HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-3-8, Page 1313 4=4 1;11' • 131. 31. • eereeg4A ORTY-SEC01,1113 laWarra.tax*Foomapgmacommo, 2 243 EXETER ONT., THURSDAY O.RNIN MARCH 8th 917 134,r,13 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 New Spring Suits and Coats New Novelties Every Week .4,7,4., Never before b meg and summer finery. e sell the eeleh ed Nett hway NW SCITS A small range ot the ",season's ihtst Ilordhers.. Black, No,Vy, Brown, Green end Sills- soitrs. Our soils are weal. imoivu for their good wearins arid sh p e-kee p rig, qualities. The eloths ore, good andt the utylea right ap,to.date. NEW SPRING COATS Vire are showjng. oil the Neteity in Spring eoato, Sport cf.At341 :11.4) •Cer34t,3%, atria Atorie Silk Cat. Ch,“ts, ond Tweed effects, are the leaders. You must see our dta- iloy to get Om correct ideas, , Exeter Sclio ports E QUIV-Ni'FIRST %ORIN STEPHEN e, , coNTRIZlUTIONS ItiD.KNOWLEDC41ni ' A • "r3 s .r , Pb , 4 ell of the Township of step Oor Exe-h1O bad ,O 4,,k.4) • , oti„,..,a,jr, „,f I e 1 , .... "-• eP 11 - ''''' - d "n the T(ivert Hall Cr,i1,- the first robio t1.0,4,tefio*oon, a 5orucc e, .,, - '' '111;;>11, "o.°t1111,rnd3'34; thP 5111' of Mareih 19'17 tre'''' °B the •:419-ratu' '/X Plfl'l'a-reltk-',2t141. ''''.1'"ai •f°1' e°Lshi"n9.1Tre 0-,;i1r,'S • • 'or gibers were 're soot fi,ost Year' he, 4:104444°r -the gr31€14111Y to 4*-4eklIOWladge Kk)-43.014}141V4PCir(3t1/'Y 571)`''' 4Plute's - which was on Alarch 25th. Poi.744, 14,2'' by the Field Secretory of, -„the 4'N 733,11,01.-173 kvill 77; Verna, AV*41140#*;17; ,.,1,34,141,4,,p' *, the 'weather 0r°^Phet win' Ix' tt° al Sanitarium Assoolotion; 'CO4'otiOtri T.rost „.• .41 - iiippearanCk 4;707 00 ; r„. 04,4„.„4,174,, _ Sr. 4411. Ihaltors.„--"VA*140dgrt 8,4-, 4. 4 ;,t- 114131444"'"k I 11:k.„„et,'ing rohios blifeltiirds' on the 4--'1:1:14,''',001, contributions recoil`e'l 5"''''s1f1P,A41.‘440.,ka-,4;1; t'b th 4 !o;ook,'"b 0441fOrioeaSt. tlie weather conditions fon ,e0 oz,..); Jones .& 3ray. lie Lawson 73 i';''Ii"elfot'lli,"$".IAOhAitiOn. 72; frePortPe 'IP coming sPri,ng fr°°1 this earl/ 3)3 S33 "' 3 00 - F• - • •C; g•in I edge 71. - tbat"Rey na,d their rernone a , , „ 000lo bory -nior ; - W. g lUfliau ord 13ignan 00. Jr, htkoi , -ono — - , • , , • Ji - ,, , - • " DIED lIo' LON.uON 1 ..., , •,,4„lbel J ohils 71 ; 14.1'-',-;--a; -`,1-,.°1Y 111,1 ‘1°4'"' 1 -C-41,,,r'gt,41h1,,o_opo•-.3t oyetose No, _ .. 'i O.,''''.F:4.1qooli'yer 2.00 ) Ro„N,^ l'oat,c0‘' '4•Illitet o.1 c000lo oo• .-ort. o—Reggie Twzior :..,3",,i Vilog; rt hy-lriv .iursiorihotg tile - - ' ^ . ." ' , -• ,' '4,, • ,t,,, gig, - - - " 1 ;3'9 '), v '•;th'e atl'O'llid:anc.;:Al4;11444,15°f'041:dast Tore'll:'-iir•Ihrtit;I: ele'irrr"ettv.t cec'xr: , - ' •;h0* tlIed of- '''V.lacto'ri-alrli,11:ion'tct.all- ' l'!ek;L:'•-:0:::‘1•4•4•*e'r11o.s113;:;;-.0•A419:11e4^45:7414611:wftr,-,511j):14 may Elivorthy 71; 40,c1t1.#Z#0.13kihOl „ if ^ , { 1 ive f.., octal of thi. i t, ,?, , .„7',„„ ,t ,!,,•,..-, ,,7„..:„ ,,r4v,p,014 4 No. on r°1' ' " '. ' ' ' ' he ' * 411;tV 4114kat 1 .3 1 ' ' '7° '''''' ' 400' ib'r. .4 -.4. 