HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-30, Page 1• x
FORTY- YEAR--» NO: 2.243
Big Sweeping Sale
Ladies' Winter Coats
Time Big Bargain
Good For A Bar ain
We have about 20 real nifty up-to-date -to-date Ladies' and Misses.Winter Coats to clear out
.atiiL make room for our Christmas Goods. If you want a swell Coat at a small price it is
kale for you, as we are bound to clear out every coat.
Don't . miss this opportunity
A $25 Coat for $15; a $20 coat for $13
A 17 " 11; a 12 " 8
A Good Heavy Fur Collar Coat for $12
I 'Nota bit too early to start. your Xmas Shopping. Buying early will
Save you the 'big rush tater on. We, have ai big stock of very suitable
of all 'description for Xmas lifts.
}well Furs, i
Fox :Coats.
Ch,ildrens' Furs.
Fancy eoarfs
Icy Aprons:
Faaoy Xtibbons,
.tA!_ ei-.lIi8ii r.(Jai
Japanese Baskets
Purses, i, 1 J(' LJ
3_a,ga FRIF2 a;.i 'i
Linens f (' ; • ^' t;'d"1'
Blouses N
Ties. , a;, r•it (l Wi` el4
Neck Scarfs, t ' . a it "`i :
We ;have just received a ship.;
meat of the Latest Variety in
Fancy Baskets and Purses' dir-
ect from. Japan. Theyare real
nice and make a useful iChrist-
m,as lGift; ,: ;
'dens', Youths' and Boys' Overcoats
Mens' Coats Youths' & Boys' Coats
' We have just opened a new Ship
anent of Swagger Men's Overcoats
bought at odd prices. They and right
ju'p to the minute in Style and the
blahs are extra good. Every coat a,
;different .pattern. if :you want an ex -
elusive coat come in. and see them at
old prices. .. . _ ..
Brand New right off the benolL
]Made up just the same Style as the
Men's. Beautiful 'cloths and patterns
hnd prices no higher than lase year.
Some real .lice fancy Overcoats for,
'small boys in different colors. See'
them at once., , ., : i c;.,,; .1 f
Jones AND May
Ranges and Heaters
Before placing your or-
der for a stove call and ,
examine our complete
line ofcooking & heating
Steel ranges $35 to $60;
• Ga; t ranges $25 to $50;
Heating stoves $9 to $48;
Perfection oil heaters,
$4.50 to $6,00
Make your new barn
complete with the use of
modern sliding door rol-
lers, stable door latches,
Prepare your stable with .stall fixtures and cattle
chains fur wintering your stock
A full line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, Stove Pipes
Elbows., etc for fall
27a Phones 27b
'Although 'h the season is getting:late 3
'farmers are still able to work their
:ifiields and several bave been plough-
' during the last few 1days.,
lY To cave a lot of worry and give to
.fnost appreciative present at Christ,
aria.as time one that will ,cause your
.efriends to think of you every _week
In the year send the Exeter n Tina
41.25 for twolVe menthe to any add -
.tress in Canada. :.
Mr. W. S. Cole is having the inter -
.or of his drug store renovated an&
re -modelled, Ilea has also added sever
til new si1eait-lsalesmen and has now
toa •up-to-idate store. •
The regular monthly meeting twill
be held iat the town hall. on, Workday
eVening, Dec. 4th at half ,pasts seven,
The Patriotic Lengue are having a
concert in the 'James 1St, Church on
Friday December the 22nd, Poetical -
ars later.
Pte. Wm. Walters, recently' invalid
;ed home from the front visited his
brothers Alf and James 'Walters in
town for several days, He left! Tues-
day for London where lee expects to
undergo an operation for the removal
of one, of his fingers,.
The boys of the i6tst oranow sit-
uated at Lower. Digby Came at
Shorncliffe, Kent, England. .Letters
were received in town Tuesday from
Shorncliffe being the first to arrive
since the boys landed at their new
camp. We have received some of the
letters whieh will appear in the
Times next week.
