HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-12-21, Page 5tilMARSDAYr PacEmorm. net 11916 11111011111 -l. ew .Sue of the JANUARY 16 TUESDAY I><IiHf Telephone Book. Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes ort the above date! ¶ Order your telephone now, so that your name Will be in the new issue!. 1J Report changes "required to our Local Manager to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. • • ' YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, siEVERISH, CONSTIPATED rk Mather! if tongue is coated. leanse little bowels with "Cali• fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving livalfornia Syrup of Figs," because in la few hours all the clogged -up waste, {Dar bile and fermenting food gently Moves out of the bowels, and you have la well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to 'fie this harmless "fruit laxative." Weil' ions of mothers keep it handy be- --easuse they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt Amid sure, .1#'sk your druggist for a 50 -cent bot - els 'of "California Syrup of Figs," which ye ntains directions for babies, children at all -ages and for grown-ups. BORN anINE'aS—In Et'mrille on December 14th to Mr. and Alas. Garnet' Min- ,ere, a daughter. ja,'EYWOOD—In Stephen on December 15th, to Dir. and Mrs. Garnet Hley snood, a son. 211ITNTE'R—In Utsborne on December • 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hun- ter a daughter - all ALPE'R—At Dashwood on Dec. 8, . a .. to Jr.liaand 'Airs, Edmund Walpee a. 4 . '[),ANTIN—At St Joseph on Dec. llth, • to Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Oantip, daughter. ,l7i7'CHIA''RME—At the Bronson Line i way, on December llth, to Mr,. and Oars. Ed. Ducharme, .o. son.' MARRIED jW IDO—DECHER.--At St. Peter's Lutheran church, .Zuric'h on Wed - wacky, December 13th by Rev. H. iRembe, Kiss Laurette Catherine, yoangest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, t 1. Decher, Sr., to Tar. Wilfred F. r Weider, of the Parr Line DIED • 'it1.'R'RIS—On Sunday, Dec, 17th, 1946 Matilda Harris. widow of the late Israel Harris, aged 62 years. OkaDLLoWAY—In Peterborough on Dc's Ok r 1113th, Lillian Welsh, b•e:oved wife t sof Dr. W. T. Hollows*, aged 44 •, Years. • IN,MMEMOH/ UM • Hn loving memory of the late Mr. *Conga Powell, •who died November +3rd 1916. • Our father dear .bas left say, n a better land to dwell We soon. shall ;have to ,folbw, Mow soon. we cannot tell. Our ,home. is sad. without: him, For ]rim we mourn to -day, Slut ,still eve (know he's re'seing In a land that's far away, ;Wer ,prayed that we might -keep him, at (God should think it beste r Hie denied our wishes, took him to iris breast„ fie know he is in. heaven, ire of that happy band, ivniting with .the angels, -'o tgra,ep our helpless hand. e -day we are most lonely 'Without our father dear, Vito leaves bend hint loved ones: niorir'ri?xis n.bsenee here. .And though ,we feel most lonely Without our absent father lve tisk that G•ad may bless as, i1,lntil life's - journey',s o'er, ' C ovens ww i e end family. ON'l'A' ,o'rs BEST At&PRA !l ►>., Si -TO i?:'';.(AND AN l) TELE(P. D1;11'S S#nden's tr ,• e„, b, r nt:•ri:g racee k The 'dent) ci uian a for . r .... -alb ..ed is matie, • • re r+,'s 14 graduatf. , C t' eta arta Josue at once. 1D, At 111sLach;;;.n, wv a A. CHRISTMAS POEM It seems 'but a day, irince last Christ- mas time. Yet a ,year has flitted past, Make merry with sono; and gladness For the holidays elo not Iast. S think of the good old times wesp, tit And the well filled !Christmas tree, I can hear the jingle of the bells That chimed so merrily. t d think of the big plum ;puddings The apple :and pumpkin :pies. I remember so well those happy days Oh yes! the time it flies, It seemas but a little ,while ago That we our stockings hung, By the ,oldZfashioned chimney, And waited for Santa( to cornea Tire toys were simple in those- olden The gifts i' were ?straight firom the heart, When the girls old rag ,doll's were given. And the boys !good jelly farts. But those days shave palmed, No more to re turn, Yes the years are fleeting fast Make merry with songs land gIadnesa, Tho holidays do not last. As ,time, speeds on kind thouighte re- turn. Of our dear banes loved and true, I hope the thoughts be kept in,. mind As I keep thoughts of you. Merry Cleristmaes lby Olive M.'Skelton SWALLOW—FOSTER 'A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday the 13th at the ihbme• of Mr. and Mrs. James Swallow at Wood ham when their youngest. daughter Maud, was united in marriage to Fred Foster fon, of Dir. and Mrs. John. Foster .of 'near Granton. The bride .wore ;white silk wi.tih bridal veil and her going, }Tway ,dress ways bine cloth with hat to match:, About sixty guestic were !present. After a. short honeymoon at I:Brantford and eatern points Mr. and j1Irs. Futter will reside on the grooms fine fanm. near Granton. Hicks Forecasts A reactionary storm period is cen- tral 'on the 22nd to the 23rd. 