HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-2-22, Page 8,A. STEWART AT OLL., S And Black ' fine clu Surges al odd dyes at per yard $1, 5 5 5 Spe - - 'n Silk extra qua per yard °a1 n Curtains in scri . and mar tise e at per pr, retty pat1 per yard 'roc, -25c, , 40c, soc 'a in Tape s t and ' lendid ne.v i' ern in Cat n and Scotch make. ' le to quote you lo as we boucrht when orices , °, 'or than they are at Come in and see the Wall Papers Sce .7„e new Wall Papers we are showing for 1917 New as in Hangings Borders for Halls Dining Rooms, Parlors, Bedrooms and Kitchens Greatly reduced prices on clearing lines. Ark J Is A. b 1" Phone 16 IS Ndt1.1136 Stdrtififi to ff.113661086 t118 MOrtOdfie Oil Your flealtli? If so "Discharge the Indebtedness by Electrical or Osteopath Treatments" . some one tati told. yon thali I rub; the isnine, 'forget it; don't., if you ire Suffering from any of the following ailments call and see Ine 024 pat tell you. what„.1 cand.o. If I tomtit help you I will fell You to. , VonTaith ottra about thief e, nee: • Ostnina Female Trouble Lumbago kppendicitia Fevers Stomach Trouble Bronchitis Gall Stones Nervousness Constipation Efeart disease Neuralgia Catarrh, Ray -Fever Paralysi. Dyspepsia indigestion Poor Circulation Deafness Jaundice Rheumatism Pairs in back kidney Disease St. Vitus' Dan Stammering' Headache Sciatica Epilepsy Pains in back of neck and, head, DR. W. E. DEMPSTER Osteopath and Chiropractor Cvenings and Sundays by appointment OTATICE PHONE 103. 'RES. CENTRAL OTEL 1:GIVE "SYRUP or PIGS - TO, CONSTIPATED CHILD 14)eliclottifi "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver 'and bowels. Look at th6 tongue, mother!' If *idoated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- isb, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspeonfui of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated , waste, undigested food mad sour bile gently moves out, of its little baseols without griping, and yott:, Four druggist for -a 50 -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con- tainsennil directions for babies, chile dren of all ages and for grown-ups. POWELLS Fancy China for Wed= ding & Birthday Gifts Better than usual but- -cost no more. And besides we will offer 50 pieceis of beautiful chine at reduced prices The articles will bear a ticket "'RE- DUCED." Watch for it. SOME BIG THING$ FOR LITTLE ATONEY Soon we expect to pat on sale a large assortment of home-made candy end winenive prizes with every pound turchttqc1 to introduce- it. Powell's '''st SHOP to get the heist , If you don't think so, try them Veanuts are one of our bi I' . Salted end roasted. Market Report—The following is the report of, the Exeter tene'ret dlarley 70 to 85c. - Peas 2,00 per bus Family flour 4,70. Low grade flour 2.7,0. Shorts 42-00 Fee -s 40c .Rutter 38e, • • • Monda • boo LOCAL oa • was eindoa ed a s n jorie (-1 sq.ellog )he with t taken r openings. \V. Tom 41, ciwn of iBurr u111 ot the ndon Road sou past week. Mr, R. afeArthur, o I eine; who as been vnittne; for 't . lutist week or two with .114 Wm, ;Bloomfield left Frank W. Weelte3 left last Sat- ir far his home at Virden, ;Mane of being called to Exeter owing to the ideath or his father tha late i vs, and Thelma Skinneu .entied the funeral of the aylor on Saturday last., fast - gin EXETER Cin'D 13.0Y The Quality Store At the New Meat Market u ,an get all kinds ot fresh and cured meats, choice sausage corned bnef etc. You can order your meat and roceries and have them deliv- ered together. p hone or send your order. Phone 8 D OAT sale ENiNG tiny vrening 1),,, al : 1:,', „,„ 1,14';d47;„,'''''t ioin =, oficiat:1:inrot, OP THANK cipal bodies or Exeter. to the school ,,eng- in general for their many hind. emingsion of sympathy dorintr their e cent bereavement, TOP OF FINGER OFE Mr. Wm, Reid. on Monday had the misfortune to have part of the index finger of bis left hand -taken off bee low the first joint white loading wood Ilk was adjusting a chain to a log and all!: tightened en his hand severing the index finger and badly splintering the The second" fin- ger was also bruised. Mrs. N. Lloyd and,sotiNormun who ents, air, and Mrs* T. 'Elliott, left on Monday (tor their Ionia in Star 'View Mrs. aIrCreath, of Ineknow, visit- ed her parents, Mr. and, :Airs. I. Arm, DIES IN INIITCHELL ry Piper elie,,d et his home in the" South Ward on Wednesday'. afternoon February 'the 14th at the age ot 411 ployed in iarr., John ',Coppin's stronn, for a few days dia'rkg the Pa'st Darn. be -complained, of not feeling 'week. In company with Miss May well, it,:rid failed to report for duty Atinstrong she left for Toronto to nn irrldar last. Hie illness at :first take in the Millinery openings., Rev, Dr. Fletcher of the Thames Road occupied the pulpit in James St. nlethodist church on Sunday last. appeared to be a light cold, but, un- fortunately it developed into -pneum- onia and notwithstanding the best ttnedical Skill and nursing paissedl away as above stated. Ile leavee a preaching a very acceptable sermon preach. wife and son to mourn his loss.