HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-6-14, Page 1::'7{r�rsti oBTY-SEcoID No: 2243 ii. EXET*<F Qty UR DAY MORNING JUNE 4th 1,91, ..N., -;÷,1-4+.17+14.1.44++++44+++E ' JONES t& MAY Boys' that ar spiend d q1) PH Special Boys' Sale VI "E every Fathe gas a frena. fife age;+ 1)i Odd o 3ttttstry on Clot t you buy a Suit are irtaae' by* orae Exeter girls, 'e itavFe taketa advra,vafage'j _ �atrela�se nea�l very big Safi grant Suits are I tae ttit at t vtla, ;al' by ill ��;ei ai l o ec:i rstemp antnfaetu Ivo Exeter iris, last fisc to nple 1)a Exeter hav- e ave and, worn by Boy tat we will be pleased to she past Kee Sw t elle e 4 itiO a as a Hca lfi�litt re dgarilag the n and p BOYS' - CLOTHING' € of, The `acksoz apri e that ave esu; alg Com ry Going and Our liha �aeciai da ds p II, SP1CIAFOR MSN ee Bays ng Shirt Bn conjunction with our above big showing of over so Boys Suits «xfaclneatiy 200 pairs o bloomers 1 av s cured from W E ,Sanford andbout to loo fine f odd wec Co.,� �5 Saveric nBrand Suits for mmostly Greywhich we ':will offer during thi very Y close prices CQ11 .,in and :;sew ti ern whether you need a silt or not. P TENNIS AND OUTING SHOES We have a big variety of Outing Shoes in white, tan or We. ,east the using' for hot w ather. All sizes for all the falai: y'' 2 k•' d• i• :- F' 1 +4-1.1-1r.".. i°•I'%'r : -: iwi la•» -3-•i• ... Ial..I •I 2 . •r,i..t.. eter Cannel ,lay, )drab, ilth, The knurl of 1 e vision as per ad-- 3oorn1nent tme;t sn the council sham- tiers, 1'reserit Beev>e t'exv1:r', .]Melts« hers Snell apd Day. "The zainores of ret eri Rilt '(were read and alip'ri The appeal of Air. Zti t'ron last. O `er ( tatE£.Et rn I ff. 1) - °'de —i er t- oma zeKl, v b sesst tent s sustatriect,N Per 5net1 that hlr, Zattnl meat lie reduced, so: a . 300,00; bpi/drags 1009- 31300.00 31300.t11i axed that the ' s wettt be dropped TVINckg slat;(( the ;'wt n itnen :carr :811 eke bitsin ss hemi( r; firsistta'd the ��tt,€;1 • ;t " ! 1 ort" ti-of€on. I'a ^xt nx coy fti w€tt t hrou Tor 13P xay has laid S agairri the As- eeonder, 4' t4ad;ail dry• l o tans lal -- asses- all asses-all de - ? f: of EXETER PA.S.TOR• '15 PRE,S'DENT OF LONDON CO iFE1 ENCka gear, AfttxworthY, Pastor, ]fain Bt. Methodist church, was el , ected president of the .London Con' Terence by an overwhelming Inayoxay- fizst session of tb n !n,aeltne I tandas C. etre Thursday afternoon- of las � iMcxsortlovas rsaxnr- a or 7.hi5 l.ortor+ ;'t year ago and anis ap- ona,F!nextt proved a ano;t aaopazlar crit: E. Sawyer rB 1Id14rton, was, r,.tary and named Rev„ on Snell and Rev:, Donald ,Rare -R cir°st and second assistant:. Rev 1. OicCorrr,irk, Journal Stcri-tai t )'1war statistihal ties eb Jet et. rv, esters From the Fron iA{ d ray �att��i�sa 9 til <"gal(t ly °.siott it. 1tti�?tktot iAltl .' r^'a sit it Tae► taxa s' f?; fiat. L ai:t4s tUen1. 'wr t arriett Ikr Elston and members of the t Fttt�atric, r or 1¢« 'cl la let• AV 1 11) ftta r;i fix=: 1](iri 1a:ttr t, 11—T44a4 1311 i cnnaluii t!,7 ef. tic. ' t Gounesti't - c tl a Ir , h Reeve have J oar_ ,. er to select live other citizens, mak:- •:• ing committee of eigh' said corn -- i• millet; tohave in c1) rge the further .;. int: of the proposed ntemorini.—C'd, \lr tAfawson, auditor, submitted his nlontlth• report. Adopted on. !notion of Day and !'enhale. The Elc.,tric Light report to be handed o;i to the. Utilities Commission.—Carried. The following were placed as the standing,r:omnuttees for the balance of the year,— Public ear,— d b.r Works, Go n. Snell Sr ) z le Property, Coon. Day & Elston Special, ' Conn. PenIi.lie Dai. Finance, Coon, Elston & Snell` Cemetery, Const. Day St Snell The Reeve :s. member . of all Com- mittees'. Approved Per Day and Snell—That hat teaann.a:rs be paid 47 cents per hour while on corporation duty.