HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-30, Page 5learilksDAY, x0VIEVYAMM 80th, 1.8/.8 THE EXETER TIMES 471avz "SYRUP OF FIGS" - TO CONSTIPATED CHILD to .TP••••••••pm.••••••• liDtliclouii "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. 1.11011•••••••••N••••••••,•• Look at the tongue, mother! If 'coated, your little one's stomach, liver And bowels need cleansing at once. airtime peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever - stomach sour, breath bad; has Sere throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give st teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, ennustipated waste, undigested food Ind sour bile gently moves out of its tectebowels without griping, and you e gda well, playful child againaeAsk your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which eou. eainsafull directions for babies, chit - Wen of all ages and for grown-ups. Hensall ' Mrs. Ferguson. of Toronto, is visit- ing her parents Mr. , and Mrs. D. Grassick: Mrs. R. D. ifeell has returned_ from tieStates tvhere she has. been vent- ing relatives and friends. • Mrs. A. E. Hogarth and .sister Ethel Murdock who have been visit- ing relatives and friends in Norwich *aye returned home. Mrs. Van Horne and little daughter of Thorndale spent the past week *ere with Mrs. P. Ryckman and Tealtives in the toiletry. -nen • &ars. Feeguson and littfe daughtea.s, ore here from Minnesota, visiting Sirs. A. Johnston and family Mrs. golmston father, and sister. *kr. Robert Eacrett accompanied by lis cousin Mrs. Geddes. were in Sern'a recently attending Lhe fimeral of their relative, the Ja.te Mrs. C. Mac- aetti , • Mise Mary Murdock has returned •from St. Thomas where she has been Waiting on her sister, Mrs. McNeil. Perim has been IqUite seriously all but now somewhat improving. • Dr. It. G. Malloy intends moving about the ist of December into Davis' block in the :store formerly occupied :iby Mr. R. Dryselile, where he intends carrying on his ecettnuitiunt and gro- nary and provision business. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert McArthur %aye moved to the brick cottage on Main St. West: of the railwaye track, terhicth they purchased from Rev. W. J. Doherty, who moved to London last week. The Reverend Gentleman tias resided here for nearly twenty wears and Ingather with his estimt able wife will be much missed front Abe villa1ge.I Mars. R. Ronthron returned last ereele from Toronto, where she has etir been epending few days with her daughter and son -ire -law, Mr. S. Vair who returned fawn overseas, suffer- * ling from a wound received in the ever, p.nd while recuperating .he is giv- ing lessons in bomb throwing to tho e training in the eity and may soon re - 'extern to the old country to ',resume his duties at the front. Mrs. George Todd 'who passed away set her home on Sunday morning Nov. "leett2th after a most trying and painful Glues. which she bore with great- est patience ( and Christian forti-' tilde, Mrs. Todd following the death in recent years of her two sons, had 'beeu in failing health, so that when ialbout three months ago, she was tak- en very seriously ill, her strength was not sufficient to withstand the /inees and despite the beet medical skill and the deving and untheng at- tendance of her sister, Mrs. Mary McGregor, who had Jived with her ;for many years, she gradually grew weaker until she passed peacefully envoy. Deceased was the fourth child of the late Malcolm and Margaret Mc ;Gregor, of the ISecontl concession of 112(ay. and *lived, all her life between tbe Township and village of Hensel1 nenneend now leaves to mourn her lose, ',besides her husband, two sons, Ann - our on the homestead and Roy at bozne as well as her sisters, Mrs. X. J. RaInball, of Goderich and, Miss Mary 34IcGregor of this village. The deceased i ...tie most Melly reepected for eier man excellent tp.alitieS and Mee. Mr. Smith, who conducted the funeral services at the lhome paid a *Leh tribute to ;hoe. we'relt, The, inn- seral services were eery largely at- texideel and these from a distance in the :way of relatives were, Mr. and Mrs. Banaball, Goderich; Mrs. ITer- tart Nicholls London; Mr. and Mrs. Wray ftnd Ar. and. Mrs. Rowntree 3ATWHY not sa girl:neyour e training?d 'When I warts growing lad,and came upon many words in my reading that I did not understand, My mother, stead of giving loathe definition when I applied to her, uniformly sent me tet • the dictionary to learn itand in thio way / gradually learned many things besides the wasting of the individual word to question—among other things, taw to use a dictionary, and the great