HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-14, Page 4I 4aor
ver, v r
rre' 'Xitho
ell By Delicious Vinol
lgod was
zieP TSE
he taudcuedaw9
old me ia` out Vivol I
built rrza u k >.n e ery ws ay
t aead nerves,
s. <.ti i 3 fell
the hest xne dkinc OEt
the apU Lit ,, aid5
blariti and in
• fi) atria e
0LE, D 51st. Exeter, On,,t
e beat ;&?rwggists in all Out.,
led bar Allies
c€� i sis For Trea
Says Bold German Titer
RE than most Germans
?tfasItnilian Harden has
the habit of seeing
straight and far. fie
as not afraid to face Present truth or 111111
look: ire foevitat+le fattnre in the face...
It is hot surprising, therefore, that
In the reply of the Allied Powers, to
President Wilson be sees the basis
of a possible understanding, though
amy marvel nota little that he iS
eTiaitted to publish in his paper,
The ZIllit,114ft. views directly opposed
t` e
general German °Pinion and
the imperial Polley as officially
laituedi. Of the Entente note La i
ie1e the objects of the war were
forth Harden says:
derstanding seem Possible
the beef. incieles of the note,
edam, i% e , civilization, peace.
` is4 Ott '*ho return front
vuo e$ WV its tiling to develop,
44 a reduction of milita;r-
Itkle4 Merits de hot ring long,
ter fibstaeie is the terra-
f aid our enemies
ortr claims small
i#r PeO gyri 24
W'ee'kly Auction Sale
signed ;sell, by public
to-ction at DOW'S FARM, Iii.KET'Elt
East of 't e Metropolitan Hotel, on
Saturday afternoon. March the 17th
2 00. o'clock p.m. the. following -
4 a -Year old fillies;
3 -year told geldings
I 47year old filly
tl 4 -year 01.0, geldiog.$
4ife. calve Xareh, 10 good, :Dur-
ham calves.
10 Oxford Ilowit ewes, good stuff
eligible for r'egji.sEratinia,
per cent added on furnishing
Vint' notes.
nit Taylor
G43, Doi
Auction Sale
Implements, Grain, Clo-
,er and Timothy Seed and 'Hay, oa
March 20th 4't o'clOck sharP,—
Horses-1 mare, 6 -year-old, sired by
Golden Key, ogric.; /gelding, 4 -year-
old sired by King Thomas, agric.; 1
agric. gelding ; I driving horse, qui
and reliable,
Cattle -2 cows with calves at foot;
co.vs due time ot sale ; 3 cows dile
r Yows due in May; ()heif-
ers nnd steers 2 -yr -old; 6 heifers and
pnre bred Polled Angus Bull
Hogs end Poultry,—.1 sow tioe:
May, pullets.
corn planter, corn cultivator, 4 sec.
harrows: stoneboat, scalier, 3 thorn
steel roller, 2 -furrow idaple Leaf
2 walking plows, top buggy,
°nen buggy, cutter, 3-4 new Baia
-agon, truck wagon, high wagon, 2000
scales, Clinton fanning paper,
ghs, wagon box, hay rack, wheel -
new set double harness, work
2 set single harness, one new;
hay lork gravel box, nx-
sling ropes„,foita. shovels, chains, etc,
A quantity of oak plank.,
litinbiir, 50 seed
oaks, seed barley. clever
ow ensilage. new Delmtal.
pa tor, etc.
and under eaSb,
1C allowed at ,this
I Aro-
but o believe
/ will not
of Stress -
ft; d 'would be
son Oren t V
tO end the war anti a
with the rest u
see impossible
' People gnashing th
r thiSt the great
id a peace treaty
ns considered,
eh his grand -
it of our.
not 0* way the Generals
Admirals talk. The military.
the newspapers, all the
are aecustOmed to hear
out of Germany reject the
he Entente note ins0j-
us o rmany. "We will
as with our swore Is the
vexament. Harden,
in the enemy's
that the rematc-
h rap as preposed by tbe
es sceita tO them so very
xtreme they consider that
hey deal vilth Powers that want to
co and Russia, besides Serbia
d Roumania. Peace parleys are
begun. lir that spirit.
He as obviously mistaken about
l'rauce. She will not be put off with
nave gestures or line words. Her
st provinces must be restored. But
when the other terms of the Allies
re held to be not impossible, as
worth considering if freedom, jus-
tice, civilization, and peace are the
ends sought, it will not be long be-
fore Alsace and Lorraine are brought
within the held of discussion. There
are compelling reasons for a change
of opinion and purpose in Germany.
