HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-8, Page 5f,! HUi1SriA; G.li $'tb 191- iussallo SAVEO NIS WIFE Stopped Most Terrible Su£- tering by Getting iter Lydia; Pinkham's 'Vegeta. bre Compound. Der91Mt a {Texas.._.., "After my little o.yeare, ago f, be!M auf �(�rtlii�iI11T( routrg"�' 4 lm@lo hardly trouble sfnuzd. h r 1X da: , .avo r x:V • . I. was very nervous; but` just kept drag- ging on until last summer when I got. where I could not da MY work. i+: would have a drill every day; aid het flashes and dizzy spells and mfr head would al - tri got 'wkeere I was almost 3 walking skeleton and life was a bn;deta ire Until one day my husband's stela iatfi toid my husband if he did not do Rte jug for me I would not last long ltd toil ;min t«og t,Tosirmedicin e. So he of Lydia R Weds V''etable Com.;, taloa tpe t , isnd after f ing the first U4. $o ►Ve,. IC09- ys THE EXETER f S SEWS TOPICS 0 Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. Tho Busy World's Happenings Care- l fully Compiled and Put Into H;nndy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper --- A Solid Hones Enjoyment. !TUESDAY. One hundred Indians will form a forestry draft to go overseas. Five hundred 'Varsity girls are I going on the land' this summer, Lord "Bob" Fisher was called a traitor by Admiral )teux in the Brit- ish Commons. E s -Premier George J. Clarke of New Brunswick died after a long Bl Hess, at the age of sixty. Daniel Carter, Toronto, a stone- cutter, died from injuries received it a fall at the O'Keefe brewery. German naval vessels 'p Shelled de- fenceless English coast towns, kill- ing one woman and a child.. The United States was officially that, the seamen on the Yar- rowdnie had beenfreed by Germany., License; inspectors closed t.h Ball's Head hotel, Toronto, until pro- per accommodation is provided for the travelling public. A resolution was passed in the egis,letur"e protesting a. Inst the 0, FA R, malt . for t, n , err liR �iagana tib tad United ,totes, v i td1atala�e Sir Witham tareruntent inquiry is a'' tt3 di eloee ae Surprising nuns seed potatoes in the Province, Ii. Cunningham, seventy years .'age, superintendent of tbeOak- t allc ea,ther Company's s tannery, as ;;iflet3 by beteg crushed between u eiezater and a hear. as .aiartiaa BierreB, federal It tri= Of graeatit re, did not give eii- oaar genaoart to as deputatigri that ter the removal of U pro, bakattai, of Oleomargarine, It ,is net anticipatedanticipatedthat the iiit- pert re trictlo will; attest the fiend= iA et reels. from Canada, to :sel- diers unless, of course, new !Dares, zeguiatieus Arlt 1IQmelgated„ Kingston Pollee otaa:?latiasue; net 011thielplaced tit two pollee - on who a;'es.lgtne. axil, will be ;ked more, nut oft tour saving the :city 000, a a �0al$0ilia�+aaeil of attlbt- a l laropQseu teat meXq Q`[ • 1.1, negotiate with Japan to make a sep- arate peace with. Germany, and that Mexico and Japan should declare war on the United States. Sarnia may ,take steps this spring to combat. the high cost of living by allowing citizens to use Tecumseh Park for the purpose of raising veg- etables, It_is also reported that a local banker will provide several: acres of land near the city for the same purpose. The lots would be aupplied free under certain condi- tions. FRIDAY, Russian troops retook, the heights 7t lost in the Carpathians.. The Boselli Government was sus- tained by the. Italian Chamber of Deputies. Compulsory Mobilization of the German "borne army"r was said to be imminent. The lumber camps are expected to give a large number of men to the forestry units, The United Partnere of Ontario de- cided to reeornmeed the Dominion Government to take a referendum upon.upon.reciprocity. A plan to establish a steel ship- building plant on the Miramichi River, Northern New Brunswick, is reported to be under way. A smelter' Arc. British Columb' e with Government, assistance is fore-- shadowed in the speech fronx the throne in the 33. C. Legislature,, Se;•gt, Towiiey I3, l3emiang of tbe 120th cgaty araailton) to lion (li(lien at 4�t., England, of am- cailad it i relieved, from: a sha^i opened the n paign f tl4e 11a'dru^radial prof Itanniltorr, $peaking' to a large alad k' representative audience of 4'itt- s and squarely meeting the G. N. opposition, dW arc, N, ,Mertireer, a Brockville eatgiateei', who died this nested !halt iopla inelined money on flowers lay !tt iuoney on lois collo to be the Belgian Relief Fungi, T.hle Royal North-'W°est Mounted ilico has !'eased to do