HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-5-10, Page 7AAIt PIy� in J)a114jr4-,' jqgd vs 'To Add The Finisi ing Tooduce Intended For Ta�,Iie Use. In d rnL�r�,) the poultry thz�t. gbe_s� I �; I Ind of all ages, air rqlalty invited t ad 110)),' TO KiLL 'Ile aits pctiz department. Initials only will h q 0 P pqp4A"` with eac,h cl Conducted by Professor Henry Bell. .I— -r Us P i a 1) 11 C, a-, �, e a o, I0 0 d (I 4 - nar"I 'Whopping Couh, althoi allly �tb I a and A igh 4 # as a rm�a,,ls of iden-,jfjp4t�oiq 4t4t,' will 4* "ooucer would �et in each :et !#Oper only. A Write on one sI,J,Z plr� no nieixs�cou, The obl—ect of this department is to place at the :: I - �t. - - Iree 'apec C� Addre s t if sta" ed e disease OF childhood, is b�r the Is encio5iUd, I an gervAce of Our farm readers, the advice of 4n V fined.twthat period but ulay occur,at A Ae Addrcs:�� all o�Jils Mrs, H�Iein U-11NA 'k , OdRed authority on all 8ubjects p"taining to SON and. I 'e of the most -9diline Ave,, TgrontQ. any, tifile: of life. 'Lis on Crops, if; a pbi�ct, foi the angerq9S disca;es of I of aAqy, and yearly, ------- Addre F,,s all qmestlons to, Pr4f essor Henry 0. Bell, In jo­�- hi-� wi� wbo, is na,ses mor� deaths than scarlet, fever, a h9me, t7he care', of The WilSo d, 'to- n Publishing company, Limite Ietyphoid or diphtheria, and is more _r 'I - e3—yM:;L1-1 n the 'ar rnto, and answers will appear in this colunir I an 4 er thi2, room JA ent hcl ildren, nd the order In which they ore rei;eived. As space Is Urnited he�Is tts in Sh s ar' I ping Is adv:Gable wheke is r;ei�sary that �-Ce columon,in female than ill mate child so Q er, o N", t with sueez' a stamped and addressed enyelope be enclosed w1th the irritation oi the P wo, "94 01:1 eaf-111 Wateliug * p and brides, of thr H e nrr Bell. question, when the answer Will be mailed oir , - 1� �� And throat, fevtrislines and coigh� The on De e vA lf ly pa -'Have a 1"ece well upplied with hunilis in order that' �r*e' ds the- advance to -a occur freque epligWag attael mtly but Question—W. E. A. ea- the, soppl, generally vere at nigh �rrwa tle 006-1114 are t. of Jand: I do not, wish 0, wor there may be a rea�o Ji�,e t0 How. of moisture held in the oil �Straw_ Ing by Pr,,A, son except t pler fa s Qq the first sign of a Dr. -4.9m ride X�rc�xdi`s Nor-.5ray Pixie Syrup, should be sum to the br�fl�, ky �herries are not very'�hw-d on the soii. .011_ _ breakf�!, - IPA- I ery plow it about June to kill 44W M h4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and gdmb� , weeks of suffering sow it to outs or an thin too of stravi,berries, is prevented. as, it helpsAQ clear the bron- bapp u " 7 for pasture? By no pas I i4p' and only takes from the Putting, the flnishmg ChW tub t ci, of the collected mxxcow� arid iclose and turning I d f out $5 c ilts worth of P14rdfood, yet of Ishape for next be se4soll ls so 1( will land be in se their K;or�Nill I good short, the soil ally mhor gor liswer,—If you intend to summer'�,.vjth 4 This, is, This la� 'Ai x pleasure ill sayin year"' have muct A thqt ther i no cough syrup like'D f ISo elear'�y Ngy little fallow t ie I d, I would advise you to best, doue b., Alow it Sooner than, June, P AblY 4, year ahead Z q 'girl little it harro,wed Agi rl y in J;tay, iiiii Iowl' earl h d, Wo or three it eiptd tier ate o t up the crop covering the, grokind th and . dished about one to ;k U444 to,�ivc the gre� .5t relief. It U to t le Phlegm, is now better, asprouting kveeds and to preserve A is put,ill witll e may visit ally mft�- thRt a hedust Mulch prevent the 40 loads of Manure to tile avf yuiPandJain getting cape of ther water firm the oil, IV Absolutely clean cultivztion is ii, Itry for you wish to establish it temporary PR_ ej*,"'' X y AQT ir in. order to free the land 6 DIture cannot advise you better than tol tt. I , I; vu "I ifte Q. g pAxt till in a yellow NN'Tipper: try tile rilixtilre advi- by Prof, i- hwell de ,cave4 a a free o hprice, �4% ;Ind We, aN-i z illeper 00r�, pinting he ber Wo wb�, VP ouly'by Tim, T, Nllii,- acre, of a mixti.gro eompowd of, 5,1 lbs, Wit r- m 'A filVIS�Je(I iVk Co,, TQrQu, Out, rMon red clqyer� t) gane and 