HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-14, Page 8Ph ART Phone 16 TH `.. <..EX EXETER : TIMES, Market ' Report—The fallowing be report of the Sir-Ie.—mar orri c tt-d: ,up to faareh 14th '!Wheat $1,75 to'dl.80. Parley 70 to Sbc. Oats 55e, to 60. Peas 2.00 per bus Pan -013- 'Flour tow" =rade floorx;3,00 11.'..,1t.„.2,04 Ca CM"t. floor,`; 6hclrrs $2,20 par :rwt., *mar b'et m'uip 30,00.Ail. • 36e. 0 +aow••••.eee•c4•4ar L 111 +; ges,,1 d 'i uga of tbiteminoldered S !cal Coats P'• ar *owing f1011ite splendid SSO I lid• ad Ladles Suits at $iiia They are old d : esu range of good Beres to OM New wall Papel. See ow *entre window Mt. We hoe eat dastalay mw. fl wall papers. for Loll`. Betdes the base_a tag moot new i' :suitable 'for allnvr'fataarn intyourhome, Nairn$ Unole'u mS' Teva very rem styles in enters ?ttaros in this sanitary 'door ear - and B eaa aritig strum sailer edeas in 2 $4, 4 yard widths, This to and belts to match Very the genuine Septet* Linoleum, it aarrratat+r K tlarar TAO &MOO re better than other kinds. Bring%,y Table r - grs,, elm t. on top Monday, Newell was I°. as ,as tWs week i dill yds of Loudon WA' l.si t°er t s:'eek— mild,. intent Sinner of i,ondo.?, $aG tk q' gird 'NV40tfatiti a , laila0tr oaf;Norwichis visa town. netting 1"e ;o tm. tearnedisaam ars ladou.; Stanton,* rday ondvitte 11Ia wee is keit ••4 The Quality Store We have roasts and we' have stews, ,[`"e' have tomes and beer heart's. too W .sell meat, gats ;aoy hour, to age, >Ii N CS Potatoes, flour, oran;.> ;and try them yon aril! buy Potato s, Piolzr. Try res, s z e ave° !please 3^ou, tefl others, tell us Phone S Ur. Geo, `-Red with 51r. Ory:lie Martin tit isit+atl Mr, and M; $..T, env Nisi Stronil' 'or Toros nest of Mr. and Mri. , axathy, fir. lad Mrs, it Seeders and a>h>rt Tomato.. Ki a visiting with,' axe+, Rowlett INIalasle rtaturned tes t ting viatting in Sr,. T1 aa' reedit 110 Soldiwrrs, Aid +i+u*awtr bare eboi. f.,dei: and aro baring x contest ita aitlirlg stash yrtte Redo:el1 of ;it`sa Craig her Aster 'Mise* Alice in town the weelt-end, rid Mrs. +1, "E. Grant and tart iVilltuaan are visiting with: Mr. : eZ n Sbeere, 'Mrs,'Luther' Petrlrsle visit. eta IIIa*, and Mrs, P'. Duxdle in t a adatari g the past week. C LE-lx►e;abater, 120 eggs,' rc°zaraa rrlaxr:ator. both in go+aci. ioma. rz. , D. 1 estle, Exeter. Kw' la ER & SON d" tablesyrup per lh. c rand' pati and 'take holm some "Crow 1,s cheaper to buy it this way. STEWART Phone Mr. $3. E, Robinson, Is in Strat- ford this wvaxa4 air t idekgate attend - ng the'Oran d Image of the Orange' 2der, trwn. Amos, and sister, tis. Van. hat, returned Zest Saturday, alter omnanyi%ag the remains o" 51 , T. Tilley to Toronto Sales corndtir Terms moderate s office will be prom to, 'Phone 110, Birgit lairkton P.O. LE—Skating • rink end. ,. Theatre an Exeter being done, 'Bettor thax period for sane ,Iengt' otrd reasons for selling, "'wV'i l d separate azr together, S'G"m.' t. Proprietor. FOR SALE --Al SS12.00 steel range sed very little, ,practically* as good! new. Will sell Lor 525.00. iippiy" the Tithes ,office, 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o. per bag. -Exeter Salt Narks Vo., Ltd., J. Sutton. Manager. A CHOICE FARM ,FOR SALE Being Lot 16 and N half of Lot 17 North Thames Road, consisting of 150 -acres.. 5 acres bush, 50 acres in grass, and 50 ploughed. 'Up 4otc brick dwelling, kitchen and woodshed Large up-to-date 'bank barns, every, convenience silo, never failing supply water in buildings from windmill, ; 1-2 miles from school, 1 & 1-2 mals. from ,. Rethodis,, and Presbyterian churches, 5 1-2 miles from town of Exeter, rural mail and telphone. This has al- ways l- va s been conceded to he best/ farm in Usborne. Easy terms for pay- ment for quick sale. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron real estate agent, R. R.: No, Kirk - ton. 1 g , P. 0., Ont.,orphone nd an m gv line. Exeter G i 10 CENT i°CASC;TS", IF BILIOUS OR COSTIITE 'Sluggish Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and bowels --`they work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigett tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and dogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments likearba ' g e in a swill barrel. g e . TJaat s the first stepto untold ' misery—Indi- gestion, o misery indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow,. skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels e a thorough cleansing" and straighten you out by morning.oThey; work while you sleep—a 10 -cent, ,box from your druggist will keepyou'feel . ; . , ing „` good for Months. FOR COAL --On aaad,: after our business "viii be. *;tan ria r cash bails. Alt accounts will ue ion May lst and we !expect settled by that date. --Georgy i Exeter, Logia 'Circle" intend .hotd'ing bei ainraµni, bazaar and enterta!a- the afternoon .an+T evening it Morel). the 30th. A d.:IteDonald ,lett !nest week her parents in St. Thomas: lust of ahi:cago, 'who'was vic- rs. SI:cDanw^ald hfui returned A MUSICAL EDUCATION May be had by applying to Wm. Clark, Organist and Choirmaster of James; St. churchand represcnatavo:of London (England) College of Music Apply for terms etc,, and,prepare for June examinations. Terms moderate, All subjects taught. Primary grade. to M Bac. taught. Just a few • usa. vacancies. ePRI G" MILLINERY OPENINGS On and after 3farch '23rd and 24th 'Showing all the latest styles of the Season, se •, n Allin and around Exeter are a cordially invited to call. A. McDON ALD MILLINERY, R-, ER I L N Y I li L You are invited to our 'spring 1- p C mil irery openings on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH I RC.H. 23rd & 24th. Having purchased our spring stock lat a bargain t ar a i we are in a 'tion g position 'to give our customers the latest Lstyles at reasonable prices. E. CURLSS Furniture QAD Undertaking R THE FCiNEBAL DIRECTOR AND'FITRNITURE; DEALER SOW The Tries would be pleased to receive a. triittarnce from all .F.. a sobscribe rs whose scri ti l SU on h p has no Irs. C, S. Spackman and two ch'Id- xc n who have been visiting in and, garound town for the past few weeka rrtnrned to their home in Guelph, on Tuesday. The Main St. Elaworih Leaguef have deeded to give ci character sketch entertainment entitled "The !(lints- 1 t,•r's /Bride" on April the 4th. Dont forget the date. Mrs. Jelin Evans, Mr, C 13rima. oo .• baa nand Mr. C. Shute of Londonand Mrs, Elli=on of St,; Thomas, 'attend- ed the funeral of the;late "43 m. Hard- ing on Saturday last. "Messrs. Fletcher and Welsh of,Exo- ter, Ont.. who recently brought two carloads of horses here, have discos ed of the animals and left this, week taking with thhsm two carloads, of seed oats.—TheOutlook, —Th Sask. , 'Miss Lulu Flastangs who has, been attending business college in London returned home Saturday evening. Mist Hastings has accepted a position ontheCanadian Bank the staff of a c of Commercer,n d common ett he r duties on Monday. "The Country Doctor" a play Tutt on by the Flurondale Patriotic Lea- gue will be held in the Dome Theatre, • on 'Friday March the16 th at 8 p.m The rproceed:s to go to the Exeter Patriotic League. °Admisls'on 25c, Ev- erybody come and bring some one e!iae to have a good laugh, We are in receipt of two patriotic