HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-1-18, Page 8�lF Phone en's Fur Coats only Mens choice Fur Coats Buy one and get the good of it these cold days The prices we areuotiea � i; are dollars chewer than they will be net season so save money by buying to day. Our Fu Kersey c larlingsr rubber t value. troth quit the s' Fur Collared Coats Coats for Ladies are made from choice splendid American Sable: Collars, The or curl and every Coat is interlined with The Coats are warm and are splendid ! sizes for small, meduim and stout Women Special Price $25 00 d v ub sold Aliln r Meavy Rubbers. They ou't cback andei we t ! us:,�z#d erg+ pair is nuaraateed. ,See caste vat. Four fl daint ac ctesigus. Ti flet: pattern, Set. - Ask. unpacked - this Overland, a dainty little krou' can buy any piece see tlietlx ilad next time g fdies$ D el'laldd +it 30 tioz Odd Cup Cups for weeks. food shape your supply now Each Sc All STEWART Phone 16 lllwllest prices cash. l r car trade, foa ktve or dressed Pcultr . 250 GOLD FISII have arrived. Viso seaweed e cad food If yocl at t some come while the clloiee is good. 'Y SALE IS ON stir. sto .s mustbe reduced. � t clods markt'd in plain figures. New bargains every day. We must sell the goods so come and get in on the low prices. Other items of every day use will also be reduced Come in often and look °wells Bazaar NOTICE -Notice is given that the ice on the river will be, sold at(25c 1a load. the purchaser to secure nece's,- sary help, the commission to place a man incharge of the pond, and/ to regulate the cutting, etc., the rep- resentative to be an employee of the part) • ,or parties securing ice. UTILITIES COM;brISsioN Ed33 STOMACH TROUBLE, OASES OR DYSPEPSIA "t'ape's 17iapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine '. in five minutes, If what you justen iii eon your stomach _ or llo: ie °atYp Iead, refusin to dig 'c` e . as and li ctzte2gse >20 :i' to dod orN Iia ,e' y a fit ii Ao .1 air tnxtbint nesti: iI J.. 3. ALLAN -Eye -Sight Spec - t ialict will be at the .Central Hotel on j Saturday January the 20th,"1Louxs, 1{ 10 tn,in, to 8 p.m. C' 1'TtD OF THANES fi Mrs, W. T. Roadhouse and fancily wish to express their_ sincere thanks for the kisadness and 4ympathyr ex- tended to them by their neighbors,, and friends in their bereaveancnt and sorrow. d a ANNTJAL. MEETING EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOC'Y. { The Annual Tfeetina of the Esetcr Agricaultura.l Society will be held in 1 the Town -Niall. Eseter on Thursday January 18th, 1917, at one o'clock p. m. for the. purpose of electing Pres - dent, mice-l'rtsident and Directors for the ensuing year and transacting nsactin oth- er Important Business. A11 members and interestedarti-s should attend the: meeting. P The Directorsare particularly re- quested to attend a meeting at one o'siosk p. m. t harp just before the regular meeting. E. CI3iRISTJE tit. G. SELDON President Sec'y. HURON WEATHER INSURANCE' 'ArrdiT•UAL CO. ANNUAL TiEETI IG The Annual :Meeting of the policy- holders of the Iiuron Weather In- surance Mutual Co. will be heed at the Town I31a11 in the Village of- Hen- son. on Wednesday, January 31,st,, 19.17, at "1,30 p.m. ` The business of the meeting will be: to receive and dis- pose of the Directors' and Auditors' reports; to elect three directors and two auditors and totransact Such other `business as ' may be considered for the good andwelfare of the!Com- paty. The - retiring directors of th:s year are Silas J3rokenshire, ,Win.T. Caldwell and Wm. J3. Battler, all of whom are cheeka1e::,for re-electiton. Dated at Sca.Corth Jaaiy. 