HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-2-15, Page 4riR ye. left b au_tiUzao e Chronic Cough az�t a carp, ztrr, i I'zc '6F'Tttl; 2' emit ire cut and weak. SSI syrup without nog and cl eided to , . kts ,a bottle X zohiog two izott%ea tirely etsre,l, goer sane and If,- 110D -secret tome. s a, d. fox waig as, cords c %, rmor N•. S. COLE, Meta the be : ario to ...Lao CYSTE Ano Av nce Made oinre Front. Systetc of avian Treniche; oast of Ridge Was her of The 'ot; itier,. Es, Of €'asuL'Z traoPs satuTday night 3t strong m of Germ, trenches on,Sorre atorth of t2ge .mere, on a front i a Mite. dil feet 13 commands the valley at rritioh g ',brih , :refs able distance up r heir 1 n "ia Mil. o i,4'-.=.! nfteei: Germans.; e Britton and they I G3 P h ` tx• rear," `he' Ifs Baa, *ro a .France aayrs of prisoners greatly aha-- of British cas To Lydia. P' ''i Veg. et4t1e Compound. Weshingtou Park ,cif.-- "1 run tlrte, atother of four 'e trotb2e, baG)tac tie,_ nervous1i.a at► the blues, y !! drcA's loud; tatte7, ndrcppilpg wed 3naae rne Soil ' Vo 4 eveesuli�ing'to .fust pie tees • anal woutrd aelieri over surd feel so #"i that 1 would rant W#nt anyone to ttt1; to 'Me at Ones. aj}d4A E.. it"izal�izani'ii Vegetable c,o1xlpoued and Liver Pills re- stored mete health and'I want tothank you for the geed they have dope ina, • X. bale .44..404.o a bit of treble a; ftWaut tit dete.)Ak1# e,1 )r9utb,- nt2Js» T'aiy, rte 'iia " dirt' sa yon g and welt?" is ctwe tt l,.ydia l Pirlkltaan neaoes iesw",". TOP1F,In L;.venue, n"ark,lliirsof 7,'47 woman auhte, rzer e.tll gee '44se etl by ,y- egetahko onttpRiiuc m aboutwtliCh rrke to, theco,, Lyn ;l�ren free of Q3 1;; F .i fox Oner58 it ns3derab -ri o a ett ar; • llibar" asual- THE' Ti AND R T0. +yA A, iTWORTfl • Auction Sale o 4; %)[CI. STOCK rt soll.l, east of '-Nv'euve alai act:' snx 31eXnin party of our troops enemy's, Unes n st of rpt, destroyed' a tnaehi meat and return efl without; 1Ues. 'i`iiis afternoon we car- t -a very Successful raid op-, to Cironclzy We captured yS prisoners, including one officer. In tea last 24 hours we have taken 4S'. 1tr1soner4, - including two OiaClrs. "The artillery has been aetive on both sIdos of the • Soalzne. 1n the neighborhod of Serre_ and -in the 1'Pres sector. Four expioeiafts were caused in the enemy's lines by our lire." d e tufa . un crnily sent nae o l to it, an tl in th reed' tautly thietta ids tho. ratting of the individual nil in+1nistlon-among other things. v to ane m ictionary, and the great txisn rC and advantage tl oro' xaitah't n the one of the theta anstri M1aran %rhea X Karat to the riling* 4 rtay cider' diversion. after les- s -ere learned and before then wise recited, 'man in turning over the is of the 'Unabridged' of those glare;. Nos- tine most modern. ilns. bridged-theNLIN'I ii`EIr,SAT.ICi;!'AL gives me; n pteasurc: of the, Buie sort';. 5o far as nay knowledge tate-ads. it. is at pmentthe bestelf tura one -volume dictionaries, and quite sufficient frac till ordinary uses. Even tho,e '1i • sass the esplcndid ditxioaartc9 in ?er aeeczal volumes tcillyc fad it a great nave-aieucetohave this. 'which is so compact„ so full, and so trustworthy at5 to leave.- in most eases, little to be eiesired."- Albert S_+r ook,rh.D, LL,D., lerox,ssor of the English Language and Literature, Talo Univ_ April 28,1911. L ''NIt1TE farSpear:2n Pages, I1Iust:atioas, Etc. wEESTER's NEW 3MTERNATIONAr. DICTIONAIIB G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over 68 Years Publishers of The Genuine Webster's Dictionaries, SPRINGFIELD. VT A C .. tL S. A. +^ C TR 5F ONTARIO'S LEST I3 SINE'SS cur. -LEGE ± Students may enter our cl,as-• A i gi ses at any time. Commence • 'our course now and be quail,-, 4. 