HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-14, Page 31 .,4 ;41 4447 42:' ''''''''''741''''ttnIRMSPVW,7tttt4444447-44ttm44-44444-44 , .444 0,4 1 - ; )4,1' :1'1A4 187,000)111100141S: ' -,''' .7',IYAI)ING:MARicETS' „ ON Tllt BRITISH PENSION LIST , 7-4- - 'Selte.13:;.e ip Its Eut ire ty Ntii11 irtvotre, ,a, Capita/ Citar,re of :Niprarc-044/7„e4t7nt014,. -0‘S.' , , iraex Bar, . ta; , ruartitow „ ''oats.#1,l'o. .t. 0,W„ 741 to 000 090 'r'for' the 7.11'irst TwO Yeas g95 010 000 7'47('; l'CittC`W4.0"° 144'; eNkra N"' 1 r 44-44,4741 . a , CO,OO and , .4: ...., .4, , / , 114,44rgigai":1,941l ria ' deli -cared et:A route t (:;-1A'144,1te.,44ftr.44.5co°r11.!'—Y.N-o, 3 yellow, ,. i A de,ip„ttcli fient .lortdon says Besides these there were 125,000 !Imtc. • asions Banesg ltitinvts who are 11(iNV drawing sonar- . e e „ figures in. the House:: all°\vances, but soon. go enI , the pe son list; tio 00") men nt 10 n °f (;°°1°-1°43 a INredneS'I`IY \Vile° he talS, and 55,000 men Pledieally. unfit. came to revietv the operations of the Those Igures brought the total num- Iias Departinent. lTc opiaIae4„.ber a men, WOrneil art!, e 1, bildre3c; , t that tile ftlitnitry bud rharge of the $773,741. l'lletlicejlY wlrmu over 100,000 were riot to be wanted P/sattlel - 140,275 pensions, were to be put back where Chadren el d:.,*.ahled. Inen 157 541 the State found them in exceptional _ Widows 02,790 cases there would be a 0-1-,,tiiity WilWair0 „ — , 128,294 1;100. The scheme in its entirety Dependent 011'. eVeaPeti Apen 20,832 would ; .nvo.„ve a capital charge of ,£.30o,000,00 , and for. the first two Toial I/001;S — ,. 518,741 !years £25,000,000. 4....4JIALEril SOON 'WANT MAY COME TO BE BRIT BEFORE HARVEST ut.s., , it —a ... ()...tariO4°.00ts-NO 9 1.1411.it44444a .65 to 07e, nonitaati• '1o..-3 -n-ntiZr. 64 to Cr, oonO- naLlz1.4.;:..;..oli,d1.1,1,;,44g,:ti? .1.'aloglt...\,+4,71,1..ftlri,,(3..e„vc.,,, ea,, i loa,, 444,1 "4 to 31.6, :•,0„ 3, do, ,z41444„42 to Si 84 ,co.4.31;44..g to fra,1.41-tts ou,.4-4.1‘,e *-14ai.....:"--- No , ,.,' ''''‘'1,; a‘No',"4 to , - • 4,.. 4 'a' a , • . • ,,,, 14lotti4tits a4; 0--lotilitioi, 341_22 to :51.24. 11,g4p Wileat---4;41,4,?,.'.4., got,11'44 .44,4E, aawcolding to ,frigglits w,zts... 4.$Nc.- 2, 51.441. to $1„42, aoeo,rding to f retgkOlo outside. MOP tOba dour -First patents, in jute ,Illitfril,9„all.l. secolid patents, in jute 1r4S4 41'01T,VM°rg, bak.erS't 1” 'ttit'' bag. 17 Ontario tloor---Winter,'according to in bags, riaii, worc,.,,,is„ ' 14'-' "er"' 37,25 balk seaboard k in r to Mts. 4elivered montreai tr- ag. Ittebt.441,-....ttran. per ton, I ' ' - l':-4, orto. Potteli,tea, nit aoya feed 44'04tre i: T0;1 ton 344, to t - go" o IotiO,1-':INe.4'*1)44' to :ill, ..:.:4(0.." L Straw-Cax tots, per tea. 43,50 to 0,, •aett TereliVi, .--„, ; ccontry 7.z.roac,ce-wlioletA10. 1 rP,,n;c,r--1,S4‘r.4„4sh datt7 weholee„ n' to 39(14; eronoiyin eitttons, 1.0 404:; ptints. ;-.ettds, 'to 3e, Trolins Art! ACivaTiVing Through PrtISsiaft FOod Cnniraller 4:; via as„, tO .Pgitestittr,‘ FertY ;1 Reserves of Bread A174 1 13T4',' %it ,r rasa to Miles ,fif the t,ity, Exhausted. , • is A despatch frcan Wasiiir.4tolt fl...Y4 A despatch from T.0114Q2, PaP: ,4.40. 