15, 1917. A, G. S LLIE W,Di T •I ALD -ELL F Secretary:.1'`e55'i„ Wheat 1.65 to L75. Batley 70 to 850. Oats 55e. tlj, Dean s pr * s Lo,v �r ,"'floe. Bran 0,,4,94 Shoens 88.00 2.10. Sugar beet pulp 28.00. I-N-rers '5Oe ',Butter ;i8e Creamery butter 49, 1 outsre chicks 14a and 16c,, Elms it and 13e, Roosters 10e and 12e,- Y`ouzig ducks 12e and 18c. Ducks 12c and 'I180., Geese 15c Turkeys dressed 25c, Old tomos dressed 22e. Potatoes, per bag 2.10. 12.50, T' LOCAL •r i %Liss Olive. Q'atance - under the dector's care, T1te. - eter M"f'a *Ioeed down their fou n last week. Tennent, of Heide Park, fs lends. bore, Zf sa Dinah E is s ne her a+,ti?Fi l nd'nY ht t yaaGe tiomt,. tt iti# ,F,Olativt s int to'�sn, bb . Via, DN' �'�.s i4 4ti the dick ifs ril► from t' Iaho►d ,.� ilt2e3. melt . ar" the Uiia lttt ,;: �F ane Is i!I swath, lute Lr, . J. ehristie has reto,revA at= visiting la `Toronto, and St. Cat, as ;.c Mr, , now in rli asrs. wm. iSi4s or Landon, whet s a cat week visit for nd Mrs, Spencer aspent the d visiiiier, with relatives in YR? s. Ice cutting has started on the riv er above the dam. The ice is of ex - 'Rent quality. lo;e*l of young people* drove to 11 1 .st-Weidee?dsy evening and enjoy r1 iR ante in the 11t,n,eall rink,. arch, who Aad t$ae ntsfortnue t*a r�'vejse �bodih' 1i4t3uries labt' aw. k,, is uaulzirmg eatisfaciory re- covert', ,* Tinws w( azmtere t for it ct met it, by phhone, Tamm office. Iar. Thompron, of London, visited. li smri, Mr, 'W. S. Thompson, over alae week -end, Mr. Preston heating has returned ne after visiting with Tris uncle far a few weeks in flint, Mich. Mr. Wm. Fisher of Ue hornet', has Imurchaased they residenc' of Dr. quac - Aknbush. on James St. and will ehort- lv inov e to town. The Soldier- Aid, Society intend holding n �T3axnnr and n sale of work borne-inade conking and candy. an Feb 14th in the, Town, 1,liill. FIs, `1'i]l J..Murra r left ..last week for fmrikton, N. °13., to resume his iititles as traveller after t pending ser- eral weeks at his home here. The Soldiers Aid 'Society sill make. a monthly collection of Papers, mag- azines. "First collection on Thursday of this week. Kindly have papers tied in bundles, a i , Some specie! plays ore being ' booked at the Dome Theatre for Saturday :tiG Monday evening. Adn3it ion 160. One show Monday evening, See Adv. in another column., . ,, A special collection was taken up by the James St. Sunday School on last Sabbath afternoon for the Sick' Children's 1Ttnspitaal. Toronto, When a num of 413.58` was contributed. .STs. Wes Stone, who has been vieit- in; in Us'borne, for a few weeks, left last Thursday :fnr his home in Sask- atchewan. Mrs. Stone andtwo daughters will remain for the winter. P. Oil iLem:s of nd is glad to or �lroltped into The Thames Toad Farmer's Club swill hold a -specie..' meeting at the Club rooms on -next Monday even- ing to discuss new business methods.. Everyb^dy come. -Archie 'lfosgan, Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iius:cl, of town, have received further word that the:r son. Pte. Wm. Russell, has left