pleasure and advantage there might be in the nse of the dictionary. Afterwards, when I went to the village school, my chief diversion, after lea. sons were learned and before, they were recited, was in turning over the pages of the 'Unabridged' of those days. Now the most modern Una.... bridged—theNEW INTERNATIONAIr- gives me a pleasure of the tante sort. flo far as, my knowndge extends, it is at present the best of the one -volume dictionaries, and quite sufficient for all ordinary uses. Pven those who possess the splendid dictionaries in several volumes will yet find, it a great yonvenience to have this, which is so compact, so full, and so trustworthy se to leave, in most C•1$0.3* little to be alesired."--Allbert S. Cook,Ph.13.,LL.D., Professor of the English Langan= and Literature, Yale Univ. April 56,1011. teens fer Spheireetk trwen, Yllastrationa, Etc. ADIDIEITX13% ewe rerseseettetetenceresztint ,gt C. MERRIAM COlVilvANY0 ear Over 68 Tem Pateishere of IlieGenttind Webeter's 8PItIllt0111Li), tr. g• A. fe . • Of London; Mr. and Mrs. Horner and others. ',Efhe pail beakers were Messes. John lefeQueen; Gilbert peddes, Mee. Mann Wm. Menougall John Pasemo and George Case. Tee remains were hiterred in the Union cemetery, Very 0114 tsyrnpathy is felt for the ber- eaved JaniiJy.. Dashwood Mr. Wm. Fritz of Zurich was a- vis- itor in town Sunday, Miss Olive 'Held of Parichin tanned at her home here on Sunday, Mr. Charlie Gentnee left for Lone don Saturday where he hes' amend a position. Mrs. eh A,. Doan of Pt. Baron is vise iting her father, Mfr. Henry Collate at present. , k llYfr. and Mrs. Tore Isaac eind famely of Greenway visited relatives .helne +Saturday ivied, Bentley. Whalen Miss Edna Gunning is vitatine. this week with her friends near •Lacan. Miss Bessie Morley entertained te number of ,young friends to tea on Moaday evening. . Mr. end Mrs. :Gjeorge Millson, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Matson and family visited Sunday .with-jemes Hobbs at Devizes. , Samuel Mills of Woodham has sold his 130-lacre farm to Thompsoa Ihros. for $11,000. Mr. 'Mills intends moving to Toronto. 'Owing to the anniversary services at the Centralia church on this eire cult there lee( be no service hero on Sunday December the 2nd. 'Mr. end Mrs. Aaron Davis of Saints bury entertained a nuMber of their friends to a fowl supper on Thriday evening of last week. Several from here were over, eVIrs. ..Toseph Morley :received a let- ter from Prance thaelting her, evir, the shirts soeits, tied itandlterehiefs, sent .up the line of front trenches, to 'the lads as staefed in the let- ter *standing in mud and water., Owing to our correspondent falling from a ladder in ' Hector Millson's barn last week and breaking some of his ribs no news appeared in fast week's issue. Mr, Hector Wilsou lost a couple of 2 year-old heifers last week by being burried .ben.eath a straw stack. The stack tipped over daring the night burying the •aniruals. Mr. Millson phoned a few of the neighbors but when the animals were dug out they -were found to be dead. On Monday evening of last week the lath inst the neighbors and friends of Samuel Gunning gathered with him at his !latime to ,celebrato with him his 76th birthday. A splen dibl supper was prepared by Dens. Gunning assisted by Iteveral of the you.ng ladies of the *community all twins of the host. After supper D. A. Johnston. Sr., took the chair and handed. out a splendid erogramme of singing and readings and gramophoue seleations. Then an 'address, wasread and Mr. and Mrs. Gu.nnin,g were pre- sented with two large leather rocking chairs. Mr. Gunning replied in a very thaakfal one hoping all enoyed them selves and expressed his surprise at the kindness of his friends. Mother well The Motherw-en. Red Cross :Ciecle held their annual mee ing Wednesday Nov. ist and elected the following -- officers; President Mies, Ella Brown; trice-presidont, Mrs. T. Marshall; Sec.