HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-4-5, Page 5Y, APIti 5th, 917 Thames Road 'Mr, and Mrs, Thomee Rada' xi have anoved to their .form'oealr Seafortia Several tfarnters of Oat§ vie/nil-1' livere in' landou last 'Wednesday at - .tending the cattle isile Mr, A. C. Whitlock of the 1LE.P.0 -St. Thomas npenttt couple of days taJ his home here last week - The eap season has been very good but the warm, weather promises to .anake iv a very short one but sPring ea very weleonie after the leng cod wittier T1:te W. M S. a uetUany.church: iebereh eir,4 bold their anniverslre a Elate!' `ia.‘,..atday April the 8th„ Rev, G Torinerpastor wLll eaelt service at 2.30 pen. On Man - ay eNellin,, April the lith a pro- gramme will be given consisting of violin duets songs and reeitat ons. "wild a play entitted the "Ntew 5ster's Wife" given by the lades from Elimvilite church. Lunch, win be 43e -reed at the elese of the program Kirkto n Gilfilian and Mrs, H. Clark zave /e Toed Lome from Toronto. aresorry to hear of the eertious ailitess of Mr. 3„ 8ourmen awl hope !tor a opeetly recommy, hrt-aa R. Et lloward and )fles Ethe 6hler of Toronto spent a few des their parents- -5Tre and Mrs- S. fibier as 'week R J.woe a of Piiiiertoo hes seld *i farm two aod a hair miles north I rton, to Me eteipiemete, Jolto, twver tor good fintire. en ,tatiter play arta! a. tteber°°1!ddetaelic. ge'l ET. s114:ertilor:r1 VolldaY. Aim!, ifth at- 8 11,1:4L e ,#41SPieeS' of the Werant'e t„Oliss Edith C011 DS of A neas mo los been condectirtg tor lee few Weeks 0 sewing etaes n Kiritiou. Fifteen otenatere are en - h Eirkton Ogriotatoral SocP.ty st week arid grented $25 to the, Red Grose Society aod t-25 Anatotiltant Red Croae Society, at tee date of ihe Fail Fair s l'hursday end PrideY Gtlober 4th ct 5111. sries of debete iaon Settee, euti an- teagws. which 11,fei ogress hrouhout the wio- "ca was,rcceu le wee ity eel ate wh n oritoril '`iDM W.14 e e. ea - baton* tock psrt, Tae lei i5lase Olive 'i'S n 1 ot Salemwito '', VA it h4odtd oraion an 'iu sweetIr Jas not yetd- ttrbether t2a. winnars of the will be presteiti with a inom .silver trophy to be debated for ;each yette. :thee Matitewe won .the %sole wIliee ens offered to the suc- itteesiti I 'Iv inner. Zurich Vern Si b ri is v:siting with Zriend in Detroit. , Roy Faust o' Toronte isx tree- equaintancee here or a feei days .r Fred Shelton end family have aninved into tbe Yapese occupted by his Mother. Mies Cell J. II eits iS visiting at the tome of her sister, Alirs. G. A. ;Bis- sell Siltford li'eighs. Mr. 3 J, :Werner slOpped a car. Vend a orset to the west. likr. Win. Calle-es accompanied the ear. Ta/r. George Illacktvell the asisessor :tor Hay Tawrislup is making h!s an- nual rounds esseesing the property -or tax payers. Mr, J P. Ban delivered to Ma r. Lamont, the teen -known eatte bay- er nin bead of cattle which netted 'him the lsum of $1200,00. The dates for the Zurith Pell Fair lave b;en sa for Sept. tethered 2011a Mae Directors ;deo decided to enter the Society in the Standing Field Crop Competition. Among those who attend el the fun- eral of the Otte Mrs. Geiger were Wes. John Geist, (r and. M s Noah Gel. seer Pigeon, vLih., and Mrs. Schwanz ;of Colbnurne. The ladies of the local branch of the Women's Inst'ttite .shipted 117 pairs of nooks and 31 ;day shirts to .ithe Exeter receiving station. This is only part of the goads being got xeady by the ladies, a further 011ie- 'went will be made in the eourse of ea few weeks. SLATE 'IVIES. ABRIOISAM GEIGER Early on Monday morning of last reek the apirit of Mrs, Mbrsham- Zeiger passed to its Mater. The d ;ceased Ird •been ill for some months -and as time went by gradually be- irame wetker. She torn her sufferinge ...math Christian fortitude and was a .;faithful member of the Evangel al arhurcia. I]3eside ber sortrowing eband she leaves a nurnbir or sons land ,d; ugh ers by a former ea! ; to mourn Tier loss. The funeri, ws; jaild on Wednesday artd was e y attended. Rev B P. Ilie,yes 40r the E angel:cil church condoct d mhe eierices The remains