209:9 t 41141tn' ' ,ig, 1401 i..,34; --Jerusalem, tne •„'Inelent capital of, pi -assign food centrollert Dr. cOnngn I.:4'A T o: ttr1:01, gh 4 rolestine, Taal.' soon be in file handi weimoits, made in the Pru23122. Dleti nonor---Znilitterovar.,A. no,. i I to of Ow British ,,ti well res Bit.04.4,1 Ag* on Wednesday what the 1Cooltileolloi VP the,' /74*(4441:er iit44"frir,, CC4'411*14 11/C4I1i'M/" received here ell Zoitung- earls a serious sPeed1 ,(10, •tiltl'Ilt, tin% fl IP Pie. ttolutt41111)}1t,tteititrna, elleiMea. goal* Or an DM* tfOnlxn iron A,Miterdam„ Dr, 511eltaelle de-' tkottittO0O,,,-40, Olio: 110i° bo*. 4416`;' Wednesday" The melts say the pod, pittlatten, says a Renter deonntot jleelk ta.P1 iti' :tfii IS70., a. fa 4 IR! atirmenre linraugh P010$tille AVM &rod j1424 taw distress Orafl each that ;11,04, Itouneavret euftv elajorsets,,o'' ne6° EgyPt4 Are within tortY Toren 01 tho t. f thinig , a eine- ii 4 ;-tioliortgii. taaateneo Per . ' la mon severe s ,ite e : boohc..i166,264 motontot, Imo „toc401,„ Jul eltY. Ono deortnteit hod them .4 Blieieur, le the 14 go ialt. dttatia,1 oortsna, uush, 31,40; conpinotn. primes. 0,40 40 southern Palestine and about tweeiY aged the nossibilitry that ali sm As .1 Ctittin4 4/VbXelt 114 Ill the mountains of 1:00K barmy be imagined. Re inidt. $7,,i10;„ Xlloott, oot"._,._,IO,, 242 to 130, taus from Jorutnsavinedrah.,.. AT.hi: modilinenl.: Arm- ..cts ?! ‘„lei..4 woo, ....be.exbeeeredt scaolte4pratoriameorwayrattieseetheo.ltt. 26 to trePP4 PA" 1/Mf - '-""'''' "-- ---" Altil NIA 11145 very maw, Meaattre3 ATttl ilo,,,lagavy, 23 to 24la; riatalkagi„. 27 to from throe sides, one Britinh force ail- it„,...., ...,,ded t., muddy, 0 ilounie t4liN0:4 roll% 24 lu 240; bream% bacon, ~btu p. leafno it, oE t 444444m 14""t". 4 V tt‘tt't to 0 4Xt'tt Lt2 to 2.00t WOO, Okill, 30 to 3/1w, Woe. Vallang , 4 , uui MTP 4. Ittild otit Allat Mad Year. ti°44" 34 41411447" another operating iii the Tigris Val- woo Imo in tha diva year of the tufg,411-1, ileAttrgl' Itirel: tt NM lex, Aottuo tito Uttl$41123 aliebtillig ontwevp the teed eerikener is gusted vs 4,,,,u(sralste, 27ft 40 171e. ; the .Persien front. CureatA totate-ml,,eno clear bacon. IS to It le believed beve mar if the wit" tieldng°. "discovoroll than among 4111i lbie nor to; clear betties. is to tie. sections of the people the general? .--- isb succeed in taking denisalem the. t eilec erideueed is uut, goo of *Ail 4405141r441 *one* Anternmn zrefugnee The, musberise, 4 4, b. b. 1/1 b d. stontro*. Alltr, 11„---Vorto--.Amorlean 4, CM ilrallefil or w ie °we IWO Ope t.tek, 2 vcinow. *Ls to gto ttat,,,,, rer A th4M8484 %`Vill'g°144"'° 4' -,Allaini This is lool000 Dawn, bat itiniosstbisgebriy 'ciztzt;_atizzi:rr.n.:;:, 77pitoot:72e^ralloot., ' WOW a attempting ter preened to d i bi d i I 3 73 to ItZfr ostraYO, 1 feed 73 t4 .1-o ° Doling to noire transportation to the, ell ere es an ma lase tout Soring wheat Patents. firsts, $4.84l Tiolt04 *otos us thy had phowejr141* t 1 t . 0 rotvls. 0,33; RtrOttg toteXfr 10 101 The Brum, .,„. , o give no puree vei in 14 i enatru. mem% (91149,. 9 .. 'Itittit'u U VOPtUre4 Of the city 'would te 746 1 t et .... 1 14. b is 44 rollerit, 44.40 1,0 33,83tie'dttAtt540.834.110 tliCo 1.- - - -- ,. Vt t Ift ern supeoss OA N't 9111,41041 clitts.