'This period finds the Moon at its greatest south declination on the 23rd, in con- junction with the Earth and Sun at an eclipse node on the 24th, and in perigee on the 25th, the Venus in- fluence will not 'have entire:a sub- sided, winter solstice will be in full force, and a Mercury disturbance will bein. its center. The •conjunction of the Moon with Venus, on the 22nd. the. e.:close !conjunction of Mercury, and 'Mears on the 21st, wi11 all con- spire to make this period one of vio- lent to dangerous probabilites. Watch your 'barometer, on and about Sun- day. Monday and Tuesday, the 24th, 25th and 26th. If it should fall 'to a very dow readings—a thing most likely to occur—you may depend upon it—a blizzard is in !store for you, in all northwestern to Icentaal !parts of the country. Heavy rains may be es- pected in the southern States, fol- lowed by gales and; :change to colder from the north to west..TheMercer.? disturbanee''being central at this tine continued threw toning and stormy condition Will hod. over ;n t1i2 regu'ar storm period following. This ,period Is sure to bring excessive and dese tractive sleet storms, Mercury 'being we' 'we have for forty years dubbed him,a veritable sleet god. END STOMACH TROUBLE, ” GASES OR DYSPEPSIA. "Papers Dlapepsin" makes Slot; Sotir, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. if what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gag and eructate soar, undigested food, or have a feeling of diezfness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste In niaiith ando st machleada the you , 'an get blessed relief in five minutes. 'ut an end to stomach trouble forever getting a large fifty -cent case of t pe's Dfapepsin from any drug store. •;a realise iu five minutes how need. It is to suffer from indigestion, <pepslrti or any etornaeh disorder. • tlhe tltricicest, sorest stomach doe- . , in tho world. it';s V, .Wonderful. •THE EXETER TiMES A VOW DINTS • 1 . `. f ► I l+or tear the ,gift t. I ' Disused may .molder ; Pettit send to me i " ' I A .pearl pen -holder. t t i l Indelibly this thought ,I'd eternal; f t ,1 never use t t t r A silver pencil, Oh friend of mine ' I pray you think welt I never use A tstageborn ink -well- i, ' Oh ia.dies, hear 4 F tMy gentle plea; ' ' Doxi;'t send a laundry ' ' Bug to me, ' ' ; If .it be 'ties • r Please understand. I do mot wear The four -in, -band. There are some things For which I'd ask But one is NOT' A silver flask. Pray take this .hiet I do not rave O'er perfamed pare When I shave, fi ( 1: Good. friends, each. day I'm growing bolder, Don't send my way A necktie holder. Good ,friends X beg you Heed my plea, Don't send a wrist -watch Ilato.,rne. , Staffa o , f 111 The following is the baif-!year re-, port of the 'Staffa branch of the Red `Cross Society, Balance on hand May llth, 50.28; grants,. 25.00; donations 5.34; receipts of 'social 21038; sale! of quilts 7.00; money collected front Christmas boxes for soldiers 40.05; (Expenses—Yarn 00.57; 'sewing mat- erial 67.11; postage and stationery, 21.87; knitting 2.00; expenses of 'coe. dal 59.70; goods for boxes 17.75; bal- anre on hand 131.01; This Etaiety paok ed and shipped 32 Christmaia boxes for the boys • eho are !serving their .King and 'Country. Also 81 !pains of socks, 56 dreesing gowns, 51 hospital shirts, 17 ,flannel lyhires. Total val- ue, aleue, 376.45.—Penelope ,Worden, Secty- Treas. . Dashwood Don't forget the Christmas Feetiral In the Evangelical church Saturday December 24th and in the Lutheran church Sunday the 24th. Mr. Addison Ti.man if Stratford :s home for the !Christmas holidayr'. (Mrs, J. S. W,tzel who has ken vis- iting with relat,ves in Petersburg for (some time has returned to her home here.' Mr. Mcody Meyer of Naperville is visit iyg hill {parents .here at pre- sent. Mr. Willie Schatz of Bad Axe,. Mich is visit ng relatives here at ,present This ,week we record the dealtj!'rl of Mary Miller, a daughter of the late !C, •W} leti.Lr of the 14th oon S1:e1 pa&$ ed away Thursday -evening after a prolonged illness in her 60th year. Some time ago she was stricken with paralytic stroke from :which she nev- er fully recovered and since then has been failing gradually. She bore her safferinega with a Chrilst:pan forti- tude and was a faithful member of the Lutheran church, She Ithaca tq mourn her lass a mother four sisters and three brothers besides a host of friends. Interment took place at the Lutheran •cemetery on the Bronson Line Monday, Rev. P. .Graupner of- ficiated. Mrs. •J Hbifman returned to her home in Tavistock