HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-12-21, Page 4Re -Creation of :MusLc nit merely " its Reproduction � Tiio'rlras Charmers, the f mousbatritoneof the Boston National Grand Opera, is not listening to. hilrlsel£, He is singing,note by nate; in direct comp •arrs0ilt with Edison's, marvellous Re -Creation of his voice.. Two Hundred Thousand Music Lovers in the principal cities on this continent have listened `to this direct comparison, and have been Unable to distinguish between the living, breathing voice of the singer a,nd Edison's wonderful Re -Creation of it. ae NEW .Re' -Creates all farms of mask with absolute fidelity.. It is not a talking machine. It does nor merely` reprodhce sound It lie-. ras,=e. music. In this respect, it is -as' the greatest critics have pronounced -the world's most wond'erfut musical instrument. Come To Our Store We want you to enjoy Ma. Edison's Re -Creations of the gems of the world's great artists,. We will arrange an Edison musicale for you. 44 J. WILLIS EO 1'Y • EXETER, Ont. CHIROP ACTIC (KI -BO -PP AK -TIC) The Master of Disease These of desease removed from the spine -no cause. no affect. You daaznot get around facts, no matter how skeptical you are, and ifyou are not well we eau convince you that Chiropractic is the logical ecienbe for the Belief of desease based o.M• a thor ough knowledge of adjusting the ver- tebrae of else spiste (or backbone thus eelieviarg interference with life cur- rents, which is dee cause or desease , 1 1 = b l xi 1 1.-) II~Is.li 1$113 The Unity, like ang other, machine will work normally when all its parts ire i place so the energy wide a:pplly In the human body the energy is called Life eusrents. It is transmit ted through the nerves from the brain ':Dells to the tissue cre1is of the body an. so Bong as the nerve channels. are free the life currents will pass to the place of function, and, normal nctivtty will result -which meanie HEALTH Consult u'e on any desease. One vest will convince you that Chiropractic en right. Any of tee organs or glands of tliie body may become deseased from pressure on nerves. Have this en:soure ,removed. Why treat effects?? If you have any of the .following ailments, btop treating effects, have the Icamtse removed -no cause, no effect We have helped your friends, we can do the same for you• , ; ) , .i 1 i Abscesses Diabetes Jaundice Pleurisy 'Asthma l Female Weakness Kidney ,Dcseasca, Rheumatism in any Appendicitis Fever's Liver Troubles part of this body, "Bronchitis Gall Stones Lumbago Seiatiea 'Bladder Trou.bles Goitre Nervous Debility sight , Constipation Heart Decease Nearaigia , Stammering Catarrh , Hay Fever. Piles 1 St. Vitas' lDanoe; Dyspepsia ; Insanity Paralysis r Tie-douloureaux '?Deafness Indigestion Pharnygitis , , Urinary Deseases if you . ase a sufferer from any chromic' trouble, see Dr.S.. M. Joneia I foadays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, At Dr. Quackenbush's office; lellotosultation had examination area, Farrners! Made in Canada Fertilizer $18 and $22 per ton Now is ttime Ile ti ,...A t buy wire fence be. fore it advances in price. Let me quote you on your needs in the following Sines,--- Alll kinds of Lumber "iter d dressed OI rougb, h R 99 Shingles, prle59Cedar Lath, long, Posts, 8 ft lon , 9 ft long and 10 ft long. Celinen , Wall Board and .Ready Roofing. A. J CLA I'W TrO T H 0(RANTON ka ftAI LWAY I; SYST E M CHRISTMAS, `i<1Vi S AS AND 1vL"W YEAR FARES SINGLE :FARE December 23rd, 24th, and 25th good, :for return until December 26th, al- so December 30th and 31st, 1016 & January est 1917, valid for (return, until January 2nd, 1917,. FARE ul<:ND ONE-THIRD December 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th for return. until December 27th; also December lL8th, 29th, 30th and 41st 1916, 9 !z far r , va, �return until Januarys e 3rd 1,. 