HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-12-14, Page 1tI t t ;5r -°l 'Oa'FY-SECORD YEAR No.. 2248 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14th 1916 f.� Magnificent -nificent ' Xmas: Goods Early problem for you articles suitable for Christ- hristmeas for useful articles for ons below. JONES & MAY l PHONE 32 Showin - of Shop the Christmas Gift overflowing with novelty and staple ever, perhaps will there be a demand dry goods store. We offer a few suggest Shop Early. This Store will solve This store is simply mosgifts. This year more than gifts such as are found in a For Ladies Furs of all descriptions, silk and crepe blouses, fancy and in. ilial handkerchiefs, fancy collars, hand bags, mantles, exclusive silk clress'rlengths, coat sweaters, parasols, bot;d )ir caps, etc ForMen Silk ties, braces, sockAa,.sets of braces and garters to match, fancy arm ► Girls bands, coat sweaters, umbrellas, overcoats, suits, mufflers, etc For iris and Boys A great variety of useful gifts to select from Furs make Excellent Christmas Gifts SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES We stave an immense stock of neck furs and muffs for ladies, girls and children in bla ckand natural wolf, Persian Lamb, Fox, sable, muskrat, marmot etc. We offer specially attractive pekes during the Christmas rush on these lines. Ladies' and Children's Coats Greatly Reduced We offer the balance of our ladies' and children's coats at reduced prices that willsimp ly ,astonish you. Come early. They are going very fast Ladies' Seperate Blouses post arrived for the holidaytrade the very latest _a ladies' silk crepe blouses also cotton voile blouses. New novelty effects and colorings. Prices moderate .Men! Dont miss this -Opportunity $15.00 & $17 oo. Men's Worsted & Tweed'suits for $12.50 En order to reduce our big cloteing stock before Jan. zst we offer for this month one hundred a.en's Sovereign brand suits all wool for $z2.so To sell these suits at this price during war tine -seems ridiculous but we must turn these garments into cash at once. We also offer good values in men's odd pants, rain ccats, overcoats, Fur coats also boy's suits and overcoats MEN'S FUR COATS—at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere Jones AND May NIMINNIMMI HEATERS Coal, Coal and Wood Special Notice We have a few Coal also Coal and Wood Heaters selling at the old prices. Buy quick while they last. Art Garland with oven $48 Art Garland, straight, $44 Modern Jewell, with oven $38.00 Coal and Wood Heaters $15 to $18 `1, Make that room comfortable with a PERFECTION OIL HEATER. Prices 3.00 to $5.00 Eza,itaine our complete assortment of Mitts and Gloves for work and driving use. Feed your Hens Royal Purple Poultry Specific and sell more eggs while egg prices are high /LIEAMAN'S lldwe 27a Phones 27b : ' fO1'tN " iitalpee—A.t Ilas'hwood, ort December $th. Tao Mr. Wand Mrs. 'Ed, Walper kh; tion.:' estle—In. 'Exeter on Friday ;Dec, ag 8th do fMr. end Mrs, He J. IS.estte, t. la' M ader—In Stephen, on Wednesday, Dee, 13th' to (Mie and Mrs, .Louiw4 tader u on. Neirattls--tn3iddulph, on December i 7th, to 'N Ir. and 11X.rs. Arthur Mc 1 Falls n daughter. 14'i1ther.—;n Marrnora, Ont, on ;rant', urday December the 9th to Mr. 1n:d Mrs. W'a:lace 'wisher a son. DIED Westlake—At the. Sauble Line on Dee. 5th, J'o'hn 'Westlake, aged 73• years Man;gnus-In )Crediton: on November 28th Mrs. Godfrid llangnus tetged 06 )years. ' 'Arrangements (have been made to run an extra 1Stetion of 'the` evening train, London to 'Wingbtine. on Sat- urday December the t23za. leaving London t 4.15. in order to treJievc the regular trains and ,provide aconmwoe dation; for exeenSiolilstia,; , , SPECIAL TRAIN JOINED ¶FH;li; NAVY Mr. Alfred Coates who has been out from England for several years band 'has been 'workinge with relatives, in Usborne Tee last (week joined the British navy. Be 'was ,home on Leave for a few days in sailor's 'uniform; leaving Tuesday for Toronto. On Mon- day wvening a number of friends gath ered at the ,home of afr. and Airs. R. ,Coates of 'Eden, as a little surprise for thim before this departure and pre- sented him with a wrist watch. A very enjoyable evening was spent. S'I EPHEN COUNCIL The Council of Stephen convened in in the; .Town Hall, Crediton, Mon- day, Dec. 4, at 1 p.ml, All members were present. Previous minutes 'con- firmed. Love—Webb•—That the Bond rf Herbert K. Either, Treasurer of the Township of Stephen be accepted and filed with the Reeve.