HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-14, Page 2ed — ur he Bride's.Name The Adventtjrs of Captain Fraser ClIAPTE - T (Cont'd). conscious that Mr. Wheeler was .- inquired, a* the girl rose to follow the nwhere are yon going Poppy?" .she Ognacredrhrlogsthiiimo aiNn-iltlh a glance tha was at . - • impatient. While he , dutiful Mr, Wheeler. "I want LO , Was wondering whether Miss Tyrell ] speak to you a moment." I had gone upstairs for a nermanencr E 2.04 The girl resumed her seat, and tak- ' he heard her step on the stairs, and mg up a small garment intended for! d,n'ectlY afterwards she appeared at the youngest Wheeler but two, or the, tne, deon with her hat and Jacket on. eY:ni/tIgt jes;st,h1:t,,,,,roerthee,dnohnicilr7vseute• nicte.,ha,p.;, G(.49").0:11--:.1,37e,•,,l'azia-s;d7tirces1„e.vr,,';hseheieels.a. said, nened to fit best, or whichever want- gravelY• 1 ' tchminrgsefis7itli;' hkins(rn'riohteh.enre:.v141 11'.leeep':fsse attio(1):I'dt-1 l' (c.'2.:: girl's(1-.);s-ir,ls'Ieei.s"ittlookedI e 3'cei os 0 rested a: e : . for 3 moment wa2,,,,t to epeak to you about Bob," said i tae semNevourr`dYhztil‘1,aet saaidirS6-0a013deakiiiedg- ' 111 r.e. Wheeler, impeessively, "Of 1°,,,m,„.ela me about an the ,,,,ene, he nee ne-,1'-,d t'en racer. Then she bade him good- .1c3't(1:ee'e'!1:tvm,Ellulacl:.C;:';rai.uo!tt;'' inc'ae'17,.?-;:e°(1.1f'-'.-.‘„c.LiGs,u. tristere: -711-eal;abd:-:: ptulleYerFep's1:etl‘nl:11i:''ty°"12tehileinilg;ajtttllime:lipdr:;:grIV' IPIhPa:essel;(1Vd1:4°- nie that 4"ne- of 'em seemed to ly as Poppy passed the window, he errthy of him." She riatieed for e0 Inng that PQPP,-): -Good-bye, l\Irs. Wheeler," he shout -1 Tyren looked up from her worl, saal,„ cd, anti, vaguely conscious that Somwattece- n•ene.,,,r in an enproesioidess atmer2 feher to continne. thing 'was wrong somewhere, daelted 4e puretfit. is fresh r e eluding- bones ani lading- —One pound 1 reiickened her pace us, - e s eceit ei. good sou," said the y '1...rell. lier fac.:,.. pale and her a 1,- „ together with one "`„„ r 41,f Pound venY " ..f"ln.1 'IltieVer ne trouble. , ted suet, e little ale.''''•''',.r. l'-'et-tt Pe Ider, and alwar,•i' ''''. i reing feet -steps bebind man, several stalks ,- . " srr'''''''''' & °I'''''.$ -:-nril!u;coeUritallitar opped 3 of molasser', C thIlein j'7g,,n,,,17i,lerrlettr'''a" Stetlit° trtah4.st'T.dYs1:. hae‘1.4 in.s.-, wa el a Tel.' n'OrdS lAill eVan ner;I:onzlnyn:Itecrermlnsd. ''''''' -- ono. mix .1. elm wi(efil,h'zil'e':(.6.inse-'r;:t. t. -zd Fraser, somewhat ene,holf hours:, ed aunt, the add the beeadt„ ea at en 4 4'4111§, • 03r,,e'iAy, on butiinee.9.,” sal or Recipes,. Ithe eniy ver the top, sprinkle ti Soap (Russian)—Thig soup 15 with sugar,e a few more piece, hearty. It ' -atter 4% a '1 a recelee.ate oven may be made of one. "eral e of fish. Put tworid brown.T. , rind the lemon juke. lIerv0 Otirinto anoth OSPOune 74: ld $ and stk. wen into the dryi . PO . Alid-entuts Pour into a well-greas,e. *out 1he le di . d and boll leer secant Whee 0 te p tender tip rt. 11nor 'W w To Prepare Vegetables • i. foreresh mm used the duties of every Cana. '4_1' almoet, but e 1 ewife at the present le to his rai,nt' We U Pe froni tro tbout make every home a thrift eentre.iam34 4. 0wIth tialt, Ther are An Avenues of waste in; 4i (al 1i :es ' 501 11 0707111 V : be' lepp lit home., Ono of the moet on-, id Airs. whookm „Iwo told in bettt yon'.' -he never has no secret in le mother. He told inc the eked you to walk out with Ire las and you eaid 'NW; but I told 'int , egetanteer Old vegetables or tlittt hat was erdn' a gat s woe', and, r' , wilted should be soak- that v""'d•alve 'let 'moll" answer' 1 s0011 b • dias T with a glance which , le no reply, except 71 as TO), Ulla ,. 