were ei- tterred in the !Bronson Lino eth teat. YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED !Look Mother! If tongue in coated cleanse little bowels with,, fornia Syrup of Facie Vothers can rest easyn „California Syrup of Figsate few hours all the elogget, Our bile and fermentingt yes out of the bowels, at:. well, playful child again. Sick children needn't le ['take this hormless "free; Miens of mothers keep -t use they know its are *Ado liver and bowt• .11 drug tfor &Ma diree ons, o Crediton afiss 'Dorrance speed Saturday ac er home near Seitfortli. Don't forget the Red Create rnee tags every Thera:My afternoon. The Ladies Aid of the M1ethodist, hureh met at the home of Mss. Elit King on Wednesday. Taere will be special Eisler scia vices in the Methodist church Sun - lay also special rnusio will be furn- ished by the choir both morning aod evening. Special ser‘ices in Z on Evangelicil church on Easter S'undly morning at 10 A. M Special programme in the Sunday Settee!. at 3.35 p na, Special 13 MO in the evening given by t lOrgt, Simeial offering of both eervtees,Everybody nelettme. 7 Early Thursdly mortitiag the lame tiedmore of iMr. a4ft�d,8.7-yr t' of Credizont East waa'tOtailv des'roYe fi ed bv re at b ot 4'tioe1.T1 ilunates were aroused loat- the smell oe smoke and harriedlye easing were able to save only a fe articles The' 're *origittated in the at adjoining, le hotase and in a shot time the buildiege were all ablaze. The barn elonging to Mr, Joseph Raier the TaYlor farm caught several, name from flying embers but it was *ell guerded and no damage done Tee headings of Mr. Mete were trimmed, for $3800 sI its A pleaeen spent at tbe ome of Mr.treewan Dobbs when the people of St, PatriekM ohorele gathered together to preent bie ditughter Miss Reba a rocking chair and an addrasa as foliates. Miss Reba Dobbs -- We the congregation of St, 'etre lek'e ebuteb ef Saiolabury ig 'weed ewe or about to deflate from ouO nids fc,lt that we mild rest let yod go without aasauthling to bid )0,1 farewell and to Orestnt you witheome tolen. cif ou,r affectionate es'earn aad regard. Your on service as organia; was much eppresiated and we eleari *'s You greatly hoer eheteh wort, eel; you to :Accept this rocking chair and Idetere not for their in- tritv$o \able hat as ateembraite the balmy Itoure w • We prey the. wU blies yeti ar clew life through years oo babel" of tkitt r, 0. Ryott Loney t- eatiut to. vetalY ,e in e (M. LA 11K Ft - S. Wedding bells rang on t the home or Mr. and Mrs Freema A. lesiths "Riverside Parte on Wed. 3 twedi15' e ft erneon di -'eh 28th when their daughter. iletet 'wee unittd in morriag,e to Me*, Newton fi, Clarke, i 'of LSbortiC. tt the leiter of 3 &Opel - else Iiride enter d the tailor leaning , tie. arm of her f. their to thn rais r the wedding niereh played " ets___ Wady& Dnblis sister or the ride. The CaroMOIV was performed y Rea 0 Rycitt of. Idirkion in Mel reeence of only the immediate relit- oi-; the bride and groom. During liu agnate, of the reghaer, M ss Mae Clarke, ss er of the groom sang, "0 Perfect LT6 ote exc. 11 nt OMe and pleasing careen iBoth bride and grown were unattended. The etre-. mony over and tongratalations ex- tended the happy couple all sat down to a 1 d Ovate* wedding Rinst :Mr and • Mre. Clarke will take a elvert honey- moon trip to London and poinis enet' The bride's goirg-away ;dress was a tailor -mode may blue, with hat to • match. T -e presents received by the.' beds were handentne and useful. The • t young couple will have tbe lest es of a host of freends for their fa- ture happiness and prosperity, Dashwot)ti 3gr. Pete Eisenbacb is at present Mr. Edward Greb has accepted posit:on. \Oath Teman & Edtgliolf 'r ns appx en ire. Mr. Andrew Musser has gone to Sarnia where he has ae.tepted a position. Mim. A Paris: in of Royal Calk is at present visiting her s,ster Wm, 1T1d e , We are pleascd to say that Mrs. J, K.ellermaure as recovering from her recent illness. Wes. Jos "Willert has left for Kit- chener where sli2 will undergo treat- ment for cancer. Mars. George li-och