Exeter Times, 1916-11-30, Page 3• ail OUT -SCOTLAND NOTES OI'' INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld. Scotia. For hawkingwhisky,a Glasgow wo- man was fined $600. It has been decided to form a volunteer corps in Galashiels. Lady Campbell, of Succoth, opened `lei a new Y.W,C.A. hotel for girls in Glasgow. 'neeej A case of anthrax has been report- ed on the farm of Bogrie, in the parish of Canonbie. Damage estimated at. $250,000 was caused by a fire that occurred in the Blackland mills, near Paisley. Mr. Matthew Rees, Tweedmouth, the present sheriff of Berwick, has consented to act for another year. Pte. Peter McGregor, A. & S. H., who was well known in Edinburgh musical circles, has been killed in action. The King he Council has sanctioned the institution of a new Edinburgh University degree, viz., Bachelor of Education. Provost Turnbull, Bridge of. Allan, has intimated his intention of resign- ing after 19e years' service an the town council. The Provosrt of Prestwick, Mr. Thomas McClure, has reported for service, and is to take up duty in the motor transport. A party of 22 Serbian boys .has arrived in Glasgow, brought by ar- rangement with the Serbian Relief Committee, London. A Abell -known figure in Motherwell has been removed by the death of Mr. William King, collector of rates to Dalziel Parish Council. Three of the men deported from the Clyde district . have been allowed to return, on an undertaking not to im- pede the output of munitions. Mr. Harry Lauder has purchased the estate of Glenbranter and the lands of Ballimore, Argyllshire, con- sisting of about 14,000 acres. Sir Robert Inches has definitely de- cided to resign the Lord Provostship of Edinburgh. The names of Coun- cillors Lorne MacLeod and Harrison aro mentioned in connection with the vacancy. Miles of fields have been under water at Kirkintilloch, where the Kel- vin and Luggie overflowed their banks and in many places the water was above the foundations of the houses. While the yawl Reaper was hauling her lines near Fraserburgh, a heavy sea swamped her and three of the crew were drowned. They were J. Taylor, James Crawford and George McClive. In view of complaints regarding the insfficient lighting of Aberdeen streets, the chief constable has sanc- tioned the lighting of 84 additional lamps, bringing the number up to 150 for the city. A window in memory of Robert Taylor, A. & S. Highlanders, elder son of. Provost Taylor, Clydebank, who, at the age of 19, fell at Ypres, is to be erected in Union U. F. Church, Clydebank. The western branch of the Second- ary Education Association, at a meeting in Glasgow, decided to send a requisition to school boards in the west of Scotland for a substantial war bonus to all teachers of Secondary Schools. A convoy of motor •ambulances, consisting:of 25 ambulance cars, 'a repair wagon, a kitchen car and an X-ray car has been given by the Scottish branch of the British Red Cross Society to the Rumanian Gov- ernment. CONTINUPTY OF WET WEATHER. r Curious Statistics Collected in Regard to Rainfall. Mr. E. V. Newnham, of the Royal Meteorological Society, has studied the rainfall of several localities in the British 'Isles in order to find out how often rain falls on the day fol- lowing successive runs of one, two, three or more wet days, or an equal number of fine ones. The results are unexpected. It is generally supposed that after a long succession of wet days the chance of a fine day becomes greater, but statistics do not support that conclusion. Generally speaking, the expectation of rain on any par- ticular day has been found to in- crease rapidly as the number of wet days preceding it increases, and to diminish in accordance with the num- ber of successive fine days immediate- ly before it. After very long spells of either kind of weather, the expect- ation of further rain reaches an al- most steady value, The same-eonclu- sionholds for the expectation of rain in a given hour after different periods =of wet or dry hours. As an illustra- tion of Mr. Newnham's discoveries, he found that at Valencia, off the southwestern coast of Ireland', after seven days of drought, rain falls on the eighth day twenty-four times out of one hundred, but after seven rainy days, eighty-six times.. For Kew, near London, the corresponding hi - Clea r a se is less namely, from twenty- seven to seventy-three. If we could see the opportunities ahead as clearly as those we have left behind, success Would be easy, IT ALWAYS BRINGS RELIEF Skin irritations of all sorts Yield "to asrJin Trade Mark hit . p1Poclesrn aTelli An unexcelled emollient for wounds, burns, sores and cuts. Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and gen- eral stores everywhere. Reuse substitutes. Illustrated book- let on request. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Con,olldnted) 1880 Chabot Ave. hdoatreal. WARDING OFF FROSTBITES. How Italian Troops in the Alps Are Protected. One of the more Pressing problems of the Italian army is the prevention of frostbite among thousands of men exposed to the Alpine winter. A Brit- ish weekly describes the following ex- periment: A soldier, whose feet had been well smeared with sterilized fat, put on a double sock of cotton, having an in- terlining of paper also prepared with fat, and over this an ordinary woollen sock. He -then stood in a pail of ice for forty minutes, and at the end of that time his feet are said to have been normal in appearance, nor did he complain of.any unusual sensations. Another foot covering that is prov- ing of great value in resisting cold is a square of linen, prepared in a solu- tion of salicylic acid and sterilized fat, over which the soldier wears either a woollen or a cotton sock. The pre- pared squares are packed in small waterproof envelopes, and are thus easily carried in the pocket. Thou- sands of these squares have been sent to the front. Itlinard's Liniment Clues Colds. &c. Careful of His Complexion. With sobs in his voice, the appli- cant for a meal and some old clothes had told his story, and the kind-heart- ed woman lead helped him. Now, as he sat eating a hank of bread and cheese she thought it wise to get in a little good advice. So she began: "Don't you think that—er—it would he better for yourself if you used soap and water occasionally?" The tramp sighed dolefully. "I would, ma'am—I would," he an- swered eagerly, "but the truth is that there's so many different kinds of soap, and it's so hard to know which is injurious to the skin that I'm afraid to take any risks." Sore° ail aced tyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dot and IV led yesqquuickly relieved by Merino ilyelleaiedy. No Smarting, Mit Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 5(14per 'Bottle. IHariae.Eye SafveinTubes25c. Fotflook et the Eye rreeaik t)ruggists orb!nrh etytiRemedyCo..C6138do What They Y Missed. "My ancestors were people of great prominence in their day." "Lucky they died." "What do you, mean?" "They missed seeing a lot of their poor relations," s Gar Liniment Cure iiiinard s sat 1<a Cows Exceptional Circumstances. The sympathetic prison visitor went from cell to cell interviewing the in- mates. To one penitent -looking in diviudal she put the usual question: "What brought you here?" "Borrowing money, lady," was the reply. "But, good gracious!" she exclaimed, "they don't put people in prison for borrowing money." "Not ordinarily," said the man, "bat I had to knock a man down three or four times before he would lend it to me." With few exceptions, it is illegal to export from Great Britain any arti- cles which might be required for the purposes of. war. WAR CROSSES. They Were First Awarded in the Year 1757. War crosses are farolder than war medals; the latter are, in fact, a tom.- paratively modern innovation: The oldest of these decorations is the Austrian Cross of Gold, and curi- ously enough it bears s a similar r in- scrition (but in Latin) to . our Vic- toria Cross. The first Gold Cross was awarded by the Empress Maria The- resa in 1757. The next oldest European battle cross is the Russian Cross of St. George, which is of gold with a fine medallion of S.t. George slaying the dragon. It was founded by the Em- press Catherine II, in 1769. The French Cross of the Legion of Honour was instituted by Napoleon in 1802, at the time when he was First Consul. Germany's famous—or infamous— Iron Cross was instituted by Emperor Frederick William. III. of