HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-8, Page 4ka, 'ea liOW III'SMtITIIF ' Got Stmltil,To Do Her Work, rah- ITayen, was 'sO nervous Ana run down. 4-1,0'. 1 e 11' " houaewor15 f,or little 'family of three, ▪ had tloqtorea ror nearly two' wars without,Y'**- One daY, 1 ead about "V"ir,e1 aiikaap,ks tolf' my 'health as 1.`af TeaSt"00ait'' '4M doitT'-, 21/, .f.,:tut-3en-ork, one," ntere.1 arn telliug all tny friends what Vino l taas done for me." 11..EnDY VI"e?-01 is a. coutbillatiOn of famotts we gnarantee to build up the we4,1-. and 11.14-1tOUTI, VT, S. COLE, DrUggist, Exeter, Ot4,`;" o the le't3t D Lsts n all Ont- ario towns. Dica.,--'s Not Want Country 3ffelpiceas and ContemptiMe. WASHINGTON, March 5.—Prest- dent Wilson SmadaY night informed the country In O. StateMent that be is without pow%/tgArto merchant sbdps said talrolnAtr feps to meet the an &nth, menace, Ltt the Otrginlihn*ity from Cong-vess, and that he 'vms mistaken when, he tn, his recent address that be under broad constituttonal outhoritY- An extra sess,ion. of Congress, the President says. is retalticed to clothe him with authority-, but it is useleSs to call one whde the Senate works under the present rules whieh permit a small minority to keep at over- wheitning majoriy from acting The President ProPoses, therefore, that the special session of the Sen- ate 'which be has ca,1Ied to meet to- , , morrow revise the rule$ to sul)P4 the InearIS Of action and saYe ete A. coUntrY ,from disaster." “ 1 '',.A. little group of willful says the President in his s.tatemer papresenting no opinion but theix mein** T'OU r. pow., r#Hrts 41.14w ID 040'0 Aos0, t ViOrliski, 04Argh, North and Sou-, Caroline, Loulsonno andother SOO States and to &made na4 "khe• Went 11,414a., ,I1ETCRN L4irr rtrxr oust , lop .1.14b,.. .OVERt5 ALLOVrED fror loforination woite to AB. Horning, D. P. A, 'Cliien Station Toronto, 'Ont. •111.12, • aotti, • MADE IN CANADA. 4 FERTILIZER Sitt AND fsti';',. MR. TON MOW W TWTIME TO MT NVIRE MICE IT ta.,,v4oives .14,111 7114 1./TOTZ YOU ON YOUR NEEIN IN TIPS FOLLOWING •a aitriS Lrtufber either tiros - ova or rent. Shiniglesk Lath, Cedar Fetireroob l000, Aft SOAL-1 find leirt Cement, WAN aleord cud fftedy Mooring. A. J. CLA7W011T1-1Y 'GRAIN -3'0N own bwrn rendered the gr,eat Pt the United States helPlwR „ - avotre laatOrs, Jeri by Senator r011ette. 4.4d instigated b Sell? ntor StOne, DeMoeratie Chairman, Or. rgiroLgn Relations committee, * A0bUSter denounced by President WflsOn6,44 WOkesnean as the mpg Prohetteibie in the history- of any tio4ed the v411 c.e an QVCOrWbehlting 414193itY iPlIts74TAI§P5 144 to the last Inktite Suad4y anti ode- nlied te the Presideots laW atitlaeiT- 10,11# Idna to arta Arnerican suer- eitaitt Shtps tet et the German gob- •Tilarilatt Ifinaaee. Unyielding tkreOgb- Wet tWeittY,11X Ugum or corabwoos eStitint,t aPneald that their defiance oZ the PreEitlerit WOOld be :humiliat- ing to tile VOltatrY, uocerepromising erleie described to them Rta. the moot serious to t110 Uo in the Wor. Follette and his small' group of' supporters refuseda mem laxity of the colleagues on +emir. Welty to vote on the armed latiotr* itybUL,end it died with theaiStro fourth Congress at noon Suadai. •To wreekoneibinty before the -country. twenty -1u sonetoro, thirty Republleau,% arid