HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-2-22, Page 3i9?
d eves C�Id:
ON HER. :..0 G .
to . 0
L .4_r rrigit.--ct ticalot at first seems to be
You think, perhaps
Ore Strang ough to fight it off, but
are Snotso e wsil} fetch on in this
LCCTf el mate, at3C: 2f t?'ie- are r)at
dell t0'ait, gnee gill Saone„ or later
,,4 iaAtil so 13e SerC S le n trouble
''axr'aaa it morio and "lief-
tlY a elscaditri ,dirt° ase, °tori tzzation,
.,P fi.. lait:'33 aAfer I coater—c—ted.
asettled oil my lungs.,
1' e rl.legm and
_ crrArgh for a llionth,
dt frons tla. doctor, but it
do me any good
I:atl Const metiep
r,u+ tw
tae'_ a vised n -e,
0 : ,,'Yrac. lavres;-i F?ich. f; vii
e, ;° l';'-reat relief. i aur $r
s7r. 3 •art's ' :and Ix al.
3,1, i1p i ser%Pao;• y
udt xtr4ii
c3laly by `3`,,7:
U Toronto. Oat-
z t .
a, faa'ata�ii, �a'
c1"3P e.S ai);r".
n Aqb * loll";3 the X13 a iar
tt aatnwhile tie
2I ;
Conducted by Pi ofessor Henry G. Beni.
The object of this department is to place at the
service of our farm readers the advice ofan acknowl-
edged authority on all subjects pretaining to soils and
Address all questions: to Professor Henry G. Bell, In
care of 'The Wilson Publishing Compa3ny, Limited, To
roanto, and answers will appear In this column in the
order in which they are received, As space is limited
it is advisable where immediate reply is necessary that
a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the
question, when tl'e answer will be mailsd direct,
�u1e s
1': ±W`oul it be pro -that surface drains or f.ept odea, slam
1 into:add tile drains as you a• stile until
ut a piece 0£ .sand Int d L
heat tlals spring and would it ail the land drains freely. 1allkablo
t to use artificial fertilizer if .pasture and meadow gasses and clay-.
allure is used? What Aire the el's will not 1 .'::e in eater --logged
rieties of seed 1 The soil ie ` soil,
oam? ff clover is's
r,-- Ii' the price or wheat, ie- i,4kaeep sorrel gro
ns anything near what it is at Pres- - your meadow o3' pas
�ring at- should be a very pro-; Apply two a to foam ;trr3
i•`, tt,>
e crot) in 1917. Prof, Zavitz of groited' limestone per
t'Ro Arcultairal College adrnee, ,'ea„tilva. t of burnt 'Hale 0
bushels of seed pe
x e =eeomniends the ildarqul ''1
4 tk,bas done best of its typ
gli9Ait the various parts
e< .nether° soucd spring,
1 Oese, which pnsorliarefil
Y hard kernel boa't oe
quality. Earl. Ma ,
is another variety whieh et/AY` g s gr4utli is starting.
=E1a11y grown. Finally, the hirsd ei as a gr4arr
i c1l{l lie advisable to ap-
+°s¢1 ell
t i,nd ad
id is sour:,'
or its'
, i
p: ead on the laird as s4ti]
ry enough to drive over a
A inrosa4,ca.t liT.'."';4£r 1
afar s;, eadir'g the lira°.
the lalantfood a=
i a1IE1 :s -getting Scarce - or i
°sot 9e0 lbs. of fertilizer per
order to insure a good vigor-"
of this 2Ti0'1 y -crop. For a 4
n, f would apply a fertali_ n
,e• t a'eo ;isI 3111]
itinchara Eder
:. 3iekrYh'auIs -I!t1i
ing k your n: ado','. may he oaturelle-1
s; yielders. lf` 3t', let tour next
' nf, Ti 1- e e seed o£ good
be l �l 1, lyd e
varieties. Prof,Levitz 01 Untario
Agricultural College, after 10 y Care
Tg from 2 to .1;'c ennmonia, test°, 'recommends the following mix --
lea st - �4 ph(s;phOric acid and 1 tc l:ture.
r" c Grasses_
l:aba, or : A.