Wednesday after visiting. with relatives here. Whalen Mr. lima Mrs. Hector Miltson ;'pert; the week -end wi'Ih relatives in Lon- don. Walter Gunning and Earl Johnston sports a, new cutter each tie winter Mrs. Wilson of .Greenway District Organizer ;was here last week and addressed a joint meeting of men and women on the needs of a deeper in- terest in missions. There were 65 pre- sent and seven new member -a were se- cured for the society of the W. M. S. Miss Edna Gunning, Bessie Morley and Mary Brooks attended the Red Cross meeting in Hyman hall en Wed neaday of this week and enjoyed a 1rleasant outing: Thomas Gunning Ls nursing a cold and is :aid 'up this week.; Mrs. Frank Gunn'ng who has ten on the sick :est its able to be out ega'n Sexsmith Everybody is Invited to the enter tainmen't to be given in the school house on ,Thursday evening of heat week beginning ;at 'half ;past seven A good 'programme is being arranged by the heather air, M. D. Oestreiciher .,and ti 'good time is expected an Ade mission of 10e and 15c will be charged to be ased for Red Cross' and Pa tri otic work'Let irsencourage the teae cher and virpils in their good. work. SCHOOL TEACHER W reds Off Nervous Break Down burtis, Pa.—"I am a teacher in the pu lic schools, and I got into a very ner- vot s, rundown condition. I could not sleep and had no appetite. I was tired. all the time, My sister asked nae to try Vino!, I did so, and withal a week my a elite improved ane I could. 1. i >ite all night and nw I feel well and strong." -Bose 441, KKx,Lni,.Alburtis, Pa, e Wo guarantee Vino!, which contains feet and cod liver peptones, iron and n ' so c>toi an a c 8 p l x atc:s, and $'lyaaroe hosphates for run-down conditions; 'T. S. COLE, Drtug•'gist% Exeter, On.t Iso the best Drtrggiists in all Ont-, to tolvnisrt J, lalhwi erl TAKES OFF DA,NDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine right now.—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair .is neuter evidence of a neglected scalp; of-dandruff—that awful scurf,. There is nothing eo destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very, life; eventually producing a feverish -- nese and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. • A little Danderine tonight—now--any time—wiI1 surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It if you will just try a little Dan- derine. Save your hair! Try iti Hensall Mr. John Murdock returned from Detroit after spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends. 'We believe that Mr. T. Dickson and 1 family will shortly move into their new red brick'dweliing at the east of our village. Mr. Wm. Dougall of the !RoyaPBank ,staff is ,spending a 'couple of weeks holidays with his mo't'her. Mrs. And- rew Dougall and sister `Miss Cassie, The hydro men are !rushing up the wires between tldensall and Exnt r' in order to #connect with our village where the Hydro wiring is nearly completed. Miss D. Sherritt trained, nurse who bas been engaged for a number of months nursing on the lake shore road is now et ..home attending to her mother who es 'quite seriously i11. The Evangelical meetings b ing teed in Carmel !church are being very much enjoyed and the attendance has been very fair and promises to in- crease as the 'mee ting s go on. The gos pel messaged are delivered by Rev. Mr. ,Robinson, and are simple earnest and most tpraceical, while the able and pleasing singing of htr. Nichol, is enjoyed every .evening;and will! be most helpful to the .choir and congre- Igation as be lsparee no pains to help and improve the #singing.. The death took place on Monday, December •the 11,C,h of Mrs, Isabelle Harris, wife of Mr. Thomas Hemphill of /this village, Mrs. Hemphill had otly been seriously at for a few days from that very fatal desease :pneumonia which despite ,the 'best medical at- tention, the services of two trained nurses was :unavailing to stay its progress. Mies. Hemphill together with her .husband and family moved from here to V,rroxeter, some eight years ago and (during that time, had constantly gained in the affection of all her relatives and the esteem of all who had the spriviie,gc of knowing her She leaves to aeurn her loses hen hus- band two sons and two daughters, Thomas G. Itempbill of Wroxeter; Alvin W. E. Hemphill druggist and fancy goods merchant Bensalt; Mrs, Cornelius Cook, of E ensall; all); and Mrs. W. R. smith of Nelson, 53.• .C. who is and has been ei-it'ng her moth •er for some time. HE'D BEEN SNOOPING "Pa, Santa Claus doesn't get 'here until alhristmas eve, doss .he?" "Of source not, my boy." "Then how the diekens do you.sup- pose all ,those packages got under Ma's bed?", Zurich Mr. 'Calvin H. 