—Carried. Deput} Returning Officers and Poll Clerks were ap, ointed, and a large numbed of accounts wene passed, :and will par ,xn the annual report. Council adjourned ;to meet on the 15th December at 1 p.m. H. Eilber Clerk. THIS IS TO RE AN ELECTRICAL AL CHlIS TbAS This is an Electrical Age and ee• it ;seems but natural 'that;most' ap- preciated preciated and acceptable gifts to give are ELECTRICAL ' GIFTS. :Because of the long uninterrupted service with Hotpoint Electrical GGift appliances—because of their 'unusual attractiveness of desitgn and fin:sb; the !Electrical Gifts 'which will give the most satisfaction to those you love. are Illot:points. Elsewh, re is th's i' leu; you w.11 no':e an advertisement by 'W. J, 03eer, who is the local distributor of Hotpoint Gifts. Make it 4a point to visit this. shop -see the very Chri'sttaassy 'Win- dow Display. 'You'll. be very pleased, with ;its lovely end. ,Christm.ateay A:r. On Your next shopping tour, drop in at W. 3. Meer's and, asked/ to be shown :the Hotpoint Vacn.um, Cleaner, II!otpoint It #outlo.r Set,, in its h'aridsome shoitping bad', and cargo other Hotpoint Appliances. You will be 'glad tot have done so, and 'the rcc:pient8 of the very appropriate ,useful electrical gifts,. you select will be grateful tb;yeind expres- sion. Their joy will be a last:rig dime - because because Hohlitonta are, known for them LONG 'LIFE` of sA.ri'S.it •r:4VO1t;Y 6c ti IJISEPUL IS•Etll•Vd'.CE Exeter Couucil P. meeting cxf the Council of :the Village of Exeter was held on Dec, 4th, with all members present. The minutes of -the meeting; heldNov .24 were read and approved. A circular letter from the Hydra - Electric Power Commiss'n of Ontar_o Re. proposed by-law to be submitted to the ratepayers of the various mun- iehpalitiee was read and deterred un- til action be taken on the by( -law later in the evening. The. following ,account; were read and approved, 'Bell Telephone Ca 40c, T. G.. Cree'ch 1,00; H.Spackman S.40; Teimee *jilting Co., 12,.60; Advocate Printing 141,83; Ed. Maguire 60,00; Co.,Gearge, Anderson 190.00; Ed, Treble 3.95; Hi IC, Eilber 107.25; Ex - James St. Anniversary. The anniversary services of ° the Janes St. Dtethodist church were held on Sunday .last when Rev, W. G. Howson of London, preached twomost eloquent sermons.. Large aongregate ions were present 'both morning and' evening, the 'church beim filled at the +latter service. The ,pastor, 'Rev.! J. W. !Baird was home for the day and assisted with the services and in the evening, 'Rev. 8. W'. :Aux - worthy, u.x-•worthy, 1Rev. J. 7). Nestle, and Deo. I J. G. Yelland also took part in ,the ' services. The choir furnished some excellent music for the oceasion. Rev, Mr. I.liowson, is an 'able pulpit, orator' and his sermon, were uplifting and inspiring In the evening be took his text eter Hydro Electric System 231.11;' from 2 Cor., P. 9; "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, that ye through. his poverty might become rich." The speaker said that this subject was the marvel of the ages that Obrist who was so rich, chat for oursa.kes he became poor. Men have strange ideas of God. They think of him far away and unconcerned of man's des- tiny. Before .Christ's Incarnation 'He was rich. Our estimate of man's wealth is his possession in real es- tate. bonds, stocks and bank account. We read "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" "The Sil- ver and sil-•verand the gold, and the cattle upon a thousand thills are nine." Get be- yond this world and look over the planetary system, which after all is but a meagre speck in the universe of God. Pass from system