7 lbs. of coin IQ acre. A good fertEizk�r orATT of oats, 30 lbs, of Early Amber, sugar 000 Pounds hettl 0 SOW this early berri" n. should analyze a Professor Zavitz says t t Z le, he oats andL hto C tnd 4 to, G,1wvngX& co sugar cave call be drilld ill Out anIaIthrough the regular grain drill "dthe ota b, if it cw-A W Tb 1 Ew Qod IT, S ;ySi, g -not,, 44,00 elOve'r AQed throug the ;S all IA Y, 14, SQcdel' 11 oil, 0 of the grain the At Guelph tbi-,, initure to he red to mrr C- .41 tle V, e revenue girl 'Th , otle late in, June� Thit, pasture, the. fertilizer u(I tbq Old trxiQd more th,,in oxiv teer to the" the po�w sl' tile C44 t in 19 11, '15 vroip�d W, tTing Inat to eat k l0af`�� Ito mintain If this nale I a .0t Ila slit ra valu4ble a 11 i-4 rug., 1� tile f� terittl is not past red down too clse otel* 04,04, ddition I I 111 humns to, tile ;gllly ii�(tr4ed to pl�epflre .4 joilff turned down hito b(, oh�t )Zen only lip her feJ 'Ili the -and under sit mfall. L and t -d Something that, obe so the poor, men outlined should IM, in good, wee 7 eat to go, without. 9t possibw Con( Shape for next pring, if llh),-Ved 1-1 Ole Choice of the give ep, your Must be' co ;.AAA AIUAIAf� fit W, ; � '40 It �t fairly deeply in the 11. is -unde cortain!" tell tile ed. V tbz regrunted tile littht 09, But Question lift ,It only ruffled ill) her feath- how I call get rid of thistles and q'ilack" Of oil, anfri _k%7 may prove,, 1wof epeloaf nd turned off grass. Ioto ol prove wort ie huhshe of, thistles anti ell, Ness., luy wit Answor:­The killing etllod,. 11, selectiig !� 0 requires heroic m Al'5, V X1,11% piece of your Plenty of nit) flesh or gaso. be, guided more J the lidvice,of 1,*IVQ Me �1' from 24 to iio pev A, 0 -eisive'growers in his communit' ''.0 _;F V' Mrs isai,j the pig,con, its it f IQW Iiiie used through a,, tractor will Lill' progi ATI ,i� i Ml , - ch as a rol tfto' down front the, fence r The top Of the plant by what catal reall iight by, her side. them. K i; s y bC!o -V at the pigeoll, animals, so that it the, -plant it, depriv- pla tim time, She fleN it, beell The old lien getting Very angry much the same pturpose us the lungs of land I,% early Ile may find prOtl -file old of nts front the erlY varieties ion (lie 'as Crescent, Barton's Sentor ed follit and icared the little thing,'Olit Of tile ed of that vital part it must sc mig,lit improv I- - - , 9 I in '2. The, fillet and methods ov eld, nd Beder Wood. Possibly nine-tenthi (tf till tlw yard. If this principle is kQ)t ill mind bot� Dunlap, . Warfl, I Me 1, Piece Of Your thistles, and grass call be killed. If his land is late lie will find it d poultry found 3ts way v tInlu"it not 11f,' inl. thl Or t9 rlarl;e1 by n �c; r Iflle� to market through lit some of tbig, old dog. The old No onetaothod work in all soils, more profitable to pi gl r8on �Vht� hl, j n: Th.tt Nter varieties such as SaMP10, Wil- L'4 It 1. e. I'llffled lip her feathers, as and In all locations, If, the thistles product even to started ,It, the big dog; but are cut down. and not a single sj�car al- liam Belt, Commonwealth and Brnd, e feature of, which 4i_len the lit k tiules� t it; k I cli OR you will not lowed to, come, above, the )Ile. ust us Soo us the, plantilig `tot mind that. surface, they 'vd a6 ishe cultivation tak Jill' e it all," he Intl. othat ligr Mm, a piece, I will %t oon�die fronijack of Power to is gill.1,tore w a the Ill often r three cultivations Ito to be oniv for "C'St. said, is he tGward tile big l0af- breatir., in air , and. ability to digest Tile first two 0 iIUsually some form of cl call should be rather (jeep so its to'temel� the Price for a 'read food. 4. IlTile old licu scized t1i,p loaf of b fill-ril is- is -it her. mouth and "started on a run, cultivation is tile, best method either I low the soil frodlen down ill Planting. and bad, Ili cases the pro- 1 It night I 01111; all_ �ut tile (lot, could outrun her. he with a crop or by bare fallowng. The be salz ducer broke way from tile d we to the It figirre (�t It coks tillie, 11111or 01, to All latbr, cultivations should 'roul hr M - thing to do is to outline a systematic low. The land sbould be cultivated and shpped the delor bllt� � ill, I Saw that would have to do go e ; tire more. or lei o blilin for t1w, call- or nious for him the Master thing,quiel" so She pread her wings plan of�attack and to keep Ili mind at at least every ten and fter cac di(I net InTpace Ili,.;; birds, us lie 01, to Aition, of the pouhr.