Eng- land and, is now on his way home. Pte. ERu.well has, been 'convalescing in an English hospital where he had one arm amputated The fifth of the series of the team will be given by the Packing 'Comm;t- tee of the Patriotic League on Friday afternoon, Jan. the 10ath from.3 to 6,'. in the basement of James St. Metho- dist church. Everybody is cordially invited to tome and upend ' asocial afternoon. Admission IOc. 3f_r. and .Mrs. W. T. England land and five children of tJappon, Alta., . are visiting Mrs. England's parents Mr, end Mrs. J. W. Taylor and othwr rela- tives in this (section. 'While on their way down ithe engine, tender ' and baggage ear of the train they were travelling in left the -track and, de-: toyed them several hours. Lieut. Nathan Di -knell and si .ter, Miss E.';Bieknell. of Dunn,'il.s vsit- ed over the, week -end with Mr. and Sirs. 1I. E. Huston.- Lieut. Bicknell, is'just home from the' Somme flora, having spent two years in France. He, wears . a gold stripe indicating that he has begin: wo xndcd once, ;having: res elvcd. n, ioiTrrapnel wound in the' hand. ile brot't "_ t with; him:se•vera o v irs swi, r cured ,,Trentt'Gferman rIs n . .T s" german, .. '' ' °� ;,..t 0 u can. t l kinds YQawe all of fresh and cured tneats,choicesausage corned beef etc. You can order your meat and groceriesand have them deliv, ered together. Tel ephone or send your order. Phone 18 R. 0. GOWER & SON s S. R. D. Hewitt will r tei-e first time since her marriage the one of her father on i hurs- ilY ;.f e -noon, Jaa, 25, from 4 to b o'e O'''k iter sisters. the hisses Doge aan'#zs, 1,a:isay will reQive with' her, tits twill bsi(dots o#•.eai little t& ,reach tl>c' Tinges nta off of trains, to get their earlier, in order for publication, `BRIDE ELECT SII WFJ On 'a'tond+iy^ evening a nunabei' of friends ,as nibied at at home of A% and Mrs, 11, C.1 Gower and .tendered a miscellaneous shower to I'diss 'ber- tha Gower, The bride elect was the reeildent of wapay . beautiful i reseato after whieb a moat enjoyable, even- ing enins Wa$ spent. llama, CALLS SL:STAIiIED The Huron Presbytery has. k;natai ed the call of rev, J'. E..'ge, ., of Southampton, to ike 'tl-iliic„ P'rese-. byterian Church Clinton, end. to "lar, George Telford, of Carleton, Place, who, has been veiled to the SG id:- drew's tongragatian Sit Myth. :lir. Telford, is eon to be ordained. Rev. Hoggwill he inducted, at Clinton' on January the 25th. FAIVELL-OOW"Telt A quiet ;wedding took place at tlae parsonage of Calvary Church. Ham- ilton. :)t ni-iiton. on Wednescloy, afternoon nit three o'clock when Miss inerthei ' Gower, daughter, of •'i11r. and firs. U..C. Gower of town, was : united in marriage to Mr. 1.t. II. Fawell of St. Catharines, by Rev:, Mr. Poole. Ati Gower was a resident of town only a short time, coming „lore fxof. 'West Lorne with her -parents when they took over the business -from Att'r,, G. Medford. 'During her short resi- dence in town the made many friends', who will join with, the Times b wish - lug her a happy and prosperous fu- ture. 1 LUXTQN--In LTsbarne, an Jan 13th t 3r.a 0 1 and, �lrs. John Linton, eon, ( � I`F;`WIN--En Ingersoll, an Jan., i2fh. to Jlr,. and Airs„ Eras ak .