HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-8, Page 7t
GlasgowShipbuilder 'iVilling to Pay Out £10,010 to En oua ,e
Watching for Submarines.
A despatch from London says:
Ar, r n,.ans and others. crossing the
Atlantic caia, melte a 'hundred dollars
by sighting a submarine*, Sir A. F.'
Yarrow, the famous Glasgow ship-
builder, wadies to the Times that in
order to aunt:ralge everyone to keep a
sharp 1ooliont l;a; bas offered a rewarcd
of 20 tip to yin exrenditure o; ??9;009
to anyone on hoard a commercial ye,
Bel who', first draws the captain's at-
tention to an enemy submarine. The:
reward will be paid on the certitle ate
of the captain giving the came of the
person who first draws his attezatioia
to the submarine. The.statement is to
be. signed Ly the Captain, saying the
submarine Baas acetas liy ig?ate At plication should, be forwarded throofth
the ca, aper s to Sir Thomas L. DOW',
obairman of Lloyd's Register Ship-
pang, ?A Feee toteeka Street,. I.o adore,
who has consented to make the
hi Ivo
ya Other
W ing
KNOWN TO 1 1R t1
rnaportaiat Materials .iiso:Lack-
-Leas Trade With, Neutrals,
itch from. London says.: -
me:it bas reason to believe,
€A ert, Ceei , I n stet of
filo ;hoarse of Commons
that there as sernous
udstn`f s and of certain
materials nal enemy
months past
of good, Ian-
hand a p,d
Totally Disabled Men WittBe- ; `flied tredr
4 sand Lard
eeive :'ilinhaatt as taf 7 $hit B oolkade, izz
on Thursday,
shortage of fa
,'.=�.L. iaS'.t7nrta;lt
tries, For
substantial qua:
orted overseas i).
ca'ndinavia had, he
,ugh to German ,
pea material u,
i'em Germany. Rectntl,
f 1tcgQtiutioa:s with the S
Watxles end Hellsand, r;.
ilde& the exports of their l
icaxdtzany have been con
tan .aaisited.
►3 6 t'ence We4[ty,
h from Loudon n
2 t e -tsnlali: abut a1 11e
th British army A',
day, Under it p
ahled will r> .eEive
ulealat to
dttrd lac
obits to the
Order ani
pe cion piiet
iesaaedi m \-
votes tall:
raiii7an1tat: .,
ly, r zi` sum is i
auto the soi.iicr to Ii
up to faits beforerttile
WM he Om an as
booed on his (tartan
war, No single ' pans
shell be in excesa of
The aalimentae for clailciz"a=u is 5 filet- LEADING AMERICANS
Hogs tee the furet anted and as earn URGE WAR AT
alightly lanae foe eae'h subsequent child.
A soldier taut °totally cli.a'1ied x,911
reeeive a .pentr�iuu hawed an the degree
to which hie dieail}lament efforts his
ami)s; iiwer.� WitIQ s wIU roadare
the tom to +'which their°''fiaa4Z,ktrdds
aatit1eal if totally disabled 'i`
di adaaafhl i sold tar requiring the cervi s
admit b allowed fees up to
aaaeelt tsar such ee�rvlce . ' t+lozrs
will bre grunted speelul finals for the'
Q5:iiabaesee #at training to viable the
to earn their ora+n living.
The Aekata ry's .report actio ipanyi
Bae plan estimator, the expense for tis
first year sat ;925000.000. which the
atter will. decree:4e nnneualiy.
a •ed
;rays there bast.
c,rseatet expel:
Lx e, 1'2$11
saral Robert
arol use to
sidea^ably ;.
bean, 24.
roc oiato Mar, G� aS kiidd b t h.. a
No, 1 ilia t`tel;aa, $3.00; U No ,
No. 3 do.. 14, traok 1 ay
rctil wiaer t d Verse; lTeotre
z iiei>� a� q
ial)'.di0'ttt'orr.1 a crii, i< points r.ot ntba. t t d
'13nor e': to eta 'tA No} 5 t11;,:a l'.
