HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-4-5, Page 6Tea is a -
Black, Mixed Q
Every day Luxury
.al Grcet
The Bride
The Adveitures of C" 4
ass ti.
tarot 'why, 1.,vhar.
010 re. 37.ter
nne*". n dam'
ie Fi o14
caret ro
tends' be
"Who ar
:1144344.1.dtfl er (mon
wiped, bet ht. "If hedcnft
voted better 'before ,Octeber..
To say that C'tt tain Babe r piieijed
his Kiri at this, indicates 1114 fee'
interest in the remarklie be
Ws Tenth and looked wildly round th
rem as the two ladies. deftly ignoiing
hire, tingle their arrangements for his
"I don't like to seem to imrry it,
said the housebee er
d 49109
e ingenious
lAcktion, s
e in the
hter, an
on the
Lreotbj n nob,
"lgentiY. 're
uy r
d 'her hortIy
Ido sad rs. Churen
owfl to it. lie , ca
lie pre- .,she roar
, stand
the seetererk a very goo
better of it," ajid MrL"
Bank in
undecided., n
g be Moista
e '3-aslisea SUS
for a
pity hes
f October,11
1* It firat
r y,"
eh looked up at
leaked clown
, 0 onble wedding?'
tons ,
oleo was drowned'
Eliimbeth kissed
n begun to dis-
The owner,
of the veryi
sitting, en,
VOIn t� toptheta ea u!
ond red to Ws;
Ithaca a9
alleO., 1451
re 't
of ,
d '
b hot
bind b
forget you
r vietim,%Wt1 UCO
rmd, dosingthe 4
etureed to the pukr
nO n to while
Nibletts, a
had brough
Opponent dieine have hit
i; meanol ean8iug the syste
"No. af eourse you don't. It he by abstaining tw a time from foo
said, October, naturally October it and drinking a quantity of fair water
ougbt to be, in the usual way," re- It is stated to elear the eyes and the,
marked the other. Skin, and to cause a feeling of light,
never said Ogteber," interrupted ness and buoyancy undreamt of WI
the Irending marinerthose who have never tried it. 4.11
"There's his memory gath attal people, perhaps, are not affected est -1
Baaks, in a low voice, actly alike, and Captain Flowers Whilet
"Poor dear," sighed the ether admitting the lightness, would have
"We'll look after your interests,' disdainfully coatested any charge of ;
stiid Mrs. Danko., with a benevolent buoyancy. Against this objection it
smile. "Don't you remember meeting may he said that he was not a model;
me by the church the other night and patient, and had on several occasions 1
telling me that you were going to wilfully taken steps to remove the
marry Mrs. Church in October ?" feeling of lightness.
"No," bawled the affrighted man. It was over a fortnight since his rei
"Clean gone," said Mrs Church, turn to London. The few shillings
shaking, her head; -it's no use." obtained for his wateh had disappear -1
"Not a Lit.' said 'Airs. Banks. ed days before; rent was due and the
"October seems rather early." said cUpboard was empty. The Gine seent-'
Mrs. Church, "especially as he is in ed so long to him. that Poppy, and ,
mourning for his nephew."
Seabridg,e and the Foam might have,
"There's to reason for walting,", belonged to another period of exis-1
said Mrs. Banks, decidedly. "I dare tence. At the risk of detection he;
say it's his loneliness that makes him had hung round the Wheeler's night
want to hurry it. After all, he ought after night for a glimpse of the girl'
to know what he wants." for whom he was enduring all these,
"I never said a word about it," in- hardships. but without succees. He
terposed Captain Barber, in a loud became a prey to nervousness. and, un
voice. able to endure the suspense any long-
er, determined to pay a stealthy visit
to Wapping and try to see Fraser.
He chose the night on which in the;
ordinary state of affairs the schooner,
should be lying alongside the wharf;1
and keeping a keen look -out for
friends and foes both, made his way
to the Minories and down Tower Hill.
Ile had pictured it as teeming with
people he knew, and the bare street
and closed warehouses, with a chance
docker or two slouching slowly along,
struck him with an odd sense of dis-
aapomtment. The place seemed
Changed. He hurried past the wharf;
that too was deserted, and after a lov-
ing peep at the spars of his schooner
he drifted slowly across the road to
the "Albion " d hi th d
•Have You Our New
Furniture Catalogue?
Be sure and write for free
copy, profusely illustrated.
It's full of great bargains.
a45-647 Queen St. W.,
Toronto, Ont.
, , pus ng e oor a
Be Proud of
Your ''Company" Cake
Made with Five Roses Flour, it
keeps its freshness arid flavour
longer. Light, but firm of texture,
it won't crumble under the keen -
edged latife. Your guests are sure to
praise It.
