HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-5-10, Page 4-e deong and W so was all run dow "a. ell of brouthitis so it sias rd fo keep about. 1 had pains and took cold easily. A, try Vinci 1 did arid .mo up so I am strong Wad weIt Vto do lily housework which ad not done for tleiee mooths before tiking Y. R. lioanocon, ynt.sboro, Vino l creates an appetite, aids diges- tnn,naltez,, pine blood and creates Your mousy back if it fails. S. COLE, ,Dragaist, xeter„ Ont ALso the best Druz-s-ists in all Ont - (t towns. ^ CI A D TRUN RAILWAY smEm -Pt lo 0$0.4cr. enrsions LItt ti 01 ickets, Dc. .nd foil a e rnik tiCke matio Hearn A. Unioa S TorOntc4, On n Atb s' Q ar* Farmers. ”fre TON E TO RUYWfl T VANCES YO1J ON YOU T Inds ohler oueh, sar Poste and left loag., or1rend fReady CLATWORTHY GRANTON fle;elt eite aser, OiNTAFCIO'S REST BUSINESS COLLEGE • ras may enter our elas- • • y time, Commence * 7our course mow and be quali- fied for a position by nlidsum- mer. During July and August • of last year we reteived calla • Lor OVER 290 OFFICE43 ASS'S. 10' • TANTS we 'mild not supply, • Our graduates are in demand. • 10 .41 et Write at once for our free cata- • titt logue, D. A, McLachlate Frit) 43 • • *44..04 •••••••••••••••••••• r hot give your lad the same training? When waa growing lad, and came upon many words in any reading that 3 did not understand, ray mother, in- stead of giving Inc the definition when applied to her, nniformly sent me to the dictionary to learn it, and in this , „, WAY I $1710118.117 icemen many =Ingo Thesidea the meaning ef the individual word in taawilau-among other things, how to use it eiettenieetand the great - pleasure and =tit-a:doge there might be in the use or the etietionary. -Aitcrwares, vilest 1 'trent to the village school, ray chief diversion, after les- _ sons were learned and before they were xecited, SFR% irdi turning mar the pages of the Ijitabridgeir of those dun. Now the most modern Vas* I brittecl--theNEW INIEENATIONAlr- gives mac it pleasure of the same sort, Eh) far as n3y hoinviedge extends it at present the b=i of LTV,r one -volume dictionaries, and quite sufficient for an ordinary USC9. 'Elan these who e possess the splendid dictionaries itt - t,e74ral volume -1171U yet r,nd it a great convenience to have this, which eezepact, so full, and so trustworthy tte to Ieve, n3,:tiost cases, little to be ?Albert fit.Coolf,P1?-1).,1,1,a,,, ems dihiEnglishLangtlageand re, Yale Italy. April 28,19115 S. 77eatnivatta, tiettniterzieusar earea --ieeesee. , tmportant Events Which Have OCCUrred During -the Week. Enp The Busy World's IilaPPetux,- Chenniled and __e M anal AIAttractive the Readers of Our Paper A SO11 Boar's Enjoyment., WEDNESDAY. I'IrsbaU joffre and Retie Viviani visited the United States Sestet The German Chancellor in the Reichstag Will make a new peace offer - King George wit) make au appeal rfQX° ecouomy ie the eeneumption of toed stuffs. The TOTentli Samaritans reported having good year, With meny fewer calls for kelp. The British troopship Ballarat was nusi1 by salltnerillen bet all the pops were eaveda Women volunteers for farm homea ..04:iitofQfuaerbm- ec The Ontd.e*Or work. Care - loelegale ts at 9 pies anie tate opeyatton quietly yester- ay. Toronto Presbytery has decided t table to Mr. Lioyd George urging prohibition during war in Great Britain. MaYor• a 140 haa the sisted on' the Lcoll ageepting resIguaiQL3, Responsibility fo anY shortage o potatoes for food foe 'seed is placed by Hon. Martial Burrell, Federal ntin- 1011, r rain, bee a with S} gib treeps ave Bishop 1.ien. of tbe Angli- an Diocesen alarm passed away at Kingston, Prof, George Johnatell, the well- , known, TeF9Prilie_n_Finnfli_efai"a!istg, sag' climbed to ateanteateneon.weningitie. The Fre1 brI1tafl viet tory. whea Geateral hintelle$ trooret dislodged the enemy from the villaeq ot Ciaonne, ,Etnil Fe,yler, a German American, was arrested in Toeonto charred witii attempting to foster