HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-12-21, Page 8Y . r 'plate .*6 A. STEWART Phone 16 MERRY GHRISTMHS 11. HHPPY NEW Y[flR • VINE FURS Furs are the +Queen' of Xi?aas present, A set of lovely Fora for :Xmas is Inure to, please. See what we have to shote you., PURSES Se 17ANDBAGS, Just arrived for the Xmas trade. A Zine range of up•Jto- =date Handbags. .60e 75c, $1.00 to 8,00, $ILK TI;OLEPROO,E' [HOSIERY "For Men and Women, Sold by. the (pair or 8 pains tome neat- ly .boxed. Womens' $1,25 ',Mens' 75c. per pair. FANCY TEA APRONS In many styles, 25c, 35o, 40e, and '50c. i 113I.AOE SILKS, S t Yota will save taoney by buy- ing Silks as they will be much higher next season. What would be more acceptable than. a Silk Dress for Xmas, COSY 'SLIPPERS • Eor every member of the fame ily, Warm- and comfortable Slip- pers. t, at 50e .000, 85c, 95o. & $1.25. , LADIES LII4NDKERCHLEFS In folders or pretty boxers. Beautiful fine lawn and linen in very neat patterns at 1,0e, 25o., 35e, 50c, to $1.00 BOUDOIR CAPS ' I in Dainty Patterns, each 35e, 500. and 750. For Men SWEATER COATS With and without collars 53.00 to 5.50• • PERBINS GLOVES Mocha. tape and all woll $1.00 1.50. 1.75. SUIT ,CASE UMBRELLAS Silk and wool covers each $3,25 ' SILKMUFFLERS All Silk Squares and knitted 75c. to 2.50. SILK & .CASHMERE HOSE Splendid •value's. at 50c, 60c, & 75c. DRESSY SHSRTS Fast colors, New Patterns at 81.25 to 1.5a ' , In Crockery Department SPARKLING .CUT GLASS ;Trays, 113owis, ;Cream and Sug- ars, Salt and Pepper, Bonbons, etc. NEW TOILET SETS A Bile Rlin.„e of Patterns at -'x'3.00, to 6.50. HANGING LAMPS You will like our New Lames. $4.50 to 14,50. NEW DINNER SETS New and Dainty Patterns just arrived for Xmas. $12. to 20,00 BRASS JA'RDINERS About nix Different Styles, at • e* to $5.00 • ANCY TEA POTS , 'With Stands to match' 30e, 50e, 75c. $1.25. , This Store will be open Thurs. Friday, & Sat. evening J.A. STEWART Phone 16 We pay highest prices cash or trade, for live or dressed Poultry. The Ideal Christmas Gift For Her We extend to all the Season's Greetings and best wishes for a Merry Christmas The giving of common sence Christmas Gifts is becom- ing more popular each year. The Grand Prize Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Is one of the most practical gifts you could select for her; will lighten the housework and bring real Christmas cheer into the home the whole year round. Do not wait until Christmas—Buy now W. N. N Row8 SALES AGENT Phone 20 Exeter OLD TUCIiERS'IIOET1I SETTLER: PASSES AWAY One of rfbe oldesttsettlers of Tueke- er,smith in the person of Donald" Me Dougall ;passed away at the Thome" of. hie daughter, ,Mrs. Williame Smail'don, in 7rrtnbrook, ort Friday, December the 8th. In 1849, Ma,' McDoagtatli with 27 others came to (Canada and settled .ala Tuelcersmith L. R. S. and of those twetaty-„seven the late Mr., 7f oDougall,. te* the last.. IJe, hats resorted t;ho good age of Bayears and had been iJlrfor about two .months. ;previous to ,bra death, altltongai not conftncd, to beds 17teaxt trouble was the cause ol; rims death, • + { IF If I were Sasta !C'laus The first thing I would do Would be to see that every joy, .In 'life were Bent to you., • "I've !got one ambition” What is 'ul2' "To be rich enough to take my, vac- ation in the veiniest ianle " -----:fir__•-.: _ Ile insisted on buying y g t ha baby one of , those intricate t" ricate sets t ofWild- ing btld- i %ng tntatcrials" :'The baby la too young or that," That's what l told him, but he said he 'could have A lot of fun; witch it ,hiluseif," , ! Market Report- bo ,+showing is the !report of : the Exeter)* Market' oorreoted.