HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-5-17, Page 4it x•d# Vissaat l 74 y ia£ floc G Viet)/ siR itzip I anut it lafns .; now d 4 ;n. FARMER . Well by Waal avc z, there 'is soothing La create atrexagtb for t•ufditionea N. t . :r at sun gee iiato u, p aiee as " I€aeal,t r grana gist 'su cl: 'down c,zailnt1to i s 11, 'a'. LESTEL . iso trbe beat D torio too: ns, su l Srtl ',ear lee l for a tun- a ti resxal es, 0 GRA liTRUNKR4itrg IloineseeIie s cursions f iy z�r iportatst Events °a Which Have Occurred During the Week. t Busy , World' wa n inlaileci nand Put d Attractive Sian ere' of Our - 'aper d Hour's Enjoyment. Wl;DNESY, The Kaiser had a 3ro=ni au aseasa ea`t-4 More vain destroyeta„. A re elut;ted�%aI The $r IS h , overn ,?rung State control A. gas well has Vert Stanley Whin -a flaw o feet a day. A large nx#ta4bar 9 marl reached Eng�''u alt battlg an�- Iflt6 e, tar p ltan. censid- a liquor rtes near mil1tont 1 as n ore sotaMs a Piers ons the water�Troazt. inrg to reports made to the laaent of Ag ictniture, vet- $sing zs ianptaaing ' in Ontario. ratnc1 throughout 0n- die be yam 'to aCaoM eec1 +ted` he 'Tor+3itto Beard Maguire declare a ford iiefator rets." � xnli far lit bail meeting' .9 b Alder; ositi.o by the "in€ es iia the civil service are ien avec, and if will lie poesibie e irn class Ill. to apfieeinto eccirunl enclationn. Tease"Tfi:;5pa to favoring selecm. 1 criticized the Putting it in n:bz: k a'a=iCdan icittO frasanato, O.n Sit3 ANT ore.. xc v? rge :Meyers. a, o Burwell, zitn ie and bleeding nansleet uogrel, pro shag. bullet trent w 'rest a wed a,ad St.1 2's ti far*aer, i¢iluci Vela tct au t sohatrmatxpn ~tl ship Oriel/a' man. subM ri Incident a! the Monte W that ibe Coyeira SA Several more,prttie nal were reported p F. R. gtewett St affor hnrtdse ,fir erj s llpa Au.aaa of e an?t l?y llama l pPa 0E14' #149.14,1a lx $utnraartn0 bra is net on thee amps to be openxet* o `are did $a50,0a0 damage ?l l plant of the Cuff Ammunition, W, irks Ste 1 og road PlTgart„y',frengareras are w€ Rmg is i?, this Soo Canal, hero etanued ,by xee, a, gistrate Jeffs of orge Bevan a1,000 trr for selling liquor, The death`of''yrs'ad , Toronto, foilewing an to be investigated. 1be-Cernnani confroating tlt'e and aSltPr Pr flue ap- a a'ettxrla , SoldIrr as ant of the '$ i farm. DICTATOR IS NEEDED >3ewspaRers declare mut has pesitave in Argentine sailing fieen sunk by a Ger- he papers say the aan the sinking of. :o, and demand er t promine 1tA narines ild-a lton Oned; six uaontlas Me -talents of DisuniOn Strang in Russia. Benefits oft Devolution Will De .It tales Strong Man Arises in Slav 3iunaov That Tony. Rvolutionary Caave - Oiler of n SeP4krate Ewe- P'ROGRAD, May 15.: -The con- Fiction that Russia can only be saved by the energy, resolution, ruthless- es, and statesmanship of a medern Toanwetl lean uaust ,ultimately pass a state of disintegration„ in di Russia as a,unifed element 11 be replaced by. 'a number of blies, under the donnioa- 4.1„.15 is impressing the da�i t fit ' P nose whoa regard afw- ming n1R klteai`Qitm of a dictatorship With fear .crud eaversion, We have radical Re' eh narking to -day; *`Is that We shall not ogh without a ed in the bul- of Soldiers and We have t l inters •, fir a RuS es fir' Ant Emla tit ;asibie gin+ e to er as fo pr the xnetn's ens Is S Is it the ease," date of revolted: telling delegate at a council *"We $la£re taken our alo of freedom ,and it has somewhat in.- tcesieate~d 11440, We have bee trailer - nixing at the firaPi ', we have the Rem i+ntblle of 111 t urg cle£ying the anntbeeitet rat the` RI'ovislonal ;overn- meant. wad we have the lionise of bake of Lealehtetlherg iiz Petrograd held by anarchlate, with the Govern- �znt Pt1T$esa.,. the +ilnll,9011 of Soldiers and anis Delegates pzutesrs, but i Ming to support active measures these enemies of free Russia, r€e'ugb ita hnailetbai warua 4rtu nders palest threatening to fife artillery en troops who fra- ize with the enemy. At the same i• e,' the Connell expresses its wilt- itasaess to compromise with the lead - ere of the Red Guard, providing the members of that body aro confined to bon„ fade war tatenext, Such is the spectacle in Russia, t0 dry, In