HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-14, Page 1QRTX-SECOND V.- EAR-- No. JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Spring .t sand Coats eviir,,No.trelties Every Week he celebrate( ay Garment NENAT SPRING SUITS .t mail range of the (se on's best 0k4 0 T > : Black, N !.y, Brown. Green l T. uitee Our wits are wren. itn iek"n iar their good cwectrh ; and leape-he }ain qt alicit , The cloths re good and the .tyke right epstoedate, We 'NEW SPRING COATS We are slowing all the Nevelty etylea in Spring Co; ts, Sport chats 2totor Cent .% and Movie Silk Coate, 4 htloks, 0.1410. and Tweed effects, . ee the leaders, Toe mast see our disc Oleo to- get the ,eorreot ideas,_ Wash Goods Yor Spring, Never before have we:shown such au elaborate and well see sPring and summer finery., Large spot Tussah Silk Large striped Tussah Silk Large spot Silk mull Plain Colord Silk mull Checked Basket cloth Palm Beach Suitiaos And a big variety of every goods on. Plain white voile Striped white voile Striped colored voile Dresden colored voile Fancy colored voile Gaberdine Suitings e market Specials for This Week $2.95 Rugs A good heavy Axminster Rug 37 x 54. Only to sell. .121.2c Flannellette 3 pieces heavy yard wide Vlannellette, good patterds. The last for r2.34,c 10c Turkish Towels 6 doz only. Pt good large Turkish towel for one week at toc each, Untlerwear Just to make room we will sell doz, mens heavy ribbed Underwear at 98c each. Wall Paper Dowt miss seeing ourPaig stock of New Wail Papers AND may Jones _7:: Stock and Poultry Foods RAISE YOUR_ CALVES ON - e THE M I LK IT SAVES SELLS FOR 3 TIMES ITS COST,. We have the Complete Line of Royal Purple Specifics Stock Food 50o to $5.00 ' Poultry Food, 25c to 55.00 Lice Killer 25o and 500. Romp and. Cough cure 25o Ss 50o Bydes Cream Calf Meal $1.25 to $4.25 per sadro The Automobile Skate Straps 15c and 20o per pair. Hockey Sticks 150 to $1.00 each. Examine our stock and variety of axes and bandies, cut saws. 'STOCKMEN -Purchase one of our Indian made thaff baskets ere they all go. A Perfection Oil Heater will make that chilly room comfortalale Prices $3.00 to 5.00 and crass ful stock of stable' Shovels and brooms, mitts and. gloves, lan- terns.. eto. Phones Hdowe I 27b Mr. George, Hoare of 'Clinton, died 'quite .suddenly on Tuesday of IRat week. The deceased etas 70 years „on age. On Saturday previous to hilsdneatle the deceased wa's, at work as -usual 'but 'complained. of not feeling. very well. Ile retired. as Usual on Monday 'cayenne. and on Tuesday morning was Iound dead, in his bed. Tile deceased, as never married. A very pretty wedding took place 0 Wen "Maple View" Fullerton. on Wednesd lye March the 7th, when young,esL daughter Florence' lAdula:de, was united in „marriage to r. Frederica Harold oney, ev., Mr. 1.angford officiating. Man andl Mrs. Honey will reside on the farm ire 'cently ,purchased by the groom near ()n February 28th,„ Mr. Earnabas Davis of Fullerton died at the age of 01 years, 3 months, and 12 'daysJ Mr. Davis was one of ,',,Ehe pioneers of Fullerton, 'moving to that township in 1844. His wife pre -deceased him' in 1906. Mr. Inevis assisted in build - the first Methodist ehurch' at Fuller- ton. Ble was the firtat mail carrier between Mitchell and Fullerton. Be leaves to mourn hire loss 11 child- ren, 57 grandchildren and 34 great - Letters 1 ( 0 • au Exeter rap...1- once. ran job at, the, li-r!gade Office, 9 two drafts to fznano,... btu; ti 44, .3 (391"h'e7114; ° 0:10, gt,t,1140 4 Onto. plata orit 4,g -114410d! 111,2V:11?°t: gV,111 la so tint 011 cal ,s(to rare er of the 'old 013 people The following letter )va I am taking a little time to AMP - over your letter. sent you a field. card last think. I may be inistaka ss ,sr, many things have happened letely, that one is apt to forget sonm things. Weil we are out of the tren- ches at laSt. ctnit I stilt have a Whole skin: ;last a few pieces knocked off my fingers. )3eing in 'the trenches thie time oe the year is altogether different to what you read about. At least it 1'14 "at our 'front. have never fired a. Shot nt Fritz yet, aed the artillery and machlee gans elo all the (booting. We, nse ,the tabOvel and pick to straight- en the places that Fritz knocks down- ond which fills in with the wet wea- ther. Of 'tonne if he happens to seo Mr. David Cottel of Farquhar has