- treas. Miss Nettie Gill; 03uying. Com. Mrs. Thomas Driver and Mits. W. Brow -n. The supplies shipped to the Red 'Cross headquarters et London during the year were; 200 pet socks; 57 day ehirts; 50 helpices shirts; 70 pr. pyjamas; 29 sheets; 25 pillows, 28 pillow slips; 31 dozen. towels; 20 and one-half dozen handkerchiefs; 14 1-2 dozen bandages, 6 dozen mouth wipes, 5 dozen wash cloths; 5 1-2 doz. binders 5 ,doz pads; 5 pr. wristlete, 5 quilts. Zurich Mr. Wm. Baby's fine new residence wtil 130013 be ready to move into. Mr. Dan Denoray left for Detroit Monday where he will stay over the winter. hlr.Chris Realer and wife trom Pigeon, Mich., are visiting relatives bare. Mr. Peter Ieropf has moved into the ,house vacated by Mr. Louis Fos- ter. who has tnoved to Kitchener. ;We are pleased to note that Mr., A. Thiel who bas been eerioutsly itt at the home of his parental's, able to be around, 1 :* Pte. A. W. Archibald of Seaforth, 'a former principal of Zurich Puttee School, is listed as wounded in the casualty list of Saturday . While returning home on Tuesday evening, Mr. A. Dunkin of man Vivre tut minded with a heavy wagon driven by Mr. Len. Wurm whenjast, east of Zurich. The buggy tin St upset but luckily Mr. :Dunkin land Mr. Mo Cenral tbe other occupant esceped unhurt. The rig was eonsiderably 'dam AN AGEO WOMAN Tens HOW` Villa Made Her Strong In her eighty-second year Mrs: John Wickersham, of Russellville, Pa., says: "I was in a run-down, feeble condition and ha a lost flesh. A neighbor asked me to try Vinol, and enter taking two bottles my strength returned; I am gaining in flesh, it has built tip my health and I am feeling flea for a women'of ray Age, so 1 get around and do my housework.," The reason Valet etas` so successful in Mrs, Wiekersharn's ogee was be- cause it contains the very elements Awed to build her up. S, :001,8, Druggist* Exeter, orx,e Thames Road Miss M,yra Morgan of Londonepent the week -end at leer L10111.0 • Bethany Icougregation held a nray- er meeting at the tohurcia on Tueeday evening' in the interest of 'the) Teas- tonaries and soldiers, Italians, and all others eoncerned in the greet wan. Miss Alma May of Samos Ste B.'S. Exeter, gave a very interesting (re- port of the S. Convention, held.at Kitehener vat ethe Rethena 8. a laet -last Sundae% The W. M. IS. of the Presbyterian church held their Monthly \meeting 'at the acme of 'hire. Percyf Stone on Friday efternoon , last. Deapite the eaceptioually windy and stormy wea- ther the meeting was well tattended, roma Iva.. Mrs- Monteith, who resides *nth her sons Mr. Charles Monteith has knit 135 pairs of socks for the Sold -I iers and etill *continues doing her: bit at 'the rate of about a soak a day. Mrs. Monteith is quite an aged lady but takes a great interest in all good work. , Crediton Mr. Frazer Brown of Berlin spent a few days under the parental *roof Mr. H. K. Eilber spent Monday. in London. Mrs. Joseph Heist and daughter Ruth are visiting relatives in Mich., Mrs. Harry Kuhn and daughter Lila spent Saturday ne London. Mr. F. W. Clarke made a business trip to Toronto last week. • , Revival meeting are in progress in Zion Evangelical church and are be- ing well attended. Mr. Thomas Trevethick is making extensive improvement to his dwell- ing. , I L'eteee t7t 11)- nolteent „has been el- ected treasurer of tee tee!. Red Cross Soeiety. Mr. and Mrs. Jane Mollard of Grand Bend spent Sunday in the vil- lage. and Mrs. Wellington Smith of Kitchener Spent the week -end vitit- ing Mr. and Mrs. August Hill. Mr. 03ower left last week tor. Lon don where he is undergoing treat:: meet in St. Joseph's bospital. The ladies of the Red Cross Society met last Tuesday and packed several Christmas boxes for the iboye of the 161st who have gone overseas. The annual Christmas entertain-, ment of the Evangelical church has been eet for Dec. 25th Christmas Extensive preparations are in proe gress . t Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Guenther who recently moved to Kitchener at- tended the . funeral of the iatter's mother "'Mrs. Gottered Marv:tits Tues- day last. The many friends of Mr. Lorne Brown, eon of our genial poetmaster will be pleased to learn that he, has accepted a position with the -Domine ion Life Insurance Co. at Waterloo as actuary.. Another of onr aged residentpees- ed away at her home on Saturday night in the 'person of Masi Menges She .had been ailing for a consider- able ;length of time. The funeral was held from her late :residence to the Crediton vemetery an Tuesday after- noon.; The Jadies aid of the Crediton Meth odist church will 'told a bazaar ixt the basement of the 'church on Wed- nesday Dec. 6th afternoon and even- ing. They have a large assortment of fancy and plain articles for sale; a:so home-made eandy and ice-cream. et good supper will be served nom six to eight o'clock. • Centralia Mr. Turner station agent is moving into Mr. Quintonn house. Mrs. Jas. Godsave as spending the week -end in London. Mr. Thomas Quinton moved from the village this week back to the Quinton farm Mabel lineman returned bome from Ilderton on Saturday having spent few weeks with Mrs. Duplan. Patriotic league met in the time ment of the church on Wednesday afternoon. telre. S. Davis gave a ten -(cent tea on Monday evening in aid of the pat- riotic league. Don't