fight; foi corning crop place the probable Tile fl:s a cleat rye. It Not without reason is part of the yield at 275,000,000 b h 1 breed f 1th V' 1 I eats filth and carries it around to soil Ibudget devoted to 200 piana and NO LOVE FOR THE TURK,. clean objects with- The Prodmt of . a single fly in 40 days would amount 10,000 records. Canadians and Terri- Tribal Group on Lower Tigris Accep 810 Pounds/ Provided eni:v half of :torials marching through London on British Administration [hem lived' The'lPgicai time !to kill their way to the front are accustomed!. * a fly is therefore early in'spring. You. to lift their voices in musieohail olit_t,' one of tile great tribal groups of will find a few adults now in cellars, ties -not, as a rule, those of the latest the lower Tigtis has now come com- attics, stables and other out of the 'vintage, hat 1„isYally the SOngS that pletely under British control. It is way plaee8. -t hogs appear within the bounds of near - have been gaining favor through sev- knotwvn as tile Allitt. Muhammad. As In warm weather the.. fl eral seasons. That is a striking. fact an Independent entity the Albu Mu- eggs in manure or organic about the songs the sailors sing. They hamrnad are not of ancient date, but in 6 to 8 hours its - for the last nine generations they have larvae (maggots), whicli"gr had a separate existencelon the Tigris and mature in 4 to 5 dal between .Arnarah and Ezra's Tomb, larva then beconies a pupa 502, s'aipped large (Ina:1M os Ito he fatteaed in the Statea, have for fli.50010 Yearo constituted an Important element 111 the Canudtall ea We trafie,-, 4,ChicAgo ,and Minneupolis aro frequently heavy buyers at llatott, Stook Yards, St. Boniface, t tit , eblof cattle Market of the western pro- ! Production, especially of hogs, has fluctuated widely, From .func. 1015, to June, 1916, horses decreased 6,000, milch cows 63,000, cattle 80,000-, sheep 73,000 and Imgs 207,000. With 110,,s arnund $17,50, there has hcon strong induceinent to 00185 them anti 1;erhaps greater temptation to the improvident to- sell brood stock. High feed prices also have discouraged that indestry. Roughly estimated there are 8,060,- 000 cattle and 2,800,000. hogs. -in the Dominion; Canada nas an expanse of pasture land, will inn -unlovable water- - courses, on such a 'groat scale as to make 80,000,020 cattle and 28,600,000 are tenacious of the old and approved tunes. A modern ballad of a rhythm sufficiently taking ma3r sweep'tlie regi- ments like machine-gun fire; but for rYef alnisi by probability. OW rapidly DISCOVERIES-A.:N-D--1---NVENTIONS their headquarters being the little brown.case, and in five days more the one "Tipperary" there are hundreds townem ,Qa1 at Sahh. adult fly emerges to carry n • a Iof modern mushroom growths that The Shailchs showed no pertina- tive existence for several Weeks. , perish. The song a soldier carries in (dons devotion to the Turks, with The great way to controrflies there ins mental kit muet have a swingIng whom they had spent most o heir ore is to kill the early ones, arid !simplicity of form and the syhpathetc lives active conflict and made sub- clean up' all places where they Can appeal of the elemental sentiment that mission to British forces as soon as breed, e.g. out-houg's fe-ma .t- g makes the whole world kin. they had established themselves at -vegetable and putrieving ammal tnat- Amarah, For the last eighteen months ter, bedding of Poultry pens garbage,' they have shown themselves reason.- manure piles, etc. If we allow ti101 ably loyal, willkig enoligh to meet to accumulate we seon have fii TI German thoroughness should not tante bars and produce tpusical sounds. -- A veltiele which. he claims will serve as an automobile, motor heat or air - 1 plane has been invented by a Detroit Flour, wi th which bread a made Is being obtained froni sugar boots in France as tile result of scientists' ; overlook the fact that one of the many unusual demands for labor hn road and manure Pile in vour yard or " ' !reasons, that France is -popular is that it is essentially a courteous•nation. roilway,, writes the British eye -wit- neighbor's rnay.breed3roeunoauleith fli ness with the army._ a few days to worry Ca -AMR, Z1 5A1 HELEN Gi/Ess 71415 oklE THE NEV.! RoLL socK5--- () GARTERS ascenumg poles lie bas 'ollmbed more than 8 0 0,,,,railes in the last twelve years A new picture molding from sheet metal is intended to he, nailed to a wall before the plaster is applied, the latter helpiog support-' the weight it carries. For easy access the draw in a now kitchen cabinet are mounted one large drawer that ea), be DniledC forward wbon• the table top of t,he cabinot is extended. Accordlng 16 an 'English scientist's ti in a te t he world's tota1 annual rain, fall amounts to 23,847.1 cubic% miles', -of which less than one-fourth drra1 ns hrough rivers into rho .47-C:0311. To enable an automobile to pull ifs soli out of a naudhole ther0 114.5.,..1.)C7211 When fastened, to a mired whoPi, is !unsvound by it to form a.. dry pathway. Patents have been grant od to a Con- :cioenestiicss.tiitngwoolftialae pfa-o0;r:oa baking board -, from which, single moved when sollet paper, rolling ' it 11