The Exeter Times, 1917-6-7, Page 4• GRAND TR M.LWR'gV LTTE AI:ds4? Ul CSA G -e t? 0 to Foto Rto, *r3 , so IPS NEWS ?IGS pc plant Events Which Hav Occurred rine'eec, II fill •_ ' '�PtRd"s €hasp Cc arrpilc ' artnd ' 011 eine at'klioleawd Coal Deseronto,, 111m lbnsrned to death ass" 41e result of his aeroplane ctitchang tine from ex ploding gaasoliaae.. The Daughters of the Empire hold- ag their annitaI metingin 1'ietoria are called upon the Government to, iscipline Armande Laverne on ac - tat of bis `da 0 j,iy" while ;rear - ng the Kiaa,"t a >a DOR n t z to tbe Britis. d thea forks of loans.' M. Martin has been by the Leber 3ls of Ile- heights, London, used for �peld tae Rothschild, Heard, sora gra t b .ekete B a°iin, died in l�Xatlil ansa tore"'xlt, wltta- k anrrornceme tt or eta cTl1P 99fita drtttaph o , rani soberer. bannel, tuning the Lens rio fediL a Asscciat -gat its to tz.rrap tau > n arrest weoo d States On e : .tit Lira Plotting, sty tc war ss lir lI tla the s' of aust- ral"- n, tra=ces weos ate^ for ift ars r"t d:aa ge Aga stxlf *a ll apple crepe Winnipeg Trades aCoun- cil bac a resolutiondemandin.g a fore con•scr pt_on. o ,sane, ;onsericatio ilt< adop x3cl 1y ll nd Alberta 'afet.'hodi.st Con c h foilow- ) eriiptio:a o Depart- te another el a 1'3:113;TOS 'DR Olt AVTANe Bitter Fi Pro Fine ' ier7 ting i3tttubar °rig Took Pace Ne Lens. dz'e' Donna i I*'z3+ cl Strong ,i'on. ONDO :, June 5R- -Ira waat to t)t,j spoken of as, a, anther taper- Plfi 1)ttt :le ct was really 'a bait of l rillian fighting, involving careful reparation and a final stte.ft art/aGg, the Canadians early Sunday na;4„r,In ug' captured the electric station nenliith- west of Lens, on the outskirts' the village omf Ci+u.o ter an the eneuay front eaed n;, �# with a, at Rs greatest Polak dli e of F&s- - I\V'estern heat of Ter-': gle %gaiessf, .IIE€asas'' �Patcetel"trat- :elebrated the 5i"th anniversary tifinistr; in the 'Presbyterian hg Dominiot meets dst4r ft ri'..ges Board o4 Trade en- a'� ltat 4a . pet:tinning the ,.cA stop ' race 4Elt { r tund,ed yards. The Met °table victor,- were Salo, six weeks ago„: $d he Pimple' by stow i depleted ranks had been rel ft► d by drafts from England. ai i>l 1ts morning's s engagemeirt thy. troops proved their fitness to titan taint Canada's reputation at to front.' Day bit- day a "methodical fire asset god of all e ,fibres was d>ed : a, freuckes and the wir• ill the area aero .i +Oops we 1 s P,414 dllA atang t U"had a14Pgs:aaz : Iigi Sj' Titdt t P'fsirto4 ? otbod- Jnrottegtige draft, le 14, and for held la eiive t°vor, THY T There will Township et Lot C Com 7 me, oa RI JUNE 9 0 acres more cr less, frame house, .fame barn, .e stable granary and pig pen, Theso is of good and equal the TownshiP and at the PreSent of excellent water. one pomPed 430, and school', and o-nly four miles frO railway Station, E* I or to the auCtt er/ JOHN' H, I1ERDMAN, ProPrieRer UGGIES, "WAGONS, A C Tbrn te+re obliter- , a t5 Plcai ?Killers" back o back, obliterated, terrific Poatndigg, the hes Positions as the', ot [lie defences of Leo the number a, a i:ollg tl e ruins of 14tt 4> These men read a terrible perienee on 'Friday, when the gas jectiles fell on the village. A PriSOUOE` a taL'ra is $atnday morning's, est o.ilt says Ws company had twx,wty sit deaths front tbo effekts of g.'ss; Having I+reo:trcil the ground and sell tee morale of the engin' by !Wes: and gas, there -. F of driving bird put:; inay 1'ioto'tti 1i£I1 of iiierce in the outskirts non the etebrie ata, tiordls e w eh1-defeail01 ? §nnt eryl; ns trouble, to % taku With btolnbs and t over tE full overneta#s. The taken try sure Ise,. promptly own. and something own d'o,. or. 1ta$ fotiad Raft due CISZ ea, a , 3ad:tra 444*rt 4•4.40 oar Clea`+ - x :cs*sti*d calls sSlo?