songs -`The Call" and "The Girl from Eluron" composed by Pte. Thos„ Prit- chard, of Goderich, one of the orig- inal. `Princess Pat's" who (has re- turned from the trenches. ',The songs are well ll )composed and are becom ng quite popular. They are /for sale at 8 Martin's music 'store. Rev: 3. W. !Baird, has been indis- posed ' (during the past week. and on .sabbath last the services In James St. Methodist church were conducted by Rev. J. F. Knight, of Hensall, In the evening 'Iilr:'•Knight delivered, a special temperance sermon and 'a collection in aid orf"the Huron County Temperance Association was taken up. Solap uantity of SEED OATS AND E tor,' R. G. AON e District e, Johan Kelly a faaruler of Morris. fell on the icy collar bone, Mrs. Th„Omas Carr. of I3rucefield: has knitted .over 200 na:irs, of socks; or the „soldiers and is still hard at d broke wore, After :a short ill/ e s of a>neun1oxiia.. Heb eta Jones, wido,v of the lair, Jobst Pinning of Clinton, died en Tia#:Sday of fast week, Mr, ltogh •'tci ae;gltlina ori Cromarty who a short time ago sold 'his farxa to 3i•, G, lIogarth, is+unoving his fanix-, i y to happ n, where he .has purehasa- ed a farm, On Satin -day march 3rd, Arad'eww" I raneiS Eugene, infant son of '1\ir,: and Mrs- Joseph O I'oarke, on 6, Mc E"illop, passed away after an illness of some -duration.. A ,»„til ktaowvn res ideate; of Gras ixx< tits person of :latch I rauterr, died at his hone in Ethel from a stoke of paralysis. He is sins•,-ived by his, wife; ansa an adult fanilyo o J s Afex Jamieson, of the 'Huron Road TTeeskerstmith, has disposed of- her fine 100 acre ifiir_rt to r. •Thos. Glazi .r. of Roil t Tcwvanship, who wci`I. take aanni&'diite possession. There died in God,rich township r<e0:"ntd- an_ old resident .in, the Ir r.oazr of i)eary - Ostrander, -widow of the 1'a&v gJ',,bn t`on,iloa2 'it. is Kira'` a:,:ae1i cisi th1 reat; gage oi3 o I vc<ar and 5 slnoni;la it \w „un'i't Earl Pa'r.st. e;.1(1:„, -,,t. sou oO and ',Mrs- C W. Paagiut, of 'Gaon' '.y- atiorw "'T:o. rtoasnt€,1do froenw3nnertilwy o`aft Sh, aeoangteiltpfdi#d f vs, The deceased ab survived by ~a Frito sand QUO 4a11gbtr)r, »fir. Wm. loft: of Mitchell is.'the tiwsrnarr Kit ae stew tla U gs , bi is B to dale, Tobe calf.7n •'sed t wvo >at .heal 'being tir•sa s y: anoaath iniad ;nese Bart asap ona ae l e "k oil tits bod av,i. s rA?cte t u eft. TJae ,1. Uh anioaat+dteda.lu)r. t titer" 'tairCtb. store said stook of 31'r. R. 3r, 1elaaal,_ V Mit ors, W411 recently tot- e Aroyed by the, Mira ;+iclaol stork of goneral dry geed . aacx, oto., amounting to SIRS1Q41 9, JOU insurance. Ur, Nichol con - general store at `illo,lcv Vie have on h4` good stock of Br wshb:oards, rushes , Soaps. HONORED WITH R. 11. 0,' Miss Johnston, a nurse who went overseas with the first, contingent, and who while on leave last'sumaner, was the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) McGilli- cuddy; ;Yeas been given.the honor of F. R. C. _Miss Johnston is on duty (at Moore Barracks Hospital t a 1, Shorncliffe - r "1 , o f t , •-,. QWr ;,,..t.n.::,a, r;„ al dwited into t -ho Choice stook of Groceries Bali and take borne same 'let- tuce and green onions Prompt delivery .Phone 56 ilson's Grocery S, 0. Dow "wisl! hold his weekly 'a,'u'o- tion sale on Saturday .March 17th. See 'add. on page five. RETUBNEI) TO WEST firs. 03r.1 Lind ..y and little son, left last; Saturday for their .home,' in Yorkton, Sask., after visiting for several weeks at the home of Mr. Dow. Airs, Lind!;ay wad joined nth Tor- onto by her sifter,, Mrs. (Capt:) itt. who will accompany her to the, west en a visit. Capt,: Hewitt, who spent i everai