trade with a enemy patella. The United States Ceneres.s has passed a bill giving President Wilson full control O'er the foed eituation in the Reenblic- There is trouble an Russia between the pacifists and thope men who want to carry the war against Germany to a victorious conclusion. Cottater attecks of the GOrtrol around Fresney were utte44JjI and did ncit shake the hold Q Canadians on the town, The noted Hebert ease bits come again befere the courts of Montreal. an action having beea started to have the child declared legitimate. and Archbishop Bruphesi is panted as party to the it. 1313/10y :McGuire of Orangeville, ud one of the most widely known presidetts of the Ontario Antatelar aerosse Aeseeiation, loet bis soil, 'e . Robert McGuire, wbo is his itd Gerrrtrah Capittr- in Drive. General ?Mares TreePs nave Made 340.1.1ePet R*QgreSA:-.1.4ski,40S* Penetrated Hindenburg Line Cut., tileg a Salient or Four Miles in Leon Defences, P S14a 8,—.The Freneh re- :744thetxuaatdtneeeklh xe4elbeuet taLolndeunbaulriegnitine!f,faeinutir arge cleared the last the Graotine plateau, ing g.dutnivating heights be - the week -end more ,*man prisoners were d In addition to several heavy CMS. 44,111,40 literd'scotunesniiimdaptaert, _ aturdars battle. ridge of the Cra.- , over which the Chem- netles-Dames ruus from Laffarax on the east, to a point slightly beiread Oraottne, on the west, a dist- aural of 4adut eighteen miles. Tugth:ateSaastuaraday :aialtglat; an Sane d ViQle a Eetie Ie nolUt and $ b eaptured CeerMan n a tt ot untie poSeUit4idonaY' eaTahbeiesacc011ePnae;tal Nivelle to d.eliver an enfilading Ore eond boy te give bis life for his anslust the enemr$ defeaeee Won onatav. the nortbern slaPe ef the Chemi John Hogue, al es Stewart, des-Darne$ and the uplands north who Wan Sentenced to be hanged ter the Ailette Valley: fleeting ea, es„ noetnen. winti.frag •The Gerillan losses were unasuel- =aigrettes: oaleer af Windsor a particalarly daetardls- mime, has bed bis eentence commuted to life im- prisenment. He is a member of a el Meat American family. MONDAY. A. J. Balfour delivered aa historic address before the II, S. House, Britain]: jeined France fti an appeal for U, S, tops for the West, froat, A nieve was begeu in the Reich - $ to curtail the power or the PreuUer Itugbes and his sustainedwere lower Auetral- n House. ers' eons are being called hael Oftle lroin POSitiOna la the city o aid in food Protilletlee. FOliC0 raided a cottage on Eastern istero Agri•ealtare, with the Prfaria- s 0.41 ,IIIktOrp of Agriculture. - erMen Daidel Lemb and •b, et Toreato, celebrated tb ea weddieg. Mr. Lamb was o dea City Council and In- thered Riverdale Park Zoo. The Hamburg -American liners Po oria aud Clara Meneigt at New York, have beeu turned over by the America!: Goverameet for use of the tente Allies. One ship will go to see end tbe other to Italy, 1rnler and bis coneagues yeterday co d with tbe British 5bippin Coetr me the meeas of sporting d from Canada, Lator they inte et! the Colonial See ar,v on eta' of urgency. 'Tile Germ, attempted d tbe Cauadian lines, but were driven bach 'ale beas-y losses. Rctired farmers ItYlUg' Torent o to aid the great,er produe- i campaign ibis summer. e German Chancellor arinounced that he would postpone bis peace offer until a more auspie us oeca- eiou, The steamer ena brought dow German seaplane, but was torpedo from a second One - The Chinese Foreign Office hart re- ceived information that the Cbinese Minister to Germany bas left Berlin r Denmark. Foreign Secretary Balfour was asked to address the American Sen- ate and House of Representatives, a privilege never before accorded a, member of the British ,Government. Tire majority renort. of the Royal Commission on railroads retain - molds that Canada have two rail- way systems, merging all the roede except the C. P. IL in one system of anti -wittily -owned railways. The regulation fixing the maxi- mum retail selling price of butter at an