The Exeter Times, 1917-4-26, Page 641 RAT CANADIAN DEAD TO WOUNDED 1 er 2,0110 H# o a $he Fir's tired e last ttpe 4t D-'essl b ' the lie, trap �*gi y.. Il. n i2a the ds re rl, r1I 'a mew Q s3i rkets o the r orl 8re-adstitits 24 41an toba{Wheat- 11t'a lt�( ". 2 o &W,. '0,241+1' t, tleatr .e o lacet, ail 11 diespatvv1 : 1111 Oat Ueabtio with ar 'palati tri 'Itte €arta th �, "1t' :e* ♦e¢ 'h fro tion Were 0, rtYttf* irisonee o i alifa x ort4, of 'tllx e 2:1, �,ir jc ; in :woo*:t Se&4tio retbr�tt £aceta P1rt19a kstfe' 12bte'lc ye:i7"zi, Qua 111iG➢ 1@, t bio �capt,iii 'f be Get? `w` :r=4 ee t(4 :pied 2 2 *�ftC hat t r ince ;l has boon the 1, 111141 ti. Ther uu k1u?a '7liltt:i7741 aa1 ilii t+ satbroaalt til 'r B1C.7 tat 7th t(z ei ae laerrracv i'o pe F ailsr ng it r;aitdsfon I :gli,h lactrt.;( t n one d64*OFt: sty«3, .1 (1J It at a. tau"1tl rg;" txi hP a,,..:Slflits t(S n:srienk rr 7 E;lt he 5 a held ie i` 1.t?S73« licon's on s it'ohm of being: .t 4sek"'11. 5. my.. T1=„ ntri aacora'132<a.,`fill w (} ....f' .r. om Dt.2> tisk to il1a".seilb s, FINS, C1 e Order of "ontroller Hits Popular Tendon Tea Shop Severely. A despnt la from London says :- The Food Controller, Lord Devonport, has issued an order, effective Tuesday neat, prohibiting thereafter the sale of light pastries, muffins, crumpets or tea cakes. Cakes, buns, ;scones and biscuits can only be sold if they con- form to the drastic restrictions re 9i t'aetnlrwt . •'tf'�.7a.''d F a d1h P P1 apn kt.a,. r�et,rt 4 0 :1- 3a; at^etrc'(:2 ti re raiz. per I' lscn 4'$, 2 lG: -044):1 Pe,' a'. tl. 19 KzznII- +t�aalti 14wrN, ryim: d kgn>Va$�px�a r 1_ ar W ? e; t'.aa3atrnor t4. rlit+ set ;t Ileaeeez'. a�et e 783,; 'alai tk in-itt - lot 1 wear dreg', . 4 4'Stw. "1.1^4 , 4t ')rte Lei 2/11 • let 44 4 e• 1 Toe m 71, EAT DEEDS OF CANADIANS One iflls taif Gua: Crew a ad °nets' J'tenv rider +,1 Canadian,' Headquarters in I^ ranee LondonF,--Wlire atil'the solditl's have been h `oic i t zs difficult to s"t� 1_ = desnnto11 fain London says The l from high ground and robbed him . _ , .' .' >'r , . t: S. utl ei .,r e. l.: . �. _ 1 s z t2.,v.zz.. o til n part of elle Hindenburg" line hzs observation, AoSv all a2 t. an oti put actions sV � , tl c 'tYpcl, s ,. l ° "- an France continues laerfornz tlie2az a5 th lal,�'ce: bt,t fry nes to crumble or fall.? hands, .I'ranl them 5ve can sweep o Q ENE'. British E!e Y WITHDRAWAL AL ON AISNE CONTINUES AND VILLAGE CAPTURED Told High Ground; French indict Heavjr Losses on the y; Many Prisoners Captured; Four Vi latres Taken. these things. Many boys have been b driven ;from the country to the city by - the unattractive of their= homes rat�4er PLANTING THE HOME GROUNDS. Lack of .Monne Attractions, Makes; tit(' Boy Dislike the Vern). There are two equipments . neees- s< ry'for every fat 'Qt e -an equip - it for work and ':a ,, equipment for ling. Too, often tile+ a ui nient for qr work receives mueh more attention, than the equipment for living. we are influenced by our surroundings more. than we know or are willing to admit. Children especiallyare sensitive to sae records which shay result in the, bb'ck before the forees