HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-30, Page 8THE EXETER
'U WDAY, NOVFMBERi 30th, 19Z '
Phone 16 J. A. STEWART
Phone 16
You can enjoy the comfort of a good set of Furs or a good.
Muff at nominal outlay, We have beautiful sets that are reason•
abiy priced that it will pay you to call and see.
Ladies & Childrens
'We have a Lew real 'choice
Coats that we are clearing at
greatly !reduced prices. It will
pay you to see what we are
showing .eswe can save you
money I t s.'; •
Stamped Linens
Ineluding Towels, !Centre-
pieces, Pillow Cases, • Night
Gowns, Cushion Covers, and
other pieces showing many very
neat and pretty patterns.
Sweater Coats
You will find almost I deny
shade you are looking for in.
an all wool coat made with
neat roll collar. They are
worth to -day $7.00; selling at
the old price $5.50. .
Is guaranteed not :to shrink,
besides it willbettergive
than other makes at the same
(Red Label $1.75 ! ' '
il3lue Label $1.85 ,
Handkerchiefs for Xmas
Handkerchiefs will be popular presents for Xmas this season
We have a wide range of pure linen Handkerchiefs with initial
in the corner for Ladies and Men. Also many styles of pretty
embroidered and lace trimmed, neatly boxed or in folder ready
to send by mail at r5c, 25c, 30c, 4oc to $t,00
Khaki Socks
For the boys at the front.
A splendid all -wool khaki sock
good weight with no seams in
the feet. The boy swill eurely
appreciate them. 50e per pair.
Heavy Rubbers
"Miner 1Rubbers" give excel-
lent satisfaction. We have all
sizes for Boys, Girls, .Women.
Mien. Our heavy rubbers for
men can't be beaten. -$ 2.50,
$2.75, and $3.00.
Elannellette Sheets
Good sine sheets in colors of
cream, tan and grey with pink
or blue borders. These sheet
are good weight and have love-
ly finish. Each 85c.
Silk Crepes
A beautiful quality of Silk
Crepe in Pink, Ivory, r !Black,
Maize, suitable for, Waists and
trimming. Per yard $1.50. •
C.,ir• 4 iii as Groc eries
Buy your groceries here and get the best
New Raisins Currants Spices
New Peals Figs Almonds
New Dates Walnuts Extracts
J.A. STEWART Phone 16
We pay highest prices cash or trade, for live or
dressed Poultry.
New Tailored
. ; i HORN
SCHR.OEDER-In Stephen. on Nov. 26
to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schroeder a
Suits and Sen.
Of first interetst, when the cool days
conte. The styles are varied to meet
the •eifIerert tastee. Coats are long-
er, skirts are also longer.
Our new goods are bore. Good range
to choose from.. . f , .
See Our New Coatings for
Ladies, Prices ranging
from $J17.00 Up
'We also Lave a new range o>a Men's
over coating aiad suiting.
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath --Candy, Cathartic.
No odds how bad your Iiver, tom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
Constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels -you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imine•
diately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul galeas take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con-
stipated waste matter and poison
from the inteatlnett and bowels. A
11.0•eent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
etomach sweet and head clear for
monthsVTheYawork while you sleep.
1 s ! i t ,
GOLDING-In Hibbert on November
21st to 1Mr. and Mrs. George 'Gold-
ing a son.
BODGE -In Logan, on Nov. the llth
to Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hodge a
AUSTIN -In McGillvray on Nov. 21st
to Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Austin; a
' son.
WEBER -In Stephen, on Nov. 29th
to .dr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Weber, a .on
SHE'RLOCK-In Vancouver. on Nov.
10th to Mr. and Mrs .Bert Sher-.
lock, (nee Lillie Williams formerly
of Usborne) a son.
Market Report --The following is
the 'report of the Exeter market
corrected hl, to "Nov. 29tb.
`Wheat 1.60 to 1.70.. '
Barley 70 to 85e. s ;
Oats 55e. to 0,0,
Peas 2.00 per bus ,r ; F 1 '
Family !four 5.10. ; . r
Low grade flour 2.80.. • , t
Bran 33.00. t" 1 1.1
Shorts 37.00 per ton.
Sugar beet pulp ;20.00 per ton,
:Eggs 50c. • tie,, '1 4
Butter 40. 7 ' 1 l j i 1
Creamery butter 47. ,R !
Young !ohio'ks 120 ' t 1. (;;
Old hens 10c. t' e ' rr l I
Roosters 80.