police duty u 'thy Prolfiece of Alberta. after 'Cent WM service in that mai etry for 49 years, anis the new ly-erten- tsecl Provincial Police has taken up On work. It is proposed in the Manitoba Legislature both to Authorize uiunt- ,,palitles to give relief to hotelmen Had in other wawa to assist diene!: iaurateil a,11,:1en VIII be empowered tai rs hi* and operate hotels where aeeessarre Goltmel r. W. Marlow ,testified 'b Iore the 'rarlia'aaeatta * Committee til the need of reorganization of tt medicaa, caro of retui'ated invalided soldiers :and the enormous wastage caused by attestation of the physi- cally unfit. ise Mir, 91 ey StreO ti '#t iititt, 'TeZett. if you are auffering from any form male ills, get to bottle of Lydia Z. °nnlahanfs Vegetable Compound, asci ctttuieneo the treatment without Baia r Cditon Ilerrari spent Sat sdtay er?ai• near Seaferth, M4rrtte an is at callow iia l oudon, t rondo cted +reWPM lint liar Eva:ttgelleatl chum; 1a t. ti t. heave. and are vending ndiatg t,. !«!lite+d `Slninster`s retai�alt late given °u the town hat; at Re4 Cres'. Tlai; Ili`oraltoi word! +alit°. lletra't +rima' 9a. A; and 150 'reserved sea ts alai+bn 33 V filar . Iter Mart c 'moi llilclst 1tlr. Jolin Mlle D oti `,alt. Visited. Lig dnttagltter, Mrs. Win. ;Morley over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 11 a :ley Freeman of 3'n>rranton were presented with a baby oy last ,e e.,'k. Mit*.%'r ta:tnsn1s a ieu- sltta r of Phillip ;Brooks, of this place Thomas 14ng;tz'Vs vale brought; him in good margin everything selling at n good price. Tom Is ,soli!;, to work flor It's .old' employer ;Bert Cros,=ier 'Or ,the ensuing ,year.� Several rt lativ rs from mound hers. �'time -led the funeral of Jelin Tales t London en Friday, 3Irs, Tales Is a laugltte:r of Mrs..Sutherley, •tilled nary*..tnlaatiky :as felt for the bereaved widow and her three .!mall children. A Patriotic concert ati�ill be given =est Tuestay the 13th by the organ- ized 'class' of thi;b church. A splendid -arrograatncnc °sc'ijI be given including taaieut from Woodham,Wincheisca & 'Centralia 'and a play secured from Toronto. Don't forget the date and' !reale and,help the .Red Cross work Czu behalf of our breve soldiers. 1 t w ui ale tried to hold a win -the - r eotnire8Lion lil .:ioutr'eal in April, "claims the sinking of ai alnsport, designated at A19, Tfata atandar4 Oil Company will lxutetaulty for its losses la Rou- ataaisa. A, bill l rantis *; the franchise to wormian was given its second reading hat the Legislature. Italian troops carried out success- ful operations against the ;Austrians ono tbe slopes of San Marto, The annual meeting of the Ontario Good. Roads -Association 'wadi opened. at Count} M:uulcipal Hall, 'Toronto, Owing" to some change in tlxe water at 'Kingsville hatchery, 170,- 000.000 'rthitotish eggs had to be thrown out.. Commissioner 'hastenwill not have his :insurance report ready for submission to the present session at the Legislature. The order -in -Council passed at the request of the Imperial authorities prohibiting women and children from crossing the Atanitio Is absolute. The Frederick._ VIII„ with Count fon lernstorff and the German Con- sular oflleials from the United States on board, left Halifax for Copen- hagen, The third Canadian domestic war loan is to be launched on 1llonday. March 12, and will ;be between one hundred and one hundred and fifty millions. Government Labor Bureaux are to co-operate with district representa- tives of the Department of Agricul- ture in getting men and women to work on the farms. The Minister of Militia, Sir Ed- ward Kemp, announced that the medical care of returned invalided soldiers would hereafter be trans- ferred from the Military Hospitals Commission to the Canadian Army. Medical Service. THURSDAY. A negro in Sarnia was fined $200 for supplying a bottle of liquor to a soldier: British_ airmen raided and bomb- ed German steel works, causing great damage. The French and English war chiefs had a 'conference to discuss plans of campaign. Goinmecourt, one of the strong points in the German line;' fell into the hands of General Haig's men. Hazel Aidous, a five-year-old ; girl living at Chippewa Creek, Ont., fell through the ice and was drowned. Senator Corby of Belleville, who went abroad recently for his health, was operated on for appendicitis in Honolulu. James` W. Gerard, the former Ann- erican ambassador to Germany, has sailed from Spain en route for the United States. The Serbian General Ilia ,Goiko-' vitch was