HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-12-7, Page 8TMS .'EXE "fIM fi Phcl J. A. STEWART Phone 16 FURS FURS You can enjoy the comfort of a good set of Furs or a good Muff at nominal outlay, We have beautiful sets that are reason- ably priced that it will pay you to call and see. Ladies & Childrens Coats We have a few( real 'choice Coats that we areclearing at greatly reduced prices, it will pay you to see what we are showing as we can save you money, Stamped Linens Including Towels, Centre- pieces, Pillow Cases, Night Gowns, pushion Covers,. and other pieces showing many very neat and pretty patterns. Sweater Coats You will find almost t any shade you are looking for in an all wool coat made; with neat roll collar. They are worth to -day $7,00; selling cat the old price $5.50._ Stanfields Underwear Is guaranteed not !to shrink, besides it will give better wear. than other makes at the same price. !Red Label $1.75 ! Blue Label $L85 Handkerchiefs for Xmas Handkerchiefs will be popular presents for Xmas this season We have a wide range of pure linen Handkerchiefs with initial in the corner for Ladies and Men. Also many styles of pretty embroidered and lace trimmed, neatly to boxed oo or in folder ready to send by mail at 15c, 250, 3 , 4 Khaki Socks For the boys at the front. A splendid all -wool khaki sock thegood weight with feet. The boy swill surely appreciate them. 50c per pair. Heavy 'Rubbers "Miner )Rubbers" give excel- lent satisfaction. We have all sizes for Boys, Girls, Women. & Men. Our heavy rubbers for men can't Yoe 'beaten. —$ 2.59, $2.75, and $3.00. Flannellette Sheets Good size sheets in colons of cream, tan and grey with pink or blue borders. These sheets are good weight and have love- ly finish. Each 85c. , Silk Crepes A beautiful quality of Silk Crepe in Pink, Ivory,' !Black, Maize, suitable for Waists and trimming. Per gard $1.50. Christmas Groceries Buy your groceries here and New Raisins Currants New Peals Figs 'N'ew Dates' Walnuts get the best Spices Almonds Extracts Market Report --The follerketag is the ' ?report of the Exeter market eorreoted up to Dec, 6th, Jelly's Teas Coffee A. STEWART Phone 16 We pay highest prices cash or trade, for live or dressed Poultry. 'Wheat 1,00 to 1.05. Barley 70 to 85e.. Oats 55c, to 0 Peas x,00 per bus ., r• r Family flour 4,90. ( Low grade flour 2.80.• .. i I Bran 33,00_ f . Shorts 37,00 per ton. , 1, !i ii ; Sugar beet pulp. 28.00,• 1 Eggs 50c. I "'. i 1 Butter 40. : 1 I, 1 , !Creamery hatter 47. s. ! t ; Young chick's 14e. i *liens 10e and 12c, i i !Etoosters 100, k f l Young ducks. 11x:, ,; . 1 '- Decks 120 and 17c. 1 i 1 ' r Old ducks 10e. t-ikl I krl ' Gaese 12e and. 17c. . . ! i Turkeys 24c and 28c. Old CLozns 210 and 25c. Potatoes. 1,65; 2.00; 2.25 per bag. 11c;4s 10,85, , , . . 4,••maoo••oow•o•••O••o®•o•v4 4. • LOCAL • m...4.441104.400.41 The Quality Grocery Store ChristmaQ will soon. be here Cj1LL' AT OTtR STOVE FOR YOUR FRUITS, NUTS, CAN- DLES A.N1) ALL OTHER XMAS. GOODS WE HAVE A NEW SUPPLY , Any Order coming to us by phone will be promptly, , de- livered. THE STORE THAT 'WILL PAY YOU TO DEAL ;AT,, PHONE 18 R. C. GONER & SON • Several 'vases of measles are re- ported around town. Miss Nina Kinsman has returned home after visiting in Acton. Mr. Oliver Davis of Zarloh spent the week -tend with his parents. Miss L. Johns left Tuesday to, visit her sister, \fr'. Goodiuon, at Sarnia. Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson, of London, visited her son 'William, over the week -end. Mr, N'', D, Burdon who has spent the summer at Pt. Frank has return- ed to town to spend the, winter. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and daughter, Miss Kathleen have returned home after visiting in Bowmanville and SPECIAL BALE—A special sale of all !Christmas lines for ten days begin ning December the lst. Grigg Stat, ionary Co., Mr. Harry EJworthy returned last week from Kalida, Man., ,where he was 'called owing to the illness and death of his halfsbrother, Mr. Wan. Johns. Mr, Robert Southcott of London, visited in town on 'Monday, having been called to Grand 113.end owing to the illness of his father, htr. 4o3,rn Southcott. Miss Match who has'spent the mil-' linery !season at Dashwood, visited with Miss Morlock over the week -end