. 4 k.?•
2.25 per bag.
parsonage Seaforth on November
10th, 'O live May Piper, to Mr.; Ed-
ward G, leollebecht of .Seaforth
ELLIS-ORI'CH-In Tuckcrsmith, on
Nov. 15th, by Bev. J. A. Agnew,
of Clinton, Lucy May, daughter of
Mr. Eli Crich, to Ezra Ellis of
DF£A -
At Beal) th
on November, 15th, by (Rev. G. Mc
Kinley. Mabel Moffat of Tucker -
smith, to John. Armstrong of Beane
ley Township.
t3_EDA'RD-DENOMME-At St. Boni-
face church, Drysdale, on Nov. 21st
by Rev. A. Rondot, Mr. John Bed-
ard, to Miss Albertine Denomme all
of the Sauble Line.
O'B'RIEN-KEDDY-At the Main. St.
Methodist parsonage by Reve
Muxworthy on November 22nd.
(Miss Susana Keddy, of Ueborne to
Mr. James J. O'Brien;
on Nov. 18th, by Rev. Mr. Johnston
Mary Isabella Margare t. youngest
daughter of Mr. John Walker of
i8rucefield, to Mr. Hugh :McDoug-
all of Tiverton.
1 • -
. r DIED : *, .;-
SOiIiLUNDT-At Dashwood, on Nov.
25th, .Michael Schlnndt in his 83rd
year. , 1 ' •. r i
PARK -'In 'Hibbert, on Nov. 19.h Mal -
corm Park, aged 79 years, 6` months
5 days.
KIDD-In Fullerton, on Friday Nov,
1:7th John. Foster Kidd aged 71; yrs
7 months and 2 days.
RYAN -In McKillop, on Nov. 2'st. Ft-
len, beloved wife of harry BYan
nged 61 years, 9 months, 4 days.
PENTIALE-In St. Thomas, on Nov,
203rd. ti'honiasine Penhale relict tnf
the late W
Wm Pen]rale .in Tier{ 84tibr
. !year. . .. lel dl!llt
Young ducks llb.
Ducks dressed 16c,;
Old duces 10o.
Gees: dressed 15e.
Old Turkeys 15c,
Young turkeys, 25e,
Potatoes. 1.65; 2.00;
Hogs. 10.25.
The season for Oysters
has arrived. We have a
fresh supply on hand
Oysters Served
Hot or Cold
Sold in bulk
Try our Oyster Stews
•4*••••••+e 4is . 4•••••
• ••••••• •••••O• •
Mr. Wes. Vale of London spent the
week end in town. t ! ' •
411iss ,Sarah Sweet of Toronto, is
visiting her parents in town.
Miss Laura Hooper 'left last Satur-
day to visit for a few weeks in Brus-
A patriotic tea was held at the
home of Mrs. -Powell on Friday after-
noon last.
Miss Lillian Boyle has returned
home after visiting ,in Hamilton and
Mr. -Laurie Watson •and his mother
from London, visited with friends in
town this week.
Mr. Faist and Miss Fahner of Cred-
iton. 'were guests at the home of htr.
and Mrs. A. E. Kuhn on Sunday.
Mir. find Mrs. Earnest 'Weber of Lon
don. visited. at the home on Mr. and
Mrs. S. •Hla.rdy over the week lend.
rdr. G. K. Beaman of Toronto at-;.
tended the funeral of the late John
'H!enry Petty of 4Iay last week.
Mesters Clyde and Fred Beaman
accompanied by their sister Mary
spent the week -end with relatives in
London. . • e ! ! ,
SPECIAL JSALE-A special sale of
all Christmas lines for ten days begin
ning December the 1st. Grigg Stat-
ionary (Co.,
• Mrs. N. EL 'Dearing of Stephen,, at-
tended the funeral of Mr. George
Rowaliffe in London on 'Wednesday.
of last ...eek
Mrs. (Bev.) Dr. Bannon formerly
of James St. parsonage is suffering
with a broken hip at the Ortho-
pedic Hospital on Toronto.
Gordon. Wells left Tuesday for Lon-
don to enlist with the 63rd ;Battery
Gordon is a son of Pte. Fred Wells
who went across with the 161st [Batt-
alion. , ,
Mrs. W. .0 Southcott received word
last eveek that her brother. Pte. A.
!Hobbs ,had been transferred from
France to the Massey -Burris 7dos-
pital in England.
Pte. E. Anderson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George
Anderson, , of town, who
was recently wounded has been trans
ferred to No. 6 'Convalescent Hos-
pital at Etaples, France.