1 7 Above reduced fares apply between all stations in. Canada cast of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., 'Buffalo, Black Rook, Niagara .Falls, ,end Sus1ensionteeridge N. Y. Tickets or on sale at all G, S. R. Ticket vett (flees N. pY J. DURE', Agent Exeter Phone 46 w THE EXETER TIMES be sold. to the .beset Advantage not lees than $10 eaobt. The amendmeu t'. carried,. An addre% was read to the Warden by .air. John Leckie and Alcestis. J. A. Stewart and W, F1 Lobbpresented bitnr on .behalf of the 'council m°it a gold headed pane. Thu warden made a suit- oble r•e,ply. Moved by Meser's. Lo'b'e and Kamp{ bell that the war4gn, Dr. 1ip1•nies•and 1{. Eiierington go tto )Camp decadent to secure tents, etas., swatch the Hurons. wia not take with them overseas and provide a suitable place in the county for storing such goodie. 'Cats Tiede The counts engineer reports that the total amount of eixlers'islsued by himself for County. bri'd'ge (repair wore sinee the June seeston of bite:Council had been $4,514.07. The Road and etridlge'committee re- ported having examined et number of bridges in. the County ,ars instrueted.by Counot1 'and reported on same aa fol Iowa. - Tee Eagleson Bridge on the Lone don Road is old and unsafe: It wee decided that a new concrete bridge be erected, .1.2 feet wide and 8 feet abutments, The Turner bridge on the London Road Stephen is in about the same condition and it concrete bridge 20 feet wide And 12 feet abutments is recommended, The committee olgreed with Joseph Lawson .to erect both bridges, cement work to cost $5.50 per cubic yard, floors 25e per square foot &.feel for.reinforcemenbs 5c per pound. These prices include' providing deviae. tion roads tem;poralry bridges filiing grading and gravelling approaches to proper . eiid 'th and keeping light's' to protect the publie. It rya's found that the water was scouring the foundation of the south abutment of the S. Joseph bridge. Mr. Neeb, Reeve of Thay agreed to put stone protection which will pre- vent Further damage, It was considered. that the turn, at. the south approach of the Bayfield. bridge shouidt be widened •eight feet• The Reeve of f;Gayfield agreed to have the work done at once, tlaylield to pay ones -third of the cost. • Mr. John. Torrance, Inspector: of the House of Industry ante li.eftege of the County of Huron, presented the fol- lowing• an his report .for the year end: ing. november 30th 1916 Total number of inmates admitted since opening of the .noise, 484; num- ber of inmates on Dec. last 1915, 84; number admitted for the first time during the sear 18; number of deaths during the year 8; nu'mber'asconded during the year 1;; number 'discharg- ed) during the year e; arunibe,e of in- mates in the pease on Dee, 1st, 1916 tee number of ,males 48; number of females 41; Admitted during the year from.rse er v . a lmti 'c nt rpalities as. foi.ohh-,s; Townships-uowick 1, Hey 3 Tucker - smith 1, Grey 1, laullett 3 Ashfield 1, teleleillop 2, ]Colborne 1, .West three wanosh 1, Towns- and Village•t- Goderich 1, Winghann 3, Amount expended for: eupport of inmates $5,3't2.41; average expanse per inmate per day nearly 1,6 4-5cents; average 'weekly expenditure Aee in- mate $1,17 1-2 The expenditure of Hpuse and Farm account is as follows, 'Capital account $43.00; hired help, farm. :and house 420.75; stock and implements 267.50; salaries enapector, .keeper matron, and chaplain), 1,220..85; pa 'sician',s' al- ary and appliances. 