forty-six Dentoorata ,eigned n.laniteSto proclaireleg to the world 'that titer ',favored, Posotign f the measure. Iva dedereltoo, befued a *he record of the ,Seriatto. lroferred to the .fact tit the House •Thursday eight had passed ,e, similar bat by O. vote of 403 to 13. and aiso recited that the Semite rule permit - ling unlimited debate gaVO a small minority opportunity to throttle the 'will of the unijoritY. AUSTRIAN CHIEF DISMISSED. Von Ifactsendorf 'Was a Special Pet of tho Halsor. LONDON, lifarch 5, --Emperor Charles or Auetria has dismissed Field Marshal Conrad Von lioetson. dorf, Austrian Chief or Staff'accord- ing to a Vienna despatch to lleuter's by Way of Aoisterdana. Baron Strau- ir senhorg sucoeeds von Hoetsendorf. not bto ay- w-i..iugp. rieza marshal, von lioetsendorf The Start* traivingT has been one of the leading militarY figures of the dual kingdom for 3 number ot years and has played an mportat part in almost all the major operations of the Austrian- Iluagarian forces since the outbreair of the present war, He hos been credited with being one or the few Austrian °extends wbo aro high in favor in Berlin, turd in Mao, 1915, • Vas decorated with the Order of • Pour le Merit by the German Em- peror. 'Penns .t-310 ;md under cash, ovir 'Mee funs growkigled.und tame upon maw worths in my reading that did net understand. tar mother, In. std of siring me the defintLienwlien 3 implied to it er.11 tittered: seat me to the dictionary to Imre it, and in this way/ gradually learned many things besides thc znaning of the individual word In truestion-amottir other tillage, how to peon dictionary,and the great vicasure luta advantage there might ha in the we of tile dictionary. Afterwaris, when X went la tho village school, my chief diversion, after lea. soris were learned and before they seem recited, was in turning over the lontres et the 'Unabridged' of thoso days. Now the most modern Una.. hridged-thellEVVINTERIVATIQICiAL-- giro Nie phasure of tbe samu sort. So far as my knowlsffge extends, it is at present the nest a the one-rolume clictionaries. and quite sufficient for aU ordinary uses. Even these wbo - possess the splendid dictionaries in -several volumes will yet iota it a great convenience to imve tido. which is so compact, so full, and so trustworthy ns to leave. in most caso, little to be clesired."--Albert S. Cook,Ph.O.,,,LL.D.. Professor of theEnglisitLareruaps and Literature. Yale Univ. April 23.191.1. WRITE for Specixaext Pages, nbArations„Eic. or'WEESTER:13 NEW ENTEBNATIONAL EXCENINANE • G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over nil Years Publishers of The Genuine Webster's Dictionaries, SPRINGFIELD, MASS., tLS. 4" ^ - Doubted His Crow:rd. Auction Sale Auction Sale n am gothg to turn ove.r tION, Areyiboeut?; , , o,','!"..r.,<-; « ' 4,00,A.013,1, FARM IN USE°RNI;-; TP'' r1ott 4 •,"), ...k, , .1 ,,,,, 7 1.,7-i a. The aiixecutor*of the estafeof the, ..„,.. ,..,...7:,,, for sale at the AletroPolitan Betel; .. s n Wa.t3 jUSt WOnaerfag,.' :„, late 1,,eonard DIeTago-art will off,..r 'Where you'd get the lea-trA' '''' Irxeter on Saturday, Ma'reh 17th, 19i17, at 2.