forget the anniversary next Sunday. Rev. A. W. Lloyd of Parkhill will have charge of the services every body welcome. Mr. W. E. Sanders of London,. piled specitlist, will give an address on birds in the Methotbst charen. next Tuesday it 8 o'clock. The W. M. S. are packing two boxes of 'canned fruit to be sent to the Deaconess Hprae in Toronto, also packing p. box of quilts and clothing to be sent to IChilliwack, B. Pk SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, , GASES OR INDIGEsTIoN Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Time It! In Eve minutes all store- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belehing of gas, daid, or eructations of undigested foodd no • dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its peed in regulating upset stomachs. It le the surest, quickest stomachirenn Ode' in the whole world and besides It is harmless. Put an end to etOmach (1. teinble forever by 'getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in " five minutes how needless it 15 to suf, ter from indigestion, dyspepsia Or line etomacle dieerder. Its the quickest, t 'surest and most harnileaS ;Stomach i ;01oetot to the world. Sexsmith SHOULDER etROKEN Mies X. j. O'Brien is iaIso on the sick list. leire are sorry to note 'then Zre 'A, J, Geddes is tat present laid. up with 4 braised ienee. • One day lest week Ur. Chester Rowe had the misfortane to fait out of an apple tree onto the frozen ground ereaking aiis shoulder and otherwise :shaking him 'up He la get- ting along as well as cau be expected Interesting Extracts from Pte. Leon Treble (Continued from page one) plugging 'et. 1 have had a few days leave. Went dawri to old Londonand on to E.,psont for ruy pass. Made a vie - it there and then went on to Reading to see how fairness was getting on Arrived at 10 to 12 o'clock had din- ner end waited 'until two as: visitora are only ellowed in from two to five ft was *certainly fine to see; someone front home, and we started. in to talk .land never let 'up until five. Then I • 'took any leave.tend •went down town and stayed all night. Elmore has been pretty bad, poor boy, the knee that was shattered will always be stiff. but its the other lee; that bothers him. most. Had a little operatioa on it last -week. The shrapnel wounds are hard to heal, but he was ready for ,nae the next day at two and, we took a tram down town. and went to the ttheatre, had tea at "'Wounded Soldiers' 13uffett and went back to the hospital. I took leave of him there and started on my return, trip The hospital where he is, is tsteictly military, ran by the R. A. M. C. Roy= al Army Medical Corps." and I guess you know their reputation. very apt- ly nicknamed, "Rob All My 'Comrades which is as near the truth as possible I feel I have been very fortunate in Hospitals. When 1 reached home I received three letters, yours con- etibeiner the 'sad news of John hog- arthIneettethe It will be a sad blow to his parents and" tdie. ,boys feel it very much also. So the titer boys of the 33rd are all weanded except Percy Lawson. I heard ',rem tint. late- ly. Ite's been lucky so far and has won Seigt's stripes on the field. lien all right, I .hope the others wile write me. l'm on the lookout fort the 161st -Did I tell you before I left Epsom I had a great wish gratified. Steed face to face with my King and Queen They spent a day in that hospital, We were gathered in bunches in the corridor. (there was 7 or 8 miles of corridors there). Just a few Canad- ians the rest Imperial tamps. and the King catue along stopping and talking to each group. Asked us what Battalion we belonged -10, what part of Canada we tame from, spoke of the Canadians courage and valour at the front and thanked us for our, loyalty to the Empire. I was most tickled to death. Quite Ian unusual "onah ole chap douncher know" us they say here. You spoke in your letter of Epson:. Downs. Yes they are *elate'. by the large race course, where the big Derbys are pulled off. I went allover the track and through the paddocks one day. its quite a sight. atmu spoke of ;Mayor Ashplant and sent hispholo from the Free Press. He certainly was 'unlucky. He was about the near- est my ideal of ,what a good soldier offieer ought to be of any man I know. We all adnaired him in the bat- talion and we feel sore about' it, but non say he may .be still(by what that Corp. wrote who sawlem last. I'm trying to believe so anyway When I'm fit to leave .hereaPli have to report at the Canaelian Casualty Center, Folkstone and medicals there will 'pronounce me fit or not for ser- vice at the frotat. I think in time my foot will be perfectly