3•65.03; provisions and clothing • 3,367.87; repairs to building and furniture 154.37; fuel and light 1,472.25; books postage S. stationery 10.47; incidental expenses 59.56; sundry ,expenses for farm582. e2; Leta! 7;0:7.07. The keeper of the I3toase of Refuge submitted the foltowin,g• report of crops grown and work 'done on the . n- dustrial Farm during the year 1816 Ray 25 tons; oasts 150 bushels; bar ley, 275 bushels; • beans 20 bushels on.ons, 30 bushels; garden cerrots, 40, bushels, garden beets 10 bushels; po- tatoes, 5u bushels; mangoids 80 bush- els; live hogs (aold $543.80; '3 acres of Dutch sets 302.00: parsnips 50 bush els; cabbage 800 head.; tomatoes 100 baskets; raspberries 514 boxes; •cur- rants 40 quarts; cheerless 60 quarts; ca ukxiowu, eu0 teed; mii.•etc b tons; turnips 250 bushels; ;clover seed 10 bushels; cucumbers, 5 barrels. -John I3-rown, Keeper: ate motion of J. A. Stewart and Nairn. airing for a grant of $I0,0:)0 ,o Canadian lied 'Cross, to be 'distrib- uted according to as'se'ssment in the different municipalities. We reccomend th at the Council, piakg, grant rant cf 5 i `� ,000 to remain .n the treasury in the meantime and that every branch of the Red Cross in ,the iCounty 'shalt send in their accounts' to the Treats- urer of the County, certified by the Reeve of the municipality in which the branches are est•,ables.hed. This grant being "made for the purpose of supplying material and the amount of this gran,' [should not exceed. with- out applying to the County Council. ilto Con $25 gra tR. Pon gra etc., shou Etna 7te for Oti t e application of Sere.. (Rev.) flam- e, lam- n president of the 4. ,Womens War tin,gen.t Association for a grant of we recommend 'that the sum be nted. e application of .the, officers of the Itry Association cif Clinton for a ret of $25 to laid in paying prizes we recommend that no grants Id be rnndIe 1.e ferry shelve until ncial matters are normal again. motion of ' d s<re, Ford reed totes, ,t grant"of $200 for money paid by nton, before the Wer Airifi)xy k mecl !n rrranif•;n,r:' the . 1tllst h alirn. we recommend ` that 'the ,tat be granted. was. BattC0 County y li ;rl Notes amo 7.'h port Comity Count */ was rt eently held and 7n IGoderich axed below we re -print' a in is few ,ext c xa t from ,r4 the ' T ' m hc. , e off+ t thorn th p and Lobb and. Elliott .that the -heaters to pi procured from the 'funds of 'the', earl- eeme teen at amp Barden now stored ire pJ',rn the Armories at Win;gbam be .lis- roti rt tributed to patriotic societies in the r different 'i'!rd towns " in the •c county, cit the pro- Y, p deeds to go to 'been of the Ifuro ss at ltot'te Shorneliffe nliffe n i ov.' Tlx the • li4ovod ,in amendment t ` r bar �malla gees coir be atnd Dole 'that the etoves slip' ea ref t' Plied from': Camp Borden be disttx,,b- crxt-b utcd netiong the 'different rnuuteipal- tdr, .tick as they",seed or+dere for theme -1'd end re Property e County +Comm. t o re- ed et feerere.- 'Sere bate" vi i�••crod inspe tea the county hurldneee r he.. •., , TJ wn o Ord r d ,r ''�' , I in n eget. m it•r r h �^ 'Tri , n' :tepee' R z c see T'. elenerel 1. :C( W tm:d h� CO" r,' yfee ; wi `'b epee one tn. trig' e ,' nr• 'stay •fb.. lee it ti„ .,'r; ee of Ile t Lry ' ., ,r.•4. • ,r ;t'r h' , C• . litre " s 1 h: ��i'S1 ( 1 t'" rite i )til *fir: +i: l;i`en, '.- ,+L r11'' f;:: i�.U•, `e°) In t)d t- rine r)r+J it'll.'.", i ';:,r n•t.kin yr r g tl wl,:arr'i,it,t.rn of itr _tense Arid' eliding anal, fee f; rite we find arwd. 'Peewit, ,. J 11l'rs, I3.mvn, t,hc new lreepc.r siren, and $'lies )1'1.144 the assist -THURSDAY, ECrMEEat .Z t il9 ant very competent careful and nein, eteleine oUiceies, tale found everyUiiuo in perfect shape clean, tidy and ean- itar,y, the inmates 'clean And well sa tisfied. • Moved by Dr. Milne ^incl seconded by John Love Oat tee Reeve of any municipality being put to any expense re removal of salty. ,patients 'to ,douse of .Refugee that the actual expenses, be returned to the. said Ir4rev'e or reeves if said inmate has any eundef to his or. her ,credit.. !Marled" PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OP 'U'S;i;O.TtNE NOMINATION AND .ELECTION ;1?ublio 'notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE FRIDAY, 'DECEMBER 22nd, 1916 At one o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making, and receiving nominations for Reeve arid Councillors for the ensuing, year and further no- tice is hereby given that in the event of more •candidates being proposed for the offices than are ;required to be elected, the meeting will be ad- journed to Monday, January 1st, 1917 when 'polls will be opened at 9 a.m, closing at 5 p.m. at the following" places as fixed by lly-;Law, viz,-, Div, 1 -Township Hall Elimville„ Geo. Kellett. Deputy Returning ,Of- ficer Louis Woods, Poll ,Clerk. Dive'2-GG.eo. 'Corn sh's Houue Lot, 6 N. 1T. R., I-Ilal, ,Brown D. !R;. (1.;1 Geo, Dew, Poli Clerk. Div 'S -Oscar 1Yforiey's Howse Lot 2, Con, 10., Hugh'Berry D. ea 0., Geo) Godbolt, P. C. Div. 4 -Public Hal 1, Far. Phar, •Chas. !CMlerk.onteith, D. 'rt. 0., Bert Francis Poll.. And alt.'tbe electors are hereby re- quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, By order. ' F. 8Yl0HLEY, clerk. By -Law No. 8 e916 OF T1 1F VILLAGE OP EXETER To provide for the establishment of a Commission for the control and management of the Hydro Electric System and The Water 'Works Sys- tem and for the Election of Como missioners under the provisions of The Public Utilities Act and Amend ing Acts. The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage sof Exeter hereby enacts as fol- lows, - 1. The control and management of the ' construction, operation, and maintenance of all works undertak- en by the Corporation fdr the dis- tribution and tsuippiy of electrical 'power or energy received under the 'Contract of the corporation with the Hedro Electric Poorer Commission of Ontario and alt extensions and add- itions to sudor Works and the control 'and management of the System of Waterworks now in operation and the construction, operation and main tenar:ce of all extensic.ns and add- itions thereto. sihall hereafter, 'upon the final passing of this 113y -;Laws be entrusted to a :Commission to be cal- led "The Public Utilities (Commission of the Village of Exeter. 2: The said Commission shall ex- ercise all the powers, 'rights, authore ities and privileges, which are be The Public Utilities .Act eonferredon the Corporation. 8. The Commission shall be a bode a corporate and consist of three mem- bers. of whorn theuhead of the coup= icil shall exeofficio be -one. 4. Nominations to fill the offices of the two elected• members of :the reommiss.on shall be held at noon on Friday the . Twenty-Seeon,d day of December A. D., 1916.`, et the Town Ball in the .Village of Exeter, 5. The vote of the "Electors of the said village will be taken bee ballot, on the said ,By -7 awl and also for the election of the saki) two :members on 'Monday the First day of January, D.. 1917, commenobee at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continu-, ing until Five o'clock in the afternoon .by the Deputy 'Returning Officers hereinafter named at the undermen- tioned places,- t , Polling Sub -division No, 1: -Silas landf ord_':t residence, Main Street, Ed. TreoIe Deputy Returning tab Officer cer Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. " Polling Sub -division No. ea. -At the Town Hall; Well. Johns, Daputy Returnin a Officer, Jas. Grieve, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub - division Mei.? , 3-, Mrs :.., 1,,tc.helt s Office, iVlatn Street ; Percy Glues. Deputy'-Return:ng Officer; Georg." .Anderson, Poll Clcrer Polling Sub -division No, 4- North len:] .1 ire hall; Fred Witwer, . eep lte- turning ti"t`•er U m William Er' kwon d Poe Ce,.>. 