$4 p.w, that valaable farm .,,.. property known us Lot No, 22. Con- gzi am looking tor trouble." cession 1, USborue Too toship. *Ton. are?' 8 plantie4 eenas to me that you take a let to do it" This farm consists of 1011 about acres of which is ages,, with, on exceJlout apple oreltatii,nea,r- ly all rspies -nod goeenings,and. in good bearing ,condition; -ohoot 15 acres of good. laarduood Mish land, and, the balance oleared, ond either under cul- tivation, or in orasa, Ot due preanks are two small barns, one with one fotootrtion and nietal acof, and a driving shed -and two oeverkfailing, wells, The form is Well underdraill- it'd, and being located ort_the London Road at the Northern Kon4dariv 1iX4jo,r is UfISItr,paisAed. to market. hisit and publie sebool and chilreh, coovelnenceo Needless 1nforma ann. e • "Don't distress yimrselt about it. "I say, 1ean't think"-, g'MY dear* it Its quite obviOnS.'? The Difference. Once It was such a slroplo thine To tvliisper to Irene, "Oh, ler me, dearest, b yeur Masi . lind you s1,n11 'cc my que,eal'F. lie only ha4 to go and cot clearing in the leg OdS And build'asaog and homeilko !rat !.-470 3n9"4 -se 'Ws wife alnd goods, ' xie hatdest thLng was to secure ", Thcprcf,I7 gft1'5 eenseet. ;rte. atd: not need_ if, that were sumo 4ret nb:onz the rent Or wonder" boy,' to.ed eed hs hrme "".4 his wnter tax So long as be bad at ble side Fri„7, riZe and his lax, POW he must wet oonstder first A lot. Og 4;letalls On wograCwAll come to werSt 44,,k,VVW NOV 1.1010:14tOtOOlt the town wi a„re :ktrr zlit..44 sil the ea.* 40 alas ite srtsze maa so *0 ywatan rtat. And not a moment cau be ese - The stght of things to bay- op4, Of wines gart000ts, bats anet $boea. +The "imekly tC,04 4:311„ It is W.:14e s talgerealt vIw 4ria dcal Von, little lad. • tz«ck at ti:Ulf4Witb ea ' +asp roux father hut? ••-••••,1+••., TERMS OP SALE, 10 ..per cent on day of „sale for Otlaer, satisfactory Security and balance withing thirty days without inter- est. Eurrio",r tonus nod particular- tW11,2. be: made "4,,ow-4 on day 0i sale oraav b loot ou'aPplication to n. 1-431,,,0440AuetiOneelif GLAD3T43i 4 6WANAUAX Ruler, Ont, SoFicitom 44ectiltQr OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS AND l'IOUSE1-1OLD EFFECTS on Lot 10, S. 13 Stephen, oa Wed- nesday, March 21s, 1917, at 1 o'clock Horses -Matched teana of mares g and 5 years, to foal; Horse rising 3. Albion; filly, l'iN.Ln.„;"'. 2., trainer; 2 yet ling colts, -matched 1attle-4 cows due. ia Alav 3 root - with calf at foot; heifer rising two; ste-ets rising 2; 4 spring calves. Pigs and Poultry. -4 brood sow due in May, SO Hens; also 1. collie dog. implenteuts-MasseY Harris lairider- „ _ mower seed drill. show drill, spring tooth cultivator, disc, Frost & Wood scuffler; two furrow plow, 2 walkinz plows, laud roller, sulky rake, set diamond harrows! pulper 2 lumber wagons wagon box, buggy, cutter, bay r4c1-, gravel box* set scales, fan- ning :all br,,,g truck, sii-ng aoto!s, chains and pulleys, 15 grain bags, cow ch,airts, grindstone, crosscut saw 2 sels double harness, set of single harness; set britchell, wheelbarrow. Pair bob sleighs, cream separator Me -- loll, pearly new, ice tongs, shovels, forks hoe S aeckYokes whiffietrees, and other articles too numerous to nieutiOn. household Furaitur4-4 Cradle, tt‘x,- tension table, glass cupboard, cabinet 6 kit( ben chairs, sofa, 2 oak bedsteads Favothe einart, washing machOse , a fe`iv pictures. sewing InacInne., 2 wash qlopits,, stove