(nu) .Lary Davis) a daughter. D&WsON-fit tllabylon Line Stanley on Jan. the Sth to Mee clad Mrs John U. Rowson, a son, HOW.EY in ,Exeter on 'Tbursda,Y, a daat January' tame lith to )Ir. and Mrs. Melville. ildowey of 1� Iaasomb , Sask. ghter, tfAllallED FAWELL-GOwk R.in llfarraitkcmn, an January the 17th., by tltev. Poole,. Miss llJertha 'May Gower, daaghte• of Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Gower of Cawt tan, to Mr. it, II., Fawell of St- ha,rnes. m ".TWIT R;El$L--I{OR I;S--In Clinton on January the 10th, by Rev, Dr. Rutiedge, Mary Elizabeth, younger est daughter, of Mrs. Forbes, to Charles -Twitch ell, son of '3Ir Twit ehell nit of OIiaton. GlItEEN-CARRICK--At t;h< Presby., urian 31‘ on Wednesday, Jan, the 17t1a, v.. 8. E,& Sbarii,,1!•l4G Edith Carifek, doubter br fir. Johnort rel..., to ;lir, Jos. Green of Exeter Nortb. GI FIE:I:r<-AN--SliJRR ,-1,t *TilloS�', Lane Farm, Lisburne, the Mount of the "bride's parents,, 9Ix, and hlrs, ,Albert :8bier, S•argat'c+t P;tisel (Al- berta, to 'Ms'. 1t'tlltasit ,oa'nold ,tsttan, con o.f :At r. anri -jai John. Galfatlan; by" L)r, Turnbtmil, L. I. P.. nssiuted by ;i.1ev. Dr. letetelaer, DIED 3 +ETING of 11U HON COUNT : (COUNCIL The: council of the corporation o the Con,nty of 'llaeroat will meet 14,`; ,council ebanaber, in the Town or Goderieh, on Tuesday the 23rd day of the present month at 3 o'clock. tdr, Land, Clerk Dated Jan., 81h, 191.7. ai - aL'i$SCRIE"�"I,QN EPRICESl,,a.a We beg tji remind our subscriber- that the ;i cription price to The ' 5, in ndvance,1Tsre have 13m/14 .A fetti re mittaanees at the 91+ 4 tl ;in which case we wilt sive x credit: for nine months; A series of Relay Teas ander the auspice, of the Women's institute and Soldiers ;dad society wj l be held A;ur ng the .i onths of January° and 'rebruary-, As the proceeds are to by use.i i'or comforts 1o; our Soldiers l {, s°c a �:*� d -1 i. h ,. cal ai°il a•,,_ or, . . les. k o P i . e., , treasurer R ff I;..IiY F. LEELicensee seq. tioneer. Sales conducted in any for caiity.: Terms moderate Orders lett at Tisanes office will be prowptlyr' at. tended. to. Phone JI6, E rkton, Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. LO1E-In Stanley, on Jan. the 9 George Elgie, aged 63 toJ3R ON-ln :Loudon, on'. Airs. ?,, J, ROLOTtsars ,of i tTOX. -Ou Wvd ea e d,i'y , J wan, IatriIy, of MeGi' iQtie year. Ii1: ;n 1Slansiiard, oft Jari.. Elizabeth Ann Tow!, lelove of William Kirk, to red L6 8 months and 20 days. ItIMACQMBE--At Ileirprave, Janwary the 10th, 19.17, Linele<h wife of Thomas aIriiliacoinbe, nod duly sister of :A,ira. Smith fapence, of London. Internient at the above place on January l2tb. 5, ONE :I!RAIN EACH: WAY The new train servicecame into effect on Monday. The train renning north from. London in the morning and back again at night ]las bee Gut off. Exeter has been deprived, of all morning papers and it seemed on Monday as if we had been cut off fronsthe outside world, no news hav- ing arrived since Saturday evening. The usual number Of travellers who reach Exeter .fonday mornings .were missing. Scholars who attend school at Clinton can not now make the re- turn trip each day_ "thlensail scholare who before went to Clinton now come to Exeter school. The subscribers to daily`papers on the rural autites now get their paper one day late_ Dome Theatre The Manager wishes to annouce to the public that he labs booked Fam- nus Players Filni Service for Saturday da. _ & Monday. „January nuar� 20th & 22nd 8, Introducing the "Little Star''1'Vlarguerite Clark' In the Popular Drama of Mice and , Mew" Siz; reel feature, Admission 16e. Baso: r Chi PIAIi a s Oh Vant t0 •s:a VC some coin e eatF zi hiiloci tea.