before returning to her home at Auburn. • t Just arrived, a car of bran, a car of twiddling's, a car of oats, Expected a car of beet !pulp and a car of corn If its flour or feed you( wand to see Harvey Pros. The Ideal Christmas Gift For Her The giving of common sence Christmas Gifts is becom- ing more popular each year. The Grand Prize Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Is one of the most practical gifts you could select for her; will lighten the housework and bring real Christmas cheer into the home the whole year round. Do not wait until Christmas—Buy now R, N. ROWE Phone 20 SALES AGENT Exeter Mrs, Muxworthy and daughter Mar garet'returned home lashe week from Toronto,where the latter underwent an p operation for foot trouble. Miss iina:worthy presided at the organ in Caven Presbyterian 'ebureh on Sab- bath , last. During ber abeensc (iylats. Sharp has presided at the organ. The death oecured in Stephen on. :Dee, Ord, of Sarah Iywood, beloved Wife Of Mr:William 'Rowcliffe aged. 75 'years and. 28 days. The deceased had been III for the peat coaple iof e Yrag .fferin tlulte tensidexably 'of nst1tne,a pe,sldes her l uwbandeVho also has not been well she islsurvived by two daughters and one son, The, fun- eral was held Tuesday afternoon con- ducted by 'Rev. A. IA.. Truan•pi€r, inr+ terment in the Exeter oemetelry, Cbnflrmation, service was held ,in. the Trivitt Memorial oh xrob last Thursday evening when the Bishop of Ilbron, the Rt. .Elev. David Wilw llama; of London confirmed az class of 14 eandidates. Ile took his text from St. 'Lucke 18, 9'; Make' to your-, selves friends of. the ata Millen of un- rilghteoesnese' and delivered a most acceptable discourse. There Itvas a large Congregation present, NOTICE—A11 accounts due to the undersigned are now part due and unless paid before December 15th, wi'l be entered for collection with costs added,—S, Johns, Elimville. • These are the days when the are using Made in Canada Products. Why not t;o one 'better, and use flour made in Exeter. MODEL second to none. —1I A RVEY IBBOS. TENDERS WANTED• Tenders 1vi11 be received tb1y the 'an- dersigned for the 1917 output of but- termilk Alitenders to be eu 'by the 20th of December, For further inform ation'appl,y to 'the Centralia !Creamy . cry, Thomas Willis, Proprietor. 5,r;•ise in. the Main St, church next Sabbath morning when the pastor 'Rev, S. W. Muxworthy will preach on "The purpose of Special J3lessinggls" The service in the evening will be withdrawn in favor of James Sc. anniversary. GRASS FARM SOLD Mr. A. W. Etherington has sold his 100 -acre grass farm on the 4th con. of Usborne to Mr. J. T. Morgan, fon a good figure. TAXES ARE COMING IN 1)fiss McDonald visited in Toronto over the week -lend. Miss Hollinger who 'has spent the millinery season with. Miss McDonald returned to her home et Arthur on Tuesday. Miss Ruby Treble of Toronto, had the misfortune to fall recently re- ceiving injury to her wrist. She is expected home this week to visit with her parents. The Ilome Department of the Far riser's Sun, Toronto., is especially edit- ed and presents the latest ideas in every branch of home work, in which the farmer's wife ort daughter is in- terested. Your reading is not nom:! pieta without the Sun. Judge L. H. Dickson held anaucti;n sale of his household effects on Satur- day last and will move with his family to Goderich where he will re- side in the future. The best wishes of their many friends in town will follow them to their new home. , 'An entertainment under the aus: pices of the young ladies MJsb:on cir ole. consiting of a three -act play en- titled "Aunt Tvlaggie's Will" So os, Duetts and' choruses tvi1L. be given in Main wet. church on 'Wednesday even- ing, December the 20th. Admission 25e and 150. For your Christmas baking you want the very best flour. Use "MOD- EL" for bread and buns. for Pastry use Welcome. HARVEY BROS. The third of the series of Patriot:0 teas will be 'held in James St. church basement on Friday, December the 8th. from 3 to 0 p.m. All ladies are requested to come and bring their knitting Admission 10c. The tea is provided 'by the ,buying committee. Mr. Frank Mellott Irecevied ,word East week that his son Fred, had been moved to Whitecross, hospital, Eng. (Elis nose is !doing !fine buts he is have ing trouble with his back and leg. Tile says the treatment he has been receving is of • the highest order. Mr. J. A. Stewart this week 'rec- eived. word from his son Douglas who has been re-cuperating in England from an operation, that he is now pronounced fit for the front and ex- pects at any time' to be sent to. the trenches. r ' f ; Mr. land Mrs. 