Prussia in the year 1813. The cross is of iron, but is rather heavily edged or bor- dered with silver. ARMY WON'T TAKE HIM. English Giant is Eight Feet Two and ' a Half Inches High. If you Were eight feet two and a half inches high, weighed 280 pounds, and could throw two men around, wouldn't you think the army wouicl•be glad to have you? So thought a young Wiltshire, Eng., innkeeper with these specifications. But he thought wrong. The ordinary Tommy's equipment wouldn't fit him. He would. have to have everything made to order. His boots are size 223i. He can't get into an ordinary railway car seat and has to travel with the baggage. So the military authorities, after wrestling with the problem, have de- cided to let the giant keep on tending his inn. He is twenty-two years old and is still growing. AFI ETREATMENT FORCATARRH EASY TO MANE AND COSTS LITTLE. Catarrh is such an insidious disease and has become so prevalent during the past few years that its treatment should bo understood by all. .Science has fully proved that Catarrh is a constitutional disease and therefore requires a constitutional treatment. Cprays, inhalers, salves and nose &ouches seldom if ever give lasting benefit and often drive the disease further down the air passages and into the lungs. If you have Catarrh or Catarrhal deaf- ness or head -noises, go to your druggist and get one ounce of Tarmint (Double strength). Take this home and add to it i pint of hot water and 4 ounces of. granulated sugar, stir until dissolved, take one tablespoonful 4 times a day. This will often bring quick relief 'front the distressing head -noises, clog- ged nostrils should often, breathing be- come easy and mucus stop dropping into - the� throat. This treatment has a slight tonic ac- tion which makes it especially effective in cases where the blood has become thin and weak. It is easy to make, tastes pleasant and costs little. Every person who wishes to he free from this destructive disease should give this treatment a trial. NOT BIRDS OF A FEATHER. Rumanians Say They Are Superior to Other Balkan Peoples. The present King of Rtimania is a nephew of King Carol,. the nation's first King. His wife is the grand- daughter of Queen Victoria, and, therefore, a cousin of most of the reigning heads of Europe. Under the new era initiated and carried down to the present by the Hohenzollern dynasty, says a writer in the National Geographic Magazine, Rumania has gone far ahead of her neighbors of the Balkan region, and the visitor to Bucharest early finds that the people resent the idea of be- ing classed with the Balkan States. They feel that they are the superiors of the Serbs, the Bulgiers, the Mon- tenegrins and the modern Greeks, and that their country is superior, just as the people of A B C South America feel that their nations are not to be confounded with the remain- der of Latin America. Rare. Dealer in antiques ---Here is some- thing interesting, sir—a brace of re- volvers that were carried by Chris- topher Columbus. Customer -What! Revolvers weren't invented in Columbus's time. Dealer—I know. That's what makes them so rare. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen 0 of men in 'a troop is less than,the Eyesight 50 ` per cent In One number of horses on hand, A troop r Week's Time .fin pony . stances HARD WORKING WOMEN Will Find New Strength Through the Use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. It is useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and not to woxry. Everywoman at the head of a home; every girl in offices, shops and factories is subjected to more or less worry. These cannot be a void- ed. Butit isthe duty of every wo- man and every girl to save her strength as much as possible, and to build up her system to meet unusual demands. Her future health de- pends upon. it, To guard against a breakdown in health the blood must be kept rich, red and pure. To keep the blood in this condition nothing can equal Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They strengthen the nerves, restore the appetite, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed energy to listless people. Women cannot always rest when they should, but they can keep up their strength