., c a)ot„slT. his can be Ilroad a..ted s EAr ss� R1
..(. t
;°,iaiA a lime spreader, but is better nip_ >(areha¢i•al ._ . t..,.."
Ms, "aa ang . '3.-a3. through the fertilizer deo ping" Meadow Fesoue . , ,. , . 44.14
"lttaelrn=erxt of the grain drill. '� tt rat . , , « « , ti « . , « , . , .. , 3 '
W. II, Ii. ','^'1411(',. Miragales.._,.1 have of : Th w
e I3eeture land asci 700 act ''" ruttddr; l�i3
-,lfte , %ew, Aral carrying a little etstsr "llo Fns €'. e yield
1)0 1 0.i€i r,f beef cattle„ .100 hogs ass qd t+�% s i?er «aczo,
ufn f S. '-lacer e Tn1 :- t, Am zinxivnas Al 'i i.ri;ttixtc5
esti t -a aFrlRct ar y land' Cai'ry inanre, �,i'Ixi; Alaalft . , « •, •,
r.f large .3,:ng'i's"t .
Ilv Tho ,lle;;•0 --elf 4vater st:
i 0r gran,
lel tea a3„o ,s
vii ,'saeti1itl:
IAA* kl s'i t :n Eli, r e is 31(1 other 1iv
'4%$ as” liner illiax€' el3;it n"fi B.coiled l
� , l'ttyitrg r.,11r . della
li l titi#if," til syryraAf fie i 1Tarrsona
n 4, 4:0.,a«i?'il?` c; trd FA gent
�X�'llillb Elf tint,. n°•ci3lvv slir.nt 0r' of t
31inaet4^r a.f
7I l3et,te3,34 as c,xtl
eioi1: re at00 tnecglt;e1
•..i::ot11i1Tk reeelired for personal
? > ;t.°ell»1.seiF4*^• or 'a.'h°;l± labor
valii,th a',glit to he devoted
1.'t id'&tA` j; il%''':,;3itikts are diverted
ti t erell7uein t roan-e,.entirnle. r'e wealthyy r �.
p,�3 CD34 1'.:' •: at rata. hook, ''.•d Blore.
1; 14 e'etre '.'14 1'.!Ace, slime rile money is
-e t1# tend the i)ooll liars not loosen
,teti;"e« ' aaalt'e:'. If a wealthy per-
m II .d °.e 331ar<In snekei of foodstuffs
':011. is Ile le'., at, a time when food-
stuffs aro generally needed, and if
that sorplui A;3 tr;ast101, there is, extra -
r , �' i the money
t";1¢ i,le,(],. 310{" because 7
4.0Gat, but Imeau1se of the waste,
5lany are extravagant not 'because
they spend so much as they waste so
much. Anthony slope once defined
economy as "going without some present. Since the egg contains pro -
thing you ;want now SO that you rimy tein as ,well as carbohydrates, any
have something you WCr34't want some ainount of carbohydrates fed in the
time in the future," There are many grin 4f grain will not offset she ne
'ati-ho act ae if they subscribed to this cessity of protein. Milk given to the
philosophy. What is inveighed against birds, either as a drink or in the form
now is lack of thrift. and this means' of wet mash, will double egg yields.
vastefelness. What we need is 11 Commercial meat scrap is of equal
sensible standard of values,' so that
we znay conserve the present pray
oority for the things which `really
count-, conserve that we may give to
the nation.
stare, lase 131 5Pri1
ver ,,
`t'vtaal 24 lists,
4142"G' 41 410
wnfr t0
11100 0f tis
llrcra11ent, I eep the
comae open, but n ce that
'niers in tlt0
nee draughts.
fateni-yleeEly too bn; y to give; ;ha hens
to freih dTinlc, yet, there is no other lit-
tle allort, 'shout the farm n:ort, import,
;a%r tlals4 watering the ehiel en±,,
Fie 'tufa ni sheltered comer for the
early 1a4'taetl:4.. A newspaper in the
bottom ut the net helps to iteep the
eggs warm.
