HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-1-18, Page 4Wonde
f the Musical.0
.e -recon
the Dutch Fee Towards
a a'p e of :;Nasi :sail Are Vex .l.lazc?us,
-ever. to Have Arrangenten
;it lieigiont a °.lIritt No A;-
„ resist' veGerman Princeling
Eve;° illidra the
0 the Throne
l is LTi. which has had an,
r.: case t oppolttleat3.- • of
it-essi German fright-
fulness, , , going to make
t f, aoGerman terazicelinst't UI
the Dutch crown. P ilicess
Christine ne Me$:,
proving by irect
comparison that
talcanw, she eight -.ear -old daughter s
of queen Wit`"e antoa, =s the only per'
son at sooting tt i,ween the throne M id
,sv,Lo are the
eat. heirs„ A nooi;ement ss a„a,'w on
oot. among an Inaitentiel section o€
peQPie tO being abo;4 a
elose ti io be.weeat Esf_dgittataail
txoa m,,r.,a by (.;;ea"slat": the Mite:Li ttrtwu
"-tug °:lbe•f t in the eveht 4f the
t1iE plshtees *S,&ree the 041-
b.' t,k of l2tastifitaes`.. there Inia" been,,
great tlegt.:0.01,4P4tily e•;k re5,sed
Rotland fift.00 Ring of Eel>tum
cl '„is iaen't t' npli?,, :and also
cart'in fcolfttg that the interest; A_
ztiallet'- nations Wael1 he bailee
$h:Qtalil the Davids ttristeess: live there
orinl na4
µism 3
ea ell
• t'•r x
THE'TtSbAic. JAN ?'A]
them ix German con
aw,sa;tp a.:Y Strict as 'that ii fila.
revaits ist any of the beli.g. n
eft comps, as -i r ld
innoii ca'lik. the war is over a
's tong -nes loosed :..,t :sas hoil
peas: of tt? tl set e ter of oar the tn"r
'ears oz r a=. peetap,'-t°ora.:
ttrue” of the xi Pw a, ;n.', i abl
we do } 'ow. ?r<?. .4 i.', ti' Mt froth tit
Iteloti.nt fta;.'.er:a hove ell
e*ua .d ari: ^l. They.
They 'hay yt s".:^o .wkv.',: Sorg of new
that opp_estse _'� .,itins ,soul.l io i
4a3t ar. They, aye raper"ted .kite
ha e ettfiesed. 'Si'°.iti ... =s:�'� Ei aC '`8o- Ger—nn
Cruelty add,, cn _,_tkc_> at Geiginat
cret <.c
s € nt to
others at con ern:ent late
German, an, ; o tate.,
have rrai ed every
1rs ss these
to oPit , seine of Vier:
iv • they have
a .trod
., s4 l d �w do re-
he of .good is ',art s soon
"mar; a;it;..k '. ages at ?eigium
.'::rgc or a t ` r. ail £tis:.
uTi(e, German control. 1st € curse.,
Two or tiro of the most important
moved their Qillees of publication to
London e Paris rsna ever sines
have Appearo regularly, though
with -a, nail: di!eiaiee.cd leeemee,
redtteetl and s 1-,oea fi 'tt 1.7t r ete
l't?e1 , Qtbe wore si#p a°essed
gealtePfir. ,« i v retnairted sans
fled to ngatt r o erctiy and it,
Irl, ;s1aecia1 ineut ots, it
Tz 4} d 'her hes
la tRo alar eGtggaie°� of the
thll4.3h4 t and i3istlrih:ted
1.?£ C ter+ nb; t
Notice 'o Creche � s
.fn 'the matter of the estate of Win;
W. ".Walper., of the Village of Exe-
ter. County of Huron. farmer de-
Notice is uereba given pursuazst to
Statutes. in that betsalf that all cred'
Rona Ind others having claims ago
ainst the estate of Wm. W. Walper
who died on or about Ml y, the Gth,,,i
1916. are required oa or before
February 5th., ).9417,; to sena by post
prepaid er ele1'axer to 1Zessre Gla 3--.
