HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-12-14, Page 4THEEX,E.TER.. "TIES i IIGBSDA , :1404/1 AJ kt:.,tell! I9, alb The Renaissance �f Music• UST' .a ,mi'.,"Ed solt�« `Ut'� frm t Into millions of .ones with his inv'entioir o the first phono- graph, 1 nograpix, so now the beautifid world of musk its reborn with the coming of -The Instrument That Re -Creates Music It astounds.. It amazes.. Your can have 't conception, of its wonders, until yon hear k re-create loxxg, instrume'Ire and speech indirect comparison with the original.. Demonstrations of this unparalleled achievement in the leading cities,. have proved. to the satisfaction of the greatest In sicaf critics' that the New d' ;orz w .'•d1-san is, snap- proached is its. range of musical: expression. Come To Our Store and hear your choice of over O ig e 'I" h atr s a: n: d. R e -- Cr. tions on `The Phonograph with a soul,." It will grove both a delight and azo education,. 43 .I. WILLIS . POWELL, EXETER, Ont. Auction Sale 10001V1I DURI3'A'1V7C 'Oi;EiA B AND 001eSTEIN COWS. ; There Will be lsteld )biy ,Pub rel Auc- tion rat the .Metropolitan I:Intel Exee ter.•at 1. o'•alook sharp the following property, viz., • One ;choice Durham, tiluI1 from that good 'cow letesborne Fairmaid," now, in 'the Shorthorn Leonard of performe ance with her necordi ,now in, Ottawa of '0657 Pas • of /Milk ands 347 lbs, butter fol~ the last nix months, ending Nov. 8th; rL 'choice heifers, ' '2 years old due about Jan. 1st, half nester bow, to the above mentioned, .The aibove• stock 'belongs to Thomals )Cameron, Farquhar. !. Four tows just freshened, 5 co.'s due In Jan. 15 +cows due later, a few +t' -,year-old heifers. The Jest Mentioned are mixed Durham, stein and Ayrshire. Mr. Ferguson's'ioast !record is a guarantee that his istock will be up to 'the nark. 1TEt13fblc Six months 'credit on appreiveii joint motes. Six per anent ;per annum off for cash, J. Ferguson, T. iCameron. Proprietor , , 'Auctioneer WAR COUNCIL FORMED Radical Change in the New Iaritish cabinet The Premier, Lord Milner, Earl Cur- zon, Bonar Law, and David Hen- derson Form a Unique Council Which Will Possess Extraordin- ary Powers tTntil the Allies are Victorious. LONDON, Dec. 12.—The official list of the new Ministry issued Sun- day night .follows the unofficial fore- casts with two or three minor changes, Mr. Lloyd George, Lord Milner, Earl Curzon, Andrew Bonar Law, and Arthur Henderson form what is officially termed the War Cabinet, while the others, who ordin- arily have been designated as Cabinet Ministers, are called heads of depart- ments. An important point in this novel organization is that it concentrates far more power in the hands of the Prime Minister than the British sys- tem has ever known before. Mr. . Lloyd George's proposals to Premier Asquith were for a War Council, of which the Premier should not be a inexiiber, although he should have the power of passing on its work. Mr. Lloyd George has not hesitated to place himself in a position more closely resembling a dictatorship than he was willing to give his pre- deceaeor, The War Cabinet wiII hold daily sessions, directing the prosecution of the war, and the freedom of Mr. Lloyd George, Lord Milner, and Mr_ Henderson from departmental duties will allow- them to devote all their time to the War Council. The work of the Exchequer and the Govern- ment leadership in the House .of Commons will absorb moat of Mr: Bonar Law's time, and attendance on the House of Lords will necessitate Earl Curzon's absence from,the council frequently. So that, Mr. LIoyd George, Lord Milner, and Mr. Henderson will be the chief directors of the. war. For practical purposes the Gov- ernment wi]I be by a Cabinet of four. Whether there is any plan for meetings of all the heads of depart- ments of Cabinet rank is not known yet, but councils in which the Min- isters of Foreign Affairs, War, and the Admiralty participate with the others wbose duties directly concern war measures will be certain. The complexion of the new Gov- ernment is 12 Liberals, 15 Unionists, three Laborites, and the Presidents of the Boards of Trade ad Education and the shipping controller, who have been attached to no parties. CHIROPRACTIC ,KI-11tQ-PR AI{TIC) The Raster of Disease e tcatese of rieuease removed from the spfire—no cause no affect. You iraisnot