drowned when the Italian transport Minas was torpedoed on February 151h. Pour bogus bank notes "totalling $2,000' were passed on a female clerk of the Bank if Ottawa in Toronto by an American crook: The 'U boats failed to sink a boat In twenty-four hours, .their least of ective`showing in one day since the piracy campaign began., A Glasgow shipbuilder has offered o pay rewards cf from £20 up to Passengers sdehting submarines. He s willing toexpend £10,000 in this manner. It was anno'ineed by cable that Major Stanley Boehm of the 169th battalion intends to return,to Can nada to deliver recruiting addresses. Major iloei;:e has not been to the A. le_ttei v. t itten by the German Gov ninlep,' o the Mexican Govern- menthe,' overn x entt be5r en: into the hands of the ashingaon. in it Ger-; den BOW lailVoti It the tatter's =p ten tpent the' be eek the gue t of Wesh y ,n Lan - _hissed the mail last week. '.Bessie Morley :spent the week with -friends in St.Maryns. • :31r. land Mils. 1l'an. Morley visited ;friends in -Granton on. Sunday. Airs. Thos. Morley tJ waiting on her Onother, tefrs. )i3atten atl Elimville, who Bis juice ;sick. Mr, and ;Mrs, Jonathan 'Brock, of :;wean, spent the pasti wedo with relo !dives around here. Fred Ogden is vizit:ng •with "fienda ;!around here before leaving for his Moine in the west. Mr, and iSLrs. Albert Scott„ of 'Fax,:;aluhar, were guestsat Mr. Albert unnings lost 1ve; k. The young people of this church -were entertained at the' home of :Rev. `Finlay at Centrnli : on Wednesday a-ve sr,ng, Freeman Arlecy ifs making 'prepar- ;itons for -raising h iJ bairns'th's sum tnncr and placing a c •m_nt foundation :ander them. • GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF "Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Det a 25 cent bottle of SDanderine, if you care for heavy hair. that glis- dens with: beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and ,:asfluffy"and lustrous, try Danderine, t Just' one application; doubles,the tabeauty of your hair, besides it lone- :diately `"dissolves every particle of :dandruff. You can not'have? nice lhoavy, healthy hair if you have :dandruff. This destructive scurf robs, -the hair.' of its lustre, its' strength and fats very life, and if not overcome it a" reduces ' a feverishness and itching of ^.SSE scalp; the hair roots famish, ;l +ileesen and die; then the hair falls out east. et Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of tlinowlton's Danderine from any dru" yore and just try it >ni 1 WIDE ritish Thrust Compels G mans to Fail' Back. Douglas R:lig's, Men Cary' oxo Successful Operations or; I'm) Fronts, One of Fete Wes and, the Other of Ts4•o :!,ales--Stubbor:a <t ce Offered by 'bion, i LO 1sTI O ?liar h 5, —lir t3ie past 7 s despite sp to a tieperate resist- ance by the Germans, British troens have made two big advances up the, :mere valley, the first ene of about 500 yards on a ive—mile front and the second one of about 1,200 yards lin a two -Mile front east of Homme-, eourt and'north-east of I'uisieux-au- Mont. Besides making the foregoing pro- gress in the Ancre valley the British attacked ,the German lines east of Bouchavesnes, north of the Somme, captured the German front and sup- port trenebes on a front of 1,2000 yards. ansi took 173. prisoner and three machine guns.: t In !fits area they repulsed several German coun- ter-attacks with great uesscaa, l i enemy. The British Not Listen. But Compa;. f. Zurich 1fr. $ .l Vast is vssiting zed friends in Stratford ,ind' l;iinara; Mr, E. 4. Di settee a btri as, spent t few: months at, big; hose kere j t for Det oir, Mr,John Gafannan has psrehast'd' the dwelling; host: and tots in tit. end of ell s i.lag. ca „nt; by eFzs . ilii ua 17 -test oi` i.: -ti Grange, cwelsolod at prestlrr, by E, 1t by �r, rs;t aiao who i '4o cou.duct:qd1 a gc•.nerai drygooda hi ansa in 2ru'r- 1 aria for 071e ffiv �,'£,ar•s dissolved part- is srship and Mr. Jos. Gaseho of the an. has taken oyer 1”.r. Fiala , Th, z=.,tore will ' bu conducted it rM t wrner as :heretofore and `�J r..Joh G n7vl o ;s iii b4 tee role ag r, rand Mss .B,"a;n rale annonce sg<,�". o�. L r'x'dr. reel. : e''M4 dee- to, !;arrast Al to take Place. d -knee ro.rr. ha. l Preeneeee of t et. despite tpl'lI's, f' the enetay t ,ato :dttnley sprang;m' begotno 11 bees ;fed to and alk ore, spread on a math tat the 1 Anzcre, British ttotrl movewent lu France have vance c'aat a twQ-mild thirds of a anile, dela, report their 4.