�, market mitl every� ills life In many cases tile birtbi were bought again An',', an- g ,�o lb Ir to fly oVerL the fence. � But all t, I I ,t for c, r and tried Imes the fact that you mustcep rain. link of, the clinin �Illluld 1W Strength-' It just itt 'tile top of,the fence 11�, if you will write ftnd get the Anntial by Middlemn oil a commission �' - less to, L"N 1) e, n e, it is necessary o she got to every leaf cut off. 1 eed, thougil nd the t h i I 1;--' lleeRed at L J; of the Secretary for Agricul- basis, -Ind too often the quality was i rX the very best ouill- a little bird the loaf; and Repor prodite.er are tile two most, illiportnt� US. Exe�pt ve in -chase ,� . The same persistent methods'apply bsolutel mv went tunibling back to the ture, Halifax, Nova Scotia, for the not �ood nd there w. V no a5 in ty. These can Ile bad frorn away it t,� the killing of quack graSs.L1 �'HOW- I However, as it is tile Producer that b- Wiles o�, 'the th-,,t ground; -Ind inher fright, instead of year 1910., you will'find therein two I ding. This System, or rather � ' * -111 stabl;shed To sow _g,z:, ritir1; this Information for, chea Oseed, of be fell right into ever, if the quack grass 1s in sod it is lendid articles on Strawberry culture i lack of system, in meant, and � a re W It IS, they call cut off, I landing oil tile fence, , are his P best to, plow the, ground'shallow dur- sP .11 to the, that we done. is to Inite faillire. three -go quite retur nlav� , k a barrel of, water close by. ing the summer, say about that good deal into detilr! Still means, lie seed,s begin to grow Ial.cr Thia old hen calle� the eat to help regarding best methods of, 'be Jhc� After t handling shipper, because of lck of "lliforniuv, inches deep. For this it is advisable jhe Improved Systei—Is Methods� she called the dog to help her, Alis crop. Poo)* ality - ituiterous comm s -i I !)e expended in culth-iting d r qu, nd i The whole .71c, III- , her,� to use, a sppcial type of 'plow with a and Advantages. r les. 11�4ul bus the tihe weeds, down. and she vnpleaded, "01ittle bird, Scotclx� bottom having a real long sions. the bi tel please'llelp Mel I um about to drown." May Flowers'. Fortunaely such producers are be- Thanl-,3 to hp� Tt is, very after sea - dually sloping mold board.� This7 hard as they fe"ver every year, but to co-operation the pro- clls of -a oil's to barvest a large They all worked as- gl al or permits the easily turning of the., sod. (,e e d e n ods c,%cp of flowers or of sup - The people talk of windy March have been, responsible to ucers, better busal neth of it. Do notbing -The verb i,- f, could to out,, but they could in ' weel, IThe next thing to do is, with, a And of the April SHVivers. not. as thopoo.r old hen Was V We � eriOr qU nd contemplate how or tell ays, go on, the land,with'u dise of Matt. 3. 8, and (11lite possib): the Ic ell tile work has paid. about to sink to the bottom An(! how these two re sure to bring A -," i - render Produce nothing 1 Tile. Starting poin of success ia keeping up the a. water, Farmer Perkins hap- piened'along and took her out, almost' vely bert,dak- or '"id Welco (3). This is the parbI when the quack But I am sure that both these months "A metaphori- I deeplv as possible; second, to sow good e of John tile; to get soil well pulverized and as ziid tborouFhly cut lip the land.,. You me Maytime flower two weeks unjil !all Baptist dead- grass Nivill be �olmt the number of, times you For every year they seem to get description of the fate which seeds third, to use fertilizers liber - completely iL led out Are failures as to weather, pigeon, th, The' caL,. the' pig,, the I I 1 awaits -Ili unfaithful disciple. He is lly. Using fertilizer is similar to (log alid the little'bird all h d '41 ;�� I ed together. like useless branch which h over the land. Ke�p,'oxx