equivalent of 68 cents a pound in Paris was abolished yesterday by the Minister of Provisions and the price Went up to the equivalerit of a dollar a pound. Seaenty-five Norwegian vessels were sunk by German subnaarines April, and more than 100 sailors lost their lives. /1 such a monthly Toss was maintained, Norway's merchant .navy would be destroyed in a year and a half. Sir Thomas White, acting -Prime Minister, officially opened a monster patriotic carnival at Vartcouver. The scene of the function was connected with Ottawa by wire, and the press- ing of the button opened the carni- val by the unfurling of flags and the ringing of bells. More than $24,.000 was raised for the benefit of the Canadian Red Cross Society and for the care of de- pendents of American soldiers fight- ing, with the Canadian forces, as a result of a -brilliant entertainment and a .ball gives_ under the auspices of the Canadiais Club at the Hotel Biltraore, New York. FRIDAY., ,The British record a victory, smashing the Gentian line at two points. • The town of Fresuoy, was eaptur- ed by tbe Canadian troops in a bril- liant dash. Alexander Zaimis has accepted the task of forming new Greek, „Government.• . Dr. Lewis T. Fisher, who comes from Alliston, Ont., was shot and leilled. in Chicago, - Colonel Repington of The I.ondon Times reekone that there are still 6,000,00,0 Germane in the field. It is understood that reorganiza- tion on a considerable scale is taking place in the British Admiralty. The most recent fignres from the Militia Department show that Can- ada has given 414,330 recruits. The British transport Arcadian was sunk in the Mediterranean by a submarine on .April 15. It is believ- ed 279 men were drowned. The Toronto District Labor COUrt- ell passed a vote. ceesuring the City Connell for asking the Govermieent to disfranchise the German anelt trian voters. The members of the Conference were received,e„ s Castle by the King and 'CU'eeri address to their Majesties, ar by -Premien Borde ' 9,at ' g a a 01 ly biglt. Men retureing front tie Ilay a one of the cerreepre dente on this front, "assert tbat th number of German dead lying on tie battlefield is greater than ever see on one spot during the fighting i France," The day report trent Pari elullhaSiSes the relation betereen tb French_aud Britieb operatione as Dingle offensive, The purpoeea of th command eitlear to nestro the Germen army or force an expels 5tve retreat which could bardly sto this side of the evacuation OT western Belgium and nortbera France. To d tbis they vaust shatter or render un tellable either one or both of tbe tw piers of the llindenburg line: Douai before the Britiala and Leon, before tbe Frencb. aTOUUC, 'reroute, twice itt eight bourn Nivelle's victory was accomplished and discovered a supPlY of whiskey. however. only by breaking dowa It is feared that three lives were German defeuce Stubborn beyond de • lost in the Bay of Fundy elving to script's/it. In feet, it may be doubted be capsizing of the schooner Helen., whether many days or more intense Rev, Byron Stauffer, of Toronto, fighting ever have !next seen. On the said he would plow up Woodbine whole front of forty miles and more race track and grow potatoes for the there was an incessant battle, in poor. tvate \vim= Murray, naw at counter-attack attack and Berman ExIdbitiou Carar). lost three childre -Agaitust the Freud:, as he hes from, cerebral meningitis Wri..,A...hwin a against the British, von Hindenberg forthight. - threw in many fresh divisions, The Forty or fitty Tillsouturg boys of fourteen to eighteen bave organized small sections of tbe front. Wherevtni French identidied•feur new units on themselvestiuto a drill corps te pre- a point in his litte,Was threatened the Pare for home defenee. * German commander threw In re - Sydney A. Smith, operator at the serves in fierce efforts to regain 1oet St. Thomas Hydro -electric distribut- positions. It is authoritatively stated Ing station. W1t$ electrocuted by that the Germans counter -attacked touching a beaaily'cbarged wire.. Saturday more violently than at any Rev. Thos. Eakin, of Toronto, time since the, French offensive speaking to tile Princess Pats, said started, the war ought to have made Canada free from fault, but be bad failed to • , Frietion in Austria. notice any great change.