and Mrs. Wm. IB.eber have returned ir0111 visiting withl friends at Palmyra. Mrs. Wielfang of Kitcbenatr has returned to her biome aftir visiting with her sister Mes, Rev, Meyer. Mee. AI Miler has returned from Woodbridge 'where she spent the •winter with her daughter, Mns. G W. Shore, COLLINGWOOD, April 2. -Dur- ing a quarrel Saturday morning about 10 o'clock over the erection of a. fence on a piece of practically valueless property on the lake shore on the western side of •the town, Philip White shot his brother, Ed- ward White, with a shotgun, inflict- ing such injuries about the face and • neck that his life is despaired of Immediately after the shooting Philip made away, and, successfully eluding the police, walked to Stay-- ner, whhre he boarded the afternoon south -bound train. Chief Ross of the tesal police notified the authorities of ttie surrounding towns to be on the 'retell for the man, with the result that lie was taken into custody at arrie st night, and will be brought Collirigwood. , f ar as the Pollee Department a rued, the shooting is the se - :o a series of quarrels' between, -otbers regarding their r ' ieh adjoin, and both' rfronta of little ater bar THE EXETER T • Greenway Mr. tWill Bresen has gone west for a few months. S.T.r.4A, aleintosh of Pt. ifuronep Tat Centralia Leonard Abbott left on onday riling for London. Lloyd Bayoliam passed his ivek end )vith relatives hereatittns very successfully, Mises ,Devina and Addle 'Mason Russell alloonafield has mole s e o Grand Rend visitors last week i household effects to Exeter, a:se-Maggie, Geromette has return- The dttssien circle met at Mrs erdicfbri.im a visit with friends in Goda"Finlay'S on Tuesday evening laSt. Emma Abbott is vis'ting her alre, Wilson is spediug a ister, Mrs, W. Parsons this wcen, w days with her mother in Grand Mr, Jas, Colwill and wife also encli, • i ' Ur4 E. 001Williefclast we.. for Win s. Jos. nifere tb, nipeg to see their molesse who is, r. and .1Folloc1: vet"), ill, a The Knitting Circle w li meet an 11 Mrs. Law tenee Pollock & Thursday eveoing, ori this week a 60D, d Mr, Ray Pollock of Ker Mee. S. Andrews. woodover Sandy, &the Elyee 0.nd £amily are mcmint A number from heret't,_enatd e, me IWO. jeS. Godsaves houett recently ea - funeral of eFr. John Lone- of llderton catd by Ma Frey. s. Finleet entertained the mt, held in Parkhill on Saturday last. Th debate at the Mtiek Parliammot ra of the Young Peop1f. S ete Wednesday evaniag on the ebel- laet Friday ecening. Ali report liS,ahrn:le:Inteonft CI:aPitatihel)nliniSvhroillreongtuePdr°: hPleerae: StianIttlerd' 3.3" Morning and wall ed to be one of the best of the Seres Mr. and 31r. Coughlin Sr., left reassemble in Oct, next. vlsl, in London and 'Toronto on thmr moe an, fe. Anniversary in the t* war to the west. Methocileu cloiren on Sunday was '-m* 1 The annualmeeting of the ladies eessaa though the weather was en, aid society will meet in the hasem`.--ntt favorable. Rev. A, E, Lloyd of Park- / of the caurch this Taereday after- , hill gave a very good inspir ng and t noon April 5th at 2.30 tons, The sermon Was this week, Leo Foster occetnyotied t11:11F;teesrelneeone'tisi:tortle'''Re3.vrr-c*rellneooenVirP'lldili he\i-VseisTa' ned°11iliplitismhielnP? trothcearswaf e4e,Itior4 end en9ciorurraelgiednirt,(edtsflot ttrahe so me- iseasrate t „nevfax,m‘freeekeitestnn and nun 4 'Stem Chiselhurst S1-taie, the eld,st daughter of •Mr. aci Mos. G latirymple is confined 'to the !louse through illness, It in to be boped elm wiU soon b restnrc4 to heeith, The men in this vienity have er., ganized theinselves with the objni of sending a Sr -nail parcet of tobacco laces, gum, etc- at intervals to the have who left tare for the front. The lediee of tb Hd. Cros hive beets anceeeing ie their work and have teen rewarded by a subseantiel gran': from the ecomell, whieh has grealy helped to steamete the tot- ereet et -al bicrose their efforts, tlensail l'hhy spnt Vnesdy i Largo quamitise of onions celithrae (ram herr 'daily and the •quaiite mid egpclition is ler)* good w th WI'S