4. was m' not to repeat the question, an hour in clear, cold ' ' cooking. Partteularly , rovty Tn.% the corners vher t4'm,.;;Ilti' and he beside her for some reth hours des this apply just new te'old Pan' lien Vii9V., "1 Atall ucer so times. Ifutler no eireurnetancee add thing else.' nen ti7;inin rio 4 l od.hte" slut r in cooking these, as "All ,,e.oung gene eny theit u d'' suddenly. wilt of sal Jekee, hardens the 'said Mre. Wheeler, making _ek t, arthres stn. , worthy efforts to keep her T "M",. Fro sold lb girl, redden - Mk of, the flavor. All vegetables holed be put over Wheeler ad to 0,4; loo five time:). 3.,e'ull' Alitell 4akeu "19e1 Ye19.1 Ple"e?, u ie ott ac -1 (*retains (44.0 wish to uu none: aid' t rapidly-boiling'st;t1rineantiwdbaett .1 "id." sui,d,/PIIII "No," said r, doggedly. vessels, , , n ut, 1 OW 1F,. , S a ; stiff water, and in wteavernd ( never c mind," 0 "A gentlemancould not lave to 1 t ° Vegetables Aura—rice, e'en to aqt you, :pe_1m il101f SO much said to him" oaidi potatoes, (lent st be boiled Imps, so l moment longer, death,' sugge C:PAtiet/ntneellel.u.w43'.*5 P°?"1"V5Tell,"ielraumblkindo.d, I'm not a gentle - cram i until tender, but not dripping. Thl pre or they will become heavy and soggy., "That hue nothing at all to do withman,o said Fraser, vahnlY• ' ' l Audi not marry, "VdTuloitedboahfor‘t,teltelrkeerthait,byttslatekti youthe! Ural on economic 1 Old peas, beans, anti lentils should it." said the girl to longer than it merely, be washed and soaked over night. In your„Nos:a geioldaneFuLag"for you, I nm. lovorun, ' nes from the tin, the morning drain, cover with fresh ' Remove all bones belling water, boil half an hour, drainnosee* n said the othel, her eyes soap., "If you had a fatletzr or a brother ' , - ping,."In my time beggars counial. they would do It instead," said Fraser, pound of cold fieln; and threw this water out. 6,They are ' .6toosers gently; "it's just bemuse you've got -boiled egg and add to ;then ready to be cooked according to "They -crit;; choose much now” said nobody else/1U I'm looking efter Add half a teacupful any recipe. This preparation isneces. Poppy, in a low veiec• "but pie 'you Wt."" -Lrrn it OrTSPOODAll of fhteiylsary in order to get full food value' knew, rut going to a situation on ""1e", who had tened and ' Monday, and I Mall soon be able t ' htly. stiffened again with anger. d nen mid salt i and to make them more digestible ay off my debt to you; ti ou on?" she said,. hotly. "What: (mdereteeci itee Wheeler 'etresee. "I hope ye inimmd.m4Callieg ern" earl the 'can a on you like, hat this evening Pm sy, Come. -to -morrow," 11 Thin leasnitaty over -reached Hove you left the Wheelees '..?" he In- quired..:smidenbie "Yes,;" seld'PopPY "Whale's the good of tolling me to then?" inquired Fraser, bluntly. 'They will be pieaSed to see you, el" said Miss Tyrell, are yoa going?" asked Dri of these is probably our me- - preparing and cooking eer.: of feed. re the rules for the ectelt Cut On 11 le U he out -. ah e none , palatable. It Is important to rernlem., foilrb,e, I van you to trouble eemrselfl and add to '19er this at the present e, as tl ese , kindness lo lettlitaToy'hYva'euhlfeoreliz1;•boeur jr; ',tilt ha7:e e v 1 to theash half a y foods are amongst our best meat sub-, I ban nowhere else to go.” I No right at ell," said Fraser. — about me wind of cooked potatoes and seinen., stitutes."It isn't me you oweit to"said mrs.cheerfully, "-but I'm going to do de . ,, eat four and dripping to make a nine! Vegetables containing volatile fla-! 