A. dry otrosnheree is a pretty good
i113Uraillt^t', against canker id 10423).
.Shun low, damp, fogy places .for the
1, poultry I)11,.in els.
Growing 1nTrtla need miilertil 'innttea"
in their teed a good deal more than do
those' that have gained their full
growth. Old birds are not .making
and iiluseIe,
as much as theydid
chicks and young,
hens to get short 0f grit and shells.
The hen never lays an egg until all
the ingredients necessary for the
complete development of a cluck are
The T
- FO 0
If';(L ar d produce in 191, 300 bill, e lips°';ail,y it fire
c •eon
e, Drs the as i ��
e titre 0f 4+rn.0 s ,,..,.,.,.
r p
to „potatoes last y Baer, elle; seeds' of Ell
e0ulti provide one pound of potatoes a goad fertiii
day for '� as : r
a whole year for population: eer y fra).t-i 2 to 4
f 8,250,000 reo Tle. Can -he do it? . 1101114. It le the r it.t'eg;eYa
I believe she eon. Such an aceom- 5.l per tient. of the
glishznealf is bat the result of applying:, greatly aids the, split A
rnethatly which have proven out" PO T0w I. of"alas r .4z¢Rt^ ' g^
furtl Err 44a1310'.eel front Onta,'lol than3 fs )ls cr izia ti of t
Aroost0c3; Co., mrlaine. The yield per e 110 per
1€3cxo ohtaaiened in title county has free 1(3ya . �a®`• xt iae_
Tient ly t>a ce:ed l :.300 bus, for area
rot cf ,7 o'- lti acres But e)n who1O) 'tuba
rrow« r,
fasx*an:a 0i ;,» t0 1,at� anere:+, ' g
• r,t part liar Fisc-. t of
r teen- el
y;orial: pataatca' 3a0i1. The raniA�«, 0f te`
peril, taii'a1 a13Q1 ' 01 afa3li tirarieg the grok.v. ;ai°
°# ushers arrf does FY+ers of a1,40 dtOg -, r '
'-talon+t. Initials 0€311 will, published
nsv.rer as a means of identiftciltlQat but fall
nen in each setter, Write on'4a1
led direct if etaars5ed and addreSed'er elo a 1. ene o
Address ail 0±rresiaondence for this depart .-ent t' NR
Costie Frank Road, 'Toronto.
evening fig:
the . 'one01
iroade o
1 .n
� .'¢e1c nrt34l
ii:h foe
ing 5c1aeoT1 is aiasually ;such as a'aat°or• tlae rI111e
goo?% yields of t) tutlxes. Labor is very potato tert,a
eairce, axnri .1,41:440ea 4 re.haslay i'ego4ra' 3 per semi. 0? O
more labor than seno..t fa,rarol crops., If YOU
vertheless, if Ontot ie f-of;ner:'; a lis vett 11
would individually or eo-operatively ; scatter
el,'es with modern potato t0 work it till'
lad a1;;11C's c„AS'rn' .--•o. „ :
2t, 00144'' 11.
Moat' irtt h , na ll
11ai1I 1415 OS i ply; lareesling eons i,e equip khems
� ,. or
soislti4l by proper ezire of t A0 st>aa' �• � large areas
could ho ixv0itletl arnrl 1 >•,
during the g;etaAtiozn period, 1 1
I ' 7 pig haS a cou cin give it acs%ane handled with little mere 'h liar than it
If , 1 ►.� h � „; ns nto 3 $ to
oil-%n1ea1 lIn at~x feed. i-snneFl is r yK There tare at, tion of the t'.c�r,.«t%'
potato atehee. Th i
llo adise and it will often help as 4:11;441, I p Union 4i at
r �r0at'ea=sentiszi:a in wing i,,uon rxrlarartt, 1,
curd. least live l«
this crop, each o which must
tk'11eatt middlings made iwI i thiels p
i 11'lieIlinei� ri great, deal of linnd labor w
now takes to work the con T Prof: 'f 4It h: t
1 f 1 (31 !