29- C. osper. i lieiftilt"r-'s of t - ''''ter'•°i•h' .. - te.oridon, on Sitod,"tY Alarelt 1110 otb, '•,• ;II - 5, for the nrnt' arehi loos 1-eld frooi iho home pi qter k yar ..„ 4;7 ,74.44,11 ar.A _ owl i=„ ••, to, .... • ' • ttgadIfiolte pas.$1,:d and yioned Loo., Pirs• 0c- Rh11sfortl, on 'Pogr,day 0o -o•-'; sr„ l0000ry,-Soo, to$40,0nov 91- c, 1„„7> .,,, 3,3 t4tittalit/tIlt gQ441eL 9;60144V.044 5.;113E'QiCinf',Fat'°,4e3tc4.3` 4:e CO; „ /1v4T..ry soctqu, $4; „., oiled t he re o, r- 1"; • 'for t th.&;.04)0 Ogor„-:11tyci,a, rklaa,44.0141-- ; :Vat -gat -et Ittkv *41,i - 4 Poo ,10,01voit•tt*bN -1,roh 4retOt" „00,9.7„4"FicebT.4at f$, 5 I So:. let 68 "1.04Wrio.'''''/OP0111.1ed ' 15,;„; "l#4141100"01 2.0,1 pas-_-_,),1011red. 4:44.':ilivAxi:Olicavers.'41,r to expepd. ••-•oho 04 onti mr*,..314044,:p‘f •Nti, 72; Floreooe „I'6141,1V,I•ll• /i,.'," . ' -,11.e.,*•,^001t. 01•°: ';-10" 'Ot4,tlittO, lit'l.i),,,rhololle-V :Otto ''Ill,4i4;505 ja5, KitdiAlE'V4Aiiiii°, , 001;.•-' 3°1'''S. ' i I 72 z Vlerin7c.t. kfl!„;;,,'. 4"..., ' i . . ',:,,*„...00,7 46w4.40.4i, 14,,,f,943,0„410)d ..Virtir•iiiteStalkoll K,'i'do•Ilt. liderion. ontl, Miii." A. ,i1,, _. or v„,„ Lyle:1036o k!'„10,011.P10..„Pior -tkCVtkailAol' aibtatiliiiii. anal t.,41‘,v4,.."."It. i"4-'t,O'lltiOu, 4, .1 ' it; 140; ,T- _1,•/11 IWiliver CO; PlOrente',- lit,40.f"'110t: fetull4it rhU":.r: 'lit' m".311; wo-414 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ". '''' A ,007 1,z, 1,1„ Pit ash Goods For Spring ave we shown snob an etabtRate and well seleeted display 1-4 47.477,.:10 Large goat Tussah Silk 4: naroarge striped Tussah Silk YT:"J Large spot Silk mull tWn Colord Silk moll Checked Basket cloth Palm Beach Suitingsl Plain white voile Striped white voile Striped colored voile Dresden colored voile Fancy colored voile Gaberdine Suitings And a big variety of every goods on the market muo Specials for This Week $2.95 Itugs Pn A good heavy Axminster Rug 27 x 54 in ; Regular $3.75 for $2.93 Only it,: to sell. 12 1.2c Flannellette 3 pieces heavy yard wide Flannellette, good patterns. The last for 1.2%c yd. 10c Turkish Towels 6 doz only. A good large Turkish towel for one week at Toe each, 98c Men's Heavy Underwear _lost to make roam, we will sell doz. mans heavy ribbed Underwear at 9Sc each. an Paper Don't miss seeing Jones ouribig stock of New Wall Papers AND May Webster 44- ;Ir. 3rd phil$,-,^R.4b fotol'ir 4 the in* on tile north de' ENTioN c°A.L' All'Irel‘'h' 71; Oiffor'i livebter 701 oil the Troyi. tinf,brn iw TOWX.74. 1 L „f1aslf*„10. Gerald.. , 44: 444 .4r57':°..°4-` 07; S.'7,44hf777 )441..4 , Mal„1d- oa ltoroth , I1ktt 0; Lor ,73 ”fira.0” 1 7 < S • 11%.„.„ $4, -1.,tta1144.!" °IPA tattothR44447:11 4.,* 7o, - Tro,tto tool 3'„, Pa; 4,•'• • t/.)g ort ^ 111:14n,,,....qtr,i...'-(1-Igtel)tri-471117e 1.4-3,!: 414',!°' 03" 11 3 ,kv r oLtertd, Provineial Treito,vrer, d 11;;% 1,•"410,C7 1 Yr, ' f TOta I 4%131-1.' 011 r° Dorrtokol 5.00; AX -1,55 gto J. '6; L')/nrr•tY. • • OA, Grand 'hoot Red OcoriCSainViikagfi,i' tow 11oo, oo. tooroo Tr e„,• q.