pipes, 2 doz. sealers; mail box, coal cOl stare. Auction Sda ALT/PION tl.kLE Ca? punicii LOT • 01? norms ThOS, eartlertirt los nos:toed, tions o:/$4'11" by.90110a,ttatian an Log 5. Von, 13, tOuTtShIP SoMbert fogto Friday tlaO Oth 91axa14 1917 At eire. o'cl000 sharp tho roo mart. years et ag r matched MARRS, 5 years old ogr•,; 1 pair matched geldiugs 0 years , b d 7 Id ri 1 i TOrms-$1.0 and under cash, over thgt, 'amount months credit ott ,ipAroy0 joillt notes, or 4 per neat nor 1411441110 ott for cash in lien ootes, 1414itNely ,n0 •re$4Vga14.5 the propri- ttor quittin ED. SHORT, Proprietor FRANK TATLon, 41.10, ALONZO liODOINS, Cur - wu AuctiOnoSalt A2',ge1dirig 4 years ,old. draft Form toek. Impl! ements torolo C10- ver and TI1110411Y Seed and Nay, on Lol 21 N.E.S Vsborne. oa Tuesday, March 20th at one othook sharp„-- florses--1 mare, 6 -year-old. sired by Golden Key. agric,; igelding. 4. -year- old sired by King Thomas, mode.; I agria geltitno; Id:loin, horse, quiet anti ws Cattle --2 towith calves at fool; 3 cows du!: time ot sale; 3 cows due in April; cows due in May; 6 heti- ers und meets 2 -yr -old; 6 'miters and veers .1 -Yr -old.; 1 colt 4-mos,-olel; a pure bred Polled Angus Dull Hogs ond Pou1try0-1 sow due in May. lth) pullets. Implemeins--Binder, mower. steel rake, 1,5 disc drill, cultivator, disc, corn ;planter, corn cultivator, 4 see. trtrrows. stoneboit, scuifler, 3 drum steel roller. 2 -furrow ;:tiaple Leaf plow 2 walking plows, top buggy, open buggy, cutter, 3-4 new Mkt wIt4,Pon. true3t wagon, high wagon, 2900 scales, Clinton fanning mill, ?Piper, sleighs, wagon tm obay rack, wheel. barrow new set double harness, work harness 2 set single lia.raess, one sew; v; hay tork, gravel box, es- teems% ladder, manure spreader, road cart. light wagon, Daisy •churn, round water tank water trough, 30grain bags stilly ropes, forks, shovel% clutins,elc. A quantity or oak plank, 30 corner cedar posts, quantity hem- lock lumber, 50 bushels seed wheat, 40 bus, old oats, fit for seed; 100 bus seed oats, seed barley, clover seeet timothy seed, quantity of ed bay, some ensilage, new )Laval tie= separator, etc. Plentislt National Hopes. LONDON, March 5.—The aid of • GermartY in establishing tbe bade- , pendence of Flanders was promised 1 by Dr. von Bethniann-liollweg, the 4 German Imperial Chancellor, to a de - Potation representing the Activist Flemish party which visited him, ac- , cording to a despatch. from Berlii reeelyed in Amsterdam a.nd transmit- ' ted by Reuter's. The independence of Flanders would be on the basis of Flemish language and civilization. The Imperial Chancellor is said to have told the deputation that the movement had the approval of the German Emperor. "Measures are under way," Dr. • yon Bothmann-Honweg is reported to have added, "which aim at giving the Fiendish nation the opportunity hitherto denied—free cultural and economic development -thereby lay- ing the foundation of the indepen- dence which it bopes to gain, but which it can hardly attain by its own strength. The united efforts of the German authorities and the Flemish people will succeed in at- taining the desired result." „7"), t, ONTARIO'S REST BCSIN..r_,SS' COLLEGE '4 Students may enter our clas- ▪ ses at any time. Commence 11:4; your course now and be quail-. 