sound perhaps. Loving son, Leon. -••-•11111. Miss Ruth Wildfong, of Stephen; is in receipt of an interesting- letter from her cousin Jeffrey Carrick, who enlisted with the 1160 Battalion, and -which we reprint below, Dear Cousin:— ; I received ,yotir most welcome let- ter a few days ago. I greatly apprec- iate Jotters from borne and get one on an average About twice a day bet- ween letters and 'cards. I nice toget them very mucle it gives me* lots of answering to do but I get lots of time to do that. Say you just ought to see some of these English farms, they would make p. gcod turnip field for an aver- age Ontario farm and wbat there/ is of them is nearly all grass, and all hedges instead of fences. The hedges take up about tbree times as much as a rail fence. The people oleira that the nearness to the sea make11 necessary to have lobs of trees atd shrubs grpwing or erops ' and live stook would not do well. It prey bo so seems reasonable enough, but these old English farmers have some queer notions. The Canadian papers hare a lot to sty sonaetiines about farms, in England being worked by the girls and women, and want to know why the Canadian farms ore not run that way too. Let them tcompare some of the barns and ece. I was down to the south coast of England for a trip for a few weeks ago. end eou can eee the ,French coast front there. Teat was the nice- st part of the Old 'Country that t have soon yet and talk about air- ships that is where you 1300 them, often. 5 or 6 in the air at once.. T haven't seen any 'German, zeppe yet was in. London once when there wns rekron, 1 heard the explosions but it was in another part of the city and nobody paid ony attention to it.. Thc zepps have done :some tdamege in Lon- don too. Talking about London, it is certainly a great city, tmagine 0 city with vi population equal to that of Canada. 1 bad reed a lot o'bota Lon ort before I ever saw it: encliebelieve me e MVO r read tiny exaggerations bout it. Some Tarts of it are ;very Id. The streets lao not ran in, any articutat direction it is a job to sake your way aroutel totezometiatea saw the King's Palace. /t is built n it lovely big park but the palace tself is a big marine etractere. It ooks like a prison it is guarded by soldiers day end Ingin. There are 49E110 nice people ha London, tont the Very best. Taking it all aroand. *hat bean wen of it it is fine Place, There are a lot of weal:reed eold- iers through England now, men who have got their discharge end every town him a great number of wound - d. You see some hareleooking guys among them but none of them down- hearted, 1 don't now when I will get to France now. I expected to be there before this bet I am, Jearning signal] ing mow, The fillies are gaining; now too but the War is not nearly over. •The Canadian pre ee eAtker,li 41:1 optimistic about the War. By saying this I don't want ace to thInl 1 ant a pessimist at all. Far from it. But what is'ehe ase of at:eating, our eyes to what doesn't look good. No good fighter stops to llooks over hie gains or tells about what the le doing until ho bas finished this job and that ea our style. When we finish Me fight then it is 'time enough to talk canal the viotories. • Jaffrey. LIAYIKOND ASQUITH KILLED. Son of British Prime Minister fi Prominent Lawyer. Lieutenant Raymond Asquith, of the Grenadier Guards, has been killed in action. Lieuteuant .Asquith was a well- known barrister, and until the storm - clouds gathered in Europe in the sum.mer of 1914, a brilliant career seemed to be opening out before him in law and polities. He and two of his brothers joined the army as vol- unteers in the early months of the war. He was a man of remarkable intellectual endowments, his uni- versity career exceeding even the fine record of his father in. distinc- tion. He had great charm of man- ner. and was muck liked by his col- leagues at the 13ar and in society. Born. on November 6, 1878, Mr. • Raymond Asquith was in his thirty- eighth year. His mother was a daughter of Mr. Frederick Melland, of Rushohne. He had a most distinguished school and university career, closely neneeettion in 1897. The following year A duplicating his father's successes at Oxford. fter leaving Winchester he went to Balliol College with an ieteveeerst in "Mods," and won the Craven" &Warship. In 1900 he was first ia "Graetti" and two years later became a Fellowt"te! All Souls, was elected President of the Union, and took a erst-class in jurisprudence. Besides the Craeten., Mr. Asquith won the Ireland, Derby, and Eldon Scholarships. Called to the Bar of the Inner Temple in 1904, Mr. Asquith made rapid progress in his