HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-30, Page 7RAIBED •PILEGIVI AND BLOOD..• • Never neglect what at first seems to he but a slight cold. You dill* perhaps you are strong enough to fight it off, but colds are not so easily fought off i11 this northern climate, and if they are not atteakti to at once will sooner or later develop into some serious lung trouble such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and per- hangthat dreadful disease, consumption. 1VAIrs Kasye McDonald, Sydney Mines, N,S., vain*: "Last winter I contracted a advere eked, and it settled on my lungs, I a:oft cough and raise phlegm and blood. I had the cough for a month, and had medicine from the doctor, but it did not seem to do me any good. I really thought I had consumption. ' My frielids advised me to use Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which I did, and it gave rne great. relief. I am very glad I used ' Dr. Wood's,' and would recommend it to every one." You can procure Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup from any druggist or dealer, but be sure and get "Dr. Wood's," when you ask for it as there are a number of imitations on the market, which some dealers may try to paha off on you as the genuine. See that it is put up in a yellow wrap- per; three pine trees is the trade mark; price 25c, and 50c. latelitifactured only by THE T. Ma.. NiP" istrerrCo., LXILVMD, Toronto, Ont. asigIS YOUR HOME SAFE? s -res Selected Recipes. seasoning. The tomatoes are strained Maple Sugar Icing for Cake. ---Put and then cooked th a double boils' with the butter. As soon as hot, the maple sugar into a pan with a very cheese and seasoning are added. When little water and melt on the glove, Let the cheese is thoroughly melted, the it come to a boil, remove and, when slightly bet en eggs are poured in. cool, add the 'beaten whites of two As soon as the mixtare thickens it is eggs. Beat until very light. Cover t poured on toast points and served hot, the cake and sprinkle with almonds or English walnuts. 1 Egg Gleam on Toast.-Ponr eggs, four tablespoonfuls of cream, four Cocoa Icing. -One half cup confec-i tablespoonfuls of stock, salt, pepper. toners' sugar, one quarter cup cocoa The eggs aro thoroughly beaten, then one teaspoon melted butber and boil:. stock and cream are added and all in- ing water. Mix sugar and cocoa, gredients mixed together well. Pour pour in butter and as much water as the mixture into a double boiler, or is desired. Stir until creamy. This any saucepan over hot water, and stir icing is smooth and will keep moist until it reaches tvjelly-like consistency. for quite a long time, it is as good as Then season and pour on toast. a .boiled icing and takes only half the time to Malta. i A Sweet. Omelet. -Six , eggs, six Rice Griddle Cakes. -When ther• e is stale macaroons, one tablespoonful of thick whipped cream, one tablespoon - any rice left over, as much as a cup- ful of powdered sugar, three table- ful, sbir into it one cup of sweet spoonful of apple jelly, one table - milk, half a teaspoonful of salt, one spoonful of butter, one bablespoonful tablespoonful melted butter or two of cream and e yolks and whites of of warm water. The eggs are beat- en, then warm water and sugar added. two eggs, beaten separately until stiff. The macaroons are crumbled and mix - Mix thoroughly then add enough flour . ed with jelly and whipped cream. Pour to hold the mixture together in a the eggs into a hot buttered pan, stir thin batter and bake on a griddle. as for ordinary omelet and just befose These cakes are perfectly delicious. folding 'pour the sweet macaroon mix - Apple Cake. -Line shallow greased ture in the center. The omelet is pan with good biscuit dough, rolled thin. Cover with tart, juicy apples,, then folded over and served hot, dust- ed with powdered sugar. If desired, peeled, cored and cut into sixths,' whipped cream may be orved with it. SPrinkle with a few cleaned currants and generous amount of granulated sugar, mixed with a little cinnamon. Add dots of butter here and there and bake in quick oven until apples are soft Many of Canada's Fires Are In and crust is brown. Serve fresh. Dwelling Houses. Chicken Ramekins. -Take one and The fire record for 1915 shows that a half cups left -over chicken, one cup drained peas, one-quarter cup chopped of 1,625 fires reported, 676 were In mushrooms. Melt one-quarter cup the homes of our people. The great butter, one-quarter cup flour, one-half majority of