HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-2-22, Page 7POU G zbtaalsare £Aoaat zuid the Calle. (Me lit, just as Billy B0r1 »us sat down to rats daughter, Nannie boat, "ia Ed1zy, h heard a 'voice ca111n R Y ` trior" i 1 aIe went to th,0 earl er nest 3}•, and. Mrs.. lkls rl a4*1" e tl.ing 1I1 11 ,nnie lie 1'olloX �asr acauo ;l y,) as k c fl she a. very sk it sr Il aq t1la2,e Z re were e triy`d no had y e y good; si tel Ali "bat, alt' w"+Ci that, cul tl, for 11 "4. tt,z; T. i�. 'Qaat lego rola: �o ret`, ref e of the t+ lie i eh at lio you thin hand Zt .,gnat;' said.. No..2 'lth ejrioeity. y ?)ltlla , leltjt1€i LZ S i' na '£4th f. ct tA ie 1 cu The Busmess of Being a Boy as a strenuous em- ployrr ent. Sturdy boys and girls are not built out of books alone. The best food for growing youngsters is Shredded Wheat, the whole wheat food ' that builds healthy tissue, good bone cj: develops s®und teeth ,41ealthy gums. For Breakfast or any meal, with null or cream. , Delicious. l h preserved fruit% in Caiaada. Fads dr�a ry,•"<"3ic111Agt t7i:c Goat,. 441'1 [00 really�'. 1@ mother haw goo l" think it is wonder-, .sed snch s, good cook c c<azck ; as: delicious.. Sweet a;wghtc , 0 a t11u 411 Esus, 'I ai 11€0 tiro 111"s a.°iz 1, '^allty she Ito /lean a;+i 'alio?" "Yee, rtaplied Mrs. ,liuniit ;:.utile, "atlwhca tzaley her Path AUS'1't{A34I4,li,;'I.t) I'IRk. d�Iaide of Native Fibre and .Pronounced Bullet, Nail and Glass Proof. i\ new (rind of ttutorae ile t`tlie hilanline--has appeared : in r us titalia. It is made of a native fibre. The aa1 that gave rise to its ton - trivet. , la1v it is made, and how used, are described in the Weekly Bul- letin, Caeadiaan Department of Trade and Coll1ni11rco, as fellows: "Aahi other. countries of rats( d;ie.- trances amid comparatively few travel- ling :facilities, the advent of the ni0tOr car in Australia has, to a very con siderable extent, solved the difficulties of transportation. In :many; parts of the country the roads are merely hush. tracks or overlend stock routes. on which herds of cattle are driven long distances to the city markets or coast- al freezing works. "The rough nature of the country over .(Biedl the cars travel and the cx .cessive heat often experienced have made the cost of rubber tires a serious item in maintenance, thereby causing_ many experiments to obtain a substi- tute for rubber at a moderate cost. The invention and recent perfection of the Australian `homing' tire is claimed to have solved the problem of produc- ing an emergency tire at a compara- tively small cost. Tests with tires made or various kinds of fibro were made, with the result that coir fibre was found to be the most suitable for the purpose because of its lightness, cheapness, resilience, and durability. The greattest`difiieultyr Wan to discover a method of.. joining the ends of the rope to;zlake'a complete circle of the same size, I1ut eventually a new splice was invented, and the tire as now sold in Australia is'perfecteof its type. "When first: placed en the market the `homing' tire was sold as an emer- gency tire in case of a puncture or blow-out, but it proved so satisfactory that in the country districts of some of the States' the rope tires are .Ere- ciuently.used pit all the wheels of mo- tor cars', particularly for station or ranch work and over: rough and stony country. "The tires are bullet,' nail, and glass proof, and if a speed of sixteen miles is not exceeded it is claimed that they ere almost as soft riding as pneumatic tires. It should