A very pretty wedding took 'place
on Nov. 22nd at eaa'ple Grove Perm
the Home of vIr. and Mrs: J. R.:03ak
er, 9th concession, of Grey when their
only daughter Francis Elizabeth was
united in marriage to John A., Spell-,
an, eon of John and :iairst, Speiran of
12 con. Grey at 6 o'clock., The bride
entered the parlor leaning on the arm
of her father to the strains' of Mlen-
delssohns !wcddiztg march played by
Miss Myrtle Speiran cousin of the
groom. The bride looked: very pretty
in: a gown of ivory duchess satin
trimmed (Leith Georgette crepe and
seed pearls and wore a bridal
veil with a wreath of OTan,gC. blos-
soms {ind carried a shower bouquet
of Vream bridal roses. The only at-
tendantvs Mrs.C
't a . , Mare, e, o f Chn
ton, aunt of the bride, w ho! acted as
Matron ezf Honor dressed in black silk
and carried a bouquet of white caen-
ations tend fern, The ceremony was
(performed under an arch of ever-
greens decorated with white chrysan-
themums ►.tnd flags by 'rev. J. John-
son, of Ethel after congratulations an
unusual event happened when a little
nice of the bride rdauerbter of? Ghost
er and ,Mrs. {Baker ,teas baptized
('earl ;t1t)<drey after which guests num
berin,g vibout forty sat down to a
sumptuc us dinner. Evening wasispent
in niusic,singing and social chattBride
was the; recipient of many usefuland
beautiful presents including a Caleb -
et gralid piano and a handsome check
from her parents. The young couple
'will ltnake their Home on the groom's
fine fart. 10th con. of Grey„ with the
best wishes of their many friendsfo'r
a 1oa g find happy wedded life.
Exeter Council
A regular meeting of the council
was held Nov. 24th with all present.
Minutes of last meeting approved,
Communications were read as follow
From Hydro Electric Power Cosn-t
mission, Toronto, re by-law to »e
submitted to ea;tepayers following
vE1aprient OT acouiringa further ,un
of Elt~ctrl.c energy or pawner, as, is
obtained under existing contract. .re-
ferred until next retesting, the clerk to
write, giving dConunission date eef next
A letter of acknowledgment from
McGarry, y,
Idon. T W. cGrr Treasurer of Be
Reel .Cross Fund, with receipt for the
sum of &2225.26 enclosed, this sum
having been 'received and credited to
the Village of Exeter, ' and I can't say how emelt 1 (enjoy ' tained Lower School standing; John
peace and quietness. it is a great &vale Melville Gladman, Clayton
change after the racket I have been ' Hoffman. Reg. Parsons, Elgin ewe -
going through the last four months. cliffe. Willie Strang, and James G.
Well I wish I could sit down and Walker, middle school standings,
r' •ou i
' .a copy of better from N, J. Dore would be much easier than writing rained Jr, Matriculation. There were
Well in fact I can't tell one- ivart- the only boys recomniende-d in thele
er of my experiences in writing. way. last term and all have, received
When I was in France our letters exactly the certificates for which
were all censored and I never used they were recommended.
to say any mole than I could help In addition 17 pupils passed the De -
about iLshat was going on. If I did pertinent examinations in June. Thus
the letters would all bave 'been, torn 25 pupils were su.cces=ful; 10 from
up and you would not bave; got them Form III and 15 from Form II; -o La'
I suppose you will have my letter as the record book of pout Continue
ation school shows this is a record
pass. In fact it just exceeds double
the best pass recorded for any year.
previous to 1914.
The pass reeords for the past three
Letters From the Front ,c onrlcERT AT Kteavo T it THE MEM LA 'I--Owing'tr oar'
bundle of papers a's arriving on
bu• aa e not r vi i
1 The coming 'concert ander the aus from l'oroa The Time & a Little Ltage
neiow we reprint a second 'letter paces of the tt'Iethodist church in the this week,
from. Pte. Bari Mitchell, No. 401321, Aberdeen Hall Sirkton, (giving by the For your ealaxis las baking Soto
High Beach V. A. D. Hospital, Went- ( following artists; Mies Georgia M, avant the very best flour Use 'MOD.l
gate on Sea, Kent,, Eng•, 'written, to Newbury reader and. entertainer; 7YLac. E1" for bread wad brats, tor Pastry,
Inc ,parents Kr. and 7klrs. Wrla.t Mite McCuteheon, baritone; Mass Dewey,. use :iN elcoinea. I11A'IV1aX OPa
'obeli of town. t I l violinist and 9Y/re. D7c13hrddr Smith,. s
Dear Mother and Father. ' teacher and accompanist of Mr Dave ANNUAL (BAZAAR
Now that I have got settled down idson, winner of tthe $500,00 seholar- The nausead 113axxaax of :the '€l'rivit
t w ship pianist. On Monday December 4
a enjoying life again, tiltla
nd en in e
a y
J U3
tell you a little more of my toubles. 19'16. Doors open, at 7:30 concert to T cin Il hunch ,wall December. held the
iMy band is doing fine it doesn't begin at 8 o'clock. Admission 35e and To. ln Iitall can Friday 2 30g. pude
cause me any loss of sleep and: givers 25e. et ''''';, e, , list, io a 100commencing At0 at ' . leeto e
me very little pain through the day will be given
At 8.00. •p. m, a leaft) t-
I have to put it in a hot bath once TUE ;B» S. RiteOrrltat will be perin ine the same place, ,cabs-
or twice a day which keeps the sore -led 'Experiences at Front" by rite
nese out of it. It ie lookin,g tnnah bet- The following' -, hap- .Arthur Carlisle,e :3-, lute
r>., i a full Mist of the chaplain or the 18th 3_atttLlw.s. 2d -
ter than it did. when I came here, boys who •have obtained certificates misetiere 15a,
The nurses here take great care of by exemption, from examination 3a3 • A PItES7GNP4.. 1 7 . .