-111412,, $7,0O to ar,isi "Pen 4 new "ute out. et TUrnel absolutely neeessary in do diatribti, ron000, so too,. nes to, 14,45, was-. for the Alllet10011,4 Wb0 wished to re- ton er. reedevere. There bee beer, vp,litto 22179076 soon% sago to 240.00, pit% tO the United Staten in any coot. bread -fiends. sritepotnee.elikko ltila4L43.400... 21,1 voitettllitt7. roursTEBB vi, i„-NTBD onialling g, rave "nyileti_ ?et"! as,Iftifiee'rt,s4Strilit .2461, 1:1441. tineeshteterst: $4040 * '''‘ 4 4 4' 14 ruS OW 0,0iiekS, 44),4tAl.l. tillhiaetS iinVetetigh 25/ tO lliie. Butter-Ctlottest , tvairiett, 44 to 440.), setondo. 40 to 'h I used on k l'e ' a Moro Uunedittila Culled l''or. Owing to ..ee4 1.L.4'n br 44, 411cell a *11" -4none--Preen. 44 to 44e. Potatees--Ver "fiber itripoit rrottotition, , (0,xighLesettlt.netootilizirAtutte:erosostAar'ielerde ban. tat toress3.00__to its,ir. A despatch fromOtto, " Ntil Stly$ l...--. and breed 'MS ordered es a substitute wimdpee Groin. A cell has been issued for 6.000 more 1 ' u bi n u lifts rinninee. wir. too -lash Or1008;: Canadians for forestry work in the t lere 1."14 n,4 '4444 "4 4 e.* ° r.,i . 404341;741 4.44**IVI‘mligrit' sfs's 4 mired xiendeelt es 6 melt ef tbet been annalarly reduced) ewmg,to n nu- re. 4. :sow 7.. wo. i..41.414; 0, tett $1.04, Dots Vo, A C.W. 62itt N04, prohibition of Umber imports. Thor 1ArDIE,I.:reltiueigietine'ss elenntiLlerr b8; urging i .,„:0L,Ww. tl IV. 0,,,,ttrt is; %IA opi, t os No. will go °tor in drafts, Lumberiurt the utmost severity to remedy the "..414,7,17 !DTI ';''srii, 4:151,,ricerer. ii4i71 me3147616einreeesuielanteloeusens6470'601)nulteeimbielittaverY., Short -comings while there WAS yet reed. 8 0. Plits."--NO., 1 X.% .e.. se,ealt laud. time. Sonic* of' tht taiiiS AVOW 'nave 24°. 2 e'W" $2.13" 4* . ....... R.levIoNC.l................ to be closed and the rounicipalitles de- Unita mount workout. COUNT ZEPPELIN prived Of their autonomous noway&saa,1"11,041n4,11.41'. RI2ORTED DAD ing elansirloNhee.97-16114, itationand requisw m itionin ust be 4 ., DTA 0 2 00 . No ,4 40043 . .; qtrov we. me* atrial)" tiPplied With respect to oggSd '&A221;146;1 oNA?;.1°•'svim tic: !tat A 4001114)1 (rem tendert. says :...... milk, 'butter, fruit and vegetables. He Oats -.-Isle. 3 white, 57 to 54e, 40140.- iidd 41. iineanneee. uran-$33 to $24. .Aceording to a Berlin telegram trans- '- miffed by iteater's Amsterdam oz'- "We are confronted with therortt1.1.1orti.,,:: respondent, Count Zeppelin died vrt th°ught td 'What would ba"" if this '191 ii3i. -Jo $1414: ."117' ":1.814 ttSlitl; til , I. ay f c , measure also should fail and what Rru!); * Puls,".12°*-00T° Arrlive, tear Berlin, from inflammation of th%° gWO rim starvation there would be if and- rave Il lungs, denly during the closing months of the stock viakctg Toronto APirch 11 -c'holeo hettyv economic year WO 81101ild find there st(:ers, SiJi.73 to $11,25;: do., good, .210.12 was insufficiency and we could not ---..,,,-- ---- hold out. The ensuing misery would Free Prize to a FREE TO GIRLS We will give this beautiful prize free of all charge to any girl or young lady who will soil 40 sets of Easter Post- cards at 10 cents a set or lovely 12x16 inch colored Oilogra.ph Pictures at 10 Cents each. The Extension Pracelot is of rolled gold plate and fits' any arm. Send us your name and we will send you the cards or pictures. When sold. 