Harden does not speak of them, but
he speaks because of them. No Ger-
man would seek to discover a pos-
sible basis ot understanding in tbe
Entente terms if Germany were not
conscious of defeat, for the terms
themselves proclaato her defeat. They
dispel her dreams, put an end to her
ambition to he the master of Europe,
they demand the relinquishment, of
all she has wort by arms after forty
years of intense preparation. Ac-
cepting ,suco terms sme will rattle the
sabre no mom
lir it'
4=4341 nieritatarr
Student enter our 'cies-
11 your course now and he
Gad for a position by Midsum-
During July and Angust
received calla
'rANTE3 we couid not 'supply,
4 Our graduates are in deniand.
Write. at once f our free
A. cLac
Far Tnfants a Children
One of the .vt.Axian guns, says Sir
Hiram, was des.gned to tire a shell
weighing alsout a pound. These
shells were, ot course, expensive,
costing about each,. On a de-.
monstratimi ot the gun before Li
Rung Chang it tired 400 of the
shells, costing about 065 0, in one
minute. The old Cninese statesman,
on being told the cost of the shells,
said, "Tl.is gala tires altogether too
fast for Ciiina." The King of Den-
mark's cornit,ent,„iii-iiwas, ilbat gun
to the prospero
the ty•
9s your dough
"Not at elk"
'flow does Az
pass her leisure'
"Playing t
Woos of Victory.
It and t a shouting dice,
ge and the denial.
a ease be victor lies;
Ida outthig ale to size
thing of a trial.
"How are you feeling, Brown
'Pretty comfortable, thank yo
'Too dor
landlady find it outr
"She -will raise the price o board I
you do."
Simple Solution.
etbonght she wanted a new dress.
thought sho didn't need one.
ny bad flown from the garden.
Finally a bright thought struck
Adam. "I have a solution, dear."
'"Whatlis it?" usited Eve doubtfully.
"New Year's day will soon be here.
Then you can turn over a new leaf."
Food For Thought.
"What have they given him In the
"Only a thinking part."
"That isn't hard, is it?"
"Well, it. Isn't any soap. Most of his
thinking Is as to wheiber be will get
his salary or not."
Cluitn Co
clued ;
Tittre sold by rt
non on Coo, 2, Usbern
FRIDA,‘ 'AlARCH 23rd. 101
o'cloc sharp. the tollowtiN
frior41,.S—Mare, in 404 10 WA
rut r.s.ag 2 years,
Uka Aprii loth; heifer dee May
1 year
ternents—Mes,-ey Harris binder.
and cultivator; set iroa bar-
; %liking Piow, wagon, sleigh,.
m.ek gravel box, cream :separator
3 horse blankets. tniggy,
ts ,, set single harness
articles. 13 tons
• uk oft to
under cash; ov
tits' credit
4 per :eat
lieu of notes.
.. JOHN ROHDE. Proprietres
W. ROBINSON, Auctiance
Auction Sale
d offer for sale bt the '21tetropoll.
tau Hotel Exeter on -Saturday March
, able brick businei.s block at Exeter
Nardi, the property or the late 'Leo-
ard 3tcTaggart. The property con -
of S lots of land. on which are
barns and a Istable,—one of the
barns 'quite large—together with a'
a e brick. building recently occupied
atiou for ,some une.
LS OF SALG--10 per cent in
•ash .K:atisractory security on day
of sale and balarac in 30 days. Farr
Hier particulars n+ Isale or' by apply -
B. S. I'hill4ks, Auctioneer,
Solicito.:s for Vendor,
Auction Sale
ot '\;\ incheisea, on Thursday, Mar. 29
Lot d) Con, 9, Usborne, 3 miles south,
.H.eirse.s—j. matched pair of fiaLes,
gelding, rtsur;?; 3 years; 1 mare, 3 -yr
in foal to CliLorcidync; .1 horse 9 -yr
old, I gelding 4 years old.
Pure --Bred Shorthorn Cattle.— ()tea
Bull. 2 yeais old, "Corsican 4th" bred
by R. and S. Nicholson, s red by the
noted bull, 'Best Boy".; 4 cow'S with
calves at ',oat; cON clue' at time hi
sale, I coo due in April; 1 coW just
lared; hailers 3 -yr -old; yeall.ng
Grade C:ittle--1 new Cox; 1
cow One Apr.:.1; 2 cows due in June
cc:: it, pota o
good store bogs
lb be sold without reserve.
months' credit On furnish-.
per anaum off for cash in, lieu of noteis-
ol auctioneer to be thial
case el dispute.
Auction Sale
neadV.i March 21st, 1917, at o'clo
Aigt,Tes----)latehed team of mares
years.. in foal; Horse rising, 3.
ling Colts, matclied
Lattle-4 cow's due in Mali, 3 cows
vial Calf at foot; heifer rising two;
steers rising 2; 4 spring calves.
Pigs and Pouitry,---1. brood sow due
,?,Tay, liens; also collie dog.