• Ontario ,wheat is of excellent qual-
ity this year, which when !mixed with.
!the Western wheat snakes blended
flour better than ever'. Tay MODEL
mfg. by HARVEY 113.ROS.
Rev. Agnew of Clinton occupied the
pulpit in James St, church lasts Sab-
bath, delivering two very acceptable
sermons. The pastor, Ace. J. 'W,
'Baird, was in Clinton, delivering
missionary !sermons
a'rr. W. Davis enlisted last we 'le in
the 63rd a3attery at London. 'Will, is
the 'second son • of Mr. and Mrs.. Ar-
thur Davis to enlist; Archie the old-
est son is naw in a hoepitale in .Eng-
land suffering from wounds.
Miss Margaret Muxworthy who !re-
cently underwent an operation for
foot trouble in a Toronto .!hospital
was able to leave the hospital onMton
day end returned home 'Wednesday.
!:ler friends ;wish 'her a speedy re-
covery. I ( I
Mr. John Cunningham caretaker
of the Bank of Commerce at Paris
died suddenly on Saturday morning
last while about his duties and he
W0,6 found a few minutes afterwards
by Mr. Bert Gillies of Exeter„, teller
at the Paris branch
An attempt was made at Leaming-
ton on Sunday to destroy 'the town
by fire and !barn 'burning fiends', who
have been operating in many section"
of Ontario are blamed. Eight fires
were raging at one time and sic
places were destroYed
four barns and
two garages. t !
For r Choice Groceries
and Cured Meats
Go to
Successors to
G. R. Bedford
If we please you tell others
If not, tell us
Our Goods are Good Goods
Montreal . News !
The following 'lines were sent by n
soldier at the front to a Montreal
lady. A hint is enough for our' Can-
adian knitters,
Thanks, Lady, for the sockis. Some 'fait
,I used one for a helmet and one! for
a mitt.
Elere's hoping to sec you when I've
dame my bit. ` '
En the meantime, where in blazes did
you learn to KNIT,
SPECIAL SALE -A special sale of
all (Christmas lines for ten days begin
WIN; December the lst. Grigg Stat-
ionary Co.,
Miss Mary Mack leaves Thurday
to visit for a 'couple of days with! her
sister at Weston, before leaving for
Montreal where she 'has accepted a
good position.
The casualty list reports a Maj.
Carey, of Exeter, as being wounded.
As far as we 'can learn this! must ,be
an error for noone seems to know, of
a Maj. Carey enlisted from town!
These are the days when we are
using Made in Canada Products. 'Why
not uo one better, and use flour made
in 'Exeter. MODEL second to none.
I,..';viu'RNIcF 13
The ,choir of James St. Methodist
church dad themselves much 'eredit!
on Friday evening last when with
a number oe girls from the Sunday
school they gave a musical entertain -
Ment, in the !church under the' lead-
ership of the organist, 1VEr. W. M.
Clarke. The weather wasn't the best
nevertheless a good audience turn-.
ed out and the different numbers
were tnu•ch enjoyed; The programme(
was tis follows; Chores by the choir
with lcildren's obligato; solo, Mess 0.
Quancc.; trio, Mrs. W. Johns, Masers.
S. Martin, and S. M. Sanders; chorus
by the choir, reading by Miss L. San-
ders; solo by Mese I. (Quackenbush.
Second part, trio, (Miss 0. Quince.
I. !Quackenbush; Mr, E. Sha,pton,
chorus by the choir; organ 'W. 1M.
felarke male chorus; solo, Mise Ii
Snell, phorus ohoir with children's ob-
ligato: duett, 'Misses 0. Treble, I.
L Quackenbush, combined chorus. The
appearance of the choir in white and
black also drew forth consede1rable
comment. + ! + 1
Mrs. Thomasine Penhale, widow of
the late William Penhale died in St.
Thomas on Thursday, November the
24th in ,her 84th .year. The .remains
were 'brought to Exeter on Saturday
,morning and interred in the Exeten
cemetery, the funeral taking . place,
from the station on the arrival of
the 10 o'cl:isk train. The late Mrs.