4 fierl for a position by Micliston- • mei% During July and August 4 * ef last year we received cads 4 for OVER 200 OFFICE ASE.IS • TANTS we could not supply. 4 01, Our graduates are in demant 4 4 Write at ono tIor our Cree c ta • lo,gue, D' A. AlcLachlan, Prin eZker",a, gty1es Must Not Change. LONDON, March 5.—The German imperial Clothing Committee has is - 4, sued a warning that styles in wo- men's clothes cannot be allowed to • change every six months, according to an Amsterdam despatch to The Exchange Teiegraph Co. The cool- naittee says women may wear winter • dresses throughout the coming sum- mer and winter without disgrace, and • that drastic measures will be taken 2 against a change in fashion, and the • consequent waste in materials. Ammunition Barges Sunk. • LONDON, March 5, -- The Ad- miralty announces that in the Meso- potamian operations the river gun- boats Tarantula, Mantis and Moth came into contact and passed the Turkish army while it was retreating to the westward of Shumran on Feb - nary 26. The gunboats inflicted heavy losses and captured or de- stroyed four Turkish steamers and a eqk: For ba.fants and Children se For ver 30 Years Always bears natora c" 1tO number of barges full of aniniuni- tion, Tito gunboat Firefly was re- captured, Ow amount 12 months' credit Da :or - :114161g „approved joint notes. 4 per t.ent all for cash on credit mounts No outside stock allowed at this sale Positively ,no greserve as the ro- prictor has rented his larm and Is going to the coast for his health. John BtKl.to.t, T. Cameron, Proprietor Auct:onea D. Woods, Clerk. Weekly Auction Sale of Horses The undersigned will sell by public auction at DOW'S FARM, EXETER Eist of the ''Metropolitan 'tote!, on Stitrtrday afternoon Maireh the 10th; at 2.31 o'clock p.m. the following - 4 11 -year old fillies. 2 4 -year old ifillies. 1 4 -ear old geiding. Pr. matched geldings, 5 years old, grey weighing 2600 lbs.. 2 farmers drivers. A number of cows due to freshen in :Starch ,and April. 10 young calves Some young cattle. TE1tMS-6 months credit with 6 Per cent added on furnishing a-prov- joint notes. Frank Taylor G., 3. Dow. Auctioneer, Proprietor. ,;ale OF VALUABLE 131 ,SINESS 13LOCE RESIDENCE AND STABLES IN EXETER The und rbign d. have been instruct- oi to oiler for sale at the Metropoli- tan llotel Exeter on Saturday March Eirlt'L".1.7 at 3 o'clock p.m. that oai- uaLlc sh1o;k nt Exetr North, the proporiy of the late leo tial d 21`:Ta gg`11 L. The propertyc°13- I s.•tsts of 8 lots of land on which iaro Lw o barns ad a i-tabte,-one of tile barns quite iarroi-togetber orith large brick buildiug- recently occupied as Ilay Sot: Offio and, storo. A good specation :or ,00trie 0114‘... TERiAS 0E' ''SALE -1.0 per cent in cash or ,mtisfactory security on day, , - 2 mares 4 years old draft; .4 geld-. ings 4 years Alla, ogr„; 4 mares 4 s'e,ors old ear.; geldiogo 3 yeooaot mares 3 years old agr., ; 1 There will be sold h3f rtalallO Ave- . pair generol parpase linafe and tion. on Lot 19, Coe. 1, Stephen. g, Aug; 1, fartivr** Olver or Wald 3i0r5O'mit $outh of Exeter, ea, oixe dtivintr loom ThQ 4030370 4rIa' TUES.04.)."„ MARCH 27. 