going, go- ost sadly mix �c U i feast off, the old, hen's loaf, and it was hrok-nide ci­tin money -in a savings: bank. to ing, -oing lint I every spear of the There's rain in,March and April vyind; th-rie bef 'was able off nud thrown aw,ay, and fter if consumed as' 0 deposit or investment ��Ul the origini, g -ts wit -nd drV I-- I refurned and the liberal use of, -ewood." led out. grass: is 1, The snowstorms get all twisted, eat midther crumb of tile fii n Question Which makes it clear that Maytime s times beter i 7, Obzerv-c how thiL illuminates fertilizers pay parative f oild villue . of oats exit while flowers Whicli is not mere potition. but torest th any savings bank It is cured and fed in' the winter _-ree rfoil y to make -ood g li and Cointforth quite unas d,sisted. a vital y to 'r producer7 r aLectuier-!-�These Are not as hay, cs�pciaily as union with God in, Christ ke it, the liberal use of g -is the N le All Vbat is out of ai�- wil figur6's, ladies and - -enflem en. 1 Answer: but the Infinite Pity is slif impossible to a oe or some siln my 0 -cept ir and the h flar im R ialysis of ots'Cut in the milk stage:"l f1cient, f or the infini cord with tile will, e the spint: guxes: of a ma of hu- ' ga 0 , -to pathol� n If a nl(jn In of Jesus in Gethsen al;e the fl iane. They -it - is talking about. ts �cut Stage and_f�d as,� an ft sk soml�thing that kmow3 �wh, h( hay in blessed does �_J does not vjll, it Shall be done �2 i God 3till, in that bette to hiln Is I Q L Y let will collie. E A Pale one- a Cor. 12. 9. z1orified—The tense 0 U 0 L E D :4 Corn P I d R U W in tjji�; b I LIVER Is little diicult. Pro- bi, t i of tile Greek i COVERED FACE. tan� F'Evir, YtARS. 41.2 21�8 , 1—�--�-�,---------------,--'----------"'— it meas "ha� been vnoineiit� I being CondiLions in sonic -,L Ile, scctian� are y uit-boar;llg Is seel) so tile glo -iA 1,11 or recei,�ed- The th ne'of 'Whell the." bowels, bee e for thCt C0 oni con�tipated 11dit;on in- which oro 10, 4 8 594 4 S - I - . - :1 " the stoniach gets/,put of order, the li the rnvket ando� the improved but th fr b,� , ve ana ysis Nl;icny woen ornpave John 4.'S5) that ssee m li become run down and'i does not work, properly and.then follo',N's i bLeli expo,, -ie f oy, work only staRed and 'this the Master (c �ut in the: g-re,en stag,e Make, worn out by their household aiul nhs ick headach -c sourness ,that oats t Inust become In already P All diseseA, and 1, M of the skin the vii6lent� 5' es, LL 0111, cities. proverilen it; is utjcs,ucv6r ending, nd sooner or latei even 1. Of the toniach,-belcliiii: of.wind, heart- -�e"Y' good feed �dor �'all'.classes of'. d to d by ttic blood in an j�n- find "shattered nerve of "ir YiS',ted oyH4, plll�oducers� arc arc cause I ousuess etc bili Tl��,y should �-'of �be, fed, ase mark, very abo a N"_ ak heart" thero AN -as bird they ouOlt­ fact I� y regular' by t1sin cows but slipplementc it 0 cc 0 to milk or by a very stuff 'lY i S ci The best blood hert becomes :-xcak I They- t1lat it is 41 "N lfall a bay yea -s go farni- ii Urn's Laxa-Livcr lyill " tr,,,t-q ill e market to -clay is, Burdock Blood v e v�s it i� Piftee as ih the h r the p -1 h1,01'd Spea��s -o'f his obic in ffctc ilia 6'r Id (m hittle at have bcc hliproved, lezlr� way all ihe'r- of bran cottbj,� holu geed oi- oi to look,, Ily "o 1'. y or Aiid'bc kv do s' aw for,over 40 yeuTs, so you yst�m­ and, thus 4o, at least ill ocQz t meal, c lance, At better -�,t d n 0 cq - , , t �, � -1: I 11. i 1 oar at of�� , , , , alent Wbell you Now poul- n y i e r a 01, i Ile, oh, Will be secured", f ;t''is not en'tit [I foll, 19- to 20 p6mid Them v" e. re 0, c � r� l�, , - I I b. Coolc, Path, a, o'era c"�sQS.mUch fafew at llen:� -IR Wcile t 17 i fts been,AToubled vesited cem to be Few that p ine"; to tell you -Iiat, Bt Blood 13 som 9� 1 Lhe 'o� 'cl� -, they! life, Face Bit'. illy stomach all liver for tli�4' 2, e ae� o thc farmer thall has do-nt foi- me. ,htcr t 1) ig�,i 110 t ono live C -Inc, vured T p he y I 4rs, n( ]Uvc� aU laO s S ye, 01 k, i I ct ZI d( ki u ds o F, in c di al! ties mari -L �(ictio one day to a fHtd's nd tl tried alt T 16 11l .V� oAoB coil- L n and tat�cn I I wa- -et IC y I 0 AA AAIt PIy� in J)a114jr4-,' jqgd vs 'To Add The Finisi ing Tooduce Intended For Ta�,Iie Use. In d rnL�r�,) the poultry thz�t. gbe_s� I �; I Ind of all ages, air rqlalty invited t ad 110)),' TO KiLL 'Ile aits pctiz department. Initials only will h q 0 P pqp4A"` with eac,h cl Conducted by Professor Henry Bell. .I— -r Us P i a 1) 11 C, a-, �, e a o, I0 0 d (I 4 - nar"I 'Whopping Couh, althoi allly �tb I a and A igh 4 # as a rm�a,,ls of iden-,jfjp4t�oiq 4t4t,' will 4* "ooucer would �et in each :et !