these dwelling house fires cup chicken broth, one-half cup milk, occur at night, when the lives of the . occupants are endangered. . one-half cup liquor from mushrooms. Season with salt and paprika. Add From the 676 homes the greater chicken, peas, mushrooms; sprinkle portion of the families were turned with bread crumbs and brown. out at night, in wintry weather. In these fires 141 lives were lost. Onion Souffle. -One cupful of on- ions, boiled and pressed through a colander; one cupful of creamy white sauce, three eggs, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, dash of salt. Add The chief causes of these home fires are: Carelessness in allowing defec- tive chimneys to exist; carelessness in the overheating of stoves and fur- , naces; carelessness in the use of the white sauce to the onions, then the matches; carelessness in many other yolks of the eggs slightly beaten, and •ways. • 1 the seasoning. Finally, fold in the Before winter weather sets in, the I stiffly beaten whites, pour into a but- s householders should see that the heat- but- tered baking dish or individual roan ing equipment is fire -safe, that there kin dishes and bake for ten or fifteen minutes in a hot oven. dle no cracks in the chimney to allow -"IP • --sparks to enter the attic; that furnace Buttered Beets. -When cooking beets to butter cook enough for two • pipes are thoroughly clean and at a days, or. two or three meals. When • dog. safe distance from woodwork; that ' they are done put enough for one stoves, ranges and stovepipes are in safe condition and all surrounding meal into a small pan and peel and lice on a granite pie pan, holding : egoodwork protected, and that lamps s with a cloth to keep from burning the "Nrid lanterns are in good condition. hands. I have seen people pour cold Carelessness with matches caused water over them. That ruins them, 69 fires last year; overheated stoves making them cold when they should be. wand furnaces, 51; defective and over- hot. Put on plenty of butter, and heated chimneys, pipes, etc., 62; elec- unless they are to be eaten immed- trical defeces, 55: These causes are iately, place the pan in the civen to all easily avoided and should be melt the butter and keep them hot. guarded against in future. Next day put the remaining ones in .Homes should be made reasonably the water -for about five minutes to firesafe by taking the simplest neces- heat through; peel and slice, butter or sary precautions. Safety First is as pickle, and again you have nice, fresh essential in the home as at work. hot buttered beets. Homemade Sausage. - Take lean Donkey's Are Haiti's Food Trains. pork and free it of all bone and gristle. Nearly all the produce for the feed- Put through a chopper and season to ing of the population of Port au Prince, Haiti, a city of some 60,000 people, is brought in on the backs of - • donkeys. The public squares are , converted into open-air market places, esiesesincl, here the buying. and selling goes . onfrom early morning until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, when the carnyans begin their toilsome' journey homeward. Situated in a re- gion famous for its fine fish, among ples. Melt two tablespoonfuls but them the delectable and plentiful ter and add one and one half cups Things Worth Remembering Always brush a carpet with the pile not against it. Batters of all kinds require one scant quart of milk bo one quart of Text Rev. 1. 17, 18. - flour. A thorough whitewashing should Verse 1. Revelation of Jesus - be given every cellar at least once a year. Sandwiches should always be made as short a time as possible before be- ing used. In using a high stepladder on a polish floor, put sand paper under the ladder's feet. Eggs 'are more easily digested when the whites and yolkes are thoroughly mixed before cooking. Left over chicken it delicious chop- ped fine, creamed and enriched with apocalyptic writing is naturally much consuming horror of compromising be - two. hard boiled eggs, chopped not in thought when a New Testament lief in God as one -though such Ian - too fine. writer gives us a Book of the same , guage about the Man of Nazareth kind. Shortly -As always in pre-! startling or controversial. It was -A. spoonful means that the flour, etc., should lie as much above the PheeY, of which apocalyptic, •and the! snrrily taken for granted! Alpha - edge of the spoon as the bowl lies be- very distant mountainpeak blends its . The first letter of the Greek "alpha - low it. outline with