6. The 2 elected members slt,4'ifi hold office for two' yearsand 'mill their successors are elected and .circ new: Commission is ortgnaised, rovided, however that one .of the first. elected 10 CENT eA• CASC AR,ET13 IF BILIOUS US OR CO TIVE e'er Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Slug ish Liver and ltd Bowe s -They work Y hale you sl . e tP Forret; Tongue, Bad T ste, Indiges- tion, St, rir;sv Skin and Mis rahle Head- aches , e. , d. ,?. trent a t or d liver and slogged. i,+'..vele, which I cause your` atornatel e. l,ecome lilleil with undi- geste+, eon; which sours and ferments lilce eseenes ,a a swill barrel, That's the ,i, to entolr lmisery -hidm- est g i ;asoa, bad breathe•'yellow skin, i. 1.'e :ears, eve "telling that is ,, ormJ. ..,,,E nae seatin : }g' A Cascaret i to•ni, t::il glee yclur constipated , ._ bowe. i .., thorough .leanslug and straign ee. you out 'by' orning.eiThey ' work while you• sleep- a 10-cens. boa " P from your druggist ell keep yotlt Pole ng good fol. ,.month members 'shall at the first meeting of the CoutnU sion be 'e:hasen by lot to. 'hold office for one ,year only, 7. At each annual municipal elecs don thereafter one cp,ember of the said ,Commission shall be elected for two years to fill the, place of the member retiring, 8. That the vote of the electors of the 'said Village. of Exeter+ wilt be takers on thee sibeiLaw simultaneous- ley with the saidfl election of,.the said two iConrmissionera at the, eiame hour on the same day at the same places land !by the same Deputy Returning Officers as are named in this lay -Law for the said election of the said qwo Commissioner's, ,8. .That on Friday the Twenty -f Second day of December,' A. D.;{ ..1916 at %the •Clerk's office in the Public, L' ibrary in the sardl Vil1aC•c of Exeter at thr' hour of two o°clock iq the f-, ternoon the Reeve ;shall appoint ii i writing. signed by himself, two per- sons to attend at the final, bumming up sof the votes by the Clerk,, and^one person to attend each polling place on behalf of the persons inter- ested in and desiroue of pronaot.ng, the passing of this By -Law and a like number on 'behalf of• the persons„ in- terested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this Lay -Law. 10, That the Clerk of the said. (Municipal ,Council of the ;Village of Exeter shall attend ,at his office in the Public Library as. the said Village' of )Exeter at the hour of Ten o'clock in the'forenoon on the Second day of January, A. D., 1917, to sum, up the., number o1 votes for and against this y -Law, 1 to fore andrs tak ezfeot n$ll thecfinal pe ass ing thereof by the Council of the. said Village. of Exeter. Council Chamber, Exeter, 10th, November; 1916 Jos. Senior, John W. Ta;ylor,, ;Clerk, t Reeve. ' (NOTICES ( TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true !copy of a proposed By.Law: which has been taken into consider- ation by the Municipal Council of the ,Village of Exeter and which willt be finally passed by the said Council 'in the event -of the assent of the elec- tors'being obtained thereto) after oneswa of in themEt etersAdvocateblica tion and there- of Exeter Times. the date of which first publication was Thursday, the 14th day of December A D. 1910,, and that at ,the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the •polls mvi;), be, held. Jos. Senior e or ,. Clerk By -Law No. 9 FOR 1916 .OF THE VILLAGE OF • EXETER To take She vote of the, ratepayers of the Vii,lage of Exeter entitled to vote on money by; -laws on a question to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favor of having the municipality develop or acquire through the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario whatever works may be required for the sup- ply of electric energy. or power in addition to ,such electric power as is already supplied or can be obtained under the existing contract with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontarrio. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation off the Village of Exeter deems it advisable of submit to the ratepayers of the said Village of Exeter !entitled to vote on phoney by -latus, a question ,as to whether the said 'ratepayers are in favor of hav- ing the Municipality develop. or ac- quire through' the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, what- ever' works may be required for the supply of 'electric energy or power in addition to such electric energy or power as is already supplied or can be obtained under the existing con- tract with the Hydro -Electric Power Commission -of Ontario, THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of. the Village of Exetei 'enacts as follows;, - 1 That the following question be submitted to the .ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Exeter entitled to vote on money bye-laws,-, Are ,you in favor of having the Municipality 'develop or acquire through hrough •the Hydro - Electric Power , Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be :required for the Sup- ply o(electric i pYe �Pow- er r or*, o,a - er energy m addition m non to such electric' 1 ctric power as is already obtained under the 'existing contract with the Hydro_ - 'Electric • Power Commission of Ont- ario 2, That the votes of the said rate- payers ,shall be taken on this Ques- tion at the following time and places by the Deputy Returning Ofl'icersend Poll Clerks (hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, -On Monday, the first day old January, ASD, 1917, frem nine c''`lock in, the forcno en unstil five U C OCl '' I c In theafternoon, - Polling Sub -division No, 1„ -Silas alandford's resi-tlence, ,Main Street, Ed. Treble Deputy Returning Officer Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. Poi i 1n Su�. b d'v,'s" - ,,, an No 2 Town u "t kl^ e o,h rh % ° . idly Well. 1 johns, n �., J 7 putt' Returning Officer, • Jas, Grieve, `. Poll Clerk xi Polltn; .Sub -division No. 3- Mrs MItelt eles Of lice, Main Street; Percy ,. rlil'tes Deputy ,R,eturtrng.. O£fuce.r; 'reorge Anderson.. loll Clerk. Pol:ng, Sob-cliv:ia,ion No. 4-•-- lv4f'rth IF, hire 'r11; Fred Witwer, lDep.Re• OIfi.c•er, ti'ifliatn 13rickwoad oll Clerk. 1 , A trice cop e of this` by Tasty, s)iaf i INCORPORATED 1$55 CAPITAL. AND RESERVE $8,800,400 96: Branches in Canada 1..4 Gleneral Bankinr Business Transactedi ,IRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT Beetle MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT $ Interest:aloWec' at highest curlenl rate. W. ID. CLARKE, Meruager, Exeter ireteclt bra t:_:_ THE CANADIAN BANIa. OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., LL.D. D,C.L,, President JOHN AIRD, General Mangier. H. V. E. JONES, Asst Generg4': ,CAPITAL ,'$15,00-0,000 15000000 �RfS ERYE Ft1N0 r • . $13,5t�01 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS COU1VTS. Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor, Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more personse wiiti • Exeter Branch.- A. E. Kuhn, Manager, ( 1 ' PREDITON BRANCH -S, X. JOHNSTON, ,Manage'"- 1'rrad* dark N. tst.nd) 00s. AT ALL. DrtUOCRT$, or by ma* yosic. GEORGIAN MFG. Co„ -• COLLINGWOOD, ONT. Th. Harmless but l+ik•• t remedy Tor Hoatleasto lessnas, Nervous Mew halation, &a,.. i be published in The Exeter Advocat and The Exeter Tinges on the day hereinafter mentioned, that'is to say December 14th,21st, and 28th, 1416 and a true copy of this Byelaw shal be posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, Town Clerk's Of fice, and C. W. Robinson's Implement Shop, e ' JAS. BEVERLEY -0 day 4. On the 22nd clay of December 1916, at his office in the Public Library on ;Main Street in the Vil- lage of Exeter, at 2 o'clock in the atternoon, the Reeve *ill in writing signed by him appoint two :persons to attend at the final summing up of the vote, by the Clerk of this Cor- poration, and one persoa to attend each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of 'tire answering of the said question in the affirmative, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering of the said question in the negative re- spectively. 