,;ts 0i pot4ttO > rtZli
„ 4 pct
31013 is one of tiYc hest fosaels for �.,�full; observed if big Yields ar lir
a0t; w tilA ti.t .
1311, pigs• Never `feed meal dry to quality are to be harvested:
pigs; mal' thio' lop always,
1st—Potato soil must be fairly .age '•ie141 tar
out fertilize'
.Acre whore :t
here fii;Q
make F : �8 5
' . forget t iv the }fats open, friable, and must be well drain-
Don't fc%g.ce t0 give e
oaf bright clover h7.Iy or alfalfa. They ed-
will not
t1T iYe ina ;vater-
rt•lll eat it and It is the Best thing Ill 'en1 llr'13nS
.he world for them in connection wit S that thea 1
I,, crop on SOLI fan a speeiel Eeit11A.7. ,. ee e.riment in
Don't overfeed the brood� sows. and their wi~i'Ic. Plant your I � � ,� "i�,, loo• Potato i'er„li €�r, for
with logged sell- See
f� �dlzt T,`1in11'«aLst
31:gzara ..,
i ye: rs•
nn (3501
1,4 ilea`s �0'{ °ere
9 n ^C�'
413,41 111:1 boos. per,
11es, on. feu «1177;,'.3° 1a
14i1,f? has.. per
of Ire{31ia„e I to as ode?etl.
i 5a
s it3 pos�Tbl. a they are<aldo�zen to cos
rasAare <: Teactlers The „Teutonic„ tri•:tor?
rA oTaiee znd'' c ce'4TJied by the' Allies> is about
°fid 000are utiles, includin;,r canntere`.
o31rn`J l cola ai4'.S. The
"A lief%" territ'o13 0^ -
.ds an I e3is , c aPi° I., he n l Ponyers 1 alaOA
si4a:-_+1 diss.patFcn is : 125130'0' 'SCI
it of tus, and the tern- l hlrs, E. TC,:- .n enie ; re.sl 0n
ss of sleep it entails can he s0;ein, 'machine is most u.^r�'31
it ie the eo3. rant drawn that: sharpeiaing 1:'nt,'es and lead penclla.
t+ k irl Who is entcrtai ling; Geta roll of half-,inich, atlite. ve tlip•
+M • home receives an ° from_ the. drug store,' clot b
party, see may «pith, just. tog enough t0 reach,
r” a' -O. the ; oete s ,;Fr, erar ll wheel of the machine ;
pix; * her •'0e't, it f4rlint to lige metal,' Next,
%not :'iter 0r strip of 8140 041' -. y 0;cth thy?
saral 'eon':'o and Width, a4± gla*e :a the'5110,
? 1 oz- thc„T wind the ark;ee1 all around-1Vif
s1f io 7 a, ee. , _*las '-t•r•ap of tape rap- %Huss .k to 'b,QI
it C4M.,i16 i m54 :i' - 1 fb•ei,n'=!, 'fir t . -i F,'f3 ?Int=1 the glue is ek' y,; '' 1. 413 soli:
it may b
it T$4-'vcd. 'tt«'1 ezx •t?# °3 1slle aazother
S §,or
'she:see,so ,0c tree
1 3 °cats: ,ng
arra 412"C -F1 •
appear in pairs, a3 1 at eith-
of the skirt or eo s , Pleat
r ' favor- a a;a.t..
aa. art:
in «F . �
lyre 1,131 ;wide, ai73 2rV,00 3 Ci i°+e
is 1 -
end the the dreino are. fltaing l)ir. '41 oocle oa 4 alee> .E xp
are oleos, „ s ,
t i t f t' t
landthat sac daeply Plo;veal. `Thr~ t31 1,15 testing; ; ,•
e i c ) heav ' closely. potatoes followed Sall he ul plied 1»1tlCs
•Hat be can tiTuted by �, a
go t Term no a ft::t pever. i 11 An J
has a good` litter of pigs. Keep, the hers swell rapidly
brood saws active.