• LONDON. May, 8. -- Germany's Important action towards fixing, of troubles with Austria are Increasing, maximum food prices jointly by the According to Geneva reports, the Unithd States and Canada may be ex- German Empress went to Vienna to pected in the near ftlture, according plead with the Emperor. Charles to tee Sir George Foster, 'who has just suppress the peace manifestations in returned Irora Washington. Austria and prevent discussion of the Rev. Ernest Barris and Mrs. Ger- Idea Of peace without annexation or trude illambach, who pleaded guilty of, bigamy, were sentenced at Kitch- indemnity. Gernaany is getting fearful lest ener, the former to seven years in Kingston Penitentiary, the latter to Austria make, peace without - taking Russian territory, inducing the' Allies two years in Mercer Reformatory. • TUESDAYS London will likely establish a municipal coal yard. Bolivia has severed diplomatic re- lations with Germany_ Brantford is to sell coal and pota- toes to citizens at cost. Mrs. Elizabeth Snively died at Nia- gara Falls in her hundred and second It is proposed to make the wastale` of food in Britain a punishable of- fence. tCobalt bakers ealsed the price of bread from IS cents to 15 cents per single loaf. ' Brantford biscuit makers raised the price two cents a pound On both plain and fancy kinds__ More than half the bakers in Belle- ville have quit the business, and the' rest cannot supply the demand. Kitchener is to open a farm tabor bureau. • Galt, New Hamburg, and Elmira have opened similar bu- reaus. Six Russian soldiers under the in- Ruende of liquor ran amuck on Queen street, Toronto, and one policeman was stabbed. John V. Ketclu?son, one ofethe best known farmers in Hastipgs county, died at his home near Phillipston, in his 86th -year, The United States decided to loan Great Britain the sum of $100,000,- 000 to help meet the latter's require- ments during May. - London Public Utilities Commis- sion has added potatoes to its activi- ties, whichealready include water, electric light, and natural gas. The roof of the chapel of Loretto Convent at Falls View fell just after ,thirtneSsaien sisters had •left the 1e;atervoernaingcitityev.,evilLTic).1 u31., aniniOnelY passed asresolktiotee at) Preving ofMr. Ws P. Ceeli u .,1%%.4,1090d3),99:claec91:litsrt.aoind. e ' , ee ed. doU, r e, Apo e On a en es 1# &fee Si. otn. to compensate Austria by giving her territory in the Balkans. 'Jealousy and diStrust - between Austria and Germany are growing more ,menacing. The German Em- press was joined at Vienna by the Bavarian Prime Minster,- who is re- inforcing her efforts to induce Charles to stand ieyaily. by Germany. Austria is like. a powder magazine, and the royal fa.raily and Government are fearful of elerting pressure lest a revolution start. , The public feels that Germany is preventing peace in order to save the 'ambitions of the linheniollerns, whiclin if gratified, would make Gerraany more powerful at the ultimate expense of Austria: • prince Selects Bride. LONDON, May 8.—Prince Edward Albert of Wales, heir -apparent to the British throne, has answered for him- self the question, whom he will marry, according to The National News, a 1.ondott weekly. The 'News says the Prince has decided he will ask for the hand of his first cousin, Princess Maud, the youngest daugh- ter of the Princess'Royaland sister. t0o young P ri n ersisnAc Princess s h Uifourteen rof Connaught. The ymonths older than the Prince, who is 22. She has lived a retired life,- -the inseparable companion of her • mo- ther. Her father, the .13uke of Fife, was the closest -personal friend of the late King Edlitard. The report of The National News contradicts the rumor current some tinie' ago that the Prince sought the hid of Prin-, cess Yolanda, eldest ' fAt King Victor Emmanuel y. (tt eLpa`snaS esen ni- 1 -ie z la' n 4 .