•004-Ttc4 -4:Pf 411,f izo(•-..7)r ti. o (14 v444133,'0004 rt: PARK , * c".111rriso.00no,,„ of' -at* sight. (s,itotchi Sr, 21141 llorors—Reoneth Sia abory „ insttraoc„,,, on hall 172)5^ Mrs. b 'y Irt Otionlis—ofren. only4 poroloo tattle to 1tooand t000 DO; 1,Ma FrOrneY 81; 1310 KeT0lgl'h4.0...",Roirtiodgo. Tres Dasbwood cros3 obe„ ton, if, for any catise, there ta df.•,,defooteil ocore of. 15 ;to, he loot Reggle Northcott 79'; '14'1°1' $1114'etg4; Sriciery 50,00; Mrs. Hollzmano, therto shortage of 'coal, improvident §c.pry bl:„33,„ 110 -di tii,,g„,,,hotougl 873x. 75. Pe,..5.i.—Anzli,c Wilijohd. 71; Alt1t1R4 .vred000 000 ooeloto )50,00; hoidera demeod that tho, ,Oatol deal- th ame. oe nr's" U$I7 AOMilPn r'6; •Grood Rend Raid 0:3 01.4 the ,nattaoly,, that the, spol (34.; (-14,401**4.P:,.\:,,v1111.'1.0.00; 00P11 -Way, „Red they vapply feel '44103 IS',4noltt3int).10,114, ift„.0. A14040 Cal1ingwo-011 Jr• •:PY ,Cros& 50,0n; ,-,drs, 'll'alqts:ifroratio Whore" had 1,14.4:1,- 1:110414,sed 111,41r , *ad tottelat 'Opt 'Woadd $4VOtt ...WOO.1 ' g; '01iNre 7-Metld. S1,4, ;,..11..o. 11.1‘k,,.10,Olitt :FlOtt ,Crus"-:. 108-4)0; '':-NI:i..s___ .,_,s ' ,,-', j'ai0P:ata- „ c*i-11 in tho .k4'''14.t4Or 'Or 414441.1Ilt OW' ';01•'''At'S-St, •'' ' '' sz o ; "-41LV'er. Ai*" V -Co 250 ; 7•,\1`.1r•IA14-„Milv=141 ,IllirLdIao W'1414' b° 4111/94e 1,4040 iltAtAlWAlt,* Ilko- 040044 f,. ;TA, vrt,,,,..,,0 rti, '' eitL-'• ' n'' • ' 1 '0' Intik' SQ '-e" WV" '004101CO3,rdt ,M101k ethddle-5` bit" ''.. Ntattal4er" entailed ' 173 l'"''.'L."1:il' 47.4."''' ,Ateilinttat 1.70; i)loniditni •Alrorit ''• Arttp..„ :15 tortalmfaitetarers eatanot ,istore, a tax.. --gtooko. too i-, tendlottee ga.71.‘ 1110S: 11,00,4, %M. "Peultale grant' tooutntlas-tuappir, roW.t. bonseholdtarat ealk:tOnto„ to 1;111'iumP" '., ' taard''Int,AgrigatitOr4- S. Ituran, 10100- with thou, vresMill Iiiris'eor witli•e101arg,? a, Utter:VS ROWT 'VII 4/4Itt'Valaner orltatlug' gurci, noon ed 'was, moo, Vfittal. toed fa)tfor *Ie..* :44V.I.;" 4 '..,..;! ' . vethlolt iAuditor 440414„. Ono . Attack- , Onirtnletits WtU . u4.Or tie( '..„,gatta•p. OA ' . os, - Trerethick 11 I* nottuit Tears We -Ahoy* bud, •o•„44„,:tibe. , (o'iciss 4. lionots—il, Bloomfield, El9,,T, tr. and4tor. 44 A Til . " ' ' ' * '''''f 1 1" r r i '190VP lb Itl " ri, 1 -rt. • g. 74 • 24254 Tlr NvelAcdreoviog gravel' e01- ant 110$ , ths,„, n It'eX,5, Dlivortity 73; ,i)f. Illiosott 71; It 'WeOr "'''' , • • , " atiedrol, ibis yeor wheo the eeveritri' take some , ',,r, .Tolura 0, ,. 5. need r4 , l'o•-s•-a 34.;r 4 °4r;t1c or the t oat *tillers strthe, and'4,14 re.„Litonw 1 05, IL Nelson 01 5-1, lirown 61, ,oictoo, Th„ congeal adyparnital to meetagain, , h ',. ' - -: he, 1 il it e •Nar'aoralrne, ial 1,, Tit,' • 1 „,..„,1711,1(1. ()L.; „0,, 1:1,c0,1,1711,;(:^1tt,-i..,,,' ;,,ii,,,,,, itttstzli- „irli‘,,, t%.,f,,,,In o,ofinAr14-10,1xtjitioolfli,i.,ttli:..1:1.0-tu5,:t"' ;Ty. prosperlt,y In the 1.',11iled States, 4 Witt 100k 1110N . ,i.' -•••, / ' 1 1To ors t* Theiver 80, -ST 'In 't'lle On" ball- Prediten,, on MOn- , '44 t ''. '''' (31 -1." (In -; "' ' ) . 