iit- ft(' Iva8tIge. The drama entitled "The New Min- i& ea" which was played so well in Itei salf 0 cottp1' at times in the town bell ender tee auspices of the Ladies Oatriotin Circle e to be given by Hen Pesti talent in E.eeter some linen in April, t ' I r ' , -, , A4.,[-.3 V. Atitclkelt has reterued froM tondona where :31.1 had bien foreome 'weeke in the intex•est of her hceith. .hlieees Mary Johnston, Amy Rey- nolds and Many Pee were in. London last t'eek ettend'ug the W. in (a's' n thre and i - • n the ueSo3 oe Iles. Doberty formerly of Iriensia. On Monday morn'ng lest week quite Is number assembled to any good-bye to'leries Mabel Cudtricare, who had been honored with a commission to go overseas as a trained mars's, and Was presented et the train with a ipurse Of some fifty dollars as a gift from her friende tierce accompanied by a very a Medi)* worded address read by Pro:mired Win. McKay and Oho best wishes of her many friends (go with her on her noble colmnission of work, l 1 The officers and degree team of 1 Rebeckah Order of Odfellowe of this (village to the number of nearly •30 !drove over the Seaforth at the re-; nuest of the 'Sister Lodge there, to initiate a large number of cand dates Owl received a most cordial welcome; and kindly and generous entertain- ment, and received very much praise rom the officers of the Seatorth L&Ige for the very fine manner in 1 whico they pat on the inn-Ott:on work And also from D.D.G11F 03ro. Scott, of Seaforth who NVOS present. The following reference to Maj. A. S. Eie of 'Alontneal a Son-in-law to flair. and /Mrs George !Brooks of th"s `Village will lie read with interest by tia'relatives and friends 'n different sections the article appearing Mona of the large dailies with a cut also of the Major; "Further scientific honors await Maj. A. S. Eve of the 14811a 1Battelion who was professor of physics at McGill Univers ty. Word was received to -day that he hadbeten oelec erlf by the Royal Society of Lon- don as one of the fifteen distingu sh • men to be elected to the famous (body, in •Mtay next. It was just about n year ago that he was awarded the Medal of Merit by the Frankln Ins- titute of Pbiladelphia. Major Ete's work has been oiong the line of inJ . . ves iga ion radio ac vity of t e earth and atmosp' ere. He is a mem ber of Iniernational 'Commission for fixirg the radium standard. He w 11 ibnithe 5th M.:Gill man to be honored by a fellow -ship in 'Le Royal Society of London." CENT ''CASCARETS' FOR LIVER AND BON7;T1re Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Sinousnesa Sour Stomach, Bad Dreatie--Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your hien, stom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches; how miserable you are from conetipation, indigestion, billeasness and sluggish' bowels -you always get relief withe, Cascarets They 1 - adtic" ht:tvlyexpl' itickti:stueeanod::,:fe_riamteentthinegsftooTd-,,,,,. ti ,e e)CE,;$13 bite: "i'rearrie „etitd-tlikOgend CerStan .7"?'' ODIN T SON -In Lend awl etre, a daughter. 27th, to Mr, and Mrs (Melt0 1)45, 2.NNJNGS-Io tO Mr, and Mrs,11 daughter. 01)O4NS-Ou 3rd Stephen, on April alre. Alfred llatOti ,SON -S the, is, oeliet M▪ c4251'5'0‘51,'A.,,,11Lr,44.1.1a\ lflK-'DUiS-li Dahlia h a the the brides tette dareh i8th, by Rev. G. F ltyot, Mr. Newton Garuet es 11 'hs Dobbe dos- * antt Mrs, rriteniett ort On MAU 14 3 4-4'Y Jeuelege coecassioo of co Mx. and eeo, 3rd. Cre0- dee- , Clarke ti gh ,er A. Dobbs .DOWN -In Eseter on April the 2nd Mary ?erkins, widow of tlia late John Dawo a8ed 79 sears 23 daye, STACEY -At Cromnrty on 'March 22 Thomas Staves', aged 93 years five menthe and 7 days, feNSON-oin Merit:11 CM March Elizabeth Ann 'Born, relict of the late Wm.'. Ikansen, aged 138 years and 1 month. •4,14.3 NO PEACE WITH HUN. Ihastricli Senate Denountes the Ger- man Atrocities, ✓ Ants, April 2.-Ttte Senate Sat- urday showed its wrath at the devas- tations in Northern France by voting a resolution denouncing to the civil- ized world the acts of the Germans and demanding that the authors be punished, and resolving to continue the war -until German Imperialism and militarism are definitely crushed, The resolution was prepared by Sen.