-- it - Road. Grace Piper of town ond left here! about 25 years ago, working in Sea - forth for some tinie. Mrs. Piper and 'Mr. John Piper attended the funeral in Mitchell. FEY. FFERSON APPRECIATED vine and formerly of Crediton hadi a pleasant surprise on the moilning following his Quarterly Official:Board' DIES IN DETROIT Meeting. His people sent him a cheque expression . of our appreciation of yourself and. esteemed earmlye, sult of a street car accident. The deceased who tvaS about 63 years 'of EXETER OLD 0,0Y HOOPER, THE EGG DEALER/ Exeter and surrounding. distric t maintains its high stendard for tbe prodoctioa of eggs. ,M4 C. F. ,Roopen the new -laid egg dealer, brother of 31r. J.,CF. Hooper. St. Marys, secured age Spent his boyhood days in Exeter and was well known by many Exeter people. He married Elizabeth. elde4 daughter of the late Wm. Windsor, of MeGilleray. and spent the firet years of his married life in Woodham later the removed with his family to Detro.t where he engaged in making bix !Prizes oUrof• La 130''''sible' eight, in- automobile bodies. In relignon he was , many -floral. tributes ishowe the highl MISSION CIRCLE -TEA. .. - - his sorrowing \vine he 'eaves to Marrie day' Feb. 26th. Tea from' 6 to 8. prow remains weke laid to rest in Greed gramme-- after. Admission 25, 15. and Lawn cemetery. New Tailored Suits and Coats PERRY F. nourpE Licensed .ei.n tioneer. Sales conducted in any I cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be PromPtlY tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton, 414-. dress Kirifton FOB GALE—Skating rink and 3rov- inn Picture Theatre in Eonteto. Good lausint-ss being done, better than' any Of first intereet, when the eooldaye otee. The styles are varied to meet to Zif.tereLc tastes. Coate are long. skiris are also lonoer, Our new goods are here, Good range ctoose trout MADE TO YOUR MEASURV S e Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging from $17,o0 Up OAL Siteere EN eTroN Samson Sa eh. 24th B , with ring at the Gr Co; Admission ECT Previous -period for same length- of owe Good reasons for sselling, be „Sold separafe together. Wne Lea vitt, Proprietor, • FEED CU'TTERS—We have in stack 2 haird noWer feed cutters, and two engine ,Power feed or ensilage cut teas need a feed cotter. interest for its eelunins anti ie(gla et it by phone, mail or dropped iri the office.. The Best Newspaper Value iestern Ontario London Advertiser All Mail Editions $3.00 per Year 2 doz a zett Head 41 Bra STOR Sa f 20 per cent, 75e Tritarai F. BEAV RS polls in the recent election to fill the 'vacancies in th.t Tildtittlph town.: ship council:— , soinditleion Thompson 42 43 46 44 02 237 MeFalis -17 n3 15 52 112 279 Wallis 23 41 18 64 85 231 Hodgins 60 55 -12 "22 87 279 los-elect, Richard litedgins. COT rAGE FOR SALE.— eenient Cottage for sale, or ent. Aptly to G. J. Bow, Exeter. 400 Tons of Fine, Lend and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades S5.50 Per ton; 500. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works Co., Ltd.. S. Sutton, Manager, NOTICE—Owing to the present eon - i ions toe find it necessary to place our businest on a strictly cash basis and desire that the publig kinde ly Lake notice and governAhemselvesi accordingly. -3. Diemen and Son. ENSILAGE FOR SALE The silo .at the Canning factory is open and ensilage for nate at $3.00 per ton. Purchaser paying for weigh- ing on R.E0x.etSeerldvona'nsnsingcales4co., A CHOICE FARM FOR SALE ',Being Lot 16 and N half of Lot 17 North Thames Road, consisting of 150 -acres._ 5 acres bush, 50 acreS .in grass, and 50 ploughed. Up doedate brielr dwelling, kitchen and woodshed Large up -td -date bank barns, every convenience,Silo, never failing supply water in buildings from windmill, 1-2 miles from school, 1 & 1-2 mils. from Method is t and Presby terian churc hes. 5 1-2 miles from town of Exeter, rural mail and telphone., This has al- ways been conceded to be the -basil farm in Usborne. Easy tennis for pay- ment for quick sale. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron real estate agent,' R. R. No. 1 Kirk - line Exeter. t • • • 4110 • • • • • • • • 40111410.44N PliONE Stock Taking Shows us that we are over stocked and in order tO reduce we are offering some splendid bargains !u the following lines Ready- Made Cloihing • • Suitings and Overcoats • • • Underwear and Woollen Socks • All lines of Woolen Groods are splendid Juying. : It will pay you to stock up for next winter at • • prices we are p ering now, • 40/ 410 • • • • 41. 4. 110 41. • • • PUONE AMAN s we go to 'press we learn of ?the', death of Mrs.. A. A. Turner of Ceti-- tralia. which occurred TuesdCy even- ing, The' derease•4 ,nne 27 years and 8 'months old. Mr. Turneglo the, Te will be MINISTER OF FINANC EQUESTS NA as 31.1 if 4y ns ueoesen gat oc'rilie' 'sever e. Aj tVP