to system from world to wbrld. Above are worlds below are worlds. Our imagination is blinded and staggers before the magnitude of these creations. No wonder the poet writes "there is no beginning, there is no end." Earth must bow her head end do obeisance to her King. The second thought is that Chri.,at during his incarnation was poor. The incarnation was a tremendous descen- sion. The circumstances of his birth was an unparallel humiliation. Jesus Christ tool.' upon himself a human body and travelled the milestones of human di£e as we do to -day ; the same paths of experience. ;Born of poor parents 'that he might know the dis- paragement of the peasant life and men cannot say he did not know our trials, but out of his experience he can give sympathy to the needy, When. Jesus Christ came to our world the earth opened to him a stable door Looking 'back over the records, did he ever own a house, a field, a vineyard or a room? Fye was so poor he didn't own the boat in which he sailed, •a home in which late lived, a beast on which the rode. or a pillow on which he slept. When the world took inven- tory sof his belongings all he had+ was the clothes that he wore; and when he eras buried he was buried; int an- other man's sepulchre. Ha hecame poor for our sakes. At the, end of the journey be fell a victim to hate, and the dogs were let loose upon .Christ J.Low the was hounded. At his trial. justice, equity and mercy were pros- tituted and Christ submitted meekly to humble .himself to the death of e the across. Elsie poverty. was voluntary for our sakes. 'Thera is not( a boy in Exeter knows how rich he is in a mother's dove and their isy riot a Christian who can value the sense of Divine forgiveness of ;sin, the joy and gladness you have in Christ, nor the removal of the sting of; death. The speaker asked how much you would :sell your religion; for? A; thou, sand plotters? a ten thousand dollar farm in Usborne? twenty -:live or two hundred :thousand dollars? He `didn't think there was n man in the congre- gation who would sell this religion for any sum the speaker might offer. His concluding thought was 'the riches of the heavenly kingdom. He was waiting to be admittted to the New Jerusalem. Through the ,crim- son :blood. and the Crosse of, Christ: we can inhabit the mansions prepared for the faithful. There axe some who. have ,sever found this wealth be- cause they have never found the Christ. An 'Anniversary offering of $1000 was 'asked for and over $900 was re- ceived and it is expected the bal., ance twill be forthcoming in a few days. H. E.. Huston 10.00; Jas. Connor 40.011 Thos. Cre.,ves 9:0.00; Geo. Mawson 12,50; Mrs', W. Harness 25.00; W.J, Bissett 87.50; John Ford 75.00; Jos. Senior $80.00; .Miss IC. IVIacFaul $4000- 00; Wm. Holmes, Godcrich, $1681.88; W. lh Clarke $15; Northern Elec- tric Co., Taranto} $20.89; E. Davis $1,S0; A F. Nash $1.50. Per Roulston and Harton—That the Hydro -Electric Power Commissan by- law received and read to the Coun- cil be accepted and the same be given its necessary readings and he submitted .to the ratepayers et the coming.. January election, The same having been mead a first, second and third time, was finally passed. The .By-law to provide for the es - tablishment of a commission foe the control and management oft he Sly- dro-Electric system, waterworks and the "election of commissioners, hav- ing had' its first reading on Nov. 10 be now giren its second reacting, on motion of Roulston, sec'd by Beavers, ?Jn amendment being male it was read and carried„ The by-law to be submitted to the ratepayers for their approval at we January election. A spsciai meeting of the Counc'1 called by the Reeve and held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 12th, at 7.30 Councillor Hind was absent. The following 'accounts were paid, Division Court tees for 1916, payable to Clerk' R. N. Creech, $4 per court, far clerk and bailiff, $16.00; G. R. Steer 1.50; D. Braund 3.25; Advocate for Board of Health: 9,00; R. G.Sel- don 19.80; Ross Taylor , Co., $18.711 T. Webster 