•up Ito December 20th. ' Wheat 1..50 to l„ 55,. ,. (Bi,l Barley 70 to $50, r l i ! ; Oats 55c, to Op,, ; Pleas 2.00 per bus . • Family flour 4,75. ' I , i t l Low tirade flour 2.60: ,, Bran 04.00 4 r -r. r Shorts 88.00• Stager beet pulp 28,00.. Eggs 541 !Butter 40, (Creamery 'butter 49. Young ehiek's 14e, "1 1; dans 11' and 132, j 1 1.•. , 'Roosters 10e. 1 r # Young. decks I4c. , i; 1, Ducks 12e 'and 'JISo, Old dunks 10o. i t [ I +tri +; Geese 14c ,and 11.80. l ; r1• Turkeys 213c. rand 30e, Old Toms123e and 27c.., Pots• o;rs 2.25 ,per bag.. Hogs 11,25. y ; t r ; ! "i t 4,0 o•1+►011 11irt1•010141••••• • LOCAL • • i 11 1 e •••••••i Next Monday will be Christmas Mrs. Q. 11lcl:nide is 'under the does totes ;care, • TO RENT on :Gidley St. house, with large garden. Apply to Jes'se Eyton; On Sabbath last .Rev,. Dr, Flet:her and Rev. 5, F, Sharp exchanged put - pits. Mr. Reg. Parsons who hat, been, at- tending !school in Tlamilton. is home for the holidays, Mr. John Southcott of Grand Bend is in a very 'crit'cal condition with no hope for Itis recovery,, The Boa' S'cout's have rented the rooms in ,the building south of Dr, Quackenbush's old office. Miss .Jean Seldon who hats been at- tending university at Kingston, is expected 'home for t. he!• holidays. Melsarrs .Gordon and Stewart Thomp- son, of London, visited their brother Mr. Will Thompson over the week- end, A collection will be taken next Sab. bath in ,the Jaanes St Sunday school for the relief of the Belgian ohild- ren. Cecil ecil Pickard who has been at- tending Toronto University has re- turned Thome for the ,Christmas boli - days. Mr. Chas, French Who its .attending University at Chicago :e visiting his uncle and aunt, ads'. and Mrs. E. A. Follick, We have a :Beautiful Line of Bon - Bon 'boxes from 'the ,best makers in Canada, Prices front 10c, to 51.00• per box. -W. J. Statham. 1 Messrs A. J. Heywood and John Walker, Theological students at Tor- onto University are visiting •at their homes ittotal:duiti,2 the holidays. The services next :Sabbath in the Coven Presbyterian thumb will be' of a Christmas cba actor, A song ser- vice will be 'field in the evening with ttpe'cial quartettes, duett!s, etc, Just arrived, a ear of bran, a car of !middlings, a car of oats, Expected a car of beet !puns and a car of conn If its flour or feed gout wants to see Harvey )Bros. The Sunshine Methodist 'church hold'vjJf o1d 'their anniversary on Sunday, December 24th Two services morning and evening .lay by the ,pas'or,• Rev. (Barnard, and a +Christmais Tree thefollowing Monday evening. Don't forget the !boys and girls whose fathers are away protecting yo a r interests. A11 the tittle acus of kind- ness you can bestow upon these youngsters won't make up for the ab- sence of father. (Capt. and Mrs 'R. I•bewi:,t ret'crna ed to town last Saturday alter spend - ng several weeks in Toronto who ;pt. Hewitt tied. rwent a severeo tion. Their many frinds in tow ill be gfad to know That Capt. -Dm t is doing' welt and rega•ning b rengch rapidly. Special Christmas cervices will b hold in the rJieferent churches Hex a ,,b.tth, The different choirs are pre paring special mttsio for the owes:o Mrs, M. M. Doyle of London, is vis Ring with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Elworth Mr. Geo ,1tiiawkins was in Londo Monday on business. When doing your Christmas +shop') ing drop in rand have a "Hot Oyste. Stew, Hot Beet Tea, Hot Coffee, o Cocoa," -VT. J. Statham, The Weekly Sun. To --onto, is a 1. rg seventyJeolumn weekly farm news paper, makings a specialty of alt mat tors of bu sine, s and social interes to ,the :farmer and his family. The Sun's market reports are admitted the :best and mast accurate publirehed It bas no; equal in !the, field. This fea- ture alone will tapir repay•each sub scriber. Ca era Mr it St rH'E EXETER TIM The Quality Store For Groceries l:' 1'esh and Cured Meats deal with us. The duality at a Moder- ate Prices, If you want a roast 01 stew