'Wheeler. "I'm sure I couldn't ,nve If you've left the Wheelers, where are D T 11 Fl T S pastry. Roll out, and line some sau crc with this; then fill with the mix - tore Bake till brown, after cover- ing with the rest of the pastry. Belgium Were "Next -Door" To Canada the beavily-charged electric Wires, that pen the people into a workless and almost foodless land, ran along our frontier if instead of reading Of Belgian sufferings we heard the pitiful tales from the lips of escaped victims if 'we could see the long and hungry bread -lines of . people as Intelligent and once as prosperous and comfortable as ourselves --if we could watch the thousands of emaciated children who are fed at die schools by the Belgian Relief Commission ,—if what they are enduring, and their desperate need, were clear and vivid to us, instead of unreal and overseas —then the Weal hearts of Canadians would be moved, and there would be no trouble in raising several times our present contributions to the Belgian Relief Fund. Can we hung the urgent need of the hungry Belgian mothers and children home to YOU? Can we enlist YOUR actiVe sympathy for those whose very lives dePend on the prompt and cominued help of people yourself? Send Your sukeriptions weekly. morally er in nktie LUMP sign to Lecal or Provincial Cernmittees, or CliEguEs PAYABLE TO TREASURER er Fund Montreal., 7 ork in ilistorra TIFWAL -II .f()4::,:11/149 TWO t A NG '10 VOCATION Overmum and a 0. soldier has last a limb is r the station on his arrival in "rvfao.erosteitlort—toaiirldoitiltiov,hfoo:;Zt.lo;sfi'olsiTbi: the Convalescent Homo. :'.s the only Government artfileial limb factory ii,-, Canada—end then exemined by a itbluttlof ,c_t.,1,rer.,(e) tiolfielccielisu.,,,Z;ift hetiesie T-littliii under the is looker'; hill -0, ' pi - ., .4., charge et , t. t ] it is in 4 condition for fitting ,! to the limb factory aiel. l But if not in such con,iAicri r!Ne'nitieztli pass ao"0.`"-"taba:(3ke,f,,;?,16,:e„ti thenle Sion) in order that he mee te isis o heme until such time ee be e el4e 1 .' he goes when b:o 1 s. th.".01 e'lfiloontlelttet;''it' be Etted, ' . .1.0artll a 100 meneln Ihavei slit-tedo twithto. r his t e 4enlimb. This is datto at tlsa, flonertil t 1., as them ore no facilities MOM ' at the Cenanleseent NToheetb4T7r9Q1(tenZPI/T, ihati4e0 lies. North mc' Inig situm nrolli°h1114:10:::,:4e3its:::;:.;t7t:P'3;1111:;:lilla144411; tory a -p4- eh eitliepftette WelitSitepr large of Limo are treated ukelele, , go through a baking pro - are treated with gees. hot air, with baths or earl. t lads, and electric treatment might =SSA Z,e, V. A. workers, T t ea. muscle e are nerve tlild muse Rest Arms au The equipment of Home is fine and the The arms and by the limb foetory, tily in one with the me are very satisfactory, 0,the best artificial mule on The legs ge'em to ghe atisfacthm than do die ic s that a mall tie- r m an arm Icingneed is out with mm - fitie mTim the - LANKETS CARPETS LACE CURTAINS FEATHERS FURS DRAPERIES - GOWNS TABLE COVERS qUILTS GENTS* CLOTHING 7 You Quick Service Ezoellent Work curl for ourgue on Cleaning Dyesng Moderate Charges Wo Pay Carnage Charge* Ona Way. YE WORKS Limited Cleanara nod Dyers Street • Toronto Th. not finished labout o' o the man to become aernatuined to and to enable any al cessary to be made - with his new leg be hi ith sceesories to last him v The itself, whieh worth best on the Market:, le 1 en An artificial t ert much ten. will last oh twenty years. leg is infinitely! !better Off than a mon without ' o far as his capacity for fert I work le emwerned. With to the type of nem remit iw ' taken that in cases ation b the elbow, only t good will bogo Sugar Substit utes wing, onion, eabbege, eaubflowers,' afforded to do it, whatever 'Wheeler 3" gmual eng Eyesight $O per cent In One trett does Week's Time in Many ,Instancest -mat, witho and Brussels sprouts, should be hog. jilted to say, if Bob nedn't come for- Miss Tyrell, gazing straight ' "Bob?" tried Fenny, springing to front of bet% mode no reply. ad in salted water in an uncovered' wai'd ttlid Paid for You." pleasant odor. The volatile matter , the floor. vessel, or they will emit a very un. her feet and droppingher work on to 'her" t'Won't you tell rue?" persisted he To be eentinued), 4,....