of Generale servation over '1 wide oxoanse of coup Y than by the hard -work of thoTnl ar . "ration <of some of the heroes of Tivelle. Thugs witnessed additional '; try to Douai and beyond, while the oot tk't of \limy Ridge it 1'. aloe per- Important ga tis by the French at shut out all the enemy's view of o�. ar The unattractiveness of home stir-' s Woundings and the lack of common ,r a comforts h•e mad tiny a far 's. s boy dislike the farm Every farmer - owes to 'laic =t'aoil}" nuad to l`iit2tse}f the �- best that lie can do in the. way of (z to m -ire mention, of exam lqs Humorous llOints,.front Soissons east--<ano',•etatents on 'this side. Nevertheles theel al " and az<;ce lues said to o,d Champagne, and sista � all this ground t, a continuons alter ,utr;4onsp,.,t•v.a. <„ox 1 1 _nd�1P�al s t i , ere a: 111 .,13 , t111ate (suing e ( ptaa? e os melt and ;,guns, meson of stones and dips, It is not a {'''i2 �. .;40. ,!tett Sl_.: ?3e 'a2il the r $ ,,. 1e -.xt� � a. r ._.. .. t..region. �• .:x• ci .,.7 y} a. high_ ard':P11,1:d 3l\'I;iIS nominal -id � " ,_. t _E.',. t2tk_ �12 7_.C..� fAa� - a = of the b zttle, ean ' a e_d _ eview of -the level •plain. Every earned a s e 1ze, "�` the French captured strong- rl a a•Aev- , • c, t r tE73 -. 0 s 'wilt t, )7 t mil Ora tfi yt7 Du cl`ri fit=. o 1 ti t r art. 11, drs b ti. , to 3 1 lrlal ,21211 3 e a+w bl.1 Ss .21,1'6., '1 S•3t Pi CO el ert 4 t. is +itt) it. ift, WlMtT"^ t*lwxj A(�a'i� • 2 4 • ton �.1 al?el 1 d Gem (2i ver 0 10022 did. `Te rd .t ,,fertifed German trenches on a where there ore bidden folds an 1cr.as. `0 22 blinding, S2 0 ..; .l _r. . a 1 a ,:• . 1 c.. 'e: ,.r s t <,'� made .t <t ,...:... is ., ,.t �`t ,;}a11t Of a Mile and a (p„tca2tCl .i.$L 322:..de.t.i.eclSeS, ..eS..t'.3 ,zld,�',., 13t.'yo21d les,e which Fortunately carried th' d e(1uioning the farm home and making the home grounds 'beautiful in order ser 150 Germans,. Northeasti1,r g�,,r t is not necesstaa.'it.`es,sy t aD the frees of tine evert,:, at �Saas ong11tlte village of Aisy, >3oazy'eonittnne a rapid advance. -ttac r' tey-gposition it20position�2a I'd Lt dnd'Fort de Conde were; down the forward slopes of the l2igl fi e, planting -will be one of the first con- su?erations. The first item 1 int Ct3' •llttpreel iby the French, while to the 'ground under the exposed fire of tit that the fullest and richest life pos- sible may lie enjoyed by all. The cost of im.,.o ement 'a and Y,' .(zVOIIOCd they e,er`e 100 o t eat' Iiurtebise, anothor point of ie .Ser slerpes beyond is often extreme-. }ante ,»222 file, .'.+r+ort fell €sato' thein° h<22ad' angi as-ith 1y dl €% .lto5x': inn .the general fron ick s -i" dt lei a i iO'.3.fp� 0 't ••y r"¢.^ 5 : i,.• n f'a r ( $ � � � '�41`pa„2�.srs;:csn. ' e. e?a�';�sia�ih f I e is Kon i so.:a,h oz .t; l'4-0:1'414.14111,0::r:,, L21 ),ere x x12 -ox' ' QCtt'ntats, ti e" 2' must 1ttea'vett %.t la- se- "- : ctiotas .te in �,a•o- lne gal %'dint q:µfic., r3e`1:"eett t2F' .