:a,a11.:,ieeaiG Cit b Y C
CtzAt 3 t a tt-Nva 2 t`-Rk, i. t
non:ars:tit ;Ne tto, 113 p4c. mai,
accorenig to taeiFtat`, gttia$
O naiad i� •t \,a '� aa�
tot$1.7rt ?1.71 \r�
ceo tx [i ; ,10 t rt,i3O 4i
t s 5 ,u 1. �' .lo" acgbrrnin
fi�riglats cra,a:itle.
i ^t•£,cy- tzd Doig, $ t.31 to ; 4, 3, ,aettorti'
in.-, tea. freights out:tilde,
.1 r -t neat-- $1.,2N. rcaaala.tdai. tteeerdiprg
to 7ieig1'ts outside.
itve No r $1.40 to ..$1.•12,, atoorating
to "r a,l,l tt sat,
aa,iee 11Pb C r e.i, fl i st' ;tet rt s, i s ince'
tt.t0, sieodti t Pt.tertts, as Ja1-. atgs.',
3� ttorad1� 1le4Li1'ottg WI; t a, :4 r, Jute bagtI
(4!t�..�Ro lioi -M1 1ntaoc. a c� Ra ", to.
of ae, 9 co ; t ,
o. sn ba , trate,
fox aa�. n„uaas a ua i9iii$$3L $ +tar boat;
;iQ1(. f r d. r as d .at de
'rasa red c. .aleatt. ,ix.1iv ra0 Montreal a
�.. e, baa'"6 d,rU dL.4f n. 1 ,LSA, per 1. 1a,
tiknm as pe- ton, $" good teed !
a0U per bag. $2.71' o },r.CO)
1i v s'nh R 'x ;5'o. t, 8,a i $4.11,
Per ea r, S tda $t:t, trait it l+o {,aatt,
Straw -Afar Per wand, i tracks "oma
re aio.
Coan'tx " ',�'reevioe"-'R of i
o a ter --stele, teary, chute ',
t,F.e me 1' ra AratAa ^'r: to 4li i s
X 'ray ."_:iativ-1 di in ,t'Artousr *2' .+C.
ctcaC irE vzar'taaanai �* W ti e,
k Arens oaatt* " itLeixe( ., 2 ' U.
czt '., tO tp Job . rteF�s, 22an *se as+I
pe sic=,., $cess to S`1.L2; !tirke.'s. 1
,fit F��', � taa �Q�'.
i+z we Rr a'c9 "3. 1 . �S .t
chi et fits apt',
.'ate-*Rtai5'b:.lei°x'e. '2.+,
• elasslasatela fromew York says:
In n l€a#t t o e advortieement In New:
York neer l +�rs, the �1.zxiericeat ,
Rights �sagato naa Tltm day larges that a
Americans tele anpla their Coaagress..
;amts "urging that ,a ,aa:erica *ha do
her part: in axaaladglitag the Genoaaa
tne�naanee to civiltaiation.°• The start
name, ;?xeveding the nplaeul, \vldvb de -m
aurae that; '"Germ stay
daily tom -
,m milting acts of wish ogalnst the
Anaericain people;' is signed by Ar.
ng Lyman Abbott, aleott William%, D.
e Richard t`. Cabot, Bestona ',sof. Wil-
;., liana Gardner Hale, Chicano; Re.
Randolph II, Maim, Waeltington.; D.
C.; President John Grier Whiten,
i'rincton University; Prot Friauklln
H. Giddange Columbia. Umive"ratty; Dr.
Theodore "elaneway,Baltimore; Wil-
liam Roscoe Thayer; Boston; Dr. Mor-
on PAnce, Rosatoat; Agnes ,R,epplie ra
l'biladelphiu, and judge Frank ank Dos
fear, Los Angeles.
I,nrge Number Being Made in Bras?t•
ford Plant.
kt ties;?rush from, Brantford says::
Cables mu Eines have been sent -
England to ascertain if the prob tri^
tion of inaptwts of agricultural iaz
plea»eft s recently put into force 1
Creat, Britain to save tonnage wi
work against local manufacturer
tivho hiava been shipping large quantties. To meet the demand in Grea
T3rit;nin for .greater production wit
less need of hien the Cockshutt Plot
Company .here has for tonne time pas
been �iiakirig tractor plows. '1'o dot
over-auv�have been shipped to the 01
Lund, And there are orders on ban
at iMae :;urgent time for 400 mere. Of
ficinls of the company eananot see hot
on one 'band the British Governmen
will bar agricultural implements 'an
yet order 2,000 tractors, as announce
on Wednesday, to increase production
'sr A despatch from Copenhagen says."
i Aecording to the German papers, the!
t compulsory mobilization of Germany's
h "home army" is imminent, The ap-
v Peal for volunteers, though answered
t by large numbers, has not produced
enough workers to satisfy the actual,
d requirements. Large numbers of
ti men are needed at once to replace
- those employed behind the front, tO
work in munition factories whieh are
t now being completed and for the all -
d important farm work. The papers say
ti that the Government is prepared for
• the compulsory enrollment in the ear-
ly days of March of a persons be
tweet] 17 anad 60, so that the recruits
can be put to work from April 1.