- tobaleco sura be0tle. A Brinell de rose eztructiosz et . utimarine. ',Elie colors or,. tl i e deposited ' it London, titaticW+ was' give a re..olutiou to rzti ae tbie tlar inside Civil aker at the meets, io tt alth otilcer3 said it tI not to report scarlet f Petroloa Couacil bus authorized else issue ot debeuturee for $15,000 to build Hydro lino extensions, Mrs. Wna. Beattie, a pioneer set- tler in Palmerton, tooter of Col - net William Beattie,: G.AI',Gr., is dead, Niagara Anglican Synod and Iiaan- ttrn and Montreal Methodist +'.onfer- em es began their annual meetings. '1'be .French scieutiee mission, with how is Sir Ernest Rutherford of Great' Britain, arrived In Washing- ton. Bread dropped two cents in price for large loaf in a ,number of cities, and flour dropped 40c a barrel at Winnipeg, Thomas Martin of Toronto, after attemptin,; to commit suicide by ratting his throat, walked .nto the tiesttrn Hospital. E rlscourt :Auxiliary of the Toron- n Labor party favored conscription upon condition that wealth is con- scripted as well as men. The London Chronicle Pariiamen- #tiny correspondent says Winston Churchill sas been offered an import- ant position in the Government. Churchill leas been visiting the Brit- ish army in France as the guest of the Commander -in -Chief. Ile is now it Paris being entertained by the French military authorities. FRIDAY. Italian troops have occupied four villages in Albania', Over sixty ,persons were killed by a tornado that swept over Missouri. The 'French in the Champagne drove the Germans from trenches which they captured several days ago A number; of soldiers and indig- nant citizens :Invaded an anti-con- serition meeting that was b, ing held in the city of Guelph. Gabriele D'.>nnunzio, the Italian poet, was among the soldiers who annihilated an Austrian unit which attempted a counter-attack. _Maxim Gorky has made public ths attempt of the Bulgarians to bring about a separate i -ace between the Russians and the Central Powers. Controller Foster of Toronto pro- posed to tax all bachelors five per cent_ of their earning;, hut the other city fathers did not, agree with him. The Congress of delegates from fhe front in Russia: has demanded that the ex -Czar shall be imprisoned in the Fortress of St Peter and St. Paul. The 'Vancouver Labor party Passed a notion condemnin ; conscription ',with only three dissenting votes. They threaten strong action if .the 'bill passes Parliament.. There will be another conscription referendum taken in Australia, a new Government having come into power since the people : decided against compulsory foreign service in that country. Cadet W , E, Fraser of Wirnlpeg, lot On- o orizn.- r6a :rel etheir bo study 4asy an /Refire' G t e e ixae :.:acestonon pra: n and .success Lad having the c of E ` 7_ INTERNATIONAL _. in his home. This new ml isers with ti—al author inns of puzzling in 11 ry, geog ply., In,8graphy, spell3n ,ilronnncintion,sperts,arts, anon sciences. 400440 Vocabulary Torras. 2700 Rtges. Over‘DO011iustrations. Colored Plates.. The type matter is equivalent to that -3 of a 15-vOlunic encyclopedia. and Authoritative than any other Eng.. ff lisla Dictionary. ---,- REGULAR AND E PAPER = RITE for FREE, a set of Poes.et, PRINGFIELD. MASS. STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OB DYSPEPSL4. assy -Stomachs surely feel fine, in five minutes. • what yen just s. _ ...:7D-er stomach or lies h 'lump of refusing to digest, or you belch gas and- eructate sour, undigested lead, or have a feeling of dizziness, linagrtburn, fullness,. nausea, bad taste VInouth and stomaminheadache, you ilfr4; get blessed relief in five fifinutes. ..an end to stomach trouDle forever 'etting'r a large fifty -cent case of :Dinpeosin from any drug store. in 'five minutes how need - suffer ',,from indigestion - ornach e e" +ifa�uU T f';en aublauflne C torpeiloetl. inti sunk a lard submarine :as it inn OM Cattier°, escorted. ix tit Although ettecl,•u d by,. the Ciree zetutned its base. RuaSian troops' lave won a Vi tory in a 'battle 'With tial Turks in the Sakkiz rregion, on the AneSorota- mien frontier,. taking possessdou of three heights, The statement .also reports the repulse of u Kurdish at- tack south-east 01 Erzkugan, in Ar- menia. arrangement s bay, been eomplet- ed with the German Government for the withdrawal of all British war prisoners- from tate tiring line, ac- cording to an official announcement.. The: prisoners will be kept a mini- mum distance of 10 kilometres (18%• naiies) from the .actualfront, both in the eastern and western zones. TUESDAY. The Root mission to Russia is o is way across Siberia. Italy has proclaimed Albania an independent principality. From 40 to 50 recruits are