5. The 2nd 'clay of January, 1917, at the said Public Library in the Village of 'Exeter at 10 o'clock' in the forenoon is hereby appointed for the summing up by the Clerk of! this Corporation of the number of votes Riven in the affirmative and in, the negative respectively. MADE, PASSED •AND ENACTBD this 4th day of December, 1916. John W. Taylor, Jos. Senior Reeve. " Clerk. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE the above is a true copy of a by. -law passed by the Municipal t'ouncil of the Village, of Exeter or, the 4th day of December A. D. 1916.. A AND FURTHER TAILE v OT1 , + CiJ that at the hour, day and places there in fixes for taking the votes . of the electors the polls will be held. First publication 14tlh day of Dec- ember A. D. 19161. Jos, Senior, Clerk Council Chamber, 4th day Dec,' e916 PROCLAMATION VIIAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION 'Public notice is hereby given that a metingof the electors of the Village lLage of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER, FRIDAY DECEMBER 22nd, 1916 At 1L o'clock, noon, for the purpose 01 leaking aria" e asomi.nations for Reet,,e, Councillors and School: Trustees -for ;the ensuing year, and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates •be- ing proeosed for the offices than are realuirect to be Elected, 'the meeting � wilt la l n.. nc aur dto Monday, January Y r Y 1st, 1917, when poles will be opened at 9 ane„ ',losing at 5 nee. et the foklowing places, as fixed by 13y, taw, eiz,- , 1 -Sila s Haad f accsr residence, rig,- ,6tihSt. Ed. Treble, D.,R,O,, Sidney Davis, s Poll a ) 'Clerk. Div 2 -At Town. Rall, well Jaime Jas Grieve, poll clerk, Div, 3-MVlre. Mitchell's office MainSt., P. Gilli,es D,R,O,, G. Andeeson 1 Xe l clerk. r Div. 4-N. Bi'Fire Hall, Fred Wee wer, s:D;lt,O,, '`Win. 13rickwood, poIt clerk, And .all !electors are hereby re - retested to 'take trot%cg, and govern themselves izccorclingly, JOS. SENIOR, Returning Officer F FURNITURE DEALERNew ' E nh b a l mer and Funeral Direct - Phone 74a. Night Call 74b EXETER, ONTAR'1 DI1, G. F. `ROULSTON, L.iD.%, ' .iW, DENTIST id Honor Graduate of Toronto ilaiveikao sity. Office over Dickson 'A ding's Law' office, Closed W day afternoons, Phone Q1€I Residence eb. LRA At 7S. KINSMAN L1.1X6.7D1ii,Rj Honor Graduate of Tomcat* WNW eraity J !. i Emt'lill� t DENT2S2 f 1It'l; eth extracted withouI pais. OS any bad effect,. Offioe veer B1a tr than !6 Stanbury'e OAridaffieq *1. Exetere :. t , : ,mallei - WA BROWNING M. De eios P. 6, Graduate Victoria Uolle111't city Office and residence Domingo" Labratory., Exetera t _Lek iAsaooiate Coroner of Harold $ I. iR, CARLING, a. A. APP) .S,ar,rister. Bol.c.tor, Notary Bgbl Pubis, 'Commissioner, $oligite o.l r the Molsons (Hank, rete. 1 1,4 Money, to T,oan at 'lowest Gratieia or Ialt Interest. , . (:4* OFFI'OE� MAIN STREET, ExIAT,$;U�1 MONEY TO LO We have a large amount of WitrI1I ate fun ds to loan on farm e� law lege properties at lowest real et terer,t; rel GL'ADM.AN & STANDUSW �( Barristers, Solicitors o e ' Mein Wilii Exet Tae Usborne antii �tb ) 1 Farmer's mutual fire Hsu a GGG Gomp an Head Office, Farquhar ,- •_ President RO•ST, 14 Vice -.['resident MOP. RYA*, .UIItECl Oaipc3 1 IN W m, BRO,CK Walt RO ''. I AGENTS !,. L. RUSS1LL 3. _ T. A14,L - ,' G Tel , * 11 (r41 3011N ESSERY ]]se'e'r. agent borne and laidduip h. L. OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent 1I Ribbert Fullerton and Logan:. slew z.le.1 leile I. W. A. TURNIallfl,R ` 1 Seoy,Tr'eas, Farq uh L G .AD 7fii,A N STANDURY, Ai Solicitors. Exetet", w? ASTw. R 11.4 For Infants and Children. In Use For ©MP 3mr, r .: ,�$ Y�� the AJttpye b,esre ? 8jl, n*tttre bf `1