1917 t blooko weil solocted thick fel arearkeamartaeleiliremememeramer • Auction Sale OF FARA VARM SQCK 4&D pi1PLPIENTS Z11 ut af bums ouch as will command • the rospeet and adroirtition of all gOO d, horsemen Qua 31r, Uttrditler°0 past r ccord is proof Mot they 'Win laa old without reserve. ThlitMS-7 mouth* oredit au Dire- isbinto Approved Mot notes at 0 per •omit per osmium. All horses gold um, der guarantee. D.L rosrdiner Tiro* :Camel on Proprietor ,A.uotioueer Auction Sale CLEARINCt SoLLE. 01? FARM STOOK IMPLEMENTS„. 11,6:17 AND GRAIN AND tiOCSEROLD runnrrunr, Thos. Cameron, has received la- structious from the undeioigned to troll by patina 3,110U011 an Lot 9,, iCon., 14, $outh ,dloundary or Ilibbert on Tuesday, 3farch 13th nt 12.$0 o'clock sharp the following, viz.,- 11011SES-i pr, of matched Pox- vberops, imam and gelding, 3200lbo, 1 brood tuare rising 4 years 13001to. 1 gelding rising 3 years, agri., ; man filly rising 3 years agri.,: 1 ntroug farmer's driver, ; 1 goad driving more standard. bred. OATTLE-One cow due at time ot sale.; 6 cowq due later on,; 2 farrow cows; 4 2-yet:in-old heifers*: .,good beef ringers; .4 2 year-old steers. 7 yearlings; 12 fat stecr,s ready to ship. 1300.1b, to 1400Ibs. 1LOGS-O0e s,ow with Jitter at foot 1 sow due later 21 shoutS,-; 1 large fat saw. FOWL -00 hens and pulletts, high class Plymooth rock.. 1MPLEMENTS-One lumber wagon and *box complete: .1 truck wagon ; 1 democrat ; 1 top buggy; 1 open buggy, road cart, cutter, 1 pr. bob sleighs; 1 pr. light tstect bob s:eighsf; hole in shaft binder mower: mower and 'pea harvester, new steel rake ; manure spreader; 1 large •2 -furrow plough ; 1 Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow ; 3 walking plows; 1 disc new ; 3 -horse cultivator; our section iron harrows land roller, 13 spout Massey Harris drill. mw; 1 3 1-2 horse power:gaso- Ene )enine ; .1 large new cutting Lox with carriers; 1 hand cutting box a lot of belts; 1 ten inch' plate grind- er. mew ;. faian:ng mill ; 20001b. sca:e 12101b, sca!e,s; 11.•,y tack, puPvr, whel barrow, bag truck, section grinder; 150 ft. of new trak rope, sing ropes; a quantity of bags; 30ft. ladder ; large round water tank; 2 water trongbs, brrels • feed baIske' s shov- els anti f.*:"I'les and more shovels ond fo, Fsia,., of heavy lean, harness,: 2 sets single harness; a number of horse collars, full set of draining too:c block and tackle, cant hook, wh:ffle- r-•ves, neck -yokes; grindstone e:css cut saws, chain', cutter robe ;1 ; borse blankets; j cement lawn i-oller milk separator sap pans; 100 sap buck ets and sp:les ; 2 sugar kettles ; 50 ; 1 Daisy churn ; i,3ft extenscon Cable ; 6 kitchen chairs, 1 conabina; tion wriling desk and book rase with drawers complete: 1 hanging lamp; 1 gasoline lamp, 1 bracket lamp, pais and pats, etc,. a. quantity of seed oats, a quantily or feed oats. potatoes, a lot of first- ciiso bay; a 'quantity of hard wood); a quantity of pine lumber, 1 good dog. Posiiively no reserve as the prop- rietor has sold his farm. Grain or fat cattle cash ; the Lalance $10 and un- der cish ; over that amount 9 month credit On furnishing approved joint notes.. A discount of 4 per cent per annum o...1 forcash on credit amounts, i Wm. Ward Thos. Cameron, .Auctio eer Dr. CI, 1'. Matthews, St.,Tohn, is 'oil sale and bal',e. in 30 days. Furot,' awarztod the Alurehizon medal and a ther particulars o oale, or, hy, aniajY 3 e tie by the Royal Geological So- "oiety for valuable services in connee- , ,.., Ir.