get around :facts, are matter how skeptical you are, and if you are not well we can convinne you that Clrir'opractie is the logiealscience for the xe2ief of eiesease, based on a thorough knowledge of adjusting the ver- tell#rae of the spine (or backbone thus relieving interference with life cur - mita, which is the cause of desease i l' 1 1201118 ICC like body, like any other machine will work normally when all its parte tare nil place so the energy will apody In the human body theenergy is 'called. ,life currents. It is transmit ted through the nerves from the brain ;cello to the tissue cells• of the body and no long as the nerve channels are free the life currents will pass to the place of function, and normal aotivisty will result—whieh means HEALTH Consult us on any deseane. One vast will convince you that Chiropractic lie right - Any of the organs or gTande of the 'body may become deseased from pressure on nerves. Have this preessu'e removed. Why treat effects? 12 'ren .leave any of the following ailments, stop treating effects, have the +caucse xesnoved—no cause, no effect •We have helped your friends, we tan do the same for you I J ? u 1 f Abacesees Diabetes Jaundice Pleurisy 'Anthaea Female Weakness Kidney ,Deseasee Rh umatism in a ny Appendicitis Fevers Liver Troubles part of the body $rosahitin Gall Stones Lumbago Sciatica !'•ladder Troubles Goitre Nervous Debility Sight Constipation Heart De'sease Neuralgia Stammering Catarrh Hay Fever Piles St. Vitus' !Dance. 'Dyspepsia ( Insani..g - Paralysis Tie-douloureaux 'AAeafineas Indi,ges.ion Pharnygitis Urinary Deseases These are Daly a few of the diseases, as our space is lbmited If 'you are a sufferer from any chronic trouble. see Dr. S. M. Jones Mondays, 'Wednesdays, and Fridays, At Dr. 'Quackenbush's office. IDentesultation and esaminatian free. Fann Made in Canada Fertilizer $18 and $22 per too Now is the Nine to buywire ' fence be= fore it aid) a � ilce8in price, Let me quoa.k.. yar&.l on your needs at, the followinglalh g Ali kind., of l,irrlli,r iher dressed I ) i a e l. Shingles, Lath, a eon Fa; Fence Posts 8 ft fon ft long and lit ' ft llriin .eC D �• (JD , Melf li'i ria l`Fl Heady Ro'ufirr;z A i RA'I LWAY SYST EM • CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE FARE December 23rd, 24th, and 25th good for return until December •26th, aI- so December 30th and 31st, 1916 & January 1st 1917, valid for return, until January 2nd, 1917, - FARE AND ONE-THIRD December 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th for return until December 27th•: also December 28th, 29th, 30th and ¢31st 1916, valid fon return until January. 3rd, 1917; , :. _; Above reduced fares apply. !between all stations in Canada east - of Port: Arthur and to Detroit and Port (Huron, Miah., ti3sa:f'slo.• .relack Bock, Niagara Feline and Sas:pension'Bridge N.Y. Tickets now on sine at all G. T. St. Ticket C} (flees tat, Veteran $tat 'v; ayman Deatd- TORONTO, Dec.12_—Tobi. Kerr, ons of tin vete , of the railway 'd away at leis neer Saturday ) the late 1fr. retired list, mug back to e. Northern, sly in, one "r twenty old North - poet with I became ger agent .er he be- . manager hea.d,1ua•:r service of (•'ataa;l hone. 69 end' trio/nine x;;.: ' Kerr hut ilene ... SOUR ACID STOMACHS GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending n g all stomach omach misery in five minutes. Time Iti In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomachtr•em- edy in the whole world and besides It Is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble -forever by 'getting a large fatty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any (stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor fel the world. CENTRAL O 6 O @THATivaRn.ONT,.a..s� ONTARIO'S BEST PRACTICAL SCI-UOOL • COMMERCIAL i SJ-TnR THAND AND TEI Fc Ft A r r Y TFPTS Studeree are entering oath welt r .Ch. c demand upon us for train- ed is many times the number graduating. Get our free rata- Pogue ar•t once. lm • A. McLi ch feria. Prier PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP Olo rislio1:• NE NOMINATION AND :EI ECTIO IT Public )notice is lereneh,Y given that a meeting of the eleeeora of the Tovvtehrp rani T7sborue wilt 'be held in TOWNSHIP )HALT,, EL1MVILLI FRIDAY. :DECEMBER 22nd, 1916 At one o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose of ruakiogr and receiving nominations for Reeve and Councillors for the ensuing year and further no- tiee is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed, for the offices than are .required to be elected, the meeting will be ad- journed to Monday, January 1st, 1917 when )polis will be opened at Veen. closing at 5 p.m, at the following places as fixed by ,By -;Law, viz,—. Div, 1—Township Ryall Elineville„ Geo, Kellett, Deputy Returning Of- ficer Louis Woods, .Poll Clerk. • Div t2 -Geo, Cornish's Howe Lot, 6. N.IT. 