be understood that the `homing' tire takes the place of both„,inner tube and cover, being at- tached t tachd to the rim by four or five stra115.” l'. nal thea' to , 'With as ` Siam the tnuwiclal scale is an educe division of the octave into seven part;s and rnusin never iS written, but lear'neo lay ear and heeded down 11.Eracliti1Rna 11y ed, coats. This e-tanrii f box, pleats in the feet and t` e in t hack and a large sailor collar. paradaptable #.te u I, At weight broade?otik o2' serge. McCall Pattern No. 7 505°, Girl's 04ox-Pleated Coat, Pattern- i,1 7 .sizes; 2.. e o 1, .:'f.. years. Price, 15 cent.- ' ' These patterns may be it fl or., yo r lc c rl Ill: 4eaIeAa,,= the `a ;:Call company, npan y, 70 stn; Totoi,tu, Ocitar a "Dept Wr 1e eze .otic"' WA 1't;tt is, vert o as Solilt;,tlka;��t dd t 21, d"*tirt a a 'td1".l; paste,. '. 9 ° used t° clear this.,; a " z� a,' toy as y,, ,.ra l tl,> It+2111, p Cad a t tn:'1is ab halt =rah. c.lea ►tn xk,ch r11('':. -'54e eared £In dal' f j to dry han a :;eoslays iTg a'a S' ooth d ip. The s !, } n 2rcta0:,..'''' f' to stlie the Co3' ewe isd 0 est; 1114::, sl 4 fasucnable sey tt°ilrmed wit31 su ita1he laeltfoil with .t wide Etirdie of I tt%it's ttiliz is horn ehown to Intuited a4vifs a ta11,o. creep ideate; 1 f.loueee is titer frilaing feature of this dress. McCall Mattern No. 053, Ladies' Chemic;(! Dress. I'dlttern in .l sizes; 341 to X23 bust,. ee 20 cents, Box -plea d frocks bring box -pleat - ou Can Snap our fingers gat the i11 effects of caffeine when you + change from tea and coffees POST eves a A e' } tillFt'11ti fbAI l? )31 )r. wont�in a,t 1£)355 e At .sue fat t! Ida ore mane Up i rd ill 1S. 91l MICA XIX GRED t10 yt3 1# 1111(1 ben FB� tie -s a sa_ootlle' hearing sur- , face andaion 1.;erwe t:lug De.t$ers TUE 1 , CI NY iP cs°othes.?' tp:.Z7;[a needs 111 nes k Ilusuat eI ;ria, p to the. ata 9 in 41.5 t of rite (rine to ill f 1i which la ,,, omastood 'f 101. from y;;' 41.3 1300 0 $:r1t5:8�i Ti;e 0 0 tilt tivoliiail who SVnt II. STsigllet' I.aasc'r,tllill, tfdlt , '1" iter .L4tez' th bal'ilt o£ rite koCk b'4t fl"Q111 4,Oi€Ig €ot' S5°1ii% S' 4'4 attt;1 11tE11`lioIi would 1Ye1 nelesex<1i`y, bet MI i' t ettdeti this find as Dr, V. Illiams' Piitlt kills had been of greet. to my sheer I decided to try tbis medi- cine., .uad I Can truly suy tiaat. after using the pille for emit(' made aend cure ai m ol de. me they more enjoyable than it had been cen for' a long time. I think every woman suffering from the ailments of our sex should give Dr. Williams'' Pude Pills to fair trial as I know from my own case the great benefit that fol- lows their use." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents :a box of six boxes for $2.511 from Tile Dr. Williams' 11ICdicine Co., I-irockville, Ont. 11. adultaa e MAN'S WORK. Berry School for Boys believes in do- ing whatever needs to he done. Its motto is, "Be a lifter, not a leaner;, But the position that it holds and the ideals that it maintains were not at- tained without a struggle. In The Men of the Mountains, Mr. Arthur. W. to a: bds 00 0• ar h 1 of 4 ti' l!tin,.h rt aeale 1 1, Cn`ar t', a4i� n, 55'4 4104 4i Walt{'„ 1.4 l"&lA 2tkZ1L'„ke Rldr: AF1 .. 5 liking aspect. delvers, bet t wheel they Q l�. 100 ll„y tt ill 141444 4 0f landscape of Alesteetit - , lnta`!iitaiith yeerS. The tree.. ar gonee tige, lar i'h ld415'� fttt 115;5 „sire/Igo 014440 4pt'41€+.''e 51' r °l4 -b e'1 etl� from t he 1•tic?k alatl ,sttidied t itis tcrest in : l ts'aili;l many iii riot wi (111010111 trees 141e 1it';it4- ties-+ int» pression ti1ut 000 is ).uc?l",ng at a kind-. 