Meat A"
Use less; once a day is amide
supp/emented with legume dihheS,
milk soups, (.1heKce dishes, attractive
bread and cereal disheS, and eggs
when they are cheap enough
Servo carefully at the table; i is
betatr to serve twice than th sem
remnants to the garbage pail,
Use eltenpet- curs. We pay largel
' finvor.tenderness and excessiv
fatis the expensive cuts.
We liuy meats chiefly for their pro
en feed value. The cheaper roUrakt,
shank, and neek eats ,rive more for the
The thea.per cuts chopped tine make
Hamburg .steak asquickly broile4as
rte. -house,
Pronged neetsing at the lower
emperatures wifl make the toughest
tender and imarove. their flavor.
an ha acccmPfished econornicall
, double -boiler when the coalor
0 beitig ased for ot
the casserole Or
9 els lin the coal stove o
IettfflP the r.ight; er
1414III gas Or elOgtrM
T an Qdei"z
Of tY
a a%
mashed pQtoes
414'otal or
se every pa
Fry out the fat not ie4 or
and lase for �rteuh ond ot
poses; trimmings
and left -overs for
ii,void Wing to stronghoat for ii
mg and broiling whiti ns b
and trimmings for the ; et,
shies 'wasting beat.
Eliminate meat from the •diet NO
the small children. The normal child
vill 'thrive better on milk cereals
ht place of mat. A ehtkVa p'
jet1te s What the parents Mae it Do
0 sorry for the child vbaeo
Is oatmeal And milk, a
supper bread and u1k with a bit 0
jinn; thee hild is well fet
ntay replace meat in the adult
diet whnever the price per dozen
es below the est of 1 ound round
Household Hints,
Pictures should be hung on no
greeable level with the eye.
The lightest weight kitchen utensil,
Re work less tiresome.
Wben a screw becomes loose, re
iva 'it and till the bole with bits of
sp packed in tightly. 'Then re -
pia the screw and it mill hold as
firmly as ever.
When slipping geraniums remember
that the woody stalks cut back and set
in rich soil will make the best bloom-
ing plants.
To set growing house plants in 0
tub and spray them with a bath spray
is one of the best methods of giving
their leaves the necessary moisture.
After washing oilcloth and lino-
leum, be sure to dry it properly. If
left damp it will speedily rot and soon
become totally ruined. It is a great
mistake to use too much water for
washing it. The cloth should be
wrung put and passed lightly over
the surface.
A campstool to hold the clothes
basket is a convenience on washday.
It is light, easily carried about, and
when not in use takes up little room.
In hanging out the clothes and taking
them from the line the stool saves
stooping and keeps the bottom of the
basket clean.
Time will be saved if the house-
keeper will sit down with pad and cook
book. and plan the meals for at least
three days, and as each meal is plan-
nc 1 a list is made of the food to be
purchased; by this means the market-
ing can be done for three days in little
more time than would be required for
When a child has the slightest tend-
ency to crooked legs he should have a
very special treatment. His bones
little way open, peeped cautiously in,
The faces were all unfamiliar, and
letting the door swing quietly back he
walked on until he came to the "Town
of* Yarmouth."
The Tublic bar was full. Tired
workers were trying to forget the
labors of the day in big draughts of
beer while one of them had thrown elf
his fatigue sufficiently to show a
friend a fancy step of which he was
somewhat vain. It was a -difficult
and intricate step for a crowded bar,
I and panic-stricken mon, holding, their
beer aloft called wildly upon him to
I stop, .1,vhile: the. barman, leaning over
the counter, strove to make his voice
heard above the din. The dancer's
:feet subsided into a sulky, shuffle, and,
ftall seaman , rem °yin the tankard
which had„ obcured his filed, ,revacled
the lionestatures of Joe. The sight
of hlin a4Vthe row of glasses and
hunches ofth'ead and cil'ese behind.
the bar was 'irresistible. „rflie,Skinfief
.;ught <'LISt6III6I' by t
coat•' -u -d. held him.
(To be continued
, a
too .soft needs more lime
i iron. should be taken off his
et at coie, and have salt water bath.,
g and massage.
Door mats should never be shaken
ainst a Wall. It causes the fibre to
eak. They should be placed fac
downwards and beaten gently With a
lieK or brash '11,-0., treoted
Ike this will last twice as long. This
.rethed is also cleaner and eaSier.
o fre,shen a Skirt that has beetinte
ikled and mussed ,from packing or
ise brush carefullY so that all
rusy be removed, mad hang over
of boiling hot water. After it
thoroughly sle.nued it will look like
; tailor cleaned garment.
' avoid valifahie time. inking
; 3
(afferent hatteris in your button
bc 2;te a, wiro hairpin and straighten
t oat; then shpe tie whe in d*sterli;eg.ieand bend each end bach afer -
- all of lane. kind of butteins
-d throw th,
n're he tic!.