that of the near foothills.! bet," and originally borrowed from On ironing day when the top of the This human perspective must be es. -1 Semitic (compare Hebrew. Aleph). stove must not be spattered much of Recially recalled in reading the 'Lit- Omega -More accurately 0, the ad- thetle Apocalypse" of Mark 13. Much' jective mega (big), having been symbol of the glory and majesty of cooking of the midday meal may of the phophecy of this book was be- d added in the Middle Ages. There are death when it is suffered for the sake be done in the oven. ing fulfilled in the writer's day; much Hebrew parallels for thus using the of others. And so the soldiers pass Whet kitchen towels wear thin lay, more is being continuously fulfilled in, first and last letters of the alphabet. along, more reconciled to the loss of two of the same size one upon the . think of the book as mostly concerned Z of life, as we should say, he must be their two yoUng leaders, for they cer- tainly did suffer death bravely and other, machine the edges together, and every age. It is sheer absurdity lo Let us not forget that if God is A and stitch diagonally across. One ounce of Epsom salts added to with take it out of our daily practical use 17. Laid his right hand -The touch most willingly for the sake of others -for the sake of those at home in the a far -distant end. This is to all the letters between. • 1 a gallon of water makes an excellent and washing dresses. country they loved. and deliver it over to visionary ex- of which had given life in the days of rinsing mixture for colored blouses tremists, who have always misused it. his flesh (Luke 8. 54; 7. 14); through Left Careers for War. Angel -No one angel: the messenger it the nail of death had passed for him. One of these gallant young officers Colored handkerchiefs should be is lost in the message. John -Who Fear not -A word characteristic of was twenty-two, the other but twenty - soaked in cold salt water for a short does not call himself an apostle. There the Lord's earthly ministry. But we one. They lefft Ireland with hearts time before they are washed. This can be little doubt that the third must also compare Dan. 10. 19 and overflowing with the joy of life and will prevent the colors from running century bishop was right, who first context, and for the words of comfort, with that glorious spirit of youth or fading: showed that he is. not the John of Isa. 44. 6, which again remind us that which fills the world with a seemingly Vegetable and fruit stains on the the fourth Gospel. The Greek of Jesus claims, of right, titles that be - fingers can be removed by dipping the this book is rich in vocabulary, but long to Jehovah alone. fingers in very strong tea for a few very incorrect in grammar; that of the 18. The Living one -Jehovah is minutes and then washing them in Gospel is the opposite in each respect. 2. The word of God -Who is the preeminently "the living God," in con- sion, and they. went to the trenches original Source; Jesus Christ "testi- trast to the dead gods of idolatry. The of France, and they met death abso- fies," (the same word) of all things contrast is here more amazing far. lutely without fear. Alive -"Living," not a new word. One Case in Thousands. that he saw and heard from him. Unto the ages of the ages (margin) - 3. Readeth-Publicly, as in 1 Tim. Ages whose movements are ages, the 4. 13. Hear . . and keep -a re- most emphatic of the expressions of miniscence of the Lord's own words in eternity. The keys -Compare Rev. 3. Matt. 7. 24ff.; so also. in James 1. 23, 7; 9. 1; 20. 1. In Wisdom 16. 13 we 25. Prophecy, not "prediction," which read, "For thou hast authority over is a real element in the book, but the life and death, and thou leadest down smallest. The prophet is one who to the gatei. of Hades, and leadest up "speaks for" God: so the Greek usage again." It is the supreme comfort of of the word proves, and the Hebrew Christianity that no other hand opens word it is used to translate. those gates of the grave to close be- loved ones. 4. The seven representatives hind our rTherefore-Even Job's dim churches -The symbolic number helps vision of his 'Vindicator made him long us to see that "he that hath an ear" that his words should be "graven in everywhere is meant to hear, thought ds-Jsdefsedeed SAFETY .FOR PASSENGERS It is a line travesty on life to say that passengers are safely removed before being destroyed by Prussian submarines. The above gives an idea of the safety that mostvalsengers are accorded in mid -ocean, -New York Telegram. THESIAM SCIIOOLI,olveeardeutsh: uesvetInstorhillni Cor. 2. 