Penhale was a framer Resident of
Exeter and was one of the early set-
tlers in this 'section. She wall bort( in
England and when a young 'girl came
to Canada with her ,parentis„ her
maiden ,name being Thomasine South-
cott, The deceased was married to the
late Wm. Penhale and for years they
resided on the 3rd. con. of Stephen
For a number of years Mrs. Penhale.
made her home in Exeter but later
gave up housekeeping and resided,
with her children. She is survived by,
four' sons and three daughters„ John
of California., , George on the homey
stead; Samuel of Parkhill; and f[Prry,
of C•ollingwood; Grace of !Brandon,
Man., Mrs. Kilmer, of St. Thomas;
and iMrs D. Crittenden of
Ed tltr ,t
Mr. John Southcott of Grand ,Bend
is a 'brother. r t
Services were conducted at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. El,
Kilmer, of St. Thomas, Friday even
ing at eight o'clook, by IRrev. S. L.
Toll, of Central Methodist church.
Miss .Haider and Mists Jefferson
sang a duett. They were accompanied
on the piano 'by 'Miss Cora Smith.
Among the relatives who attended t:*
'service from a distance were. Sam-
uel Penhale of Parkhill, Alfred ;Rayl;
ley, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Bayley, burs.. L
W. gingswood,, London; Mrs. 'Chas.
Bowen. Aly:mer. Among the beautiful
floral offerings was a large spray
from the family with the word "Moth
er" a spray from the employees of the
City Cereal Mills a spray from
the true blue 'elub of 'elle Central.
Methodist thumb, spray from te
Central Methodist !church Sunday
school, n spray from. "Billy" a small
faithful friend, and many sprays from
friends, ,
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned for the 1917 output of 'but-
termilk Alltenders to be in 'hy the
20th of December. Per further inform
ation apply to 'the Centralia iCream.
cry, Thomas Willis, Proprietor.
A quiet_ wedding took !place,; at the
Main St. Methodist ,pareona,gge on'W..cd
nesday of .last week when 111 six, Sos !
ane ,Keddy, of 'tlsborne was united
marriage to rames -O'Brien.�O
tine ceremony
being performed by'Rev
S., W. IMuxworthy.
P011 SALE -Two coal stoves, Ap-
ply to Mrs.. }Iyndman,
DISCOUNT SALE -15 per cent off
for all Shoes and 'Rubbers. Terms
Clash, -•II. ►Bierling, Exeter North.
Save your old maga4ines, 'papers,.
scrap !papers crags and lrub'beis, and,
the Soldiers' Aid (Society will ool'leek
them in three months.
'Anyone ;wishing to learn how to
knit the new Kitchener toe is re-;
quested to be tat the library on ;Sat-
urday next from three to 0 o'clock
' The W. M( S. of the James St,
church held a special prayer ee.rviee
on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 to
5 p.m. in the interests of missions.
Several pddresses 'were given. On
Thursday 'afternoon the W. M S..; of
Dain St, will 'hold a simibiar service.
A live (stook short course judging
contest was held in the rink onThurs
day land' Friday last under the' au'<s :'
pities of the South Huron id3oard of
Agriculture. •There was a good tarn -
out and some valauable information
was -given, i i i (.
God bless the one -(six -one
And when their duty's done,
,Bring them safe 'back
'Help them to win. the fight
`G•ainst wrong and for the eight
Keep waving in the light,
Our Union Jack
'God bless the friends they Ieave,
Comfort them when they grieve,
And on Thee call,
To the sad heart be near,
Oh, dry the falling tear ; i
Thou, only Thou 'canst cheer
God bless them all!
There have been two additional ad-.
varices in the ,price of leather made
recently. The first raise was twenty
cents, and a week later a further
boost of fifteen cents was made on
the price per pound. The selling price
a year ago was 33 cents, while at the
present time it is around the dollar
!nark. The reason given is that the
immense war orders for leather use
up most of the supply.
It is contrary to postal law to place
Christmas seals or stickers on the
face or address side of a letter or
item of mail. It has been found in
the past thab many persons who have
purchased !charitable stamps or any
stamps of a decorative nature, place
them on the face of letters parcels
etc.. sent by (mail and as this iscon-
trary to postal (regulations such items
ba,nnot be delivered or sent forward
with the stickers affixed thereto
and are consequently delayed. There,
is however, no objection to these seals
or stickers being placed on the, back
of letter or other articles of mail.
Coves for Sale
A few hie Springers and fresh
calved coils for sale at reasonable
price. Cash or credit terms. Write
or telephone
BYRON g, HICKS, Centralia.
F0(R ,SALE -A good !second -handl tai
!or- mage overcoat worn oufl y a Fiiw
times, ,brown chinchilla cloth, Co'st
when new $45. Apply at the Times
400 Tons of Fie, Land and Cattle
111 Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per
ton; 50o. per bag. -Exeter Salt Works
Co., Ltd., :T. Sutton, :Manager. .