�, G7re:s'etE: R='taCl the ('bor:.ous 1 029021 i.1 elle advancing of ou ,s'#';e1 else I E22S2 ih? ilwn Y3 e ' • T !2'i Se'2t , f ;LFA'?S, l? t 2 enty still 1 a ar, c .ee a 'S'. Mart -.. .. �' a' a 1 (-,sre 2134 0 #1t5a2 ' t , , tt s4icrig sl2ort'sae e a' :i2?. ng throFl;l qe, ear line r ran s e surd to 'vete� edr p`R t�sl, a 'oi l" nt 422211nd Dr n'2 cue. P Gpp v1 nou ns ea: t or ' as and south he bail' i S. 01 all .1114 Office � c 1tae�t� 1 Il,.tzia �� rj � d t, �� 11"73 o s�t��ger fbaaatotls 1)44°+ieaa S1t 'p'e 84. cited :i, ea41" « :., stat 51, tl2e fny,'il tlr t, 2, q11 fc[ie� toR 4r , ,t tl_ 7� t� of t pea: etaa5' x tk'1t«i�'(ztas of fresh raaeta into 43x4 -- p � , et5^, � n rlisssaals s d ;Aube in mans kanosv as lie "ot ¢r lone, t�'lliela 1 = 1 1111 0, 'all 1 as z pat i rat rhG 2lores Sao#oriou al'dten-nt tau 11 al4l i tenO4 f l i °cele s' . a2f tl-e >k,x,c'? 2ne Mande .litaa li'.i( 244102ainex oistl}-east, . (- 14'1.', WF)"t° . y n 442., 5t tral to' St, i act W21= x'3'112 at jetru#ic}n (- • near Queerit, These tic, are • a11liedl, ',formidable, but as above tlds ).lac: Qaean?t..e*,d 07the .a$ist5:k22t�Jk?t.t.*' Rita a. 1l 021441,4' 1122 2.r A. 32 l 'oplentl2age.1 2yss , �a rs as z cst Mere on FO-' wit11 tt1 rain hunger es . as ;A rope 'tell at au! t In -vhick were not itla riic+a news telegrams, al �l"aa eliiaa4p en inlates tic txtl2l oft 1r11wo alt 300t0t7. It lA t1 a,stopped 4,11 #41;7'1144"„2.9'. 1t?21 (;12.10 sir=n •tQi+e; 41 24412 x4 e: 21 t'al(a ait,s "1 '2 02; 1310 111 the teres driven $ ' ms l f1" 5' e. " resent, neatness, need co?; noth_ erg more duan*the ef'orbllpeeescary to art things in their right places, Then; planting is to be done,. there should c a plan. This will cost only 0 little a 446 end study in deciding upon how dad c:vkeie the planting is to be done, env often 'the plants and trees to re (l 0811 he mostly, or a:`hollyr, se: atx(1 fa r�sa the neighboring woodland. Ills is t peeiaily true of trees- :Many Bonze # ouzds are planted entirely z. with native 'fres aud. shrubs. These will nearly always give better satis- 'ti faction on than the a, arieties of ered by* the trey ne'ents, Crape .Vines ensu often `.'. ele lad=ed for decorative pnrpoSes and at e #seise sltpaply fresh and hes.. lit, 1Sany of the 1111d1 flowers, flosve1' border : of ' all thrive and hat thoy will hardly be gr025, stays;ll'e1alrc+ady oars, if it be the dzlan oa the !;general Star' to tweak it by a f120012al vr°e' tttat'12, there is not the slightest doubt e e,aenay ave s1a131hsucceed, 18942, S R 140114012 5244 )2 `1 i &p01111enw. With; tete 1 1 1tt that coaail:r 2 " v.-ent 0z iiie 02 4liar3�.19 IVi'*On *222Lieu to afd r' a: i' reneh of t2 t, 1tn„ ,, t ak012 00 tt°.)t34it lilltt(:eS `t her 144(' Gt}u se 4 l?tS M1t" te,:11t2., ''' 11(22 42211 v a! 1 1411 a"t;1ae t tnat•:liiraaa f tt°a ll leis,141 tss a Dolly as 1h1� 1 tM ��o t Its la d been tht� gee (144 1'C1pe; d#thib'11at'. !1 417 tpt e 124 t4, een #1te etc*a ?�? n ' d t)r'l ttt�fl 'pea ;k ` wt�►fies the >litilo elate he , of i �)Plie t,ete4V tl 2210 1110 €zf t12e b;rtza1 int( at7a14 Irzag#17 of the fc}t°(e #1st. , , ,ttt;ta'isi,l It21 l the 'dao' .orib, oB (ak. .,,,it £ertin24, ba,4dingr orce t nits is 1)e120 ott k' ,, 1934' 222o ±,. 