4 fied for a position by MMiidsum- 4 mer. Thuriatg July and August A 4 of last year °lye received calls 4 for OVER 2011 {Ji?':i+10E iSSIS- :® 4 TANTS we Could mot sootily. „Q g Our graduates are: in demand. 'e Write et once for our free c tto- 4 i log ere, 4 A. 'eLaehlan, Pray o,! 4 4 ,7 the Prompt Victory I'IY�naised.' PARIS; Feb. 12, ---General Castel - nolo chief of the French military delegation at the confe renee of the Entente :zt.liies at Petrograd, is quot- ed in a despatch to The Temps from the Roumanian capital, as saying: "One has only to compare the mili- tary situation of the Allies in 'the month of Sa,nuary, 1016, with that of January, 1917, and he will be: com- pelled to admit that the conditions for the forthcoming spring campaign are much more favorable than they were last year. "1 ean say that each day we are coming nearer to the realization off our objects. The brave Russian army, which has assumed a formid- able .task; the gallant Italian troops, and, finally, the Azigio-French forces, which are increasing fn num- ber, constitute the best guarantee of our lina1, victory, which hereafter, will eome promptly. In the mean- time the militaryi power of the Allies remains unshakeable. The Germans have procured success only on se- condary fronts. "With regard to the principal fronts, on which decisive action will occur, our enemies have shown them selves powerless to obtain any ser- ious results,", Food Riots in Austria. ROME, Feb. 12 The Vatican has information from Austria that food riots have been repressed` with blood- shed, and that 'frequently soldiers have refused to fire upon the citi- zens. Several regireents h'ave'mutin- ied, and th'e situ.*on is very serious. Sensational developments, including a revolution, are flared. 'Vatican &e!gy-Iona and Cardinals have been asked to "II;liilore the Pope to stop the war 112 order mer to save Ger- many and Austria 1.lengary. Swiss cte w PARIS, Feb.• --'file Swiss Fed- rl aral Council, in Its Ippiy to the Ger- man note oil ' ,ne :; submarine paign, e;nt�e¢.er _etly .amT ,. and reserves all t of Swit- olockade erne cartoon r, No Rival Auc ion Sale l•ho bo ottd to be in foal, reef al, 2 ;oppose Shortn tie, Lord stow o 101,170 by ;Blarney Stone, old from Aberdeen Fairniaid second No. 92.57J oral :Bandmaster No. 5i7.633 this heifer is now in the test atf 0. Slion May last with, record titl50 lbs milk and 317 lbo. of buttel'. tor first 6 months, Fair Princeos No. 110505 '3 years old from Abertieeo due in April. Nokomio No. 124697; 2 years old from Aberdeen, Fairraffid 2nd and by Hiawatha No. 02741 doe in April Princess May No. 124088, 18 months nid from seCand, by Hiawatha due in June; Princesa Atha No. 124 699 6 months old from: Fair - GRADE CATTLE -2 cows with calf at foot; 4 COWS due in ALarch and April; 2 heifers aloe in April • and May; 8 steers anti heifeno 2 years old steel% rand beifers 1 year old 2 farrow cows, 1 jersey cow, due in April, 2 pure bred Yorkshire GOW{.4 due in April, 100 young pulletts and 1MPLEMENTS--Lumber wagon corn plate, 2 pair, bob sleighs nearly new: hay and stook racks; top buggy cut- ter. 'binder mower, rake, plow,s, rows, cultivators, fanning millostraw cutter 3 double sets of _harness, horso Wheelbarrow, shovels, hoeso forks, etc a -quantity of hay and mixed grain. incubator and brooder, Coal StOVO Wi oven an 1Lp-0o-date organ nearly new glass cupboard, iron Itettleo, sap buckets and. opites, a large iron ket- tle and other articles too numerouo to mention. Positively ino reoerve as I have sold my, form, l'ERMS-All tsurns of $5.00 and un- der -cash, over that amount", 10 months Credit On furnishing aporoved joint notes. 