01 0. ' '4 „ , , lc:used an unpreeed,ented cortgestleut well. The forma:01 iiiioltit,' 1 75 ; Pas;—G. 1);ri;l:: 73: 3- 1.11001nrkld . , „'„ p- ''. ' r' ' 4'k ''. ,4 Ot freight. A survey of condition& in ,Rosle Soutor 'and, 0,' Stock and Poultry Foods RAISE YOUR CALVES ON- at We have the Complete 1/ Line of Royal Purple Specifics Stock Food. 50e to $5.00 Poultry Food, 25c to $5.00 Lice Killer 250 and 500. Roup toad Cough cure 25c & 500 Rydes Cream Calf Meal $1.25 E MI LK IT SAVES SELLS FOR 3 TIMES rrs mg. to $4.25 per sack( The Automobile Skate For poys $1.25 to $5.00 per pr. For Girls $1.25 to $3.00 per or. " Straps 15c, and 20a per pair. vedeeeeet, reeeeeee eze Eipckey Sticks 150 to $1.00 each. Examine our stock and variety of axes and handles, and cross tut teAvvs. STOCKTifeEN—Purchase one of our Indian made chaff baskets ere they all go. A Perfection Oil Heater will make that chilly Teem comfortable Prices $3.00 to 5.00 ful stock of stable Ishovels and -daroonas, mitts and gloveslan- terns. eta. ' ( 11EAMAN e Phones 27b eglageNDERMIN „ltf NEV,TSPAPEilislAit,',"S TRIALS Sir Hugh Graham of the Alontreai "Star who was raised to the peerage4, recently faced the world as a young obaan with but $2001 capital( to start bie new enterprise. Out bf that he has :...)itade the greatest newspaper property 11 .0,14 Pana•da and reacheid the House oe HOW he did it is a story of „ eeermination, resource and courage, ,`which no novelie;t would be recklese le•onough to imagine. Ble was soon so I;far in .delat that he could not get oeredit for a penny's worth of paper —and the tells now with relish that ,ethey had to run off raanreleopies, 11i84 - 14 ' of the Star, as his Supply of ;white paper Would allow, ruh1 them out on the street to be sold, and then ruish the coppers thus obtained to the tpa-' per merchants, for more paper fax next day's edition. In one tinae he coulci not buy coal in larger quant- ities than a hall a bushel at a time Do couldn't pay for the -,St.,„>am Tower to run his press—which he bought from his next door neighbor -so that was shut off threatening absolute ruin Rut heing a country boy, he ,knew Id Irick that naight serve—he telegraph- ed to the country for a horse and a horspower, and for a time a big white horse was the power kl ellund thk,le throne. Rev. S. W. Maxworthy was Inas.. Posed last week suffering from a letter which I WAS very pleased to cold. His work on Sunday morning receive, Everything was in good order was taken by _Rev. Mr. Yelantd. and, The peanuts were great/ and. thy Can.. r4^.; " 13 Id f'13; C°11311 "aul, 'it.'" 14" °tin the Lotted blates_ demonstratg* a tivo'utlerful $410-14101; 04; T. Lane al; Class Honors -IL v- 111nee• 3, 7, t t *." n" mar 04 tloWti foar abrcaitt*tht }lour,' arc etr , „ cot Gower 80; -A. Wiiliord 1‘) t llarnixtes" than in the rasa- anu1. that etion that AVoltIld 1(0ntz 72; M. Clark 57; O. Beavere 00; TT. '14,1‘4t 80. ' 'PliESPYTERY :1/1.tT ATICENSALL For this their is only oue remedy' : the 20,0t, Thre ,YarVI 111'0°6 '1'k they ocoor at shorter intervals breath tind their shots arodei,Pr., Quacilteathitsh. te tit loa b(-,att,"(tna, `93tay your etwal in the ;stammer. if time for 'ad goat tender. Taltigt,,, ROOM WIT The .r.r.,;ibstery of 1Turon held, its: If (.”