it w1 'set? all the eleiitents of di aunnion. w;#1# to t4pitall cif the Slav w?lo Precipitated, the fall of the , ratd #tep ahlaes O ' Novgorod and PaIttaaR to atAoerantie per, even to pfd ussaaas, This la;saiar,eal analgnl but the rnenaee new but Bole naollernis. wing eoanvictton tat xeeint^'gration is le, there is '! nonan Mind in. gins held by the Caned der,bly reinforced. pups are to apply- for "latch has been gran; on ncalve serviee. Reck in alia4000 n It `',the .fin tiro-rad/a 0 is'i i Q3OLgU Ss creta; o the end et as following, ` US A t or Toro. al[n'ISAY, pregrees was made by the via .tiiilior, tarsnners are coming to tlit3 f thea" nrred uet&on Club, e Oznnnaaiiaita x agirn'ers eontritee cancra to'tbe sanceess ant t Ara .n; ervn railways scheme,. and OW- Tic: tb atives. ered b>°. for the tca iaril.tou !F, Iif a" o; L Atbee 0r„s- C ATWORTII TON.. 0 11110 -eras et ONT RIO'S •.QST 13 Ct7I'..LE Stleele,nt. may enter e it etas- eee time. Commenee your course now and be °qualie flail for a position byMidsum- mer. During July. and August of -ra=t year we received calls for' OVER 200 OFFICE 'ASSTS coule not supply. aces aro in demand. TANTS Our gra: "ItYr to at oor our free ,rata. - "S lob ae. • McLachlan, Pain - i a ♦+a49 !♦A♦♦.04♦♦4.♦+!lata♦d4 • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ®' 4, 4, ♦ 4► • • give toad crud the same " training? y� "xirk�enIwas agrowing Iad,andcame . anon nanny :sonde in Soy reading that 1 din non:, understand, any mother, in. stead of giving me the definition when 5 applied to her, uniformly sent me to the dietionely to learn it, and in this way I grtdnally learned many things alv ides the meaning of the individual ';cord in yinestion--among other things, low to use a dictionary„and the great anleasare and ad -vantage- sltere area be in the ase of the dictionary; Afterwards, when 1 went to the village 3Moo1, say' thief diversion, after Ile - sons were learned and before they were recited; tuns in turning- over the pages of the 'Unabridged' of those-, }} days, ]Npw the. most modern Unit...) bodged-theNEWINTI;R e ,TIO/CAL:- gives ate apleasnra of the same sort, Si, far as my knowledge rt,ends, it in ;”• at present the hes! of ta+..- one -volume dictionaries; and Amite sufficient for, all,. ordinary use . Even those who :n po3sesa the' splendid dictionaries in ox;.. volumes will yet fund it a great moupenience to have this, which .is eo *pinpaet, so full, and emet trustworthy "'. cleave, in most cases, little to be x= tied Albert S. Coolh.D..i 7L.i9., C ofeesorof the English Language and ,.b re, Tale Univ, April 28, 1911. R$18fa' FB9P 81�admea IaiTE1NO7a$e9 ;IUnalastiople ate. Cr;VBHt DiCTIAEi taakNirt, b oto to<5 Georg Foster at of Go mons ttna eat e;nnateeus in Cfitiw; lei, ho created,, The labor anti Socia1let pardon of e4 Itllieci nations wall hold a meet- t; in Lot;ddou next esnontin to confer ri t:he position of Russia. ft. is officially stated that twaenti iur slops wore sunk last v�raek It erman aubnaarines, being a si gt decrease inthe number of victims. A. proposal to tax haebelo `s heav- ily, or, alternatively, to compel tberxe to adopt one or more war orphans, will shortly be discussed' in the. Ger- an Reichstag, Russian and Ceernian troops on the ]E:atern front are reported to be fraternizing. The wnrrioar , dance in acro :titan's land to the accompaniment `. of at gramophone. Major-General Kartzoff, command- er of the Siberian Rifles ,Division, has been assassinated. He 'amus at- tacked while wanting near thesstil road station, his assailant disappear - Ex -President Taft, isappearEx-PresidentTaft, addressing; the Canadian Club at London, :Ontario.' predicted a long war in which a large American army will beneeded to help administer the finishing stroke. The United States has arranged to make a loan of ;75,000,000, to ;Bel- gium, which will be expended by; the Belgian Relief Commission; ,The loan "wilt be advanced at the rate of, $12,500,000 a month, of which, .