14, quered by the victor Love. „ INTERNATIONAL LESSON '7. The great saying of Dan 7. is, America. Since the war this figure DECEMBER 3. chosen name, "Son of man," claimed little company of the men belonging is worse still for the German mann- by him at his trial (Mark 14. 62), to the regiment of the dead officers. facturers is the fact that other coun- and repeated by angels after his as- They•stand around the opened.earth tries have taken up this industry, and their faces set in an ex- the Germans will find it very hard to cension (Acts 1 9, 11). That piercect like statues,. neeeeneereeeeree • SIDE BY SIDE SAD SCENE WITNESSED IN A. FRENCH CEMETERY. Soil of Frane BCiaa.deler.ser. theh Bodies of • It is in a cemetery in France, one Had Weak and Dizzy Spells. WAS CURED BY MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. urs, J. 5, Nicholls, Listowel, Ont., writes: "I was weak anti run clown, my heart would palpitate, and would take weak and dizzy spells. A friend ad- vised me to take your Heart end Nerve Pills, so I started at once, and found that I felt much strouger, rind my heart wes ever so much better in a short time, canuot praise your meclidne too highly of those cemeteries which, have sprung for it has done me a world of good. up during the war, and where the My husband has also been bothered with graves are quite new. All around the heart trouble ever since elfildhood, and little crosses bear the names of men Bade quick relief by using your valuable belonging to many British regiments, Pills." under which are inscribed the words: been Heakrttar.d Nerve;i!tills have and here and there are French names, twenty - under yc'enars, theannid aree utlerslearly knownwen es "Mort pour La Fra.nce," Two graves the very best remedy for all troubles yawn open, waiting to receive the arising ire= the heart or nerves. dead, arid close by a group of officers Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills are stand, while the men who have made ' 60e. per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all the graves are in the background,: vdrieacleerbsy, Thor Emfrrai.leividu,diBruemet Cono.xeriaeiprrt4Dof, leaning on their spades. A little way Toronto, Ont. off an old man and some women are busy saving a field of corn, and the whirring noise of a reaping machine sounds drowsily on the air. From a greater distance comes the dull roar of guns, and overhead an aeroplane circles like some giant bird. The group of officers by the graveside includes two chaplains, one of the Church of England, and one a Catho- lic priest. They have come to bury two young officers, both Irish, but of a different faith. Presently a lit- tle procession arrives -a motor wag- on, looking strangely incongurous in own the cemetery, and behind it raarches a HITS GERMAN TOYMAKERS. Nearly Two-thirds of Business Lost Because of War. Perhaps no single industry to Ger- many has suffered so much frozn the war as that of toy making. In the last peace year Germany's toy trade aggregated 140,000,000 marks (351'- 000,000), of which more than p.5,000,- 000 was export, and the larger part to • ! which originated the Lord's has dropped nearly two thirds. What Lesson X. Jesus Christ The First and The Last. -Rev. 1. Golden pression of pain. Some of their eyes him- See Zech. 12. 10. The succeed- P are filled with tears, for they knew ing verses give the next clause. Even well and loved their leaders -young, so -Or, Yea. Compare 2 Cor. 1. 20, indeed, they were -merely boys. and Rev. 22. 20. - 8. The mast impressive fact about As in Life. What Jesus reveals, as is shown by this majestic utterance is seen in its the next clause. The Gospels tell only repetitions. In Rev. 21. 6 it is heard the grave -there ,are no coffins here. what he "began to do and teach." The again from the Throne, But in Rev.land, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, The remains are swathed in the or -Acts tells what he went on doing; the 22. 