'Williams, of Buffalo, N. Y., is ;visiting at hirs, home.' Mr. Jacob H'abere'r attended the !Convention of Beekeepers in Toronto. last week. Mr. William Agnew of !Clinton is visiting for a few weeks at the home of !Mlr. and 'Mrs,, .A., G. Manes: Mins I. !Cline who bars ,change of the millinery department .of Ruby and Gaseho',s lett for her hoarse In Mild4 mar r, S. 44 Faust .hos bold his resi- deuce property to ,Me. Andrew. la Hess, aolssession to be given in July .1917 Mr. and .Mrs. Chris Sobwartzen truber and son, of the !ir'onsson( Line, ere visiting Mrs. SehwartxentrabeZ' former house at (River Falls, N. Y. WIDO—DEGBER • A pretty church wedding was held in St, Peter's Lutheran. •charoh, ,Gur- iota on 1Vednesday Deoernbet 13th, at 3.30 o'clock when Miss Laliretta Catherine ,youngest lout liter of Mr. and (airs. John Deehex Sr., was united in marriage to Mr, Wilfred Weido, son of Xi. and Mrs, ,Tohni Weide, of the Parr Rev,. H. klembe per- forated erformed the ceremony, The bride was led to the altar ba her father ;totlh,e. strains of Msendetsieohn's ' wedding march played by Miss Celia. I.Selss cou- sin of the groom. The groomsman was ork Ur. 11'ws, •Cecher brother of the bride, Little Mian Selma tRader acted e' ring bearer. After ,the reception :at, the church 'will revolved to the ,home of the bride's parenta, where a loempt. uous wedding repast was served, Num Brous and •costly giftla isbowed in what esteem the 'bride is held ley her friends, After a short ;trip to Retails) they will settle awn, on the groom? Mine farm on 'the Parr Line.. Wo join in extending best wishes, 91llt lll111!Illitil11111111111111f11 tliill1tllllll!11111ltl11lt11111111111t!IIII!Iltlltitllitttlli 1 This Christmas 1111111111.1111111111111111111!11111t10111111111111111t11110% a Let us Give Moderately to Each Other and Generously to the Soldiers' Families Nineteen hundred and sixteen years ago came the very first Christmas, and for all these centuries there has recurred the Great Anniversary with its message of good will to men. And so we give gifts. Men and women of Ontario ! We who stand for good will among men and nations: we whose men fight that there may at last be real peace on earth—let us make this a Christmas worthy of the day it commemorates -let us lay aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money for the families of those who are fighting the good fight. Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund the fund that guards the soldiers` families from want. Great as the result will be among the families of our soldiers, greater yet may the blessing be among us, the givers. Christmas will have a more vital meaning for us than perhaps ever before, and as for the children, who can measure the impression they will receive and keep of that Christmas Day when they shared their Christmas with the loved ones of the men who saved their country! Let each Canadian boy and girl get a lesson from this historic Christmas which will go with them all through life. Good men and woinen of Ontario ! Can the need of our soldiers' families cry in vain for the relief which this Fund alone makes possible? Can we—can we, in the face of it all., again give lavishly among ourselves? Shall we not this year, with hearts full of the spirit of Christmas, lay aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money for the cause which so urgently -77(1s it? "Somewhere in France" he is fighting the good fight. Somewhere in Ontario all that he holds dear is depending upon our decision. Truly "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Ontario win be ask- ed in January to as- sure the Canadian Patriotic Fund that it can depend on having six million dollars in 1917 for the families of On. tario's soldiers. these dollars must be Secured from individ pal subscriptions. If here is no Branch of he Fund in you own or county send your subscription .di- rect to the Head Office, Canadian Patriotic Fund, Vit- toria street. Ottawa. £s A/NIilllllil!1111!ititllllifl!ii!If11111100111titIHl111111i!fill!!lfiilfitiNllll!IIlIII001{Ilitilllll!lilligil!DI!f!{CI0111AiA1111{f(IIIIft411111Ni!;IA411!IllWllUiilll0llll(lllllltll[11111111II1I1101111111i4fp11111111111!IlNlfllllllitlt!tll(Itll!It 1\ ` i A Superb Gift N EDISON FOR CHRISTFIAS A Treasured Possession ,This is a Photograph of Madame Eappold and Mr. gpalding proving by actual comparison that Thomas A. Edison's new invention Re -Creates. their superb art with absolute' fidelity' In your own home the literal I e Creation of the great art of the greatest artists is now made possiblele byTho ma A hul soi s latest I I velw.,. The NEW ion 7 he EDrSON which a New York newspaper describes as Sithe Phonograph .. soul", a , with , so1.11 We are licensed to sell this great instrtiinent. Call in and llCii,i ' Ito you're always welcome, J. WILLISPOWELL POW .L'S BAZAAR, 'EXETER