us and I made myself right at home working on farms. Cecil 1 -lards ob-
A written 'report from the chairman
of the Board of Health; .I-1, E.. Huston,
was .road, accepted and fyled.
A letter from, 7)r. McGillicuddy ac-
cepting the poseion of M,H2O, releck. have agood long chat wale ► , it Parsons, Strang and Walker also ob
local G,T,R, 'agen't, re culb•ert ^au •
struction. Fyled.
Circular from Nat. Sanitarium A.sla'n
and brutish Sailors' Relief Fel, Fylcl,
The prepaid account for freight on
tile amounting to $3.40 was approved
The accounts fawn John Ford, re
supply o1 flowers was referred to the
Cemetery Board.
The folio -wing accounts were order-
ed paid,—C. H. Harney 3.85; Grigg
Stationery Co 78c.; Ebenezer North
Ca. 9.5.84 Esli, Heerwood 1.22; Muel-
ler iVlfg. Co',, Sarnia, 12.04; David
Russell 930; W. H. 1'lodgert 1.00; Ed,
Treble 1.20; Thos. Webster 2,63; Jno
lCydd 1.00 Jonathan Lydd 5.25; Jno
Nci.rre, 5,26; Tiros. Sanders 5.26; D.
Russell, sr„ 1,25; John Hunkin 1.50;
Rd. ,Coo'ke 2.00; Wm. Gillespie 1.82;
Sid Sanders 1.30; H. Reynolds 1.30;
Rd. Quance 1.58; J. Gillespie 50e. T.
Houlden 70c. Total $72.32.
By; ]ate No. 4-A by-Iaw appointing
Dr. J. E. McGillicuddy medical health
officer was given the necessary road -
ings and finally passed on mo•ti'on, of
Bear sere ant . Harton.
By-law No. 5.—A by-law providing
for the payment of $300 for "the Ade
of the Public Library. The same was
given its necessary readings ;arid fin-
ally passed on motion of Bind a,i,d
By-law No.6.—A ,by-law providing
for the levying and collecting of mun-
icipal •taxes for the year 1916 was
given the necessary readings and fin-
ally passed on motion of Horton, Sind
Roulet on.
By-law No. 7.—A by-law pro aiding
for the calling of a public meeting
for the purpose of making and receiv-
ing nominations for the offices of
Reeve, Councillors and Trustees, was
read a first, second and third time,
and passed on motion of Hind and
Per Roulaton and Beavers—That the
publie orks committee look into the
matter of a further supply of seats
for the Town Hall.
Adjournment by 'Harton.
jos. Senior, Clerk..
Amcnlg those who attended the fun-
eral in Exeter on Saturday of the
late Mrs Thomasine Penhale , w•cr
Mr. and Mrs. Kilmer of :St. Thomas.
Mr. Samuel Penhale of Parkhill; Mw.
Harry Penhale of Collingwood; • Mr.
and Mrs. D. Crittenden of i131yth., Mr.
Alfred Bayley of London.
Interesting Extracts
from Pte. Leon Treble
&low we re-lprint some extracts
from n. couple of letters 'written by
'Pte. Leon Treble, formerly of the
Times staff, to 9zis parent& Mr, and
Mrs. Ed. Treble of town.