uzan R Stanbury, of the 'village of
Exeter., _solicitors, for the :hdaainesa
tratrix, of the saida4eceased their eoari -
tiara and surnames, addres§es; and des-
ariptions. the full partioulare of their
claims, the statement of their a
cemet.4 and the nature of the seeur•
leties, if any, held by tlr m. And
further tale potiee that atter said
last imentiontd date the $dministra-
trix will proceed to' distribute the
atssete of the ;deceased: afuong the par-
ties entitled thereto. having regard
Only to the claims .of which she'shall
tilers have notice .and that the said
- eaasistrotrix abaft not be liable for
$aid assets or -spy part thereof, to any
person or persons to rvitose claicnv
nodes shall not taaxe been received
by her at the tide oto sec& € ist..ibo-
IF e ¢l:e .del :alt GLAzr) :A�i & S,TAN'BLU.R '
wt. The ten. ".dol itor.. fo As3:tatn'sstratrix
Ba . 13 C at 'xc:ver Ch;a loth fi
.ia.l1�'tikrit' 191
1st o tri+
the !
spec+i d„
friend Can. Or
�l= playing
Lin« its
MIER; Ont.
oL to is t '4a their
mere ins tl n+t 4iz at can.
hot di Ott pt's'
np1?earin0 t e t +Vit; tl;aY.
obts3;y .knOWO. 'r tP ei esu d
oW it is $goes). 9i
:p a tat
appear., They are lir
aeMplalr.'ts. Some of them mut ;r e-
sabre the nc. vises of a dozen oi' oven
:core of MO hia0111 theY COON
'1#ts d, They tontein eartoon;
eews, the :ettsat'ts pit i «tttldsti,«
dr#tt:ttit#tt tilient the German o
upation,. curl iuw .r€sbl;r attlrcbgn
s#a 7 airs? t3tlac 1 Minn,;
7110 3tsono e a3' t f Iste. n tlni'
`reneh, as ;n :Yon Brit; 1a tttalt h!'s ss
varied b3 ;i reni a'iitC i or st�lA i34u4
t at,,, itiz a;Lra t «k4fitlt
1 btl`tt sCnn4
or rood tar Qtss � � 1 #t8 ease endspent liaalls is l a iai,;.".,Boats trft1
&3s ;orfor nle se.itip: .
tC.tT 4.Fit-' tlaa?.. aso sw ;fit tbiat'. <yta
foie ie that of tan,.r r ugs fa,e
ai rdinnoa used to Onelenan; s
"s s age es be T e Cava nee
. Ir a are ef R urra Al } ? i'Qon
2i lio now e,1 Qulei} Niggle
tlahod, rings decorated eat with delicate-
ela alt:-
"fib yT1^ee dl'a Polish,ed PreoVh
ow top of. the Germane
The 'r%'nr494 SOldiern catty
't r 5assa.kiug 4l #nateur
cure$ s at ,°Abhave
rl n. coot. tell us; ;bat n;ao t of ata>A
who can Use ti sr4G' Itathelr ,.
naIfiu ,1 „' geres l;3aa,tta"
a'faallable manic.et falter c
morning Vinil. rt
is llttic finer -o of t
t in#Qir- aatasrot tQs set poc-'
raatay trGaw,Q lars�t9 tat s .etl4
Outfit of Wen, vice,
al fmgt+r hook estt
Whoa the onto..
os't,t#nee " to laid good -
deg : ui ;).tuft there is -fire
trrattveui#r. Then it la
bagmen Iniebez"' f 1tvl :r
slcistit* of fsartl strength-
i of Griffith ward sin-
te:°i}3, ;i.:uthe:Ater Guard.
Zot Strength To 13o
rua down that 1 masa
nerwor for ray little Inali
thout help, One dee'
not, gra 'gumbo to it, an.y
4.0110K: 451105* 111070. aut 141lin
• Druggist, Exet
ECIAL Fares now in effect to, re-
" Florida, Georgia, ;North and
ria rotates and to Bermuda and
West Indies.
Vor Null information write to
D. F. A- Union Station
Toronto, Ont.
Agent Exeter
Made in Canada
Fertilizer $18 au
$22 per ton
Now is the time to
buy wire fence be=
fore it advances in
Let me quote yo
your needs in
folioNving lines,—
iter CITE E d
nee Posts,
orm7 and It
'le* Teal
rlin; or
to Par o wait -
order. But thet.e hushonds rear. -
Peered one flue morntng, both o!
them with amputated limbs."
