HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-5-24, Page 6CHAPTE XII.—(t*.) i . Thegirl regarded him rr
, . ,
ile saw hetree days later, and r.s„.•:rather iliconvenient for ir,
as dismayed and surprised t0 find,i, times," .she suggested, “an
her taxing herself -with being the: afraid that I am not very
cause of the adventurous inarizter's Pally...,
death. 1 Fraser shoolt
He would never have 12 , is not that t a
GOlden Cloud if it hadn't beanlor rne,",f, Boppy mane
Iv. +I
1 am
s head eagerly,
" he said, basti
14, -there -r,i, .
she said, trembling. 1hs death 1t r another tong sileace. Frasei
nly door," r advaneed and heic out his.,
Fraser trted ta evinfortr, h r, d , Good be lie si."ou y.
straining metaphor to the U.'s...1110Sr, sani "GOOd-bye," said the She
not made her oversieeo herself s -i downstairs.''''e'l'Iledbrightly" and got tee him, th
"that if the finger or Provide:leo
would undoubtedly have shared the
"I wanted to say something before;
te fate, • 1 -1.' . ' I
I. wenf,' sa.i,te,. tr.iser, s,00 v„ as he
The ,,"- I shook, sed at the street door. "and 1 will"
e sh"p beforehe mast tor it,"
the sake.Q cr'''' 'e shl,P. ' , - Tyrol' raising; her eyebrowsj
"it is not i e lan, wee 4;4.'118 h 1•31'1);e; -,' o' atil:ivr:e'l;:a1:1"-t, at
I was," $ , ychentence, waited i
done that',Rfld tL'.r " "I have 3.. " ti
' ona the. i
"O•versie V 1 , neat 1 saw y ,
oonsoliagil "fl(ez&Zod
c-il , o loy
lr,Bss, ade an . 1
.4.1., hopeher
ri e p sse .--t
that -,--t -1-..,. 1
inf wv
ng 1 was going out with oi
have been veiy wicked."
Fraser protested, and, takir
hand, threw her gently toward
agam. '
He was very good to in,.
nid Poppyst-ouggling faint'
't think' cart".
and Fraser, ph. ng his ) they
sat hand M hand discussing future,
heir It Was- n eomprehensive future, and
him 1 even included Captain Flower.
father,""If he should be alive aftei all," said
,,IPoppy, with unmistakti
able onness,
shall still marrv him if he -wishes it.
*Fraser assented"
' • must, saitt tiogget-IY; “If he should
goo (1 looking at rile like that. It "1 will tell ifini all about it But
00 ;ate:, 1it was his own desire that I should
- hissed her. again .eeretly as- watch over you if anything happened
g s-'hea(notetd.11‘1%s" a *.r,orv'i';'!1- ile
totPv-11;:1^1f he had eSO n.keenro'srev1z,,-
said a word to you. or
Ik s 'Alfli
-Pa", as he
a lost his rear of Polio
1 protiseMy her,
SQ1IIIY, "1 did no
ied, but I did no
'err( (.1
O going to lose you now, .1t , ever WM up agaht," he .said. deliher
e took
'I' know," said Poppy, softly,
ith ler hand trembled in his, and his
want ,,ra.sp tightened as though nothing
rnin1 should loosen it; but some thousands
of miles away Captain Flower, from,
',the deck of a whaler, ',V2S., anxiously
1scanning the horizon in search of the
aid sail which was to convoy him back t
am,1 (To be continued.)
'41 4
ety t
miss s
4,1 by
it was a litirp
und the- fatir,°
serr7 t last tin
czmit "
-It' didn't 'Mattez'•.q.14. Fraser-
Conversotiooz aetvatistill
t)Ii,J00.1Tyttell4v.1 , the,tertt1-,,
er„. '010' eco ,
t p
the tiro. "t, didn't
1•°°-(isrearr, who was sti
Ilo elearedii ve e , beii
didn't know whether yo
ther left off conning,"
sI�wI gase
tttvefled slovvly rtrom the
is faee.on must please
he sahL(mietly,
Meuse you, he Said,
the vitt.e fro gard-oz
At the gate ne natts„.."at ,'
a f„Ttelt
„murmured Frasel
and turned con
°or led her
Tv 1.