-Alt;C«. The new eoatneetiena alta Vidtetril with telt .sill came iii loop 01 is if 41411 of sub,s.rll fiyaiteliaand Want to to rw comparison t Re -Creates thorny — r sv,-3, rh ala other' wor s, great artist sknga nag on; the concerttge ��� ire direct comparison iiia the e-Creat.o.>. of her voice by, e ,^ Edison. is r piThiscture n e shows Anna. ata Casa, o as i a£ Grand Opera; 9ViAcr, act elet etea tee, teis.i Melt tar Melt agreement irwhlg 11 ore free, and /tic, 1 matters oulticriti- be voinixsoceZdIve7mitho lout. instrad of number gad want to to 1 ril ere moth Ott to tb adquarte Nearly 200 prison eaprtnrn The Ext Of atei reV ea 5: "Th Morning WA attacte eantor the enemy's front and art I 1,290 Yards, taltft and three machine guns - t day we repulsed with e ral counter Attache. Otred. In this neighbe enticed along a two -Mile trage depth of 1,200 nem were taken la a aincourt, Miring the last hours we haxe captured 1 of prisoners!, five machine and trona mortars. behind elainied for eti meat between mecour Traveler, even racist casual 1 f some of the evacuated , Dame plain- ly reveals the in late reason tor heir abandonmen They have been smashed to pieces by the ineeesant and ever Increasing British artillery or the purpose or brieging up food and ammunition. have been flattened almost beyond neognition and have long since ceased to serve their pur- Pose. The wide belt of area back of the German Rues has been lashed by bursting shells until it bad become Practically impassable. For hours at a thne, often for days, the druntfire of the British guns made it Repos- sible for any man to reach oy leaVe the trenches. Some of the prisoners recently taken said they had been cut oft from food for 48 hours by the barrage back of their trenches. Largo British bu rying parties, bravely ignoring Germart shells and snipers, have been busy for several days clearing up the dead, but the task is still a long way from cam- Pletion. In front of the old Gertua.n Lines near Le Barque were some bodies which had lain there since last November when the Germans at- tempted an attack, but were shot down while leaving their trenches. The unceasing artillery and rifle fire had prevented their recovery. It seems that the Germans must haye lost heavily in abandoning their positions, for scores of bodies were encountered beyond the lines—those of freshly fallen men. The Germans are continuing their strong defensive rear guard actions all along the line, but the British appear able to move forward and consolidate the new ground just as rapidly as they desire. Pour hundred and Ofty invalided soldiers reaehed Quebec, Lard Northallite alike the United States to give financial old to An American in Sweden Paid heav Hy tor attempting to. re-export pork to Germany. The tea Markets are in an Unset- tled stato, and blether prices are ex- peeted to be asked. The British ship Knight Compaa- Is reported to have sunk a sub with her defensive gun. Mrs, Cecilia Mann, aged fifty. was und dead*at her borne, she having (led her life by gas poisoning. Lake steamers have been ordered comply -with United States, regu- ations to ineure a pure water supply. Forty-four units are now recruit- ing in that military diStrict, accord- " g to an annotincement from the To- ronto depot. Tile Soldiers' Aid COMMisSIOn had a conference with Cavadian manufac- turers respecting employment for re- turned men. The Canadian Plaxmen's .itssocia- tion decided to ask the Government to remove all duties on flax and hemp seed. Chas. Bartlett of St. Catharines, whose death occurred Thursday night, was the third brother to pass away in six days. Rev. Dr. Chas. A. Eaton of New York, addressing the Empire Club, said that throwing open the doors to to trouble for Canada. Sir Thomas Tayler, formerly Chief Justice of Manitoba, died at his home in Hamilton of pneuruonia, the result of a chill contracted at church on Sunday. He was 85 years old. A movement is on foot to settle in Saskatchewan and Alberta 50,000 Scandinavians, partly from Illinois, Iowa, the Dakotas, and Minnesota, and after the war from Sweden and Norway. • MONDAY. Heavy Austrian attacks were re- pulsed by the Italiats. Mr, Willia.m Wharin, for 65 years a Toronto joweller, passed away in his 83rd year. German successes gained in the Verdun sector from the P.rench were of brief duration. The big American freighter Man- churia was held in New York with a view to arming her. Lieut. -Colonel S. G. Beckett, who left Canada as commanding officer of the 75th Battalion, is reported killed in action. The