us at work, why' then look (sharp os purchased the 100 -acre fa-vm of the semething is sure to rome over alt estate of the late Thos, jamieson, of of a sadden and when it come's it is" Russelidele. up to us to beat it under ground; 00' have some queer weapons to fighti pROPERTY CHANGES with. The rifle grenade and trenoh n1r. Ephraim Hewitt had parch -seed mortars are moat to be feared tha I!' td j ttao bent el jCh 111 04 Ur Th oattd 1,4 ore etx- ft 4a.Y. ere VC 10 Write Often., fro= a house on Gidley St. from Mr. ltd,. front line t,rene as ey uee e ig- Quance. Mr. nuance will morl-3 gulls on 'the supooyt and reserve lines into the residence ot „igisseet, They have one witked cannon which on 'the ,same Street andMr. 'Camm is 'called whiz bang, itta a four inch.' USBORNE COUNCIL Ik rwuu fo Exetet 0 on nee aptei TM, followieng tomended to be 01111114,t00.-3. MeDona ry acct. 2.00; Reitb otery acct. 1.751 Son. flower% 0.30. The folloWing prepaid ocounts were approved. -Exeter iTydro Electric, street lighting 220.75; Library 2.08t Town non The follOwing /otter of condOlance Wsts mid and handed to CormellfOr Dear Mr, Ilarten,- press their most siacero sympathy to yo0 in this your lour of bereave- ment. Iffit know the tender chords of your heart have beet touched by the loss or your esteemed wife. it is bard for US to realize, why affliction and death conies, but it a certainty and sootier or later conoes to us all. It apurs us on to higher and 'better( things reo that when it is our iimel to lay down our ottoman' we may dot so knowing that the 3Iaister wili say Adjournment by Snell. Jos. Senior, Clerk • e. will anove into the residence" vacated Shell They have them ap rather cloisei but aimed enore like a rifle %lid hovel EXECUTIVE , terrible 'speed. They just skarn ov.er. tY `W. C. A. Met in the ;Carnegie Lib- than the 'front, why go wbere it is rary, .Exeter "on March 10th., The ,six not. months work swols fultY disenssedandl They say in the beginning of 'the' I found. very satisfactory each month showing an improvement. It was de- war they used them to snipe with., tided to secure room in the Byrom They just trained it on a low part , sanitarium to be nailed „Huron Bonin, of the trench and when they see any movement they let her go. TheY have It was also decided to send socks to men of the 181st Battalion the first' th shella timed. to explode when week in April. Any donationa money Wthehyenpathet3orv:xrpiourdewhinenththeeyai:trtiblicey. on soOks will be appreciated. The Bed loek one. the size of an unahrellnl Cross Society at Hyman Hall London They come so fast that you seldo.na have expressed their appreciation or hear them and if you do (not happen the helltIgiven them by this organi- to hear them they are well past, eo shell just 'explodes a piece away from -*en-- where we ere now. There goes an- other. They oome a long nay, how SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY.- We would you like to have one 12 inches country tor their help in making the Bazaar a success, for their monthly Well I have seen ehnae, some size donations, aad for their spiel -idol 'sent at Fritz' They raise things I'll work, sewing and knitting. Kindly I shiE'ete.isT,abe-ndY .acoren rhilele'Sdee'avitihettelleigtnhxg131.11°.;. brina in socks and- pyjamas 1)Tonday. I its a queer eignt td see ene sent -over, We pack Toesday. Donations xeceive I You see a great naass of flame as big., ed, -Miss may Jones $5, A friend or ' as your woodshed, and the shell in Bele,latt Relief $5, Mrs. M.C. Clarke the center. That ocen front behind $5, A friend 25co Mr. Leavitt $2.20, ,the ger. looks like a email fool _ County Council Dec. $21.11, Feb. lball at first; you. hear them. coming $33.78 ° ToNvic grant 140.00, Contrib - quite plainly. They are called "Lazy ution bags for JanuarY $60.57 nizeies, itt, a great sight to see Februaly $66.61; Lecture $22.42; the them nietht. From a distance the wisli to thank the to'w° and acrosa and 2ft. long land neer you.? Mre. Moty' 2 pair SoCks, nirs. it i,s orange color. Its que,er What HAY ,CONU,CIL Met on 'Saturday st. All. Were pre Se t Jacob Kellermann, Of Drisliwood, change thee boundaries. oE U. S. 5. No. 9. Hay and Stanley in accorthne I V, e "petition 'presented by, 5 ratee ptiyers or that section. petition presented by ly. Wel- „p;41re. 0,13;dr, retepayens or SaY' ' paint