'A discount of 5 per cent. per tonum off for coo -10 [boo. Cameron, C. W. Robertson Wm. Dalrymple. Olsrk Just That intich Ahead. "How did you *mine to miss it?" , tr; ,,get, 'the coal roan to trust me for is ',Of coal, and tie ref -Faint., a $to sln" anakea $ick', Sita', actsurely feel floe Svc minut.` just` ate 1s soaring of or rtes illte a lump o€ Eo digest, or you belch, tetnte sour, undigested eta a feeling of dlasiness,, 'ullztess,, pans -ea, bad taste n to _ _+ and stotaaela ileadaebe, you an get blessed relief In five minutes, _t an enol to stomach trouble forever zv getting a large fifty -cent case. of "?les Diane -pall from any drug store I':ealize in five minrttes how need. toss it is to suffer from indigestion, as=p;;I,Mis or any atarumch disorder. ci -Act:est, surest stosmaeii doe- world. oe" world. T%'s - wonderful. Wei 1 Horse e 'sigeoedclry,111.113.4:47titiiny:PTciEbto d irot. Sale on 4 ded Co Sale droom i -y thorn; etas rticles too numeroas to mention. Chairs, alga earadle baby cansiage and hand sleigh, k Positively no ro.serve the VroP.P TERMS OF SALE. -Aft sumo of 55, and under t4ish. over that amount. 10 months 'credit on furnishing approved. joint nactes or a discount Of 4 per cent Per mutual off for eash. rola Towers, Not, DalryraPle, Proprietor : Clerk. Thomas "Cameron Auctioneer for Huron & Perth Auction Sale FA'1131, STOCK AND IMPLE- CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF E, Auctioneer, has wee- Yesi instructiono from Moo. 'Thos. Roadhouse to sell by publics auction at 12 'o'clock sharp the fallowing. _ lrt‘oRSK-3--,j3reed mare, 10 yearsold foal. aged mare in foal to Pearl Gift. snaoe rising 10 years old, gener- purpose horse 7. years odd quiet by Charming Prince, agricola ming Prince. colt rising 1 year old. sired by Pearl Gift. 1,444414) cow freshened ha a car in March, two veors old o farrow .14 ot moo O ore o be .1 7:tile-IS Ott tit dog woo Pew, /4eed atini, disc P -Her- 4 onto, 3 horio; s dr.:11, 15 spouts- Lind rake, new, 10 foot; v. goo, box and pig rar.k et bobsleighs; pig crate; slit bay rack for hay loader; hay ick gravel hos, grindstone, not rank set logging bunks; wheelbarrow plow harne,ss; car, rope, pulleys aad trip slingo new ; sap pan end sniles; 7 collars, ,2 logging chains, dozzn grain bags, shovels, hoes, forks, etc, 1So bushcls Banner seed oat:, So she's' 0,A.C, seed barley; It) bus- t of timothy seed; S bags clove 1: 10 bags potatoes. uschold Effects. --Steel range for toed or wood; heating stave; 2 :epics; sers; couch; 12 chairs, churn, wash- ing Anachine, tub, milk can; quantity of milk pails and pans. -Fcrios-$5 and under cash; wer that amount 9 months credit On zp, proved jo:nt notes and 4 per cant. aft for cash. C. W Robinson -nor !Tenter Alien Prop. Frank Coates, clerk. !Auction Sale CLEAR:NG SALE OF CHOICE FARM STOGF.." ANI) IMPLEMENTS Thomas oameron liaS received in- struction from the undersigned. totsell by public aoction Lot 17. con. 14 Bib- bert. on Tuesday February the 20th, 1917. at 1 o'clock sbarp the follow- It01/SES-One filly rising three yrs agricultural, broken to harness, two gelding.s rising three years, agricul- tural broken to harness, 1 farmer'a driving horse quiet and . CATTLE -Three cows due in Feb. 3 cows due in March and April; live s'teers 1150 lbs. weight; 5 steers, 1000 lbs. weight; 6 yearling heifers barred rock rooster. TMPLEMENTS-1 new Rain wa- gon, ICIIC seat and shelving, zomplete; 1 new top buggy, 1 good top buggyo 1 pr. new sloop oleigho; 1 cutter; 1 mowing machine; 1 steel .rake; 1 new steel roller; new manure spread iron harrows. wheelbarrow; ortivel box; new fanning mill; Clinton make 2,000 ib. acale; bag truck, some iron piping; oriricl stone; large round wa- ter tools., large Iran barrel; 1 set team harness, new; 1 set single 11 aI ess; 1 robe, rug and noroe blankets; a nuralbar of 'grain bago. log bunks; scythes, Ishavels, forks, whiffleerees, barrels, boxes ladder, 2 logging chains guantitirgOf dry Wood; a hen '[:g4;01141*la P eke rorno es iges ton. nessandRestContainsar • NOT NARCOTIC. CA or Infants and Children. „ Mothers Know That ,Genuine Castoria Bears the Signature InS bit 6 volleys, or vit. ir 11150/1 5C3 r pill tee:, tools, tV3g0! ilres COW chains, 4 ticytht,s, adooks, set of Wagon isprings, pails. 