Commisieoner of Conservation urges all householders to lay in dur- ing the summer a suracient stock of coal to carry diem over the winter. . Fifteen recruits were secured for the British navy on Saturday in Lon- don by street meetings carried on by the Associated Kin of the C. E. P. Drummond ' Hill Presbyterian Church celebrated the hundred and fifteenth anniversary of the four.ding of Presbyterianism in the Niaeara district. Ex -Mayor Wm. Hepburn of Strat- ford, who had been tax collector for the past twelve years, died suddenly in the General Hospital after a short Ex-Pre&dend -Wm. Taft, pass- ing through London, Ont., said in an interview that erican ships would be armed, would attack the first sub- . marine sighted in the danger zone, and that the first chisltrAvould matters to an issue'W,Rt Met Strange Death. LONDON, March 5.—The inquest was opened Saturday into the death of John Daniels Lockery, twenty- seven, private, Canadian Medicals. who was killed with Katherine Maevn, twenty-two, banking clerk, London, on the electric railway at Mornington Crescent tube. The couple became engaged at Christmas, but it was broken off in January. Lockery had since visited the girl at the station where she worked. This worried her, but she never said Lockery threatened her. On Tuesday both were on the platform, the soldier appearing to bar the woman'S passage. She attempted to avoid him, one witness said. The soldier took the girl by the arm, and both jumped in front of a train with arms linked, and did not attempt to save themselves. Lieut. Holmes, Ca- nadian Medleals, said Lockery was devoted to his work, was most re- liant, and had been invalided from the front'. The inquest was ad - Supposed Spy Deported. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., March 5. —Vandyke, a supposed German spy, who was arrested here on suspicion hecause he had on a pair of Catia- dian Government boots, was sent back to the United States by the naigraLion authorities. The suspicion_ against the man was strengthened by the fact that be claimed he had been turned down at Hamilton when he tried to enlist there. He claimed he had varicose veins. When examined here he had ne varicose veins. He could speak German, anti' ce',W-red 31 Irmo of Om+ home of bee. lecnt.:tul at bi% home by his wrowin rob.:OedtU. I *log short ; The funeral took aftern n to Lutheran Rev,, roomer otfielated h loads or the tnettibers Das/mood, drove 1:iver ark, he evening witit Mr. and Ur& oh "of ttio Goshen Line 'be- t 212NtgliaItitbstglel,rvintem'''s;I:eitir" consisting of i7cadingt and ledly Meyer gamete num s =tents!, seleotietiat A! leas also given h:f the° Moyer„ pleasingl tea - ening 'Was presen- short a lure of t tat:on from Ladies AK of a cold It fork to 31rs. Broderick. Nrs..7. luau made the presentations:ad Bdighoffer tread tbe address. wrEit AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipatiood Biliousness Sour StomAch, Bad Breathl-Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, storm-, ach or bowels: how much your head aches, how miserable you are front constipation, iedigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—you always get relief with Casoarets. They home- diately cleanse and regulate the stem- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the eacess bite from the liver and carry off the can- stipated waste matter and poison., from the Intestines and bowels. P A I 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for' monthsada They work while you sleep. and the i The musical t Canadian and A were t this per liong mac indistifiguisha ny for Con. e in and h dison yotxr Fiti HT AT" THE FRONT Y DOMINION OF CANADA WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE oo.00 4.4t 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO $150n. FO FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 5„ 1917 4 4 TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR 1)0111N1011 OF CANADA DEBENTURE IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable lst October, 1015. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in dCaatneasd:ourotiltiyer. than an issue of Treasury Bilis or other like short Proceeds of this stock axe for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed .to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments matte in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp, For application forms aPply to the Deputy Minister o Finance, Ottawa. D A T NT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA STOCK