$7,- 000,000 will be available'for relief in Belgium and $5,000,000 for 're- lief' in Northern France. FRIDAY het e bone y Heavy Austrian attacks were beaten back by the Italians. A Sinn Feiner was elected to the British House of Commons. Seven. Austrian steamers were pure - chased by .American, interests. . Eleven German destroyers were chased from the English coast. - Alberta elections, it is ` reported, are to be Iield June 1a and 15. :. Local option, was passed ;by both Houses of the New York State °Legis Mature. Of the membership of the West Y. M. C. A., Toronto, more ,`than_one- third .have joined- the colors , The New Brunswick Legislature convened, with the new Premier, -: Hon. Walter E. Foster, iii:,his• place. Sir Henry Drayton made a strong plea before the "Canadian: Club; To- ronto, for the iiationalization;of: rail -,i ways. ' Retired farmers,are- needed toin: struct amateur gardeners who . are working in the war production cam-' paign. I . St. Catharines `residents in three,. days gave $218,00.0 for the Patriotic;' and Red Cross Funds, an average, of $ 3 per head. . Brantford Trades and Labor Celine cit decided to form a Brantford In-'.; dependent Labor party to enter the political arena. ' Ontario Hydro -electric Commission officials advise " against "Windsor's` buying out the S., W. & A. Street'' Railway at present, { The Ryndatu, with the Austrian Ambassador to the "United States anal his artty o onboard, sailed avin from f i_ e ZYnr °t in Nbeen 0 i.+hF.n, ee ilei i 1»'tbe lees, bate lasun£i an11 eritnrilca3' ays of prayerfor rem and; victory. 0xis adulatedthat the tanks atal gas weapotos weCi tbt�r:n; coansitierable trouble. Ilofoae the Medical Commissioner, Surgeonn-Ceneral 3. T. FotberIngham saki dors ot; snnliiiers were exciting wonder. et v; y Douglas, a young Ennis eceiderit Saturday evouing in 01. W. Day at laingslou par - suffocation. and burns when London Men% Federation strongly condemned race meets in Canada during the war and asked the Gov- ernment to probibit them. Mra. Sarah Badgerow, Toronto, risked the lives ot herself and sister- in-law and wrecked her automobile to save cbildrert front injury. Elsie Rojitasky,,,Toronto, aged six- teen, was arrested, eharg,ed with en- tering a house and stealing money. She told the police that her family had no money to buy food. M. Rene Vavani, former Pronaier. and now Minister of Justice of France, delivered a thrilling addrese to the Senators and Commoners in' joint session on Saturday. The strike of engineers in England has broken down. Saskatchewan -wheat is 'about three-fourths sown. A zeppelin was destroyed in the North. Sea bY British warships. Hon. M. A. Macdonald, Attorney - General of 33ritish Columbia, has re - Brant farmers have formed a co- operatiae society, with two hundred The Toronto City Council voted in favor of the -,enforcement of the Militia Act. " About 50,000 prisoners have been taken by the Allies in France in the past month. Mr. Alfred Sheriff, Deputy Minis- ter of Game and Fisheries, died at his home in Toronto. The Toronto and. York Patriotic Fund -made higher grants to meet the increased cost of living. Sir Lyman Melvin Janes died leav- ing an estate of ;1,143,004 to his widow and his daughter, Mrs. Craw- ford Brown. The Dominion Department of Ag- riculture recommends the planting and eating of beans as more profit - aisle than potatoes. , The Meaford Board of Trade is OSking other boards to take imMed- tate action 'urging Governmental stoppage of racetrack meet's. The Western Racing- Association has offered the infield of Devonshire, Peak, near Windsor, for -.Working; men's allotments for cultivation. Five BrantfOrd 'men will plant fifty acees with potatoes and , fifty acres, with beeps to further produc- tion, not looking for financial suc- .c°5cso.10- tie). (Dr.) Herbert Bruce'S' re- port replying to the Baptie ODIlllifg - sion's reaort has not -reached the Militia Department, though he states he:rshenetzitecutive 0 District N0. 13, United Mine Workers of America, has'ealled a strike affecting about 6,000 coal miners in Alberta, and British. Co.unitea.