13 (as 16 shows) it is, "I, Jesus, have bought more toys, but their in- dinary brownarmy blankets, and so ' Epistles are works of his "living let- that speaks." Even so in the first creased trade has failed to make un are lowered into the grave side by ters, known and read of all men"; and book of our New Testament we read the loss of the transatlantic business. in Revelation he, and no other, tears at the beginning of Immanuel, "God is side, shoulder to shoulder, just as in Austria-Hungary, too, has taken more life the boys had lain in their rude away the veil and shows himself at with us," jeld alk the end, "Lo! I am toys and the home trade has been shelter in the trenches for ninny a much better. But in spite of all this work in history: Which. musts come with And in the books between to pass -The first Of- Thininderable there is continually the same free in- day and many a might. The chaplains , the total shrinkage in the annual turn - echoes of Daniel (2, 28, 29); the out- i terchange of attributes, with never a read their respective bririal services. er is estimated at between 60 and standing Old Testament example of sign that the writers-.Tews, bred in a "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.hisPY The soil of France is shoveled into 7u Ife'r cent' Reverently the bodies are lifted to recover their lost markets. In 1913 the toy.exports to the Unit- ed States amounted to nearly $10,000,- 000, but since then, owing to the Brit- ish blockade, the volume of trade has sunk to perhaps less than one-fourth of this sum. The neutral States,Hol- the graves, and soon the little group BRITISH OPEN NEtTRal„LEYES7----- of mourners melts away. As the men of the dead officers' regiment march off they gaze up re- verently as they pass by the great crucifix in the centre of the ceme- tery. It is to them not alone a sym- bol of the hope of salvation, but a Even German Officers Say Recent At- tacks Were Perfect. Valuable propaganda work is being done by Louis Raemaekers, who in the Paris Journal, describes with pen and picture his visit to the "contemptible little Army" in the North of France. He witnessed the troops returning to rest from the battles of Bazentin- le-Petit, Pozieres, and Delville Wood, covered with sweat, mud, and blood; - but with heads erect. "What grand fellows!" he cries, in an outburst of admiration. "You had only to look at them to know that the rest was not of their seeking." Speaking of the British officers, Raemaekers says: "At home, in Holland', where we have a body of officers of whom we can justly be proud, how often have never -fading beauty and happiness. I not heard it strongly declared in One boy left his university, and the military circles.that it is impossible other the threshold of a great profes- for the new great British Armies to have officers sufficiently knowing their trade. I ask them, now, , what they think of the verdict of the German of- ficers taken prisoners by the British, who, describing the preparation and And thus are thousands of all execution of the recent attacks, de - ranks dying every month! In the dared 'It was all simply perfect.' Let cemetery, where the writer stood bes the graves of these two boys, he counted in one tiny corner alone eleven white crosses newly erected. Each of these crosses bore the name of a young Irish officer, and in but one instance illone was the recorded age more than twenty-five years. These young men came from the North of .Ireland and from the South with the famous Irish regiinents, the Connaught Ractgers, the Dublin Fusil- iers, the Inniskillings, or the Royal Irish. They professed different creeds. They held different views on, politics and public affairs, but they clear, warm water. taste with salt, pepper, sage, rose - When ieik is spilt on the carpet rub mary, mace, cloves and other spices ' a cut lemon aver the stain immediate - if desired. This can be made in small ly, and it will entirely disappear and quantities, but if desired to keep it for not injure the carpet, not matter how' some time the mixture can be placed light the color. in stone jars and well covered with A perfect house, cleanliness, good melted fat to exclude the air, then meals are all important to the house - kept in a cool, dark spot. hold economics, but most important Arown Betty. -Wash, quarter, core, of all is to be a companion to hus- pare and slice three medium sized ap- band and children. To buy in bulk is always an econ- omy, provided you use or supervise the use of the material yourself; that you have a suitable place to keep it; that it will not spoil before you are able to use it. The best substance for blacking col- ored shoes is cobbler's finishing ink. A pennyworth will be sufficient to the -message to each exactly fits its the rock forever" (Job. 19. 