#Oper only. A Write on one sI,J,Z plr� no nieixs�cou, The obl—ect of this department is to place at the :: I - �t. - - Iree 'apec C� Addre s t if sta" ed e disease OF childhood, is b�r the Is encio5iUd, I an gervAce of Our farm readers, the advice of 4n V fined.twthat period but ulay occur,at A Ae Addrcs:�� all o�Jils Mrs, H�Iein U-11NA 'k , OdRed authority on all 8ubjects p"taining to SON and. I 'e of the most -9diline Ave,, TgrontQ. any, tifile: of life. 'Lis on Crops, if; a pbi�ct, foi the angerq9S disca;es of I of aAqy, and yearly, ------- Addre F,,s all qmestlons to, Pr4f essor Henry 0. Bell, In jo­�- hi-� wi� wbo, is na,ses mor� deaths than scarlet, fever, a h9me, t7he care', of The WilSo d, 'to- n Publishing company, Limite Ietyphoid or diphtheria, and is more _r 'I - e3—yM:;L1-1 n the 'ar rnto, and answers will appear in this colunir I an 4 er thi2, room JA ent hcl ildren, nd the order In which they ore rei;eived. As space Is Urnited he�Is tts in Sh s ar' I ping Is adv:Gable wheke is r;ei�sary that �-Ce columon,in female than ill mate child so Q er, o N", t with sueez' a stamped and addressed enyelope be enclosed w1th the irritation oi the P wo, "94 01:1 eaf-111 Wateliug * p and brides, of thr H e nrr Bell. question, when the answer Will be mailed oir , - 1� �� And throat, fevtrislines and coigh� The on De e vA lf ly pa -'Have a 1"ece well upplied with hunilis in order that' �r*e' ds the- advance to -a occur freque epligWag attael mtly but Question—W. E. A. ea- the, soppl, generally vere at nigh �rrwa tle 006-1114 are t. of Jand: I do not, wish 0, wor there may be a rea�o Ji�,e t0 How. of moisture held in the oil �Straw_ Ing by Pr,,A, son except t pler fa s Qq the first sign of a Dr. -4.9m ride X�rc�xdi`s Nor-.5ray Pixie Syrup, should be sum to the br�fl�, ky �herries are not very'�hw-d on the soii. .011_ _ breakf�!, - IPA- I ery plow it about June to kill 44W M h4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and gdmb� , weeks of suffering sow it to outs or an thin too of stravi,berries, is prevented. as, it helpsAQ clear the bron- bapp u " 7 for pasture? By no pas I i4p' and only takes from the Putting, the flnishmg ChW tub t ci, of the collected mxxcow� arid iclose and turning I d f out $5 c ilts worth of P14rdfood, yet of Ishape for next be se4soll ls so 1( will land be in se their K;or�Nill I good short, the soil ally mhor gor liswer,—If you intend to summer'�,.vjth 4 This, is, This la� 'Ai x pleasure ill sayin year"' have muct A thqt ther i no cough syrup like'D f ISo elear'�y Ngy little fallow t ie I d, I would advise you to best, doue b., Alow it Sooner than, June, P AblY 4, year ahead Z q 'girl little it harro,wed Agi rl y in J;tay, iiiii Iowl' earl h d, Wo or three it eiptd tier ate o t up the crop covering the, grokind th and . dished about one to ;k U444 to,�ivc the gre� .5t relief. It U to t le Phlegm, is now better, asprouting kveeds and to preserve A is put,ill witll e may visit ally mft�- thRt a hedust Mulch prevent the 40 loads of Manure to tile avf yuiPandJain getting cape of ther water firm the oil, IV Absolutely clean cultivztion is ii, Itry for you wish to establish it temporary PR_ ej*,"'' X y AQT ir in. order to free the land 6 DIture cannot advise you better than tol tt. I , I; vu "I ifte Q. g pAxt till in a yellow NN'Tipper: try tile rilixtilre advi- by Prof, i- hwell de ,cave4 a a free o hprice, �4% ;Ind We, aN-i z illeper 00r�, pinting he ber Wo wb�, VP ouly'by Tim, T, Nllii,- acre, of a mixti.gro eompowd of, 5,1 lbs, Wit r- m 'A filVIS�Je(I iVk Co,, TQrQu, Out, rMon red clqyer� t) gane and 7 lbs. of coin IQ acre. A good