get it at the New meat Market' We have a' choice lot of Goese and ducks for Xmas also dairy butter. Only three more days to do your Xmas Shopping Have yon your fruits, Nuts Candies, etc We solicit you order. We are here to stay. • Phone 18 R. C. COWER & SON E 'A „GREETINGG What ehoald a Christina's greeting be. A :printed -tend where friends may see The 't'hought that as we !pass our way We 'wish them well just for the day, But feebly do the types ex;, r:ess, My ravish ,.or others happiness It aloes not aeon, enough to say a To friends, "A Merry Christmas Day. If I could; into a line , A wish for everything that's fine, A Life no rain should fall upon rd 'print it big and send, W on., If this old battered .heart eouldspeak Day after day, week after week. 'Twould /run the year of friendship through And still not tell It's love for you, My (Christmas wen' is always"Lbs That never any joy you'll miss, That :with the birth of each, new( day Life will grow more and more like Mr. Fu gsley leaves Monday for Cljn ton where he will reside in; `the, fut- are. Mr. Norman Perkins who has been in, the west is visiting at his home, here. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. iSuswell and daughter Enolt of Flaxcombe Sas:., are visiting relatives in Exeter.. Dr. Garnet Joke, of Kirla on gave an 'excellent address at the Jain s St, League on Tuesday evening, there being a good attendance of the mem- bers. These are the days when we are using Made in Canada Products, Why not go one 'better, and use flour made in Exeter, 8'IODE .asecond to none. -HARVEY !BIROS. The stores ,of town are in holiday garb and beautiful decorations lend much to the attract iveness at thin season of the year, The 'window/ dis- plays Tare , attracting special atten+ tion and handsonne and useful art- icles are tempting the shoppers: The merchants of Exeter am to be con- gratulated on ,the pride and taste shown in !their displays as it is 'a real ,pleasure to pass along and exam- ine the windows, Next to an adrertie went in the Tithes we know no better wag' to bring their goods befores the public, . . t ; 1 . , Services appropriate to the s.n ccean will ne held in Main St. 1llethodest' church next Sabbath, . The pastor will preach in the morning. Subject, "A New Sang for the Holiday."" Special music by, the 'choir. In the evening ;r rr, c• servrce of sacred Long intersp.-• p- 1 sed with brief addrestes by three young men as follows,-Me_srs. A. J. v- I Heywood, subject, "The True 'Ideal of Is ! Life." ; C. A. Gower, "The Brother hood. of Man."; J. A. Walker, subject e to be selected. The fol owing musical' t! selections Will be rendered by ti . ehoir assented by other's. Anthems, n "Dawn through the Ages,''; '.Good Tidings of Great Joy,"; "Unto us a Child is ir3orn"; "All Hail Immanuel' Solo, "The Babe of Bethlehem," So'o, The Gift'' Solo wren:ed. Choice hymns also 'so be Sang. Everybody welecime. r e t A prominent citizen of Lucan ways the entertainment given by Miss Lot- tie Tillotson was exeel' Cnt, Quite fit to be .!given in any !church, Reliable parties from St. Mary's and Granntan also pronounces it to te a high clet.s enter,ainment --Mrs. H. Eco ei Pres. Patrtole Loalgu ,, The lecture will te held in the Public, Library ns eac1 of James St charoh as annonnced, , Winter scam,' with a rush and looks as though :it mn5",ht business rii,*lzb from the stare, for a couple of nights last week the thermometer tugister- ed NeverA degrees below :zero and the days were 'told and stormy. More moderate wee tiler is now prevailing and the sleig:tiirt; is good, The uveae ther was good for ice -(marking at thtt rink and ;the •skating opened this week. See our array of Oranges Nuts and Candies' for 't arzstmtus trade. Prices to sttit your primes: W. 3. Statham. 