4xWhig, thio the Not 111 0220 p1224e for two, but atl ,1 .12t soon 1 1102td to- the lino the French. have tholwn'. t.. t«;i 4112 Cul (,ir."a'it1it%7 officer wlio t11o14 1(2 Silpe .iority," 0 al ng ' igt1 1:1 "CADLAN Alti\l'i in the Conlin 0279, on Friday. There was '0. during the question hour h % ocleroil the foot o "4 Ltawa says: a net increase during, the past year of 1 IN l", ii, ii1;:ilti,:iit.;,o'lial i.:Icfloir the Camolitm army iner department and seven in the 11 till 3 of the animills Mall. SCHOOL BOYS r n, according to a Innate. employed by the latter, , all, !h. hors , have Q..en pnrehaeed 19 in the number employed by ilic for- ) Sotisfactory. FOR. FARM WORK rernment had no 'I he minister or Education has mu- andolt information as the outnber of fled the Organisation of Resources iruosols horses houeht in Canada fo Great Committee that he has sent a letter to Coomao Britain and the allied nations. the principals of High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the province, A despatch from Isays that according to a 24 44 4 9, 5149.10 1."4124 BiL-Si111:1" 4‘4,12 appointed Governor.' A despatch from Ottawa fi.,,,,,,,,,;:,:.' ‘,.(1.1(kA41,91201",Gettt,""tti -hoary, A h 1 ''.4.1 ,. S' Wtt ei n p .,A i a y cAtertin . , GOVERNMEN'f' E.MPLOYS in whieh he urges upon them the General Paton :Nitwits Et...rdinand 232 FOOD INSPECTORS. desirability "'of encouraging as many' says: as possible of the boys in their schools lo, '-'`ctieral 'tf Itolgium in November, Thore are now 197 food inspectors to engage in farm work this Spring. 914, in ccession to General von der employed by the Department of Agri_ The Minister further suggests that the Was' born in 1814, During culture, and 35 employed by the De- matter be also brought to the atten- ' - . Beigiura, General \too, Bios_ partment of Inland Revenue, accord- tion of the Parents with a view to 07. otono to anti 44 ;22221; 4,11:49.2.44:4-rs, .3514 10 52201_ light .2244 $19,Z,44; 4.4142,419. lot,tes itts.54 „,4-,21: calves, gr4044 to ohoit.e. 112,30 spring itmlbs. each to 522; do,. woighod on" ear8, thutehers" IO C111 bulls, 1n.50 tO 3221 ehoiee milk -fed eall'es. 48 to $11; centtmon. .$5 to $7: siicen, 510 to 1111 in Belgium, (lied , ime into prominence 111811y' an answer given Mr. Sinclair, securing their co-OPeration. lot -ably in connection with the xecution of Miss Edith Cavell, the nglisb nurse, frequent clashes with j T Cardinal Mercier, Primtite of Plelp,turn, NS and the deportation of Belgians. It was reported in 1915 that he had or- FORESHADOWS A RETIREMENT ons supsected• of working against the ermans in Belgium, and that scores f executions followed the carrying eut of this order. Several times by ins order Beltrien cities and toe -11s ig of rules laid down by him. Ile ad been ill ofr and on for more than a year. c f ii #*ii eat care eat th the 1-tome,g3+ b14j(=m .2.o wet, reco, i; C(l x»it5 t5•i 1 m. impro.en ; ant #t;lte 4222342 t 22;0210 the f ltoaa»ta'i2tit"° #le brae rice's 4i 21,14 21 all s'i,t:12 en it neves- indo ilish till,- win 4 rated, and rev efficient means to the end, Preparation': should be undertaken!, at once for this annual event, The people must. be