/tuPielueuti—,masseY Harris binder;
nower seed drill show spring
scalier; two furrow plow, 2 walking
plows, _land toller, StilltY rake, set
diamond barrows, pulPer 2umher
ning mill bag truck, sling ropes,
chains and Pulleys, /5 grain ba's,
cow chains, grindstone, crosscut' saw
2 sets double harness, set of single
harness; set britchen, wheelbarrow.
pair hob sleighs, cream separator Me -
loll" pearly new, ice tongs, shovels,
forks hoes neeic.4,'okes
Favo.:ite churn, washing- machlie
$ s, stove pipes, 2! doz. scalers
box, coat 0,H stcfr0.,
Ow amount morallii erc0 0.3 41
reSlrYia as the prop* -
ft at new; manure spreader
working order; seed drill, 13 It
land collet. set diamond harrows,
ake Cockshutt MID -furrow rid
plow. nearly new; walking plow, set;
x, hay rake, pig rack. Chatham
ing 600 lbs. weigh wales,
tistone. cutter, buggy, McCormick
rough, 3 doz. grain bags, De
sepanitor, No, 15, new- two
eckyokes, BM feet rope, car and,
Wigs. hay fork. 2 set double harness
single harness, horse blanket and
emlilage forks, barley fork and oth-
t articles numerous to mention,
Als.) a quantity of oho:cc pine and
basswood lumber; some ehoieecedar
plug- post rails awl a number of
posts: a quantity of hay, roots and
ed tx.ts; a number of pieces oz
household furniture, and a Studebaker
thy -passenger car in good rannlog
There will also be offered for sal
the same time and place the above ,
named lot, containing 96 acres, n.Orn
or 11:ss. There is on the premises a
modern equipment ; drive shed,
a. good orchard, 3 welts, 2 wind
T11%; land is all well :homed
the hest farms in the County
Terms—Real estate—made known on
day of sale; Chattels—All sums el 510
anti nockt cash; over that amount 1,)
joint notes, 4 per cent. otf :tor cash.
Auction le
IL on Con. 1, Stephen.
South ler. on
TUESDAY, ARCH 27. 1917
32 o'clock the fo:14win
busts—leant good working mares,
years old; acumi Purpose mare
ye,144 old; matched WM
XIV 2. years old. sired by Storm
Cattai—Cow ;duo in May; 3
ipposed to be in calf; 3 chol,cr
maw from IWO to iled lbs.; 15
65-7 stoic pigs 4 bs.
young hens,
roents—Masse)- des
'Positively ,everything will he sold ,
without ireserve.
Proprietors Auctioneer.
Auction Sak
The Executor of the estate of the
late I. -collard i\ieTaggirt will offer
for sale at the I.11lctrbpolitan Hotel,
Exeter on Saturday, l\birch 17th,
1917. at 2.30 p.m. that valuable farm
property known as Lot No. 22. Con-
cession 1, ilisborne Township.
This farm toni(sus of 100 acres,
about 8 aores of which is planted
v.it.11 an excellent apple orchard;near-
ly all spies and greening's, and ingood
bearing (condition; (about 15 acres or
good hardwood hush land, awl the
halarice cleared, and either under cul-
tivation or in grass. On the prem,Ses
are two small harms, one with stone
foundation and metal roof, and a
driving shed kind two neveraTa.il,ng
wells. The farm is well underdriiin-
ed. and being located on the London
Road et the Nortbern Boundary of
Exeter is unsurpaissed for market;
high and public school and. church,
t. Further terms nod particniatt
-ill be made known on day of sale:
or smay he lad oii,application to
ill/. S. Ph ilips Aueatoneern
For Infanta and Children;!,'i
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears 'the
los$ Of
T Years
Oti Branches in Canada,
A Gel ral Banking Business Tr
SIR EDMUND VVALKER. 46,711D, Ccriera
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 REsEuE FUND, • $13,
thus help Canada to do her share
the Gr
Embalmer and Funeral Directo'r lionor Graduate of Toronto Univer.i
Phone 74a. Night Call 74b sity, office over Dickson St, Carl -k
ONTARIO. ' afternoons.. Phone Office 5a anj'irl;
Residence rib.
4ead, of fice,AN, ,Le2 )cont,I,.7rygienar, ont. Ilosnitoyr. Graduate of Toronto 1-77-'irc's-r4
.1,v-Icees-iici,ernest.ident, ItTou,13..NROY11,ALINIS ) Teeth extracted lvithout pain. ori'
w)r. RBocKD:RECTORJS, T.N.Nr:z,,LILIits00.7.N. ,I, j.'1E11111::3:::telEi&la.:08(‘':1'fitnNeLet.:INisl, ' :O:Of:feicsni c e°,27:-.'LNIrt.a?-31as:k14:1 '
J ObtoftrNn e P: sa snEdRiByA:d2EuNxi Tpeht8e. r c, Agent Us-, 05ffiGceraclaunadt II,VelscitdoeinIcae, UnDlovemrisnt.o7r4-4,
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for 11 La ti.A7sast:eriYa'te Eexoertounre.; of Huron , LA'ti,i
W. As.eTetUJT_TiNiefilatirs.LID,arauh
Solicitois Exeter,
[W. IROBINsoN MlonntecTrestto. Loan 1°1
Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutit
Wareroonis, next door to, the (Central I,We bare (a large,,,,,ri,,,pintint; of PrIvait'-','
Betel, 'Main St..Exeter. Charges inna...i" ,•.g.:(,f nds [pin cifitfarm and
Crate and satisfaction guaranteed
Chi.lciren Cr