Worth It.
"When we were in Egypt Mrs.
Twobble stood speechless before the
Pyramids," remarked Mr. Twobble.
"Fancy that! I' don't remember what
the trip cost me, but it was worth the
ia men
rem Pains in the Back.
value, and may be substituted when
milk cannot be obtained.
little, looks around to the flank, has an
irregular appetite, with evaenation of
small quantities of dry fteces, or little
or no motion of the bowels. he is suf-
fering from constipation.
Administer a moderate liurgative as
7 drants aloes and 2 drams ginger.
Feed on bran only until bowels act 1
freely-, Give 2 drains IlUX vomica 3 i
tirnes daily, and give reetal injections
The principal object in grooming a
horse should be to stimulate the sur-
face a the body by friction.
If vou have a fall colt get it to eat-
ing ground oats in a little manger by
itself as soon as possible.
Keep the colts well bedded and
clean. 4',. manure -laden colt is a re -
butte to its °eviler.
bTever close the stable at -night un-
til the mud and ice are all cleaned off
year-old colt on the stubs left from
the sheep tin(' ,i small grain ration
-A set of chains for use iii art tin(1X-
pected icy time ea' tog, get' a smooth.-
‘she,o,tdmheonrs.e to the simp, ihs tlilicgioehoetie:e_
rat". `Thor n4A1 t1Fiine portico +:s. On z7i4{ to t. t ,fere
Certain breeds of sheep' are dis-
tinctly more fertile than others,
Not a bit of the droppings of a flock
should be wasted, arid a flock winter-
ed in roomy quarters under cover will
give -in increased profit
The lit,,tet will absorb all the liquids,
and the flock will keep the mass pack-
ed down so it will not heat Sminkle
land -plaster over the pen frequently
to keep down any odors.
Keep the pens well littered with
clean bright straw, and keep them per-
fectly level.
Keep the ewes very thrifty by
watchful, careful feeding.
Be sure that your ewes do IlOt crowd
though narrow doors. Crowding or
jamming may ltill an unborn lamb, and
possibly the ewe.
Watch the bowels turd if constipated
give sorne succulence; roots are good
filer Had Weak arid
13izzy Spells
When the back begins to oche it is a
sore sign that there is something radically
wrong with the kidneys.
1Vhat you want is a ei nee medicine.
Doan's leidney Pills 'are not a cure-all,
but a medicine for the kidneys only.
write.,s: "I am sending ,iyou this testi-
monial, telling you 'what' a wonderful
cure I3oan's Kidney Pills made for inc.
For years I had suffered so with my kid-
neys I could hardly do my housework.
used several kinds of pills, but none of
ern seemed to be doing me any good.
At last was advised to try a box of
toan's Kidney Pills. When I had
11 4 taleen the first box I found relief. I have
used five boxes and to -day I feel like a
new. woman. I cannot recoinmend them
toc; highly."
Doan's Kidney Pills bear the trade
mark of a Maple Leaf aird are pu up
On oblong grey box. See that you get
when you ask f r them.
eaters, or 'led direct ;01,,; teceipt of
'orderiag ;41.•
writes: "I u'as weak and run down,
my heart would palpitate, and I weold
eked soil.Disk Find harass the lbs of fertilizes. to the 4154'O
tn'ov«a'X�'Fr11 iifl 3fiM
•3... 'r140 irate
a; r thisrso
from IC1 ,111 4,141
try t1±1
ilill'ic°3 4th 3 11:;4
140'3l'aln e10 .`tui •131
nhlraacl l 'roc' 1411
Elbe T r tt.1 of the s•:
1Wg;; eta3."i;;d off the la
seedbed till it is mellow, ;-estecl the following: . rh ' e. ,41 44 u021 A o, 331±041
"i"%old i L;,, :;t otl 4.1' holy wells: sopors
must have an ,
ism «
2nd—Potatoes a v bod d r t e b
n iz- i P ', ai .tinie
k raa i1ti r ]:..0( 1 G3 wine
f 17'1'.12 P ct.. t i � ' iA 0 �
+. 31 t _Eli cap tiTT.0
Well 1 a . • � � lTa
theA st t
i �
whena i . ,z f"A a.