.1 zua sufficient [storage, en-ttll as ;1„ team they. :are well-balanteill4i4 1..00011,1r amnia I meeting at Ilensall laroo, +roar coal bin." ,473. • 1. Clazo; 4„-•-rooetie• „Febr'larY 271b. The fol- le.,'‘'.7.'et,I.Vbree013e0; .311107,5s.C;o„.,nbnroirei 66311. Ecladl,s° • o'‘;',IYDr1:.!FInette*Le:S•rtr.a 1711d. ggto heare'rs 81.7; Nom' iteeder iNle„esre Telford, ,Abery., so ;Mtken Ica t 111001 n,,,on Ina n 61; vrttlIk ,Tohnston, McFar la me Smith. Sharp Woods 'and, Iinmilton, ;Willis( ere a nd Creech 60; Doris Salter 00. 'Claes 2. Gladman, Drysdale, Cunning- -04,1:\rettroietlaritoew;6t511 0029;rCaloara,cSdaceknivieirlis 80.33! ham...'lletiotvan. Moody, Morgart Mane s Class 1.--rda Medd. 03; Ruth,Paesreorer and 111<ler. ;2; GladyRun.ltin 004 Atr. Argo was appointed lAToderator or Roll 4.3. A.ver.-gDow. Stock or Presbytery for ensuing: six months ,,t.L. Letters from the Front The 'Tome Mis9ion Committee wee( au- thorized to ask for grants for Lee - burn /Ind Union ands Grand Pend and Corbet. The reporls of the variouS committees of the Presbytery were, present; That the Same INITseions The following interesting letter \S113 and Sacial Service by Mr. Smith; on written by Pte. Archio Davis son of Sabbath Schools and Young People's "..NIr. 'Arthur Davis or town. Aremo i1 Societies by Mr. Laing: on 'Statistics now stationed at Englefield Aux Pole- )and Finance by Mr. Ifittnilton; on Eng lefield House, Reading Eng. Standing, Committees by Mr. McFare Ile says received your name! ani lane It is propased to hold Institutes during the year in connection with the work of Young Peonies Societies, and Sabbath Schools and if was also urged that wherever possible there do not roast them. Call them pk,anuts should be classes for teachers and and they tell you they never heard of Leader training. The matter olio sub - them. 'before, ond never heard ot ma- elect for conference was 'left in the sted peanuts. Yes I had. a very int- bands of the rommil tee for 1017. a bunch of hogs to Messrs L Arm- eresting and joyful Chrtgtmas at No. The following ministers with their strong and son averaging 204 pounde 1, Reading„ We had the usual Christ- elders constitute the standing cotn- for which -they received $186.10. The mos dinner rind at one o'clock the vis- mittees for 19,17. Price paid -was $14.10 a cwt,, The (tors "Cana(' in and Wehada very •(inc Home :Mission and Social Service— pigs -were only sixi and a half montlYs concert. The sisters of our- three Messrs. Smith, Sharp and McFarlane, old and for this age the Price 'Tee wards spent over 30 shilling's on Foreign Missions—Messrs, Abery, eived is noteworthy. flowers and ,had the wards decorated 11IcDermid and Fogg. Alr. 0. Gower tooll thd'work „Beth- adian friends 000n fire'shed them.You. any in he afternoon. Mr. Muxwor- can get them in this country only they thy took his own work at night, A GOOD PRIOE. Sweet Rros. last week delivered BORN VBEEMAN-At Granton