100 tspilep, 6 oak b;trrels. milk 2 sets t;ingle harness., string of bells h lot of small artiele-s uneful on the farm. t Positively no reserve 03 the pro tress is giving up farming. sums of $10.00 and un- der, Knish, over that amount 9 months recta on furnishing approved joint tes. or a discount of 5 per cent, per annuzu off for eash in lieu tof Ins. Thos. lloadliou.se. J.: Jameson ?Wm. Nairn. Auctioneer. • Notice o ,.Creditors In the znatter of the estate of Bich - :aid Deibridge, of the 'Village of Exeter, Pounty of Huron, gentleman Notice 1s hereb3 given pursuant to Statutes in thot behalf that all ered, itors and others having claims a4 gainst the estate of the said Richard Delbridge, who died on or about Ian. 2Ist, 1917 are reouired on or be- fore the 10,th day of February,. 1917, to send by post prepaid or de - of gee Village or Exeter, Rolicitors ior ;the Executors of the saiddecL•as- dresses and descriptions the full par- ticulars of their e,laims the state- ment of their acoounts and the na- ture of the securities if any. held by them, And further take notice that tatter such last mentioned date the &aid Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled tbereto baying regard °nig to the claims of whia they shall then have notice and that the Exectitors will not be liable tor said assete or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notit.e shall not hrtve 'been received by them at the time of sash distribution. Solicitora for Executors Dated ot Exeter this 31st day -or January, 1017. ' TAKES .OFF DANDRUFF, - HAIR STOPS PALLING Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle colorless and ,:scraggy hair is mute 4vidence e ted OA: otogie tse `'+ teitS4v4k199" o re ot 111 ety ch I.' roots heti the CAPITAL ,t 96 Bri ehes in Canada A General Banking I3u BANK c,000 s Trait acted SANINGS DANK DEPARTMENT Interest allow age :toter Branch II +44444+ CANADIAN BAN OF CO MERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, OHN A1RD, rz. 1M . Amager P.V.O., LLD., D.C.L, President H. V, F. JONES, Ass% Geol. Aneit,,, CAPITAL PAID UP, 15,000,000 RESEIWE FUND, a $13,500,00 It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY PERSON IN CANADA should WORK HARD WASTE NOTHING SPEND LITTLE SAVE MUCH' Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposits of $1 and upwards at any branch of the Bank. PREDITON BRANCH -S. M. JOHNSTON, Manager. JAS. REV.ERLEY FURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and ;Funeral Director Phone 74a. Call 74b .1 EXETDR, ONTARIO. FARINLER'S MUTUAL FIRE INS,UR- ,ANCE COMPANY Farquhar, Ont. THOS. RYAN. Head Office, Vice -President, WAT ROY J. PI'. ALLISON AGENTS , L.TO4N ESSERY. Exeter, Agent Us- OLEvER HARRIS, 'Munro, Agent fcr Hibbert, Fullarton and logna, 'Secty-Treas. Farquhar Solicitors, Exeter, Pert tt' 1:15. j•E c M ra o°°:, f4Of. 'g°11' Naal eSE 'DENTIST 5 Honor Graduate of Toronto Univera-- toffy. 'Office over Dickson & Carla ing's Office. Closed Wedmodyig afternoons. Phooe Office 5a aitiTS Residence 5b. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer•4- Teeth extracted without pain. iitai- ony bad effects. Office over Glakl-4- S. Graduate Nrictoria brnivers:tY4- Office and Residence, Dominionlo iCARLING, R, A. Rarrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubhor, ,Mooey to Loan at lowest tes interest., • o villacrol s 11