'W. H. Lovett have moved to London where they wi!1 re : side in the (stare. Mr, Levett fox' several tears was one of Exeter's successful business men and was i- dentiiled Kith the 'welfare of the town. Both' Mr. and Mrs. Levet), will be much missed from the town. FE'RGUSON—SWEET A very pretty wedding took 'place in the -Trivitt 'Memorial 'church on 'Wednesday tii.ortdag when Minis 5• rah Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet of town was united; in marriage to Mr. Auguttus Adamson. Ferguson of Toronto. The ceremony took place at :eight o'clock and was performed by. 'Rev, ,Root. II, Ferguson o.f St. Luke's church :HIamilton, bro- ther of the groom :assisted by Rev. A. A. Trumper, rector of the churgh. The nweddieg march was played by Mr.John I Markham. Th ids was c bx a given• away by her father, both bride and groom wern unattended:; Mr. and Mrs. Fe.rignson left on the morning train for Sarnia, :Detroit, before re- turning to their home in Toronto. On Monday evening a shower was held for the 'bride at the home oftMX, Mrs. :s end Mr, ., Thos.• it3dyle,, when she e yeas presented: With a boatttifel array of miseellaneotts gifts. A. mast: pleasant evening "sorts spent, T'he Timers joins Sin pongtatulations5 .tritUR$DA:1,,,l)FwCX IYIl,(d.G t Tille li'9 Ontario wheat is ofexcellent qual- ity this year, which When !mixed with )the Western wheat , !makes blended. flour better, than ever. Try (MODEL. mfg, by HARVEY II3'ROS,; ' SPECIAL• 16ALE-A special sale of all Christmas lines for tendays begin ning December the lst, Grigg Stat ionary (Co„ FOR BALE—Two coal stoves, Ap- ply to Mrs. lyndman, DISCOUNT SALE -15 per cent off for all Shoes and 'Rubbers. Terms Cush. -.Ii, IBierling, Exeter North. The taxes of the town of Exeter are being paid quite satisfactorily. already over four thousand dollars have been paid to the Canadian Rank of Commerce. The citizens have until the 15th to pay up after that 5 per 'cent being added. BATTLE OF THE SOMME Greatest war film in the world, will be shown at the "Deme Theatre" January 12th and 13th, matinee and night. The earliest possible date ob- tainable. This picture is now play - Ing in' the cities and Exeter will be one of the first towns to have the opportunity of seeing the wonderful film. Produced: by the Famous Players General erdmission 25c, war tax 'Lets. extra. , ' ! WOUNDED SECOND TIME Pte. Ed. G .Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo., Anderson of " town is again reported wounded. Pte. And- erson was wounded some weeks ago and !last week his parents received word that he was transferred to a convalescent )hospital. In the mean- time he had sufficiently recovered to be sent to the front and shortly after p.rriving at the trenches suffer ed from shell concussion. LILLIAN FREB_IS BIRE'I't4OUR A novel name for a little girl babe is "Frebis" read an item in the Journal two weeks ago. The letters are the beginning of the words,Fran: ce. (Russia, England, Belgium, Italy, and Servia, the names of the Allies. The first new :baby to answer the call in this District is the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. •Beeth-+ our of Kirkton.—St. Mary's Journal ORDINATION AND , ! INDUCTION OF ELDERS The ordination and induction of the elders elect, John 'Ro veliffe and G. Stanbury, .13. A., will be held in Caven !church on. Friday\ at 7.45 p.m. connected with preparatory service. Dr. A. (McFarlane, M ,A., D. D•, '•af Rayfield Will preach, and Rev. Dr. Fletcher will address the elders and people. The communion supper ,will be :administered next Lord's day at 11. a.m. , t / : 1 1 S. S. CONVENTION The (ith annual 'convention of the Usborne and Exeter Sunday Schol Association will be held in Main; St. Methodist church, on 'Wednesday Dec, 13th Afternoon and evening. Among the 'speakers for the occasion will be Miss Bertha Laine, Supt. of Elem- entary- and Home Dept. Ontario Sun: day School Association, )13. W. F. Bea- vers. Jos. Hprvey. Rev.; A. Ai Trutnri per and Rev. J. W. Baird. HOUSE FOR SALE The fine residence of Dr. Quaeken, bush on James St. Exeter for sale, Apply to S. M. Sanders, Exeter. 