Salaion Cut Chg. "the
e ;1,4 a
mon, anal mix.
Lreadestaribs, s
gto tieh t?ta7ttebe,Paste
beatei form ly ,
enattfil vi't tt xn into 0tS,
tds of white (or cream mateal tWQ
dfioiipoosfuis initter, three
on 4,.lesposirful of grated eiteese„,
" Auutur koittaBeii one .,
£4d ibe
am of t'Agruh*lag",rtlito oreau
cheese anti PePPer
and rnanclo0
01IeI egg. Th:en oda the 'fishat the '
". on let;
Known Everywhere Available Everywhere
Just because there is not a "Parker" Agency near
yen is no reason why yen should do wit.hout "Parker
The exae ge of our work is so Wel *105711 that
it need onlyo'be mentioned here.
But the convenience of our service by mail to distant
customers is not. Articles of any sort can be sent us
cithr by Parcels ,,,ast of c-x"Pfess, and retuned iat the
svi'aareyt,y, inEtzvateit.Plecauttou is taken to ensuro their
So many thine. s can be "rescued" hy cleaning or nye.
in g that the value of this service will be apparttut to
When yo,t thiek of cleat -13g dyebig„ think of PARKER'S.
Send fte" E (.1 zae,P.1 arra 1.0.A. rezaag
boaa cleanazg 4 -ad
Be sero to address your parte!, eearly to .7. ec:e:..vivg dept.,
RoNTO 39
same manner. We the carriage charges one
„rfltiti4a-0' z
When blIOslica whether from
I te*atintatio ,ges, averwork
05 4rer;f, Of4,110, nothing so. soon ores
tone and hegthy aerivify to the digestive
Wilt= as. ;114 root and herb extract --
Mother Seigel's Syrup. It tones imd
to the liver awl bewels, and c,11.13:$ the System of the decayed
fruitful ealtso of headaches,
0 acidity, beartbarn, flatalcuco„, brain fag, and bill:m.3%1es%. It
food ottoriSh you, and i4O9 health- on good digeatiOrt.
rice and eeudodPuedb:cg :el: wit
four ag „NIT MN.
Too Conte Toge One A
(-tflidar- 44 s absorbed
Add well -beat kgg yolks* Other."
in d, our ,W111
thought, h oily
tonsialioutilt 1 , ;Al -
lbws itself et as a thought,
in a reckoner s n and s. taining
to is as te our eompanions. For
provoeation of thought, our -
50",3 and use 03(.11
percept ions —1 bluk
granted 't4i the single so hey o
from the depth, and go k the de
and arc the permanent and controt-
ling Others it takes two to
tst bo wormed by the
tthy to be brought into
ditione end angles of
. Homer said, "When two
thal bas been 34440kt:wed but-
cool add the citiffb" hettten
-• Hake and serve with the
fe,---nerrfOra thebones and
frois any void vooked fish, shred
staulti seasOuing to taste. But-
hahing-dbil, cover the hottern;;
timehed potatoes and add thQ
d.inmli WO ef bOttOIN Season
e'er with a top loyer of potatoes
'I a hot oven for ten minutes
u s
ad 'Ifl M
. Some
; fire of sy
,the right
I vision. .
tootbe; one
it i
itt wel tbat the
• and two men o.
1 ' '
:; though pothy, each
opens to ibe eioqueuoe,and begins
, to see with he eyes of bis,roirtd. We
were all 1oady thealAtles*; and noW
a p incipie ztu.C.OVO to On; SVO ,5Q,:.',,'
Of many 'truths. 'Y
mind 1 as they. re
.8tC1105 hy the mane 044 of thoo
'strongcourse s like 1 of tlw
1 e,
and rides and
thc world ,of the
altio Emerson.
Hundreds of Tho Sa
Died in
ing the
The slaughter of between sove
war reveals the Arrnenian
Rofu,,,,tshe eva(r7y-rsetho.riesrainsstiawniiitoY died
Neao',s arena, 'writes 'Viscount Bryce.
Th_ekrremaet;iejaxItos-tiaana, msoyrreiatnisianstaalion rt
relief in New Yolk.
committee for Armenian
to death in Asia -(Nliflor, Syria, the
kmeri s '..".ge of the -eliCan
The a en Persia and Pales-
rk for them in
In tile history of the ev;Christian
' 11 'there are no fign s so g!oei
s, -none which have continued to b
1, ontlliz chi', . honoredts rtiba3;sr,llts &la uste"ciol 4., t
- -- men and women
, woot),37f,proi(7.;1 ak,
ri Isre nnd every the
to Ijil't,Ily tri:iti; 11(1
"cserVe to their
noir Lord i I M.
ni(d for Christian
I oar own times we have seen
'example of fidelity repeated in ,
ITUrliish Empire, and it is, strange that
ishould1,11. ellVii_13(,ttial7;:v0elf blle7pmeott.ietii14:f.teylit':.