—Carried. The Lo!owing accounts were recd and approved,—Prepaid, St. Lit hthig 226.75, .I ibrary 218, "recon 13a0_1,19 a total of 230.72 ; W. 1. blearnan sup- plies cemetery 1.00; john: Kydd, labor 27.00; S. Fitton: watches and Signet rings, patriotic 55.00; Willis 1'orvell flags, 60c.; T. G. Creech, team 6.75; John Norry labor 2.10; John Wainer team 4.50; R. Nuance, labor 5.25; Sid Sanders, labor 2.10 T. Webster labor 7.35; D. Russell sr:, labor '6.13; Jonathan iiydd, teen So.775; John Gillespie, Jr., labor, 50c.; Jas. Willis labor, $2.10; W. \t'estcott tabor; $3; W. J. Bissett, pt, salary, $45.33; J., Ford, pt. salary Cemetery, S41.66; J. Senior part 'salary '41;66. Adjournment by 'Jay: •1 Summer Requirements Replace that :worn out' lawn mower with a nice easy operating one, Mo- wers 14" ;.o 18" width and, prices $5,, o $10. A pair of grass -hears will enable Sou to keep all ;the hedges trimm'c4 neatly. • Purchase a New Perfection (blue enamel) or a Gurney Ox ford, (white enamel) oil cooly stove andenjoy comfort dur- ing the Itot weather. Fit up your house with the:. necessary screen doors and windows to prevent the enter- ing tar the .fly pest, Windows- 25e to 50o Doors $1.50 to 2.50 Use rubber hose and 'keep your lawn] looking fresh 1-2" and 3-4 Prices 12c to 18c per ;foot. We have a full stock of Garden Tools, Poultry Netting sprinklers, sprayers also wire pulleys, piers, etc., Refinish your furniture . and floors with 'Chinamel0 'r (Campbell's Varnish stain. Paint your house with Lowe ,Bros. high. Standard paint. H ArlAN'S Hdwe Phones 27a - BORN d1 DIA:SS—! n . Stephen on June 6, Jasper Oris,, son -.of :Tr: and 3lanshaid•Willlan,t, aged 15,month is e a`s's ,l tin Tune; lio't,1 barp; :Miss 'Alice, elf lIr and :les 4Qdybi*ton n to Itis.' Nora'; 7f masinhes BECEJ\TED 1313ONZE DIE.DAr Miss Irene Quackenbush Mast week reccri'ed' a 13 'Cly. engraved bronze medal,°°tchtch was awarded; ia--:her ul`, ,GIA 4 proficient 's"'t7,' ing ng T e�,r ed.,, . forwar g t, hrllrps,�'•o1L Jackx?i�' t l,Ir '&1wSm a eoreselntative„ ;for the ... : rnl ... Mrs. (1?ev,) S. W. Iklttxworthy act: turned Tuesday evening,'after spend- ing ;several days la London. WM. ;B12SSELIN TO BE NL•'\1i' POST:,rASTE rt ttr !G"iltiam Russell. last week re- ceived word from Ottawa that he had, been recommended for. Orel position.. of postmaster at Exeter, -,to succeed the late Edward Christie, his appoint meat to be. gazetted in a few days Mr. Bussell is a returned°;soldier and a capable man for the position.Last week it was stettedin the Times that lir. .W. J. •Carling' of Brighton and a former resident of Exeter, was thq choice of the Executive of the Con- servative Association for South Huron but for some reason' the sitting niem- ber has seen ifit to reverse the de- cision and recommend Mr. Russell, air. Russell is now awaiting the 'of- ficial appointment before assuming his new duties. Mr. E. J. Christie will remain in the postaffice until Mrs( Russell has' a thorough knowledge of - the work. . r RENDLE-O'BRIEN lir. Harry-Bendle'and' bride visit- ed with relatives in Exeter for a `few days • last week; on a short wed- dii g strip. The bride was Miss Ella O'Brien. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 'J'Brien of /Hamilton while{ the groom holds a lucrative position on the Spokane Review. Both were for-,, rner residents of Exeter and have': e largo circle of friends who will join, with the: 'Times in 'extending °con- gratulations. The following clipping in reference to the wedding %vas ta-, ken from the Hamilton Spectator.