Clapt. (Dr.) G. IVP.. Racey of Park-
hill who has been on the Medical
Staff of the 81 -Field Ambulance Corps
in Prance for the past year, arrived
at Mitchell this week and on Toes-,
day was accompanied by Mfrs. lRacey
and little son to Parkhill, Mrs. Tracey
has been. staying !with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stuart, during
her husband's absence at war. The
doctor enlisted for one year and dur-
ing that time his life has been full•
of events and his experiences are in-
describable. Be was happy again to
reach home and will settle down to
his practice at Parkhill.-'M.tahell
The 620 gallons of .whisky which.
Jacob Weber of Seaforth •bought last
August, expecting, as he said, to have
sufficient to last 'him a lifetime, will
not go back to Seaforth unless Police
Magistrate's decision is reversed by
the higher court. Magistrate Andrews
of (Clinton, gave bis decision that aft-
er very carefully considering the evi-
dence he considered a conviction
should be registered and the liquor'
confiscated,. Be gave a written jud-
gement reviewing the case and show-
ing on what points he based, his dec-
ision. stating that, while the Ontario
Temperance Act does not say what
thave in his
quantity a man may c
q Y
possession, he did not think it permit-
ted an. unlimited or unreasonable
amount as this shipment !seemed to
be. Weber stated he would appeal. •
At the seventeenth annual meet-
ing of the Huron Old Boys' Associ-
ation at the Cafe Royal Toronto, on
November the 24th the following of-
ficers were elected for the ensuing
year. Flonary presidents, Sir John Wil'
lison, Lieut -Col. W. R. McNaught, C.
M. G. John Robertson, president, Be
R. Crocker, vice-president, M. B. Cob-
bledick, secretary, E. Floody ,re -e1=
acted) treasurer, (Ralph Sheppard,;
financial eeeretary Thomas 'Rance;;
honorary iehapiain .Itev. E. F. Powell
auditors, A. T. M'IeeDonald tied John
Fried; executive committee Messrs.
E. J. 03. Duncan, Dr. Stanbury, Major
Beck. John S. McKinnon. (Robert
T elmes 11. J. Morris, S. L. Scott. re
W. 7Ti:dson, W. T. Pridhatn, K. Mc
Leod, J. P.Timrnons, ,T, L. Scoti•, G.
A. Newton.IRobert 'Miller and Thomas
The secretary reported that' the
sum of $150 had been raised' among
the members and forwarded to the
161st Huron Battalion now overd,'as.
The association suffered two deaths
at the front tin the persons of'1,iet•.
'W. H. MacLaren and Lieut. Wiilisen
The treasurer reported a large bale
anee on hand. At the conclusion.. Of.
the election of the officers a ban=,
aaef. was held'. at which ..Ttev' ITyron'
T. Stauffer and A. Grigg, 'ex -MI, P. P.
were the principal speakers],
PERRY F. JIOUPE, Licenses Ano-
tioneer. Sales conducted 'in any he
Gatlin Terms moderate Orders left
at Times office will Sae promptly! at-
tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton,, Ad-
dress Kirkton P.Q. . + r 1• ' I.! I
The marriage took (Place on Thuts=
November the 10th of Olive May dao,
ghter. of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Piper,
to Mr. Edward. G. Hollebrecht of
Seaforth, The ceremony was .perform
ed by Rev. G. McKinley ati the par-,
sonage in Seaforth. The bridesmaid
was Mies Annie Stewart and the
groomsman Mr. William Hollebrcaht
brother of the groom. The young
couple will reside in Seaforth.
UP -0'O -DATE BARN ; •
Mr. Frank Coughlin of the Ind con
oessi,pn McGillvray bas just finished
one of the •most up -Ito -date barns in
the !community. It is L shaped, 100ft
by 65ft. The cement rvork was done
by Hudson; the frame work by Hill &
Ooultis and tdr. •J. Hunter installed
the water works. ,The roof is corru-
gated ,steel,
Announcement was made at the
Parliament !Building last week that
an order in (Council had 'been passed
providing that persons in uniform
who have enlisted for overseas ser-
vice;•may be admitted to lilacestof a-
musement without payment of war
tax. This has come effective already
A rectionary storm period is cen-
tral on November the 29th and; 301.h'
and December the firs(: and 2nd: On
and next to these dates itntirstorm
conditions will break down -that is
the barometer will fall, weather will
,grow warmer, winds will shift and
blow from the south, cloudiness will
gatbene and more precipitation in the
form of rain and snow will past east-
ward taeross the country. We may
reasonably calculate that 'the !Niers
influence whatever it may have been
Will practically end aboutthis time
and that the general character of
storms and weather will take on a
different guise. If the weather has
proven, stormy and 'cold up to this
time, look for a modification of the
same; if they ,!]rave been mild 'and
moderate, expect a .wild and wicked
change to severe wintry storms and
!WEEPING OF mato. s t
The !council of the corporation or
the !county of Huron will meet in the;
couneil chamber, in the. Town of God-
'erich, on Tuesday the 5th day. let
December 4r.ext, at 3 o'clock.' '
W. Lane, clerk..
November the 20th, 19161 c.