5s- .pe. which 11115 furcevt+r disappeared from other paete of the world is so vivid that. th.' 01315 5701 maplee and oa145 tt1 Sd'Ti10 o1' the City streets etrike is jarring not!, iuf�'c r ai it ek'41 lit ahoy 1 tie" '8. taf +x Teifte Deafness s itet e d QlaNti,e 074 xt0 Ey t:e 10104 re - head 010 of d NG z3 t etaCa tI kiew Ca ing apidlettiecl. rn a Journey in'on, one k'v arm fendn Mete. <L.2 acfoss pressen by the r, articular It, seems bat a dal/ stretches of oar `x'esI aZ'ar: or one 'Ado field 4 Vf. tk9XS:t , 411 SSy t,11?' (;41011 a',.Zlr:oad. and ether property 3p,"_fi�< tai a1i t'er: "ed it, s. w f -. G x shows to ,3 �la$ e7b%,t'it tY*..ct' 'i �1Et are $ have 12 t:,"atio0 lth r for C5°oi.5 ou No L1 tter' e� (lien(/. sof 'tb eoa11 G %13.4 1� tli' 1�kt e ?te t`he ou :ity p ltd Rleirl of Canadian, n ar s 55 14 044 €1 41401' 114. ,T run-, S run-, Q des ATION TO Com all ca'llfg)1):ral. e 'levrlasailt:ifflatali:ifPu°1Statah first meeting. Its Programtne, xtille1G"lk.ItaiR a*ooId )i6Nlt T 114» 10141114 te4' a by Dlti lii770p 1 When Your Eyes Need Care. t+ac lturinc F.,se ]Tcdicini. 1 o3murting—Feels Flue—Acts- Qulc::iy. Try It, for Red, Week, ..BorCEyen rind Oranuin ce. Eye1kls, Murine is compounded by our Oenuleis—not, r. "Detect i1 llakke"-bu. userd, to aueee:ssfui Physicians' Yractice for many years. Now dedicated to t Rutile and raid by Drnggiets at We, per Bottle. rifurine Eva Halve in Aseptie11nbes, Me and.We. Writ; kr hook of the Dye free. Mucino Ey. Remedy Company. Chicxao. Adv. Irow a Boys' School Learned' to hire Up To Their Motto. In the hills of northern Georgia the Spaulding tells the story of one of the first crises in the history of the school. The mountain boy was ready: to plough in the fields, chop in the woods, hammer on the house; he was not wholly off` his ground in milking the cows, cooking his food , and making his bed; hut there were some things required of hien that were too, obvious- ly wolnan's bvious-ly-wainan's work. The first Monday Miss Berry summoned her young guard of mountaineers for their first lesson in laundering. - The laundry was a washtub out under a tree. "iNow, boys," said Miss .Berry. "we, are going/to wash: clothes. I will shosV� you how. ' Then each boyis to wash his own garments," Among; the miles( trees in dirt is the Australian eucalyptus.. attains a height of nearly 500 feet: 3Tinnrd'm I,ininaeat Curea Distemper, The' New Mat. "Papa, clear, I fool it in zliy bones. that you are going to buy 1ne a new hat." "'Which bone, ,(1a111114'?" "I'n) not :lure, but l think leeshbone." hi 0, at1 414 1, k. bre u oto "Balky was troubled with eonst' lion and nothing helped him till I began using liaby's Own Tablets. They are en ex/elle:It medicine for , little ()nee," 'foe Tubiete are eold by Imedieine dealers or by mail at 25 cents u hoe from The Dr. \\*Mimes' 1 Medieine Brockville. Ont, the Judge's Turn* ImPveriseneler— Vet; have, my lord, A Nasty One. would like your ring back. He—Never mind, keep it. No other I girl know could use that r' relese I she wore it on her thumb. There are said to be S00 uses for' the palmyra palm, which grows throughout tropical India. rny There was silence, an electric IF FOOD-D1SAGREES lence while the mountaineers con- sidere'd. Then their spokesman a tall, , strapping young fellow, said, ,"NO, ma'am! I ain't net-er seen no man do no washin', and, what's more, I ain't gollf Co do it', Calmly Miss Berry played' her last card. "If you will not do the