profession, and In 1907 was appointed by the Attor- ney -General junior counsel to the Treasury in. peerage cases. He ap- peared as junior counsel for Great Britain in the North Atlantic Fish- eries Arbitration at The Hague in 1911, and received the appointment of junior eounsel to the Inland Rev- enue shortly before war broke out. Two years previously Mr. Asquith was unanimously invited to become prospective Liberal candidate for Derby, in successien to Sir Thomas Roe, who was retiring. He accept- ed the invitation, and in a tour oi the constituency made a series of speeches which greatly pleased his party and gave promise of a bril- liant political career. On the outbreak of war Mr. As- quith put all other interests aside and joined the army. After train- ing he received, M 1914, a COMMIS- sion as second -lieutenant in the 16th County of London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rides). In August last year he was gazetted lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards, 3w9itib5.seniority as from March 24, Mr. Asquith, in 1907, married Katharine, daughter of Sii Sohn Horner, of Melts Park, Somerset, Commissioner of Woods and Forests. He leaves three children, tbe young- est of whom, the only son, was born in April last. NEW SERBIAN ARMY.. Transformed From Discouraged Band to Eager Fighters. A few months ago the survivors of the Serbian army were painfully beating their way over the Albanian mountains. Tired, starving, and weary men these, in very truth a plaantom army, weighed down under the demoralization which comes of a hard tussle against overwhelming odds, harried marches in isolated groups over snow -clad, roadless heights, exile from home, and empty stomachs. Certainly, you yould never have considered it possible that this hu - luau wreckage of yesterday could to- day be fit and ready to take its place upon the battlefield and share the task of driving the invader from the Serbian lands. (Since the above, published in the London Chronicle, appeared, the Serbian army has again taken the field.) Yet the miracle has been accom- plished. Tim wonderful physique of the Serbian peasant has combined with the orga.nizing genius of the British and French missions and the resources of the grand alliance, to save from the Serbian retreat no fewer than 150,00 hale, hearty, and well equipped fighting men, full of retiowed courage and enthusiasm, and waiting impatiently for the order to march homeward. Ever since their arrival at Corfu the leases among the eoldiery have been inevitably heavy. Many of the physicaley ruined men came coaly to die, and the cetaeteries, which here and there dot the island, often recall the aftermath of a battlefield.In the early days arrangements wore primitive, food sceree, and hospital accommodation inadequate; but to this disorganization the British and Freneh allieSiellet speedily set a term. Bpicienaics were successfully kept under, and it bale exaggeration to say that 30 per contof the troops are now as healthy and strong as ever in, their liveS. • The Serbian army was never le well eQuipped as to -day. The infa,n- Producn mor- e Eggs le o,Elford, Dominion Poultry Reabandwan. Canada wants eggs and more egg Never were the prospects for a bigg,e demand abd better prices more prom ising than right now. trn epite of this, 'with the cast o grain high axid tee prices for emu - try meat good, the tendency will be for farmers and poaltrynten to sell stock that should produce the bight priced eggs this winter, The fear is that eggs ,cantot be produeed at a profit, but, though a good price can be obtained for the 'meat att present and high prices will have tor be paid for feed, eggs will be correspondingly /alga and eggs teen be produced at a profit even, with high prices of grain if proper 'condition, are supplied. COST TO PRODUCE A DOZEN EGGS Last winter at the Experimental Farm a pen of 100 palletts whose per ceat yield by months /awed froini 5 per c,ent in nrevendier to 50. eerceet Aprie an average of 27 pen 'emit for six months, produced eggs at 0. cost of. 24o per dozen. The percentage .0- eggs: yield' determines mare then anything else the 'cost of production for instance, vhen the eggs yield was 20 .per cent the cost was 210 per doz. and at 40 peroent yield the cost was 10 1-2e per doeen. This Den was selected iah, it was thought to be equal in production. to an average farm. flock. The average dozen. eggs sold for 20c more than the cost of feed required to produce it. fEach hen gave 999e over cast of feed in the six months., which though not large, shows taut even at the high price of feed eggs cant