24). blacken a couple of pairs. Two coats special need. Asia -The Roman pro- 20, Mystery -As always in New should be given, the first being allow- vince, as always, the southwest corner Testament, a secret revealed to the in - ed to dry before the second is put on. of Asia Minor. Him who is -The use itiated, And the initiation, unlike Many home sewers when stitching of the Greek nominative is symbolic of that which was central in Greek re - the hem of a sheet or towel on the the divine changelessness. The title ligion, was meant for all. Seven stars machine tie the threads at the ends, is from Exod. 3. 14. The seven spirits -It is possible that the imagery, as -Not mere archangels, who could not in a few other places in this book, cemetery, with the great cross, they Many Warners Suffer thus be named between the Father and owes something to the religion of the the • S011. The One Spirit is Seven, Magi (Matt. 2, 1.). A belief that in- lie side by side in their Test long "red snapper," the Haitians eat quan- tities of salt cod imported from Mass sachussette waters. And the quality of this imported staple is such as would not . find favor in American markets. -44 Financial. He -How did you come out finan- ditty with your entertainment for the Old Ladies' Home ? She -The old ladies owe us $50. soft bread crumbs. Mix one half tea- spoonful cinnamon, one half lemon rind grated and one quarter cup sugar together. Butter an earthen pudding dish, scatter in one third of the crumbs, one half of the apples and half of the sugar. Squeeze in half of the lemon nice. Add another lay- er of crumbs, apples and sugar with -the remainder of the lemon juice and spread the remaining crumbs as a crust over the top. If bhe apples or crumbs are dry add boiling water. tar Cover and bake on floor of the oven A better way is bo turn the material for thirty or forty-five minutes un-; and stitch back an inch; in this way til the apples are soft. Remove the a neat finish is made and there is no cover, brown on the shelf of the oven and Biliousness and serve with milk or cream or ad danger f ripping' cold, soft custard. • CURED BY FAMOUS IN HISTORY. Sick' Headache MILBURN'S With Eggs. Egg Sausages. -Sliced sausages, four After 500 Years' Sleep Balkan Towns LAXA -LIVER PILLS. eggs, three tablespoonfuls of milk, one Again Developing. tablespoon (level) of butter, salt and pepper to taste. The sliced sausages Constanza, the important Rumanian Mrs, Willard Tower, Hillsboro, N.B. are warmed in a saucepan and the ex- seaport and fortress cfn the Black sunlight when we cannot see the sun; writes: "I heve•suffered something awful tro fat poured off. Then pour over Sea, which has figured eo prominent- even so "God's only begotten . • , with sick headache. At times 1 would the butter, eggs and milk that have ly hi the news of late, is ofie of those , declared" Him whom "no man become bilious, and would have severe pains in iny stomach after eating, and been beaten together. Stir until cook- new -old towns that are so character- hath seen" (John 1 18, margin). First - have a bad taste in my mouth every ed like dinary omelet. istic of the Balkans. The Balkans are, an or born-Psa.89 27; Heb,1 6 Sodeath . , , Tomato Omelen-Two cupfuls of of course, replete with towns once is really birth: at the "regeneration" Morning. I told some of my friends famous in ancient history that are, to- we shall enter the new life which he Omit it and I was advised to use Mil- tomato sauce, two tablespoonfuls of bitra's Laxa-Liver Pills, This 1 did and chopped onion, one tablespoonful of i clay, either little more than villages or has entered first "to prepare a place When the liver becomes sluggish and butter, six egg's, salt and pepper. I have taken on a wonderful new devol- for" us, Tho ruler--Psa, 89, 27 still, and they cured me." Warn.tomato sauce and onion and sea- opment and are expanding, once more et Compare Rev, 19, 16. Loveth-Note nactive, the bowels beeome constipated,'t tl er ti t • in 1 'oil into great and prosperous cities. Tho tho beautiful restoration of the pro- long 500 years of "Ottoman Weep," which Fell upon Most of these places in the !thirteenth or fourteenth con- tury, has now, for some thno, been broken, and a general renaissance has, for the last forty 01' fifty years, everywhere characterized the liber ated llottntries, were knitted and welded into one by a eon -anon cause. They fought side by side for their country; they died side by sideeand in this little French these short-sighted, dogma -ridden neutrals, whether diplomatic or mili- tam wait a bit longer. Their eyes will be opened." 