'R., R1, lerown D.114 Q.;iGeo, Dew, Poll Clerk, Div •3—Oscar Morley's Souse Lot 2. Von, 10., Hugh Berry D. R, O., Geo) Godbolt, P. C. Div. 4—Public .1Tail, Farquhar, Chas. Monteith, 1). R. 0., Bert Francis Poll. Clerk. And call the electors are hereby re- quested to take notice and govern themselves eccordiegty, By order. P. MD'i'ORL 1Y, clerk. PROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF EXETER N.OMINAI ION AND ELECTION Public 'neetece is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER, FRIDAY DECEMBER 22nd, 1916 At 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of making and r.:c•iving nominations for Reeve; Councillors and School Trustees for the ensuing year, and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates be- ing proposed for the offices than nee required to be Elected, the meeting will be adjourned to Monday, January lst, 1917, when polls Will be opened at 9 a.m„ closing at 5 p;,ni. at the following places, ,ns fixed by By- mew, via,— Div. 1—Silas Handford's residence, Main St., Ed. Treble, D:.R.O., Sidney Davis, Pell .Clerk. • Div 2—At Town Hall, Well Johns l:.R.O., jas Grieve, poll clerk. Div. 3—Mrs. Mitchell's office, Main St., P. Gillies, D'.R.O., G. Anderson poll clerk. Div. 4—N. D. Fire Hall, Fred WO - wen :D.R O_, 'Wm. Brickwood, poll clerk. And' all electors are • hereby re- quested to take notice and govern themselves- •accordingly. • . JOS. SENIOR, Returning Officer y -Law No 8 1910 OF T131E VILLAGE OF EXETER To provide for the establishment of a :Commission for the control and management of the Hydro 'Electric System and The' Water Works Sys- tem and'for the Election of Come missioners under the provisions. of The Public Utilities Act and Amend ing kets. The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Exeter hereby enacts as fo.l- lows,— s , 1. The 'control and management of the 'construction, operation, and maintenance of all works undertak- en by the ;Corporation for the disc tribution and supply of electrical. power or ene'rgy .received under the .Contract of the corporation with the Rodeo Electric Power Commission of Ontario and all extensions and add- itions to such woolen and the control 'and management of the System o1 Waterworks now in" operation and the construction, operation and main- tenarece of all extensions and add- itions thereto: snail hereafter, open the final passing of this 1/3y -Lawn .be entrusted to a .Commission to be cal- led "The Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Exeter. 2. The said Commission khall ex- ercise all the powers,. .rights, author•' ities and privileges, which are by The Public 'Utilities Act conferred op the Corporation. 3. The Commission shall be a bod;y !corporate and consist of three mem- bers, of whom theohead of the 'coun- eit shall ex -officio be one. 4. Nominations to fill tbe 'offices of the two elected members of the iC3ommission shall be held at noon on Freddy the Tvi'enty-Second day of 'December A. D., 1916.; at the Town Ball in the Vileaige of Exeter. 5, The vote of the '.Electors of the said village will 'be taken 'b?y' ballot, nn the said ,13y. -L awl and also for the election of the said) two :members op Monday the First day of January, A. D.. 1917, 'commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continu- ing until Five o'clock in' the afternoon by the Deputy Returning Officers. hereinafter named at 'the %undetrmen- tioned places,— t Polling Sul -division No. 1.—Silas UandIord'<s residence, Main `.Street, Ed, 'feeble, Deputy Returning Officer Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 2,—At tee Town Hall; Well, Johns, Deputy Retirn_ n_ Officer, Jas Grieve, Poll Clerk. i'olllirtg ,Sub—division Na. 3— Mrs Mitchell's Oific., Main Street; Percy tsillie'. 