"3forc curious is the tale of the
on soldier, whose arm, cut off
by a shell, was found on the battle-
field, whi:e the rest of him had dis-
a.opeared.. As the arm tarried the
identification plate its owner was re.
ported dead. The wife received a
certificate to thie offeet, and was
Permitted to remarry. The first
to be alive,
and inclined to ins st on his rights."
The most unfortunate ot these
tragic misadventores was found in
Switzerland recently in one of the
parties of seriously wounded soldiers
returned from Germany. A French
visitor stopped luicre a man -whose
faee was so disfigored as to secm no
longer human. Ire asked if he could
do anythlirg for the sufferer, it be
could seek bis family and tell them.
"Useless/ was the raply. "He is
The soldier had risen to the heroic
delicacy of decidhilr. that, rather than
horrify those he loved, be would
eave them to believe hiin dead.
There is a ray of light in this
caze, for the- surgeons bold out hop9
of a great improvement, and if th'is
is accomplished tbeir patient will
give up bis name and come to life
again. j`But grahaps," adds M. le
Goffic, "it may teen be too late."
rt is said there are 70,000 French
prisoners in Germany who have nal
been able to conamunicate with theii
families. The French la -w requires
ten months of widowhood before re-
marriage. The question is being
asked whether this delay should not
be extended, and Henri Robert, the
eminent pleader, is one of those who
tinmk that soldiers' wives should not
remarry before the end of the war.
d Grey Honored.
Sir Edward Grey has been honored
by the King with a peerage, and will
probably be known by the title of
Earl Grey of Falledon, The peerag:,
• 'already well -stocked with peers ol
this Emile; 'There is, of course, Ear'
(trey, formerly Governor-General o
Canada, who is himself Earon Gr:t
of Howick. Neither of these ,
don_fused with Lord Grey ,..of Rie
eldest son of the
ith Lora Grey o
of the Earl of St
hese are quite di
will be nothing &Iron but the alloy
Hollanders aro leaking ahead and do
not intend to be brought any more
closer 'Under German influence,
Some eighty odd years ago Belgium
and Rollattd were united but then
separated and baste since maintained
separate governments.
A few days ago, the news was
flashed round the world that Princess
Juliana was III. The people of Can-
ada can hardly realize the serious
anxiety such news must have caused
just at this time iri Holland. The
Dutch have become aecustomed to
"petting" their monarch. She ascerid-
ed the throne while still a child. and
a great deal of love was lavished
upon the young girl. The little Crown
Princess has inherited this affection
of her people, and it is increased by
their realization that she stands be-
tween them and the attempts of the
Teutons to dominate the brave little
country- Rolland bas gallantly de-
fied Germany more than once Since
the present war began, being in this
respect a marked contrast to some
other large and supposed proud neu-
tral nations, but the Dutch would
not want anything to happen just
now that -would call stronglY to the
attention of the Kaiser's Govern -
meat that they would rather be
linked up with heroic Belgium than
have anything to do with the German
Anne Hutchinson Honored.
Anne Hutchinson, banished in
162g from Boston, Mass., is to have
a statue erected in Boston to her
-memory, raised by public subscrip-
tionea Her banishraent was ordered
because she declared that the
Apostle Paul must have been crazy
to enjoin silence on women. in their
religious exercises. She raaintained
that. in religion women were on an
equality with men. Anne was ban-
ished to Rhode Island, where she
founded a community where it was
decreed that no one should ever be
"accounted a delinquent for doe -
Tire origin. of tlie word tank is
itself interesting enough. When
the construction of these armored
cars was first undertaken the utmost
secrecy was- enjoined on the officers
construeting them. R was, however,
found neeessary to give a name to
dm new department, and this, for
purposes of -putting everybody off the
scent,. was described as the "tanks
ao-'teeartinent-" As a consequence,
when the new explore s went
nut, they went out as tanks, and the
me took the fancy of the "Tom -
moos" and of evet-ybo connected
0 Belgium" is the name
the paper Which has giVen the most
trouble te the Germans, and. which
baS stimmeedly sacrificed the great-
est member of editore, without, how -
weer, In any manner interfering with
the policy or puncteality of the Pa-
per. It announces that it is a "bul-
letin of patriotism, submitting to no
censorship whatever; price per copy
elastic, varying from zero to infinity;
business office, a movable automo-
bile cellar; advertiseraents sup-
pressed, and pabsons advised to keep
their raortey times get better;
telegraPhic address, care of German
comnaander at Brussels." A recent
issue of this paper published a Rae-
maelters cartoon, suggested by one of
Dore's drawings of hell, showing wo-
men and childrea in agony being
trampled down by a German soldier,
whose face is that of the Kaiser.