1 SALT FOR SALE. --An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale 1 at the old Temperance douse at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity, Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 500. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works Po„ Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager, , THE LATE 'Wm. J. CA'R'RBCK Mr. Wm. J. Carrick, son of Mr. John Carrick died at the home, of his father on December the 3rd at the nee of 24 years and sig. months, The deceased had resided in the West for a number of years where he contract ed tubercular trouble. He returned home it couple of weeks previous to his death. The funeral on Monday afternoon was conducted by Rev. S. E. Sharp, interment in the Exeter cemetery. Itl A. MUSICAL TREAT. The Opera Ebuse was packed on Wednesday evening, of last week to hear the musical en.tertainment'ten- dered to the rnusio lovers of Exeter by Mr. J. W. Powell when Mr. Barely Williamson, ltn English tenor ts'nger sang in unison 'with his own voice on the Edison Diamond -Disc phonograph. Die was :a.srserted by IMr. ;Bernard Sie- gert on the cello.. Admission to the entertainment was through the court esy of Mr. Powell the local Edison dealer. Mr, Williamson sang in an;son with the phonograph rind, the repro- duction was perfect. Ile started in to !sing with the record and stopped at will demonstrating the perfection of Mr. Tdison's Re-fireation of the voice. Mr. numbers were nil !velli reeeivcd pend Mr. Siegert also came in for l•grcat applause, both • artists being greatly appreciated. Mr Powell is to :be congratulated on bringing roach talent to town wand giving_ our 'citizens , the ,pleasure of enjoying -suet 'd tare piudicaltreat PII1 RY F. DOUPE, Licenses Awe tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly' at- tended to, ''hone 116, Kirktora,- Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. Cows for Sale A few choice Springers and fresh calved cows for sale at reasonable prices. Cash or credit terms. Write or telephone • BYRON E. HICKS, Centralia. A CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Being Lot 16 and N half of Lot 17 North Thames (Road, consisting of 150 -acres.. 5 acres bush, 50 acres in grecs, and 50 ploughed, Up doad,ate brick dwelling, kitchen and woodshed Large up-'tci-date bank 'barns, every convenience, never failing !supply of water in buildings from windmill, 1-2 miles from school, 1 & 1-2 mis. from Methodist and Presbyterian churches, 5 1-2 miles from town of Exeter, rural mail and telphone. This has' al- waye- been conceded to be the best, :farm in'Usborne. Easy terms for pay- ment for nuick•sale. For terms and :particulalrs'appily to Thomas Cameron real estate agent, R. R. No, 1 Kirk - ton. P. 0., Ont,, or .phone Hyndman line. Exeter. • Farmers Don't be troubred with rice on tour /cattle all winter clip them. when you put them in the stab- le, it is the only safe, sure cure for this trouble. We have in stock the celebrat ed Stewart clippers and all ;re- pair parts for same, we aiso grind clipper plates aand guar- antee them to clip as good as new. SEE OUR MITS AND GLOVES 'BEFORE YOU BUY • W. J.- BEER Christmas Goods just Arrived All New Fruit Raisins Currants Dates and Peels Choice Cranberries and Grapes A First Class Line of Oranges Candies and Nuts Highclass Neilson's Chocolates in Fancy Boxes or Bulk, up to $3.00 a box Celery, Cabbage & Lettuce always on hand Phone or Call Prompt Delivery Open every Night WILSON'S CONFECTRONERY POWELL'S BAZAAR MUSIC ALL XI.. CHEF Our (store nicely decorated, gives one a Christmassy f%cling• r, i shelves are loaded with everything to make people happy. Salta has lure laid in a large assortment here and we have our chigne 6:2'34 and clean so that he can serve tihe'ki tidies welL You aught tosee our Fancy China, the new shapes, at 2 5e 'up then our, lines at 10e end 15ee, New Tailored Suits and Coats ���' 'te.