-- itontained in an these vegetables is, ''',te4 Bob," e other, mete- r 't .. ' !rich in hydrogen end sulphur, both of dramatically. "'ins hat isn't good, We all new-- a certain am eileteli are Valuable for the human enough to be your husband." . The .1. By Sailor. sugar, specially during the cold weath...' -, system; so when this is allowed to es -1 "I didn't know," said the girl, brisk- A sailor who had landed after a because it is a carbohydrate, or cape by ever -cooking 6r careless coon.only; "you should have told me. I long voyage, and haying been paid on', heat and energy giver,,.. 11,g, there is great food waste, would sooner starve. l would sooner celled a eab, threw his luggage inside, In the first place, we must remem- A4.remember" ". Top- beg in the streete. I will go at once." and jumped on top himself, "Beg safe rule to is. her that the refined "I dare SCOT you know where to go white sugars, ground, succulent, or green vegetables - - --,, ' pardon, sir," said the astonished cab - granulated, powdered and tube, I shan't worry about you, replied are should be eooked in salted boiling wa,' _ m.s. Wheeler. 141C; "You (inlet ones are man, "but you should get inside and the most expensive, and that the ,, ter. Underground vegetables, the generally the worst." put your boxes on top." "Steer the brown is pure, wholesome and actually roots and stems of plants should be "I am sorry," murmured Poppy; "I craft ahead, sonny. Passengers always. sweeter, besides being considerably cooked in boiling, unsalted water. Salt did not mean to be rude, or migrate- go on deck and luggage in the hold," cheaper; then there is a large amount should be added after they have been fah° was the reply from the top. of sugar contained in raisins and oth-, "You're very kind," said Mrs. — er fruits, and, as we all know, there is drained. Wheeler. "Is Mr. Fraser up in Lon - an enormous amount of sweetness to don?". When Oil Was Costly. be had from maple sugar, honey and Housekeeping Hints. "I'm sure I don't know," said the . Modern electric lighting costs about molasses. Besides these actual sugars I A number of creamed soups can be gni, pausing at the door. one -twenty-fifth as much as illumina- , "Sure to be though," said Mrs. ,fleet the starchy foods have to be consider -]made with the water in which vege-;Wheeler, significantly;t„you won't , ition with sperm oil or candles a cen- ‘N ed as heat -givers, because starch istables have been boiled. I 'aye to 8tarve, 'my dear. But, there, fury ago. changed to sugar during the process 1 Very good wash cloths can be made you know that—some people's pride is - - of digestion, i from white stockings cut open. The a funny thing." . ,i Layer Pudding.—Four ounces of ' edge can be crocheted with pink or ' Miss Tyrell regarded her for a mo - dried applies, six ounces of bread blue. . merit in silence, and then quitted the crumbs, browned in the oven or made i Cabbage, if cooked in boiling salted room, coming back again from half - of brown bread; four ounces of brown ' water, uncovered, will be more digest-, , way up the stairs to answer a knock I , at the door. She opened it. slowly, sugar, three ounces of butter, nutmeg, ible and will not scent the house as it and discovered to her horror Mr. cinnamon, one-half pint of hot milk. does when cooked tightly covered. !Fraser standing upon the doorstep, Soak the apples arid stew very gently] Pantry shelves are cleanly and at- with at smile which was meant to be until quite tender. Grease afire -proof ;tractive painted white. Give them", propitiatory, but only succeeded in he - dish and sprinkle a thick layer of two coats of white paint, and last- ing uneasy. crumbs on the bottom. Cover this ly a coat of enamel. This is 'more "Is that Mr. Fraser?" demanded with a layer af the apples sprinkl- satisfactory than paper. 