„..0 9' men o and Ogi On ileand ia ;rat en tu Auction SI1e Notice to Creditors *a tbett,ffir .,atf the Estate, . late fIllWsn Tilkty °f Huron, lage der, colantY e fintice i Bittrortes in kora and others by ains9 the estate of Jo, who died on or about 1917, are 'required 9 May 15th 1917, to sea repaid or deliver to M maa de eStanbury, of be Exeter, solicitors for the Ex of the said deceased their is tan and aurnameet add lee and, des- stiptions, the full paitiodare of thetr otaines, the statement OLIO* Ae, counts and the nature Of Itilte'neettr• tittles, if any, held by thlent, And further take notice that after said list mentioned date the Exectitork tor will proceed te distribute th saute of the deceased among the R, tie e entitled, tbereto, hating Teggt only to the claims of widen tbybafl then have notice and that tae said Execetorse _shalt not be liabse for *aid asaete or aoy part thereof, to any pereon or persons of whose claim, ['once shall itOk have been received by them at the thae oft such distritea, tion, GLAIthIAN STANIIIIRT Sielleitota for Executora t Exeter this 24.th day 1917. tiaat to cretle • elaime ag•e ewes Tilley dth, Auction Sale OF 110ISSE Se, LOT IN IlLimviLLF Under and by virtue of the Powers of Rae contained in a 'certain Mort- gage, which veill be. produced at the timel of sale, there will be offered by Patella Auction on Tuesday the 15th or May. 1917, at o'ciock in the af- ternooe on the premises. by ' 13. S. MINI); Auctnoneert the foLowieg proaerty. Part or Far Tea in the Sixth Vouce. o the Town- abip o? lintorate taiedng one-half UR acre more. or ies,a,, baviag a ,frout- av on the St, hlarye 'Road of Two Chains by a depth of two chains end party is a goadeeized Otte and a jUilt storey frame home", on a brit* foend ation, in a Vex etate of repair, and a emelt stable There is a good gar- den and a good well. TERMS -Ten per cent on day or sale., aud balance in thirty daye4 without interest. Fox ',farther particulars and oa- Cation% of eaLl. apply to, & STANBUItY, inte,i, Exeter, Ontario. ted at Exeter, 28th day of Apra, A. 1)., 1917 War= Functions of Oppositien. "How far does the- fact that the nation is at war, and fighting for Rs whole future, affect the conetitution- al duty 01 His nfajestra Opposition? We suggest that this grave fact af- fects only some of the methods of the Opposition, not its essential Drinelples of action. It is not at all the duty of the OpPosition. though the Tapers and Tadpoles of politica are apt to think so. to try to tuna out tbe Government to lower its credit in the country, or to obstruct its acts. Except at those points at which the Opposition considers the Covert:meat policy to be serioualY in the wrong, a.nd about which the Opposition proclaims an alternative policy of its own, it is the duty ot the Opposition—as Wellington and Peel. Russell and Gladstone repent. edly explained—loyally to support the Government, and to maintain Its authority. Only when the hived - tion considers that the Goverrunent ks failing not merely to take the right course1 but failing also to take the course de,sired by the electorate, Is the Opposition warranted in at- tacking the very existence of a gov- ernment which has ceased, as it is claimed, to be • carrying ont ' the popular will. Now, with regard to the energetic conduct of the war, the Front Opposition Bench has no dis- agreement with the Government, and it does not pretend that the Govern- ment is not carrying out tbe wishes of the great majority of the -nation. It has therefore, on the main subject of the day, no ground for difference, no justification for any action tend- For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castotia Always Bears 'the Signature of =t414F ifioi$00 =gotreroor -r • Aperrtet Remedy for t,oat. ,tiort. Sour Stompal4 Wormitatenshness 9.!SgEnt i$Eta Exact Copy of Wro Us For Ove Thirty ¥ears VNIR CIRVCCAtaa eliWrANY. P4w Veret CRITV: LZatLIITL JKYIIJnZI 1 tiff 111 T 11111 IIICORPO 185$ E MOLSONS .44,1116.y. CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800 0 6 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT RANH MONEY ORDER SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT terest allots ed at higbee c W. D. Clarke, Manager, Exeter Braneh 0,1,141.1. 