'CONV.CNTIUN The ;sixth erretta1 :convention of the tabor/re and Exeter Sunday 'School Association w, held in the !Main St. Methodist elk Ir;ell on Wednesday of last week. There were two aseelaions. afternoon and evening, .Mass Bertha Leine,of the Ontario IS , A sbi +tion, of Toronto, was present nod Iggve two inspiiing addrewes. Se t'e+ral. local tapeakeras glen took ratrt 'ive - tog Splendid, ,,tddriaa es wrong Sendey school` wort, ,. ENSILAGE FOR SALE The silo 'at, the Canning factory is open /and ensilage for rale; ab $3.00 per ton. Purchaser paying for weigh- ing on R. G. Seldon's scates,r Exeter Canning Co„ FEED CUTTERS -We have in sto.k - 2 hand ,power deed caters, end two engine power feed or ensilage cutter% they ,wilt lbe solid at p.: very low price Don't miss this opportunity if you need a feed cutter. The EXETER M'.F'G Co, Ltd. /a Exeter, Ont,. SPECIAL 'TRAIN Arrangements dtave been made to run an extra isection of the' evening train, London to 'Win;gham on Sat- urday December the 23rd :leaving London at 4,15, in order to relieve the reggular 'trains and provide accommo- dation for excursionists, • A CIIyOICE FARM FOR, SALE Being, Lot 10 and N half of Lot 17 North Thames (Road, consisting of 150 -acres„ 5 acres bush, 50 arses in grass, and 50 ploughed. 'Up .lo.,d,ate brick dwelliing, kitchen and woodshed Large op--to-date bank barns, every convenience, never tailinng ,sepply of Water in buildings; from winchniIT, 1-2 miles .frorn school, 1 & 1.2mis. from Methodist and Presbyterian churches, 5 1-2 'lniles from town of Exeter, rural malt and telphonr.. Tale has al- Wa s been coHed dto be the base. farm in U§borne. Easy terms ter play a meat c for • r ` t C xtksa 1c.P $ or ter mead partieulars•apply to Thomas Cameron. real estate Agent, R. P. No, 1 Kirk - Oa Tons of Fine, Land ooh Cattle Salt fox sale, All grades $540 per ton' ; 50o, per bAg.;.,,Exeter Salt ;Works Co., Ltd.; T. einttoo Aranaser , Hotpoint Electrical Gifts ANSWER TUE What to Give !Host satisfactorily,. SEE 'THE VERY µ. COMPLETE LINE OF Ohristmassy Hotpoint Lamp- socket Appliances AT W. J. BEER'S The, .Best Newspaper Value ' In Western Ontario ..The.. London Advertiser All Mail Editions $3,00 per Year 1 E1 R:X h', DOLT 'la f.iceasee dunes• Cromer, Sales conducted ;Al .u1'. Jo earltyy Terms moderate Orders left: at Titriee office will be •roar .t a tended 'to. T'Lone ,j t6, KirktonsAdr dress Kixkton ,t'.O, • SALT FOR :SALE. --An excetient quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance lfouse at the G. T It, station, Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed, -- ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. • DIS'C/O NT SALE --15 per cent off for all. Shoes and Rubbers. Terms Plash, -.a. IBierling, ,Exeter 'North, 18:'7'. DELI ii l I,n ,21st For your lolrxiatanas baking y'ott avant the very best floar. Use. "'Morr- EL" for bread and buns. for Pastry use Welcome. LBA+RVEY OROS., STRAY STEER There (strayed on Lot 0, Con. 7, lihy, on or 'bout Nov, 1st, a yearling steer. Owner :can have !same by'4 ltxov lug ;property .and payiiagexpenses., Apply +to J:'en ale tC3rost 'Exoteri. Ontario wheat is of exeeilentquate ity this year, nvhieh when. mixed with ,the Western wheat , makes blender/ flour better than ever. 'nry MODEL mfg. by HARVEY BROS. Wishing You. A Merry ., Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year When you are doing your Christmas Shopping give us a call. We have a complete line of Oranges ' Nuts, Candies, -Chocolates, and Groceries Drop in and have a hot dish of Oyste Soup, Beef Tea or Bovril Phone or Call P rompt Delivery Open every Night WILSN'SCONFECTIO RaCERYNE&RY ‘ POWELL'S BAZAAR New Tailored XMAS. CHEER Suits and Coats Of first"iia{erect, when the cool days I come, The styles are varied to meet the -r Lfferent tasteb. Coats are long- er, skirts are also longer. Our new goods are here. Good range to cLoose from, , ' . 