fertEizk�r orATT of oats, 30 lbs, of Early Amber, sugar 000 Pounds hettl 0 SOW this early berri" n. should analyze a Professor Zavitz says t t Z le, he oats andL hto C tnd 4 to, G,1wvngX& co sugar cave call be drilld ill Out anIaIthrough the regular grain drill "dthe ota b, if it cw-A W Tb 1 Ew Qod IT, S ;ySi, g -not,, 44,00 elOve'r AQed throug the ;S all IA Y, 14, SQcdel' 11 oil, 0 of the grain the At Guelph tbi-,, initure to he red to mrr C- .41 tle V, e revenue girl 'Th , otle late in, June� Thit, pasture, the. fertilizer u(I tbq Old trxiQd more th,,in oxiv teer to the" the po�w sl' tile C44 t in 19 11, '15 vroip�d W, tTing Inat to eat k l0af`�� Ito mintain If this nale I a .0t Ila slit ra valu4ble a 11 i-4 rug., 1� tile f� terittl is not past red down too clse otel* 04,04, ddition I I 111 humns to, tile ;gllly ii�(tr4ed to pl�epflre .4 joilff turned down hito b(, oh�t )Zen only lip her feJ 'Ili the -and under sit mfall. L and t -d Something that, obe so the poor, men outlined should IM, in good, wee 7 eat to go, without. 9t possibw Con( Shape for next pring, if llh),-Ved 1-1 Ole Choice of the give ep, your Must be' co ;.AAA AIUAIAf� fit W, ; � '40 It �t fairly deeply in the 11. is -unde cortain!" tell tile ed. V tbz regrunted tile littht 09, But Question lift ,It only ruffled ill) her feath- how I call get rid of thistles and q'ilack" Of oil, anfri _k%7 may prove,, 1wof epeloaf nd turned off grass. Ioto ol prove wort ie huhshe of, thistles anti ell, Ness., luy wit Answor:­The killing etllod,. 11, selectiig !� 0 requires heroic m Al'5, V X1,11% piece of your Plenty of nit) flesh or gaso. be, guided more J the lidvice,of 1,*IVQ Me �1' from 24 to iio pev A, 0 -eisive'growers in his communit' ''.0 _;F V' Mrs isai,j the pig,con, its it f IQW Iiiie used through a,, tractor will Lill' progi ATI ,i� i Ml , - ch as a rol tfto' down front the, fence r The top Of the plant by what catal reall iight by, her side. them. K i; s y bC!o -V at the pigeoll, animals, so that it the, -plant it, depriv- pla tim time, She fleN it, beell The old lien getting Very angry much the same pturpose us the lungs of land I,% early Ile may find prOtl -file old of nts front the erlY varieties ion (lie 'as Crescent, Barton's Sentor ed follit and icared the little thing,'Olit Of tile ed of that vital part it must sc mig,lit improv I- - - , 9 I in '2. The, fillet and methods ov eld, nd Beder Wood. Possibly nine-tenthi (tf till tlw yard. If this principle is kQ)t ill mind bot� Dunlap, . Warfl, I Me 1, Piece Of Your thistles, and grass call be killed. If his land is late lie will find it d poultry found 3ts way v tInlu"it not 11f,' inl. thl Or t9 rlarl;e1 by n �c; r Iflle� to market through lit some of tbig, old dog. The old No onetaothod work in all soils, more profitable to pi gl r8on �Vht� hl, j n: Th.tt Nter varieties such as SaMP10, Wil- L'4 It 1. e. I'llffled lip her feathers, as and In all locations, If, the thistles product even to started ,It, the big dog; but are cut down. and not a single sj�car al- liam Belt, Commonwealth and Brnd, e feature of, which 4i_len the lit k tiules� t it; k I cli OR you will not lowed to, come, above, the )Ile. ust us Soo us the, plantilig `tot mind that. surface, they 'vd a6 ishe cultivation tak Jill' e it all," he Intl. othat ligr Mm, a piece, I will %t oon�die fronijack of Power to is gill.1,tore w a the Ill often r three cultivations Ito to be oniv for "C'St. said, is he tGward tile big l0af- breatir., in air , and. ability to digest Tile first two 0 iIUsually some form of cl call should be rather (jeep so its to'temel� the Price for a 'read food. 4. IlTile old licu scized t1i,p loaf of b fill-ril is- is -it her. mouth and "started on a run, cultivation is tile, best method either I low the soil frodlen down ill Planting. and bad, Ili cases the pro- 1 It night I 01111; all_ �ut tile (lot, could outrun her. he with a crop or by bare fallowng. The be salz ducer broke way from tile d we to the It figirre (�t It coks tillie, 11111or 01, to All latbr, cultivations should 'roul hr M - thing to do is to outline a systematic low. The land sbould be cultivated and shpped the delor bllt� � ill, I Saw that would have to do go e ; tire more. or lei o blilin for t1w, call- or nious for him the Master thing,quiel" so She pread her wings plan of�attack and to keep Ili mind at at least every ten and fter cac di(I net InTpace Ili,.;; birds, us lie 01, to Aition, of the pouhr.