Another shows the furious search of
General von I3issing for the office of
the paper itself.
La Petrie is another paper that
appears "every Bow and then" when
conditions are favorable. It has been
coming out for more than a year. It
carries a standing line which declares
that the Germans are barba.rians and
liars always. Another paper, L'Echo,
recently published word for word a
speech delivered. by Mr. Asquith, in
-which he asserted that one of the
first conditions of peace would be
the complete restoratiOn of Belgium.
La 'Write and the Flemish Lion are
other wartirae papers published in
Belgium and secretly circulated. Of
course, copies of the papers are sure
to held their way into the hands of
the German police from time to tinae,
but they' have found it impossible
to discoYer and stop the papers, al-
though they have been ruthless with
thpse supposed to be instrumental-
inabeir circulation. it is to be noted,
too, 'that there is a weekly secret
press bureau sot up in Brussels,
welsh is apparently in every way as'
well informed as the British and
Ereactie press bureaus, and gives the
of the week with great aecur-
cy. The story of these publications
-till make a thrilling tale one of
nese uays when all the facts concern-
. g cm can be made public.
lathe of Lo Banyan -brook
LONDON, Jan 9.—The Evening
News suggests 111,,x Aitken will as-
sume the title of Lord Deaverbra'
after a small place in
"ng Constantine
tied to a
Warming tit;,,,
warming the kande there
en invented a email gerforatel
benzine autl lighted,
AVE [CAN Bit 11.13IS
ermany's Plan Overrun
Continent is Squelched.
What will be the ultimate fate Of
h German reloniee which have
alien into the /mods' of the Allies?
t seems 1044 that they will go to
the allied coIonice which "march"'
with their borders, But, however
that may be, there will be none ot
the Allied powers interested in
colonial development—and none has
so great an interest as Great Britain
—that will net rejoice at the removal
from Africa of the menacing and
trouble -making power which, for a
quarter of a century, has 'been sow-
ing dissension and promoting hostil.
ity between the other nations in col-
onial matters. In almost every ris-
ing, and certainly in every war,
which Great Britain has bad on her
hands in that period in South Africa,
the German hand can be traced.
It was Germany which blocked the
way to the fulfilment of the dearest
desire and the most earnest expecta-
tion of Cecil Rhodes. German ships
and German subsidies were drawing
the trade of tbe coasts into German
hands with marvelous rapidity. Into
practically every department of
trade in South Africa German inter-
ests were vrorming their way. From
the military point of view, however,
the East African campaign is highly
instructive, inasmuch as it has shown,
what a small, native army, organized
on European lines; can do.
I was reading the other day a very
Interesting article by Edgar Wallace,
the military expert, on German
scbemes and dreams about the Dark
Continent. To -day we can gratefully
recognize how, with the falling of
the German colonies into the Allies'
hands, all the dreams of a Greater
leeperial Germany have evaporated,
(c, BUJOTJS on cosnvz
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach
Sluggish Liver and Bovvels—They
work while you sleep.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head.
aches come froni a to gid liver and
'elogged bowele, which cause your
,etomach to become filled with undi-
gested food, which sours and ferments
the first step to untold miserY---Indi-
gestion, foul gases, haal breath, yellow
skin, mental -fears, everything that is
,horrible and nauseating. A Ca.scaret
itanight will give- year- constipated;
bowels a thorough ,- 'cleansing „.„,-
'straighten, you out ,...;(274111Orhillg. af)
'work W],f1tO 1,0•00n6
96 Branekes in Qanada
A. Getter& 'Banking Business Transacted
aY be opened at ever,y branch of The Canadian Ranie
be operated by mail, and wilt receive the samak,
is given to ali other departments of the Bank"
ay be deposited. or withdrawn in this way a*
y a personal visit to the Bank.