'send us the money and we will send you 'the bracelet. Address, ,HOERER-WARREN 00. DEPT. 138. TOELONT9. _ - - -241,:!41144441/44.."411,4t.liii. _k4varatig--,•.sir 'in in AmpMI ,.„ : , .7 • 44a..„-, aar,a4e:4"44- 414 44•4444,4444.a.' -444k4.44.4x.a.a.' 44443, : nanolneninseisommo NEW CANADIAN WAR LOAN The Safest and Best Investment Possible to Obtains These securities are always sale- able and we are ready to purch- ase at any time. theta (glarge we give best at- tention to all applications placed through us, uU particulars and Subscription Forms furnished on Application Write, Telegraph or Telephone v us ttt our expense. A. Mackc .zic TORONTO 144' 4,40441,V "att.,44,4444.44444, 44-4t: 44" '4:r444344:44.444,44,4444.4. 4410.4 WINNIPEG „. 44-444ttiaif 4 ,4444344t4.44 a44.4.,:.4.44,4 4 4;i: lat a'at4.1.4,44,41:44,4,14X4r, 444 ;404,1,,,,tttt44444 ttt: 44-4 :t. "4' .14. ' '4444%, 4: ;4" RMIMMOI.COIMP.11 Eighteen Thousand British Wo- men Going to France. A despatch from Loudon sacs -- Eiohteen thousand tvotRon have vo un-, trlord to go 4,,',.,)30glItAIPCOMI a 1,firlelt:LY:nlv,arin:lifo'4:77:PO6u ,444:1).:toile'55'. These recruits for thei'itl, * , - d A ' - I of 200. Full preparations have been made for hotel billeting and aCCQM, 1 MOTdhaotsiOenSdaireeting the formation of i the corns say that the women are de- lighted at the opportunity to serve the l akmy in the field, and keenly devote themselves to the required iristrue- 1\tii,Znocs tualrle.1.71geirlyeenantr(01 discipline.. bTehfro;ee 1 the volunteers leave England. This 'training includes a military drill suit - t, able for women, and each voluntter is ilri°Fei4v1:tteltdernsand will be despatched to ‘Franee as sooa as possible. The to -- 421 nurnber that can. be emp/oyed on tlge west front is not yet knovm but : Oubtless thousands wili IdterrOtelY he ertrolled to relieve men Qt. leAlttain duties in connection with the large ,arn.;„' ur.dergeing training iu the `1.7nited Eliagdem. th' 44119,144-‘9,. gl,VI:t 111.,4tt____°. oton's corps wolltA os vip;epteu wo4 /, ride only nine days ago, the appliea- 1 1:rnnserfooul; that no e'triPlorellaw‘:iqll bbeeelc405nO_ reflareoci f otrvPtlilsetsil,re„:170r.tiltanTlIlew,‘'T'°it'neresr, teek5, waitresses inetor transport drivers, AtorehOuse beel;ers. alenker4 ' italiltiiieti inner,. tolepboite, iclo-, ilfiT1,16nVob*I:ttel:14dItber)e°tQuisrleaesine"‘tv!:%eriksite.-)7altlidndfaaridt: years of age are accepted. They ' '.vork foit."-two hours a 'soak. for good 44.t.,:ii...gyes1.;_ .,ei,1,,,‘17:ei„1.?-,:ii:i,.i. j.ir,gat3ii.inft".4vriev(;01ilmoinatslii.f. they re-calist, at the end of the year. CANADIAN TROOPS FREE FROM TYPIi010 to 510.50; bill:0110W Cattle. Vila's, .S10-23100tri two pa. $40 to lki,ht, the use o :,,plos:te bullets gas Man - 210,50; Aix, *oast, ;541,40 S...441.1fl; ;0r0, 220 to Vito; lirtreiteS. $10 te $1,a,75: ; ;n0; liquid lad poisoned "nissile the medium. $4.50 $0,74.1; do,. toilworn. AS ;oh, heavy 24 2 to 224,2t. 00000 • , 8„sArl„ruggr alar4 meo.,!..94540.0to 0100. 4:l2 to $141 loritt,N% poisoning o, wells, misuse of Nit niedittiia `bats, $7,40 ta 7.$48,460; ..4(1„ fittfot314.14.°11111.. tot,041;1, $tie," mentary Wag of truce) and Red Cross rough bulbs, $5 to 55451 butehers" cows, i:4e0414,04 offjor;,0", 242.4141; flags, killing. of the wounded, throv;ing '*" " ' . to 1.44,911. 