to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Preernan, a son. STONE—In `Osborne, on March the 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. isPercy Stone to As'ith evergreen end holly. I am, get- tir,g on fine now. My wounds are near ly all healed up but I am not able; to stand on my foot yet but can put a Systemat•c Reneficenee—Messrs. little 'weight on it. Tt will be another Johnston, Larkin, and Messrs. Glad - month until T. eau %vatic. My right man Higgins, McLean and. Manson. leg is about the size ,of a broom ban- Superintendance of Students--Mes- dle only Skin and bone. I am afraid rs. Telford, Sharp and Dr. Fletcher. I will have to ondergo an operation Enaergency--Itressrs. Woods, Efamil- ' but 1 hope T don't for I have had ton and McFarlane. SANDERS—In Exeter on March Eth onoursh of it. My log is very weak 011 Conference—Messrs Aitken, Telford -to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders, o account of part of the muscle gone, and Smith. 5011. and about two ineb,es of the fibula A. & I. and W. & 0.—Messrls.,Fiet-1 CAMPBELL—On •the TharneS Road., ' was blown out, that is the small bone cher, Argo and )Carriere. Usborne 'on March Gth to Mtp. and at the back of the leg. I have just Finance and Statistics.---Meesrs Mrs. n rew amp e a I on. Is wounded and ito in No. 2, hospital itt -Reading. His home is in Goderich, tine of the 71st boys. He went to the 13th with 'the some draft that I did Sabbath Schools and Young Peoples Societies—Messrs , Laing Aitken and Carswell I •9. d b II s had woril that an old chum of mine Ela.milton. L•aing and Carswell. .DECIIER--GAISER—At torbet•t, ort Feb. 28th, Miss Violet Gaiser, of • k Dechor, of near Zurich. WESTERN ONTAR.E0 BATTA;LION,S DIED S [IEEE R CA'S I A_LTIES TIEOR.MAN—At 16t1 eon., liny, on Feb. 20th, Wm. Heokrnan, SNIDER—At Sauble Line, Stanley, on Feb 26th. Jaco.b Snider,c-inhis 86th,' yeor. 13LA.CHWELL—On March •6th, Rich- ard, Blackwell, 2nd con. Bidduiph, aged 68 years. Ustorne Tp. on Sunday Feb. .18th, John Rhode, formerly of PENALTY FOR L'STENING- , near Dashwood. ON RURAL PTIONE LINES Word from Ott ;Wit. states that sev- eral tvestern On•lario battalions took part in an ore.eig 'merit on Thursday ot: last week and estimated, that the ,cosuait r„ , but 300, with .1 consider) c 7 31)13 r o officers. 'T*I Lb- L W '1 4 only of one days -dui a oi "Li elved bcoaitoesp se aof v,ear, _ ACHESON—At Victoria TIospital, Lan don on March 3rd, James Acheson formerly of Exeter, aged 62 yearS 1. month and 21 days.',. • COLEMAN—At the residence of her son Mr. John Coleman of London, on Wednesday , February the 281h, Sarah 'Coleman formerly of Exeter HARTON—In Exeter, on March 7th, Eliza A. Wood, belove-d wife of Mr. Thomas Ilarton, aged 58 years. The ' funeral (private) will bet,heldr,Eriday afternoort at:. ;2 o'clock '2 • Legislation was introdttoeci, by Eton. I. . B. Luc Is ;_t t' Lo gi n la ture 011 Monday iniposino a fine of not more than $25 on (-I Osteriers. This is intended 10 , riely to rural tele- phones. "Yo,... )n 1,24-t the in"ormation lout you cannoi, it on—that is about the Kilt' presexit,"' he baid "This appliet'; and where it is IT1 ,(1•11a0 a a ,ieit• is not intended for 1314`1",''' 1,1;'`‘)n anybody I conies Ito be;, ovee .the i,elepho e,,and who repeats ver atiorts that 1 11 , • • , Auditors.