and keep away disease by the occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. N. E. Tomsett, Ottawa, Ont., writes:—"For several years I suf- fered terribly from nervous debility and -was scarcely able to do a thing. During that time I consulted several doctors, and many medicines without getting any help, and I began to think that I would never get better. One day I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised and thought I would try them. After taking four boxes I was much better, but I continued using the pills for several months when I was again in the best of health. When I began taking the pills I weighed only 100 pounds. While under .their use with my re- newed health I now weigh 140. Ire - commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every one whom 1 know to be ailing." You can get Dr. Williams Pink by mail at 50 cents a box or six RAW FURS lit will pay you to pm) all year ,alar to a reliable aquae, wiaere. 1rO t D n. eel; fall lu t tr ,ala.. 4I fPr�" 4tt?t .701440 41.101and whipping tuetracttoas. EDWARD POLLAK & CO' 280 ST ,PAtTY. q'1'. WEST, atONTa,E4L, OQA. FU We guarantee to pay from 10 to 13 per cent. mere than any other dealer 112.Canada or United States. Write or specia1 letter f and price list. Sent free, BERNSTEIN FUR CO. Dept. H. Toronto. S E3 I LLIARDS Those long winter nights you will need indoor recrea- tion. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our Yemenis Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms, Burroughes 84 Burroughs, Ltd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Toronto ; r NEW USE FOR FALSE LIMBS.gli g Soldier Packs Luggage e for Week -end in Artificial Leg. Resourcefulness practised in the trenches does not desert our heroes when they leave the army, says a London Exchange. Pills from any dealer in medicine, or A lance -corporal of the Kensington Battalion, London Regiment, had his' boxes for $2 50 from the Dr Wil- right leg amputated in France, and. Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. later was fitted with an artificial (M 1' R TO SELL ESTATES. Titled Britons Find War Tax a Heavy' Burden. The Duke of Sutherland is advertis- ing in American newspapers an offer to sell the northern part of his Scot- tish estates, including about 283,348 acres. While he is the largest land owner in England, possessing almost 1,500,000 acres, he is only one of many titled men who are eager to sell part of their holdings because of the heavy war tax now levied on land. The young Duke—he was born in 1888—inherited vast holdings in Eng- land, Scotland and Canada. Despite the fact that he has an income of a couple of million dollars annually, be- cause of the war tax he undoubtedly is being pressed to meet the levy. The Duke announces that the es- tate in Scotland includes "all round sporting properties, varying from 15,- 000 to 44,000 acres, and embracing some of the best deer stalking, grouse and other shooting, salmon and trout fishing in, Scotland." Not long ago the Duke presented to the Government 12,000 acres of land in Scotland, which he requested to be divided among wounded soldiers. There was much criticism of the gift, however, because some of the news- papers contended that the land is worthless and that the Duke was giv- ing it away in order to escape taxa- tion. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The Heart Lived in. Faber has said, "A man's heart gets cold if he does not keep it warm by living in it." Love to others is not a matter of mere out -flowing impulse. It must be purposeful and steadfast .1f there is to be real warmth in it. Only the heart that is lived in and used draws others close to its hearth fire. I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULIN. Chatham, Ont, I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. An Obvious Explanation. In the cavalry service it frequently happens that, by reason of death, de- sertions and discharge, the number limb. Wlten going away for the week -end the other day he met friend. "It is unnecessary'io.r4.i '=G*ats;-a bag when I go away lioe . "I have packed, a11m t,ne ;.1,,'z re- quired in my artificial leg:,;' e holds a hair brush, bottle of hair oil and shaving requisites very