months in town recut,- orating ecuarorating ^from an operation, left last wr r , cele for ov s ersteto teeters to his duties with 'the Toronto University 1.fedical (Corps. ' r w DIED IN LOND02 Mr. Fred Dearing died in London' on Tuesday of last week; following, an illness Of a fewa . d, vq ofP nenmoniti The funeral ne 1 teas held on Friday to the cemetery north of Dashwood.T,lre. deceased was in his 32nd year. lc, was born in Stephen Township and learned the trade of baker in ,town! andfor several years conducted a• bakery business inDashwood. He is survived by has widow whose maiden name was 3fiss •T. Stire and four small children 3 boyts and one girl, Four brother and five aifsterts also surviveJohn a S ', , of e tier Abe of 'IP , Grand Bend Henry of Alberta and Walter of London; Mrs. Hy. Smith of London, 1wfrs Win. Rhode- of British Cblumbaa ; Mrs. A. Hellemoure of Man itoba; Mrs. Arthur Davis -of town; and Mrs. Chester Stanlake of Alta, ASSIZES (AT GODE'RICII Two civil' easels are on the docket for the sittings o the u e C a^ 8 S pr .me ou ,ot Ontario being held in-Goderich this week, week One 'of these i(: an action goy Thos. Berry, the well-knownn boil man of 'I a' 'Hensoall, against A. T. Cooper of:C ° 1r,nton.r for:1'la 'The i moi. plaintiff claims $5000 damages. The alleged lib- el consists of statements publihsed in The London Free Presse and Ibe Lan- don 'Advertiser of Augnlst 29th, ;,1916 which are said to !haver been furnilsh ed these papers by the defendent and 'which ;'were to the effect thfat the plaintiff was the proprietor of a "blind pig." The other civil case is from Wing- ham Breckenbridge, v. BreCken- ridge, et al., over the construction of a will, to the tried without jury. There is one 'criminal case that. of Ferdinand Desjardine. of Stephen Township charged ravith culpable hom- icide in 'connection with - the death a h of his wife. Mr. H. G. Tucker, it .r of Owen Sound Crown prosecutor' f4he ls f, ',„.filar ,w{,I✓lr- }wa L ug the ot `Day aado% DOi N Sas d lane, "1VOLPE—Tu Orv^diton on Aiac h 1#tla to E. and'..Mrs. xliia xt Naito a even. LIPP T ,+1t Taira. on ;hutch ti. It to Orr. and.'i'r . David LLrppert. :t fan. II VIV OD—in rebuilt.. on Morr.li 12th to 1I';r»- and Mrs. 'rictor nay- wrod, a son. spewA r -iia (Mom, on Merril 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Zahn Stewart, as 4aaaghter, #,CTI.!'ER In twat, on 'Tuesday Mar. Mb, to 1.Ir. unit Iris. !liutlex, a daughter, tilt 1L17 At>4Ia—Ira "lliddulph on Mareh 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. Percy.rnai- tage .,a son. MARRIED 'i'fxURSDAY. MARCH 15th'; iw17 CORN oTRC { Iu lv A h • y Thna Exner Caaaai ng and Pres, Co:," is now ready 'to contract Stith far- ants for `-rowing corn for the seas - son of 1917. Apply at the '' factory. Exeter Canning 84, Pres., Co., Ltd NOTICE—on and after April ; +, we have decided.'„, ;+aura to sirio P w: lv ,cash coal busins- All'; oldk ciq;i: ing accounts will bodue, on,,'r`li`ay,tlil Our patrons will kindly- take noteandl govern themselves .ccortang ly,--II, 'I.'.; Rowe., l (IIP SALE—A —A splendid brick house' ' T.ac „Times sse/collies all itenii tt on .Main St, modern coszve.i fences, 2 interest for its eolumns and is glad to dots of /and good barn, gar.cge and get it by phone /nail or dropped into MAT1lER D H "'(E' `— In Mehl!- 1 xray on Feb, 28th when Miss Mary Elisabeth, elde..t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ])iuncey was united 3n enarri;agr to Mr. Walter Wilfred Slathers, by 'Rev, C. W. d3:akei•, :B. D. AIf'ISTRONG-W:EIEATLEY—In Sea - forth, on Starch 7th, Margaret„ only daughter of the ;late William Wheatley and firs. Wheatley of town to Rainey Armstrong; otiRosc. town, Sask. LIED HO AHE -In Clinton, on March the 611i George Hoare, aged 70 years.. HAIRDING—In ears.