Dear Father and Mother,—
Well I am at my new 'home, Wing -
sten -an -deo -Thames. Its an auxil'liary
hospital belonging to Epsom; there
are mine in all. To say l like this
place !would be saying nothing. I'm
simply in love with it
I'm sitting in n wi.udow in the 4th
story overlooking the city, right by
our Isidc is the river Thames. Its a
Misty morning and the San is'- just,
beginning to drive the mist away the
steamers and pleasure ',raft show up
indistinctly. Its. a .lively puce and
most bcaatiufl too, Th's is ,wh_re they
hold. those big Regattas you bave
heard about. There is only a few
wounded here and consequently eve
are made much of. We have been out
for a walk in the park whiedi is On
both 'sides of the river witch lovely
walks and drives. 'We are only five
minutes walk from Richmond Park
which is twelve miles square. Home
den 1Court and Palace, its only a walk
of half an hour. We visited it one day
Went through the Royal Picture Gall.
It was a
1 oldplace.
aswel ,
lex Tts
County House for Royalty in Queen
Anne time. tDeantiful old portraits
and antique furniture, that ;would
delight your eyes. The
grounds axe
beautiful ;with artificial lakes and
fountains. One attraction there is an.
old grape vine 300 years old, which
bore 2.300 and some odd bunches this
year. The vine till comes from one
stem. Its under glass of course and
gets all kinds of •care.
We are about 25 mimates run, from
Old London., The eepps come over
in this direction nearly every night
The lair -kraft twins got 4 zepps in the
last 12 weeks. I saw two o1. theme fall
in flames. Its. some eight. The last
one they brought down carried a
'crew of 30, !Some of the bodies aside
an impression of 16 inches in the
earth when they landed. The Cont- ,
naander lived 12 hours afterward...
Fritz is sure getting it now.
In a later letter he writes,--
aVell iffy foot is slowly improving
altho it takes sover:il inches or gauze 1,
(Continued on page dour)
that I wrote somewhere about the
25th of September telling you of the
battle I was in on the 15th of Sept.
But 'this last battle was much worse
than that. Our forces were weak. We
had been in supports for threel days years ;erre.-17 in 1914; 21 in 19151
before we went to the frons lino and and 25 in 1316. it is toe be+hoped that
nothing may occur to cause a break
in each a promising rate of increas-
ing success. t •
GEO. SPARK Principal,
during those three days the Germans
had shelled us pretty heavy and we
lost a lot of men. There were only
two nompanys of our battalion that
went ,over and in the fwd Co's were
only 140 men 'and we had( 300' yards
of trenches to take and Frits being
a little stronger made it leather hot
for us and we were ba'diy •cut dip.
We did not take any prisoners. buts
on the 15th of Sept. the 'C.:,yp R,
3_dge._,,,tNk,;omer 300. The Germans
are getting scares orf hien `; ?.tij3h•
On the first of October we g,oll uph-
gainst the Turks and German ;sail-
ors and they were better fighters
than the German infantry but we
gave them the worst of its It' was 'a
fierce •battle. You maven't the slight-
est idea what it is like to be do one.
You bet, I' thought my day had come,
I prayed :with the ,,greatest effort .
and I was protected. Tide shells fell
around me like rain drops blowing
me off my feet into 'shell holes almost
burying me alive. Really I •coapt un-
derstand how I got out with as lit-
tle as I did. 1 felt sore for nearly a
week afterwards from the concussion
of the high explosive shells and my
head was nearly bursting,. .It gave
me more pain than my hand. I lost
a. lot of blood before my wounde was
dressed properly. but I was ,glad I
was !able to walk out. Some poor fel-
lows lay in to shell hole three or four
days before they are carried out. Our
Sergt-Maj. was shot dead and our
Commanding officer was seriously
wounded. I was a runner up to the
time I got hit that is carrying: mese
sages back to headquarters. roportn
of what was going on at the front
and I had. to guide the troops in and
out of the trenches -when we were
being relieved. I had to draw skete.