<1 s-oa 101 hill Ps,i,Aucttosseex STANBURC •.; Al II o'clock sharp, the foll,awhig property. vtt to, itorsts- Team good working mares, 7 year:, old; General Purpose mare 9 ye:Aro Old; matched tenm of fillies ris7no 2 years old, sired by Storm gutting risotto 1 year. 4..attie-Cow due in May; 2 vows supposed to be in calf; 3 cholee milk- ing cows; 7 holve 2-year-oldsteers ranging, Porri 1000 to 1100 lbs.; 15 calves 1, year old. Pigs-, Mom pigs, 140 lbs. 35 young hens. I1flpiements-41assey-Harris Wilde* 6 ft cut new; McCormick mower, 5 f cut, new; manure spreoder in good working order; seed drill, 12 hoes; land seller. set diamond barrows bay rake 'Cockshutt Win -furrow _Acting Plow, Aearly new; walking plow, scut- tle; 2 wagons, wagon box, gravel box, hay rake, pig mek, Chatham %tieing zulil, 00 abs. weigh scales, grindstone, cutter, buggy, McCormick cultivator 2 laders, 1 extension, pump trough, 3 doz. grain bags, De Laval cream separator, No, 15, new;, two logging chains, sleighs and bunks, 2 logging chews; 2 set doubletrees, pair neckyokes, 100 feet rope, car and • hay fort„ 2 set double'llarness set single harness, horse blanket nnd robe, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 scoop shovels 2 ensilage forks, barley fork and oth- er articles too numerous to inentiOrt, Also a ouuntity of choice pine and hasswOod lumber; some eboicecedar anchor post rails and a nrumbr DE posts; a quantity gof hay, •roots and seed ,oats; a number of pieces of household furniture, and a Studebaker floo.passenger car in good running O d • The ,will also be offered for sale at the same time and place the above WORK HARD WASTE NOTHING Theholielaryks atittlicattla * „ AVegatahlartIK4Onfor'351; 'Sirnilatinglha lingthe5t0I400410# NoneposiusTrfliast,diAoRrenipshreiCnoonnTtaoiactst.inct eirbeatr.7' Reqyidard.or,seiraJlffai? 41_ it: o'44,7p-saizi-ge • -liAOPtle.rrScOdtIRCe.STO'uldllaYr Wb mks, feverish s auu p )1 IOSS OiStf•Xlit et, loTvtifoc----KaA41;a.ct7,,A„s1,,,'Irs '14r 14' Do sr -34 - Us For 6var Thirty Years, Eace.et Copy of Wrapper. T11 ON'.4M PUMA taMVX y a re sc syrie!' : NCORPORATED 18 Via* %VA..* ill lit 16 1111v4, OLSONS CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,80C3000 N Branches in Canada A Ge al Ranking Business Transacted CIRCELAR LETTERS 01? CREDIT :DANK AION%Y OB1)E11$ SANINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interestallou ed sit highest motto t rate W. D. Oar Ice, Manager. Thgeter 'Branch Jail* .1.1.16:11.}14,114 *44***0441.11441%*** *At* 00410 THE CANADIAN BANK„ OF COMMERCE Silt EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0„ LLD., D,C.I..., President - 4‘bti CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 JOHN AIRD, Genera! Menage • V. F. JONES, Asi't, Geol, Manage° RESERVE FUND, • J;3oo,00ir, It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY PERSON IN CANADA should named lot, containing 96 acres, more or less. There is on the premises good brick baptise, 3 bank barns, with al) modern lectuipPment; drive shed, silo. good orchard, 3 wells, 2 wMd rnia, The land is alt WCII dramed and fenced, and is positively _one of the hest farms in the County of Huron. Terms -Real estate -made known on tiny of sale; Chattels -All stuns of $10 and uod'or casb ; over that amount months' credit by :furnishing appi oved. joint notes. 