'Deputy Return/lag Officer; George Anderson. Poll Clerk. Polling Sulr dint:si;on No, 4— Nrrrth • End Fire 1•Iall ;. Fred Witwer, Dep. Re- f, Officer, William, Brickwood, Poll Clerk. . The 2 elected rnembes shat. ttnxd office for two years and 'until their' sueoesrso'ns aro elected aril the now Commission 'is orlgnaized, • provided, however that one of the brat, elected axtembers rehaall'at the first rixeetinr of the Oomnr#ssioiz be icbesen by lot t e hold office for one e ear Drily, 7. At each annual municipal elec., tion thereafter after one �ember of thG sais ,Commission sha11 be elected for two 'years to fill the place of the member retiring. t 8. That the vote of the electors of the said Villagei of Exeter) will be taken on this By -flaw simultkoneoua- 1y with the :said, election of the said two (Commissioners at the, Isitme hour on the same day at the same plaoeia land be, the Fame Deputy Returning Officers as are named in this !3y -Law for the said electionof the said two (Commissioners. O. That on Friday the Twenty{ Second 'day of December,4 A, D,,c 1916 at the Clerk's office in the 1'ublio Laibrax,y ai'id Vtf .E a.t the, hourinthe of two o`cloillace lirothe';axeterf ternoon the .Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two per- sons to attend at the finalgumming up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend each polling place on' behalf of the persons inter- ested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By -Law and a like number on ;behalf of the personsin- terested in and desirous of oppoiing the passing of this flay -Law. 10. That the Clerk of the said iMIunicipal .Council of the :Vetllege of :Exeter shall attend a•t: les office in the Public :Library to the said Village of )Exeter at the Hour of. Ten o'clock in the forenoon on the Second. day of 'January •A. D., 1917, to sun, up the number of votes for and againstthis By, -law. 11. This B;'y Law elian come into force and take effect on the final pass Mg thereof by the Council of the. said Village. of Exeter. Council Chamber, Exeter, , loth, November, 1915 Jos. Senior, John W. Taylor, •Klerk. , (Reeve, , TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true !copy of a proeosed '13y4Law which has been taken into consider- ation by the Municipal Council of the (Village of Exeter and which will) be finally passed by the said Council 'in the event of the assent of the elec- tors being obtained thereto) peter one, 01 inhtheExetersAt dvocatei and the Exeter Times„ the date of which first publication was Thursday, 'the 14th day of December A. D., 2916,• and that at ,the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the :poles wife beheld. t. i 1 Jos. •Senior (Clerk. ' By -Law No. 9 FOR 1916 OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER To take 'the vote of the, ratepayers of the Village ,of Exeter entitled to vote on money b3 -laws an a question to be submitted whether the • said ratepayer.; are in favor of having the municipality develop or acquire through the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario whatever works may be required for the sup- ply of electric energy or power in addition to such 'electric power as is already supplied or can be obtained under the :existing contract with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. . WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of • the Village .of Exeter deems it advisable at submit to the ratepayers of the said Village of Exeter entitled to vote an nicney by-laws, a question as to whether the said ratepayers are in favor of hay- ing the Municipality - develop or ac- quire through the Hydra Electric Power 'Commission of Ontario, what- ever works may be required for the supply of 'electric energy or power in addition to such ..electric energy or power as is already supplied or can be obtained under the existing con- tractwith the Hydra -Electric Power Cammisslon of Ontario. THEREFORE the .Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter enacts as follows„— 1.. That the following -question he submitted to the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Exeter. entitled to vote on money bys-laws,-, Are you in .favor of having the ,Municipality develop or acquire through the Hydro, Electric Power Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be required for the sup- ply of +electric energy orpo,w-- er in addition to such electric power as is already obtained under rthe. existing contract with the Hydro - 'El ectric Power 'Comxniesion of Ont- Sria 2. That the votes oC the said rate- payers ,shall be takers on this ques- tion at the following tiny and places by the 1)c•puty Returning Officers and Poll Clerks 'hereinafter mentioned, Heat is to say,—On Ivlonday, the first day of January, A.D, 1917, from nine o'clock in the fare:no:n until fi.ve o'clock in th,e afternoon, at Pairing Sub'-divusion No. 1.—S',ia„s t n.(farc. s residence, Main Street, Ed, Prelate, Deputy Returning Officer Sidney Davis, s, Poll Clerk. Polling Su b - , d.v^ ian2.—AtNa. t e Town Ban; Well. Johns,, I7epuey Itetu•rning .Officer, Jas. Grieve, PII Clerk Palling Sub-divt_sion No, 3— Mrs 117: teeeli':; Office, Main Street; eet; Percyeei1 ae, Deputy R trrnim Olticev; George •Anderson. PoIt Ctcrk, Pol'in; Sub-div+::snon No. 4— Nort : Erol Fire ;'(erre. Witwer. Dep. lte?. `urn.nr. Officer, Wa•llain P.rickwood Poll Clerk. 3. e. true: carriy of this by:-•Tgw sha:Jr INCORPORATED 1855 :MOTS NS CA.PITAI AND RESERVE $8,800,000 q6; Branches in Canada ►A General ankinr Business Transacted( G us cess MISMINnin4 iIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT,: t 1nteresteatowce at highest current rate' W. ID. CLARKE, lelertager, Exeter Branch THE CANADIAliT BM OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.Q., LL.D.. D.C.L., President IOIJN AIRD. t eugrai Magager. '' ' • H. •V. k.,JUNES, Ase't General. M; ,QAPITAL, $135,000,000 DESERVE FUND, $13,5QQ 1 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers facility for the transaction of their banking business, in the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales are supplied free of charge on application. Exeter Branch— A. E. 'Kuhn, Manager. 1 -• 1 f 1 ' f .REDITON BRANCH—S. M. JOHNSTON, ,Manaigere` ` �{ The Harmless batt*- Neuuralleia Anal fhaintness.ustion. itN,� • 11'rade Mart Ra•iot,r.J) 1 los AT ALL o11NOOMITS. r ti aa— ■IN& GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ COLLINGWOOD, ONT. be published in The Exeter Advocate and The Exeter Times an the days herinafter mentioned, that is to say, Dee tuber 14th, '21st, and 28th, 1916 ^.nd a true copy of this Byf.law shall be posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, Town Clerk's Office, and C. W. Robinson's Implement Shop. 4. On the 22nd clay of December 1916, at 'his office in the Public Library an Main Street in the Vil- lage of Exeter, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the 'Reeve will in writing signed by him appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of this Cor- poration, and one perso.i to attend ascii polling place on "behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of 'the answering of the said quest'on in 'the affirmative, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering -of the said question in the negative re- spectively. 5. The 2nd day of January, 1917, at the 'said Public Library in the Village of 'Exeter at 10 a'ciocx in the forenoon is hereby appointed for the •summing up by the Clerk of this Corporation of the number of votes given in the affirmative and .in the negative respectively, MADIL, PASSED AND ENACTED this 4th day of December, 1916. John W. 'Laylor, Jos. Senior Reeve. Clerk. NOTICE TAKE NTOTICE the above is a true copy ,of a byelaw passed by the Municipal ouncil of the Village of Exeter on the 4th day of December A. D. 1916. AND FURTHER TAKE ;`1OT1Ci that at the hour,. . day and places there' in 'fixed for taking the votes of the electors` the polls will be held. First publication 14th day of Dec- ember A, D. 19161. Jos. Senior, Clerk Council Chamber, 4th' day Dec. 1916 Notice To Creditors In the ;matter of the estate o2 Leon- ard Mc:Taggart, of the Village of Exeter County of Huron, gentleman deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in tient ilehnif. that all cred, itors and others Bering claims :a -t gainst the estate of the said Leonard. McTaggart who died on or about Nov. 15th 1916 are required on, or be- fore the 18th day of December 1916 to send by postprepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanburs, of tae Village of Exrtar,, Solicitors Por the Executor of the saiddecea,s- ed• their cbristain and surnames ad- dresses and descriptions the fall Hare ticulars of their .