Ross Self Sealers
for the Home Canning of
Fratts Vegetables ahd Meats
a'. la CAN CO,
560: Utast St. - Toronto
aP PAINT ikIV:02
—for interior or exterior painting On woodeh eurfae
RI-YralaY'sh uneuraaa4ed,
The quality of the Ingredients arid the well-batanced per.
porttona gave Bazusay'srataaantit unusual spreading and
covering capacity oervegs"rittrability and protective
. ,
Loe2lR1r wnt serve you 'th eny 5nTormaton
Qu maY dealre-ratm write to trailtreca,
akere of Fine Paints and Vanaistiee
„ •
, r, 2 '
' (
doos he .1.1", 4
said, hot
:, 0,41''
g, theMoe
t1 at aiien ' t
le ,
1.040 ".,
soMe , fir . ft
lthful thing the docter intend sugar, a littlesat, and aa
are • eoiPes for foOds iT1.... I meg.; Gook tor flfteen
quentb• liSea. in ecring for the children. i Plain Breati Pudding,-..,
, tablespoonfuls cupful of milli. a It z
Baritri- bVa.;.itiee:-
quart of water, one table.SPeollful'of sugar a-
oi .nmrn10Usiy tor six :ours; as
)& tIiItCI boils away, uid nsore, keep -
4 . Strain
,4 ,
eyes 'Oliva -ad C0114C13 muslin. It is well tO1
S'211(U:soak the barley beore coolzing it. '
Barley Wafer with Prepared Pleur,
One tablespoonful trf prepared bar..
fattvtweive, Onnees, (02e 211(1 on
impfot,6) a water. Boil twen
a be
. Cal
and sugar.
A Arld to one cup
in double hoile •,
Wespoouiuls of
two tea000nfuls
Add -1 little
Dilute with
tutu. w1tr. 11
o a ' t 1 as
,fine sieve
' *ettli rno
is -e cg "
sight as anythine,
ipy oar heri• bead. "It has
all aleng," she Said
'and Captain 'Flower le doe, in
tenee, 1 never intended to go
ClOnd, but I let him go.
he'S dead. ,Ite only went. to
0 fl,',and While he was drown -
Burley Wa
lo(iseites.s o he
vlien the,teack
Barley Gruel.
blentieti with
1.11.1 water.
gg. I
a Much
salt. Pour on tins mixture gradua.-
the getdding nuk.Acid one cupful
of ale bread cut into half-inch cubes.
Bke in buttered pudding -dish, in
modetato oven, until custard s s
Serve with milk,
Ibumillised:\tiNc the
white of an gg„goo
sied pinch of salt, four ounces o
Ire sterilised milk, and sugar if
Beef-duice, -Chap and broil slightly
t frOTO the tound. SrluveZtt
of snafl band -press 0
1 warm eui. Stil
One pou
eWs m trt
• Afteir. the ,°').
teerlesreore .eatratzel....„ihn
eed. watet:f 11911n0 vitiela a
and Dye
Quick Service
Excellent VVOrk,
Send Lor our Catalogue
on Cleaning and
Moderate Charges
We Pay Carriage Charges
Ores Way.
Cleaners and Dyers
791 Yonge Street -
-.deed ivhen therlifut, ba en n
with oe
0 ;oat.'Plot of, cold N one-half
rd I '
eon -' -tour; pu. tn.° zr , and coo.,
C1' closely. The jOS
is pksed hi
() foible other vessel eontaining cold, water.
otir with utile fleet this slowly. Cook Inc two o
;.0.11.1 sty, Int one mart of three hours strain and season,
sealded nUk.Coe% in double boiler
4. r Add a little salt and sug- ;:lioe of Cheese in Your Diet.
ar. Straiu. Canadian ivotnen have long regard-
Otitretre ueh—Tipfuls ed cheese merely as an aecessory to
t,rf boiling water athi en-huif cupful the diet, and not as a staple supply -
of coarse oatmeal andOne-half tea- ing real food value. In fact, most
spoonful of salt, Cuok five hours in womee believe cheeee, where used
double boiler. Dilute with bot milk, large quantities is indigestible and
110(1 harmful.
Farina Gruel.—One tablespoonful of Experts of the Department of Agri-
arinn, one Pint of water, one tea- culture have found flint cheese is sel-
spoonful of sugar, one-half teaspoon- dom a cause of physiological distur-
ful of salt. Prt info one pint of boll- bailees, and may easily be rased as the
ing water the salt and farina; cook for chief source of nitrogencous food.
twenty minutes; strain, and add suf- When cheese is served as a sub-
ficient milk to ol3taio the desired con- stitute for pleat or other ntnple--and
tstenev-this has been done very successfully --
Rice Water.—Wash two tablespoon- housekeepers should regulate care-
fuls of rice. Add one pint of cold fully the other Part of the same menu
water and a little salt. Cook one as they now select vegetables accord -
hour. 'Dilate with boiling water, and mg to the meat they intend to have,
as green peas with lamb. With cheese
ouelds bleetutuused,
Toast Water. --Toast " sufficient erisP,.fareshwatveercress,
bread to make, when broken into small celery n
pieces, two cupfuls. Add to this one
' or without dressing. Fruits,
Pint of boiling water, and let stand plaitor in salad form, are also very
one boor. Strain through cheese -cloth. good,.