ches of roads and trenches from maps
It 'certainly was a job. I was rec-
commended for the brigade wanner
but the .company's Major wouldn't let
me go. II,e used to call me his old,
stand by and he used nue cwe1L
When we were at Ypres it was,
very ?quiet. There has been times
when you wouldn't bear a gun shot
for an hour or more. It is a home fa
what the Somme; is. 1 was in, France
and ;Belgium four months to the very
day. and. in the four months I served
el days in the trenches. Sometimes
we ,had to go throug.h mind. and water
to our knees and not have a shoe
off for a week at a. time. I wore my
old ;Canadian shoes up to the last
day in .France and I'm waiting pat -I
iently for nay new shoes. Theses Eng-,
lish oboes *et me crazy. I have to
wear (size 11 to :get any', comfort.
f often gvished you could. have seen
me when I came out of the trenches
with two weeks growth on any face
and ,mud. from bead to foot and tan,
empty :stomach. I have often tbou,ghb
of good bread crusts I have laid be-
side my plate when I was home{ and,
I remember when you used to say to
us kids. "'You'll be glad to eat that
some +day" and I •would have too,r On
Sept. 151h I had my rations int a Jit -i
tie bag tied on my equipment and in
the excitement 1 lost them and had
to cat German ]card tack and canned
beef for two days.
I got some good souvenirs, come
German, money, five rounds of bis am,
munition, a pair of German officer's
leggings buttons and belt: I had a
cap of Fritz's but left it, in the
trenches when I got wcunded. I will
send themhome when I get SOm
money. We are only allowed ten shi l-
in,gs to month when we are in the hos
pita!, That is only $2.85 and is just
enough for necessaries.
'Well I thank .t will ,non have to
ring off. You will thine 1 tank wound
up sure. I 'could wt:te this tablet full
and then some are thus 1 would
atilt have some to w. 4e, l;,a, Ira.
O'id *et Lor i Ca lit:., yesterday
over co Cant r fury. n the richest
man in lama he it. yenta all of
„:estga,:e. . w...s a'.. rt t' ace for din-
inne , too, ;Ind a.la your malt.-
dons.LLe. e w:. .k •. 1 w15 ti
• c , . L... i.; •, i: Nora the
t.teemaaG, .. r• .y :.1.. i rst to Lold
uiys• .
t,se, tit er Lc o i 11 1 ', tsp.+ci il:y
On the eve of .tier depa.rturi,, for
Toronto the ladies of rhe '1. 'M.. S. •
of Ontario .St, church prc,eentt d yrs.
John May with a piece of severw+Lre
just as a taken -of their cppree.listion.
of her work in connegtion with the
society. Mr. and Mrs. May will both'
he much missed among their circle of
friends in Clinton especially by he,
congregation of Ontario street church
and should they at any time decide
to return, to Clinton they will be
accorded a hearty welcome..—C,lintoa
News -Record.
Owing to the scarcity of potatoes -
their is a lively demand for turnips
and a great number of 'citizens have,
stored a respectable supply is their
cellars for the winter which will ap-
pear from time to time on the menet
at more frequent intervals than in
former ee
aeons. Last., ' ek $Cve
carloads of turnips wa'
shipped from
the Exeter station. to the IJnited.
i •oWu tba.ti
li <, l,ed at his
1s Jeh ns was
ty '.o vn.
Lc•. '-:v 1. ft for
1 t, -.nee iflneso
,erns. curers with.
.,ante treatment. Writ*
Dr. Beiiman,.,T11
10 Pieces English l lannelere
36 inches wide, extra heavy, worth 25c a yard. On sale
5 yards for $Loc
os Special Values in Wool Hose for Child-
cera, Women and Men. Ladies' fleece -
lined cotton hose 25c pair
Rubbers Our stock is complete and the quality
is guaranteed
S s Buy teday as prices erre advancing every
weeF .
Suits and Overcoats
We can give y^u these
at the aid prices and
qualities. Corrie in and let as shote you the goods..
F A Nv
41,..O®o44,4 .4., oed?A,poeov6+a449.a®
• Twop itce and Combination
w TIES.—.A Swell Flange.
i Mti9`S
o- staroma ..vgseaccb, *at,44a 'CCel
;lima u
Useful Xmas. presents w U 1•• .-r1:;<pria'1sr'ta this
year more than ever. Vi r ia.+t. x tui rttilt€
of ' urnishings forMet). -
i•r This ine. Pri.• ;.te 4.1, t•tlt.
we are able to 11t%.1 t -
ale baying (oEi6''
— IPOtirttri fl' tr
al :11 -TS
e, = N. 1) GI,
Nfll) G1.oV2<S
.. , 1) EIIO'iIllt;FS
t; ill 5