es e
especially, lhx. ', t t 1� t~" tem
a�BtUreiCt3l ,e x 1..:.I9ti
once of moisture, �, r A. %;titlFnnlthe ri th
r1 sex a>
.lt�rt+i,Ai, F' frac ",3,r ,3Y"la � „ .slit ,tliC.,,, I xl pointed t^ror ��a�,"n
tubt;rs are filling.:: gen ;int; 1 . , " Y
.. l e ,a. it � .,,.s , ne)1. that eilaix3nAFYrtn
"Ah, yesl" you say, that is jue
-where -we cannot control conditions."
Are you sure you cannot control the
moisture supply, at least to a con-
siderable extent?
Is erour soil deeply fall plowed, so
that it Call catch and retain the great
amount 6f -water that falls upon it in
the shape of snow and rain during
winter and early spring?
Is your soil well stocked with de -
crop clover, strawy manure—humus?
It acts like a sponge, catching and
holding the moisture till it is needed,
3rd—Suitable well-bred varieties al-
ways outyield mongrel stock. Seed
stock, whether early or late, should
be pure, otherwise there will be un-
equal ripening, tmd frequently a vari-
ation in size and quality -winch great-
ly discounts the product \vhen it is
ready for market
4th—Potatoes require an abundance
of well-balanced plant food. Remem-
ber potatoes have to be fed just bite
your hogs, or calves, or poultry, if you
are to get largest yields of best qual-
11lanure is the great farni plant
„food supply. It will supply much 'ne-
cessary food to potatoes aS well as to
;Tees prefer to put -glie inanure
take weak and dizzy spells. A friend. ad:
vised me to take your Heart and Nerve
Pills, so I started at once, and found that
e.; eeeneme. yea, e,,,,e. of the, thirry-eights ,ike the Israelites i e iniu'ie in American glass worlee
In aPPIYing fertilizers. as a rule in the deserts bcfore he jeme trite his duetry, America had noer before
in the potato drill or farrow. Amounts discrediting tile narratti:e, it is better,. cuPPlied ehamPagT1e h°ttles-* 13Ut ”
not more than 400 lbe. should be eowe premised land! Unless We are oet for
in excess of this should be q0V:11 tO retog-nize a little touch of detail the Price was high enough to allow *
new departure eva8 Vat. down to the'
‘$'01litiTlleblil°1'0'1 fthilee or oPp°tAi st ° pl adortileicsi. at;e1 Bs,P-itP'rtarta:iiimgee,„,1:,--;:sstuoiiPole:11;,,7,1,aks,i:tlitt. thhiBee;1:18111:;I'cli 1 ell7ddietofsitalelereAdina eprroaonf mofatzlhueflia.et;rieerk3„,
course the notate planter with feitil- - ti f mired- the vele,- expression ofl nese in realizing that the war had
izer clroPPIng attachment deposits the need was a preparation for meet -1 epelied OT1 a new market.
stop to explain the allusion, ethic
dokFelrei°,e(111;Pti°iteats°ecrfeetrotifribzaigticYnieldiss. ridec'tes eneet"11 115-T‘ It may have} that these bottles are of German men_
this moment' long as theY were luck of the water" on New ear s Day.1 United States or to el a, an, 'realm
acid, potato fertilization was what S. Compare Mark 2. 11. The pallet offered the same kind of bottles there
from the mil -
food toi man an Las . gar tongue) rather suggests a light
spring; or pos_ ufacture, being made Gereseeheim
is thes measure that British i I been an entermitten
turists are so s long y a leoca log a the world-wide notion ;of gotmg e . eyes. The). are shipp d o
able to obtain available phosphoric (See Expositor, December, 1006.) as American goods, As Holland had
rnatie it poesible for Britain's enemy fro.argin) /night have been a mere mat,
is no difficulty in telling how they
to produce sttch quantities of otato but the -word Itself (one
leave Germany,
5th—Clontral potato disease, fl'amet such as we see la ra ''1a"
cuss whether a man with a wooden t1C
This is tbe great perquisite that to -1 10. PeOple who ceuld solemnly dis-
gest vaelds and best quality Data oes. might carry that bts.rden on the Sab...