— Surrounded only by the members or the family and a few, intimate friends, the marriage took plate at high noon today oaf. Ella,` only- dau- ghter of, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'Brien to Mr. 11, N. Rendle of Spokane Wash the ceremony ° being performed by Rev. 1)r. Nelson of iKnox ,Church at the 'bride's 'home on 71tast Bend ave., Miss Huston played the wedding inarcii as the: bride etiLelred the $straw- Lag room, with herfather,, v,w'hogave h9%:9,: t ay Sbery e tttredjn�a tray Uig', costume is tit°t ,' bt ie fit d rnb77tsh tw Lit 1, s 12ixYti (roes bio Pars e" fly, Ob -r a 0 oing ate Jos. Senior, Clerk L IB0RNL COUNCIL Council mel at Township Hall, June 2nd. All members, present. The .Min-, utes of the last aneetin,g were read' and approved. As there were no appeals against: the Assessment Rod, the clerk. WITS instructed' to enter a ;ew changes in bit n:;rship of property; \elder' were reported to the assessor. l,'h(. assessment shoays the area or the Township to la �f2,"rb2 acres; 38983' sexes cicarecl, 3532 acres in «'aodliind, and 18'7 acres of swamp or marsh lands. The valuation is as folotvs; Hand; 'y,J4t9a0,OG";>Juildinlns 442170L; !i3nsi- noss .asst, 4154, Telephones 2430 to43L $2a3-1180: Y�optilatia a 1i$4, A drainage. 'petition. for charging J. B. & C_drainta a-:Tvnici-pal drain cavi 12 sand 13, Was laid over for in- vest"gat ion: . 13y-Latv�ti2r, 3, aiurnding the 7Jliin- vilii'. :Drain Ly-la11' providing for a i of .h t lands d roads assessed. for construction of rite said (�dr�' has , bass d ]signed 'and ".teals.d As 4 nN G T levy three per cent on . , an VO 1. ace or aid a aria per, cub y, A. 1 '3 accoolt,1' orders lssuiit ,fu Council ai1l at la'a'.elocit, 1 meal 8 X. Vt. Moi, th The :c'llc,13 33 „ l;tl ;.;.: '... by Mea. `Win ;V+'tte t'l; rttt, rat her carlt?in 1 t,;. s4rt;lit Qd1tt^'L4"15nE? pit Viten«;*, lA"t.1 (()1,ttt;i^� - i rcceiw'c"c1 K'ott3 to<•kratty yr3'.-3d,1',aretl~1sv,,r Es frsattp: yo(t, I fztti fin to y'e,)tl; a31l 11tt' .333 -, Tircro 14`t'i !t t" v 15 l) t`,• lrsd >! cal'zl;l 01,' ]firs d;agq ].afro°ty° '1',idttt tk»t just 1t dirtat,Iyx tltfs jt! a like 1 1 tt nice slttrtttairr its G';tnadbr �ancl it•L;it,1 i1rlc.d ula 16ulli'rIFsil}, i'4'e ,i i- out; of�! stl-' triottclaet for ,r r( t. trrBty. 1LrYrttri.' �: 1'tt a ;� ,. a ttv tiro •„ a. had ,s 1 ! tr to 10 ilk 1, tc15'. ".l'1te C;Aaraui.txt lt;ir+t 'laactu iii a }>rt`,ti3 - , 3 , t,wit .let t .rru aa...tx! l ^ t le t i !. a d guess yo(t $ties ti were 8, us. Things , going along fine' ci ,a11 fronts; if svo ks�c,p it up 1 tlait311 wa shall soon (vin, 11 'e trust in God that 13x` may 1 help 1r$ land give us Victory .soon 8nd 1 the evt.rhisting peace. God is the only, ruler over r nq, )1)r whole trust is - li1) fluff so be Ills helix and our pray en', 1 Luse Chat we are horns' aglain: l soon. 'Wee all wish we were home a ern. _ o. I have )tot it lila s � a seen n. b rbrutl.(,'r ret. Yes if 'I am spared. to coutc .home I will have ;a long story to tell you. I will hate to close and. It ,ve a sleep as fur Nei -es are: closing o1) rue. Give my love to all and, !teen i ,r stood share yo r_,'1!. Gori; b: with. es', tFll 33' meet og rn, • I stn your loving c.o(i in, Pte. Arthur 3'<;k, -r, No.3'54014, 58th Battalion, Can. n!. 11..E. Somewhere in France: The play. "Dot, the Miner's Dan- ghter repeated by request in Opera House ; Exeter, June 15th, Lo not intss it. t: • I. 1ti t 1. E1) I \ AL:''I ON _1111 Patrick wu1liaxzn a" .ill,.CIL- 1 sae) received v ozd on 'Wednesday sday "r that his,..on Pte. -Joseph Sullivan had la (n killed in `action. rate. Sullivan 6 6... previously -le ported t, o`anded. BOWLERS FIRS',' �lcssrs. J. A. S eft _tr,, R. t ;eel - don, W, WCr, Taman n 14. D. Clarke motored to A ly mer 1 Les11ay a ftt•rnoon to attend a bowling roernlruelit.lhis was, the first