111=11•11110111111111111IONIV THE CANADIAN BANK. OF CO MERCE SIR EDMUND 'WALKER. LL.D.. D.CL President CAPrrALPAID UP, $15,000,000 JOHN MR!, General Manner H. V. F. J,ONES, Aset. Cealshianagcs - RESERVE FUND, . $13,500.000, It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY PERSON; IN CANADA should WORK HARD WASTE NOTHING - SPEND LITTLE • SAVE MIJCIT Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposits of Si and upwards at any branch of the Bank. EX.ETER BRANCH -A. Es RUIN MANAGER Crediton Branch -J, A. McDonald manager. f7130)' • r , = S. FIEVERLEY: ; DR. G. F. tOtILSTON. L. D. S., D.D_EIP ITUEE DEALER DENTIST k 1E JA FURN Ernbahiter , and Funeral Director enor Graduate of Teronto univer. a, Night Cali 7ib rug,sL ity. Office Office. ci ficoeoieverDizvir Dickson edn& eCadryls-s, ONTARIO. afternoons. Phone Office 5a an Residence 5b. Phone 74 int; to weaken the Government, least - EXETER. of all for seeking to turn the Gov- ernment out of office. Moreover, so far as the administration relates to military or naval affairs, and even to the relatiohs with our Allies or our opponents in the war, it is prac- tically impossible to criticize pub- licly any mistakes or shortcomings„Maar' Office, without imperilling national inter-. President, est. Thus, over a large part of the Vice, -President, field of action, war suSpends the critical function of the Opposition, and puts upon it the patriotic duty of strengthening, instead of oppos- ing the Government."—From -"The New Statesman.” THE USBOUNE & HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INS,Ull- . ANCE COMPANY Mending Trousers. Two pa,ators' wives were visiting together. One said: "I don't know what. we will do ---my htishaad is sb do. not to heS°amr ehili°Inw Prileiash' hP,q°aPnide salary is far behind. MY hu - band eels no blue that he does net Ike to7eit the people and pray witt7, t,tePi-re ms::::tri: 4, ,ws 0 e ha r t1 oSi, ts,;.tro.01:1:10anti,h9file nearlY •411,the time." The, otlieea visiting, and thi'r'Sf 6 My hueband ettentdieMiteh'tetif, hi hinittkneel and DraY•5.,'0. e thelri,homes. ., Our gen re 01 Ogee& an' '1;19. ' "ilat .e. While the TO,..1-1- et la Melt in. ea 11 anit linifrnre a, tae e.. ea Sidi g her 0 e eri Lx 0. 1 0 Farquhar Ont. BOAT. NORRIS THOS. StYAN. DtRECToRS DR. A. It. KINSMAN, L. L. D., D.D1IT. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeir- sity. • DENTIST ' Teeth extracted ;without pain. ma any bad effects. Office over Glade - man & Stanbury's Office. Maintiln, WM. et -ROOK. = 'WM. ROY j. L. RUSSEL L, J. T. ALLISON J. W. BROWNING, '3L -De Mo 8, P4 - AGENTS '• -S. Graduate Victoria Univers:Cyr. Office and Residence, Dominion. - Labra tor y, Exeter,- • Associate Coroner of Hirron 1. 11, CARLING, L A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notar COerndssioner, Belie tor OlIolsons Rink, etc, Money to Loan at loweat rte,s Interest. OFFICE-21AIN T. EXETER, 0 JOAN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent US - borne and 03iddulph: OLIVIelt HARRIS, Mune°, Agent for,. Ribbert, Fullerton and Logna. • W. A. TUE NJIIILL. Seety-'I'reas.; Farquhar; , GLADMAN STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter,. 10, W. !ROBINSON "NglED AUleilinaO-tNieFE3nEr'°Rrat AlEliN:4tD°r!kn' ITO LOAN 'the Rantral haie: rge amouealo 0 'neva Pfilronna:r ?51°ali' en far ldt UI't Publen for tbn--• .,11 cjaity pence et Cockshutt We • br • t f " 11