- ator Henri Cheron, member of the Committee on War Damages, which visited the evacuated region in the Somme after the recent retreat. His speech on tho resoluion, as well as one by Rene Vieani, Minister of Jus- tice, brought repeated and prolonged applause, and tine Senate voted that the two addresses be posted in all public places in France. Senator Cheron said' that Germany as a signatory of The Hague Conven- tions gave a guarantee against the abuse of person or property. This had been treated as a simple scrap of paper, he said, and it would be ne- cessary to go back ages to find such acts of savagery and devastation as the committee found in Northern France. "We visited a number of cities and about fifty villages," said Senator Cheron. "Everywhere it is pillage and systematic devastation. In a German cemetery we found a statue of peace. It is true that in the same cemetery a tomb was violated, 'a cof- fin•opened and emptied of "its re- mains and filled with filth. '"At Chaurty the Germa.ns destroy- ed everything by fire and explosion. There remained nothing of this city except a suburb. In this suburb the Germans concentrated the inhabi- tants of a certain number of locali- ties and then bombarded the suburb, making a number of inetims. For these crimes there must be triple pun- ishment: that of international law, penal law, and the victory of civilize. - "No one to -day would thmk of makmg „peace with such .criminals; any transaction would be treason. The hatred against Germany to -day is the most holy of duties." GERMANS CONCEAL LOSSES. Dare Not Tell What Piracy Has Cost LONDON, April 2. -In discussing the Gentian submarine warfare with the Associated Press Sunday, Archi- bald S. Hurd, well-known writer on ;naval subjects, said: •as."Admiral von Capelle (German • Minister), struggling against and aware of the contempt new methods of warfare en,t ght to the service to which Abelengs, has endeavored to cheer 'APO' ecountryne, en and mislead eutrAls. What would claight had he mene, , e The New Gra'-1)t las or af some of thenot exp io army of followe there -there with economical too. "The Quality.11e g e Goes Clear 31ke a bun r bus Through"' AndSlie'. shawinnee I 1- ., ga from e count - Oanath speed, the power, the e a bird -she pulls through easy to ride in as a palace and tires are easy on your ni be op of the hat. Every Requirement Are you in a hurry? Right under your foot ha the Gray -Dort speed than you'll care to use. Are you touring a thousand extra long springs and deep -cushioned upholstery will bring you througb fresh as a daisy -without fatigue. And pso-w.e.e. Etienne Plancbe built the Pugeot. Then he built the Gray -Dort. And Planche says the Gray.Dort is the greates!.; motor be ever saw. We might mention in passing that there is an infinitestimal amount of looking after with the Gray -Dort. She's trouble proof. And she is complete. Note her equipment -everything from Westinghouse starting and lighting system to the tools See the Car now at Huron Garage T. H. NEWELI E G. KRAFT, Dealer, Dashwood Gray.Dort Motors, Limited Chatham, Ontario American Factory at Flint, Mich. Distributo only Lo motane, stated tee eaaram: they represented, and giq.en the cas- ualties? "There is still a tendency to speak of Germau submarines as boats and sometimes they are referred to as little boats. In fact, the larger of them are as big as the mere -of -war which the Germans themselves have been in the habit of describing as cruisers. Their displacement ranges from over 800 to 1,200 tons and the outlay for construction rune trona £200,000 to £300,000 each. The crew of each vessel numbers thirty men or upwards. "Submarines in proportion to their size are the most expensive ships ever built. Consequently, these losses impose a heavy drain on Ger- man finances, material resources, skilled labor, and man -power. "If salvation is to come to Ger- many in time to.rescue her from her doom, it must come soon, and, as