It i
Serve hot or cold. s not generally known that
Flaxseed Tea. --Wash eare.fully two encheese,wehiagshtfneaorrlywterirgriicet,aasswibuecelbeef,
tablespoonfuls of whole flaxseed. Add t
four cupfuls of cold water (one quart). that its r."ood value is more than twice
as great. It contains 25 per cent.
more protein than the same weight
of porterhouse steak as purchased,
and nearly twice as much fat.
Things to rernBiesmetiblets.
rin biscuit mak-
Have flour thoroughly sifted.
Select the best flour,
City Eye Specialists Tell How ,To,
Strengthen Eyesight 50% In a
, Have shortening just soft enough to
Week's Time n any nstances Have liquid chilled.
4.es Free 'PreSteriptio'n 'Toil Can Have Tjunotivitis -anti clihiPhora. Her , eYes strain arising from protracted micro- rubAlitnerwiatdh"citinipgs liquid,
when not congested had the dull, suf- scopicai research wpra-,. Bon-Opto used . asndle as lit-
Thaston, Mass.—Victims of eye strain I-IavIng run out of ,her medicine a prising service. I found my eyes re -
Filled and -Use at Home. fused expresssion common, to such cases. according to directions rendered a sur-
tleBaan. d.nags ,11„gohwtlyeras,lossestii.b.lse.—. _ caps
q .
land other eye weaknesses, and , those friend suggested Bon-Opto..- She used markately' strengthened, so much so 1 ,
-ia,-ho wear glasses, wiil be glad to know this treatment and not only, overcarna have Put aside rnY glasses withonth'dai\Ser flour,KI2 Baking Powder bilaii,th.ngitpowzder, 1
that Doctors and Eye Specialists now her distressing condition, but strange comfort. Several of my colleag-ues
teaspobn salt, 1 cup milk and water
agree there is real hope and help far and amazing as ' it may seem; so also Used it and we are agreed as to
them._ Many whose eyes were failing strengthened her eyesight that she was Its -aesults. In a. few days,. under my ,,, - , , ,
bay they have bad their eyes restored able to dispense with her distance observation the eyes of an astigmatic ()tau each', 1 tablespoon'butter, 1
and many ,,vho once wore glasses say lasses and her headache and neuralgia case were so improved that glasses tablespoon lard. . A.
they have thrown them away. One left her. In this instance I should say have been discarded by the patient."
/nen says, after using- it: "1 wag al- her eyesight was Improved 100%. 1 Eye troubles of many descriptions"' Sift the flout-, salt and baking pow.
finest blind, Could not see to read at have since 'verified the efficacy fif this may be wonderfully benefited: by the der toorether, twice. Cream butter.and
all. Now I can read everything with- treatment in a number of cases and use of Bon-Oato and if you want to lard ttogether,. and ,add to the diiy fi,i_
out mm y -glasses, and my' eyes do not have seen the eyesight' improve frostrengthen your eyes, go to any drug
tint any more. At night they would 25 to 75 per cent in a rernarkablY short store and get a bottle of Bon-OPta g•redientg, using the „tips of fingers,
pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all time. I can say it veoros more quickly tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in - - . a
the time. It was like a. miraele to me." than any other remedy I have pre-. a fourth of a glass of Water and let it Then ,add the liquid, mixing with a
A lady who used it says: "Theratmos- scribed for the eye's." dissolve. With this liquid bathe the knife until you have a very soft dough.
phere seemed hazy with or without Ise. smith, an oculist of wide experi. eyes two to four times daily. You,
glasses, but after using this prescrlp- encs, says: .1 have treated in private -should notice your eYes Clear up per- Place on a mixingboard and pat out
tion f Or fifteen ds,ys everything seems practicea number 02 serious opthairnic centibly right from the start, and in- lightly until three-quarters of an inch
clear. I can read even fine print' with- di-sea:sea with Bon-Opto and am able to ilarnrnation and redness will quickly i thick. Gut out and bake in a hOt
out glasses." Another -who used it report allittiate recovery in both acute disappear. If your eyes bother yo,
says: "I was bothered With eye strain and chronic eases. Mr, B; came to my 'even a little it is your duty to tak,,a,i oven for 15 minutes. This will make
caused- by overworked, tired eyes'which offica- safferiag with an infected' eye. steps to save them now before it is ,
Induce,atierce headaches. 1 have worn The condition was 20 earteus that an 'too late. BlanY hopelessly blind might 2' dozen biscuits.