Inn:lectors for -foreleg Lhe,,,,,Noxio IVIurt Oliss 13rowit, 1 pair socks ; things they do over he,re at night. why A friend, 5 pillows and slips ; a finend it is ,nothing to Elise a 'stroll 'a no 9 knit tvasb rags; Mrs. Clarke ,a lady man's land. I 'spent 6 bodies each Council met at Township Hall on .Icirch 3rd. All members present. The 'minutes of the last meeting Were read and approved. The lieeve was appointed repre- sentative to the South Huron Board of Agriculture. Wm. llitoody was again appointed to Manage the township grader at the. same terms las last year. Pathmasterta were appointed as fol. - Div. 1. -Wm. Johns; 'Wm. Snell R. T. Luker; Homer 13uswell; Fred, Dinner; L. Boweliffe; Jas. C. Brook ; Div, 2.-H. .Niakins J. Dick II. Doug all, Clayton Prayne, Oke, A. Dill - .ng, Geo. Perguson, P. Moir, Wesley Armstrong, J. T. Morgap, John -Bell, j. Allison, Percy Stone, 3". Selves Wira Win. Clements, Sherwood. Broolo J.% ITutchison, Wm. H. Penwarden, IL 13orry, J. Creery, 'Hanna, 151. Greg- ory, D. Dawson, .Tohn Moore, lira Mar- shall, Dan 0' Mara. L'as-more, Fred Stewart, Alf. nankin J. A. Bolton, John Stewart, j. Mo Nicol, Edgar Pariton, JO Kay, Dan Haw key, T. Ballantyne, R. Doupe, Amos: DDLIpe, Warren McGill. A few accounts were paid. Courieil adjourned th meet April 7111 at one o clock. of' nearly ninety, 7 knit wash rags ; !night for 12 nights over near their $10.00 was sent to the Belgian „Re- , lines, 'close 'enough to see ,them work- li.ef Finsid; $90.00 WaS sent for re- ing on their trench topa on a lairly adoption of three prisone,rs io 'Ger- da,rk alight. One night V7e, 4. Ur Lied a. many wire report getting parcels in machine gun on them and, in cibout nia wood shame The eirls are bovine- ' hour we. heard well Is VC'n .so nd knittiri,e, contest to last a month. The and you should have seen us duck. yarn n ill be ,given out by Mias It ,wa,s a, rifle grenade coining. It lelartin and Miss Kathleen Stewart, I went too far but it Made a big noise. the two captains. ,Regular, .„,aieetings Another follarved in the SO pure. the first,",arici thiedae Oridays,'n, ''' he then four more followed f'oTht on Librai -he sides. of the sap' trench. •We ,sare ff Act tv" Pelting an ? LIS:Yr °M.T11:3 211:e° i i91 al "IL :11. of Beet ' artnem e, "late tat IrOtoo ,1404. sad buyieni the 'Cranes wa5i loon- of t the Vanadlan town, Oar otaier 4 erat in body on USN Ira ,mtrvivit! .daughter, „nisi 13 wife :having Inv -4n 441 fit 4t io Vegetable Garden for Every Horne ave ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with a few square feet of grotmd can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables T. It Saves money that you would otherwise spend for 2. It helps to lower the "High cost of living. 3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus o produce for export. whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appctaIs to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manu- fa.eturers, labor unions, lodges,- school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage bottle gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In cases where it is impossible to seerire suitable local speakers, the Department of Apiculture will, on request, send a suitable nria.u. The demand for speak-ers will be great. The number of available experts being limited, the Department urgently requests -tha.t arrangements for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens. It is prepared to assist in one- possible way any organization that limey be euedecting a campaign for vegetable production oil vacant loth. It will do so by sending speakers, or be, supplying expert a.dvice in tee &dd. To any one i nterested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about-, implements necessary apd niethods of preparing the ground and cultivather the crop. A plan' of a eegetable garden indicating suitable c-rops to grow, best,' varieties and their arrangement in the garden, wen be sent free of charge to ary address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Eens are inexPensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in fresh eg-gs. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Deparunent of Agricul- ture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. ' Ontario Department o grie vire, NV. H. Hearst, Minister of Agricuiture Parliament Buildings