• Bread is up 12 cents a standard af in London. and Sarnia (twice the aerse is week, stoPPe OT try hostile the , ent's appeal. Tlie, soul -official eewe agency Mo day gave out the following; "Tbe report that the Council Workmen and Soldiers' 1)elegates lia called for an armistice ig denied. The question of an armistice has never been raised -by the Council, which on the 'C'ontrary is engaged a Present In drafting an appeal to the soldiers at the' front. pointing out the inadvisability of a separate peaee or of fraternizing with the enemy." Arr Italian Paper prints a repo front diplomatic quarters that Tit key has made overtures to Russi through a netttral source for a sep- arate pmIce on the basis of the cem- pkte °polling of the Dardanelles to Russian navigation, both for. war and rnerthatit Yessels. According to this report Turkey also declares her- aelf disposed to give friendly eonsid- elation to the Armenian queetion, and suitable recognition to the principle of nationalities. Russian Soldiers Desert. LONDON, May 15.—The Odessa correspondent, telegraphing 'under date of May 9, says a great im- pression bas beerimcreated by a recent speech of General Alexis Brussiloff, commander-in-chief of the Russian armies on the south-western front, complaining of tfie seriout shortcom- ings of the army and deploring tbe agitation for a premature peace, -the relaxation in discipline, the number of desertions from the army, and the tendency of the Russian soldiers to fraternize with the enemy. General 13russiloff, says the corre- spondent, declared that the enemy had tempted the Russian soldiers by offering them Vodka and had tried to deceive them with proclamations. He added that the desertions were bay- ing a baneful influence in the armies' rear, along the railroads and an ,vil- lages, and that if the /ack of discip- line wae continued it lutist entail the ruin of Russia. Food Outlook in Germany. tocki, the German food dictator, ad- mitted in a speech that-- the crops were disappointing in Turkeya'Bul- parts of Roumania and admitted that, American co-operation witli'England to prevent food reaching Germaine throtigh,neutrals ends all horia of help from this source, which hasbeen considerable: As heretofore, Herr von Batocki insisted -that the coun- try would pass through this year's crisis -until the harvest, but he said it viceild be a hard task. •" The' speech made .a profOundim- wasteenSidered the most Pessimistic authoritative.atterance yet. The peo- ple consider it preliminarY to a fur3: 'ther rigoroas cutting down of food, which cannot be sustained without destroying the working capacity' 'of naillions of people. , Appeala to Strikers. LONDON, May 15. --,Dr. Christo- pher Addison, Munitions Minister, Saturday publicly appealed to strik- ing.„,munition plant engineers to re- suti.,tie work immediately. and contra- ,413eitishestice sea an tad enere emau ,g PROCTiaMATION VILLAGE OF Ex.orit "011,11NATION AND ELECTION meg, of the Electora o ALL, EXETER, on 1$10 Y or the purpose of a'eeeivirtg nom. ittatione for coancillor,s to fill the R. Hine; 'aud aurther notice is here- by gaten that in the event of more caisdidates being proseorsed for the officea than required to be elected the meeting win, be adjearried until closed at 'S Pakt '1 at tlse following places aa fixed by the Village By- law, viz., POLLING SUB -DIVISION No, . Edwerd Treble, Deputy Returning"! officer,' and Sidney Davis, FoR VOL: ING SUB -DIVISION No. 2.— the fTawn Hall, Nartalingten 14,10, ,and„ James II. Grieve Poll• Clerk POLLING SUB -DIVISION No 3—AT Mrs, Mitchell's office atain Street, Percy, Galles, D. R. Ca and Geo ,reee Aadansota„ Foil Clerk. 're Rata o keg' Vitwer, And a hare yes a Parian to ND a by Public Ave on e premises on Monday the 28th ties, ales- 1917 at otte o'aloek aftei n0013 31* f01101ViUg 13.1 ESTATE --Lot nn 313 4nCt 1-;t3134033 B0131 in the VII" ovdtcaa nal o tit I bereaftt'r without it 11 to the midereigaint.1313,414' , Or can Itia but nta e tey „phone, ,usail. or dropped In e. tea BETWEE TWO STOOLS. Illote Men. 'There is au evil -under the sun, la connection with the proceedings of good and gentle ladles, of whieb the Nomad bas been the IT/Glint, and of which be desires, with !be fuliest re- spect and cortsideration, to complain. lt is tbis: You accompany a lady on a shopping tour, or, tot US Say "'just while I buy two or three little things." 