being sent to Camp Borden from Toronto daily. The l,rar Production Club Made an appeal to far:nters to use short-term men. King Alfonso of Spain has inter- vened on behalf of the persecuted Jews in Palestine. The situation at Ottawa is still un- settled, but is expected to be decided within a few hours. The German Grown Prince an- nounced that the British were mak- ing their last effort in France: Premier W. J. Martin, of Sas- katchewan, has promulgated his party's policy, in view of the appeal to the electors on the 26th Inst. The Council of the College_ of Pharmacy will hear evidence in the ease- of a Fort Willani druggist, con- victed of selling drugs to 'soldiers. The Imperial authorities bave'au- thorized the Cheese Commission to purchase some Canadian ci:eese thrcents. ,ough usual trade channels at 21 One, boy, Earl Etherington, was. killed, andseveral persons were in- jured by an explosion ofnatural gas in the Saltation Army Barracks at Paris, Ont- Oscar Uhrig of Kitchener, seven years of age, was almost instantly" killed by being run over by a wag- gon after ag-gon.after failing off the handle-bars- of andle-barsof another ''bay's bicycle. According to information received by the Norwegian -"Legation here, -19 Norwegian steamships, with a ,gross tonnage of 75,397, were sunk in May. Twenty-five lives were lost. A ehild survey is to be started to -j day; in. Hamilton by. Miss -ilary Pow- ers of Toronto with a staff of twenty- five, other wentyfive,'other nurses; they will gather statistics concerning all :children born in 1914. Hamilton" Methodist Conference, in session at Brantford, strongly en- dorsed compulsory service by selec- tive draft, also urging conscription. of wealth and all resources of --he country, , and advocating "putting -he clamp" on drink; and race -track gambling, boa, ,xaaee- o ligan Two ember were y .. tali anneal enaaataa Wi, s the eseni flowed by o� ala tare rteittit of three hundred: gune tau t dries jOinnsi in the T1'olli of tt(d ion. it is a' Itlet of amazement that the infantry asst make headway un- r a b arrag,e, but the men front M- erta anti Menitoba trudged along as reales out`praetico manoeuvres they came in "touch with the ray, Their own barrage of shell was a veritable pillar of fire, 'treve1- les on before to guide but Kilo to rosarain: theist from proceeding too rola day, By 1.40 all the objectives vete occupied,: but it was not till 4.30 talar tall the Germans within the m- u e cuptes bad been dispasod of.. Many of those cornered: died fighting, Prisoners taker: number eighty. tit; BRITISH LAUNCH ASSAULT. First Move Coveri .e reeks, LONDON, June 5.—The infantry lull of several weeks wa.s broken ate Saturday night, when under the light of a nearly -full moon the Brit- ish made an attack south-west of Lens and in the direction of that be- ieged city. The poirit of attack was due west of Avion, which is one of the southern suburbs of Lens, the latter being the centre of a milling district which sprawls for miles along the valley of the Souchez Most of Saturday night's fighting was south of the river, although an advanced post was established north of that stream. The British by early dawn had captured all the intended positioris and were still fighting Sun- day along the Lens -Arras road. They had captured the electric power sta- tion just south of the river, where the Germans had been established for many months, and which was fairly stiff with machine ,guns. The station had been pretty well blown about by artillery fire, but was still a formid- able fortification. Further south the British captured some brick chimneys which had been transformed into a strong point. These objectives sound rather strange, but most of the bitterest fighting in the world war on a vast front has from time to time swirled about sugar factories, windnaills, fa.rm buildings, cemeteries, brew- eries, slag heaps, unimposing„,mounds like the Butte du Wa.riencourt, churches, monasteries, and even asylums for the insane. Nearly one hundred prisoners had been counted Sunday morning from the nocturnal operations about Lens, and there as every indication that heavy losses had been inflicted on the enemy. Many Prisoners Taken. PARIS, June 5.