glasses for several Yearra both for -.-die- ' „peration for enucleation seemed ina. have saved their sight if they -had cared.
for their eyes in 'tinie. ,
tance and work and without thern 1 perative, Before resorting to the
Note: A city physician to whose the above
on the Opto and in 2/ hours the secretion had '''' Sp e- which SaPrelliessr.e'cl' for
could not 'read 'My own name on an operative treatment 7 prescribed Bon- Sete
N1435 submitted, said: "Yes Lon-Opto is 4. ' , • ..., , .
pnvelope or the typewriting
aiachine,before me. Scan do both now, lessened, inflammatory- symptoms he- a resuattable eYe remedY. Its eons -absent in- , s,. flavoring,
,and liave_ discarded my long distance gam to subside, and in seven days the gredleatri arc well known to eminent eye 555- have a stimulating effect on the stom-
glasses alteuether. I can count the eye was cured and retained its nor- ciallsts and widely prescribed by them. 1 haTe
. ' '
fluttering leaves on the tiees across the mal viSion. Another case of -extreme used it reay successfully in my own practice on. ach • That they should be pure and . • .. ,
Etreet now, -which tor several Yea -1,.'s convergent strabismus (cross eyes), pidieuts -abase eyes wore straiseilahrosgs sver- 'Of the best quality -is absolutely neces-
baye locited like a dim green'lilur te escaped the surgeon's krilfe by the work or misfit: gl.;ssses. I can highly reeomtuemi
zne- 1 CannOt express -my joy at -..vhat timely use` of your collyrium. 'The it In case 'oe weida YairrY, aching, smarting-, saly,
so has done for me" tightened external muscles yielded to 2-011mr: birrnInfr eYe. :red lids blurred vr,,,Ion or
' It is believed that thousands who the soothing and anodyne effects 05 for eyes inflamed trohs saszposure to smoke, 500. For planting between.young aecoo,,,o
weer elasees, Can, now discard them in Bon-Opto. i always instil Bon-Opto dust or wind. It is 000 of the 'very few prepas:as • • .
tareasonabitime, and multitudes more after removal of foreign bodies and tions I feel .hould be kept on hand for repair 1-roosi 'ow -growing, 'hoed 'cr•oPs,' such
avill be able to strengthen their eyes apply it locally to all burne, ulcers use in tilmost erery family "Iron-Opto is not a. as tomato.potatcyalseets, etc. seould
. ,
ro as to be spared the trouble and ex- and spots on the eyeball or the 1105 patent medicine or seeret reasei.y. .,11 Is 0. a„, ataa.„
pense of ever getting glasses. , for its therape-utic effect. I1 -y cleans- ethical prcp.nration, the formula behsg arinte:1 oa " "."'"'"*.
:'Dri Beak, an 'eye specialist of nearly ing the lids o5 secretions and acting tbe paelra,-e. The mhnufacturern guarantee it to , ,•,, ,,,,,,
rrtirenty years pr.actice, says: "A patient as a tonic for the eyeball itself the strengths:1' eyesight tio per 'cent 111 ens week's time Seyeral of. the' .ihiast , tely, ,homes
is came to me who was suffering from vision is rendered- more acute, hence in many lustani-ra, or refund 1115 mon.y. . , ,
-.arleanaritis Marginalis with all the . --. • ' pens'ed by all ttcsod druggists, fociuding 01 old. Englandhave beep turned .into
..-," . - r tile number of cases of - discarded
concomitant sYrnotorMei as morning I Dr, Conner says: '"Aly eyes were in '' 'll''12-rl. ''''1'0 I"- GaTalllblYll' and sleeping „quar era o ens making
agglittration' ef tharaltle, ehroate etra7lbact -condition uwina, to ilia eevezo 1-% 01200 & (:- ''' ' ''' '''' "" ''D ' munitio,.