'The lady enters a store, 'where many other persons of her sex are engaged upon similar errands. Many women are flitting or standing about, as the ease may be. Through the maze of skirts the lady whom you are ,accompanying. that is, are following, threads her way with amazing speed. what she does with her elbows we will not venture to say; over that let a veil be drawn. But one thing Is certain, it is im- possible for a man to keep np with her unless he knocka persons of the 0PDosite sex to right and left; and being a man, that is precisely what he cannot do. The result Is that you fall far behind the lady whom you are supposed to be accompanying; you loseaight of her altogether; and if by any chance you succeed in re- establishing the connection with her at the side, of some , counter where she is making her purchase, she says coolly t6 you, aWhy, what became of you? Did you find some pleasant In- terest on the way?" What the Nomad wishes to know is, what does polite- ness require that a man shall do under such circumstances? Far the sake of 'his obligation to the lady whom he is accompanying/must he Jostle and displace all other women who cross his path? Or doeg the obligation to treat all women with courtesy excuse him for letting this lady -pass out of his reach? The question is really the old one whether a man's paramount duty of courtesy is to the individual woman or to the entire sex. -.The two oblige= tions not infrequently conflict. You ,are seated in a car by the side of the, lady whom you are accompanying. You are her cavalier. Everything en earth is supposed to yield to that considera,tiona You are in conversa- tion with her, and she expects you to keep up the conversation. All the seals in the car are occupied. Enter now a woman of gentle anien, who stands in front of or, near you:Now what are you going to do? Give tip your seat out of politeness to tho lady who is 'standing, or keep it out of consideration to the lady whom you are escorting? Most mea's in- clination is to gave up the seat and stand. But that is not the feminine 'd of the iila#" duty. e ,cavalier Ton Have Always Bought and which 'has beei or over thirty years, has bprae the signature efi *I Allow no one to deceive forP OW AU Counterfeits, imitations and " Just -as -good" are but Experhnents that trifle with and en4anger the health of:1 What is AST Castoria, harialerrs,tanbstitute for Castor Oil Paregoric' Dre,pa '.SArrups. It is pleasant. it conWintr been in co labe-r i'l's'ne"+9;ant'ar4:rt ieeei'o"rt4tht$:al'ertilrlitatrtileofethr`CnallmlairsctithixtY;tiacti:luy171:alarnstc;eolite.P:h71*; wincl Cale and-Idarrhoea '` allaying Feverishness arising thenteen and 1.)7 regulating the Stomach and Howeise aids The Children's Panacea—The 'Mother's Friend. ire CASTORIA AL o ver ea F r 0 30 e K n You Have Always Bourg Brat K MONEY ORD SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT THE CANAD B OF CO MERC SR EDPIUND WALKER. JOHN ARID, Central Manner EACH DOLLAR SPENT ON NON -ESSENTIALS WEAKENS THE: EMPIRE'S GREAT CAUSE. Place Tour surplus earnings in our Savings De9. partment where they will earn interest Crediten 13raneli—J. At McDonald Manager'. JAS. BEVERLEY DR. G. F. ROULSTON. FURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and .Funeral Director Phone 74a. Night Call 74b EXETER. " ONTARIO, FARMER'S M1.17i1UAL FIRE INS,ITR- Head Office, President, Farquhar, Ont. BORT. NORRIS THOS. RYAN. DIRECTORS AGENT'S ( j"011.al ESSEIRY. Exeter, Agent Us- . borne, and 113idduipla. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and' Logna, Iv, fn. TaTIRNI)E3ULL. Solicitors, Exeter, LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, for„ Countics of Huron SwPaealrertsehra0":11„0,tiia Iitt4",/efi:ce arta- rCmoek-Ihtoactkt oiir to the Central DENTIST , .4.13 llonor Graduate of Toronto Univeia,a sity. Office over Dickson & earl* ing's Law Office. Closed Wedneedysile afternoona Phone Office 5a azree Residence 5b. e. Honor Graduate of TOronto 1Jeiive4tai , DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, ases -any bad effects. Office over Ganda- -0434 s. 'Graduate Victoria UniversIt'74•, Aesociate 'Coroner of Huron all errister, 'Solicitor, , Notary Pah, Solic:tor for aloleans Bank, etc. OFFICE—elAIN ST. EXETER, • ON We have ,a fends to laft ravatin eget