educated to a tlyirough overhauling of their premises, in- side and out. Mueb useless material, probably the aommulation of years, will be found serving only to harbor dust. This should be either disposed of to those who can. use it or destroy- ed. Fires of apparently unknown ori- gin can frequently be traced to these accaunulations in attics or other out- of-the-way storage spaceS. Clean them out, and, instead of wondering what to do with them, there will be a feeling of relief that they are gone. Clean-up the area around the home, Dispose of the ashes, and you will be surprised at the extent of garden you will be able to cultivate from the ap- parently useless surroundings of the As an encouragement to the people tbe mumema authorities should do their part. There should be an early start made on street cleaning and the opening up of outing spaces, and pro- vision should be made for the removal of the refuse gathered by household- ers. Canada's season for' outdoor life is not long, and it should not be shorten- ed by delay in cleaning up and making presentable our gardens, streets and specting the amount of wheaten flour and sugar used. Tea shops, which where in England, will suffer severely Willie Wants to Kimiv. by the new order. The Wet Office has ordered a return made by May 1 of all horses, mules, cattle, sheep, pigs and agricultural im- plements in Great Britain Of's the trough of the sea what th ocean, gre-yliourids drink out of ?" a 1.1AVE 16,°4 Fil611.1- BACK 11-4 _ Foc1KID OR - Signs That Germany is About to Abandon Some of the quered Territory. A despatch front Petrograd. says: -- A report received here _from Jassy, the Braila and FokShani are both im- seat of the Rumanian Government, portant railroad towns in Rumania. Be careful of your own eyes, your says the Germans have burned -the Braila lies on the Danube to the south wn limbs and your own life, as well despatch says Rumanian military on the railway line about midway be - towns of Braila and Fokshani. The of Galatz while Fokshani is situated s for those of others. circles consider that this foreshadows testien Buolaarest and Jassy. Con - a German retiiement. Canada's Heart and Hand. The victory of the Canadians at Virny Ridge, with the taking of pei- haps 4,000 prisoners, merely writes one chapter more in the lengthening, glorious story that began even before Ypres, writes the Editor of the Phila- delphia Ledger. As Sir Thomas, Tait has been telling .Philadelphians, the Canadians hold ten miles of the front and are ready to add 50 000 more to ; the 300,000 men Already sent from a country with about the population of tam. ca TM 21 `100 M161 -1T 7.14e TOP" DRAV1aR- -n-ca stDaeoARP- Pennsylvania. Before the war some of us may have imagined that Canada I was lultewarm in her allegiance to fhe !Empire. When the hour struclt, Can- ada proved herself the-riglit arm of [debt has risen from $42 to $96 per caPita. EverY great city and many a tiny hamlet is a house of mourning for the flower of youth that has fallen. 1Canada has withheld nothing.; Yet such storie.s as Sir Max Aititeti Colonel Currie have, put in prhit oifs