- HAIRDING—Iu Exeter on March 8th. William (larding, aged 83 years 0 months. nt s. n DAV I — S In I'u1'r a n Feb1 to on 28th, Barnabas Davis. aged 91 years and 3 months and 12 day! ., PINNING—In Clinton. on Starch •6th, Rebecca Jones, widow of the he 1 at John Pinning, aged 54 4 s -ears and. 10 months. PARKINSON -At her late residenceJ 761 Colbourne St. London, on March 7th, firs. Jennie Parkinson,' relict of thelat i,. c James Parkinson. Fun- eral on Friday at 2.30(p.m. Huron, Weather Insurance Mutual Company J Protect your property against inst dam- age by storm or cyclone by a poticy, ina good live Farmers' Mutual Com- pany. Our rates are very low—only: $2,00: per thousand per annum. Wea all losses of ,$l 00 and rid over, from this date 'forward. Preisent' pol icyholders note this announcement. li'or full particulars see or `aphono any of the following agents;` S. Hardy, General Agent, Exeter R. G. Jarmuth, sub agent, Bornholm, N. Ogden, 'Sub -agent, Centralia hl, II. Rill, Sub -agent, Auburn or write the Secretary Chas. Monteith. Ion i to 1? R. No. 1. Woodham Note the change of Secretary. Y a it,: Iii James Scott, Pres,, Cromarty laced -house; 'good garden and plenty' the office., t; r of fruit; xlever-£aiiin well of good water. For terms apply at the 'house John Ho Scott, Proprietor, s New Tailored Suits _and Coats END STOIVIACIT TROUBL GASES OR DYSPEPSIA! +Tape's Diapepsin' make:6 South Gassy Stoanao astarer feel fine. in five minutes. If what you lust ate is souring' WE your stomach or lies like a lump ot. lead, refusing to digest, oe you beleid ' 5 coAnPe.firTsite instteyrlesest,awrehevnarithed eool4aye Hfgoeaoasdr.taounrrd nh, aefvrueulclntaaetsfs' lnsonaugrs,oc adbIiazidzgfetnsaetetsde to meet in anouth and stomachdieadaehe, yotr, the di€ferez t tastes, ;;Coats aro Long; cava ;et blessed relief is Sive emit ute9' er, skiists ere also longer, Put an end to stomach trouble forever b r t€ing a large fifty -cent case of n apz:'s r iapepsin €roan•" any drug storey Valu , ealize in five anigi es how need-. l ess it is to suffer from indigestion', asia or any. stomach disorder, e quickest, surest stomach .eac. the world. ?tis' worale llf:I Our new goods are tore, Coed ran etoose from, i' a 4 MADE TO WW1, , l^tl'AAta Rl U :.. 4R w e Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging from $17.00 Up 1Yo ver Donau A e a MIN' gauge of 6 adrn. CALL 0 Deere Vii" TAILOR Th Best Newspaper. Value 3r estern Ontario ..The,. London Advertiser All Mail Editions $3.00' per Year THE E T : ' tKa I STO Boots and Shoes lnr spring styles are arriving and being placed into stock. Prices are somewhat higher but early buying helped us secure some extra good values, We will be Teased to show you the goods and demonstrate their merits. MadeMeasure to esu a quit Our spring samples are here and we are awaiting the m. opportunity of showing you the many patternst The fit axis finish are guaranteed, ♦5•.404 .0.•••04••••e••••••• ••••••••••o•••••••••ae..•t+• i • iIc5ioN1F s • • a TAMAN'S TAMAN'S •o • i q,r f New ..,,,,i e llats Com. C : a 1 / . ..„,,,_ i • t n . .1 ., For Spring a• t .... , x Z \ . ti .a Nifty New Models w V _r~ i : ; , e.n in the New Shades1 ‘IIAT firgir: pit: we got them in early so as to be provid- P . ed for in t,a.e face of prices that are edea ' 11c115g. !, i •. i' s Kill and in a orsel e Models Colors are Navy, Black, Seal Brown, El- * ephant, etc.; etc., i i i, Prices sf from $1.50 np • • • 5 • • • •e • • rp ti si f. et 14