'Mrs. Wheeler's voice, shrilly. "That's me," said Fraser, heartily, ed with sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon If a bit of piecrust is left over, roll' as he shook hands with Poppy and and add a few little (labs of the but- it out rather thin, sprinkle it thickly entered the l'00211. ter. Repeat these layers alternately with granulated sugar, cut into, "I thought y-ou wouldn't be far off," until the ingredients are used up, keep- squares and, bake in the oven until a, said Mrs. Wheeler, in an unpleasant g one of the crumbs for last. Pour delicate brown. voice. "Poppy's been expecting you." "I didn't know that Mr. Fraser was coming," said Poppy, as the helpless man looked from one to the other. "I suppose he has come to see you. He has not come to see me." "Yes, I have," said ...Mr. Fraser, calmy. "I wanted—" But Miss Tyrell had gone quietly upstairs, leaving him to gaze in a per- turbed fashion at the sickly and some- what Malicious face on the sofa. "What's the matter?" he inquired. Tvell sairdiIvresi.k7,heeler. "ri.0, far aS Prkl iierinitted to know the state of 'or 'ealth, she is," was the reply] Wheeler well?" inquired Fra- ser, after a long pause. "Ver' well, I thank you," said Mrs. Wheeler. "And Miss Wheeler, and Bob, and the whole all of them?" said vas "Ali ye well," said Mrs, Wheeler. His ste haustecl," ably ron SirS, ?Satre,' Mt nnalade niae it with my same old recipe but I used On account of' its Fine granulation it t30117eS instantly making a clear I'd* 2,08 CartOill s,10,208z 100 lb. sacks 2 A Free Prescription You Can, Have Filled and Use at florae. Lontloa.--Do You Weer ft WISES? Are you a *f eye strain or other eye weaknesses? if so. you will bet glad to blow that according to Dr. Lewis there m real hope for you Many gloesser 7tMAyetri? ttilailltthTy Ter imr bad tht‘h: e principle this wan (leant free preSeriptioua One num says, after trying it: "I. was almost blind; could not see to read at all, Nowt ova reel everything -without any glasses and lay ryes !le not water any more. At night they would pain dreadfully; parr they feel fine all the ante; it was like a miracle to me." A lady who used It says: "The atmosphere seemed busy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen day a everything seems clear. I can even read fine pant, witbout glasses." it is believed that thousands who wear glasses n multitudes more edO, be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting. glasses. EP troubles Of ninny deedrione may be totmerfuly brnelted byf°Ut"nde'l14°ruie4'il"tistherre4erjtlontirto inyactltdrlgatoroatagee; bottle of Tion-Opto tablets. Drop one Bort-Potts tablet in a fourth of e giros of water and allow* to disolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and lamentation will quiatly clittlftear. If • our eyes are botheang von, even a little, take steps to alive them now before it is too late. Many hope,essltr blind might have been saved if they had eared for their eyes hi tittle. N'te"Ak"ptltitsPt.gh shove artiste wasTg,I, ,.piomIs a th. very remarLable remedy., Its constIttictit Ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists end widely Prescribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee ft to strengthen eyesight an per cent. In one 'week's time In many instances or. rebind the money, It can ho o,,berta,Infeelvd