Inc produced et a profit. The prices paid for grain were local Ottawa prices and were high. The price received for the eggs was 44e per dozen. This eves not as thigh as the local market and no higher than any farmers ob- tained during the same time. 33ut: the farmer in. addition inig,ht cut down cost, for he has table scrape railk and other feeds that may be used that was not available here. To make a profit this year business methods must be adopted and it few suggea. tions that will help will follow, KILL ALL NM -PRODUCERS s "eztch bird of the heavy verieliesland r four to the lighter or Leg.born type. - If there are too many pallete fort the available spat* cult out the ,poorer ones. lefty pullets with suffieient ac- comodation will give mere eggs than sixty in crowded quarters. •FEEDING Keep only the best pullets for eggs tegel the best year old hens for breed- ing. Peet good chieles must be produe eel next sprat -reed well as egg:this wiT/Illoterre. than. ever will it bit , edvisabte to get rid of everything that does not produce. 'Market pullets not mat- ured enough to start eaying before early winter. Sell all the hens that are more than two years old also all cockerels that tare not intended for breeding purposes. If the cockerels gala Inc !kept :until later and well fed a bigger priee with Inc ebtained, but better sell all now than take up space required for the early pullets. 1.11,0 • sUeeS hat ItNGt the house into whichi the birds go is suitable. Have plenty of sunlight and fresh air. Keep all draeghts out and be sure it is dry. eee that the front of the house, from eighteen to twenty inches above the floor, has glass and cotton one-third glass and two-thirds cotter:. Make these windows so that they can be opened °vein day if desired. Shut up all holes in every part of; the house that might eause draught. Double line the north side so as to give the hens greater protection while on the roosts. If the house is inclined' to be dana,p, more ventilation helps. It is also a good plan to put in a straw roof. If this *cannot be arranged,. be- cause of the nature of the roof, tack slats below the rafters and iseuff in straw in between. See that the house is perfectly clean and free firm mites then get the pullets in at once4 Do not overcrowd. Give an average of five square feet of floor,' space, to one to solve ?this year because' Prim.). The queation of feed is the 'hardest tically all feeds are high. It wijlpay 41 to feed the pullets well from the start, ;though the hens might be fed More lightty till the middle of Jan-, AI Where possible nee feeds that ere grown on the norm. Good% wheat oats or buckwheat all make suitable ecreenuegs, tshrunken wheat, barley,• foods. Clover and milk 'cover a nail- titude of feeds and eut down the cost if these can be fed, animal foods such as beefscrap stay be eliminated or dispensed with. Ili:A-prized mashea May be .elinainated end 'cheapeT feeds such as bran substituted. Two or. more may be mixed in meal prop- . (melons for. the grain trittixonseThe mash may ponsist of ground barley, and oats or 'bran hnay Inc added. If grain bas to be purchased cracked corn is as cheap as anything • and • makes a suitable I Detention. to :any, grain ration. Bran is as *cheap: a food as one een buy for the mash. The mash *can be fed dry( iri a hop- per or :nixed with milk and fed most once a day. Any table serape should • be used in. the mash. If milk is not available, beefscrap or other 'animal foods should, be fed in. the ma.ste In a good heavy litter, feed a mixture of the grain ration morning and night allowing the bens .sufficient grain so they will always have ,some in the litter, bat not so mulch that hey Gan get a crop full without scratchin.g for it. In the Prairie Provinces there is considerable shrunken wheat ,availe able. Shrunken wheat if it is. dry is a good poultry food as wheat fit for milling purposes. Care must be taken that it is not daatp or otherwise spoiled. Shrunken wheat alone, It there is no other grain will answer, Lor the grain. feed. For the, mash use bran, middlings or ',chopped oats. EN evator screenings free from black I. seeds make a good feed for either grain mash. If alfalfa or clover can he had by all means give the leaves to the hens. In Central 'Canada, Ontario and Quebec. grain is scarce and it kt it will have to be purchased. If tj-ee is feed wheat from the west available -et elptuld be used. Cracked corn may be purrAltsg.d farm grains which may be on hand or purchased locally, such as barley, and buckwheat might be used. Bran can be used in mash feed. and the good. crop of 'clover in Onatario and