01 bombs upon sanitary teams and ,:he do.. Ine4un1. t Si 71,r t ' 8,ti' °'8.; „ontreal Itlar 13 -chola* $0,0ees V, i$2 t fib" e r M ri.15: good. 48 Uoehetoe cows anti sinking of the hospital ship Portugal. eamier0 etitters,.145.25 $5.50; knits, Oto good ettwo told St1 milkers, good to olintre, 110 to il0; Ito., +St+i41).; canners* So to NI, canner:, , tO $141 others. to sileop, $8 to E E T Bovs , hogs, 'or cars,iiSIZ...t5o .5.75.; sows. be indescribable." Girls Beautiful Doll and Doll bulls. $5; ettlYes,,, chOlne toilk-fed. $12 E., 1419; lambs, $1.2 to sta.: eeeive select K. I-, 41°00 Carriage This lovely Canadian Doll 1S.16 inches tall and looks EMPTYING BELGIUM Just like the pieture. Site has Jointed arrnS and legs and OF ALL 'USEFUL GOODS /*etsusrallv-itaneVigi; tittro'lli$44mhi i'leet she has' a Pretty The Doll Carriage rhas stool frame and wheels, and the seat, back and hood4are made of leatherette it le 24 A despatch from Havre inches high, just the right Size for the big doll. Any girl says: -General von 13issing, ' France, Governor Just Send us -our name did address and we 'will will be proud to own thin lovely Doll and Doll Carriage, send you 30 pa:kages of of Belgium, has issued a decree order- beautiful. embossed Easter ing the seizure throughout 13e1g,ium of certain articles for removal to Ger- many when the quantities held by any owner exceed certain specified num- bers or weights. There are sixty articles on the list, including table cloths, napkins, silks, manufactured or raw; waterproof stuffs and gar- ments, oil cloths, woolen yarns fibres of every sort, animal hair, bristles, felt, old or new blankets, tarpaulin, leggings, knee bandages, and other sanitary articles. The cOuntry, ac- cording to advices received here, is be- ing emptied under this decree of everything useful to Germany. -TQfr1,Fl3REd AP.1 INVITATIoN FROM 14R5, 130RE.12i 'Ti) °NE OF HER \ 11RES081g- DINNV_IRS DONT \101) :WANT "TO ,521) -7- , t sliodtr) SA`; 1 PONT WAN i i posl-r Gal 1-C) Go- 1 /4EVR. E/s1J°1 1 aKCI1F--1) A;130111 - t,"\\( ,5.LF )T- JuST SAN !E„}:2E '100 HAVE A PREvious .--... ) , it ........,__ ..;,-- ,,,,,, ENGAci Etvi EN -1- ,if 1 it Ifil t Mr2., Pest Cards to sell att. 10 cents a package, or lovely 12x16 inch colored Oilo- graph Pictures at 10 cents each, When they are sold, send us our money (three dollars) and we will send lyou the Doll by mall, with ' all charges prepaid, and we send you the Doll Carriage also just as soon as you show your doll to your friends and get three of them to pell post -cards or Pictures and earn prizes. Write to us to -day so you can got your Doll and Doll Carriage quickly. DEPT. 137. TORONTO. icaz.o3 CO. FUSS PROT'N'T • 10 THE ENEMY' Repeated Violations of Usages of Warfare Are Enumerated. A despatch front Petrograd says The Russian Foreign Office has trans- mitted to the Governments of Ger- many, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey a lengthy protest against alleged viola- tions of usages of warfare, attaehing citations of numerous specified in- stances, and asserting the right to re- taliate in kind. The violations enum- erated were compiled by a special com- mittee appointed for that purpose. Each citation, it is stated, was amply verified. The abuses charged include ...encrmarasemanammazagmarcassmace, TOtsel WouLf), t.LINIG ND '0N'1 140 I'LL PROP Her, A i3lOTE— ,- -rEis: Only 167 cases Reported in Dominion During the ; Past Year., A, despatch from Ottawa says: - The Department of Militia and De- fence bas a:max-Iced that for the twer, mm*11,4 ending ilietember f3tst, 167 *ses only of typlwid fever repOtte U.f„ k earn - amongst the, ninny thousands of men of the C.E.P. in Canada, and this, notwithstanding the fact that typhoid fvver is. a disease espeeialiy affect- ing' young ndults from seventeen to thirty years of age, and a dia-easo which is endemic in all parts of Cm- . ada. This comparative freedom on the r,art of the C.E.F. is seen to be most t;tziking when it is recalled that dur- ing the Boer War one man out of " cvery nine in the forces in euth Afrka WaS invalided through this disease, and that in the Spanish- Amefiean war, of 107,000 men in the camps at Tampa, Florida. and else- where ',‘7110 had not left the shores of the er S e 0 the disease. The remarkable change can only be attributed to the process of maculation. The Provincial Board of Health for Ontario has supplied to dais; all the typhoid and paratyhoid vaccine used by the entire Canadian' Expeditionary Force (about 450,000 Inert). In all, really 600,000 doses have been sup- plied free of cost. : WOMAN CONDUCTOR SCORES FOR HER SEX A despatch from London says A. tram ear at Exeter ran away down- hill, struck the parapet of a bridge This splendid Rapid Fire Cannon shoots ten wood bullets just like the real Machine Guns. ff you will sell 30 packages of our lovely embossed Easter Post.eards at 10 cents a package or love- ly 12x1,6 inch colored 011ograph Pictures at 10 cents each, we will send you. with all charges prepaid, this Rapid Fire Cannon, a supply of bullets, and Four Soldier targets, Send us your name and address and we sentl you ths cards When sold send us the money and we send you the prize exactly as advertised. Write to -day and be first to get the Gun. HOMER -WARREN CO:, nept. 130, Toronto. 1.1 --AW) SA`i THAT WF -1 ACCEPT- \NITIl 1:1-aASURE 5 4„4'4 i and overturned. One woman was kill- ed, and two were injured, The wo- man conductor stuck to the car with great pluck until pushed off 1.),y a hysterical woman passenger. The woman conductor was only slightly - hurt ands cores a victory on behalf of her sex in a man's job. 4. , BRITISH AVIATORS STILL MASTERS OF AIR A despatch from London says :-- Replying to a question in the House of Commons on Wednesday. James MacPherson said, the Government did not accept the accuracy of the report recently sent from Berlin that the Germans bad brought down eighteen aeroplanes on the western front in one day. False statements such as these ' were made in order to elicit the truth. "I can assure the members," he added, "that we still maintain mast -cry of the BELGIAN „ARE TO BE SHUT DOWN A despatch from Amsterdam says: —The TelegraaT says there will be an almost complete stoppage of industry. in Belgium within a few days, the' German authorities asserting that, t IS necessary owing to the lack `el „ tat and transport facilities. '1!372,d the entire population of Birgi be thus unemployed, with such eeptions as recetvpecial _poi* from the civil aniiiositiesj their businesses:- a 444.4 .44 41 141