„ 5, �9 ur } 01°fiG�a`3 � and '1 s �� , am ave yot etialarl v NS GE P08 at the Can ensilage .f'o• e4'h0rrtt` Jnr si° etor n Don't mts Mitts reed, a feed cliGte 1 qhw T i.r ire a ,in StO7' nd two tee, cutters ih'°ii Ftry 'ow price Pa artttnitya if you aR g sit r CI-101C.E FA' I?:*I 'OR. SALE $cent Lot ii ;gradN half of Lot 17 'North, Thames 'I laid, consisting +of 15p aures_ 5 acres bush, 50 acre•; -iu ploughed, T'la-lo.#Ltte brief dwelling, kitchen and wvodsteert Lorna aa, -to -date banal, barns, every camai'en%aave,sllo, never supply water .iio bmaildin ;s front wiumh»llt, t miles front aeboat. 1 4 1-2 nlis, (rein Methodist and ,Presbyterian churehes, b 1-2 utiles froth town of Exeter, rural »nail and telphone. This Ills` al- ways been conceded to be the hest' lacca in U'sborne, Easy terms for pay- cit for quick sale. For terroe rand'. titulars apply to Thomas Camerons l estate agent, R. U. No. 1 Kirk- inion. F'. 0,. Ont., or phone I.Tyndusan line. Exeter. ad iI grades, r bag. -Exeter Sutton, Manager,. New Tailored Suits and Coats Of first interest, when the coolday le cone- The styles are varied tQ meet the:'d'iffer r,r tastes. Certs 61'' i ,�'■ er, skins are also longer. Our new goods , here. Good sa': o choose trona. 0 r MADE TO YOIJE MEAS,DIt1 -,424 See Our New Coatings f or; Ladies, 'rices I > ging from S/7-00 'p" eai- r seas LAD tandl e 4 ever s' AND 1=N f r a tmlrp. Optsostto' l otet Al er,rra. The e Newspape al ae , .The. Loudon p 0 She hath what she coil d done Every mar= ried man in the ranks of r gg Canada's' sol- diers means that his wife Irts the ' sacrifice, the danger, yes -but his also the interest of a new ex- perience„. the companion- ship cf comrades, the in- spiration of action, the thrill of the advance, and the glory of victory. Her's the pitiful part Ing, the weary waiting, the fevered watching for the dreaded message, the .:gruelling grind of daily responsibility for those _dependent upon her -and her alone. No, No; not alone! Not alone, as long as the people whose battles . her husband is fighting have a heart in their bosoms or a dollar in their pockets. .. Not alone -as long as Canadian manhood and womanhood knows the meaning of the word "trust." Not' alone, as lon as Generosityis the hand - g maiden of Duty and Privilege. Onlyanappreciation Y of the need Is required bythose q osof t us who here at home keep the hearth fires burnin g Not for some me of us the supreme sacrifice,` east that whole -hearted but for one and all of us at l answer to the cryof ctrl- P otism that never yet has failed to go ringing around the world when the call has come. GIVE GIVE -= GIVE as your own heart prompts you,give to the Canadian PatrioticFund. $6,000,000 must be raised ed in Ontario for the vital necessities of th greatthei s e work of caring for needy families of mel, at the front Tp �C:ue is reflll , investigated, . everything ' hurarlyPossibleii s done aO' „elim1iX.a....,tt mistakes ,,ai_ Cprevent1t:3i 3�i. t1 Qi _ - , t to the ,necd 1s held o11ta o ,._. avxsh H es.F .., but with , � e to 111 at3Qn t See Q real l .. Urn - ....,....., .. . . _ ..fie `�,` .. :...,. •., ,_. a .. ... .. ha :a