tvrpoemplratinytiowgeoitliedtrItigurnotsutittanbue kisetlo,noenottifttubtie for regular use in almost every faltelp." The Vintner Drug (7ri., Store 4, Toralite. will 111.1 your orders it your ti,utivst cannot. THREE VITALtaPESTIOTtl$ prestige in stomach 013d chnt after eating, vith Are you full of energy vital torce, and general constipation, headache dlituriteas, nre sere mans good health? Do you Low'tliet g digestion of Indigestion. Mother Seigers Syrup, the great I, the foundation of good health; Ileoins and ore herbal remedy and tonic,will cure you. , AFTER MEALS "r4,0!45( fl/ - ''.--4 , MOTHER 6% it , -• , u ',-- p . BANISH STOMACH TROUBLES 1 Ac all Druggists, or' ir ct on lacelt of price, 50c. and SI,00. The largo bottle contrifns three times as ranch as the smaller. A. J. Wears Bs Co. Larstran, Craig Street We, , Montreal. ii Herbert C. Hoover 9f the Belgium Relief Commission, hee4 of the greatorganization tha.t Worcs finceaainglY, to keep the" souls of fie Belgian peqpie in their starved bodies. He has c9p.e' to AtneAea Ond,e mora to askIliet the United .tatea do her Share' InSUpplying a part of the $2'60,006,600 which pelg:larn must have or perish. "The 'riltnation in Belgium fe the Iiicirst slice the beginning of the 'War, I Iitf6 con le home ", to ask nversation bein for More fon This photograph ' peip,g,,.,,einc,onegfxeeet: was aPeeial),Y ,Pased for an' telten ainfully atter biisee- ival hiNeW or KNOWS That fertilizers are an absolute necessity to successful farming. The only question that confronts him Is getting the right fertilizer, , are n,rePartl andt.tr• forte tapVt:9. Aiittet 9 ea of sdilui&ltIsdtht Sh(letn,G te. ° rra6 e.$11 gtt'o-re'bitoked ars2ateed to lie norreetly balanced ,. • thutIng on even, easy dietributton,, yat aillifnes to Analyse 6amploa,', 14t$r b at Suited, matting it up espe- dther iafotmatjon, ivzlts 750 eat Toronto 7 Si rd ,umpu small from nit r n, but that, in such Viite.44 nerne's arm, w nch habeen great boosted in England, b( a little metre suitable bemuse it hae is wrist move- ment, as well as a finger movement, , and, of course, an elbow movement, With the Carne's arm, a man can do a lot of fancy things, but it is not (it is said) as much practical use for a mar( engaged in labor as t10. arm with amputation below the et. bow, and is particularly well suited for men in general labor. The Dos' - ranee hook appliance has a band which fits over the hook, and if a man wants to go out he puts on 114 hand. Vocational Training. There is another Military Convales- cent Home on SpadMa Avenue, but!, the Men go from there to the one ot,, College Street to get their artineiaC limbs, As regards the artificial arnq question, it should perhaps be saidc that the type of arm recommended lt dependent a good deal on what the voe; cation of the man by whom it is neecril ed i to be. If he is to be a clerk et, an office man, a Carne's arm is d(1-4, cided on. If he is to be a mechanic a manual worker, not a Carne's arfi but one which will be of more practV cal use to him is decided out. The men appreciate to the full the great value of the vocational trent, lug which has been brought within their reach. The majority of them -44 Probably about 60 per cent. ---were manual workers in the days before the war. In connection with tho classes ;n vocational training, thei4 is a great run on bookkeeping and clerking, while the courses in ruC:, chaiiical engine er in g aTo a o v, popular. It should be mentioned that the M, C. A. achnitS`the men at the tod valescent Home to- its prieilege,e a those are very highly valued by At, automat/Ccut oft that, will shut,. the current. from..eleot.eie,,metoen es,es, in Mites if deadly fir: anne, ))9.:.1) eleretricianSi44 „ 'nel7t ! aenel4 ,13n. 0