trip a , ay for the bow- lers oxy less this: season. PTc.DO\AL1)-MITCIDI LB A aulct; wedding took ;piece at Ca - .7,31 a V 1 -Presbyterian manse on Tuesday evening ).h ia I3e s S. F. Sharp, united in marriage _]hiss Alice Peart Mit- chell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell of'town to i31r. Borman 141,'-. donald, son of ll1r. Jos. :McDonald of 'Flay IPownship. • - i`NE1tAl. AT ',5'i". !r_i't? 1'S The funeral of Gunser Payen lashose dead body was ;found in is supposed to have been inurdereod NVaS held at St. inrirvs last Friday frona the Grand Trunk station oti the 'arrival of the 3,;35 train' from direction or the 131ack Knights of Ireland or tire Or-iPte Order. lar- nuinbor of Orangemen from Lori- clos• attended the "'literal and. the representatitts) Of the order favin St. Alarys and ;district,' \was a big eine. citizens united colt to follow i101 l'Ig'skAl l'rtdoy of oast week is accident oc+P1Ur'rcd at lr . . dii rob -r.. 2tL v ]fes . D4 1 es and Ts we the ra severe thought r a a gas n avers c lslek i' 'both is broken bones in lively,- The a.Ceid 11e plate was fad ?thing Care '.f the _meg; cr and l ts a Oft rd V s am gay. ax io"°fie g+ ^^Oul'L lanadhon#p; ?3erh Rlen e l 2 ap and it' ase is rt li Co r 2 5. rs.s� it candrr ori sr d Vi lsout a?ftI er.i isupp ;'call, ill t,°g 1'41 yo itior iy olior'bolaneitar fait mast tkt v x psa.'rtre141�at,ed l4 F4, e, ate Maas aBrio e txra• i1) to ti"toning' a` a7 sing contest ca"' fie Magazine. '4fas;* tf #k1d last week that rslieia fat at1 a Lord car- t.4.);;;`," ar- Mt�fltxTd z t?x, • b v li ;Ca tar t: 7F' tt nrt?'tl;. li txgtn{!, t;arb,t ',c2t;- i- alit xlrsts '4ca v +r.1* fir, a taz '0 11 l c t� „t ,lgriy <trahto�,�itrlie ,or ss°eel, y'ars '�I,<,- --1''t- it. 3 • . Your 113531, 1 a:iFdi TR?itat4- ,, know, roe] tli tn}:far: ice 1]1(' 1:31' Div» ,'r ;Bf uil slain;' iaa, ,,1'.o ti yea 1 :ta ske, 1:13('1)! +encs xnr.:t' . fn .li, iatini fol 1rt•cdont , and s1,'1J1. eru.r ; ,t20311zaYsls have 'won, in the w,tsld' - 333story', uta- +lyin ;; fame and 0S` theslastte t1 (iz d character you 13t.a ar sitolr n. ,Iia. a, oar `1otnial4' meu learn to ,follow your lead tend learn a useful: 1, '-c ti o n1 tir.t:aining at all c(;ats, freedon, ltulsur rind your Gt.1 3vx•'31 rtrittf:al: 1 , 1 i '^r L all st `nd. t v c c o o. a tit.Itt 1:; s n �' of fellowship and lore May God batt' -S aud: ,protect you, is our .mnost est Bray, r. J. A. St,'63•:.rt, Pref 'i"rt- ry, 'Exeter 'branch, N Dyer 2l:; -don': on 7a half of the citizens. v+ti 7, hese, najorit31 titMVQ bt n. avoided by aro lightning and spontancensl ti Eaidenci, proves rodtled i ractic'tery immune. !Until dan 'Vtritilt. it. is moral to ar conclusions stiom it held that .; are of I neat ocetarreatv, investigation last summer' a, the fires were attributed Id is arise- The remedy for spots - means combustion may be' easily ap-+ ' All hey should" be. perfectly dry e rage, and all barns should Field Seetis For Sale We have a stock of specially selected Field Seeds and offer at close prices eeds that have the standard of ger nation have the Following Varieties of Corr! White Cap 'Early Leamang Wise() sin No. 7 Mammoth Southern Sweet Butle King Philip Flint Longfellow Flint Itlillett Seed, Rape Seed, Bucliv4leat,...„. ar Cane or Sorghum, Alfalfa, Kentucky 13lue Grass seed Orchard Grass Lawn Grass Red Clover Alsike T:imothy Al he Lea,cling Varieties of AllarrgoM and Turnip Seed Whie Carrot and Garden Seeds We have a Ilmited stock of ChGice White Seca Beaus at 11 LOO MIL Offered subject to being unsold We a Je in the market tor a large quantity of wool or which /ill pay the highest rnarltet prices, Get our qu tons before you sell. enallles us to give closer ouota A Cat! Solid Cas