well." IF FOOD DISAGREES DRINK HOT WATER 'When food lies like lead in the stom- ach and you ' have. that uncomfortable, distended feeling, it is because of in- sufficient blood supply to the stomach, combined with acid and food fermenta- tion. In such cases try the plan now followed in many hospitals and advised by many eminent physicians of taking a teaspoonful of pure bisurated mag- nesia in half a glass of water, as hot as you can comfortably drink it. Tice hot water draws the blood to the stomach and the bisurated magnesia, as any phy- sician can tell you, instantly neutralizes the acid and stops the foot) fermenta- tion. Tr;, this simple plan and you will be astonished at the immediate fooling of relief and comfort that always fol- lows the restoration of the normal pro- cess of digestion. People who find it in- convenient at times to secure hot Fater and travelers who are frequently obliged to take hasty meals poorly prepared, should always take two or three five - grain tablets of I3isurated IVIagneeia after meals to prevent fermentation and reutralize the acid in their stomach. and the roots of a gigantic mountain crurnbler before the advance of hu man skill, At various points along the pass there is an eighteen inch concrete wail lining. During the recent trip to Western Canada, Lord Shaughnessy, accom- panied by Chief Engineer Sullivan, took a tour through the tunnel Lord. Shaughnessy was well pleased with t o what. he saw,. The eonscti .ru 1 n work xk is now rapidly approaching completion Two miles of steel rails have yet to sidethe a I ononeoftrack. be laid is expected that the formal opening will take place during the first days of December. Since its inception the C.P.R,, it is reckoned, has spent over $200,000,000 in the development of the West. The latest expenditure is as popular as any that had previously been made, ' When His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and party took a trip through the tunnel on July 17th, the Duke expressed in eloquent words the gratification it gave him to be asso- ciated with the pioneer work of the Canadian Pacific, and he compliment- ed the company on the splendid strides it was making in the develop- ment of the country. .Then His Royal Highness, baptising the new work, christened it the Selkirk Tunnel. Some weeks later, at the request of Lord' Shaughnessy, His Royal Highness consented to have the tunnel called after him. Henceforth it is to be "Beans Is Beans" L-- and the cost is soaring skyward with pork, beef, eggs and other foods until the cost of living represents an increase of from 30 to 50 per cent, While meats and vegetables are beyond the ;each of many millions of families, Shredded Wheat at continues toe sell i '�1SGlillli C � the same old price and re- tains the same high nutri- t i v e 'quality, Shredded wheat biscuit contains all the rich body-building nutri- ment ,in the, whole wheat grain, including the bran coat, which is so useful in keeping the bowels healthy and active. Eat it for any inial with milk or cream or in combination with fruits. Made in Canada It is estimated that there is not en- ough lead in the world to make suf- ficient bullets for a long war involve ing so many fighters. Minard's Liniment Cauca Distemper named the "Connaught Tunnel," a a,-lna POTATOES fitting compliment to the excellent services which the Duke of Connaught S z✓ er, De er a ee ' Cs mma n oder gave to the Dominion during his term i at once. Supply limited. 'Write for quo - as Governor-General i Cations. IT. W. Dawson, Brampton. MY FOUR LITTLE ONES KELP WANTED. StWPLTILD FARMERS, VAC - tome, C'untraotet's, Hotels: mar - USED BABY'S OWN TABLETS Med or single; esperiented• ineaperi- : encecl; male (,r female. Thomas cC Co., ¢G Church, Toronto. Mrs. Albert Nie, St. Brieux, Sask., writes:—"I have been using Baby's' Own Tablets for the past seven years and they have done my four little ones a great deal. of good." The Tablets always do good—they can- not possibly do harm—being guar- anteed by a government analyst to be absolutely free from injurious drugs. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ''1s.CUINST A • I'RENTIC$. ii ANT- i.9 EI:. Exceptional opportunity for bright boy. at iso machinist journey- ; man, un hath ur vise. .