4 per cent. off or cash.. rositively everything will besold without ireserve. SPEND LITTLE SAVE MUCH. 3 Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposits of Si and unwards at any branch of the Bank. DREDITON BRANCH -S. M. .10HNST01V, Manager. • tlk JAS. BEVERLEY ' ; DR. G. F. ROULSTON, D.D.S., D. De - FURNITURE DEALER DENTIST I ' '1 Ernbalmer and Funeral Director Honor Graduate of Toronto LniveA Phone 74a. Night Gall 74b lsity. Office over Dickson & Carle ing's Law Office. Clos.,d Wed:net...4a) EXETER ONTARIO. af t Ph Offi 5a rid ernoons. one ce a 'Residence 5b. SWEET BROS. W, ROBINSON Proprietors Auctioneer Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate ,of Mar- garet tJoi:tel ob the Townsli.p of usborne'County of Iluron, married woman, decease& , Notice is tieretn given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all erect, nors and others having claims a- gainst the estate of the tsaid.iMargaret Cottel, who died on or about Febru- ary 2nd, 1917, are required on or ba - tore the 15th day oil Marcih, .send by post prepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladinan & Stanbor.5, of toe Village of Exeter, Sohcitors Lor the Executors of the saideleceas- ed. their chriation and suruatne ad- dresses and descriptions the lull par- ticulars of their elairns the state- ment of their <accounts and the na- ture of the securities if any, held by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the part;es entitled thereto having regard only to tha claims of which they shall then have notice and that the Executors tvilt not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of vthose plairus notice shalt not have, been received by them at the time of 61141h diltrlbiNl\ uii°1\1; G,Ai& (r. Solicitors Inc Executors ate erer this 10tb day' 44 TII,E tS,BORNE & HIBBERT FAIltMER'S 'MUTUAL FERE INS,UT- ANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, RORT. NORRIS Vice -President, THOS. IRYAN. DUIECTORS t DR. A. R. KINSMAN, lIonor Graduate of Toronto Univer-4 sity. DENT:ST t "4%744 Teeth extracted without pain.' , any bad etfects. Office over C4J'ardl-A- man & Stanbury's Office. J.NIalriStj Exeter. , 3. W. BROWN.NG, M. D, r. Si R4 S. Graduate Victoria Univers ty,j Office and Residence, Dominica,' Labratory, Exeter. iot 'Associate Coroner of Huron '4P WM. BROCK. ' W.M. ROY 3. L. RUSSELL, ,J. T. ALLISON FSSERY. Exeter, Agent Cs- ` 'borne, and Riiddalph. OLLVOR 11;ARRIS, Munro, Agent fcr Fullarton and Logna,. W. A. TUCEINBULL. Secty-Treas. Farqubar, GLADIVIAN & STANITURY Solicitors, Exeter, C. W. lItORINS011 ,LICENf3ED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR' for fountirs Of Ituront Fertri 'and ,Middlesex. •I'artn. 'Stock Sa.les a,'Specialty. Office at, Cockshutt' Warefooms,' next door to the Central Hotel,' Slain St. 'E),ceter. Charges mod- erate hand satisfaction guaranteed., •ct '''..fLETCHED'S lireri 'Ory 11 I. 111, CARLING, ie., A. f3arri.ster, Solicitor, Notary Public„". ComniRssioner, Solle,tor for theo-o' 33ank etc. Stoney in Loan at lov<rest rates Interest. , 0FFICE-1:AIN ST. TIXIi:TER, ONT,1 I1ONEY ITO LOAN •AI We lraxe a large nrnottnt of privat, funds to loan on farm oUci villogeO properties, at lowest wales ot int:, erest. LI ui rrtstera ,o 4,,11,fs'n ta* itt ' a 4 " 'a 1t55t _ , r:'lJ51Lj ;J