1.75; W. J. Bissett 2.00. J. Senior, Clark. nth NOMINATIONS Nominations ;are not so far away and yet their is very little stitrlrin,g in Municipal affairs, although it looks quite probable there will (be a shift In the .present personnel of the, co ert- en. Reeve John 'W. Taylor has stat- ed that he is ,not in the field+ for re- election conseq sently a new head must be found for /the .Council Board There ds ample material, 'with splen- did training and ^close touch with Municipal matters, to be 'foubd in the present council for the office. Councillors, 'Heavens, Hind and Rare ton. have all been spoken of for the' position and any one of then could fill it well. Other names have also been mentioned. There is no doubt that (Exeter has some oababie men that mould grace the Magistrate's chair, but with 'due regard to these the interests of the town would be best served by (selecting a man who has served 1313 term in: the council. who is in talose, touch with the need; and financial situation of the town :Besides after a man has served his town for several years in the cap- acity of councillor, it is only fitting that ;he 'should be honored with the higher office. No doubt one or more of the councillors will aspire for the reeveship which will mean' some new blood for the council. With two By- laws Ito be submitted to the ratepay- ers, a vote must be taken and no doubt before many ;days a stir will appear in the tanks of the aspirentas. (BATTLE OF VIE SOMME Greatest war film in. the world, will be shown at the "Dame Theatre" January 12th and 13th, matinee end night. The earliest possible date ob- tainable. This picture is now play- ing in the cities and Exeter will be one of the first towns to have the opportunity of seeing the wonderful film. Produced by the Famous Players General admission 25; war tax acts. extra. t t e l (et Horses Wanted Morris Segal, of Toronto, will be at the Central hotel, Exeter Wednesday, y, D eG. 20 1916 for the purpose of purchasin„ horses from '5 to :l years of N•`e. that are sound and Ingft,Sf l condition for flat.' Dotn.ift Goverment, Don'-, forget the date. Letters from the Front The following letters were received by Mrs. 3. ,C. Gardiner. of R.11. No. 1, l irkton, from her sons one of whom has been serving in France and two others recently went aver with the 11.0th iil3attilion. Seaford Camp, Nov., 12th Dear I) Mother,— � e Mo' t Well we are settled; down in camp after trevellirgg two weeks steady. We loaded here last ;eight.. Things s are very comfortable. 50 men put up in 't hitt 50f'c by 2UPt and 10ft high. • 'We left ;Camp 'Borden Oct. 28th and izdrived at 14.ilifax, Oct, the 31st There w:. some fine scenery along the. to( LVe went straight aboard, the lithr Ceronia. There ;veep, five b,.tttn.1;0;1.. ;and two draughts aboard mak;ee ' oteal of about 5500 men,. abo'.t , lr.• bdggest load that ever crossed. ¢.l gond. We left I3'jslifasi the.. 1st oat Nodenter and: arrived in Tiw erpor,l th, Liebe 'We had fins wee-, Cher he;,ir4,., the voyage but there w;'S 'era a,l,+' 11 p;eastire on account. of it Leiter ea t ;v,wded. Neither 13ah nor e 'lett tiered much with sea-Siele- t.t ;::..t• bid for the first day reit, It was amusing to see, :some of tie. frlte',z,<. Tb.sy >d. cln t care evhe th e c' tet•: I. , i.;: down Olt not, some ileal; rte t ;, . r... it tvu :d that they rni }ht glia ..,t e. ti'nur having son, Earl. • varier, ,Nov. nth, 1:91G Dear Mother iWe11 mother it is quite a while TRE EXETER RA.RQAIN STORE Christmas Gifts Give presents that are useful and that will am &saw every day need. You will find us well supplied with Useful Articles for Christmas Gifts Select from the following list Handkerchiefs Towels Wool caps Neck se d Gloves Sweaters Blankets Hosiery Shuts Collars Ties &lits Under weaa Braces Suits Overcoats Boots, Shoes and Rubbers our Specialties Oar stock is well assorted and at the tight pries. B. W. F. BEAVERS AINIRMINOM viliaSoiloosov •.••••••••••••••6b 6as46***O• 0••06,60600••••0000000000 O O • a •• •O O • O O *'' wr Useful Xmas. presents will be appreciated this ear more than ever. We have a full Fano .