wash- ing," she said, "you may watch me while' do it for you." Into the tub went hee round, white arnis. leas her first washinf, Up and down, "sloshe " the down bent the back- of the gentle washertvoman. The boys' stood sheep- ish] rege.rding her. Exhausted she nel leaned in wearmees against the iib„ The chivalry of tile motel-Lai/leer seerted itself at last "1 ain't,never ;keen it done," de lax - 1 the boy et -ho had spoken b DRINK HOT WATER \\ Coed lies like icaa in the stoinaoll and von. hate that Ina,...;orntortable, Iletent supidy to -4110 '1.4)11.114,("11, combined with aolo and 400d retanorita- Tri sect: oases tr.y plan new fol- .40'wed lir many hospitals and advised 'tit -ter draws tile bleed to t116 Stoini011 call Cell ;I:00, iustput!y trelizl.ss,. Oent.161.4,.peopl el., lief 444 si$iiit 11/4 The Judge --Twenty ,yeare. In n town in the heal t of Russian salt fielde many houses are built of salt. h e %I -1m at is rn attacks the "otitside'' nian, Pains and aches stiffen his joints and muscles and recItices his efficiency,. At the firs! twinge get Sloan s Liniment easy to a l 4t the Soreness. , After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain 4pply Stoan's Linirtkent to those stiff finders achIng wrists and arms. gon!, neuralgia, toothache b- ' sprains , cold feet, it is promptly cffectt:e. lie the .,stiow 71 oe winter, u useful in anotl ere iied the front, and the loud a; pest gradient. Elevei there, tt* a couple of men, een haul a 10:1t1 that wetglis it ton up the mos mei 1 ani tedd that, two teams of sev- en dogs eaen could de the work oe eve horses in this difficult country, with tory great economy of men. Of the three breeds in serviee, the best i- the aeltan, although he ie perhaps the of then; 11 is courage Fairtille, ;AL Dear Siree—We wish to inform yen that we consider your IiIINARD'S LINIMENT a Very superior article and we; use if as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not 1)0 without it if the price -was one dollar a bottle, I mean it Co.. Limited, co-hireetected. hint yield rent YC)Ii EMA Ir t°hIle.11';1;14 . now and give Nature a uk Is made from herbal e4. soneez; is a hatural heeler., Is not something you bore to send Lo illo end of the world for, aud pay a. /1'eaVy price: Every druggist 40111 sell you Znia-Buk and for 50e. only. Just give it a fair irlal and Mei. dewily give yourself ease by the quickest route. See Tin,1110 On box:— leTZ "pi wANT1co To po .40.4t sewing- at Lorne. "itliole. 'stamp for particulars', National Mama - Co„.. Montreal, ROBIT-MAICING NEWS AND JOB 0113ces for sale In good Ontario. towns. The most useful and Interesting of ail buzlne•28es. Full information on Eany_, 73 'West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCBLZANEOUS Reward of Virtue. make me cry,' was the astenishing- request lah,tie Jimmy made one day. "What makes you want such an' absurd thing?" inquired father, hit me awl VII holler with all my might and mother Wipe, my face with her apron and give me a penny and PEI buy candy," came the, logical rejoinder. ' Likaltuent Cures 1.4 get 1/3„ C (r5Sr! Welcome, Little Stranger! An interesting event occurred the hoasehold of an ermine/ft secerttist note, long ,ago. The professor, like- most Sald Ola 11 41/4 lookeitts Ng Remedios 1300K ON DOG DISEASES And Ilow to Feed the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street,New York The Soul of a Piatto is the Action. Insist on the PIANO ACTION 'ME LAP= FIREPROOF RE,0 T liOTEL.IN THE WORLD The Aattetica, PI IYMIII,IOAN PLAN traePrtAw