A despatch. from New York says: -
Plans te replace With the products of
.Americao Shipyards part of the ton-
nage lost by the Cunard Line, zu
English company, in the German sub-
marine: campaign, were revealed here
on Thursday by the official announce-
ment that the company had placed
contractS for the construction of six
ocean-going ships, ranging ;from 7,500
to 12,000 tons, with subsidiaries of the
Bethlehem Steel. Corporation. Two
of the ships are to bp built at the Fore
River Ship -Yards, near Boston, one at
Sparrow's Paint, near Baltimore, and
three at the:Union Iron Works in San
A despateh from Edmonton says:
The Royal North-west Mounted Police
after a continuous service in this
country for 43 years, ceased on first
of March to do police duty in the Pro-
vince of Alberta, and the newly -form-
ed provincial police took up the work.
Four diviSions of the provincial police
have been organized at Edmonton,
Red Deer, Galgary and Lethbridge,
and although not recruited up to full
strength, they are, according to Supt.
A. E. C. McDonnell, ready for busi-
STORE t,511T14 ME- MD_ `lotiTAKE
4o: aai
per dna:,. 33
43 to 63.
iron, 3340 to
4 to
w} ,to
aer�rw.; 20; to 214e;
"2 to »."..e; iota.
r'oa'n r.tw.
t, *2. a7Cas
eal 73 1,�..ny n4�•n
I+amar�i�ta¢zat� ,
1twi, 3aradkal. 2 2O;
_1a tt,n (•, a4
to b15a;iOT1to
that;. 4 is
i.+ t 4&. Braun
tiakeit'a'Fe. 4+: ila?, -a9
What Mar. 2.-eaoth prlices
No. 030: re.lect
United Staten Meltetio.
nintanolia. Mar. 0, --Wheat
No. Northern, 31.85 to $1.93
earn -No. 3 yallOw. 3040 to 31,01. Oats -
OVA Clears advaneed 1or, quoted at 35.351 T
other _grades Unchanged, Dram un
Duluth, Mir. ii.--Witeat-No. 1 hard,
Northern, 31.319 to 1.1i39: May, 31,531, e
Carry Twenty Torp
and Crew of Thirty -
0 -Men. hirty-0-Mi n.
A despatch fa•ofai Amster Pt
Teiegr a reie\'tt pubti,.�e zea ,_.Mann
at 'i!ttere° with is tii'riee;'.4 Sid ,
• who has been for some tuns sere
Itzg as .a clerk at the Vaale;aie
in llarnbnrg. To, avoid punish
lent fel some oirenaeo ho
escaped nerals the f. olntier, The man
oft Hamburg in February, There
aero then in the Vulcan. deck -yard ;
lgbt targe aaub ai' aes on the stoeks.
These° latest luta=„ ;tines are nearly
300 feet long, Kant are armed like
a mall cruiser. They Can take 20 tor-
yes and a Brow of 22. Gangs
rase are at work day and night
innaaaaine. The col ipletian of
three mennths. A the Opium
a#naccll crsaaeria At t3ao i t
the 'i"n1unn cls+ kti tieteeae miles
a a�ai-c;;heal the fan aliys, ave c
These are d;ta feet long. I tl'tet tat WWR
• l[l CANADA. Ifin without ia;r1pr
liters W
SlaTG Tf N. Tt . HERALDmade up. the
n or two lying nn
save obi, and one:
aoortnlity in the:*
)TRS 9T rncxt ,S`R
ells of
ower -
is an 0111,
o ora)id1y�feather factory
oath •
{•ak Cid Lw in°? was
o;mp:ete stoppage of
of the house, a yeting
d, and there was no
ce but a;1s mother,
But she tool; up her
l0 Drily .kept
sera ptur ,
aofore the
ei she ap-
:egnisitioned FA' „
Hardly Enough to Eat
itain e"1B 1er 18apopnietio
nd 42. he,
,. succeeded in 1 ork far the eiteiny.