�, market mitl every� ills life In many cases tile birtbi were bought again An',', an- g ,�o lb Ir to fly oVerL the fence. � But all t, I I ,t for c, r and tried Imes the fact that you mustcep rain. link of, the clinin �Illluld 1W Strength-' It just itt 'tile top of,the fence 11�, if you will write ftnd get the Anntial by Middlemn oil a commission �' - less to, L"N 1) e, n e, it is necessary o she got to every leaf cut off. 1 eed, thougil nd the t h i I 1;--' lleeRed at L J; of the Secretary for Agricul- basis, -Ind too often the quality was i rX the very best ouill- a little bird the loaf; and Repor prodite.er are tile two most, illiportnt� US. Exe�pt ve in -chase ,� . The same persistent methods'apply bsolutel mv went tunibling back to the ture, Halifax, Nova Scotia, for the not �ood nd there w. V no a5 in ty. These can Ile bad frorn away it t,� the killing of quack graSs.L1 �'HOW- I However, as it is tile Producer that b- Wiles o�, 'the th-,,t ground; -Ind inher fright, instead of year 1910., you will'find therein two I ding. This System, or rather � ' * -111 stabl;shed To sow _g,z:, ritir1; this Information for, chea Oseed, of be fell right into ever, if the quack grass 1s in sod it is lendid articles on Strawberry culture i lack of system, in meant, and � a re W It IS, they call cut off, I landing oil tile fence, , are his P best to, plow the, ground'shallow dur- sP .11 to the, that we done. is to Inite faillire. three -go quite retur nlav� , k a barrel of, water close by. ing the summer, say about that good deal into detilr! Still means, lie seed,s begin to grow Ial.cr Thia old hen calle� the eat to help regarding best methods of, 'be Jhc� After t handling shipper, because of lck of "lliforniuv, inches deep. For this it is advisable jhe Improved Systei—Is Methods� she called the dog to help her, Alis crop. Poo)* ality - ituiterous comm s -i I !)e expended in culth-iting d r qu, nd i The whole .71c, III- , her,� to use, a sppcial type of 'plow with a and Advantages. r les. 11�4ul bus the tihe weeds, down. and she vnpleaded, "01ittle bird, Scotclx� bottom having a real long sions. the bi tel please'llelp Mel I um about to drown." May Flowers'. Fortunaely such producers are be- Thanl-,3 to hp� Tt is, very after sea - dually sloping mold board.� This7 hard as they fe"ver every year, but to co-operation the pro- clls of -a oil's to barvest a large They all worked as- gl al or permits the easily turning of the., sod. (,e e d e n ods c,%cp of flowers or of sup - The people talk of windy March have been, responsible to ucers, better busal neth of it. Do notbing -The verb i,- f, could to out,, but they could in ' weel, IThe next thing to do is, with, a And of the April SHVivers. not. as thopoo.r old hen Was V We � eriOr qU nd contemplate how or tell ays, go on, the land,with'u dise of Matt. 3. 8, and (11lite possib): the Ic ell tile work has paid. about to sink to the bottom An(! how these two re sure to bring A -," i - render Produce nothing 1 Tile. Starting poin of success ia keeping up the a. water, Farmer Perkins hap- piened'along and took her out, almost' vely bert,dak- or '"id Welco (3). This is the parbI when the quack But I am sure that both these months "A metaphori- I deeplv as possible; second, to sow good e of John tile; to get soil well pulverized and as ziid tborouFhly cut lip the land.,. You me Maytime flower two weeks unjil !all Baptist dead- grass Nivill be �olmt the number of, times you For every year they seem to get description of the fate which seeds third, to use fertilizers liber - completely iL led out Are failures as to weather, pigeon, th, The' caL,. the' pig,, the I I 1 awaits -Ili unfaithful disciple. He is lly. Using fertilizer is similar to (log alid the little'bird all h d '41 ;�� I ed together. like useless branch which h over the land. Ke�p,'oxx going, go- ost sadly mix �c U i feast off, the old, hen's loaf, and it was hrok-nide ci­tin money -in a savings: bank. to ing, -oing lint I every spear of the There's rain in,March and April vyind; th-rie bef 'was able off nud thrown aw,ay, and fter if consumed as' 0 deposit or investment ��Ul the origini, g -ts wit -nd drV I-- I refurned and the liberal use of, -ewood." led out. grass: is 1, The snowstorms get all twisted, eat midther crumb of tile fii n Question Which makes it clear that Maytime s times beter i 7, Obzerv-c how thiL illuminates fertilizers pay parative f oild villue . of oats exit while flowers Whicli is not mere potition. but torest th any savings bank It is cured and fed in' the winter _-ree rfoil y to make -ood g li and Cointforth quite unas d,sisted. a vital y to 'r producer7 r aLectuier-!-�These Are not as hay, cs�pciaily as union with God in, Christ ke it, the liberal use of g -is the N le All Vbat is out of ai�- wil figur6's, ladies and - -enflem en. 1 Answer: but the Infinite Pity is slif impossible to a oe or some siln my 0 -cept ir and the h flar im R ialysis of ots'Cut in the milk stage:"l f1cient, f or the infini cord with tile will, e the spint: guxes: of a ma of hu- ' ga 0 , -to pathol� n If a nl(jn In of Jesus in Gethsen al;e the fl iane. They -it - is talking about. ts �cut Stage and_f�d as,� an ft sk soml�thing that kmow3 �wh, h( hay in blessed does �_J does not vjll, it Shall be done �2 i God 3till, in that bette to hiln Is I Q L Y let will collie. E A Pale one- a Cor. 12. 9. z1orified—The tense 0 U 0 L E D :4 Corn P I d R U W in tjji�; b I LIVER Is little diicult. Pro- bi, t i of tile Greek i COVERED FACE. tan� F'Evir, YtARS. 41.2 21�8 , 1—�--�-�,---------------,--'----------"'— it meas "ha� been vnoineiit� I being CondiLions in sonic -,L Ile, scctian� are y uit-boar;llg Is seel) so tile glo -iA 1,11 or recei,�ed- The th ne'of 'Whell the." bowels, bee e for thCt C0 oni con�tipated 11dit;on in- which oro 10, 4 8 594 4 S - I - . - :1 " the stoniach gets/,put of order, the li the rnvket ando� the improved but th fr b,� , ve ana ysis Nl;icny woen ornpave John 4.'S5) that ssee m li become run down and'i does not work, properly and.then follo',N's i bLeli expo,, -ie f oy, work only staRed and 'this the Master (c �ut in the: g-re,en stag,e Make, worn out by their household aiul nhs ick headach -c sourness ,that oats t Inust become In already P All diseseA, and 1, M of the skin the vii6lent� 5' es, LL 0111, cities. proverilen it; is utjcs,ucv6r ending, nd sooner or latei even 1. Of the toniach,-belcliiii: of.wind, heart- -�e"Y' good feed �dor �'all'.classes of'. d to d by ttic blood in an j�n- find "shattered nerve of "ir YiS',ted oyH4, plll�oducers� arc arc cause I ousuess etc bili Tl��,y should �-'of �be, fed, ase mark, very abo a N"_ ak heart" thero AN -as bird they ouOlt­ fact I� y regular' by t1sin cows but slipplementc it 0 cc 0 to milk or by a very stuff 'lY i S ci The best blood hert becomes :-xcak I They- t1lat it is 41 "N lfall a bay yea -s go farni- ii Urn's Laxa-Livcr lyill " tr,,,t-q ill e market to -clay is, Burdock Blood v e v�s it i� Piftee as ih the h r the p -1 h1,01'd Spea��s -o'f his obic in ffctc ilia 6'r Id (m hittle at have bcc hliproved, lezlr� way all ihe'r- of bran cottbj,� holu geed oi- oi to look,, Ily "o 1'. y or Aiid'bc kv do s' aw for,over 40 yeuTs, so you yst�m­ and, thus 4o, at least ill ocQz t meal, c lance, At better -�,t d n 0 cq - , , t �, � -1: I 11. i 1 oar at of�� , , , , alent Wbell you Now poul- n y i e r a 01, i Ile, oh, Will be secured", f ;t''is not en'tit [I foll, 19- to 20 p6mid Them v" e. re 0, c � r� l�, , - I I b. Coolc, Path, a, o'era c"�sQS.mUch fafew at llen:� -IR Wcile t 17 i fts been,AToubled vesited cem to be Few that p ine"; to tell you -Iiat, Bt Blood 13 som 9� 1 Lhe 'o� 'cl� -, they! life, Face Bit'. illy stomach all liver for tli�4' 2, e ae� o thc farmer thall has do-nt foi- me. ,htcr t 1) ig�,i 110 t ono live C -Inc, vured T p he y I 4rs, n( ]Uvc� aU laO s S ye, 01 k, i I ct ZI d( ki u ds o F, in c di al! ties mari -L �(ictio one day to a fHtd's nd tl tried alt T 16 11l .V� oAoB coil- L n and tat�cn I I wa- -et IC y I 0