`.ppiy I3r•"s�'n Lnginenrin. Corporation, Ltd., 418 Bing St. West, Toronto. Facial Mealifee ant. A teacher one day aslfekdvisa_N?-ae_ if they knew which was the longest word in the English language. A small hand waved frantically. "Well, Johnny:, what is the longest word?' "Smiles," promptly answered John- Ity. "But that has only six letters!" "Yes'm, I knew it, but it's a mile between the first and last one. Friendly Criticism. Kathryn—How do' you Iike my new suit? Kittye—It looks all right as far as I can see. Turn around and I'll tell you where it doesn't fit in the back. His Own Choice. She—I wonder which most men pre- fer—dark-haired girls or light -hair- ed girls. He—Light-headed girls. THE CONNAUG• HT TUNNEL. IFS FRIEND HURT Construction Work Rapidly Approach- ing Completion. One of the greatest of the achieve- nients of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way is the Connaught Tunnel. This great work—through the lofty Mount MacDonald—amongst the `Selkirk Mountains, is nearly six miles long and double tracked. The excavation has ben mode at a cost of over $12, 000,000 to the great transportation company. But the C.P.R., which has spent from $25,000,000 to $35,000,000 per annum on the development of the West previous to the war, does not even in tines of a conflict affecting the greater part of the world, spare expense where the public convenience makes an urgent demand. The open- ing of the tunnel will greatly facili- tate traffic, will open anew route, and will do away with many miles of snow sheds. The Connauht Tunnel will give the Canadian Pacific the lowest grade of any transcontinental railway running through the Selkirk Mountains.' It was bored in less than three years under the supervision of Mr. J. G. Sullivan, Chief Engineer of Western lines, and it is claimed that no un- dertaking of similar dimensions was ever co pl t 1 1 h h `t ti In the excavation of the tunnel many engineering difficulties had to be over- come. But ]nighty rocks gave way A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home, l.cnclon,—Do you woitr --lasses? Aro you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so you will be glad to know that accordin to Dr. so, there is real hope for you, Svlany whose eyes were failing say theyhave had their eyes restored through the principle of this won- derful frac prerstription, OnS elan Says, after trying lit "1 war almost blind; Could not see to tend at all, Now 1 can road everything without any glasses and my ayes do ,not water any mqre , . A tt nightthey would pain dreadfully; Pewthey feel ifti pp1t e time, It was da miracle toe. A lady w used it ea at "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using tbiS poaottiptlon for fifteen days everything CeorrS sitar. I can oven read line print withotut glaesoe," believed that thoueande who wear gloats n It is dsos can now discard thorn in a rcesohable time end multitudes' more will be able to strengthen their eyett 50 as to be spared the trouble And expense: of Over gotting grosses. Bps troubles of waxy, tlegcriptione may be wonciorfully benefited following the simple rules, Hers is tate preset-IP- tion: resor - tion: 1,o to any antfVo dru etoro and g t ti bottle of Tion-Opto tablets, Drop Ono Eon-Oppto tablet in a fourth of a glass of Water and allot.- to llot.to dissolve. 11rItb this liquid bathe the eyes two to four ulnas daily, 'You should notice year: ayes clear up perrceptiblyp sig], from the start and inflstnma Ion� W)11 quickly" disap-pplr. It ybuf! eye!) are inhering you, e'fpp a tittle, take steps. o t envie them ow before it Ia tlo late�[s b ,' elssel; blind might he a beim saved if they ]BO. wired for tieir eyes in time. l,,H'otet A�noother promleont:rhyslelan to whom the Wove r AAtttAr3Abte learemedyfftte s co et.fftupss in. e !Y. 1 no to cinlnent a 1a1 s . d1 mese.• w d lin eye oe laid eel uWI t cot 1 Mein. T a .fr r 1pad s t i The menet rerd Y ti brit mistimes en1)ert yrg aCc.tnsrret efu e ti4 l w n M strengthen lenanIIrund the melt la vwrYaftE,b050ith Trig f aepDritien%Ofqq ppv,9knb San aero 4Toronto,wit n❑ Yieructs year tlrutrTstc"diWtt, captain not long since had occasion to send a requisition for ordnance stores, including among other things "sixty- five nose bags." After the usual long interval this requisition was returned from the military depot with the indorsement, "Respectfully returned to Captain —, .