•, s i --- 'Yat ','`H( ii Of first interest, whfen the cooldays come. The style's are varied to meet tho aifI,,rert tastela. Coats are long- er, skirts are also longer. Our ,new goods are here. Good range to choose from. i' 1 s MADE TO YOU1t MEAs(URJ r rt J t See Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging' from $17.00 Up P,V n We also have a new !tango of; Men'is over coating acrd Suitt/rig- ; ; GIVE USA CALL N. Sheers. r LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI' OR N Stand U sta xa.npposeto the entra l Law }late 1 TOYS DOLLS, TOY TRUNKS, DRUMS, WASE,BOARD AND TUB, BARKING' DOGS. HORSES, HORNES, MECHAN- ICAL TOYS, AEROPLANES, ETC; TOILET ARTICLES FANCY SOAPS 20 KINDS, 5c & 10e. CAKES. PERFUMES, )BOTTLES 15'c & 25c. SHAVING SOAPS 10c TO 25c, TOOTH PASTES, TALCUM POW DERS (JABS) 25e. /HAIR 93,RUSHES 15c 25c UP TO• $1.50. TOOTH !BRUSH ES 5c TO 25e. !COWS, POCKET Sc DRESSER 10c TO 85c. Our New Edison would cheer your' home and give you everlasting plea- ure. Our time proposition helps you. own one in a few months. Ask us about it. We have them from $40 up. we also have four good used ones cheap. Ask us about the Edison's; No needles to change. Full sweet music Dig Christmas Values • 1 Fancy Glassware BERRY SETS, WATER s SETS'e TARLE SETS AT ODD PRICES STATIONER t3,OX PAPERS, PADS., ENVIILOPI ' IL3IG VARIETY AND VERY LO'W CANDY DEP'. This Department is one of 11e I rgesit of our business. Our aim it always to have fresh wholesome caid'y. Oar steady customers are awaris of the fact. t Our chocolates are mos y W.11 t Bard's Fork Dipt. 'W!e sell them let bulk. sat 30c, 40c, 50c, 60e, and ;85o a Ib. We also have them a half , pound., and twoapeund boxe at 25ds 50. 75, $1.50 per box. Fivt potino boxes assorted kinds at $1.50 for eek $2.50. Dur gross goods are alwag'a fresh and good !assortment. Nut barlax big assortment 5c to 25c. Silted/ and? roasted )peanuts and fruits, :chervil* gums. 13 kinds. Good sweet —Pry .411 ell's. . , . i• . 1 r,,--1.% J. WILLIS POWELL qty A CONVENIENCE AND A NECESSITY Is your home fitted up with hot water, toilet and bath. The cold weather coming on draws your at- tention to this great convenience. A few dollars spent in installing this system will give you more pleasure and comfort than in any other way. Every new house, whether in town or country should be equipped with a hot water system Plumbing of all kinds our specialty Chas. West 244 Queens Ave. London, Phone 3255 CH [ ROPRACTIC ! I '1' 1 (EI••ttOrPEAK!-TIC) , t The Master of Disease vai The cause of desease removed from the spine—no cause no affect. Your cannot get around facts, no matter how skeptical you se,and if you arse not well we can convince you that Chiropractic is the ogical science foie the relief of dcsease, based on a thorough knowledge of adjusting the ver. tebrae of the spine (or backbone thus 'relieving interference with life cur- rents, which is the cause of decease The body, like any other machine will work normally when all its paint•): are in' place so the energy will appliy In the human body the energy is called life carrents. It is transmitted through the nerves from thebriiia cells to ,the tissue cells of the body and lao Jong de the nerve channels are free the life currents~ will' pass to the place of function, and, normal) activity ll result -whish meas HEALTH s Consultwiu,s on any deseaee, Otto nvLst will convince you that Chiropractioi is right. Any of the organs or glands of ,the body may become deseased from, pressure on nerves. Have this pressure ,removed. Why treat effects? If 'you have any of the ,following ailments, estop treating effects, have the cause removed—no cautse, no effect We have helped your friends, .,we: can do the same for you Abscesses Diabetes Asthma Female Weakness Appendicitis Fevers Bronchitis Gall Stones Madder Troubles Goitre Constipation Heart Decease ;Catarrh %lay Fever. Dyspepsia i Tnsanity Doafner 3 t Indigestion Jaundice Kidney lDtseascs Liver Troubles Lumbago Nervous Debility Neuralgia Piles ?aralySi,s t , Pharnygitis :1 .a Pleurisy • Rhruoav ts rmrn a nye part of the body; , Sciatica : 1 Sight ;" G Stammering 1 St. Vita,' Dance., Tie^ r douloureauz , Urinary Desesses tVhese are 'only a re*' of the 'diseases, ars our space is )runt ted, If you a,re, a sufferer from any chronic trouhle,;seep I r, 8, M, Jones! Mondays, 'Wednessdays, and Fridays, At Dr, Quaokenbushs office. flojesultatiorr and eaamipation free.,