--•111essrs. Abery, and, Glad - Man. • The following were appo,nted cornd naissioners to, the next Geoeral As- scmbly—Dr. Fletcher mos-irs. T and Argo, Ministers,; and Messrs: John McKay, John J. Talyor, and el: T. Morgan, Elders. Dr. Fletchor was named as the Rep-, resentative of the Presbytery on the Assembly's business ICommittee and (11r. Telford on thet Synod's correspond Inn 'committee. The Presbytery also named Colin Fletcher, M, A., Elk a, for the Mod- . oritorship of Cbe ext G s Os -4 sembly. Mr. Corriere was nominated for the Moderaionship of the Synod 01 " 'It and Loudon. lam.on .hi The 'next meeting is to be held in Ffensailt ion 2nd Tuesday of .May at 10 o'clock. 'DE-OTTI OF MRS: COLEMAN Exeter„dSicadraaht ,Ctohleenareaandiefloarcine eorrly'heort son, 'Mr. John Coleman London, 'on _ , W'ildtiesdaO 'morning of latst week. af- ter a short illness. She , is survived by ttvo -sorts John andoGeorgo, both of 4.ond,om The funeral was held, on: Sat- urday afternoon to -Woodland, ceme- tery. The funeral services were ,con - 1, slucted by Rey. H. Ashby of . the ' church of ..the •;" APIac IBr ) You ecruits citactLiori, ---anted for l just as surely as lack of food is strangling Germany 1 day by day, so plenty of food is whining the victory 1 for the allies. The French armies, for instance, were never better fed than now, for rrance cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870—the failure of her food / supply. To this she attributed the loss of that war. , To feed the Vreneh soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,- 1 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. This gives a faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and Britain have a huge a r my of fighting heroes on theline ; every man musT havr-' plenty of food, in spite of a world shortage - Upon Canada's food production all principally rely. The Farmers of Ont rio Urgently Need Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist in the farm help ea anpaign. The Department appeals to men unlit for military seryiee, or who find it iinpossibl e to enlist in the army. Do your -bit” by helping to increayt„ production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportttricy. 'The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired_ farmers, of men follow -in.- no occupation (retired), of bits -..n ess 113.CI1who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary affairs to plait to help some . farmer friend, particularl-y- in seed time and, ha.rves;,-. Confer with your county District 'Representative of the Department of Agriculture, or write, "rarm Help Ca111-, paign," care Department of Agriculture, Toronto. "..VirgillIg Ont rio • Departraent of Agriculture if4 • 4if 33, 3iA ' 4:53' ' ,4; ; 113 iarietaitiliaratlietteld 17! 474 .7'74 44, 15i;7,7 . 414r 4371 , 3 Ogee_ ,33,44 51