A. F.
;OA 041
z too
to aniv
Witll .r.
lltWe.11",nts-Messe '414 ander,
wagon with bolo set boir,1,4ilta., rob-
ber tile, bua*. neerly new; stoei tire
itor hay 'rast, gravel box, root s:ie-
r, hay tork Tom!, sling rones, set of
double harness, .set single harness;
dlooels, forks and oth.n• articles too
mmerous to mention; also a quantity
bay to be sold for cash,
There will ,akto be sold at le
ante time awl place the abora nal
d lot, sontaining 100 acres, Oa the
house, bank barn and driving shed,
goo.i orchard, ,and the farm is in ev.„
cry way first-class,
"rerms-Real -estate made known on
day of sale; Chattels, $10, and under
cash; over that amount 9 months'
credit on furnigling aporovzol joint
notes. Six pzr cent. Der annum off
for cash ,on credit amounts.
Airs. Wm. Penrice, C, W. Robinson
Promietress Auctioneer
Frank Coates, Clerk.
„ 1917
rising ;
Auction Sale
on Lot 10, Con. 8, Usborne,
Half mile u -est of Winchelsea,
on Friday February 2nd, 1917, at one
o'clock sharp, the following,--
florses.-Mare 8 years old, gelding
8 years old; Mare 12 years old, in
foal to Kingsmount; good driver;
2 sucking colts, 1 blood.
in elarch; all guarantead in calf. 4
yearling heifers, 5 spring calves .
Hogs and Hens -3 brood sows with
pig; 24 shoats, 80 hens.
Inieleincnts--,MasseyeHarris -,binder,
Massey-f-larris rake and ladder; Deer-
in,g mower, 5 ft. cut; liar header;
Frost & Wood cultivator, stiff tooth;
spring tooth 'cultivator; Frost &
Wooa double furrow riding plow;
Willrensea gang plow; 4 walking plows
bobsleighs, wagon box; pig -rack com-
plete; 2 sets doubleharness ; set sing-
le harness : number collate and sweat
pals. buggy, cutter, light wagon, log-
ging chains, grind stone, whiffietrees
neckyokss, cross -cut saw, forks, scy-
ehe; sliovls and numerous other ar-
ticles; also 10 tons timothy and clov-
Telms-Ali sums of a5, and under,
cash; over that amount 10 months'
notes Five per cent. per annum off
tor easb on credit amounts.
C. Vv. R‘obinson, Wes, liesneesel,
Auctionesr Proprietor.
Flank Coates, Clerk.
time tn becoming ectualities we get a
hint from Mr..Wallace. ,
"Tighe years ago," he says, "I had
the ,putlines' of Germany's colonial
plans slretched to -me by the captain
gte:)..,,.A. faGeTes :naa'e;tairnys' a dwieltd: eiteahherib°1a:if.'ashs- .
econnterpain, ,o
carrying Me' froth port to, port :along
t Torun trig
Phone Offisa
Donor raduate of Torozt
t extracted without sa
au; d effects. Office OVer
luau Stanbury'i Office Jduin
* Graduate Victoria
Ity Office and residence .0
Labretory., Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Rut
CARLING, 213.,
arrister, Solicitor, Notary
Pommissioner. Solicitor hit
Molsons etc.
Aleney, to T.,cian at lowest sat* sW
interest, 1,11
We itave a large atnoant of POO
ate funds to loan onfarto an4
lage properties at lowest rate of
Barristers, Solicitors. AbiEk
farmor'8 Mutual Wu Ilisurr
Head Office, Farcit,t:or, OP>
Vice -President THOS.
1. AI:A.1601Si
JOHN EsSERY hixeier. agent Ilia
borne and ,
OLIVER BARRIE; Moor° agent 11010'
Elibbert Fullerton and Looen.
arifirof 157).00-0-1-n. East Afriej-„TeelM
reserves and auxiliary services faalkii-,
ioned upon the best Prussian mode!
It is a fact, by the way, that t
model most closely adhered to`
successive commanders in East .&f
rica was the- British, and that tit
first native forces raised in that r0.6-1,
glen were armed, equipped, an 7,1111„,
ganizea on the lines of our own
tive African battalions. A bine
Prussian army , and a strong 11
'would have,rgiven the German
choice of cOln*es in Africa, Th.
ambition in -sing, Of Go'
ast Attic