421, Could Sympathize. Aviator (home from the war on leave) -And then when you are up pretty high -three or four miles, say -and you look down, it's positively sickening. It is stupendous, awful. A great height is a fearful thing, I can tell you. Lady (feelingly) -Yes, I can sym- pathize with you, poor boy. I feel just that way myself when I'm on top of a stepladder. much as the One God is Three. So dividuals (Matt..18. 10; Acts 12. 15) sleep' 13) had heavenly representatives, who And so to -day do Irishmen rest by are we taught that diversity within the and communities (here, and Dan. 10 share their rising and falling, and are all the fields in the long -stretched Godhead is vital to true unity. on integral part of their personality, battle -lines of Europe. Would that all 5. The faithful witness -From is elaborated in that religion. The and rancor against any of their own those who still may harbor bitterness Psa. 89. 87. So in Wisdom 7. 26. Wis- dom is "an unspotted mirror of the countrymen in Ireland might stand for even ono moment and read the cross inscriptions in the cemeteries of France! These inscriptions would toll of the glorious and eternal union of brave Protestant and Catholic and. Northern and Southern Irish heart, Right They Were. "Now, boys, I want see if any of you can make a complete sentence out of two words both having the same sound to the ear." First Boy - "I 'can, Miss Smith." Teacher - "Very svell, Robert, Let us hear your sentence. Pirst Boy-f`Wright right," , Teacher ---"Very good." Second Boy -"Say, Igiss Smith, I can beat that, I cari make throe worth! of it-VS'right, write right." Third Boy (excitedly) - "Hear this -Wright, write rite, right." seven lamps have the function of shin - working of God and an image of his Hob. 1. 8.) ing on the figure of Christ, that the goodness," (Compare world may see him. ?le geld, "Yo The function of the moon is to give us are the light of the world," hist the light that shines in those lamps is his (John 9, 5,) Compare the syrnholism' a Holman Hunt's world-ft:mous paint- ing, which brings the sevenfold lamP, shining on Christ, into the picture of the message to the church in Laodicoa, he tongue becomes coated, the stomach ' , fool and sick and bilious headaches occur, in a aamePan. Add bhe eggs, slight- Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills clean the ly beaten and stir until creamy and foul coated tongue and stomach and servie hot, garnished with parsley. banish the disagreeable headache. Another quick breakfast dish, which is Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c, quite substantial, is the following; Per vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, Cheese and Eggs. -One cupful (If or mailed ,direct on receipt of price by s Tun T, MILOURN Co., Issesesno, Toronto. rated thee", one enPrul of l'Annateeso Ont. I one tablespoonful of butter, four eggs, sent. Loosed -The addition of one letter made this washed in inferior MSS, Tho phrase comas from Psa, '180, 8. It was altered in recollection of I 11,, °vie7,l*4. 6made us a kingdom -We aro to "reign with him," but it is a still People who think before they speak seldom say much. Snakes call be killed by an injection of their own poison, Charity is a cloak that may cover multitude of queer performances. Small favors are thankfully re- eeived and often unthankfully remelt - greater thought that, he is to reign, bored, From Pains in the Back. When the back begins to ache it is a sure sign that there is something radically wrong with the kidneys. What you want is a kidney medicine. Doan's Kidney Pills are not a cure-all, but a medicine for the kidneys only. Mrs. L. Melanson, Plympton, N.S , writes: "I am sending you this testi- monial, telling you what a wonderful cure Doart's Kidney Pills made for me. For years I had suffered so with my kid- neys I could hardly do my housework. I used several kinds of pills, but none of them seetned to be doing me•any good. At last I was advised to try a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. When I had taken the first box 1 found relief, 1 have used five boxes and to -day I feel like a new woman. I cannot recommend thein too highly." Doat's Kidney Pills bear the trade mark of a Maple teat and are put up in en oblong grey box. Sec that you get "Domes" when you ask for them. Price 50c, a box, 3 for $1,25, at all dealers, er mailed direct on receipt of price by Tris T. M/LUORN Co., Inmate, Toronto, Out, Whet ordering direct epecify "Dan's."