I 'h eekli -was the national lack of
This Pa -Per is already long, hence We hurnorl---lasteneci rat this breach of
shall delay discussion of this large their lake. Jesus could have told thoi
subject for a subsequent article. loan to fetch his ,property next day'.
Remember that well drained land, T3ut he regularly set himself to dis-
elentifully supplied with humus, -en- credit a law which made the Sabbath
on lend set apart for &her crops suer, izer produces largest crone or. best • 2, • tl„ oo
as wheat or meadow, and to give the qualit,y potatoes, if good seed is plant_ inust bay', Loa s au Lori y ..o logo aoo
potatoes their aciditienal food in \the ea an„:1 care is ta-1,,,en to control. dis,„ the Sabbath. It is the same atti-
form of fertilizers, Stock manure, case ancl insect pests t,,,idsees that of the biro d inali In ,Tohn 1 wr.1.1‘ilesrs:. ,""\,,iilallaa:ed aTtlioTwemr a slioinlliseltilaiiriolg, Na,c,%•pftil,
.4,, 'tory to Cocci 'i his is a icey to become b.1 oils, lel viould hake „e‘. rt,
arid Walous
r...1117.7=1*^-- gs In the ternp,le----,"Returning; , to: with sick headache, At titnos 1701.11 Ld
popular trooper in ixalia verse 15, -where the mim thillhs hPasvillos t_sast0-LIonaic1111 1rilict-elc.oeouot,ii11.11go' vaoirlakr7:
I felt much stronger, and -my heart was
for it has done me a world of good.
°I ILIgT"t}' c°1(Yne'l had w‘)1'1""c'l .'"1 week be- di, ectl,yf 011:111-es'ed1301.-111slatcl-tem)uel(i'llel'11(e,111oheln°d9‘'. burn'li•Lao▪ s..• -1.1\-er Pills, This r and
heatt troulelc ever 1,1110e. C 1 ood, and et cannot lint stoktw to tit, saint- tibc 1 ore his 0.0, for a stand. otronte. and 1 )reof•Bte-1,1" t'.7t i..;.0';x4-se itdbill'Ilr-iTtlhanh:.t=eertaanidl ' °I'd thi-e"e'Y Lei:etc-41 \''';'''''re:;c('-('`'nes '''' tigrish 4II
My husband has also heen bothered with culture asks kehy the AM eriC an fartn- Tore the war, Theis rooper went be -1 „
firid.s qttick relief by using 5 our va/neole as it is put by the European fennel. the penalty wee fixed at '±l, severe. re- i i i. 1 o , ,,
liblinirn's Dealt and Nerve Pills have
'been on. the ma: ket for,the past twent
five years and are ituiversally known as
In Fairope the farmee knows as well prirnand and two' days' pa,y stopped.
as the American -faemert'hat strau• is "Pro sorry "' the colorei, told his le'e
the very best rernegy for all troubles
arising from tor nen'
1\1111)1.1.,rfeS,.)Itea,' gafF1 Nerve Pills ere
50c. per,3.4bm rjor $1.25, at all
learning it, or otherwise, was Ut , att 1,31 ,
the European farmer ,choiks it up, i\ot overlook 1.1
ini.xes it with ;le,ets., inktitgels• 'silage,. said the trooper. '11' don't think. ihre -tex leee
or other feeds, and Maltes it so palat-' ;deserved it., ee- e letee Ca to ray ttge bas been, eetertecteal,feof
f let good advent,- foreinan etop,tlie,inoecy out of your ter Ityaiiintlio'
bl that it can be ec o