° of .Furnishings for Men. We specialize in this line. Prices are going up but we are able to maintain okl prices by baying early. Make you selection from this list. Shop early • • O ' O • • • Cristmas Stiggestions s SUIT • OVERCOAT TROUSERS r o ✓ /UNDERWEAR • ; Two piece and Combination • ' S1lrlraTs • O SOCKS • 9 RA TS e :CAPS + SWEATER pOA S • • TIFIS--A Swell Reeve. MUFFLERS • O •O O • • • • EMOKIN.G DRESSING GOWN GARTERS ARMT,1 FELTS i 1 UNLINED GLOVES SILK LINED GLOVES FUR -LINED GLOVES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS UMBRELLA WALKING CANES COLLAR »SGS; JACKET • gor 0 0 W 1AMAN a. P ri N E 8 t y 0.es,s1,4,44.110 4,441 since I wrote a letter last, I hope this reaches you alriight. I don't know' whether your letters are go- ing astray or mine are not getting to you to let yon know where I am. I have not .had a letter of anykind I since the one you wrote when I was wounded. I think they were written in Jaly.I received theta in August I have toot been putting in tate Codd cess because we are not allowed to put it down in full, just the .lsatt- alion and company. We had some pretty hard. fighting since I cane back. We are having plenty of rain here lately. Most of our old bun:Iz axe gone •now, -wounded or kilted, only five or six left.. Earl and 'foe will be over pretty soon now. Everybody is pretty well fed. We wish it would quit but it 'loo'ks as if It, will go on for some tinct yet, We would. wonder. (Continued on page five.) TO OUR 1A -B * FR:ENDS Owing to the excessive cast of man- facturing end the present small de- mand for Engines and Grinders, due to the unprecedented failure; of trope we find it expedient: to accept other means of employment for our plant and tare moving part of it to Windsor for this purpose. When. normal condi tions and good aerops enable urs to re - sons manufaeturing with prospect's of profit to loth you and ourselves we trust that the poeition in your esteem which for the 13 years we have been in Exeter we have en- deavoured to win, will not be host' and that you 'will give us tred`tt„ for not trying,' 10 load you up with ex;pczh- sive 'machinery at the time when yrs needed all your resources for other purposes. 'With best wishe's for the Ne+u Yea: re eemaira, CONz�lc li, re4t t1Cl:tl:N1 C1 wha • Miss :.Aerial Beverley visited.inClina: ton over the wee-kend. Mr. Jas. Walters is iee (Priapi.%tos't and Toronto on a business trip. . Reeve. Fred Eirerington of t'sbornei has moved his family and b;au:srboi& effects to 'Exeter. •Mr. T. A. Russell at as a prize:-* dinner as usual at the (3 ae1ple Cattle .Fairy .St .Mary's Journal. 'Mr. Earl Hodgson of Stephen is the, new junior on the staff of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce. c,irs. Ann Williams of Exeter bas - been ill at the home of her coax j;n-; law tCephas Pym of. Usborne. Mrs. Wan. Glenn has Bold ,her 1a, acre farm .at Lumley to fir. Kine. of Kirkton for a high figure. See our array of Oranges Nuts and. Candies for Lhristma,s trade. Prices to suit your t Purse;:>. W. J. Sta,tha,rx,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith arrived home last Monday evening. A re- ception, w'ss given 'them at the home ok the groom's parents that evening Mr• Arthur Hestia who recentiyt had 1315 leg 'oanght in the cog wheels of a grain chopper and had about 30 .quare inches of fleyah'torn from his le;g, is making satisfactory progress: Clear 'off the sidewalks in front of your Jot. The residents of Alberti. St. after every (snowfall during the winter keep the :Sidewalks free .front: snow. Thr. Sctien is to be commenced Go tho., rid- ado likett'i.see. As WI( Le seen in, an announremerat in another column the Cannot' Math* ne. 'Co.. are :losing down their plant here and Moving part: of it to Win 1r. where they will open a branelx risc'closingdown of the plant is Mader ne esary by the . etoail demand for their ouipnt arld the high prices of 'avv material iM.r. 'Watlteffi Bonner li,. feuds moVi lg. to 'W ir.t, so - t141, ti" ret..