Quebec will do much to cut down, the cost of ration. The clover may be feel dry or steamed and used in the masht In the Maritime provinces where grain is usually purchased for the, poultry the same advice may be giv- en for ,central Canada not forgetting the clover and milk, If small potatoes can be had for poultry the may et, boiled and ted in the mash. In. every case grit and shell saould be before them all the time. Ineom• n locaaties it can be secured from the ken • al gravel pet and in other places:suf- ! ficient lirna can be secured to do • without the shell. If neither of these are available they should procured and as I'muela given to the bird,,sas they Will eat. It does not pay to stint: the layers If thee do not get the, feed they wal not lay the eggs. As a rule' a laying hen will not get too fat. Therefore, feed the pullets well. If green .cut bone is available and there is no milk the former may be fed to the pullets at the rate of about half an ouncelto each per day. The proportion of grain 'and mash uaually eaten is from two to four of grain to onceof mash. eery, try are garWct--in 33-tifish umileitnin complete even to the buttons; put- tees have replaced the gaudy native hose, a.nd Balkan sandals have given way to English boots, A French rifle and overcoat add to the picture, and only the -national headdress remains of the familiar makeup of King Peter's battalions. The cavalry pre- sent a smart and busin,esslike ap- pearance in the silver -blue tunics of the French horsemen. With an eye to its future place in the scheme of operations, the army has been reorganieed from top to bettom. Of the old general staff, who passed throngh victory to de- feat, there remain only the Crown Prince Alexander. as commander-in- chief, and the genial professor who forsook his chair at the university to direct the military press bureau when hostilities began with the Austrian ultimatum. The aged Marshal Put- lak, for years a martyr to suffering, him handed over his charge to more outhful keeping. Armies hone been reeoustituted and divisions modeled end staffed iinew, for the last cam - paten consolidated some reputations ancf‘made others. Thus, with the army reduced to half its former effee- Live, some commanders with Europ- ean reputations have had to stand aside. Since their return to health and strength the troops have been kept well employed at. company, regimen- tal, and musketry drill, and a feature has been made of class instreetion in military tactics. There is, however, no suitable terrain for manoeuvres 123. Corfu, and these exerciseS, in so far as they are necessary to au. army which has learned its lesson in ,tho hard school of experience, will Inc • carried out in Macedonia. Outside of their military duties men are encouraged to sliend their leisure in the dectration of their camps, the cult of personal cloatiliness, and their national games and dances. Tho depression which one might expect to flud ia non- cxistent. Another Air Bald on England. LONDON, Nov. 28.—Another air raid of the north-eastern coast of England took place Monday night. The official statement says: "Hostile airships crossed the north-eastern 'coast Monday night. 13ornbs, it is reported, have • been dropped. in several places in the northern counties, but no reports of casualtiee or demage have yet been received." French Obtain Freedom, PARIS, Nov. 28.—Twenty thou- sand French civilians, mostly old men, women, and children, from the occupied districts of France, are • about to be sent to France from Ger- many. Trains, each carrying 500 persons, will effect the transportation to Switzerland, en route to this country befora Christmas. This is in accordar .e with an agnement be- tween Frtnce and Germany for the exehange of civilian prisoners. Duke is Chief lloy Scout. OTTAWA, Nov. 28.—His Excel- lency the Duke of Devonshire has ac- cepted the office of chief scout of the Boy Scouts' AssoeiatiOn in Canada, and is the third Governor-General to occupy the position. • The Duke has expressed it desire to ally himself with the movement to the fullest ex- tent. The La,rgest Cheque. • It is not correct, as has been stat- ed, that the cheque which Premier Hughes, of the Australian Common- wealth, signed for the purchase of the fifteen steamers for the exclu- sive use of his Golrernment, is the largest of its kind, $10,340,000 is a Ng sum to pat on one cheque, but Sir Owen Philipps drew a cheque on the Beak of England for $25,867,860' in payment of the bulk of the ordin- ary shares in (Inc `Onion Castle Lino arid the good will or Messrs, :Donal(' Currie Co. That was fourteen paara ago. ' • •• •