1 r MADE TO YOUR MEAS;CTRIi ! I t al .I a, l 1 See Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging from $17.00 Up 'We also Lave a new Tango oi< Men'is over coating and suitzng, , G1v.i4 VS A CALL : i ; N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Centra! Rotel Our atore nicely decorated, gives shelves are Loaded with everything has sure laid in. a large assortment and clean so that he can .serve the ki Fancy China, the new shapes, at 2 TOYS DOLLS, TOY TRUNKS, DRUMS, WASHBOARD AND TUB, ,BARKING DOGS. HORSES, IIORNES, MECHAN- ICAL TOYS, AEROPLANES, ETC; TOILET' ARTICLES FANCC,Y SOAPS 20 KINDS, 5c & 100 CAKES. PERFUMES, IBOTTL'ES 15e & 25c. SHAVING SOAPS 100 TO 25e. TOOTH PASTES, TALCUM POW DERS (TARS) 25e. HAIR BRUSHES 15c a5c UP TO $L50. TOOTII (BRUSH ES 5c TO 25c. !COMBS, POttLET & D'RESSE'R 100 TO 35e. Our New Edison. would cheer your honl.e and give you everlasting piea- ure. Our time proposition helps you own one in a few months. Ask us about it. We have thew from $40 up. we also have four good used( ones cheap. Ask as about the 'Edison'ls;r:,,No needles to ,change, Fuji' sweet music Big Christmas Values ; MUSIC ALL THE DAY MUSIC ALL T1IE DAY one a Christmassy (feeling. Our to make people happy. Santa Claus here and we have our .chimney open ddies Rve11. Yon ought to see our 5c up then our lines at 10e. and 15e.. Fancy Glassware PE'R"RY SETS, WATER SETS',, TABLE SETS AT ODD PRICE STATIONERY JX PAPERS, PADS, ENV.EL0PEta- IBIG VARIETY AND VERY LOW CANDY DEPT. This Department is one of the I rgest of .our business. Our aim is always to have fresh wholesome dandy. Our steady customers are aware' of the fact.• t • , it Our /chocolates are mostly Wi1,G !lard's Fork Dipt. 'We sell then he bulk. at 30c, 40c, 50e, 60e, and .$5s a ib. We also have them in. half - pound, lend twoariaund boxes at 25s 50. 75, $1,50 ,per box. Five podia* boxes assorted kinds at $1,50 tea $2.50. Our gross goods ate always( fresh and good assortment. Nat ba'rrs.- big assortment 5c to 25c. Salted) an& roasted peanuts and fruits, ehewiug•, gums, 13 kinds. Good, sweets, -Posy-i ell's. • • t • r J. WILLIS POWELL ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ l++l++l•3 d++++l++sl++i'++1+3++1++1•+$+ $+++t++II+++F+o'+33++;~ 3+++-1 .'ri++-1 +++++++ i,oe"$+++++++ ++++++++++44++++++++++++++4; ++++++++++++++++++++++444+ 44+3++++d•+l++++F•+i+4.+++.i»so..l.00 ea+++l++ +++r+++1++:+l+++ ++r f k+1 3 1+++ ++ ÷.÷÷ If you want New Up -to -Date +4'Goods Join the Crowd 4 +1• +r ,y+g. 4 These are Souvenl s d , 4.. big stock. of 1"erf a l' and Make Your Christmas .Purchases at the H. New Kraig Store Just Opened Last Week +4 We are having the busiestdaysin our history. . . We have alba ase, an Simples fir all our customers - * from which ' Chocolate-, Tvoly, Ebony and Leather Goods -Y+ you c n mike a selection . 4.44 ++ +y 4. Perfumes Fine [tttporied and Domestic 'tines. We have some swell packages gotten out by. Seeley's. Be sure you get a sample of the new one, . 4 , 4' 4+ :11: 4 4. II+ tat ++ +l+rr +4, Willard's Chocolates Fresh from the fact- ory actory in attractive Js ras, boxes l to $5.00 y A... -N. E w pg Ho l w . l 1•°' ' +l+ ivory Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Hair, 'Hat a\nd. Cloth Brushes Combs and fl 'anicure Pieces, ;, Ultilftary ]3ru'fZes Fta-t pin nhoil r. s jewel Cases, etc Ebony l3ig Stock of flair Brushes 4 +4. +.,I. Toilet and Manicur +4`gr Sens See our Military Brushes for y • 4+4`• Gentlemen '< : 'l -+g,`, p. G• ` STORE at 'Old . the Old PHONE CO Drii a RId T ift h. 4 -1+ +!* i ,.. • line, Exeter, . 4 +'t'1d '1 3' 43,T +.:4 %i 4+++1+YY++'O++.P4.++++ +++ ++.1.4.4,++ 4.4. 4,4tq dY"Y'Y Y++ c771D4444+4+4443++ +44+194 + ,1dld3+4II1II8+ik1y:pl#Ill44,ll44.1"4,44F++d34