e reap°liriti ped ever
ring the nni<zna<Yrssr
ed threat y t
pieined bei
fey cool
;n Eo land
A despatch from New Yin* eays:
=eating a way to overcome the o
etion of those who argue againh
tangling alliances" with Europem
ns, water in The New York
:$013: "If the United States
ot wish t.0 ally Itself with nay
Eur n ;lotion in a war against Ger-
to eat,.
h the
Remnant of
The ea was, of canirse, the ahun
dance of cypress, a wood that is ram,.
prized for cent making, and it must
be remembered that in China a coffin 0
women, me4y
Ite, house tor re
'hole teleineets
re is eomplete eon
ployer Mat employ
bee been the strelatt
and.. it istite
tanaals of the Turkieli force
ered completely, according to in- 1,t,
* given out in the House of '
b. This information was
General Maude, corn.; good
Britieb expedition
Tigris ront, and was alMOUU
W. Forster, the Financial
he War Office.
Is • a very acceptable present. eaneelal- 'Iiritisilki si1 11:1' tri;t24,mtiQnred ti
da, a country as UW61;1.111448 of pounds am often spent Ilonn-tIllir th:DepeTennTeer;;;;;;:n:eb4r1;14-:, (41,:w In
%thy dog5 she not ally herself 0 y ita made hy your own firmly.
oid of ;iellow streaks, who, with a
large la• rattallnem alld otnlig% pbtlYleessitocioni:tedlloe,afrs::Tataft:W1bNe..yhot°00111710tuidtleottltulatinjetle:°11:ottintiTuedr:kwlafths eeastiwmtlaittl; Ibily11,1101eflearrl '‘It).tirl,:t7bhulen8evhee's'
ul f Now York, at the first in -,1
mut aa t„,,,,he i,ent would be somewhat iinggest-4:: Maude at more than 25,000; ' I ritoulysidtt stebeeederto
and the daily sight of it at the house
elation of about ns
o door would be deodedlY annOYing. in $4(),(101),()(10, INCREASE IN It :enrixleedii'vi;i1411netahdCar
China it is otherwise; a coffin is one, THE CUSTOMS REVENUE.' tnsY" of blue or
of the most valued of gifts.
keS three Yea
skill end deg
n to watch, the gra
tt modest violet f
to the mozneot
d then
nada, fin"poshalatisio?0,kibeirge clottutal!j, single 'eutrinihml r's tre"u"d Turkish prisoners bad boon taken. The lies in a
Germany took a bulldog
n her and has been \vurrying her
A despatch from Paris says: An-
uncement that bread cards would be
stituted in Prance to prevent waste
s Janda on Thursday in an omelet
mmunication issued by Edouard
rriot, Minister of Provisions. The
A despatch from Ottawa says: Tile, Workers i:
Customs revenue of Canada, for the $20 to 240
fiscal year which ends on Afarch 31qt ' quite contented
dy to Release 130,000 to Start the will probably exceed that of the la'st' , trade for munition ma i
1917 Crops, fiscal Year by more than forty million eeme baek, findinr, that they eannot
A despatch from Rome says: Proof dollars. The revenue from custome ' stand the strain, and so prefer to'earn
Italy's largo military resources is duties for February the Minister of less money 4.ind keep their health and
afforded by tho War Office's recent C"t°r`1"""nees' amounted to the chance of not being out of work
concession of 100,000 territorial sec- $11,190,000, or $1,052,000 more than when the war is over. In this Lyons
the ;Minister of Provisions bas in Mara and April, with 30,000 mere
agideultural labor th°8° of 4° :""esOwitiiug month in house there are workers who con shoW
1910. For the eleven unniths of the a record of 25 years under the same
ouneemeut sayst "To avoid west- and line troops for
4 to regulate the consumption of between the ages a 36 and 44 if ne- :fiseal year which have now passed employer, and the head maintains that
by institating cards. Instruc-' cessary. The fact that 120,000 set- 'Canada's :customs revenue amounted' she has never had any trouble with
11 be given to the prefects of diers. mainly' agrieulturiests, ean be to '$,1:30.739,000, as compared with 'them because she encourages them to
mit departments to put the spared thus when an'offensive is ex- .$91,1140,000 in the sante period of the: c.ozne directly to her with their corn -
lotions into effect." The; pected in the Spring is especially sig- last, hue,/ year. on increase of plaints.
o is studying measures to nificant, since besides these men the 238,193,000,
in the large centres of Austrian prisoners of war in lialy --....; ____.
assure that preference are also employed as farm laborers. BRITISH CASUALTIES
to the wounded. ill, e.I.
aged in the distri- BETHLEHEM STEEL CO. LIGHTER IN FEI3RIL RY.' atrStad,eainsd dlovniteh :1'ill'iteilleEarnegrlIcuoldneZtaioein-
one wa
lave Stock Markets.