German Fiightfnlaess Responsible for
Destruction oelfillage of
Qiite excluding the many in Bel -
in northern France atone three
hundred and twenty-seyen yillage
churches have been entirely destroYed.
by the Germans. I have not only seen
some pereonally, but have examined
official photegraphs of each and. every
ruin, and on affirm both the total
and the destruction as 'without an iota
f exaggeration, writes Henri Basin
By iliage church" Pleatt
an instance, and therefore...0, not
191,15 * even relative numerical in -/-
P:2:117- tehfeoref,:itnri;e,pc?,14wnittio:-;;;;_e:
er, the, soiet liv-rllbetthee ee
t r
1 e
-e lI I a r 1 e
' vi u • °own. Vet they
ere• --ra "-ut, in t pm
- ions usage, d in
t..• i three cet i
o eonstaa t hip of Goa. They
quiet i'meetuaries, cent:
amityrecords recoirds of biirth ban-
marriage and de:itb, the
. .
t gratitude, commemoration,
* •al and sorrow, the stool '1.0
ite e history of generation altec
gene, ration( of the same line; Inc 1
over level,y ,Forofe, there tire famth
living v.here;' their' ancestors settled
ceutzirits$ before.
The Angelus Will Sound No 1
I The bell in its o „"
the . iltis,„ frail -A.
theAligttill0 beard atur iu be
te 1111d 1, ,
td for as
St, Lawrence Red Diamond Elora lated which
ving to absolute freedom from orgarttc irnpurities
ver causes those distressing failures wh
worry the best of cooks. Warrant
ar, the Si. Lawrence Red Diam
ts full Aare to prvent fermentation.
Your dealer can supply RedDiamond Sugar a
grain, or medium, or fine as you may select.
Order the big bag --I00 lbs. full weight a the best
sugar made and avoid frequent trips to the
Sold also in mono other sizo and styles of packages.
Lawrence Sugar Refineries Limited, Montrea1.
and Save Money
With leather prices still high, you may hOve
, .
several pairs or attractive Fleet root Summer
Shoes for what one good pair of leather
boots cost.
Fleet Foot line is so complete, that there are many
styles for work and play—for sports and outings—for
men, women and children,
Ash your deakr to ahoy> you the full line of Fleet
Foot Shoes ---and soya money this simmer. 205
05 o t
There li 11
and e
No Ctwrrh is Spared.
these orinamed eburebi
r -eel know have boon di
orotOOtU3ttS Pla,o0 of t
r's L3e1'ore him, 85 11
h bap-
wbich it
towos And roirairetitres; the mighty
vatl1e(1r0l of Arras, of whieh Victor
Hugo has written, "It is the most
benut iful tool rvoralerful example of
the Flemish -Spanish architecture o
the thirtveoth eentury"; tbe eathedrat
the most lovely of smaller
G lie specimens; tbe cathedral of
Soissons, a marvel of the Renaissance,
to oese but three of the many within
thc line of barbarity's invasion and i'
No house of God is intact that
ached its paths of evil. There re-
tains to it but the completion from
far, of tho destruction of the cathe-
dral of Rheims.
The Torture of Rheims.
11 they chose, the Germans could
demolish Rheims cathedral to -morrow.
Thirty shells a minute for even a lit-
tle while would crumble all that is
left of this most noble of Gothic monu-
ments. But they choose instead the
systematic deliberate dropping now
and then of a shell upon the north and
south fronts and buttresses, They
lever bombard any other portion of
the city of Rheims. And they never
allow a week to pass without shelling
the wounded cathedral; some weeks
many and some weeks few; one at a
time always, one a day or one in seven
days, well placed and truly aimed.
As constant -water will wear away
rock, so constant periodical shell will
eventually wear down the grievously
scarred but still standing towers and,
trellised walls and buttresses. When
the final straw of strain comes the
Cathedral of Rheims will fall.. The
world will read of its falling, when, as
with a great sigh, a sigh reaching
into the heavens and across the ages,
this most glorious housew of God
crumbles and' crashes to the company
of ruin about it. "The 6.01 that men
do lives after them!' a
Pawnbrokers' Terms.
The incontrovertible absolute fact
of the matter is that England and
France are protecting us to -day
against an enemy wh9se will to in-
jure us is ondoubted; who would be
as remorseless here as in Noyon,
where every dollar, every ounce of
food anal all the young women were
caryiedi off ; and who, could in all
human probability give our stately
metropolis the option of paying a
ransom of five billion dollars or hay-
ing ten billion dollars' ovorth of pro-
perty destroyed, says the Rochester'
Post-Dxeress. Aside, therefore, from
ell humeeitarian considerations, do,.
svo not as a matter of justice—a
ter or business, if you wilt,
, Frame, and England also, ser,a4:
moye than a loao,