--th Cavalry. The returns of his troop show that he has only fifty-six mon, and explanation is desired as to why he requires sixty-five nose bags," The captain's indorsement in reply was as 2o1lewst "Respectfully return- ed. The node bags are required for ` s not forthe mere" my horses, and m . HE HELPED HIM Injured Man Laughed When Simple Treatment Was Sug- gested, But He Thanked His Comrade Later. Once upon a time word came to Henry A. 'Voehl; of Plainfield, N.J., that a.close friend had been injured, and full of anxiety he visited the afflicted man, who was suffering from a sprained ankle. "It was so bad that the leg had turn- ed black," said Mr. Voehl in relating the story. black," told hint I would have him out in a week and he laughed at me. But I took him a bottle of Sloan's Lini- ment, that night he put some on and noticed the ankle felt better. I told him to use it every day, and in three days his ankle was practically well. In four days he was working. 12e gladly admits that Sloan's Liniment 'put ham on his feet" Sloan's Liniment can be obtained at all drug stores, 25c., 5Uc, and 51,00. TA TIC \AIty E.Nt7NI''<l:'R FOR night work Steady r niplovment. Must un,lerstand 128 -volt 11 t'.. generator a(`ndanando, aveL3ellet 111 *. certillcate. Steel Cnml,any_ of NEWSPAPExt POB SALE P14UF1T MAKINtl NEWS AND TOH Offices rur sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses Full information on applieation to "Wilton Publishing Com- pany.'13 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. ----- MISCELLANEOUS. --- MISCELLAir+EOUS. tAvCER, TI11\1ORS, LUMPS, rTC•. :.. internal and external,cured with- , out tJ ft; by our home treatment. Write us befor alto late. Dr. Bellmau,fiT ipaI,, 1 Co.. Limited,ti 1 y `A el, t 13003: ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author li> Arofia's Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Bog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York When buying your Piano insist on having an so.O9'TO IML." - PIANO ACTIN ti LOOKS FOR, 'RIAS GIFTS SEINNE W S DEESS SUIT, by Henry Irving Dodge. The most humorous book of the year. Illustrated. Cloth, $1.00 net. ICITCSEN3?n'S MOB, by James Nor- man Hall. Said to be the best book from the trenches. Cloth, 51.25 net. Order from your bookseller or direct from TIit33SAS ALLEN, Publisher, 215- 215 Victoria St. Toronto. UNK Now is the time to ship your skunk. We are the Iargest handlers of this article in Canada: 1f you want the `high- est price, ship to us. All other lines highest price. Write for price list and the Brown Tag. Hoerner Williamson & Co. ale ST. PAUL ST. WEST. DEPT. W. MONTEMAL. Don't get into the habit of going areantl with your bristles up. ED. 7. ISSUE 49 A fratornal and insurance society that ,pptotnctl115 ntornbeti 418 o tecenr'thnco with the UntariO Government Standard. 5ic1: and funeral benefits optional.' Authorized to obtnin r retlbero and thartet lodges in ovory Province in Canada. Purely Canadian, talo. Sound and econo' 'Meath it there is no local lodge of Chosen Friends Itk your dintrlct, apply direct to say of the following officerlf 171. J.W. Edwards, M.F. Grand Councillor. W. F. Campbell, O Granda ani er . a HAMILTON W. F. Montague, Grand recorder, J. 11. L'atl, M.15., Crand Medical tx. 01V'i'AI o. Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles; Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula Boils, Swellings; Stops Lamenesi and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts* Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSORBINE, JR.. antiseptic liniment for mankind, te. dotes Strains, Painful, Knotted, Stvolten Veins,. Cotten- traced—only a tea' drops required atan application. Price di per bottle at dealers or delivered. W, F. VOUlIS, P, 0. F, 510 tymans Bldg, Montreal, Ostia iibsorbles sad Abstrbinc, Jr., arm malt *. L..:,aa, cdta For 1111 Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY r t l Y� I'j dewn o ti}r R}a {{ a Cor Ltd.. ,Il� a e� e�tl�a17�U. r MERE tirrON, ON'r.