is confessed her submarine piracy is 'the only means.' So the German Naval Secretary has been forced to make a further effort to represent the piracy campaign on the 40,000,- 000 tons of shipping of the Allies and neutrals as a success which has real- ized 'all expectations.' In contrast with the total tonnage quoted above, he gives infia.ted figures for the Feb- ruary depredations and conceaLs the number of submarines which have gone to that bourne from which no pirate vessel ever returns." • Matey Foe Prisoners. LONDON, April 2. -Sunday's offi- cial report says: "During the month of March we have taken in raids and local operations, and in the course of the enemy's 'Withdrawal, 1,239 Ger- man prisenere, including 16' officers, and have captured three field guns, twenty-five trench mortars, and a quantity of other war material. "'The' total German prisoners cap- tured In the first three months of this year members 79 'dine* and 4,600 men." ' Sta. (tea Dutch en: AMS'T,E46 don -A Whetehlhe Du I, emb eta ini1 1.-A11 the Cabinetr---fina * lintst:s Mae a War Council Sun - ay v,ith the neeistaace of General imiorea, who made an extenseve re- -on. about Me in Ittary situation and ae perfect conditioa arid effieieacy f the a.rmy, both for defence and of- ence, the troops being in excellent pirits and anxious to come to a de - tate encounter with the Teutons - Experts conelder that the supreme 'ommand of the army has a.ccora- nished one of the greatest achieve- nents of military organization, re- naining during the severest winter in many years at altitudes varying, froin 5,000 to 11,000 feet, and naain- Mining the moral and physical ener- gies of the men intact. New Era 13egins for Austria. AMSTERDAM, April 2, via Lon- don. -Dr. Victor Adler, leader of the Austrian Social Democrats, says in rhe Vienna. Presse: "The Russian revolution has created a new situation in Europe For Austria a new era has begun. Competition with free Russia will be hard, and Ausisia m-ast prepare for WASHINGTON, April 2.- Con- gress, called in metraordina.ry session by President Wilson, will meet to- day to determine the most important issues before the legislative.represen- thtives of the people of the United States since the Civil War. It is con- sidered a foregone conclusion that it either will declare war against Ger- many or declare that a state of war exists because of Germanes aggrehe slams on the high seas. President Wilson has completed the message he will deliver to Con- gress, and is ee-ady to address a joint seenien as soon as be' gets word that both lieuseshnion,.beent organized and any' rea ' t ouse tlaere lirdralaY be no persistent opposition cozies from, members who ifte; nit more far-reaching action than President mcotamends. The, Senate ha,s ita new cloture rule to limitrdo- bath if a small group thereunder- tateito delay action. Falendly to Mlles. LONDON, April 2. -The belief eras expressed here Sunda.y in Informed quarters that at no (*Sr time of the war has thereloWnt greater possibility of an Ans3o- Rweilish agreement than,at preirefit„ This is the result, it is declareditt the defeat of the most active tiro - German elements in Sweden. More Rioting in Berlin. LONDON, April 2. --JA despatch from Rotterdam to The Daily saya: "According to 1n1orxnn Needing The Hague from abliWit Previously found accurate, f diaturbances have taken place in.dur1ng the past *week., p on Thursday or Friday," Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Company Protect yoar property again§t dam- age, by sttortti or cyclone by policy in a good live Farmers' INT.atuat 'Com- pany. Our rates are 'very iow-onjy $2.00 per thousand per annum., We pay all losses of $L0O and over from this date 'forward. Present' pol- icyholders mote this announcement. nalits that.' ie.tarar ' e vinoid;, by For full particdlars pnone , any of :the following agents OnsiSist are 'Rip S. Hardy, :General A,..,ent, Exeter . 'G. Jarrouth, sub'agVat,, Morn:holm, . N. Ogden: Sub -agent, -Centralia 11, 11 13:111 Sub. -agent, Auburnee ',eetenerite theeSena R..41),.takoe