Toronto, Mar, 6. -Heavy steers, 510.50
heifers, good to choice, 39.50 to 0.75;
do., medium, $7 10 37.50; butelier cows,
$7.50; butcher bulls, cholee, 58.25 to
stockertl, 700 to 800 lbs.. 38.50 to 58.75 :t
sheep. light. 50.75 to $10.60, do., heltvy
57.50 to $5,50; spring lambs, $10.70 to
51,1,75; calves, 55.00 to 514.50; hogs, fed lia
common, 38.25 to 59.00; butchers' cows, po
57.25 to 55.50; bulls, 32.25 to 59.50 per
cwt. .5 few lambs brought 313.25 to Pr
$14.00 and sheep 19.25 to 510.00, while tio
milk -fed calves sold at 511.00 to 512.50 ,_
and common stock at $6.00 to $8 00 per '0
cwt. Selected lots of hog,s were sold at ap
$15.50 and good at 315.25 per cwt..,
'Mister al4
be enforced
population to
shall be given
children and the
Capturing Trade.
A great deal of flower and feather
Montreal, .Mar G. -Good 9teers $10 25
tion of milk.
TO BUILD CUNARDERS, what the British Empire means com-
- A despatch from London says: :menially French nrovincial houses
IBITS British casualties during February would soon realize their opportunities.
A despatch from Baltimore, ltd:a reached a total of 1,243 officers and' As it is. many are inclined to stop at
F U.S. APPLES. says: The Bethlehem Steel Company, viis5 mem The February 'figures for 1 the British Isles when they think of
at Sparrows' Point, announced on British casualties show a total but future trade and to place the Domin-
on says: Wil- Wednesday that it had received eon- little more than half that for Jamt- , ums as hovering vaguely behind the
tracts for two cargo ships of 10.000 ary, despite the fact that there has ' neutral Powers. As solid with Eng-
ltkIllesiltaulii=anlei tons each from the Cunard Company- been conSiderahle fighting. on the ' land they certainly do not associate
It was announced that these ships are Somme front during the month. The England's Dominions, and when Eng -
the first to be built in this country for February total of 18,423 compares lish peopl-e speak of Australia, Can -
A despatch from Lon
m Morris Hughes, th
Mier, says Reuter's
rrespondent, intimated to
n which called on him tha
rtation of American apples would
obably be prohibited. The deputa-
n visited the Premier with regard
the restrictions on the expor of
pies, and the Premier promised
weighed off.. cars. do
ME' ca
cATCH 1100
ad, ma
\01-I,,SE "Tha
PR -1-1"°11 WATc14
his utmost to assist crops,
the Cunard Company in fifty years.
Electric Sprinkling Wagons.
The 'streets of one English city are
watered entirely by electric sprinkling
with total of 82,354 offieers and a.da, and South Africa, they look 1)0 -
men for January. Officer casualties; htely interested, but they do not vis -
for February, however. wore consider- ualize the commercial picture any
ably greater than for the month pre- ;more than the geographcal. At pre-
cedinot, when they were 960, as com- sent they are lightng hard for South
pared"with the past month's 1,243. !American trade, and the struggle is
keen, for the Germans manage by
Ipaying double freights and duties to
get goods through under neutral flags.
la the. asparagus fern alone, after that
plant has undergone a preservative
COME- 13AcK!)-
treatment, contracts are made with
iirms at Buenos Aires which amount
to thousands of pounds, and this was
one of Germany's advantages before
1110 war. Much is still to be done, but
even during the war the genius of the
French people in all delicate, artistic
trades has reasserted itself and when
the war is over there is every hope
that it will he again pre-emMent,
Superst t and Boos,
Reee are connected with vat
superstitions. Ittits
luckY when ani. medp
hpes settles one, ren
Iore supposed he 6
:lost interesting superstftion
;bees is the eustoin,of t
fi 11*
is custoin,