'I, r:
The fine residence of Dr. !Quackery -1
bush on James St. !Exeter for 4ale',i
Apply to S. M. Sanders, Exeter.
SALT FOR SALE. --An excel"int
quality of Sarnia made salt far Ie
at the old Tempetiance !House at the
G. T R. station. Sold in any %tan,
ity. Your patronage is solicite r'aind
satisfaction is guaranteed. ED.
MAGUIRE. Exeter. ,
Farm er s
Don't be troubaed with lice on
your !cattle all winter clip them
when you put them in the stabe
le, it is the only safe, sure cure
for this trouble.
We have in stock the celebr'lit
ed Stewart clippers and all re-
pair parts for same, we also
grind clipper plates and gun
ante° them to clip as good as
Girls! Try 1t! Hair geti soft, fluffy, anti
beautlful--Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderife. ! •
11 you care for heavy hair that ere --
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
just one application doubles the;
;beauty,of your hair, besides it fame-...•
diately dissolves every particle et
dandruff. You can not have cues!- Xt
;heavy, 'healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robe
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome i1}i
produces a feverishness and itching d"
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falls out.
fast. • Surely get a 25 -cent bottle ofiki.
Knowlton's Danderine from anz .drug;
store and just try it.
Is your home fitted up with
hot water, toilet and bath The cold
weather coming on draws your at-
tention to this great convenience. A
few dollars spent in installing this
system well give you more pleasure
and comfort than' in any other way.
Every new house, whether in town
or country should be equipped with
a hot water system
Plumbing of all kinds our specialty
Chas. West
44 Queens Ave. London,
Phone 3255
A PI`I •
1 [ 'r; (KI-1110,J?EAK-TIC) i 1 •
The Master of Disease
The cause of delsease removed from the spine -no cause no affect. Yon
Cannot get around facts, no matter how skeptical you are, and if you are
not well we can convince you that ,Chiropractic is the logical science fol
the relief of desease, based on a thorough knowledge of adjusting the weirwe
tebrae of the spine (or backbone thus 'relieving interference with Measure.
rents, Which is the cause of desease 1
The body, like any other machine will work normally when all itsparts:.
are in place so the energy will applly In the human body the energy is
called life currents. It is transmitted through the nerves from the braine
Dells to the tissue cells of the body and no 4ong as the nerve channels
are free the life currents will pass to the place of function; and noramal.
activity will result -which means HEALTH
Consult DO on any decease. One vi:st will ,.!Convince you khat Chiropractic(
is right. t
Any of the organs orlands of the body maybecome desaased from,
pressure on nerves. Have this pressure removed. Why; tr, at ef.:cctal
If You have any of the following ailments, stop treating ef; •.cts, haves
the cause removed -no cauee, no effect 'We have helped your friends, we!
can do the same for you, t .t your
`yaund:ce PI • urisy
Kidney Descasc s Rh.: stn . I •m in any
Liver Troubles 1 .tr• of the Indy, .
Lumbago 8.• :a, t 6
Nervous Debility .Biagi t
Abscesses Diabetes
Asthma Female .Weakness
Appendicitis Fevers
Bronchitis Gall Stones
Bladder .Troubles Goitre
Constipation Heart I)e,ease
Catarrh , gay Fever, ,
Dyspepsia ( Insanity t
Deafness ; Indigestion
Neuralgia . S a:um a ng '.
Piles, 1 .6r.. Vita' Dance. l
Paralysis Tie -d eele.tr• aux
Pharaygitis . 1 Win ry I)eseases '
These are :cnly a few of the diseases, as our spaee : I mitr. d
If you are a sufferer from. any chron!o trouble, see Or. S. M. Joaex
and Fridays, "
K edne.edla's I" At blr uacke bush s
itonday. , "Vlf Y r y, , ;4► n f
Cdopsultation and etanainatian. free:,