') S rage and herei
OV0 1 .... .,wotic I the Armenian 0.,,ri,-.._
e given.
have e ht I15nh(IU ,i, 7:1)1.1 flattnd ,,sit;lo?::,,,,rciN,:t.:,s,,,e,n;:it'teeeilir;t:rj.f:Is.1
; - li:ive
avd I rItS; by
Ths b
0, 0, (me ' Amerie $
h441141 114 by t
goodMint; 4"401-44 t.etios
ivlty each ancient nation h
An aviation school is about to b
)ened by the Chinese governme
2 aim' 511,. Cartons --
10,20, SO and 100 lb. Bags.
No one ever doubts REDPATH quality, because
hi its Sixty Years of use no one has ever bought a
barrel, bag or carton of poor Redpath sugar. It is
made in one grade only—the highest.
"Let Redpath Sweeten it." 12
Canada Sugar Refining Co, Limited, Montreal.
For 1:)u.ty off
the Coast of Canada..
Applications for immediate se/vice as officers in
, the Canadian Naval Patrols are requested from ex -officers
in the Royal Navy, the Naval Reserve or men holding
officers, certificates in the Mercantile trilarine. Sean:len,
Stokers and Engine Room Ratings are also wanted at once.
PAYOfficers from $2.50 per slay and 110.00 monthly and
_, training.'
.uP.wards etpo ederPeicnrcluin:tzsp• r 'Men d frotm 81.05 perdayand
separation allowance. Must be sons of British subjects. Ages 18 te 45.. '
Men from 18 to 38 are wonted also for immediate serv;ce- by
the Overseas Division of the R. N. C. V. R. •Experieraca noV
fnecessar,y—acc f d a day
Inda,pw. ai,ad, a3.1.nrc.ctiatfna ..Einira cl .E.Fd ,
or atnIng. Pau, $1.10 Appj;ty..c.pmm.opoR.r,..-moILtairiUSJARvise,'
a as SteCIVIting Offi
• or ;0119:OaParSatirett? P r°a.
They enn hardly ij
should be raliglo
time, so let me
11. s not.
1001 0
mon. tam)
jeridand hI
fl 005
y to snpini.n 1110
S 1.111101.4110I11
les of Tura'y to
111 Chsisaaity, Far
lust of Om
nitooer. Their ;tint
They canted to make Ma
,whu!e Turkish Empire' MOhaillinedart
in oider 10
0110 ed and no differomAie, between
;Ike tinirorm. with 011*
one cias of zuilkjects 4other.
They fka.W thOt the Christnin:T7nirt of
ilia 'population, sutUring under eon -
oppressions 01111 cruelties, cor-
d to turn its eyes westward and
tor some vedress from the Chris -
tion nations; so they determined to
elini inate Chrietitmity altogether,
r recent ma,451mres when-
ever ally CIlFiStUIn svould turn Mo-
hammedan his life was spared. it
was only as a Christian that he -was
killed. Many a Christian child was
torn from its parents to be brought
up as a Mussulman. Thousands of
Armenian Christian girls were sold
in the market or distributed ammig
Turkish officers to be impri.soned for
life in 'Turkish harems and there
forced into Mohammedanism. But •
many more thousands of Armenians,
women as well as men, were offered
their choice between Christ and Mo-
hammed, and when they refused Mo-
hammed were shot down or drowned
forthwith. For days together the
bodies of Christian women who had
thus perished were seen floating down
the Euphrates.
Surely the remains of this suffering
nation could make no stronger appeal
for pity pity and help to the Clroistians of
America than they make through
these martyr deaths. Only a rerrinant
is now left to whom charity can be
extended. It is still a sorely afflicted
How To Win Time.
The only way to win time is not to
lose time, says Lloyd George. You
must not lose time in the Council
Chamber; you must not lose time In
the Departments which carry out de-
crees of the Government; you must
not lose time in the field, in the fac-
tory, or the workshop. Whoever tar -
/les when he ought to be active—whe-
ther it is a statesman, a soldier, an of-
ficial, a farmer, a worker, a rich man
with his money—he is simply helping
the enemy to secure the aid of the
most powerful factor in this war -tune.
Act, and you act in time, that is our
appoal•to you.
ldtyn who had Right. been intro -
811 duced
to a doctor who was also a pro-
fessor in a, university felt, somewhat
puzzled as 1,S1110/117 Sale NVOIlld address
Liie great man.
'Shall 1 call you hioctor c pito
sor' ?" she asked.
OII just as you wish." was the
ply ; "as -a inaiter' of fact,so
peon] e 1011 tile an 'old idiot."
s,lio said, sweet1,
,ii'eri, e 0341)J:sepia:that Joao "