—Saturday night's official report said: "From April 1 up to the present the rumber of prisoners captured by the French and British troops on the 'Western front exceeded 52,000, of whom more than 1,000 were officers. Included in the enormous material taken from the enemy during the same r.ime were 446 heavy and held ca.nnon, 1,000 machine guns, and a considet.nble number of trench 4 For 1 Proprietor and RM IM • Auti OTTitill. OEM' The PI ` John szab PERT II L5 th greater beres-the o. o who never bee anything as other peopleea things or Um n wbo thinks his possessions per. Teazle a great dee ri you have the buyer's or the seller's end of the deal. d his cos o cothktifaik,t7;el:ue'Iuena%r.oybeoutrtereiotlne.s. ibes 'with sufficient nonchalance Pereele Trill the beauty of snowy cleanliness to a ttre capable a banding a pamphlet on rtra for oftlee some day. Never go back on mil Y Some people are so tactless that they Too many would rather be in style titan out of debt. A man 13 seldom in liti f h' po t'S Or is health, but a woman is often in the uplift movement for glory. It Isn't so much the thing you do for othe.rs as the way you do it that WinS WU. a legacy in your wiles cousins sunt's will. Retail Dealer, ,..17 "He is a poor business man." "How do you know "Saw him trying to borrow a quarter today." "What of tbate" "Efe could have borrowed $10 with the same amount of energy." No Heurglase Stunt. To time tile prices falling fast With swoop and swing and graceful curve As leisurely they filter past, We think a brolten watch woula serve. At any rate, they do not run 'Like timid rabbits from a gun. What He Feared. She -If mamma consents to our en - engagement we needn't botber about what papa says. Eie-1 do hope the nonimportance of the male member of the family is not an ingrained idea with you. -Exchange. Pilot Whale. The blackfish, the most gregazious and one of the largest members of the porpoise family, is sometimes called the 'pilot whale because it blindly fol- lows a leader,' and the herds can be driven almost -like a flock of sheep. Ability as a Spy. A person who has done considerable secret servicee, work "in the English army says that ability to eat paper is Two fhousaad Serbians were shot an eaSential., qualification in a spy. death ' 04.0hine guns for ' at- 1Fame and.;;,,,,,,forttnag await -the general, e Pting S,1* "11' first:0*s a goat to be a spy. CASTORIA„ For Infants and Children. iliaaPalatatatatitlaaW Mothers Know That - Genuine Castorix Always Bears the Signature [Ise For Over Thirty Years AST on OA 4-1,1, Alin RESERVE SOC,000 '96 Branches ada C LAR LETTERS OF :BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Crest allowed at bighest rwrent, rate t tat fat THE CANADIAN BANKst, OF CO MERCE 3,1--&kz SIR EDMUND WALKER, CAPITAL PAID UP,Si5,000,000 JOHN MRD, General Manager INDIVIDUAL SAVING IS ONE OF: THE GREATEST BULWARKS OF THE NATION. Commence to -day by opening &savings - 19 account 1.4 EXETER RIRANCH-A, E., KUHN, MANAGER Manager. Crediton Branch -J. A, McDonald JAS. REVERLEY FURNITURE DEALEEt Embalmer arid Funeral Director Phone 74a. Night Dalt '741) DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer4 EXETER. ONTARIO, afternoons. Phone Office 5a anerf: FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INS,UR- Head Office, Vice -President, DIRECT J. L. RIISSELL, Farquhar, Ont. TH9S. -RYAN. WM. ROY 3. T. ALLISON JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent us. _borne, and lBiddulph. OLIVER lieltBiss Munro, Agent o Hibbert, Fullarton and Logna, uhar; Solicitors, Exeter ; C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND ,VALITATDR kor Counties of Huron ;Perth and Middlesex. Farm Stock Sales'a Specialty. Office at Cockslantt Hiatel,4Yfain St. Exeter. -Charges mod- erate eiSd, satisfaction gunranfeed Honor Graduate of" Toronto Univer1d DENTIST F-71. Teeth , extracted ,without pain. our any bad effects. Office over Glad, 5, raduate ,Victoria ITniversitY4 Office and Residence, Deniiniets rAssociate Coroner of lEfniron &(' R. ,CARLING, COnanarssioner, Solic:tor for 010 - 'Money to Loan at lowest-*tes OFFICE -MAIN ST, EXETER; DN'171.. MONEY_TO LOAN funds to loan On farm and villego properties at lowest .rats,-, 1 4'44 ores FOR FLETCRE Lets Solici fa eft. e •